which statement is true? multiple choice the larger the standard deviation, the more portfolio risk. the standard deviation is not an indication of total risk. the larger the standard deviation, the higher the total risk. the larger the standard deviation, the lower the total risk.


Answer 1

The larger the standard deviation, the higher the total risk. This statement is true.

A fundamental idea in mathematics called standard deviation can be used to calculate market volatility or the average difference between different data points and the mean. In other words, a standard deviation is a tool for estimating the spread between asset prices and their average price.

The standard deviation of an asset return distribution is a precise indicator of the risk's dispersion from the mean or expected value. Greater project risk is indicated by a higher standard deviation.

The riskier the investment, the bigger the standard deviation. The fundamental presumption when using standard deviation to assess risk in the stock market is that the vast majority of price movement adheres to a normal distribution.

Learn more about  standard deviation here:



Related Questions

which of the following best describes the major factor in making jobs safer? which of the following best describes the major factor in making jobs safer? companies value the health and well-being of their workers. increased wealth created by economic growth makes workers less willing to take on excessive risk. labor unions are aggressive in pursuing safety objectives. osha oversees workplace safety and levies fines.


The major factor in making jobs safer is c. increased wealth created by economic growth makes workers less willing to take on excessive risk.

What does economic compensation for pay differences entail?

Compensation differentials are the higher wages that a business would have to offer in a market with perfect competition to make up for poor working conditions. Compensating for variances is another term for equalizing inequalities. Economics professionals regularly use the ideal competition model as a benchmark. A compensating differential, often referred to as a compensating wage differential or an equalizing difference, is the extra money required to convince a person to choose a certain undesirable job in contrast to other professions the worker could perform.

To know more about Compensation differentials, visit:



5.some midlife adults quit their jobs because they become disillusioned, frustrated, and tired of those jobs. what is this phenomenon? a.retirement b.burnout c.termination d.job depression


(B) Some midlife adults quit their jobs because they become disillusioned, frustrated, and tired of those jobs. This phenomenon is burnout.

A unique form of work-related stress called job burnout is a state of physical or emotional tiredness that also includes a sense of diminished accomplishment and a loss of one's sense of self.

"Burnout" is not a recognized medical term. Some specialists believe that depression and other disorders may be to blame for burnout. Researchers have noted that a person's personality and family circumstances can affect whether they experience job burnout.

Regardless of the source, job burnout can have an impact on your physical and mental well-being. Think about the signs of job burnout and what you can do to prevent it.

The following elements could contribute to burnout at work:

You put in a lot of effort and stay at the office late.You have trouble balancing work and family.You are employed in a helping field, like health care.You feel that you don't have much or any influence over your work.

To know more about burnout:



To decrease the money supply using the reserve requirements, what would the fed typically do?


To decrease the money supply using the reserve requirements, the fed would typically raise the reserve requirements for banks.

Now, According to the question:

The reserve requirement is the sum of money that a bank is required to hold in reserve in order to meet its obligations in the case of unanticipated withdrawals. Reserve requirements are a technique the central bank uses to change the amount of money in the economy and impact interest rates.

A higher reserve requirement indicates that the Federal Reserve is conducting a contractionary monetary policy. If banks have higher reserve requirements, there would be less money available to lend to consumers and businesses.

Learn more about Reserve Requirement at:



kelley couriers just paid its annual dividend of $5.25 per share. the stock has a market price of $58.25 and a beta of 1.2. the return on the u.s. treasury bill is 1 percent and the market risk premium is 8.5 percent. what is the cost of equity?


The cost of equity, given the market price of the stock and the market risk premium, is 11. 2%

How to find the cost of equity ?

When given the beta of a stock, the return on U.S. treasury bills, and the market risk premium, the cost of equity can be found by using the Capital Asset Pricing Model ( CAPM ).

This model has the formula :

Cost of equity = Rate on treasury bills + Beta x Market risk premium

Cost of equity =  1 % + 1.2 x 8.5 %

Cost of equity = 1 % + 10. 2%

Cost of equity = 11. 2%

Find out more on cost of equity at https://brainly.com/question/13086476


Answer: The cost of equity is 11. 2%


the us has more hostile acquisistions than either japan or germany. what insitutional differences in governance between the us and these countries could imply a grreater need for hostile takeovers in the us


The United States has more hostile acquisitions than either Japan or Germany. The institutional governance difference in between the US and these countries could imply a greater need for hostile takeovers in the US are shareholder activism, finance and political.

The institutional governance is a defined as the conceptual framework in which explain how the behavior of public sector organizations is influenced by their interaction with those actors taking part to social life, meaning and institutions.

The institutional differences arises out of economic, political, administrative, technologies, culture and finance.

To know more about institutional governance here,



the process by which management allocates available investment funds among competing investment proposals is called a.investment capital b.capital rationing c.investment rationing d.cost-volume-profit analysis


The solution that is right is option b. budgeting for capital expenditures. The management of a company uses the capital rationing or capital expenditure budgeting procedure.

To distribute available investment dollars among many contending investment projects.

What is the procedure for making investment choices?

Determine capital requirements for both new and existing projects. This is the first phase in the capital decision-making cycle. Determine and identify resource restrictions. Obtain reliable standards for potential solutions.

Which of the following methods of assessing capital initiatives takes income statement into account?

Technique of Net Present Value (NPV):

One of the popular techniques for assessing capital investment bids is this one.

An differences between values is a well-thought-out activity that distributes capital financially in order to maximize profit.

To know more about NPV click here



two views (perspectives) are collected when the audit questionnaires are collected and two sets of questions are used for each view. what are those two views?


Note that two views (perspectives) are collected when the audit questionnaires are collected and two sets of questions are used for each view. Note that those two views are: " Organization view and project team view" (Option E)

What is an Audit Questionnaire and why is it important?

A Self-Audit Questionnaire is a checklist that is used as the primary instrument for conducting a self-audit in order to examine your internal control environment. This questionnaire was designed in a Yes/No/Not Applicable style, with certain questions requiring quick replies.

The internal control questionnaire is designed to assist the audit team in evaluating your company's internal control system. The questionnaire, when combined with the audit team's training, skills, and analysis, can aid in the production of accurate, insightful audit reports.

The primary goal of a questionnaire is to collect information from respondents. It's a low-cost, rapid, and effective method of gathering vast amounts of data even when the investigator isn't present to obtain those replies firsthand.

Learn more about Audit Questionnaires:

Full Question:

Two views (perspectives) are collected when the audit questionnaires are collected and two sets of questions are used for each view. What are those two views?

A) Customer view and project team view

B) Senior management view and customer view

C) Program manager view and the project manager view

D) Project manager and project team view

E) Organization view and project team view

What is meant by excess supply of a product explain the changes that take place in a situation of excess supply?


An excess supply, also known as an economic surplus, market surplus, or simply surplus, occurs when there is an excess supply of an item or service compared to demand, and the price is above the supply-demand equilibrium level.

Economic equilibrium is the state in which supply and demand are balanced and economic variable values remain constant in the absence of outside forces. Equilibrium, for instance, happens when the quantity demanded and the quantity given are equal, according to the traditional text on perfect competition. When a market price is set through competition and the quantity of goods or services demanded by buyers and the quantity of goods or services offered by sellers are equal, the market is said to be in equilibrium. This price, which is sometimes referred to as the competitive price or market clearing price, tends to remain constant aside from changes in supply or demand. The quantity is known as a "competitive quantity."

Learn more about price from



yost received 300 nqos (each option gives yost the right to purchase 10 shares of cutter corporation stock for $32 per share). at the time he started working for cutter corporation three years ago, cutter's stock price was $32 per share. yost exercised all of his options when the share price was $64 per share. two years after acquiring the shares, he sold them at $98 per share. note: input all amounts as positive values. leave no answer blank. enter zero if applicable. a. what are yost's taxes due on the grant date, exercise date, and sale date, assuming his ordinary marginal rate is 35 percent and his long-term capital gains rate is 15 percent?


Giving employees the option to buy a specific quantity of company shares for a set price after a specified time frame is one way businesses utilize to reward their staff. Hence tax will be due on grant day $ 33,600

and long-term capital gains $ 15,300 .

What is NQOS ?

It is hoped that the market price of the stock will have increased by the time the employee's options vest, or when the employee may actually exercise the options to buy stock at the specified price, so the employee receives the stock for less than the current market price.

Computation of Taxes due on grant date, exercise date, and sale date

Given in the question

Acquired = 300*10 share  $ 3,000

Exercise Price  =  $ 32

Cash for Exercise = $ 96000   (32*3000)

Market Price = $ 64

Value of Share = $ 192,000 (64*3000)

Income =    $ 96,000     (192000-96000)

Marginal rate = 35%

Tax due =  $ 33,600 (96000*35%)

Market price at Sell = $ 98

Amount Realized =  $ 294,000  (98*3000)

Basis = $ 192,000

Long term capital gain = $ 102,000     ( $ 294,000 - $ 192,000)

Marginal tax rate =  15%

Tax due on Sale = $ 15,300 (102000*15%)

Learn more about Shares here


#SPJ 1

on february 22, brett corporation acquired 200 shares of its $3 par value common stock for $26 each. on march 15, the company resold 65 shares for $29 each. what is true of the entry for reselling the shares?


The entry in the books of Brett corporation that should be passed for reselling the shares is:

Cash A/c.....Dr. $1885  

Treasury Stock (at Cost) A/c.....Cr. $1690

Additional Paid-in Capital A/c....Cr. $195

The accounting entry on the purchase of treasury shares at 26 was Debit Treasury stock 5200 and credit cash.

On the sale of treasury stock, the gain or loss on selling treasury stock is recognized to additional paid-in capital- treasury stock account.

Gain on sale of treasury stock = (29−26)×65 stocks = $195

The entry in the books of Brett corporation

Cash A/c.....Dr. $1885  

Treasury Stock (at Cost) A/c.....Cr. $1690

Additional Paid-in Capital A/c....Cr. $195

Hence, the above journal entry should be passed for reselling the shares

Learn more about journal entries:



Selling of all illicit drugs remains a criminal offense under decriminalization laws in the united states.
a. True
b. False


Selling of all illicit drugs remains a criminal offense under decriminalization laws in the United States. The correct answer is (a) True.

Under the decriminalization laws in certain states in the United States, the laws states that illicit drugs remains illegal but it would not lead to a prosecution and may only carry a a minimum penalty such as a fine or no penalty at all. Although the decriminalization laws does not lead to a prosecution, but the non-prosecution clause may only be applied to a possession of certain illicit drugs to a certain amount, but it does not guarantee non-prosecution for the selling or buying of illicit drugs which may still carry criminal offense and prosecution for the actions.

To learn more about decriminalization laws visit: https://brainly.com/question/14421563


how can dvcs advance their technologies without a lot of research and at very little expense? multiple choice question. they can get their government to develop new technologies. they can adopt new technologies already developed by iacs. they can continue to utilize their current technologies.


DVCs can adopt new technology already developed by IACs. This can help them advance their technology without a lot of research and at a very little expenses.

DVCs stands for Developing Countries and IACs stands for Industrially Advanced Countries. The industrially advanced nations (IACs) are those with high incomes. These nations have well-developed market economies that are supported by substantial inventories of capital goods, cutting-edge production methods, and skilled labor. This group of economies had an average income of $37,665 per person in 2008.

The remaining nations are referred to as developing nations (DVCs). They are mostly found in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and their per capita incomes vary greatly.

Learn More about IACs and DVCs here:



when entering into an income based repayment plan option, a student must contact their ________________________ to select the repayment plan option


When entering into an income-based repayment plan option, a student must contact their loan servicer to select the repayment plan option.

The monthly loan payment under income-driven repayment programs is determined by the borrower's income rather than the total amount of debt. If your entire student loan debt exceeds your annual income, doing so may make the loan payments more manageable.

After the COVID-19 payment halt expires, borrowers who are having trouble repaying their student loans may find that income-driven repayment plans are a reasonable alternative because of the lower loan installments. The loan cancellation may be taxed even though the remaining amount is forgiven after 20 or 25 years of repayment.

To learn more about repayment plan options, follow the below link:



if an increase in autonomous consumption spending of $25 million results in a $100 million increase in equilibrium real gdp, then?


If growth in independent intake spending of $25 million outcomes in a $one hundred million growth in equilibrium actual gdp, then MPC is 0.75 [25 / 100 = 0.25 MPC; 1 - 0.25 MPC = 0.75 MPC].

What is actual GDP ?

Real GDP is a macroeconomic statistic that measures the fee of the products and offerings produced through financial system in a selected period, adjusted for inflation. Essentially, it measures a country's overall financial output, adjusted for charge changes.

Example: A financial system has a nominal GDP of $one hundred million, the uncooked overall of all items and offerings as measured through their prices. Assume additionally that the financial system has skilled 2% inflation over the route of the year. We might calculate actual GDP as: one hundred million / 1.02 = 98.03 million.

What is nominal GDP vs real (actual) GDP?

Nominal GDP displays the uncooked numbers in present day greenbacks unadjusted for inflation. Real GDP adjusts the numbers through solving the foreign money fee, for that reason doing away with any distortion as a result of inflation or deflation.

To learn more about real GDP visit:



when you advise fred that he should consider filing for chapter 11 relief in bankruptcy court on behalf of friendly foam, he asks why that fits the situation best. how should you answer him?


The correct answer to the given question is option 2) The provisions of Chapter 11 apply to people who want to reorganize.

Since Chapter 11 involves reorganizing a debtor's financial affairs, responsibilities, and assets, it is known as a "reorganization" bankruptcy. Small businesses are "defined as entities with less than around $2.7 million in debts that also meet other qualifications," according to the U.S. Department of Justice, and the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 introduces a new subchapter V to Chapter 11 to make bankruptcy for them simpler.

A private trustee who will collaborate with the small business debtor and its creditors to facilitate the development of a consensual plan of reorganization is provided for under the law, which "imposes shorter deadlines for concluding the bankruptcy process, allows for greater flexibility in negotiating restructuring plans with creditors."


when you advise Fred that he should consider filing for chapter 11 relief in bankruptcy court on behalf of friendly foam, he asks why that fits the situation best. how should you answer him?


1) Chapter 11 applies to individuals seeking liquidation

2) Chapter 11 applies to individuals seeking reorganization.

To learn more about bankruptcy click here



______________ consists of all the activities concerned with obtaining money and using it effectively


All actions involving getting money and successfully employing it are included in financial management.

What is meant by financial management?

Financial management, to put it simply, is the area of business that deals with allocating the available cash resources so as to maximize business profitability and return on investment (ROI).All business transactions are organized, planned, and managed by experts in financial management.

What serves as financial management's primary objective?

Controlling an agency's finances in either a way that ensures legal compliance and corporate success is the core goal of financial management. High-level planning and effective execution are required for the procedure. Businesses succeed and increase profits when they are done properly.

To know more about Financial management visit:



What are the 6 types of government spending?


Mandatory/entitlement spending, Discretionary spending, National defense spending, Interest on government debt, State and local government spending are the 6 types of government spending.

Every Workday Procurement transaction must contain a spend category as a necessary component. Spend categories are a combination of commodity codes from the Legacy system, which specify the kind of thing or service being purchased, and object codes. Some workday spending categories may be considered trackable while others are not. Except for firearms, livestock/animals, and bulletproof vests, which are tracked at any value and marked as an LSU asset, products having a total acquisition cost of $1,000 or more should be included in a tracked spend category.

Building a comprehensive picture of the overall cost on commodities across the LSU system is the aim of the procurement spend categories. Accurate reporting on commodity expenditures increase the possibility of larger discounts and new contracts, which is advantageous for the spend category university. Initial reports have shown that some end users are choosing the spend category based on hierarchy of spend categories and/or the project they are utilizing the items for rather than the individual item within hierarchy.

Learn more about spend category here



compute the degree of operating leverage (dol) for each company. (2) which company is expected to produce a greater percent increase in income from a 20% increase in sales?


Operating leverage is a measure of how much a company's profitability is affected by a change in sales. It is calculated by dividing a company's fixed costs by its total costs.

What does Total cost mean?

Total cost is the sum of all the costs associated with a purchase or project, including materials, labor, overhead, and any other associated fees. It is the total amount of money that must be paid to complete the purchase or project.

Data  required to calculate degree of operating leverage for company A

The contribution margin is $90,000

The operating profit is $57,600

Degree of operating leverage = Contribution / operating profit

                                                   =$90,000 / $57,600

                                                   =1.5625 or 1.56

 So, 1.56 is the Operating leverage of company A.

Data  required to calculate degree of operating leverage for company B

The contribution margin is $126,000

The operating profit is $64,600

Degree of operating leverage = Contribution / operating profit

                                                   =$126,000 / $64,600

                                                   =1.9505 or 1.95

So, 1.95 is the Operating leverage of company B.

2)The required Data for comapny A:

The increase in sales turnover is 20%

The degree of operating leverage is 1.56 for company A

Change in profit percentage = increase in sales percentage x degree of operating leverage

                                                = 20% x 1.56

                                                =31.20 %

The increase in profit percentage would be 31.20% for company A

The required Data for comapny B:

   The increase in sales turnover is 20%

   The degree of operating leverage is 1.95 for company B

Change in profit percentage = increase in sales percentage x degree of operating leverage

                                               = 20% x 1.95

                                               =39 %

The increase in profit percentage would be 39% for company B

Hence Company B is expected a greater percentage.

Thus the Question variables are attached below;

To know more about Total cost,



an upward sloping treasury yield curve best indicates: a. bonds with longer maturities should be selling at a discount rather than premium b. real interest rates will be increasing soon in response to economic recession c. bonds will not return as much as common stocks in an inflation d. yields on treasuries with shorter maturities will continue to rise


The best sign that real interest rates will rise shortly in reaction to the economic slowdown is an upward sloping treasury yield curve.

Short-term debt instruments have a lower yield than long-term debt instruments of the same credit grade under the typical yield curve. The yield curve now has an increasing slope. The "positive yield curve" is another name for this yield curve shape, which is the one that is most frequently observed.

An upward slope on a yield curve is customary to show the higher yields frequently associated with longer-term investments. The higher risk that long-term investments normally involve and the lesser risk that comes with short-term investments are offset by these higher yields. This curve's shape is regarded to as normal rather than positive since it illustrates the projected change in yields as maturity dates advance further in the future. It frequently has high economic expansion as a link.

To know more about  real interest rates  click here,



assume that the current corporate bond yield curve is upward sloping, or normal. under this condition, we could be sure that a. long-term interest rates are more volatile than short-term rates. b. inflation is expected to decline in the future. c. the economy is in a recession. d. liquidity risk premiums could help to explain the yield curve's upward slope.


Assume that the current corporate bond yield curve is upward sloping, or normal. Under this condition, we could be sure that liquidity risk premiums could help to explain the yield curve's upward slope. The correct answer is D.

A yield curve in finance or economics is a curve that depicts the interest rate for various contract terms for a certain financial instrument ( e.g treasury bills, corporate bonds.)

The corporate yield curve will summarize the relationship between the time at which the debt will mature and the interest that is associated with it, so if we assume that it is upward sloping or normal, we can be sure that maturity risk premiums are helping to explain the upward slope of the yield curve.

The yield curve typically slopes higher, and as the maturity date approaches, so does the related interest. The reason for this is that investors demand higher interest rates for longer-term obligations, since debts issued for longer terms often carry greater risk due to the greater likelihood of inflation or a default in the long run.

With the justification provided, maturity risk premiums will aid in explaining the upward or normal slope of the current corporate bond yield curve.

Learn more about risk premium at https://brainly.com/question/29350477


what type of goal can help you be prepared for unexpected costs, such as car repairs?


The type of goal that can help you be prepared for unexpected costs such as car repairs is an emergency fund.

An emergency fund is a cash reserve set aside specifically for unplanned expenses or financial emergencies. Common examples include car repairs, home repairs, medical bills, and loss of income. An emergency fund is a great way to have cash on hand for unexpected expenses.

Even if you can only deposit a small amount you can rest assured when you need money immediately. Consider saving money in high-yield savings or savings account for unexpected future expenses. A small amount in an emergency fund can help you prepare for your next unexpected expense.

Learn more about An emergency fund here:- https://brainly.com/question/28407391


The process through which new employees learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization is:


The process through which new employees learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization is onboarding.

Onboarding also known as organizational socialization is the process through which new employees receive the necessary skills, knowledge, and behaviors in order to become influential members and insiders.

Onboarding generally consists of activities that enable new employees to complete an initial new-hire orientation process and learn about the organization and its culture, structure, vision, and mission. For some firms, the onboarding process consists of one or two days of activities while for other firms, the onboarding process may involve a series of activities spanning one or many months.

Tactics used in onboarding include formal meetings, videos, lectures, printed materials, or computer-based orientations that outline the culture and operations of the company that the employee is entering into. The onboarding process is also generally known as induction or training.

To learn more about onboarding; click here:



If the economy is currently in short-run equilibrium at point a, what type of monetary policy would be most effective to bring the economy back to long-run equilibrium?

a) expansionary monetary policy to shift AD to the right

b) expansionary monetary policy to shift SRAS to the right

c) contractionary monetary policy to shift AD to the right

d) contractionary monetary policy to shift SRAS to the right


When total output and total demand are equal, this is referred to as short-run equilibrium.

What function does the economics serve?

According to economists, the study with scarcity underlies economics. This is thus because there are only so many workers, plots of land, and raw materials, yet there is an endless supply of people who want them. In essence, we constantly seek more. The standard response is that an economic is a system for allocating scarce resources.

Which kind of economy is best?

Since there is little government interference in market economies, all management choices are made by private ownership. Greater effectiveness, productivity, and innovation are produced by this economy type.

To know more about economy visit:


Well-educated americans do not experience wage drops because of undocumented immigrants.
a. True
b. False


Well-educated Americans do not experience wage drops because of undocumented immigrants is True.

Immigration increases the labor force and increases the productive capacity of the economy. The United States has over 11 million of her illegal immigrants who are in the country without proper documentation. Many immigrants come from Mexico.

In the past, most immigrants were men but now women and children make up an increasing proportion of immigrants to the United States.  Illegal immigrants, also known as illegal immigrants, are foreign nationals who do not hold a valid visa or other entry documents because they entered the United States without inspection or stayed longer than permitted by a temporary visa. born individual.

Learn more about Undocumented immigrants here:- https://brainly.com/question/13395423


1. all corrections for posting errors should be made in a way that leaves no question as to the correct amount. t or f


This is correct statement :  All corrections for posting errors should be made in a way that leaves no question as to the correct amount.

This is TRUE.

Errors of principle are often honestly accounting entries recorded in the wrong account. The quantities are frequently accurate, unlike an errors of original entry. normally, the mistake of principle is a procedural error, meaning that the cost recorded is correct but the entries are made within the wrong accounts.

A casting error is where a list of items has been incorrectly totalled up, or a ledger stability has been balanced incorrectly. If this has handiest been carried out to one balance, or to at least one aspect of the trial balance, this could imply that the trial stability will no longer balance.

Learn more about posting errors here : https://brainly.com/question/13085149


identify each policy proposal as targeted most toward the challenges in india, or china.


India and China have effectively reestablished diplomatic and commercial ties since the late 1980s. Since 2013, border conflicts have reappeared and taken center stage in the bilateral ties between the two nations.

India and China are involved in a complicated competition that encompasses a struggle for control of Asian land as well as status. India's approach to China's foreign policy has gone through four stages.

From independence until the Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959, when Nehru dominated the country's foreign policymaking; From 1959 until the Sino-Indian War, when Nehru also had to take into account domestic political pressure; From 1962 until Rajiv Gandhi's visit to Beijing in 1988, when systemic factors influenced India's approach; From 1988 until the present, when a combination of systemic and domestic facts has influenced the country's approach.

Expanding its ties with nations fearful of China's growth, particularly the United States and Japan, is part of India's present hedging strategy against China. India, on the other hand, would prefer to cope with China as an 'independent' superpower by quickly enhancing its own economic and military strength.

Therefore, Since 2013, border conflicts have reappeared and taken center stage in the bilateral ties between India and China.

Learn more about India-China relations here,



the profit in thousands of dollars, t days after the business's grand opening, is denoted p(t). which of the following is the correct interpretation of p'(5)? question 4 options: five days after the the grand opening, the profit is changing by p'(5) thousand dollars per day. five days after the the grand opening, the profit has an average rate of change of p'(5) thousand dollars. five days after the grand opening, the profit has an average rate of change of p'(5) thousand dollars per day. five days after the the grand opening, the change in profit is p'(5) thousand dollars. five days after the the grand opening, the profit is p'(5) thousands of dollars.


The correct interpretation of p'(5) is Five days after the grand opening, the profit is changes by P'(5) thousand dollars per day. Thus option A is correct.

What is business?

An economic activity that involves the exchange of goods and services with the help of buying and selling with the objective to gain some profit is called Business.

In the given case, it is explained that t days following the company's official launch is indicated by the p (t) similarly interpretation of p'(5) will be  The profit is shifting five days, thousand dollars per day after the big opening.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about Business, here:



Despite your company’s strong training in ethical values and behaviors, you notice that the company’s top managers frequently engage in unethical behavior. of what is this an example?


This is an example of an enacted value or norm.

In advertising and marketing, a business enterprise’s value proposition is the entire mix of benefits or economic fee which it promises to supply to the current and future clients (i.e., a marketplace segment) who will buy their products and/or services.[1][2] it's far a part of a business enterprise's typical advertising method which differentiates its brand and completely positions it within the marketplace. A cost proposition can practice to a whole organization, or components thereof, or purchaser bills, or services or products. A price proposition may be written as a enterprise or advertising and marketing declaration (called a "positioning assertion") which summarizes why a purchaser can buy a product or use a service.

Learn more about enacted value here



How does rapid growth rate of population increase poverty in a?


Rapid growth rate of population does increase poverty in income distribution.

The income distribution covers how a country's total GDP is distributed amongst its population. Economic theory and economic policy have long seen income and its distribution as a central concern.

The smoothness or equality with which income is dealt out among members of a society.

It encourages inequities in income distribution; it limits rate of growth of gross national product by holding down level of savings and capital investments; it exert pressure on agricultural production and land; and it creates unemployment.

To know more about income distribution here,



greene manufacturing incurred the following expenses during 2015: fixed manufacturing costs $112,500 fixed nonmanufacturing costs $87,500 unit selling price $250 total unit cost $100 variable manufacturing cost rate $50 units produced 1,340 units what will be the breakeven point in units if absorption costing is used?


The breakeven point in units if absorption costing is used.The stated question seems insufficient or unfinished. Please see the complete attachment below cost is questionnaire Direct Substance =9.total unit cost $100 variable manufacturing cost.

Manufacturing overhead that changes 16 Dedicated Work = 20 Now, The cost of the unit product is = Direct Labor + Direct Material Manufacturing overhead that changes =9+ 20 + 16 = 45 $Using absorption costs, operating profit will be more than operating income if using by $3,600 varying costs.

The distinction between profit under fixed Simply put, costing and under absorption costs the amount of the inventory change.Typically, a drop in inventory would result in Lower profit under absorption costing. This is the case since the cost of items sold would decreased profit due to increasing prices Also, the opposite Profit differential = POAR x change in inventory.

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Having a collaborative discussion means:A. putting everyone's ideas together adding one idea on top of anotherB. listening to your teacher share her ideas about a textC. writing your ideas in a journal that you share with your teacherD. reflecting on a story you have read Which theme best describes the two excerpts? A. traditional american foods bring family together. B. sharing special foods with family is an american tradition. C. young people frequently resist trying foods of new cultures. D. culture is frequently linked to traditional foods. Liquor stores in tennessee lobby the state legislature, asking that wine shipments from out-of-state be made illegal. they argue that if consumers are allowed to buy wine from out-of-state, many in-state employees of liquor stores will lose their jobs. What would an economist likely say in response to this argument?a. While it is easy to see the jobs destroyed by out-of-state wine sellers it is harder to see the jobs that are never allowed to exist because the workers are in wine sales instead of something else,b. Resources that are no longer used producing goods for which Tennessee does not have comparative advantage can be reallocated to those industries in which Tennessee does have a comparative advantage making Tennesseans wealthier,c. If people out-of-state can distribute wine at a lower price than people in-stater the consumers of this state will benefit from lower wine prices,d. All of the above. Is this a false or true statement? Extrapolation is the use of the regression line to estimate a mean of y-values for an x-value that is far outside the x-range of data. a mixture of neon and oxygen gases at a total pressure of 652 mm hg contains neon at a partial pressure of 351 mm hg. if the gas mixture contains 2.34 grams of neon, how many grams of oxygen are present? a compound is found to have an empirical formula of ch2o. what is the molecular formula when the molecular weight is 180.0 grams? Match the strand with the compliment. 3' - TATAGTCATGCA - 5' The student observes that the molecules of red dye move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration until equilibrium is reached. Which best describes the type of cellular transport that the student is investigating?. A store is having a sale. They are offering $15 off thepurchase of 4 video games and 10% off if you are afirst time customer.The discounts could be applied in two different orders.Which do you PREDICT would save you the mostmoney?Use intuition, don't calculate.You will save more by getting $15 off, then 10% offYou will save more by getting 10% off, then $15 offYou will save the same amount either way what is the probability of getting at least 1 gram more cereal than advertised? there is a 0.1234 probability of getting at least 1 gram more cereal than advertised. there is a 0.0905 probability of getting at least 1 gram more cereal than advertised. there is a 0.5726 probability of getting at least 1 gram more cereal than advertised. there is a 0.7705 probability of getting at least 1 gram more cereal than advertised. there is a 0.8766 probability of getting at least 1 gram more cereal than advertised. A certain weak base has a b of 7.80107. What concentration of this base will produce a pH of 10.14? Gilliam industries records revenue of $6.4 million for an accounting period. in that same accounting period, they have a beginning balance of $392,000 and an ending balance of $439,000 in the accounts receivable account. how should the cash flows from operating activities be adjusted to account for these items? why? assume gilliam uses the indirect method. rachel has drafted a plan for her firm that explicitly analyzes the marketing and advertising situation, identifies the objectives of the advertising campaign, clarifies a specific strategy for accomplishing those objectives, and indicates how the firm can assess whether the campaign was successful. this subsection of the firms overall marketing plan is called its Today's Access Control List (ACLs) implement one of several designs. Pick the design from the following list:A) Microsoft WindowsB) Apple Macintosh OS-XC) NFSV4D) POSIX 1e Explain why an object might be classified as having a negative electrostatic charge. what role do cfcs play in the catalytic destruction of ozone? what role do cfcs play in the catalytic destruction of ozone? there is no strong scientific evidence that cfcs play a significant role in the catalytic destruction of ozone. ozone is destroyed upon binding to a cfc molecule that has been energized by ultraviolet light. cfc molecules activate chlorine atoms into their catalytic action. cfc molecules migrate to the upper stratosphere where they generate chlorine atoms upon being destroyed by ultraviolet light. what is a serial schedule? what is a serializable schedule? why is a serial schedule considered correct? why is a serializable schedule considered correct? What is the type of scale in which the representative factor is 1 is to 1? which work by john adam's was commissioned for the inaugural concert of the great woods festival in massachusetts and is a four-minute fanfare with a rapid temp, rhythmic drive, and powerful sonorities? Which pituitary hormone causes a decrease in the amount of water lost in the kidneys?