What was the purpose of Paul Revere depicting the Boston Massacre in this way?
O In order to sway colonists to stay loyal to the British crown
O In order to sway colonists on the side of Revolution against the British.
O In order to show the British people the atrocities being committed in the colonies
O In order to accurately depict the Boston Massacre


Answer 1

British forces fled from Boston to Fort William as tensions increased. By etching a now-famous image showing British soldiers callously executing American colonists, Paul Revere fanned anti-British sentiment. It portrayed the British as the instigators, despite the fact that the colonists initiated the conflict.

What was Paul Revere's part in the Boston Massacre?

In March 1770, British troops stationed in Boston, Massachusetts, opened fire on a crowd of citizens, killing five and injuring several more. Paul Revere depicted the carnage in an etching depicting the British firing on a group of innocent citizens. The fact that the British were on their way meant that they would have had enough time to plan a defense and gain their freedom. According to the poem, Revere rode into Concord.

To learn more about Boston Massacre, click



Related Questions

Which Persian scholar and poet was responsible for using the stars to create an
incredibly accurate calendar?


He created astronomical tables, helped revise the calendar, and found a geometric way to solve cubic equations by intersecting a circle with a parabola.

Who is Omar ?

The political developments of the eleventh century significantly influenced his life. The tribes known as the Seljuq Turks entered southwest Asia in the eleventh century and went on to establish an empire that spanned most of Iran, Syria, Palestine, and Mesopotamia.

The Seljuq ruled over Khorasan's grazing areas before capturing all of northern Iran between 1038 and 1040. At Nishapur in 1038, the Seljuq tyrant Toghrl Beg proclaimed himself sultan. Omar was an scholar who also wrote poetry and did arithmetic. He then reached Baghdad in 1055. He was raised in this challenging, unsteady military kingdom that struggled with religious issues while attempting to construct an state.

To know more about philosophy​ visit ,https://brainly.com/question/16999698


List the structures that fire arrows and bohiyas were used against:


The structures that fire arrows and bohiyas were used to set fire to buildings at a distance.

What do you mean by Arrow?

A bow-fired projectile known as an arrow typically has a thin shaft, a pointed head, and feathers at the butt.

Special brass balls packed with naphtha were used to set fire to homes and burning arrows were employed to fight off war elephants. Bags of caustic lime powder might be delivered by arrows to hostile ships.

He accomplished these by shooting a Bodkin-headed arrow at a combustible target while lighting a thin bag of gun powder that had been attached to the end of the arrow.

Therefore, Structure is used to set fire to buildings at a distance.

Learn more about Arrow, here;



Which mineral only forms in the presence of water? A) Quartz B) Plagioclase C) Hornblende


The answer to the question is - c


Explain the rise and fall of either Greece or Rome. Your essay should focus on origins, periods of expansion, and periods of decline.
Respond to the prompt in a 500–700 word essay. Cite all outside sources using proper MLA formatting.



worth 30 points stop the cap

Using your knowledge of the modern United States, write a paragraph explaining how society's interpretation of natural rights has changed over time. What differences do you notice between 1787 and today? What groups have different rights? What do these changes suggest about the Enlightenment concept of natural rights? Your response should be at least five sentences long. (5 points)


Interpretation of natural rights has changed over time, such as racial equity, which is more important today than in 1787. In the past there were differences in rights between whites and blacks, today the quest for equity is aligned with Enlightenment concepts about natural rights.

What are natural rights?

They correspond to the inalienable rights of man, which are received at birth and cannot be extinguished. Some of them are the rights to life, liberty and security.

Despite the declaration of independence and the development of the constitution in the USA in 1787, the issue of racial prejudice was still accepted in many American states, with a historical construction of slavery, where blacks still suffered a series of discriminations even with the basis of the constitution. be natural rights.

Therefore, today's society is more aware of natural rights and equity among citizens regardless of physical or cultural characteristics.

Find out more about natural rights on:



How were the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances designed to limit the new federal government and prevent it from growing too strong?​



The separation of powers and the system of checks and balances were designed to limit the new federal government and prevent it from growing too strong by limiting the power of each branch of government and ensuring that no one branch could become too powerful. This was achieved by dividing the powers of the government among three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The legislative branch, for example, makes laws, but the executive branch enforces those laws, and the judicial branch interprets them. Each branch also has the ability to check the other branches, ensuring that no one branch can gain too much power. Together, these systems ensure that the federal government remains limited in its power.


What was a principle of Marxism that American capitalists opposed?
rule by the working class
support of free-market economics
O support of supply-and-demand economics
• rule by business owners


A. Rule by the working class

Which group gave the colonist an advantage during the American revolution


The French navy entered the war fighting off the British along the American coast. French soldiers helped to reinforce the continental army at the final battle of Yorktown in 1781. The Spanish also sent supplies to the colonies during the Revolutionary War.


The French navy entered the war fighting off the British along the American coast. French soldiers helped to reinforce the continental army at the final battle of Yorktown in 1781. The Spanish also sent supplies to the colonies during the Revolutionary War.

1.Which of the following accurately describes the impact of China's special economic zones?
A An increase in Chinese self-sufficiency
B A significant decrease in political freedoms
C An extraordinary increase in economic output and trade
D. The introduction of some elements of democracy

2.Mao Zedong showed in the Cultural Revolution that he
A. regretted the unnecessary suffering of the crackdown after the Hundred Flowers campaign
B. had learned from the mistakes of the Great Leap Forward
C. respected Chinese traditions even as he remained committed to communism
D remained committed to violent upheaval if he thought it necessary to his end

3.The Dalai Lama is a major player in what ongoing international controversy with China?

A The security of Hong Kong's separate democratic government
B The independence of Tibet
C The status of Taiwan as part of China or an independent country
D The militarization of small islands in the South China Sea

4.How did the Chinese government change the one-child policy in 2015?

A It completely abolished it.
B It changed it to the four-child policy.
C It introduced a waiver system.
D It increased the fine for violating it.

5.How did World War II affect the Chinese Civil War?

A It made the difference between capitalist and communist military strength clear.
B The Japanese supported the communists directly, leading to their victory.
C The American support of the Nationalists helped them to win the civil war.
D The Japanese invasion interrupted the war, which continued after World War II ended.

6.What was the most prominent result of the Great Leap Forward?

China caught up and surpassed the Soviet Union in industrial output.
Tens of millions of people in China starved to death.
There was a falling out between China and the Soviet Union.
Mao Zedong solidified his grip on power over the Chinese government.

7.Since 1949, Beijing has been the seat of government for ________ and Taiwan has been the home to ________.

A the Chinese Communist Party; the Nationalists
B the Nationalists; the Chinese Communist Party
C capitalist leaders; communist intellectuals
D Jiang Jieshi; Mao Zedong


To answer the questions about China according to its numbering:

The statement that accurately describes the impact of China's Special Economic Zones is C- an extraordinary increase in economic output and trade.Mao Zedong showed during the Cultural Revolution that he D- remained committed to violent upheaval if he thought it necessary to his endThe Dalai Lama is a major player in B- the independence of Tibet.The Chinese government change the one-child policy in 2015 by A -completely abolishing it.World War II affected the Chinese Civil War because D the Japanese invasion interrupted the war, which continued after World War II ended.The most prominent result of the Great Leap Forward was that C-tens of millions of people in China starved to death.Since 1949, Beijing has been the seat of government for A -the Chinese Communist Party; and Taiwan has been the home to the Nationalists.

What are China's Special Economic Zones?

Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are those areas in China where local and foreign trade and investment are organized without sanctions from the Chinese government for the purpose of increasing trade, employment, investment, job creation, and other economic output.

Learn more about China's Special Economic Zones at brainly.com/question/13968524.


1.Which of the following accurately describes the impact of China's special economic zones?

C is correct.


China's special economic zones (SEZs) were established in the late 1970s and early 1980s to attract foreign investment, boost exports, and promote economic growth. These zones offered a range of incentives to foreign investors, including tax breaks, reduced regulations, and access to cheap labor. The SEZs were successful in attracting foreign investment, and China experienced an extraordinary increase in economic output and trade as a result. The success of the SEZs led to the replication of their model in other parts of China, which helped transform the country into the economic powerhouse it is today. However, the establishment of the SEZs did not lead to the introduction of any elements of democracy, and political freedoms remain limited in China.

Proof is at bottom.

2.Mao Zedong showed in the Cultural Revolution that he

D is correct.


Mao believed that the Cultural Revolution was necessary to maintain the purity of the Communist Party and to prevent the emergence of a new ruling class. He encouraged violent struggle, mass mobilization, and the suppression of dissent as essential tactics in achieving this goal. Despite the tremendous human suffering and social upheaval that resulted from the Cultural Revolution, Mao remained committed to his ideological vision and saw it as a necessary step towards achieving his ultimate goals.

3.The Dalai Lama is a major player in what ongoing international controversy with China?

B is correct.


The Dalai Lama is a major player in the ongoing international controversy over the independence of Tibet from China. The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibet and has been a vocal advocate for greater autonomy for Tibet within China or full independence from China. However, China views Tibet as an integral part of its territory and has taken a hardline approach to suppress any movements for Tibetan independence or autonomy. The issue has been a longstanding point of tension between China and the international community, with some countries recognizing Tibet as an independent state and others recognizing it as part of China.

Proof is at bottom.

4.How did the Chinese government change the one-child policy in 2015?

A is correct.


The Chinese government completely abolished the one-child policy in 2015, allowing all couples to have two children. The decision to abolish the policy was aimed at addressing the demographic challenges facing China, including an aging population and a declining birth rate. The change was also seen as a way to promote individual rights and freedoms, and to address concerns about the policy's impact on gender imbalances, family structures, and human rights.

Proof is at bottom.

5.How did World War II affect the Chinese Civil War?

D is correct.


During World War II, the Nationalist government led by Chiang Kai-shek and the Communist Party led by Mao Zedong suspended their ongoing civil war to fight against the Japanese invasion of China. The two sides cooperated to some extent in fighting the Japanese, but tensions remained between them. The Nationalists received significant aid from the United States during the war, which helped to strengthen their position. However, the war weakened the Nationalist government, which was plagued by corruption, inflation, and food shortages. After World War II, the civil war resumed, and the Communists were able to gradually gain the upper hand and eventually emerge victorious in 1949, leading to the establishment of the People's Republic of China.

Proof is at bottom.

6.What was the most prominent result of the Great Leap Forward?

B is correct.


The Great Leap Forward was a campaign launched by Mao Zedong in 1958 aimed at rapidly transforming China from an agrarian economy into an industrialized socialist society.

7.Since 1949, Beijing has been the seat of government for ________ and Taiwan has been the home to ________.

B is correct.


Since 1949, Beijing has been the seat of government for the People's Republic of China, which is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). On the other hand, after their defeat by the CCP in the Chinese Civil War, the Nationalist government (also known as the Kuomintang or KMT) retreated to the island of Taiwan. Since then, Taiwan has been the home of the Nationalist government and the Republic of China (ROC), which is not recognized as a sovereign state by Beijing.

Have a great day!


Proof is below:

Which of the following describes what happened after the Soviet Union dissolved?

Russia emerged as a superpower.

Fifteen new independent nations arose in its place.

The war on communism ended, as no other country claimed it as a form of government.

East European countries rapidly prospered.

The United States exercised, once again, an isolationist policy.


Answer: B: Fifteen new independent nations arose in its place.



Fifteen new independent nations arose in its place.

Undocumented immigrants

failed to participate in the U.S. economy by spending money and paying taxes.

mostly arrived from eastern Europe.

chose to live in California.

lowered wages at the bottom of the economic ladder.

are no longer a problematic issue.



Only the last statement is false. The other statements are all true.

Undocumented immigrants, also known as illegal immigrants, are immigrants who do not have the legal right to live and work in the United States. They often arrive from eastern Europe and other regions, and many choose to live in California and other states.

One of the main concerns about undocumented immigrants is that they often fail to participate in the U.S. economy by spending money and paying taxes. This can have negative effects on the economy, particularly for low-wage workers who may face competition from undocumented immigrants who are willing to work for lower wages.

Therefore, undocumented immigrants are still a problematic issue in the United States, and their presence continues to raise concerns about economic and social impacts.


Which statement best describes how enslaved people living on plantations
performed acts of resistance?

A. Enslaved people often brought lawsuits to diminish plantation owners' ability to make a profit.

B. Enslaved people often worked harder and faster to increase
plantation owners' ability to make a profit.

OC. Enslaved people often delayed or stopped work to diminish plantation owners' ability to make a profit.

OD. Enslaved people often learned new skills to increase plantation
owners' ability to make a profit.


The answer is 100% C!

During James Polk's 1844 presidential campaign, he promised to:

OA. fund infrastructure.

OB. preserve slavery.

OC. raise the tariff.

OD. reduce unemployment.


During James Polk's 1844 presidential election campaign, he promised to preserve slavery. Hence, option (B) will be considered as the relevant option.

Give a brief account on James Knox Polk.

The 11th president of the United States, James Knox Polk, presided from 1845 to 1849. He served as Tennessee's ninth governor and the House of Representatives' 13th speaker, respectively. He was a supporter of Jacksonian democracy and an Andrew Jackson protege. Additionally, he belonged to the Democratic Party. Polk is best remembered for enlarging the United States' territory through the Mexican-American War; under his administration, the country grew considerably as a result of the annexation of the Republic of Texas, the Oregon Territory, and the Mexican Cession following American victory in the war.

Polk was elected to Tennessee's state legislature in 1823 and then to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1825 after developing a thriving legal practice there. Polk was a fervent Andrew Jackson supporter during this time. He was the only person to hold the offices of both Speaker and President of the United States after serving as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. In 1835, he was elected Speaker of the House. Polk resigned from Congress to run for governor of Tennessee. He was successful in 1839, but he was unsuccessful in 1841 and 1843.

To know more about, James Knox Polk, visit :



Which describes a significant difference between the North and the South in the years leading up to the Civil War?

The North did not allow slavery, while the South depended on it.
The North supported two major political parties, while the South supported only one major political party.
The North had a system of railways while the South relied only on road and river systems.
The North grew its own food, while the South focused on cash crops and imported most of its food.


The answer should be c, the north was more infrastructural then the south and had rialways way before the south. The south was more agricultural however the north did a lot of fishing and imported

Which of the following can be inferred about China’s Ming Dynasty tribute system?

-Tributes were something entirely new that had never been used before.
-By persuading other countries to pay tribute, China demonstrated that it was a powerful country that others should respect.
-It was not successful because countries did not offer tribute to China.
-China only sought tributes from countries that bordered them.


The inference that can be made from China’s Ming Dynasty tribute system is that By persuading other countries to pay tribute, China demonstrated that it was a powerful country that others should respect. Option B

What was the tribute system used in China?

The Chinese emperor received envoys and exotic goods as part of the "tribute" from a foreign court. The emperor then granted the envoys permission to trade in China in exchange for gifts. While political subjection was rarely involved while paying tribute, theatrical servitude was.

Prior to the end of the Ch'ing dynasty in 1911, diplomatic and commercial interactions with China were conducted under the tributary system. The arrangement involves the Chinese emperor and foreign kings exchanging presents.

The Ming Dynasty tribute system in China suggests that by convincing other nations to pay tribute, China demonstrated that it was a strong nation that others should respect.

Read more on the Ming dynasty here:https://brainly.com/question/25528027


Two decades after the Vietnam War ended, which former secretary of defense regretted that the United States had entered the conflict?

Robert McNamara

Lyndon Johnson

Eugene McCarthy

Richard Nixon

Dean Rusk


From 1961 to 1968, McNamara held the position of Secretary of Defense. In 1964 and 1965, he vigorously campaigned for further American military involvement, leading to the nickname "McNamara's War" for the conflict in Southeast Asia. Hence, option (A) is preferable.

Who was Robert McNamara?

Robert Strange McNamara was an American businessman and the eighth Secretary of Defense of the United States, serving under Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson from 1961 to 1968.

Having held the position for more than seven years, he is still the Secretary of Defense with the longest tenure. He was instrumental in advancing American engagement in the Vietnam War. The establishment of systems analysis in public policy, which evolved into the field presently known as policy analysis, was the work of McNamara.

Learn more about Robert Mc Namara, from:



what anti federalists went to the constitutional convention



The National Archives presents this biography of George Mason, one of the antifederalist leaders during the Constitutional Convention. He lobbied strongly for the creation of a separate "Bill of Rights."

How did Archimedes and Hippocrates make an impact on society in ancient times ?


For his discovery of the relationship between both the surface and volume of a sphere as well as its circumscribing cylinder, Archimedes is particularly significant. He is renowned for developing the hydrostatic theory and the Archimedes screw, a tool still in use for elevating water.

What was Archimedes and Hippocrates impact on society ?

The area of mathematics has benefited greatly from the work of Archimedes. Fundamental theorems about the centers of gravity of solids and geometric objects with plane surfaces were found by Archimedes. He established statics and hydrostatics.

The foundations of modern clinical medicine were laid by Hippocrates. He coined a number of medical terminology that are now often used by doctors, such as symptom, diagnostic, treatment, trauma, and sepsis. He also provided thorough descriptions of several illnesses free of superstition.

To learn more about Archimedes



What should today's national and military leaders have learned from the military plans that helped initiate World War 1


It helped nations who planned out the war win massive amounts of territory.
Today's national and military leaders should have learned to be ready for any type of conflict. This was an important lesson.

Study if Gullah is most useful in learning about the connections between


Study of the Gullah is most useful in learning about the connections between the Climate and culture.

What is the significance of Gullah?

African Americans known as Gullah reside on the coastal plain and Beaufort Sea Islands of the Low country in South Carolina and Georgia. More than any other African-American group in the US, the Gullah are renowned for maintaining their African language and cultural traditions.

Gullah toiled on coastal plantations from South Carolina and Georgia to Jacksonville, Florida, and were valued for their farming prowess.

Therefore, Understanding the relationships between climate and culture may be learned best by studying the Gullah.

Learn more about the Gullah, refer to:



Why did southern states favor lower tariffs?

A. Lower tariffs made selling cash crops to foreign countries more profitable.

B. Lower tariffs made it easier to import goods from other countries.

OC. Lower tariffs made it easier for southern companies to sell goods without competition.

D. Lower tariffs made it more difficult for northern companies to export goods.


Southern states favored lower tariffs because lower tariffs made selling cash crops to foreign countries more profitable. Option A is the right answer.

What is a tariff?

A tariff is a levy imposed on the import or export of products by the government of a nation or by a supranational union. Import tariffs can regulate international trade and serve as a means of supporting or defending home business in addition to providing the government with cash. Along with import and export restrictions, as well as other non-tariff trade obstacles, protective tariffs are some of the most often employed instruments of protectionism.

There are two types of tariffs:

fixed (a fixed amount per unit of imported products or a certain percentage of the price)variable (the amount varies according to the price

People are less likely to purchase imported goods as a result of taxes because they become more expensive. The purpose is

Learn more about tariffs here https://brainly.com/question/8629679


TRUE/FALSE. n the Constitution USA episode Created Equal, Kurt Lash argues that the extensive use of the Fourteenth Amendment means that important issues cannot be decided through the democratic process.


False. The USA Constitution incident, Kurt Lash makes the case that the widespread application of the 14th Amendment renders the democratic process ineffective for resolving significant concerns.

A Constitution: What Is It?

The 3 primary branches of the federal government are described in the Constitution along with their distinct duties. It also emphasizes the basic laws that control the American government. The Constitution is the foundational law of United States.

What is the main purpose of the constitution?

It defines the rights of people that organizations, guidelines, and legislation must not infringe upon and which the state must uphold. In the context of politics, it establishes, distributes, and places restrictions on governmental power as well as providing forums for discussing and deciding on public policy.

To know more about constitution visit:



Which was Kennedy’s policy regarding Latin America?

He sent economic aid to promote democracy in the region.

He formed military alliances with governments that would help the United States defeat communism.

He signed a pact with the leaders of the region stating he would not interfere with their internal affairs.

Through the Alliance for Progress, he sent economic aid to the region hoping to alleviate poverty.

He helped Latin American countries professionalize their armed forces in case of an attack by the Soviet Union.


He formed military alliances with governments that would help the United States defeat communism. It was Kennedy’s policy regarding Latin America.

What is Communism?

Communism is a philosophical, social, political, and economic philosophy that promotes the elimination of all forms of social class, money, and state in order to create a society based on a socioeconomic system of shared ownership of resources. The principles of capitalism and private property ownership are squarely at odds with it. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels created the communist philosophy, which promoted the use of resources created by, for, and within society.

To know more about Communism, click here- brainly.com/question/12173354


He formed military alliances with governments that would help the United States defeat communism. It was Kennedy’s policy regarding Latin America.

Describe communism.

A socioeconomic system of shared resource ownership is the foundation of communism, a philosophical, social, political, and economic theory that advocates the abolition of all kinds of social class, money, and state.

It directly conflicts with the tenets of capitalism and private property ownership.

The communist philosophy, which supported the use of resources produced by, for, and within society, was developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

The proletariat's advanced segments serve as the governing class in the communist state, which is a dictatorship.

Since genuine communism, a classless and stateless society, is the next stage of evolution, according to Marxist-Leninist theory, the socialist state is the last authoritarian state.

To know more about Communism, click here- brainly.com/question/12173354


In which areas did Franklin Roosevelt’s programs increase the power and role of the federal government?


the economy and the lives of citizens

the economy and the lives of citizens

the lives of citizens and religious organizations

the lives of citizens and religious organizations

government ownership of business and industry

government ownership of business and industry

the economy of the U.S. and of other countries


Answer: There is two answers:

1. The lives of citizens and religious organizations

2. The economy and the lives of citizens


The answer is A. The economy and the lives of citizens.

Define these terms as you read with definition
1. Eastern Hemisphere



The Eastern Hemisphere is a term used to describe the half of the Earth that is east of the Prime Meridian and the 180th meridian. This includes Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Ocean.

Which of the following statements describes the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
a. The treaty was passed by the House but rejected in the U.S. Senate.
b. It prohibited slavery in all territories ceded by Mexico, including Texas.
c. It ceded California and New Mexico to the United States and required $50 million in Mexican reparations.
d. The treaty purchased more than one-third of Mexico's territory for a mere $15 million.


The following statements describes the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: d. The treaty purchased more than one-third of Mexico's territory for a mere $15 million.

What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

The Mexican-American War came to an end on February 2, 1848, when the United States and Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, also known as Tratado de Guadalupe Hidalgo. It is officially known as the Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Limits, and Settlement between the United States of America and the United Mexican States (1846–1848). The United States and Mexico both approved the agreement on March 10 and May 19, respectively. On 30 May, ratifications were exchanged, and on 4 July 1848, the treaty was officially announced.

By a vote of 38 to 14 in favour of ratifying the treaty, the U.S. Senate gave its advice and approval. The Whigs, who had opposed the war, denied manifest destiny in general, and specifically this expansion, spearheaded the opposition to this pact. The Gadsden Purchase of 1853, which granted the United States portions of modern-day southern Arizona and New Mexico, increased the amount of territory the United States had acquired from Mexico.

To learn more about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo from the given link



Which of the following statements describes the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

a. The treaty was passed by the House but rejected in the U.S. Senate.

b. It prohibited slavery in all territories ceded by Mexico, including Texas.

c. It ceded California and New Mexico to the United States and required $50 million in Mexican reparations.

d. The treaty purchased more than one-third of Mexico's territory for a mere $15 million.

summarize the economic impact of production efficiencies, such as the assembly line


The economic impact of production efficiencies, such as assembly reduces labor costs because unskilled workers are trained to perform specific tasks rather than build an entire production unit.

Anything consumers needed or desired could be made in larger quantities. Mass production resulted in lower prices of consumer goods. Eventually, economies of scale resulted in the most affordable price of any product for the consumer without the manufacturer having to sacrifice profits.

With productivity growth, an economy can produce and consume increasingly more goods and services for the same amount of work. Productivity is important to individuals like workers and consumers, business leaders, and analysts such as policymakers and government statisticians.

The Advantages of Assembly Line Automation:

Speed – Automated assembly lines are much faster than manual linesAccuracy – Automated assembly lines are more accurate than manual linesLess Labor – Automated assembly lines require less manpower than manual linesSafety – Automated assembly lines are safe to use.

to learn more about Assembly line:


Which of the following best describes the response made by the US government to the events depicted in the image

The federal government raised an army to put down the rebellion.
The federal government repealed the tax on whiskey that caused the rebellion.
The federal government passed the Sedition Act to punish people who criticized the government.
The federal government raised a militia to put down the rebellion.


The one that best describes the response made by the US government to the events depicted in the image is option B. The federal government repealed the tax on whiskey that caused the rebellion.

What is Whiskey Rebellion?

The Whiskey Rebellion was a tensed tax protest in the United States commencing in 1791 and ending in 1794 at the period of the presidency of George Washington. The said "whiskey tax" was the first tax placed on a domestic product by the newly formed federal government.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about whiskey tax: https://brainly.com/question/5428850


The statement that best describes the response made by the US government to the events depicted in the image is that the federal government raised a militia to put down the rebellion. The Option D is correct.

What was use of the militia by Federal government?

This is contained in the U.S. Constitution that The Federal Government may call out the militia in case of civil war as its authority hold to suppress rebellion is found in the power to suppress insurrection and to carry on war.  The Militia Act of February 28, 1795 and 1786 which delegated to the President the power to call out the militia, was held constitutional in law.

Read more about Militia Act



EASY, Brainliest!

Which of the following centrifugal forces influenced the conflict in Pakistan?

Terrorist groups and activities
Communist government
Homogeneous culture
State's territorial morphology
Racial conflict


Racial conflict,  that include the religious Muslims groups of Sunni and Shia are the centrifugal forces influenced the conflict in Pakistan.

Which would be a centrifugal force in a country?

Any activity that binds a nation's citizens into a single political unit is a centripetal force in politics. Centrifugal force refers to situations that drive individuals apart or apart from one another in a country. Within a nation, there are "centrifugal forces" at work to rip the nation apart.

Larger states tend to have more of them, especially those where there are many distinct ethnicities vying for power and/or self-determination. People are affected by centrifugal forces that separate them and centripetal forces that bind them together. These factors can prevent interaction, create regionalism, and accentuate differences among a nation's citizens.

To learn more about Sunni, visit:



Which author developed a new style of poetry to write about complex thoughts full of meaning?

A. Herman Melville
B. Walt Whitman
C. Emily Dickinson
D. Henry David Thoreau


It’s is C. Emily Dickinson
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I need this done by tonight!!! this is the last question please help!! Date of infamy central idea childhood depression select one: a. has been clearly linked to genetic factors. b. can usually be causally related to marital discord. c. has not been associated with parental depression. d. is more likely in children with a depressed parent. rahul owns a salmon farm with market power in washington. rahul's optimal output occurs where marginal revenue marginal cost. because of monopoly power, rahul's supply curve . equals; does not exist exceeds; does not exist equals; is upward sloping exceeds; is perfectly inelasti What does the stroma of the chloroplast contain? Why did Gordon Gould have to endure a lengthy legal battle in order to receive a patent for his innovative laser idea concocted in 1957?by 1957, several other scientists had filed patents ahead of him, but none of their laser inventions workedhe delayed applying to patent his idea, mistakenly believing he needed to have a working laser to applyby 1957, his laser was no longer the inspiration of a single person.by 1957, his laser technology overlapped previous laser patents. Reactive oxygen intermediates and reactive nitrogen intermediates produced by phagocytic cells are effective in killing invading microorganisms.a. Trueb. False chiptech, inc. paid a $3 dividend last year and is expected to grow the dividend at 10% for the next 2 years. the dividend will then grow at a constant rate of 4%, thereafter. if investors require a return of 12% on this stock, what is chiptech's current price? multiple choice question. $52.15 $43.46 $35.87 $32.19 jarod paid $18.50 for 5 tickets to the game at the same rate how much would 3 tickets cost? how do gerda steiner and jorg lenzlinger, in their piece falling garden, transform the experience of visitors to a 17th-century church? How many times does 13 go into 54?times, with a remainder of ? A firm is operating in the United States with only two other competitors in the industry.a. It is likely this industry would be characterized as:b. Firms in this industry will likely earn:c. If foreign firms begin supplying the product, increasing the number of competitors, it is likely that: The repeating unit of a skeletal muscle fiber is the _____.A) sarcolemmaB) myofibrilC) sarcoplasmic reticulumD) sarcomereE) myofilament what membranes of the maculae sacculi and utriculi are important in sensing gravity and motion? determine if each of the following statements is true or false and select the correct label from the dropdown menu. larger atoms are better nucleophiles due to polarizability. True or False: If a person develops resiliency through their childhood and life experiences, the effect of any genetic risks for substance use disorder are greatly increased.a) Trueb) False the_____is a universal version of the personal unconscious, holding mental patterns, or memory traces, which are common to all of us. why is there no reaction when an atom of 1s22s22p6 comes near another atom with seven valence electrons what is the best big-o function for the worst case scenario analysis of a linar search of a list of size n (counting the number of comparisons)? this equipment is expected to have a useful life of 6 years. at the end of the sixth year the working capital would be released for use elsewhere. the present value of all future opertaing cash inflows is closest to