Select the correct answer. What helps make a poster look attractive, improve readability, and highlight the message the designer wants to convey in the poster? O A OB. layout O c. focus OD. editing E. planning colors​


Answer 1

Answer: Layout


The content pattern, the way information is organized and "flows" on the poster, is important because it effects how your audience absorbs the information you are presenting.

Answer 2

I think the answer is the Layout (A) because the layouts would make the poster look more organized and appealing. It also gives more space for you to write your informations and maybe draw some examples as well.'

hope this helps! this is just my opinion tho

Related Questions

In an interview, you are asked to explain how gamification contributes to enterprise security. How should you reply? a. Recreational gaming helps secure an enterprise network by keeping the attacker engaged in harmless activities. b. Instructional gaming in an enterprise keeps suspicious employees entertained, preventing them from attacking. c. Instructional gaming can train employees on the details of different security risks while keeping them engaged. d. Recreational gaming can train employees on how to contain a physical threat at an enterprise.


Gamification contributes to enterprise security because C. Instructional games can train employees in the details of different security risks while keeping them engaged.

Why Gamification can Improve the Security Awareness?

Gamification has been used by organizations to improve customer loyalty. For example, different levels of play can be reached by using the application to earn points, purchase certain products, or participate in the company's gamified programs. But elements of gamification can still be found in today's workplace. Gamification is used to improve HR functions (employee recruitment, onboarding, etc.) and to motivate customer service representatives or call center or similar department employees to increase productivity and engagement I can do it. Gamification not only increases employee motivation and engagement, but it also optimizes workflows and processes, attracts new talent, and can be used for educational purposes.

Learn more about gamification for security awareness


How do I change the window size in Windows 10?


To access the window menu, simultaneously press the shorthand keys Alt and Tab on the keypad. Press S now. An arrowed cross will appear as the mouse pointer.

You can adjust the size of your display with the left, right, up, and down virtual keyboard.

The most common type, dual and solitary windows, often have desktop that are 24 to 48 feet wide. Casement windows range in width between 12 to 36 inches. A picture window can be 126 inches in diameter, like a bay window, a ribbon window, and other sizable and attractive possibilities. Windows occur in a variety of sizes according to the different frame types. If you're considering repairing your windows, you must accurately measure your current screen so you are able to examine them.

Clerical windows windows with handles on each side of the rectangles that extend outwardly Picture Windows are enormous permanent square windows with excellent perspectives that do not really open A seating space may be included in window bays that have multiple windows and cantilever from either the house.

To know more about WINDOWS visit here :

7. consider the implementation of the stack using a partially filled array. what goes wrong if we try to store the top of the stack at location [0] and the bottom of the stack at the last used position of the array? a) both peek and pop would require linear time. b) both push and pop would require linear time.


The problem with storing the top of the stack at location [0] and the bottom of the stack at the last used position of the array is that both push and pop operations would require linear time.

The correct answer is: B) both push and pop would require linear time.

This is because, in order to push to the stack, we would need to first check the last used position of the array and then shift all the elements present in the array to make space for the new element.

Similarly, in order to pop from the stack, we would need to first check the last used position of the array and then shift all the elements present in the array to delete the last element. Thus, both push and pop operations would require linear time.

The Challenges of Implementing a Stack Using a Partially Filled Array

Stacks are essential data structures used in computer science to store and organize data. While there are a variety of ways to implement a stack, one of the most commonly used methods is to use a partially filled array. However, this method of implementation comes with its own set of challenges. In particular, the challenge lies in ensuring that both push and pop operations can be completed in a reasonable amount of time.

Learn more about Data :


you want to connect your branches in paris, london and new york. what network architecture you would use?


The correct answer to the given question is option a) WAN.

Since WAN provides the best coverage, it is the only option for connecting the three locations, which are all in separate countries.

The technology that links your offices, data centers, cloud apps, and cloud storage is known as a wide-area network (WAN). Because it includes numerous locations dispersed across a particular geographic area, or perhaps the entire world.

The majority of the time, WANs use public internet to transfer data between offices, whereas the final destination for the data is a private network unique to each site (node). WAN technology then transports the data to other ISPs as needed once broadband allows the user to connect to the ISP.


you want to connect your branches in Paris, London and New York. what network architecture you would use?





To learn more about WAN click here


How do you convert volume to volume at STP?


Any gas at STP has a volume of 22.4 L per mole of gas, or 22.4 L/mol, making this an extremely helpful approximation.

Number of moles = Molar volume at STP litres /V o l u m e ITP litres is the formula to calculate the number of moles at STP. All perfect gases will have the same molar volume since they all have the same number density. This will be 22.4 L at STP. This is helpful if you want to visualize the separation of molecules in various samples. A sample of liquid water, for instance, has a mass density of 1 g mL-1.

Learn more about instance here-


a cnf grammar can generate (the empty string) if the original grammar generates . group of answer choices true false


The statement " a cnf grammar can generate (the empty string) if the original grammar generates" is False.

What is context-free grammar?

A context-free grammar is one whose production rules take the form A to alpha, where A is a single nonterminal symbol and alpha is a string of terminals and/or nonterminals.

In order to produce every feasible pattern of strings in a given formal language, context-free grammar (CFG) is used. G is a grammar made up of a collection of production rules. It is employed to produce linguistic strings. The terminal symbols ending with T are the last set.

Chomsky's normal form is known as CNF. When all production rules meet one of the following criteria, context-free grammar is said to be in Chomsky's normal form (CNF). begin creating symbols.

To learn more about contex-free, use the link given

for every row of objects in an array there are 2 columns. the total number of objects in the array is 18. how many rows and columns does the array have?


Inferred from proportions, we find that the array has 2 columns and 9 rows.

Define an array.

An object called an array is a storage space for a predetermined number of values of a single kind. An array's length is decided when it is first built. Multiple values can be stored in a variable called an array. As an illustration, you could make an array to hold 100 numbers. 100; int data;

An array type is a user-defined data type made up of a sorted collection of elements with the same data type. The ordinal position is used as the array index in an ordinary array type, which has a set upper limit on the number of elements it can contain.

Solution Explained:

Inferred from proportions are the following:

Two columns comprise the array.9 rows make up the array.

There are 2 columns for every row, hence there are 2 columns in the array.

There are a total of 18 objects, two in each column. The number of rows after applying the proportion is:

[tex]rows = \frac{18}{2} = 9[/tex]

Thus, there are 2 columns and 9 rows in the array.

To learn more about an array, use the link given

C++assign isteenager with true if kidage is 13 to 19 inclusive. otherwise, assign isteenager with false.public class TeenagerDetector {publicstaticvoidmain (String [] args) {Scannerscnr=newScanner(;booleanisTeenager;intkidAge;kidAge=scnr.nextInt();if ( (kidsAge>13) && (kidsAge<19), {isTeenager=true;}elseif {isTeenager=false;} if (isTeenager) {System.out.println("Teen");}else {System.out.println("Not teen");}


C++ program with simple conditional structures that indicate whether or not you are a teenager based on your age. Below is an output image of the algorithm.

C++ code


using namespace std;

int main() {

  // Define variables

bool isteenager;

int kidsage;

isteenager = false;

// Data entry

cout << "kidsAge: ";

cin >> kidsage;

// Data processing

if (kidsage>=13 && kidsage<=19) {

 isteenager = true;

} else {


// Output

if (isteenager) {

 cout << "Teen" << endl;

} else {

 cout << "No Teen" << endl;


return 0;


To learn more about conditional structure in C++ see:


given an array a of size n, we want to access the ith element in the array, 0


To access the ith element in an array a of size n, you can use the following syntax:

Since array indices begin at 0, the following code would be used to access the second element of the array a, which has a size of 5, which would be the third element:


This would provide the array's second element's value back.

Remember to check that the index you are using is inside the boundaries of the array when accessing an element in an array. You can encounter errors or unanticipated outcomes if you attempt to access an element with an index that is outside the array's boundaries.

In an array of size 5, for instance, if you attempt to access the element at index 5 and there is none, an error will be returned. Similarly, as there is no element at a negative index, if you attempt to access the element at index -1, you will similarly encounter an error.

Therefore, it's crucial to make sure you're using a proper index when gaining access to an array's elements.

To know more about Array kindly visit


you work at a computer repair store. you want to use the raid feature on the motherboard to configure two raid arrays. you have installed five new sata hard drives in the computer. you have installed windows on the first drive, and you want to use the other four drives in your raid arrays. in this lab, your task is to complete the following: configure raid for the sata drive mode. define ld1 as a striped array using all of the space on two disks. define ld2 as a mirrored array using all of the space on two disks.


If using an onboard RAID controller with SATA drives, edit the CMOS settings and identify the drive type as RAID.

What is required to create a hardware RAID 5 array choose as many as are correct?

Make a RAID 5 array to provide fault tolerance as well as increased performance. A RAID 0 array increases performance only, while a RAID 1 array provides only fault tolerance. Set up a RAID 5 array with three discs. A RAID 5 array requires at least three discs.

What exactly is RAID 5 configuration?

RAID 5 is a redundant array of independent discs configuration that uses disc striping with parity. Because data and parity are evenly distributed across all discs, no single disc is a bottleneck. Striping also allows users to reconstruct data in case of a disc failure.

What is the most effective RAID configuration?

The best RAID configuration for your storage system will be determined by your preference for speed, data redundancy, or both. Choose RAID 0 if speed is your top priority. If you value data redundancy most of all, remember that the following drive configurations are fault-tolerant: RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 6 and RAID 10.

learn more about RAID Configuration visit:


an i/o technique that transfers block data directly between the i/o controller and main memory, is called


An i/o technique that transfers block data directly between the i/o controller & main memory, is called direct memory access.

What is block data?

A block, also known as a physical record, is a group of bytes or bits that are typically used in computing (more specifically, in data transmission and storage) and have a maximum length. As a result, the data are said to be blocked. Blocking is the process of adding data to blocks, and deblocking is the process of removing data from blocks.

Normally, blocked data is kept in a data buffer and read or written one block at a time. Blocking lowers overhead and expedites the processing of the data stream. The amount of external storage needed for the data is reduced for some devices, such as magnetic tape and CKD disk devices, by blocking.

Learn more about block data


how does the structure of an online analytical processing (olap) database shape its core functionality?


Online Analytical Processing, or OLAP, is a class of software that enables users to gather and analyze corporate data from many angles. To enhance the data analysis process, it uses pre-calculated and pre-aggregated data from many databases.

Multiple data structures called OLAP cubes are used to organize OLAP databases. A unique type of data structure called the OLAP cube or Hypercube is designed for extremely rapid multidimensional data analysis and storage. It is a snapshot of data taken at a particular moment in time.

A user can ask for a specific view of the hypercube using certain OLAP procedures. OLAP cubes enable users to run multidimensional analytical queries on the data as a result.

MOLAP is another name for OLAP in its traditional form. It stores data using a multi-dimensional array storage technology that has been optimized. To retrieve the data physically stored in multidimensional arrays, positional approaches are used.

To learn more about OLAP click here:


what are some of the features of oracle database, up to, and including oracle 19c? (choose three) performance-related features


Some of the features of the oracle database, up to, and including oracle 19c are performance-related features, security, and availability. Oracle totally automates all common database jobs using machine learning.

With the longest period of support and the productivity, manageability, and security advantages of a converged database, Oracle Database 19c provides the most reliable foundation for your applications.

Performance: It improves developments in SQL query, data optimization, performance, and tuning diagnostics. Also included are Oracle Exadata capabilities like Smart Scans, Columnar Flash Cache, and Storage Indexes.

High Availability: A selection of databases with the best features and best practices are made accessible to solve the common causes of planned and unplanned downtime for both on-premises and in-Cloud companies.

Security: 19c uses a multi-layer, defense-in-depth strategy to protect data, giving clients access to security capabilities that can monitor users, manage and block illegal access, and control access to data at the user- and application levels. It uses a multi-model strategy that supports both relational and non-relational data. Customers can benefit from the security features of the Oracle database in this way.

To learn more about oracle database click here:


which network service automatically assigns ip addresses to devices on the network?


The network service that automatically assigns IP addresses to devices on the network is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.

The Dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) can be defined as a network management protocol that is used on Internet Protocol (IP) networks for automatically assigning IP addresses and other communication parameters to devices connected to the network with the help of a client–server architecture.

A DHCP server can manage IP settings for the computers or devices on its local network by assigning IP addresses to those devices dynamically and automatically.

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol technology diminishes the need for individually configuring network devices manually. It consists of two network components, a centrally installed network DHCP server, and client instances of the protocol stack on each device or computer. When connected to the network, and periodically thereafter, a user requests a set of parameters from the server using DHCP.

To learn more about Dynamic host configuration protocol; click here:


If the input message is omitted when creating a data validation rule for a cell, no message will appear when the user selects the cell.
a. True
b. False


It is a true statement that if the input message is omitted while creating a data validation rule for a cell, no message will show when the user selects the cell.

A data validation rule is a process through which a user is restricted to input incorrect or invalid values cells. With the data validation rule, the user is prompted to enter a valid value in a selected cell. Since a data validation rule defines the type of data value that can be entered into a cell; the input message is an optional property that enables to provide with a custom message to appear to the user when the cell is selected. In case when an input message is not specified while creating a data validation rule for the cell, no message will appear when the user selects that cell.

You can learn more about data validation at


what is wireless fidelity (wi-fi)? group of answer choices includes the inner workings of a wi-fi service or utility, including the signal transmitters, towers, or poles and additional equipment required to send out a wi-fi signal. a metropolitan area network that uses radio signals to transmit and receive data. a means by which portable devices can connect wirelessly to a local area network, using access points that send and receive data via radio waves. a communications technology aimed at providing high-speed wireless data over metropolitan area networks.


Wireless fidelity allows for the creation of a Wireless Local Area Network.

What exactly is network fidelity?

Network Fidelity: A Metric to Quantify the Similarity and Realism of Complex Networks. Abstract: The analysis of complex networks revolves around the fundamental properties shared by the vast majority of natural and synthetic networks that surround us.

What is network fidelity, exactly?

Network Fidelity: A Metric to Quantify the Similarity and Realism of Complex Networks. Abstract: The fundamental properties shared by the vast majority of natural and synthetic networks that surround us are central to complex network analysis.

What exactly is network fidelity?

Network Fidelity: A Metric to Quantify the Similarity and Realism of Complex Networks. Abstract: Complex network analysis is based on the fundamental properties shared by the vast majority of natural and synthetic networks that surround us.

learn more about wireless fidelity visit:


data quality problems can cascade when: group of answer choices there are data entry problems. data are copied from legacy systems. data are not deleted properly. there is redundant data storage and inconsistent metadata.


Data quality problems can cascade when: B 'data are copied from legacy systems'.

Data quality is defined as the ability of a data set to serve whichever purpose a business wants to use it for. It can be said as data quality plays an important role in the success of a business; without data quality, the data cannot fulfill its specified purpose.  Data quality problems can stem from unstructured data, incomplete data, different data formats, duplicate data, or difficulty accessing the data. Moreover, when data are copied from a legacy system, it can also lead to data quality problems. In order to make the data perform its intended purpose, it is essential that data quality issues should be resolved.

You can learn more about data quality at


you would like to get a feel for the amount of bandwidth you are using in your network. what is the first thing you should do?


The first thing is to establish a network baseline to get a feel for the amount of bandwidth you are using in your network. You would produce data points following the creation of a baseline.

You can set up intervals in minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years to aid in the creation of data points. More data points result from longer monitor runs. A protocol doesn't need to be specified.

You can find your network's top performance statistics by tracking them over a predetermined period of time. Baseline statistics provide a way to confirm the status of your network by identifying suggested performance criteria, helping administrators define the "typical" working level of network devices.

By using baselines produced by real-time analysis of numerous network factors, such as device utilization, CPU/memory consumption, connectivity, resource performance, etc., network administrators may forecast requests and enhance network performance.

To learn more about bandwidth click here:


which firewall feature is used to ensure that packets coming into a network are legitimate responses to requests initiated from internal hosts?


The firewall feature which is used to ensure that packets coming into a network are legitimate responses to requests initiated from internal hosts is stateful packet inspection feature.

Stateful inspection is a firewall technology also known as dynamic packet filtering that keeps a check on the state of active connections and uses this information to know which network packets should be allowed through the firewall.  It is used to filter data packets based on context and state.

Stateful inspection is generally used instead of static packet filtering or stateless inspection and is well suited to Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and similar protocols. A stateful firewall feature maintains context across all its current sessions, instead of treating each packet as an isolated entity, as is the case with a stateless firewall feature. Stateful inspection features can also support protocols such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

To learn more about stateful packet inspection; click here:


What is communism? a political system with all economic and political power resting in the hands of the central government a political system in which power rests in the hands of the people a social and political philosophy whose economic goals include economic efficiency and economic growth and innovation a economic system based on free enterprise


Communism is a political system characterized by a centrally planned economy with all economic and political power resting in the hands of the central government.

Hence, option  is the correct answer.

Which economic system is the best?

Since it gives members of society so many benefits and opportunities, capitalism is the ideal economic system. A few of the benefits include generating income and innovation, enhancing people's quality of life, and providing them more authority. A political and economic system known as communism advocates for a classless society in which the means of production are owned collectively and private property is nonexistent or severely restricted.

Communism puts itself in opposition to liberal democracy and capitalism. A political and economic system known as socialism is, broadly speaking, one in which the state or government typically controls property ownership and the means of production.

Learn more about the Communism here:


NOTE: The given question is incomplete on the portal. here is the complete question.

QUESTION: Communism is a(n)?

A. political system characterized by a centrally planned economy with all economic and political power resting in the hands of the central government.

B. social and political philosophy whose chief economic goals include economic efficiency and economic growth and innovation.

C. political system in which power rests in the hands of the people.

D. economic system based on free enterprise.

what uses gps tracking to track vehicles? group of answer choices edge matching. cartography. automatic vehicle location. geographic information system.


Automatic vehicle location (AVL) uses GPS tracking to track vehicles.

Option C is correct.

What is GPS tracking used for?

GPS tracking is the monitoring of your location using the Global Positioning System (GPS ). Track the location of an entity or object remotely. This technology can determine a target's longitude, latitude, ground speed and heading.

Why is GPS used in vehicles?

The GPS navigation system provides information about your current location and driving directions. Used for navigation. GPS tracker systems, on the other hand, track the physical location of the vehicle and monitor its speed and direction.

Do all vehicles have GPS trackers?

NO if you purchased your vehicle new from an authorized dealer. Your vehicle probably doesn't have an aftermarket tracking device installed. However, if you buy a used/pre-owned vehicle, it is very important to inspect the vehicle inside and out for trackers.

Learn more about GPS tracking vehicles :


a. what is the largest exponent the ieee standard allows for a 32-bit floating point number? b. what is the smallest exponent the ieee standard allows for a 32-bit floating point number?


The IEEE standard allows 32-bit format to have 8 exponent bits, the largest number that fits is 255, and the excess is 127 ≈ 255/2. For IEEE-754 Single precision (32 bits): Exponent set to m = -126. Smallest positive subnormal FP number: 2−23×2−126≈1.4×10−45.

Real numbers are represented in hardware using floating-point formats, which are described in the IEEE-754 standard. The MSVC compiler can represent floating-point integers in at least five internal formats on the hardware it targets. Only two of these are used by the compiler. MSVC employs the single-precision (4-byte) and double-precision (8-byte) formats.

The term float is used to express single precision. The keyword double declares double-precision. The IEEE standard also includes double-extended-precision (10-byte) and quadruple-precision (16-byte) formats, as well as half-precision (2-byte) and quadruple-precision (16-byte) formats. Although the storage type maps to double, the long double data type is handled as a separate type in the MSVC compiler. However, support for intrinsic and assembly language exists.

To learn more about IEEE standard click here:


during radius authentication, what type of packet includes information such as identification of a specific ap that is sending the packet and the username and password?


During Radius authentication, authentication request of packet includes information such as identification of a specific AP that is sending the packet and the username and password.

What does authentication mean?

Authentication is the process of determining whether someone or something is actually who they say they are. Authentication technologies provide system access control by verifying that a user's credentials match those of an authorized user's database or data authentication server.

Why is authentication required?

Authentication is used when the server needs to know exactly who is accessing that information or her website. Authentication is used when the client needs to know that the server is the system it claims to be. Authentication requires a user or computer to prove its identity to a server or client.

Learn more about authentication :


janice is in the market for a new smartphone when she sees an ad online touting the new features of the latest samsung model. she had not thought about buying a samsung and doesn’t know how much it costs, but the ad made her want to research this type of smartphone further. what feature of advertising does her response exemplify?


As the ad made Janice to research that kind of smartphone, her response exemplifies the a) persuasion feature of advertising.

Persuasion can be described as one of the most important features of advertising. The main reason behind an advertisement is to lure customers to buy a certain product or think about buying it.

In the scenario mentioned in the question, Janice has never thought about that particular Samsung model before. However, the ad made her wat to search for the smartphone that was being mentioned in the ad. Hence, persuasion has occurred from that ad that made Janice to think about that particular smartphone.

Although a part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this question:

Janice is in the market for a new smartphone when she sees an ad online touting the new features of the latest Samsung model. she had not thought about buying a Samsung and doesn’t know how much it costs, but the ad made her want to research this type of smartphone further. what feature of advertising does her response exemplify?

a) persuasion

b) investment

c) implementation

d) stocking

To learn more about persuasion, click here:


What does it mean to explore the context of a work?
OA. To take note of the reviewer's reaction to the work
B. To analyze how well the work will be received
C. To research its historical background and original purpose
D. To analyze its content and various components


To explore the context of a work means to "research its historical background and original purpose" (Option C)

What is context in research?

Context is described as "the conditions that provide the backdrop for an event, statement, or concept and allow it to be completely comprehended."

Determine the Context and Background Information to find the context of a study endeavor. Find and study articles in subject reference books, dictionaries, and handbooks after you've identified your research topic and some keywords that characterize it. These articles will assist you in understanding the background of your issue (historical, cultural, and disciplinary).

Context gives the intended message significance and clarity. Context clues in a literary work form a link between the writer and the reader, providing a better knowledge of the writer's goal and direction.

Learn more about context:

pip is configured with locations that require tls/ssl, however the ssl module in python is not available.

a. True
b. False


False, The SSL module in Python is available, so the statement is false. The ssl module is part of Python's standard library, and can be imported and used in Python programs. It is used to provide TLS/SSL encryption for network communications.

The Importance of the SSL Module in Python

The SSL module in Python is an essential part of modern programming. It provides a secure connection between two computers, making sure that all data is encrypted and secure. This module is used to ensure secure communication between web servers and clients, and is also used in many other applications such as email and file sharing. Without the SSL module, many of the important tasks we do online would be impossible.

The SSL module in Python is used to provide secure connections between two computers. It uses encryption to ensure that all data sent between the two computers is secure and can only be read by the intended recipient. This encryption also helps protect against man-in-the-middle attacks, where a malicious third party could intercept and view data being sent between two computers. Without this protection, confidential information could be easily stolen and used for malicious purposes.

The SSL module is also used to create secure websites. When a user visits a website, the SSL module is used to securely establish a connection between the website and the user’s browser. This helps ensure that all data sent back and forth between the two is secure and can only be read by the intended recipient.

Learn more about Phyton :


what is the finite window of opportunity for cells to develop into a particular tissue or organ?


A critical period is the finite window of opportunity for cells to develop into a specific organ or tissue.

In the context of the development of organs or tissue, the finite window of opportunity for cells is referred to as a critical window.  The critical period refers to a time period during early postnatal life when the maturation and development of functional properties of the brain, its plasticity, are strongly dependent on environmental influences. Thus, it is concluded as the critical period is described as a window whereby a system maintains a heightened sensitivity to specific stimuli in order to develop to be functional.

You can learn more about critical period at


Which option best describes the purpose of the Design step?

A. To implement user feedback into the game

B. To add characters and other elements to the game

C. To plan the game's structure and artwork

D. To write the framework of the game's code


The option that  best describes the purpose of the Design step is option C. To plan the game's structure and artwork

Why does design mean?

It is the act of making a plan or drawing for something that will later be built, particularly one that specifies what the end product will do and look like, is the definition of design. The plan or sketch produced as a result of this activity is referred to as a design.

Note that It brings cutting-edge solutions to life based on what actual consumers feel, think, and do. Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test are the five main phases of this human-centered design approach. The fact that these steps are only a guide should not be overlooked. 3

Hence, the Steps in the Engineering Design Process are: Establish criteria and constraints. Consider alternative solutions. Choose an approach. Develop a design proposal. Create a model or prototype. Define the problem. Research ideas and explore possibilities for your engineering design project.

Learn more about Design step  from


Juanita lists expenses in a pivottable field named expenses. She wants to filter the pivottable to display data only for expenses greater than $1,000. What type of filter should she use?


Juanita should use to filter Value on the PivotTable to display data only for expenses greater than $1,000.

In PivotTable use the following steps:

Select Greater Than under Row Label Filter > Value Filters.

Choose the values you want to use as filters in the Value Filter dialogue box. It is the expense in this instance (if you have more items in the values area, the drop-down would show all of it). Choose the circumstance.

Then, Press OK.

Now, choose the values you want to apply as filters. It is the expense in this instance (if you have more items in the values area, the drop-down would show all of it).

• Choose the circumstance. Select "is larger than" because we want to find every expense with more than $1000 .

• Fill out the last field with 1000.

In an instant, the list would be filtered and only display expenses with more than 1000.

Similar to this, you can use a variety of different conditions, including equal to, does not equal to, less than, between, etc.

To learn more about PivotTable click here:


if you have already named and saved your presentation at least once, what happens when you click the save button on the quick access toolbar?


When you click the save button on the quick access toolbar, the changes you made since the last time you saved the file are saved. The correct option is C.

What is a quick-access toolbar?

Shortcuts to frequently used features, options, actions, or option groups are gathered in the Quick Access Toolbar.

In Microsoft 365 programs, the toolbar is normally hidden beneath the ribbon, but you can choose to reveal it and move it to appear above the ribbon.

Therefore, the correct option is C. The changes you made since the last time you saved the file are saved.

To learn more about the quick-access toolbar, refer to the link:


The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:

A. A dialog box opens asking where you would like to save the file.

B. The Save As screen in Backstage view appears.

C. The changes you made since the last time you saved the file are saved.

D. Nothing happens because you need to click the Save button twice.

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