which outcome in a newborn would the nurse expect when the parent holds the infant in an upright position on the shoulder and rocks the infant in a vertical fashion?


Answer 1

The outcome that the nurse would anticipate in a newborn is the "maintenance of alertness" when the parent holds the newborn in an upright position upon that shoulder and rocks the infant vertically. The correct answer is C.

Hold the upright position For the Infant

One can support the baby's head and neck with one hand while holding them against the chest and shoulder to hold her upright. With the other hand, support the bottom of the infant. The most crucial thing in this position is to support the baby's head and neck whenever we pick him up, carry him, or hug him. In this position, parents should maintain their alertness.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A) Prevention of aspirationB) Induction of sleepC) Maintenance of alertnessD) Prevention of the gag reflex

The correct answer is C.

Learn more about breastfeeding position here: brainly.com/question/28944083


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a parent brings her kindergarten-aged child in for a check-up because the child has been complaining of pruritus, especially at night, and appears to have a rash on his wrist. after taking scrapings of the lesion and providing topical application of permethrin 5% as ordered, the nurse sends the child home with instructions for re-treatment in one week. at the two-week follow-up appointment, the child continues to complain of pruritus. which statement best explains this finding?


After the two rounds of proper treatment, the pruritus is likely not re-infestation but rather a normal response.

What is Pruritus?

Pruritus is a medical term used to describe an irritating, itchy sensation on the skin. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including allergies, skin infections, dry skin, sun exposure, and certain medications. Pruritus can occur on any area of the body and can range from mild to severe. Treatment typically depends on the underlying cause and may involve topical medications, antihistamines, or other medications.

What is Re-infestation?

Re-infestation is the re-establishment of an insect or other pest in an area where it had been previously eradicated or controlled. Re-infestation often occurs when the conditions that allowed the pest to initially infest the area are not adequately addressed, allowing the pest to re-establish a population.

To know more about Pruritus ,



.a nurse is assessing a client who is at 27 weeks of gestation and has preeclampsia. which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider? a. urine protein concentration 200 mg/ 24 hr b. creatnine 0.8 mg/ dl c. hemoglobin 14.8 g/ dl d. platelet count 60.000/ mm3


15% of preeclamptic women experience thrombocytopenia (platelet count 100,000/mL). Calculated was the median amount of time between the closest PC determination and the start of neuraxial analgesia.

The platelet count (PC) is regularly tested before the commencement of neuraxial analgesia in women with preeclampsia or eclampsia since it is contraindicated in parturients with coagulopathy. The Perinatal Database was used to identify all women who gave birth and had the discharge diagnosis of moderate preeclampsia, severe preeclampsia, including HELLP and eclampsia, or preeclampsia combined with persistent hypertension. From the admittance one month before to delivery to hospital release, platelet counts (PC) for each patient were examined.

Learn more about platelet



a nurse should take what steps prior to administering insulin glargine (lantus) to a client? select all that apply.


The steps taken are:

Check the expiration date on the vial.Check the health care provider's orders for the type and dosage of insulin.Remove all air bubbles from the syringe barrel.

Insulin glargine, also known as Lantus, is a long-acting modified form of medical insulin used in the treatment of type I and type II diabetes. In the United Kingdom, it is the most commonly prescribed long-acting insulin. It is administered once daily as an injection just beneath the skin.

Insulin glargine is a synthetic, long-acting version of human insulin. Insulin glargine products work by replacing insulin that the body normally produces and by assisting in the movement of sugar from the blood into other body tissues where it is used for energy. It also prevents the liver from producing additional sugar.

To learn more about insulin glargine, here



according to the diathesis-stress model, psychological disorders are caused by both ________ and stress.


According to the diathesis-stress model, psychological disorders are caused by both predisposition and stress.

What is a diathesis-stress model?

The diathesis-stress model is a psychological theory that attempts to explain a disorder, or its trajectory, as the result of an interaction between a predispositional vulnerability, known as the diathesis, and stress brought on by life experiences. This theory is also known as the vulnerability-stress model.

According to the diathesis-stress model, a person will acquire a condition if the sum of their genetic predisposition and the amount of stress they experience is more than a certain threshold.

Learn more about diathesis-stress model, here:



a client with a closed reduction of a wrist fracture has a plaster cast applied. which nursing intervention is the highest priority immediately after the procedure?


A client with a closed reduction of a wrist fracture has a plaster cast applied. The nursing intervention is the highest priority immediately after the procedure is performing a peripheral circulation assessment.

Peripheral circulation is responsible for the movement of blood, distribution of blood flow, communication between blood and tissue, and blood storage (venous system). Reduced blood flow to an organ other than the brain or heart is known as peripheral vascular disease. A blood vessel that is obstructed or constricted is what causes it. Atherosclerosis, or the accumulation of fatty deposits that constrict a blood vessel, generally an artery, is the primary contributor.

Stretching both before and after exercise can also assist increase circulation, as can walking, riding, and running. Quit smoking if you do. Smoking can reduce blood flow, erode blood vessel walls, and lead to vein plaque buildup.

To know more about Peripheral Circulation here



________ diseases are those that involve the immune system functioning erroneously, such as when the body mistakes its own healthy cells as invaders.


Auto-immune diseases are those that involve the immune system functioning erroneously, such as when the body mistakes its own healthy cells as invaders.

The immune system misidentifies a portion of your body, such as your joints or skin, as alien when you have an autoimmune disease. Autoantibodies, which are proteins released by the body, assault healthy cells. Some autoimmune disorders only affect a single organ. The pancreas is harmed by type 1 diabetes. The entire body is impacted by other illnesses like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).A disorder known as an autoimmune illness occurs when your immune system accidentally targets your body. Normally, the immune system protects the body from viruses and bacteria. It sends out an army of fighter cells to attack these foreign invaders as soon as it detects them.

To know more about autoimmune check the below link:



the use of an antiseptic during the surgery has greatly improved client survival rates and was started by which physician


It is start by the physician name joseph Lister.

What is physician?

a person qualified to the  practise medicine, and it is  especially one who is the  specializes in diagnosis and to the medical treatment as distinct from surgery.

The use of antiseptic is called as antisepsis Antisepsis is the method of using chemicals, called by the  antiseptics, to destroy the germs that cause it is  infections. It was developed of  the British surgeon and the  Joseph Lister. Joseph  Lister, 1827–1912. Joseph Lister is found a way to prevent the  infection in to the wounds during and after surgery.

To know more about physician click-



what condition did dr. kayla boucher discuss in her interview where she suggested this condition is very often confused with a mental or physical disability?


The condition that Dr. Kayla Boucher discussed in her interview, where she stated that this condition is sometimes confused with a mental or physical handicap, is one where communication between myself and the service techs is outstanding and service is quick and efficient.

A physical or mental impairment is referred to as a "disability" if it prevents a person from performing one or more major activities of daily living, such as walking, talking, hearing, seeing, breathing, learning, lifting, reproducing, eating, sleeping, operating machinery, or performing manual tasks.

The term physical or mental disability encompasses a wide range of conditions, including but not limited to cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the three most common physical disabilities that people face are arthritis, heart disease, and respiratory issues (CDC).

Learn more about mental disability visit : brainly.com/question/983672


Given research of the life expectancy disparities between whites and African Americans, and female and male Americans, identify the following statements as either true or false.
A. African American females have a longer life expectancy than African American males. *
B. White males have a longer life expectancy than African American females.
C. White females have a shorter life expectancy than white males.
D. African American males have a shorter life expectancy than white males. *
E. There are no health disparities in life expectancy in the U.S.




a true b false c true d true e false

Line segment lm is dilated to create l'm' using point q as the center of dilation and a scale factor of 2. what is the length of segment qm'?


Using point q as the centre of dilatation and a scale factor of 2, line segment lm is dilated to form l'm'. The length of segment qm' is twice the length of segment lm.

1. The length of lm is the original length of the line segment.

2. The center of dilation is point q.

3. The scale factor is 2.

4. Therefore, the length of qm' is twice the length of lm.

The length of qm' is twice as long as the length of lm, meaning that qm' is twice the length of lm. The center of dilation is point q, and the scale factor used is 2, so qm' is twice the length of lm.

Learn more about length here



Answer: 6

Explanation: I just did the assignment on edge! :)

a 21-year-old client has been in the first stage of labor for 2 hours. she describes her pain as intolerable, and a local anesthetic will be administered. what type of local anesthetic would the nurse anticipate being given to this client?


Epidural anesthesia. An injection of a drug into the epidural area around the spinal cord during labor is known as epidural administration.

The most typical anesthetic used for pain treatment during labor birth is an epidural. For procedures involving the pelvic region or the legs, epidural anesthesia is frequently utilized instead of general anesthesia. Benefits include being awake and alert throughout the procedure, experiencing less nausea and vomiting, and recovering more quickly. With a little needle, your healthcare professional will provide local anaesthetic close to the location of the epidural. This is done to lessen the amount of discomfort you experience when the larger than usual epidural needle is inserted.

Learn more about labor



you are working on an improvement project at a community mental health center what might be an important consideration


What precisely do you mean when you say "wait less than 30 minutes to be seen"? Does this time include the patient's time spent registering, for example? Who will gather the information and how will they gather it?

What could be a crucial factor to take into account when you prepare your data collection strategy?

Before you start collecting data, it is essential to define your measure in detail so that you and your team members can consistently measure the same thing and that others can understand what you are measuring.

One motivation to employ PDSA is to try to improve a process.

PDSA cycles offer a mechanism to modify improvement ideas as the project continues, which is one rationale to utilize them rather than a more conventional version of the scientific method (such as a randomized, controlled experiment) when seeking to enhance a process. Using PDSA cycles is easier than using other techniques.

to know more about mental health center here:



a nurse in a health care facility is caring for a client who is receiving an antiemetic to control vomiting related to chemotherapy. which nursing diagnoses should the nurse prioritize for this client's care plan?


A client taking an antiemetic to reduce chemotherapy-related vomiting should have the risk for Imbalanced Fluid Volume nursing diagnosis prioritized in their care plan.

Any nursing diagnosis that directly relate to survival or a threat to the patient's mortality should be prioritized first. chemotherapy could be connected to the patient's ability to obtain the needs of life, such as food, drink, and air. Imbalanced Fluid volume deficit commonly known as dehydration can be a common occurrence in chemotherapy and nursing diagnostic for many patients. When diagnosis  the body loses too much fluid, dehydration results. Staying hydrated lessens the severity of chemotherapy treatment side effects and reduces your likelihood of skipping or postponing cancer treatments.

learn more about chemotherapy here:



within several days of hospitalization, a client is repeatedly washing the top of the same table. which initial intervention is best for the nurse to implement to help the client cope with anxiety related to this behavior?


Allow time for the ritualistic behavior, then redirect the client to other activities, Initially, allow time for the ritual to prevent anxiety, within several days of hospitalization, a client is repeatedly washing the top of the same table.

Taking someone to the hospital and keeping them there while they get medical attention The patient needed to be hospitalised since the accident was so serious. Orienteering and hiking Patients' emotions are worsened by being in the hospital, and their levels of anxiety and sadness rise. Understanding these results might aid in providing patients with care during their hospitalization.Due to their medical condition, some people could experience fear or anxiety, but others might experience thankfulness or relief. Due to their separation from their loved ones and familiar surroundings, many hospital patients report feeling lonely or isolated while there.

Learn more about hospitalization here:



researchers believe that this childhood disorder is possibly an early version of social anxiety disorder.


Researchers believe that selective mutism childhood disorder is possibly an early version of social anxiety disorder.

Selective mutism is a severe psychological disorder wherever someone is unable to talk in bound social things, like with classmates in school or to relatives they are doing not see fairly often. it always starts throughout childhood and, if left untreated, will persist into adulthood.

Although social anxiety disorder usually needs facilitate from a medical examiner or qualified clinical psychologist, you'll be able to strive a number of these techniques to handle things that are doubtless to trigger symptoms: Learn stress-reduction skills. Get work up or be physically active on a daily basis. Get enough sleep.

To learn more about selective mutism here



in a patient with diabetic ketoacidosis, the nurse should expect to find which effect of ketoacidosis?


In a patient with diabetic ketoacidosis, the nurse should expect to find a tachycardia effect of ketoacidosis.

Diabetic ketoacidosis is associated with certain risk factors such as diseases, problems with insulin therapy, excessive stress,emotional or physical trauma, recent surgery, tremors, heart attack, lethargy, stroke, drug or alcohol abuse (Margaret, 2006) . Type 2 diabetics can develop diabetic ketoacidosis after a serious infection. People of Hispanic or African-American descent have a higher risk of developing diabetic ketoacidosis after type 2 diabetes. David is 18 years old and developed diabetic ketoacidosis as a complication of either type 1 diabetes (more likely) or type 2 diabetes (very rare). and this complication is common in this age/disease group (Margaret, 2006). Supraventricular tachycardia is observed. in the reported case it was most likely due to electrolyte abnormalities and ketoacidosis.

To know more about Diabetic ketoacidosis please click on the link/ brainly.com/question/28283267


in skull base surgery, when one surgeon performs the approach procedure, another surgeon performs the definitive procedure, and other surgeon performs the repair procedure- how would this be reported?


In skull base surgery, when one neurosurgeon performs the approach procedure, another surgeon performs the definitive procedure, and other surgeon performs the repair procedure then no modifier is used.

Neurosurgeon medical specialty focuses on the diagnosis and care of patients who have diseases or injuries to the brain, spinal cord, spinal column, or peripheral nerves in any part of the body. The neurosurgical specialty treats patients of all ages. Depending on the nature of the damage or disease, a neurological surgeon may provide surgical and/or non-surgical therapy. A medical specialist having knowledge of neurosurgery. The medically educated neurosurgery specialists known as neurosurgeons can help patients with back and neck pain as well as a number of other disorders like trigeminal neuralgia, head injuries, Parkinson's disease, and Parkinson's disease. They're more than just brain surgeons.

To learn more about Neurosurgeon click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/28566204


the women's health nurse is caring for a 30-year-old client who wants to use the ethinyl estradiol and norelgestromin patch for contraception. regarding this method of birth control, which finding should be most concerning to the nurse?\


History of DVT. The transdermal contraception patch, which contains both estrogen and gonadotropin releasing hormone, is a hormonal contraceptive (CHC).

A client history of thromboembolic events, as with other CHCs, should worry the nurse since it may raise the risk of thromboembolic events while wearing the patch. The dangerous yet avoidable medical illnesses Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism (DVT/PE) are frequently underdiagnosed. A deep vein can get infected with a blood clot, which is a disorder known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). A contraceptive skin patch containing both norelgestromin and ethinyl estradiol is used as contraception to prevent conception. Your skin allows the patch's hormones to enter your body. Each month, it prevents a woman's egg from maturing to its full potential.

Learn more about contraception



the nurse is reinforcing discharge instructions to the parents of a 2-year-old child who had an orchiopexy procedure done to treat cryptorchidism. the nurse would determine the parents understood the discharge instructions if they state which play activity is best for the child after this procedure?


All strenuous activity should be avoided for two weeks following surgery. is required the discharge instruction.

Define cryptorchidism.

A testicle missing from the scrotum is known as cryptorchidism. It is the most prevalent genitalia birth deformity in men. One or both testicles are not descended in about 3% of full-term and 30% of preterm male babies. By the third month of life, 80% of the testes in cryptorchids have descended.

A testicle that hasn't descended into the scrotum is moved during an orchiopexy. The operation that corrected testicular torsion is also commonly referred to as an orchiopexy. Usually, the process is finished in within an hour. Bruising, infection, and issues with healing are risks.

To encourage recovery and prevent harm, all strenuous activity should be avoided for two weeks following surgery. The internal suture won't be displaced as a result of this. Children under 2 tend to want to be very active. Allowing the youngster to choose when to resume his play activities may therefore hinder healing and result in harm. The parents should be instructed to keep track of the child's temperature, administer painkillers when necessary, and check the urine output.

To learn more about cryptorchidism use link below:



the nurse is teaching comfort measures to a postpartum client with an episiotomy and external hemorrhoids. which teaching points should the nurse include?


The nurse should include these points while teaching about episiotomy and external hemorrhoids.

Use witch hazel compresses on rectal areas for hemorrhoids.Take ibuprofen for pain.Apply topical anesthetics to the perineal area.Avoid sexual intercourse until the episiotomy has healed.

Even while episiotomy discomfort often gets better every day, you can still take a little painkiller like acetaminophen or ibuprofen if necessary. When sitting down on a hard surface, many women discover that it is usually more comfortable if they contract their buttocks together and retain the contraction.

To solve this issue, wear cotton underwear and keep the perineum dry. Hemorrhoids are a common condition for women to experience both during pregnancy and after giving birth.

Learn more about hemorrhoids here:



the nurse conducting a hand hygiene in-service determines that the participants need additional education when they state that the use of an alcohol-based hand rub is appropriate in which situation?


The nurse leading a hand hygiene in-service decides that participants need more instruction when they say that using an alcohol-based hand rub is permissible when hands are clearly filthy.

Cleaning your hands can stop the transmission of germs, particularly those that are hard, if not impossible, to treat and are resistant to antibiotics. Healthcare professionals don't wash their hands nearly as often as they should.

Hand hygiene is a method of hand washing that significantly lowers the likelihood of pathogens (dangerous germs) on the hands. One of the most important preventative measures for lowering the risk of infection transmission among patients and healthcare workers is hand cleanliness. There are three distinct methods for cleaning your hands. They are hand washing in public places, hand washing with antiseptic, and hand cleaning after surgery.

To learn more about hand hygiene, refer:-



a young man has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and has been prescribed glyburide. which statement suggests that the nurse should perform further health education?


statement suggests that the nurse should perform further health education "I'll plan to take my glyburide each night before I go to bed."

Glyburide is normally taken in the morning, before breakfast. No drug cures diabetes; the goal of therapy is the maintenance of safe blood glucose levels. The client should check before taking other drugs and should indeed be aware of the risk of hypoglycemia.

Glyburide is used in combination with diet, exercise, and sometimes other drugs to treat type 2 diabetes (a condition in which the body does not use insulin normally and cannot control the amount of sugar in the blood). increase. Glyburide belongs to a class of drugs called sulfonylureas. Glyburide lowers blood sugar levels by making the pancreas produce insulin (a natural substance needed to break down sugar in the body) and helping the body use insulin efficiently. helps lower blood sugar levels in people who naturally produce insulin.

Learn more about Glyburide here : https://brainly.com/question/29564453


a nurse works in an acute care unit for older adults and monitors the clients for functional consequences of depression. which statement by a client is priority for follow-up?


A nurse works in an acute care unit for older adults and monitors the clients for functional consequences of depression. The statement by a client is priority for follow-up is "I think it would be better for everyone if I wasn't here anymore."

Depression is a prevalent mental illness. According to estimates, the condition affects 5% of individuals worldwide. Consistent sorrow and a loss of interest in formerly fulfilling or joyful activities are its defining traits. Additionally, it may impair appetite and sleep. Concentration problems and fatigue are frequent.

Mild to severe depressive symptoms might be present. At its mildest, depression might just make you feel perpetually down, while at its worst, it can make you feel su-icidal and as though life itself is no longer worth living. During challenging circumstances, the majority of people suffer stress, anxiety, or depressive symptoms.

To know more about Depression here



following breakfast, the nurse is preparing to administer 0900 medications to clients on a medical floor. which medication should be held until a later time? a. the loop-diuretic furosemide (lasix) for a client with a serum potassium level of 4.2 meq/l b. the mucosal barrier, sucralfate (carafate), for a client diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease. c. the antiplatelet agent aspirin, for a client who is scheduled to be discharged within the hour d. the antifungal nystatin (mycostatin) suspension, for a client who has just brushed his teeth.


The mucosal barrier, sucralfate (carafate), for a client diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease should be held until a later time.

What is Sucralfate?

Sucralfate is a medication used to treat and prevent damage to the digestive tract due to stomach acid, ulcers, and other conditions. It works by forming a protective coating over the affected area that helps to reduce irritation and protect the stomach lining.

What is Peptic ulcer disease?

Peptic ulcer disease is a condition in which sores or ulcers form in the lining of the stomach or small intestine. The ulcers develop when the digestive tract becomes inflamed due to the presence of bacteria, such as Helicobacter pylori, or the use of certain medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Symptoms may include abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, bloating, and vomiting. Treatment typically involves a combination of antibiotics, acid-suppressing medications, and lifestyle changes.

Therefore, the correct option is Option B.

To know more about Peptic ulcer disease,



a client is brought to the emergency department with reports of a bad headache and an increase in blood pressure. the blood pressure reading obtained by the nurse is 260/180 mm hg. what is the therapeutic goal for reduction of the mean blood pressure?


Reduce the blood pressure by 20% to 25% within the first hour of treatment. correct option (b).

A therapeutic goal is a skill set required to lessen a physical or mental handicap or a behavior modified to return the child, young person, or family to their highest level of functioning.

The patient will learn to cope with negative feelings without using substances. The patient will learn how to build positive communication skills. The patient will learn how to express anger towards their spouse in a healthy way.

The five most  therapeutic goals of counseling include:

Facilitating behavioral change.Helping improve the client's ability to both establish and maintain relationships.Helping enhance the client's effectiveness and their ability to cope.Helping promote the decision-making process while facilitating client potential.

Learn  more about therapeutic goal to visit this link


Full Question :A patient is brought to the emergency department with complaints of a bad headache and an increase in blood pressure. The blood pressure reading obtained by the nurse is 260/180 mm Hg. What is the therapeutic goal for reduction of the mean blood pressure?

a) Reduce the blood pressure by 50% within the first hour of treatment.

b) Reduce the blood pressure by 20% to 25% within the first hour of treatment.

c) Rapidly reduce the blood pressure so the patient will not suffer a stroke.

d) Reduce the blood pressure to about 140/80 mm Hg.

order: levothyroxine 1.6 mcg/kg/day weight: 55 kg dose on hand: 88 mcg tabs question: how many tabs of levothyroxine does the nurse administer each day?


The nurse will administer 1 tab of levothyroxine each day to the patient with a weight of 55 kg.

The nurse should administer 1.6 mcg/kg/day of levothyroxine for the patient weighing 55 kg. To calculate the daily dose, the nurse should multiply the patient's weight (in kilograms) by the prescribed dose (in mcg/kg/day). In this case, the nurse should multiply 55 kg by 1.6 mcg/kg/day, which equals 88 mcg/day.

Since the levothyroxine tabs on hand are 88 mcg, the nurse can administer one tab per day. This is the optimal dose for the patient, as administering more or less than this amount can result in an adverse reaction or ineffective treatment.

The nurse should also ensure that the patient adheres to the same dosing schedule each day and that the patient is not taking any other medications that might interact with levothyroxine.

To know more about hyperthyroidism, click below:



a nurse is providing education for an obese client who has been prescribed weight loss therapy that includes medication. which statement made by the nurse demonstrates an understanding of an effective weight loss management program?


A statement made by a nurse demonstrating an understanding of an effective weight loss management program is "consumption of the right food, regular exercise, don't forget to have breakfast, and drink enough water will help you lose weight."

What is obesity?

Obesity is a condition when there is a lot of fat that accumulates in the body due to the fact that more calories are consumed than are burned. If not corrected immediately, obesity can increase the risk of heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes.

Obesity can be caused by consuming fast food or drinks containing added sugar in the long term. Obesity can also be caused by excessive food consumption that is not balanced with regular exercise.

Learn more about hypertension here :



which oncogene is least likely to drive cetuximab resistant colo-rectal cancer cells or other cancers driven by oncogenic egfrs that can be successfully treated by blocking antibodies such as herceptin or rtk inhibitors such as erlotinib?


BCR-ABL oncogene is least likely to drive cetuximab resistant colo-rectal cancer cells or other cancers driven by oncogenic egfrs that can be successfully treated by blocking antibodies such as herceptin or rtk inhibitors such as erlotinib.

Changes in key regulatory genes that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival cause cancer. Studies on tumor viruses demonstrated that some genes (referred to as oncogenes) have the ability to cause cell transformation, offering the first understandings into the molecular foundation of cancer. However, the vast majority (almost 80%) of cancers in humans don't appear to be brought on by viruses but rather by other factors like radiation and chemical carcinogens.

Therefore, it has been crucial for our entire understanding of cancer because research into viral oncogenes also resulted in the discovery of cellular oncogenes, which are responsible for the emergence of cancers that are not caused by viruses. Studies of the highly carcinogenic retroviruses provided the crucial link between viral and cellular oncogenes.

To know more about Oncogene visit:



look at kerry's dietary fat intakes. which type of fat intake would be most concerning and which doesn't fit the dietary guidelines?


Look at Kerry's dietary fat intakes. Monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat intake would be most concerning and saturated fat doesn't fit the dietary guidelines.

The body may more easily absorb vitamins A, D, and E thanks to fat. These vitamins are fat-soluble, which implies that lipids are required for their absorption. Body fat is created when fat is transformed into a form your body cannot utilize or convert to energy.

Vegetables, nuts, seeds, and seafood are the major sources of healthy fats. Fewer hydrogen atoms are bound to their carbon chains, which sets them apart from saturated fats.  Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the two main kinds of healthy fats.

To know more about Dietary Fat here



the nurse is caring for a client who has an implanted port central venous access device (cvad) and needs to have an intravenous (iv) solution infused. the nurse has appropriately prepared the solution, the infusion set, and the port site. just before inserting the access needle, the nurse notes that it is bent at an angle. which action is correct?


According to the question insert the needle through the skin into the center of the infusion port and begin the infusion.

What is a needle, exactly?

A sewing needle is a tiny, extremely thin bit of polished metal. It has a protruding point on one side and a thread-through hole on the other.

Why are needles used?

needle, a basic tool used for knit and crocheting as well as for sewing or embroidering. The sewing needle is a tiny, thin, rod-like object having a highly pointed end to help it pierce through cloth and a slotted end to hold a thread.

To learn more about needle visit:



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