Which statements describe reasons why many Americans wanted to restrict immigration?


A. Many people were afraid that America would lose its identity as a white, Protestant nation.

B. Many people were afraid of losing jobs to the newcomers, who were willing to work for lower wages.

C. Many people thought that immigrants were upper-class elitists who would look down on native-born Americans.

D. Many people thought the country was full and there wasn't any room for newcomers to settle.



Answer 1



A,B,D  It"s asking why would they not want to ig

Related Questions

Who was Al-razi and what is he known for?


Al-razi was an Persian physician, philosopher and alchemist who lived during the Islamic Golden Age and he is know for considering the “original portrayer” of smallpox.

The NAACP worked to

Increase educational opportunities for women

Support the rights of white farmers

Protect the rights of all citizens guaranteed by the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments

Prevent African Americans from voting


Answer:support the rights of white farmers


bc its funny

Protect the rights of all citizens guaranteed by the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments

Review Questions 1. Why was the transcontinental railroad important to the settlement of the West?​


Answer: Connecting the two American coasts made the economic export of Western resources to Eastern markets easier than ever before.

To celebrate getting a new job, Marco went out for a dinner that cost $100. If the local sales tax is 6% and Marco left a 15% tip on $100, what was the total cost of his meal?


The total cost of his meal is $121.

Meal cost= $100

sales tax=6%

=6*100= $6


= 15*100=$15

=$100 + $6 +$15 = $121

When a consumer buys a good or service from a retailer, sales tax cost , which is estimated as a percentage, is added to the cost of the item. You must also pay sales tax, which is calculated as a percentage of the selling price of the items and services you buy. For instance, if you spend $400 on a new television and live in a region with a 7% sales tax, you would pay $28 in sales tax.

To learn more about cost, click here.



discuss the rise and impact of states like ghana and mali. refer to specific evidence


In this location, they were in a good position to trade in the region's most valuable resources--gold and salt.

The Ghana Empire crumbled from the 12th century CE following drought, civil wars, the opening up of trade routes elsewhere, and the rise of the Sosso Kingdom (c. 1180-1235 CE) and then the Mali Empire (1240-1645 CE)


What country did not want to be ruled by the Roman Empire?


Hi that would be western europe, or to put it in simpler terms of one country, Poland.

Hope that helps.

How did plate tectonics and glaciation impact how the Columbia Plateau looks today?


Carbon is buried deep below the surface as the planet's tectonic plates slide and churn against one another, exposing new rock that will absorb more carbon over time. that massive volcanic eruptions can release carbon, resulting in mass extinctions.

What effects do tectonic plates have?

Evidence of interactions and stress caused by the movement of the plates can be seen in the uplift and sinking of land, earthquakes (the sudden release of energy that causes shaking), and volcanic eruptions.

How does Columbia Plateau appear?

The Columbia Plateau is an area of flat land and gently rolling hills cut by the sometimes steep river canyons of the Columbia and its tributaries in a river basin that is mostly mountainous and has steep valleys.It measures approximately 250 miles across and is roughly triangular in shape.

Learn more about Columbia Plateau here:



i want you to solve them please


D. D. A. Would be the answers from top to bottom.

The Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire under Suleiman can be characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

A. religious tolerance
B. conquered new lands
C. brilliant military
D. trading network
E. created alliances
F. conquered Constantinople and renamed the city Istanbul



F. conquered Constantinople and renamed the city Istanbul.


This is not a characteristic of the Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire under Suleiman, but rather an event that happened before his reign. Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1453, more than a century before Suleiman became the sultan in 1520. The city was officially renamed Istanbul in 1930, long after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1922.

why transporting goods by boat would be preferred by the Maya.



The Maya area, like the rest of Mesoamerica, did not have pack animals to carry goods. Also the mountainous and jungle terrain made the use of the wheel for transport very difficult. Instead human porters would carry trade goods or, where possible, goods were sent via rivers and the sea. The comparative ease and swiftness of water transport for moving large quantities of goods played a role in the Maya reliance on waterborne trade.

During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus for which main reason?

to conscript citizens into the Union Army

to free slaves throughout the Confederacy

to prevent British interference in the conflict

to keep Confederate sympathizers imprisoned





after typing the question into g0ogle its looks like the answer is D

source- go0gle

President Abraham Lincoln's original suspension of habeas corpus was not legal according to the decision of the Merryman case. Under Merryman, only Congress could grant the authority needed to invoke the suspension clause of the U.S. Constitution.

The Kingdom of ________ was the first state in Africa with a Christian monarch.




The Kingdom of Axum.


The Kingdom of Axum adopted Christianity as the state religion in the mid-4th century, under Ezana of Axum. Hope this helped :)




Other guy is right im just doing this for the points

What are the three constitutional requirements of a president? Choose exactly three answers that are correct. Responses must be a native-born citizen must be a native-born citizen must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years. must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years. must be at least 35 years old must be at least 35 years old must have served in another political office for at least 10 years must have served in another political office for at least 10 years Skip to navigation


The three constitutional requirements of a president are B. must be at least 35 years old, C must be a native-born citizen, D. must have lived in the US for at least 14 years.

The President of the United States is the head of state and government of the country. The president is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces and the executive branch of the federal government. The executive branch of the federal government is established by Article II of the Constitution, which gives executive powers to the President. This power includes the power to administer and enforce federal law and to appoint federal executives, diplomats, regulators, and judicial officers.

The Federal President is also responsible for federal law and domestic policy. Article 1, Section 7 of the Constitution gives the president the power to sign or veto federal laws as part of a system of checks and balances.His three constitutional requirements for President are: B. be at least 35 years of age, C be a natural citizen, D. have resided in the United States for at least 14 years

To learn more about The president






what system could georgia have used that would have saisfied all of its residents? if you were in charge what would you have done


The system that Georgia could have used that would have satisfied all of its resident is the one with a limited term in office.

What is the Georgia Constitution requirement?

Constitutionally, the State of Georgia requires that all persons receiving a degree from an institution within the Georgia University System show a proficiency in the constitutions of the United States and Georgia. This should not be limited to those that only obtain degree from the Georgia University.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about Georgia Constitution: https://brainly.com/question/25995963


The volume of a cone is 62.8 cubic inches. The height of the cone is 15 inches. What is the radius of the cone, rounded to the nearest inch? Use π = 3.14. (5 points)

Group of answer choices

4 inches

2 inches

8 inches

9 inches


Volume of cone = 1/3×π×r²×h








r=2 inches

What is the volume of a cone?

Volume of a cone means the capacity of the cone to hold anything within it.

Learn more about Volume of cone here:



The Albany Congress of 1754 hoped to promote colonial unity. What was its other main goal?

a.to secure an alliance with the Iroquois Confederation

b.to prepare for an expected attack by the Iroquois Confederation

c.to protest new taxes levied by Parliament

d.to plan for an attack on Spanish colonies





To try to secure the support and cooperation of the Iroquois in fighting the French,

1. in your own words, describe price discrimination
2 give an example of price discrimination ​


1. the action of selling the same product at different prices to different buyers, in order to maximize sales and profits.
2. Examples of price discrimination include issuing coupons, applying specific discounts (e.g., age discounts), and creating loyalty programs. One example of price discrimination can be seen in the airline industry.

Julio is studying the bald eagle, which has a binomial name of Haliaeetus leucocephalus. Using the modern system of classification, which statements can Julio make about the eagles?

A. The kingdom is Animals.
The genus is leucocephalus.
The species is Haliaeetus.

B. The domain is Animals.
The genus is leucocephalus.
The species is Haliaeetus.

C. The kingdom is Animals.
The genus is Haliaeetus.
The species is leucocephalus.

D. The domain is Animals.
The genus is Haliaeetus.
The species is leucocephalus.


As Julio is studying the bald eagle which has a binomial name of Haliaeetus leucocephalus. By using the modern system of classification, the statements that Julio make about the eagles is that C. The kingdom is Animals. The genus is Haliaeetus. The species is leucocephalus.

What is Bald eagle classification?

The bald eagles are bird of prey found in North America. Also known as a sea eagle, has a two known subspecies and forms a species pair with the white-tailed eagle which occupies the same niche as the bald eagle in the Palearctic. Its has a binomial name of Haliaeetus leucocephalus.

Read more about Bald eagle



Explain how the assembly line increased specialization at the Ford Motor Company


The assembly line increased specialization at the Ford Motor Company because the workers specializes (work) at a position of the moving assembled vehicles.

What do we know as assembly line?

In manufacturing, the term assembly line refers to the manufacturing process in which parts are being added as the semi-finished assembly, and moves from workstation to workstation where the parts are added in sequence until the final assembly is produced.

In Ford Motor during the 1900s, the specialization of assembly line meant that the company no longer had to use craftsmen and could instead hire low-skill workers and teach them a few simple steps; this led to high turnover for the firm.

Read more about assembly line



The bill of rights was added to the constitution to protect the rights of ________.


The bill of rights was added to the constitution to protect the rights of U.S. Citizens.

What are the Bill of Rights?

The first ten Constitutional Amendments make up the Bill of Rights. In regard to their government, it outlines Americans' rights. Individual liberties and civil rights are ensured, including freedom of speech, of the press, and of religion. It establishes guidelines for legal due process and reserves to the people or the States any rights not granted to the Federal Government. Furthermore, it states that "the listing of some rights in the Constitution must not be understood to reject or degrade those maintained by the people."

Rights amendments add to the Constitution explicit assertions that any powers not expressly provided to the federal government by the Constitution belong to the states or the people. They also clearly restrict the scope of the government's authority in judicial and other actions. The ideas enshrined in these amendments are based on earlier ones, particularly the Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776), the Northwest Ordinance (1787), the English Bill of Rights (1689), and Magna Carta (1215).

To learn more about the Bill of Rights from the given link



The bill of rights was added to the constitution to protect the rights of ________.

the colonists favored the model of representation where members of the legislature responded to constituents' desires, known as


The delegate representation approach, which involved legislatures attending to residents' needs, was valued by the colonists.

Delegate model is the right answer. The agent vote-based method is modeled by the delegate model of portrayal. In this paradigm, voters select the representatives who will represent them. These representatives are completely dependent on the electorate and serve only as a spokesperson for the preferences of the people who vote for them.

Therefore delegate representation model was favoured by the colonists members of the legislatures responding to the constituents desires.

A paradigm of a representative democracy is the delegate system of representation. In this setup, voters choose their representatives to serve as delegates on their behalf. These delegates solely serve as a spokesperson for their state's or constituency's desires, and the only autonomy they enjoy is the right to vote for the state's actual representatives.

Representatives under this arrangement are constrained by mandatory mandates and do not have the luxury of acting in accordance with their conscience. In essence, the representative speaks for people who are (literally) absent.

To learn more about legislatures click here:



How did European actions during the Age of Exploration affect both Africa and the Americas similarly?
A. Europeans caused populations to decline severely in both places.
B. European weapons allowed native empires to grow more powerful in both places.
C. European diseases wiped out civilizations in both places.
D. Europeans introduced the feudal system in both places.


European actions during the Age of Exploration affect both Africa and the Americas similarly because Europeans caused populations to decline severely in both places.

How did the Age of Exploration influence Africa and the Americas?

Explorers know further about areas such as the Americas and Africa bring that knowledge back to Europe. New food, plants, and animals were swapped between the colonies and Europe. Indigenous people were devastate by Europeans, from a mixed impact of disease, overwork, and massacres.

What was the time period of European exploration?

From 15th to the end of the 18th century was a time described as a powerful factor in European culture and the beginning of globalization. Many lands which were unknown to the Europeans were discovered, although most were even widely inhabited.

Learn more about age of exploration here:



In your view, what is the proper role of government? your beliefs about the size and function of government are the foundation of your political philosophy or ideology.


Political ideologies typically focus on how to distribute power and how it should be employed.


While some political parties strongly adhere to one philosophy, others may draw general inspiration from a number of related philosophies without formally endorsing any of them.

What political principles served as the foundation for the constitution?

The republicanism, Locke, and optimism of the European Enlightenment all had a significant impact on the founding fathers of the United States. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and John Adams all agreed that the rule of law should be the ultimate penalty and that the governed should hold government officials accountable.

What, in Plato's opinion, gives political power legitimacy?

But according to Plato, the power of philosopher-rulers comes from more than just their professional knowledge; it also comes from their love for the city as a whole, as well as their impartiality and fairness.  Their political power is founded on the consent of the governed and is not only logical but also fundamentally moral.

To Know more about political parties



.What was the ultimate reason that the Bergen-Belsen camp was surrendered to British forces?


Answer:They filmed statements from members of their own forces.

Explanation: i know

Hey not really a question for anything I'm
just try and see if I could get anyone to talk to on here cause I have no one else to talk to​



I'll talk to you for a bit in messages if you want

i can talk for a bit .

Briefly describe how one piece of evidence from the first half of the nineteenth century could be used to support, modify, or refute the argument made in the excerpt.


Women are now growing their participation in the workforce as well as family chores (market labor). The Market Revolution increased the chances for women to work outside the home and support their families.

They revolution may now work both inside and outside the home since they have the flexibility. Transcendentalists believed that gaining spiritual insight could happen without the help of a mediator and supported the idea of having a personal understanding of families. They backed idealism, placing a strong emphasis on the natural world, and opposed materialism. Western development and tranquility along the boundary were hampered by British actions and landholdings in North America.

To learn more about revolution, click here.



John Calvin's father sent him to Orleans to study the subject of:




John Calvin's father sent him to Orleans to study the subject of: law

In what year did contact between the Japanese and Europeans first occur?
Who were the feudal rulers of Japan?
Which group was the most privileged class?
In what city did Takagawa establish his capital?
How did the Samurai make themselves stand out from other people?
Name the four main islands that make up Japan.
Who is Japan’s closest neighbor?
How long were the Daimyo able to control Japan?
What did the Samurai believe was their greatest weapon?
What was the guide for Samurai in life, battle, and death?
What are the 8 virtues of the Bushido Code?
What will always be noticed?
How are warriors supposed to act towards their enemies?
What does it mean to have “heroic courage”?
How do warriors gain the respect of others?
If a warrior has compassion, what does he do?
Finish the phrase: “When warriors say that they will perform an action, ____?____.
Warriors are loyal to whom?
What do warriors abstain from?




Minamoto Yoritomo

Put the following four geologic eras in order of when they occurred, starting with 1 and ending with 4:


The four geological eras are the Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic periods.

The history of the Earth is divided into four time periods according to the Geologic Time Scale. These periods are distinguished from one another by different occurrences, such as the emergence of certain species, their evolution, and their extinction.

Around the world, geologists use the geologic time scale to estimate the ages of surface rocks. This aids in their comprehension of the earth's past and any geologic processes that may have folded, faulted, or otherwise disrupted the rock strata.

The limits of the periods are based on very important moments in Earth's history. Periods are a division of eras.

To learn more about geological eras



all my points

Which statement about help received by the Patriots from other nations during the

American Revolutionary War is false?

Spain and the Netherlands sent financial aid to Americans.

Volunteers from Poland built fortifications and organized American cavalry.

The French sent skilled military leaders to help organize Americans.

Mexican ships attacked the British naval blockade.


Patriots from other nations such as Spain, Netherlands, French helped in the American Revolutionary war except for the Mexicans. Therefore the last option is false.

What is the American Revolutionary War?

The American Revolutionary war which is also known as the American War of Independence started on April 19, 1775. In this war, America secured its independence from the British. The Patriots in this war were supported by France, Spain and to some extent the Dutch Republic.

France provided economic and military support from the beginning of the rebellion. The two countries signed a commercial agreement and a treaty of alliance in February 1778. Even though Spain did not formally ally with the Americans, it aligned with France against the British in the Treaty of Aranjuez.

The North Ministry was replaced by a new British government in the year 1782 which accepted American Independence. They started to negotiate the Treaty of Paris.

America finally gained independence in 1783.

Learn more about the Patriots, here:



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