Is this a false or true statement? Extrapolation is the use of the regression line to estimate a mean of y-values for an x-value that is far outside the x-range of data.


Answer 1

This is False in light of the stated statement. due to the employment of a regression line to calculate the mean of y for x that are outside the x-range of the data.

How is regression calculated?

Y = mX + b, where X is the predictive (independent) factor, m is really the approx slope, and b is the expected intercept, is the methodology for simple linear regression.

What makes regression math so special?

Regress, from whence the word "regression" is derived, means "to go back" in Latin (to something). Regression is the method that enables "going back" from muddled, challenging data to a clearer and more significant model in this manner.

To know more about regression visit:


Related Questions

A metallurgist has one alloy containing 28% aluminum and another containing 59% aluminum. How many pounds of each alloy must he use to make 42 pounds of a third alloy containing 30%


The number of pounds from one alloy is 2.71.

The number of pounds from another alloy is 39.29.

What is an equation?

An equation is a mathematical statement of two expressions connected by an equal sign.

We have,

x = pounds from one alloy

y = pounds from the second alloy

Two equation.

28% of x + 59% of y = 30% of 42

0.28x + 0.59y = 0.30 x 42 ______(1)

x + y = 42 _____(2)


x = 42 - y ________ (3)

Putting (3) in (2)

0.28(42 - y) + 0.59y = 0.30 x 42

11.76 - 0.28y + 0.59y = 12.6

11.76 + 0.31y = 12.6

0.31y = 12.6 - 11.76

0.31y = 0.84

y = 2.71


x = 42 - y

x = 42 - 2.71

x = 39.29


The number of pounds of each alloy is 2.71 and 39.29.

Learn more about equations here:


Henry has a rope that is 5 meters long. He cuts away a piece that is 1.27 meters long. How long is the remaining piece of rope?

need it now pls


The length of the remaining rope is 3.73 meters.

What is an expression?

An expression is a way of writing a statement with more than two variables or numbers with operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Example: 2 + 3x + 4y = 7 is an expression.

We have,

Length of the rope = 5 meters

Length of the rope that is cut away = 1.27 meters

The remaining length of the rope.

= 5 - 1.27

= 3.73 meters


The remaining length of the rope is 3.73 meters.

Learn more about expressions here:


Write an equation of a line passing through the point (-4, -11) and perpendicular to the line 4x + 5y = -45.


The required equation of the line is given as y = 5x -6.

To determine the equation of a line passing through the point (-4, -11) and perpendicular to the line 4x + 5y = -45.

What is the slope of the line?

The slope of the line is a tangent angle made by line with horizontal. i.e. m =tanx where x in degrees.

The slope of the given line
4x + 5y = -45
y = -4/5 - 45
m = -4/5

The equation of the perpendicular line is given as,
y - y₁ = -1/m (x - x₁)
Substitute the value in the above equation,
y + 11 = -1 / -4/5  (x + 4)
y = 5/4(x + 4) - 11
y = 5x + 5 - 11
y = 5x -6

As a result, the needed equation for the line is y = 5x -6.

Learn more about slopes here:


please help! I'm almost out of time on my assignment


0.0221 I have the same problem it that answer

please look at the picture and answer all the problems (I GIVE U LIKED AND POINTS!)




a. x<=5

b. x>12

c. x<=-4

d. x>-6

Word Problems

6. x>65

7. x<90

8. x>985

9. x>12

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the slope of the line that passes through (3, 14) and (8, 8).




Step-by-step explanation:

you would find the difference between the ys and the XS then divide the product of those by [tex]\frac{y}{x}[/tex].

y-5=1/2(x-4) what are the coordinates



The ordered pair (3, 4) is found in the coordinate system when you move 3 steps to the right on the x-axis and 4 steps upwards on the y-axis.

Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

Prehistoric cave painting were discovered. The paint contained 5% of the original carbon-14. Estimate the age of the paintings using the exponential decay model for carbon-14, A=A_0e ^-0.000121t (round to the nearest whole number as needed.)


About 24 ,758 years have passed since the cave drawings were created.

What is the age formula?

If one's age is x now, one's age will be nx in the future. Age n years from now equals x + n if the age at currently is x. Age n years ago equals x - n if the current age is x. The ages will be ax and bx in the ratio a: b.

What is the measure age?

The time since birth, which is typically expressed as an exact number of years or a finished number of years, is known as a person's chronological age.

A is the current sum.

A0 is the original sum.

A0 = A0 A0 = A0 0.05 e-0.000121t

A / A0 = e-0.000121t

0.05 = e-0.000121t, 0.05 = ln e-0.000121t, 0.05 = -0.000121t, 0.05 = e, and 0.05 = -0.000121t, respectively.

To learn more about Estimation of age visit:

The artwork is 24,758 years old, according to the exponential equation's solution.

Is power equivalent to exponential?

Exponents are frequently referred to as strengths or indices. In plain English, a power expression is one that depicts the same number being multiplied repeatedly, whereas an exponent is a quantity that depicts the powers to which the value is increased.


A = current amount

A₀ = original amount

0.05 A₀ = A

A = A₀ [tex]e^{-0.000121t}[/tex]

A / A₀ = [tex]e^{-0.000121t}[/tex]

0.05 = [tex]e^{-0.000121t}[/tex]

ln 0.05 = ln [tex]e^{-0.000121t}[/tex]

ln 0.05 = -0.000121t ln e

ln 0.05 = -0.000121t

-2.9957 ≈ -0.000121t

24758.11 ≈ t

About 24,758 years have passed since the cave drawings were created.

To know more about Exponential visit:


explain the pattern you found on the table


Picture 1 has 5 green squares.  It is one square with a square coming out from each corner.

Describe the table pattern you noticed ? Picture 2 adds an additional square extending out from each corner square, making a total of 9 squares.  This pattern continues, adding 4 green squares total each time.  This means Picture 3 has 13 squares, Picture 4 has 17 squares, and Picture 5 will have 21 green squares.Picture one has 5 green squares.  It is one square with a square coming out from each corner.  Picture 2 adds an additional square extending out from each corner square, making a total of 9 squares.  This pattern continues, adding 4 squares total each time.  This means Picture 3 has 13 squares, Picture 4 has 17 squares, and Picture 5 will have 21 squares.

To learn more about table pattern  refer


y=-2x coordinate plane​



The Y=-2x coordinate plane is a two-dimensional plane that represents all possible points with coordinates that satisfy the equation Y=-2x. The Y axis is the vertical axis, and the X axis is the horizontal axis. A point on the Y=-2x coordinate plane can be represented by an ordered pair (x, y), where x is the distance of the point from the Y axis, and y is the distance of the point from the X axis. In the Y=-2x coordinate plane, the Y coordinate of a point is always equal to -2 times the X coordinate of that point.

Step-by-step explanation:

- Write a two-step problem that contains a hidden question about buying something at the mall. Tell what the hidden question is and solve your problem. Use $8.95 somewhere in your equation. Write your answer in a complete sentence.​


The hidden question (that uses $8.95 in the equation) along with the answer is mentioned below.

What is a function? What is equation modelling? What is a mathematical equation and expression?In mathematics, a function from a set X to a set Y assigns to each element of X exactly one element of Y. The set X is called the domain of the function and the set Y is called the codomain of the functionEquation modelling is the process of writing a mathematical verbal expression in the form of a mathematical expression for correct analysis of the given problem.A mathematical expression is made up of terms (constants and variables) separated by mathematical operators.A mathematical equation is used to equate two expressions.

Given is to write a two-step problem that contains a hidden question about buying something at the mall.

The problem is as follows -

You are visiting a mall where you bought 10 chocolates each of $8.95. You had $100 with yourself. If you are left with with $x, then find x.

Answer to the problem -

We can write the equation for [x] as -

x = 100 - (8.95 x 10)

x = 100 - 89.5

x = 10.5

Therefore, the hidden question along with the answer is given above.

To solve more questions on equations, expressions and polynomials, visit the link below -


13. Mark and his brother signed up for the Catch Up
phone plan. They share the minutes every month
equally. How many minutes can Mark use each
day without going over his share of minutes?


Answer: 12 minutes

Let us suppose the number of minutes per month is 720. ( i have assumed this data from myself, you use any data you want, remember the procedure)

Now, Mark and his brother share the minutes every month equally.

So, clearly, Mark and his brother would get 360 minutes each every month.

Now, Mark has 360 minutes each month

therefore, Mark has 360/30 minutes per day

= 12 minutes each day.

Step-by-step explanation:

Which of the following properly expresses the
statement "The square root of a number, x, is 5
less than
the sum of the number and 2" ?
F. √x = 5-(x + 2)
G√√√x = (x + 2)-5


Answer:F. √x = 5-(x + 2)

Step-by-step explanation:

find x . geometry please help


The value of x in the circle is given as follows:

x = 23.

How to calculate the value of x?

The value of x in the circle is calculated using the tangent-secant theorem, which states that when a secant and a tangent are drawn to a circle from the same external product, the product of the length of the secant and of it's external segment equals the square length of the tangent segment.

The parameters for this problem are given as follows:

Secant: 27 + 2x + 2 = 2x + 29.External segment: 2x + 2.Tangent: 3x - 9.

Then, the value of x is obtained applying the product from the tangent-secant theorem as follows:

(2x + 29)(2x + 2) = (3x - 9)²

4x² + 62x + 58 = 9x² - 54x + 81

5x² - 116x + 23 = 0.

Which is a quadratic equation with the coefficients given as follows:

a = 5, b = -116, c = 23.

Using a quadratic equation calculator, the solutions are given as follows:

x = 0.2 -> extraneous, as the length 3x - 9 would be negative.x = 23.

More can be learned about the tangent-secant theorem at


What is the scale factor of the geometric sequence?

4, −12, 36, −108, . . .

Enter your answer in the box.



Step-by-step expl

The first three terms of an arithmetic sequence are as follows 17,13,9

a racing venue wants to make the charity race 5% longer. If the race was 25km, what is the new race length


The length of the racing venue after the increase of 5 % is 26.25 km

What is an Equation?

Equations are mathematical statements with two algebraic expressions flanking the equals (=) sign on either side.

It demonstrates the equality of the relationship between the expressions printed on the left and right sides.

Coefficients, variables, operators, constants, terms, expressions, and the equal to sign are some of the components of an equation. The "=" sign and terms on both sides must always be present when writing an equation.

Given data ,

Let the increased length of the racing venue be = A

Let the total length of the racing venue be = 25 km

The percentage increase in the length of the racing venue = 5 %

So , the equation will be

Increased length of the racing venue = total length of the racing venue + ( percentage increase in the length of the racing venue x total length )

Substituting the values in the equation , we get

Increased length of the racing venue = 25 + ( 5/100 ) x 25

Increased length of the racing venue = 25 + ( 5/4 )

Increased length of the racing venue = 25 + 1.25

Increased length of the racing venue = 26.25 km

Therefore , the value of A is 26.25 km

Hence ,

The length of the racing venue after the increase of 5 % is 26.25 km

To learn more about equations click :


Can someone pls help me with this I’ll mark brainliest


7,-3. smily just count how many from x-axis, then count the same number down. so you should’ve gone 3 down, so you need to go 3 more down to reflect and get 7,-3

What happens to y = x when the slope is changed to a negative number?


If the slope is a negative number for example, y = - x then it would go up one and to the left one because it's a negative number. Negative slopes will always go through the coordinate plant II and IV

Given quadrilateral ABCD with A(-4,-2), B(-3,2), C(2,4) and D(4,-3). Find the area in square units.


The area of the quadrilateral ABCD, with the vertices coordinates A(-4, -2), B(-3, 2), C(2, 4), and D(4, -3), is 18 square units

What is a quadrilateral?

A quadrilateral is a four sided polygon, that has a sum of the interior angles of 360°

The area of the quadrilateral can be calculated as comprising of the area of two triangles, with vertices; B(-3, 2), C(2, 4), D(4, -3), and B(-3, 2), C(2, 4), A(-4, -2)

The area of a triangle with known coordinates of the vertices is precented as follows;

Let (x₁, y₁), (x₂, y₂), (x₃, y₃) represent, the vertices of the triangle, we get;

A = 0.5×|x₁·y₂ - x₂·y₁ + x₂·y₃ - x₃·y₂ + x₃·y₁ - x₁·y₃|


The area, A₁ of the triangle ΔBCD with vertices at the coordinates (-3, 2), (2, 4), (4, -3), is found as follows;

A₁ = 0.5 × |(-3)×4 - 2×2 + 2 ×(-3) - 4 × 4 + 4×2 - (-3)×4| = 9

Similarly, the area, A₂, of the triangle, ΔBCA with vertices (-3, 2), (2, 4), (-4, -2), is found as follows;

A₂ = 0.5 × |(-3)×4 - 2×2 + 2 ×(-2) - (-4) × 4 + (-4)×2 - (-3)×(-2)| = 9

The area of the quadrilateral, A = A₁ + A₂, is therefore;

The area of the A = 9 + 9 = 18

The area of the quadrilateral ABCD is 18 square units

Learn more about quadrilaterals here:


Consider the hyperbolic function (y + 2)(x − 4) = 3.
2.1 Write down the domain and range of the function.​


The domain is
All real numbers except for 4
Also written as (−∞,4)∪(4,∞)
Also written as x ≠4

The range is
All real numbers except -2
Also written as (−∞,−2)∪(−2,∞)
Also written as y≠-2

And this is what the graph looks like:

Select all of the algebraic expressions that could represent the phrase below.

"nine more than the product of 5 times the number of tires t"




Step-by-step explanation:


Option A: 9 + 5t

Option B: 5 · t + 9

Option D: (5 × t) + 9

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope This Helped



The quotient of the given division problem is 2 remainder is 13.

What is a number system?

The number system is a way to represent or express numbers.

Any of the multiple sets of symbols and the guidelines for utilizing them to represent numbers are included in the Number System.

Since the decimal number system employs ten digits from 0 to 9, it has a base of 10.

As per the given division problem,

If we divide 77 by 32 then it goes to 2 times that is called the quotient.

The remainder is 77 - 32 x 2 = 13

Hence "The above division issue has a quotient of 2 and a remainder of 13.".

For more about the number system,


Rewrite 26/9 as a mixed number


26/9 = 2.888888888889
The answer is 2.8,this is because when using a calculator you only need the first 3 numbers in an answer

( What value of h makes the equation true? )

-1/8 (2h + 4) + 1/2 = -7/4

. H = ?

. Please explain step by step!!


Answer: H=7

Step-by-step explanation: First (2h+4) then x -1/8 then + 1/2 =-7/4

The given point P is located on the unit circle, similar to what is seen in the image below, determine the sine and cos e(P is
not necessarily in Quadrant I).


The sine and cosine of the angle of point P are sin θ = 143/145 and cos θ = -24/145 respectively. Option b. is the answer

How to determine the sine and cosine of the angle of point P?

Given the coordinate of the point as P (-24/145, 143/145)

This implies x = -24/145 and y =  143/145

To determine the sine and cosine of the angle of point P, we can make a sketch using this information (see attached image).

opposite = 143/145, adjacent = -24/145

hypotenuse = √[(-24/145)² + (143/145)²] = √1 = 1

Using trigometric ratios:

sin θ =   (143/145) / 1 = 143/145    [sin θ = opposite/ hypotenuse]

cos θ =  (-24/145) / 1 = -24/145    [cos θ = adjacent/ hypotenuse]

Learn more about trigonometry on:


Eric took out an 80/20 mortgage to buy a $175,000 house. The first (80%)
mortgage has an interest rate of 4.75%, and the second (20%) mortgage has
an interest rate of 7.525%. Both mortgages are 30-year fixed-rate mortgages..
What is the total mortgage payment for this house?



The total monthly mortgage payment for the house is $975.63

Step-by-step explanation:

your welcome

Solve the inequality

1. 2x



where is the question

Step-by-step explanation:

Please you need to write the full question so it can be answered


please help me with math i’ll give you brainlist



Step-by-step explanation:

Domain = Range = (19,77,10,9\5,0,100)

Aretha had $180 in her bank
account at the end of the week. She
wrote a check for $120, deposited
$250, and spent $75 on groceries
during the week. How much was
in her account at the start of the


should be about $625

Just add all the number up and then subtract the answer you got with the same number except 180 since that's what she has left over. correct me if I'm wrong.

Thomas earned $46.50 in 4 hours at his job today. How much can he earn tomorrow if he works 10 hours at the same hourly rate? Do NOT include a dollar sign in your answer.



116.25 0r 116.30

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the hourly rate, divide the pay by the number of hours

So 46.50/4 = 11.625

You should round that to 11.63

Then, multiply the hourly rate by the number of hours worked the next day.

So 11.63 x 10 = 116.30

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