due to a decrease in the enacted tax rate effective for the following eyar, a comapny with a net deferred tax asset balance will recognize


Answer 1

Due to a decrease in the enacted tax rate effective for the following year, a company with a net deferred tax asset balance will recognize a decrease in income tax expense in the following year.

What is a deferred tax asset?

А deferred tаx аsset is аn item on the bаlаnce sheet thаt results from the overpаyment or the аdvаnce pаyment of tаxes. It is the opposite of а deferred tаx liаbility, which represents income tаxes owed. А deferred tаx аsset cаn аrise when there аre differences in tаx rules аnd аccounting rules or when there is а cаrryover of tаx losses.

How tаx rаtes аffect the vаlue of deferred tаx аssets?

If the tаx rаte goes up, it works in the compаny’s fаvor becаuse the аssets’ vаlues аlso go up, therefore providing а bigger cushion for а lаrger income. But if the tаx rаte drops, the tаx аsset vаlue аlso declines. This meаns thаt the compаny mаy not be аble to use the whole benefit before the expirаtion dаte.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full options were

a. A decrease in income tax expense in the current year.

b. An increase in income tax expense in the current year.

c. No change to income tax expense in the current year.

d. A decrease in income tax expense in the following year.

e. An increase in income tax expense in the following year.

Thus, the correct answer is D.

For more information about the deferred tax asset refer to the link:



Related Questions

An employer and a union are negotiating a new contract. They disagree sharply on several issues. Which of the following options is most likely to keep both sides from making offers with unreasonable demands? A) the certainty of arbitration B) the possibility of mediation C) the use of final offer arbitration D) the availability of a mediator-arbitrator


Distributive bargaining, statement that includes, team bargaining, and multiparty negotiation are some of the most popular.

You just use word demands, but why?

Demand is indeed the user's decision to purchase a certain good or service. Market demand is the term used to describe the need for a particular good on the market. Aggregate demand is the term used to describe all of the market's demand for goods and services. The cost of a commodity or service depends on how well demand and supply are matched.

What else do you call demand?

Claim, exact, and necessitate are some typical synonyms for demand. Demand conveys peremptoriness and insistence, as well as frequently the right to make pleas that are to be treated as demands,

To know more about demands visit:



a(n) fund must hold substantial cash reserves in order to meet fund redemptions from shareholders. multiple choice open-end mutual reit closed-end etf unit trusts


By order to cover shareholder redemption requests, an open end mutual fund needs to maintain sizable capital reserves.

What are shareholders Meaning?

A person or organization that has contributed funds to a firm in exchange for the a "share" of ownership is referred to as a shareholder. Common or special come to the fore by the corporation & held (i.e., owned) either by shareholder serve as a representation of that ownership.

What is a shareholder vs stockholder?

Additional Courses. The both phrases stockholder and shareholder relate to the holders of shares in a firm, making them co-owners of the enterprise. Therefore, you can refer to firm control using either phrase since they both refer to the same thing.

To know more about shareholders visit:



If you wanted to see how much time you spent working on your assignments last Thursday, which
screen would you look at?
Student Activity
External Links
Suggested Facing


Note that If you wanted to see how much time you spent working on your assignments last Thursday, which screen would you look at is: "Student Activity" (Option A). This has to do with a learning management system.

What is Student Activity?

A Learning Management System (LMS) is a web-based tool used to store classroom activity online. They are a sort of cloud computing in which the program is accessible whenever and wherever a user has Internet connection.

The goal of a learning management system (LMS) is to provide training and development to Learning and Development (L&D) departments so that they can maintain a company's growth, success, and, eventually, revenue. These are some lofty learning objectives.

Student activities are extracurricular groups and programs that are available to students at a college or university. Student activities are typically intended to get students more active on campus.

Learn more about Assignments:

review the following scenario, then choose the appropriate response describing steps a paid tax preparer must take to demonstrate due diligence. charlie (21) comes in to your office to have his tax return prepared. he states that he is a full-time college student with income from a part-time job, and his parents will not claim him as a dependent. he wants to claim the american opportunity tax credit (aotc). which of the following describes an appropriate question to ask or action to take? ask him if he has ever been convicted of a misdemeanor offense or had his driver's license revoked. inform him that he may be assessed a penalty of $545 if he fails to provide all the information required. inform him he must provide copies of all transcripts before you can prepare his return. request a copy of his form 1098-t, tuition statement, and inquire into when and how his education and other living expenses were paid.


To claim his American Opportunity Tax Credit, Charlie will be told to provide a copy of his form 1098-T, tuition statement, and inquire into when and how its education and other living expenses were paid (D).

American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) is a tax credit given to students to help pay for educatoin expenses and paid for the first four years of education completed after high school. A student is eligible to get a maximum credit of $2,500 per student and 40% or $1,000 could be refunded if the students owes no tax.

AOTC helps students with their educational costs such as tuition and other related expenses to ther coursework. To be eligible to claim the AOTC, a student must:

Pay qualified education expenses for eligible higher education institutePay the education expenses for an eligible studentBe either you, your spouse, or a dependent whom you claim on your tax return

To apply for AOTC, the student must file a federal tax return, complete the form 8863, attach the completed form to his form 1040 or form 1040A. The student must provides information on the form 1098-T Tuition Statement, given by the educational institution the student attended.

Learn mroe about American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) here: https://brainly.com/question/26021902


monopolists use economies of scale to block the entry of new firms into an industry by reducing so that other firms cannot compete.


Monopolists use economies of scale to block the entry of new firms into an industry by reducing prices so that other firms cannot compete.

Economies of scale is defined as firms' advantage in terms of a lower production cost and lower prices associated with huge production capabilities, efficiency, large distribution network, financial capability, as well as complete control of the market as in the case with monopoly firm. Monopoly firm, being the largest one of the very few firms that existed in the market have economies of scale advantage because of its long standing existence and near total control of the market, hence they can easily prevent new firms from entering the market by lowering their prices drastically while still maintaining their profit.

To learn more about economies of scale visit: https://brainly.com/question/780900


Your question seems incomplete, but I suppose the full question was:

"Monopolists use economies of scale to block the entry of new firms into an industry by reducing _______ so that other firms cannot compete."

the variable overhead efficiency variance for supplies is closest to: $52,966 u $52,966 f $3,096 u $3,096 f


The variable overhead efficiency variance for Wall Corporation's supplies is closest to $52,966(U) (C).

Efficiency variance shows the differeence between the expected amount of inputs required to produce a unit of output and the actul number of inputs used in the process of producing the unit of output. The expected inputs data are based on the previous experiences or models. Any differences between the expected inputs and the actual required inputs can be attributed to inefficiencies or may be due to errors in the assumptions used to set the inputs expectations.

From the case, we know that:

Expected production units = 9,300 units

Standard machine-hours = 8 hours per safe

Standard supplies costs = $8.60 per hour

Actual production unit = 9,500 units

Actual machine-hours = 76,360 hours

Actual supplies costs = $706,566

The Efficiency variance of supplies is:

Efficiency variance = (actual production units x standard machine-hours x standard supplies costs) - Actual supplies costs

Efficiency variance = (9,500 x 8 x $8.60) - $706,566

Efficiency variance = $52,966 (U)

Learn more about Efficiency Variance here: https://brainly.com/question/28240324


Complete Question:

Wall Corporation, which produces commercial safes, has provided the following data: Budgeted production 9,300 safes Standard machine-hours per safe 8.0 machine-hours Standard supplies cost $8.60 per machine-hour Actual production 9,500 safes Actual machine-hours 76,360 machine-hours Actual supplies cost $706,566 Supplies cost is an element of variable manufacturing overhead. The variable overhead efficiency variance for supplies is closest to:

a. $3,096 U

b. $52,966 F

c. $52,966 U

d. $3,096 F

match whether the cash activity is an investing activity cash inflow, outflow or neither on the statement of cash flows.


The match of the cash activity is an investing activity cash inflow, outflow or neither on the statement of cash flows is given below

purchase of property (O for tangible asset)purchase of copyright (O for intangible asset)sale of property (I for tangible asset)issuance of stock (not act)sale of copyright (I for intangible)How do cash flows work?

The net amount of cash and cash equivalents coming into and going out of a business is referred to as cash flow. Money spent and money received reflect inflows and outflows, respectively.

Therefore, one can say that the operating activities, investment activities, and financing activities make up the three categories of cash flows. Cash-related net income activities are included in operating activities. Cash-related noncurrent asset activities are included in investing and the matchup are correct.

Learn more about cash activity from


a consumer usually will go through all of the steps of the consumer buying decision process for every purchase.


When purchasing a product, customers go through a series of actions in order.

5 Stages of Consumer Buying Behavior:1. Identify the Problem:

The purchase procedure begins at this point. A consumer won't start shopping until they are aware of their needs or wants. A buyer will make a purchasing choice if he feels compelled to acquire a specific product. A specific product can be used to satisfy an unmet demand or address an issue.

2. Information search:

The customer will look for the best alternative for his issue from the possibilities that are accessible. Both internal and external company settings will be searched by the buyer for information. A customer could investigate commercials in print, online, on video, and even question his friends and family.

3. Evaluation of Alternatives:

Consumers often assess the alternatives based on a variety of product characteristics. Consumers take into account a variety of aspects, including aesthetics, dependability, quality, cost, customer service, brand recognition, and social media reviews.

4. Purchase Decision:

According to Philip Kotler (2009), two things may 'disrupt' the final purchasing decision. Customers could hear unfavorable reviews from friends or other buyers. As an illustration, a buyer selected a laptop, but his friend provided unfavorable comments. He will reconsider his choice as a result of this. Additionally, the choice could be altered. The consumer may decide against purchasing the laptop due to sudden changes in company plans, a financial crisis, unanticipated price increases, etc.

5. Post-Purchase Evaluation:

A unhappy consumer could believe that he made a poor choice. There will be benefits from this! A simple action will be to offer a trade. The likelihood that a consumer would return is not always certain, even when they are happy.

Learn more about Consumer Buying Behavior/Decision:



he 'rule' that automatically places the children of parents of different social-economic-cultural groups into the less privilege group is:


The 'rule' that automatically places the children of parents of different social-economic-cultural groups into the less privilege group is hypodescent.

The anthropological term hypodescent refers to a system in which people with mixed racial backgrounds are automatically classified as belonging to a social-economic-cultural  inferior group. This method does not recognize different levels or categories of racial mixing.

This idea holds that any racial mixing taints the racial groupings. It's a system that tends to discourage intermarriage and racial mixing. The idea of the one-drop rule serves as an example of this type of system in American history.

According to the previlege social norms, having just a small amount of black ancestry declared someone black. The concepts of race are oversimplified, and this is a profoundly discriminatory period in our history that has fostered systemic racism.

Learn more about hypodescent at https://brainly.com/question/14351319


Which of the following is not a short-run impact of imposing quotas on the American industries they seek to protect?
a.government tax revenues increase
b.domestic production and sales by the protected industries increase
c.consumers' real incomes decrease
d.prices of the goods produced by protected industries increase


The one that is not a short-run impact of imposing quotas on American industries is the government tax revenues increase. Therefore, the correct answer is option A,

A quota is a trade restriction that is imposed by the government which limits the number or monetary value of goods that a country can import or export during a certain period. It is used in order to help regulate the volume of trade between countries.

The short-run impacts of imposed quota are:

Domestic production and sales increase by the protected industries.Price increase of the goods produced by the protected industries.

However, one fairly long-run impact of a quota is the increase of government tax revenue.

Learn more about import quotas at https://brainly.com/question/323614


a new stock dividend reinvestment program invests the dividends in newly issued stock. this type of plan raises new capital for the firm.


The statement "a new stock dividend reinvestment program invests the dividends in newly issued stock. This type of plan raises new capital for the firm" is true.

What Is a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)?

А dividend reinvestment plаn (DRIP) is а progrаm thаt аllows investors to reinvest their cаsh dividends into аdditionаl shаres or frаctionаl shаres of the underlying stock on the dividend pаyment dаte. Аlthough the term cаn аpply to аny аutomаtic reinvestment аrrаngement set up through а brokerаge or investment compаny, it generаlly refers to а formаl progrаm offered by а publicly trаded corporаtion to existing shаreholders.

Thus, a "new stock" DRIP invests the dividends in newly issued stock; hence, these plаns rаise new cаpitаl for the firm.

For more information about the dividend reinvestment program refer to the link:



At December 31, the records of Nortech Corporation provided the following selected and incomplete data: Common stock (par dollat 1; no changes during the current year). Shares authorized, 500,000. Shares issued, ?; issue price dollar 23 per share. Common Stock account dollar 210,000. Shares held as treasury stock, 3, 100 shares, cost dollar 21 per share. Net income for the current year, dollar 165, 520. Dividends declared and paid during the current year, dollar 53, 794. Retained Earnings balance, beginning of year, dollar 156,000. Complete the following (Round "per share" answers to 2 decimal places.) TIP: To determine the number of shares issued, divide the balance in the Common Stock account by the par value per share.


The following balances have been calculated using the provided information;

Number of common shares issued: $200,000/22,091

$90,009 was paid in capital-Common Stocks (9,091*(22-1)).

Number of Treasury Stocks: 3,000

Treasury stock, multiplied by three thousand times twenty, equals sixty thousand dollars.

EPS =$147,750/(9,091 -3,000) (9,091 -3,000)  $24

What are treasury stocks?

Treasury stock, sometimes referred to as treasury shares or stock that has been reacquired, refers to previously outstanding stock that has been bought back from investors by the issuing company. As a result, there are often fewer shares available on the open market. Although Treasury stock is still issued, it is not factored into dividend payments or earnings per share calculations (EPS).

In the shareholders' equity section of the balance sheet, treasury stock is a counter equity account. Since it shows how many shares were purchased back on the open market, Treasury stock reduces shareholders' equity by the amount paid for the stock. In addition to not paying dividends or being included in EPS calculations, treasury shares have no voting rights.

to learn more about treasury stocks click:



companies who price their product low enough to attract a large number of buyers are most likely pursuing which of the following objectives?


Firms whose product price is low enough to attract a large number of buyers are likely to pursue a goal of high market share

What does adding High Market Share consist of?

Increasing the market share progressively means that your company has an increasing number of sales and potential clients who know the institution and who want to interact with it. Having a high sales number is extremely positive for your company.

Also, this means that individuals are pleased with your product and/or service. And, best of all, is that they can become large customers who from time to time will go or ask for what you offer for their own consumption.

For more about high market share here https://brainly.com/question/4017104


Which of the following is an example of a direct stakeholder?
A. Activist organizations
B. Banks
C. Community groups
OD. News media

Answer: B.Banks


Banks  is an example of a direct stakeholder amongst the followings.

Option B is correct.

Direct stakeholder:

Direct stakeholders may be board members, employees and investors. Secondary or indirect customers, creditors, governments, unions, etc.

How do you identify direct and indirect stakeholders?

Direct stakeholders are involved in the day-to-day activities of the project. Employees can be viewed as direct stakeholders as their day-to-day work revolves around company projects. Indirect stakeholders pay more attention to the outcome of the completed project than to the closing process.

Why are employees direct stakeholders?

Company employees are key stakeholders in creating the products and services that the company publishes, and the quality of their work directly impacts customer care. Employees benefit financially from the company's continued performance and success.

Learn more about stakeholders:



Which of the following costs incurred by a paper manufacturer would be included in the group of costs referred to as conversion costs?
a. assembly labor's wages
b. administrative salaries
c. raw lumber
d. accounting department costs


a. assembly labor's wages.

Based on the options provided, the cost that would be included in the group of conversion costs for a paper manufacturer is:

a. assembly labor's wages - Assembly labor refers to the labor required to assemble or manufacture the finished product, so the wages of assembly labor would be considered a conversion cost.

Assembly Labor's Wages

Assembly labor refers to the labor required to assemble or manufacture a finished product. In the case of a paper manufacturer, assembly labor might include the labor required to operate machinery and equipment that transforms raw materials (such as wood pulp or recycled paper) into finished paper products. Assembly labor might also include tasks such as packaging and labeling the finished products for shipment.

The wages of assembly labor would be considered a conversion cost because they are a direct cost of converting raw materials into a finished product. Conversion costs are the costs incurred by a company in the process of converting raw materials into a finished product, and typically include the cost of labor and materials required to complete the production process.

In addition to the wages of assembly labor, other examples of conversion costs for a paper manufacturer might include the cost of materials such as chemicals and energy used in the production process, as well as the cost of maintaining and repairing machinery and equipment used in production.

Learn more about Assembly Labor's Wages here:



vicente is a salesperson working for a company that sells vacuums. every day, he travels to customers and is involved in door-to-door sales. in his company, vicente is most likely a part of the


Vicente is a salesperson that works for a company that sells vacuums every day. He goes door-to-door and visits consumers. Vicente most likely works in his company's outside sales team.

What is door-to-door sales work?

Salespeople that perform door-to-door sales come to your home to offer you products and services, including utility services. These salesmen frequently employ pressure techniques to persuade you to purchase something you might not need or be able to afford. In order to sell or advertise a good or service to the general public, or to gather information, door-to-door canvassing involves going from one door to the next. This strategy is typically used for sales, marketing, advertising, evangelism, or campaigning.

Is door-to-door sales safe?

Even while some door-to-door sales initiatives are legitimate, it's frequently difficult to discern. In order to find out whether the homeowners are home or not, burglars frequently knock on the door of the house they intend to break into. Unfortunately, because so many people aren't at home during the day, break-ins happen frequently during the day. Consumers who don't want to be harassed, interrupted, and hassled by pushy, aggressive sales personnel at the doors of their homes and offices are actually just starting to find tactics like door-to-door selling annoying. Even worse, unscrupulous real estate marketing strategies may exploit the weak.

To know more abut Sales visit:



T/F. It may be possible to reduce the total variability of returns by combining several assets, enterprises, or income-generating activities without sacrificing expected returns.


It may be possible to reduce the total variability of returns by combining several assets, enterprises, without sacrificing expected returns---- True

What does return variability mean?

Variability refers to the deviation of data from its mean and is commonly used in statistics and finance. Volatility in finance is most commonly applied to the volatility of returns, with investors preferring investments that offer higher returns with less volatility.

What is an appropriate measure of variability?

Variability is most commonly measured using the following descriptive statistics: Range:Difference between highest and lowest values. Interquartile range: Middle half range of distribution. Standard Deviation:Mean distance from the mean.

What is the purpose of variability measures?

The purpose of variability is to measure how ratings are distributed in a distribution. Variability measures are usually accompanied by a measure of central tendency as the basic descriptive statistic of the set of ratings.

Learn more about variability of return:



Which one of the following is not an effective way to attract buyers by differentiating a company's branded footwear offering from the brands of rivals? Produce and market branded footwear with a higher S/Q rating than the branded footwear of most all other rivals Spend more on branded advertising than most all other rivals Achieve a lower reject rate on pairs produced than most all other rivals Offer a higher rebate than most all other rivals Offer a wider variety of models/styles than most all other rivals


Achieve a lower reject rate on pairs produced than most all other rivals is not an effective way to attract buyers by differentiating a company's branded footwear .

Brand differentiation is the means by which a brand is differentiated from its competitors by combining its superior performance aspects with multiple customer benefits.

Why is brand differentiation important?

Brand differentiation is an important aspect of any brand marketing strategy. This allows companies to uncover profitable qualities that help them develop their unique sales proposition. In this way, they perceive their competitive advantage and stand out from the competition.

What is a Differentiation Strategy?

A differentiation strategy is how a company stands out from similar competitors in the market. It's usually about highlighting the big differences between you and your competitors. And the difference should be appreciated by potential customers.

Learn more about brand differentiation:



which one of the following institutions is the least regulated? banks, credit unions, savings association, saving banks or finance companies.


Savings banks and finance companies are the least regulated among these institutions as they are not subject to the same regulations that banks and credit unions are.

The Regulation of Savings Banks and Finance Companies: A Comparison to Banks and Credit Unions

Savings Banks and Finance Companies are the least regulated among these institutions as they are not subject to the same stringent regulations that banks and credit unions are. This is due to the fact that savings banks and finance companies are only required to adhere to the regulations of the state in which they are operating, unlike banks and credit unions, which must comply with the regulations of both the state and the federal government.

Learn more about Finance Companies at: https://brainly.com/question/23525090


for the past ten years, saveon has obtained its best employees through private employment agencies. now that it has three additional jobs to fill, it will probably continue to rely on


An individual who earns a fixed sum of money (salary), regardless of the number of hours they put in each week, is referred to as a salaried employee (also known as an exempt* employee).

What is the solution to employment?

Employment: It describes professions in which individuals work for other people and are paid in return. Employees are those who work for another person and receive their pay in the shape of wages or salary in accordance with their service contract.

What is an employment introduction?

In terms of economics, employment refers to the state of having a job or being employed. If someone is to be employed, they must be compensated. Employers are the ones who make the hiring decisions, while employees are those who receive payment for their work.

To know more about employment visit:



When employers sort employment applications into high-ability and low-ability people based on the attainmentof a college degree (irrespective of major), they are likely to be adhering to thea. human capital theory of education.b. signaling theory of education.c. principle that education enhances marginal productivity.d. neoclassical principle that most business owners are more interested in discriminatingagainst a particular group than in maximizing profits.


When employers sort employment applications into high-ability and low-ability people based on the attainment of a college degree (human capital), they are likely to be adhering to the signaling theory of education.

What is the main purpose of human capital?

A nation's current pool of skill, aptitude, expertise, education, and information is referred to as its "human capital." To create more human capital from human resources, we must invest in human capital. Nations need a sufficient amount of educated, competent human capital in the form of teachers and other specialists. In other words, we require excellent human capital to produce other human capital, such as physicians, engineers, professors, etc., who then develop into human assets and support the national economy. The core component of the country's wealth is managed by human capital in the economy. Therefore, all scholars agree that human capital—which is more potent than nature or wealth—is the most crucial resource of the community.

To know more about human capital visit:



When employers sort employment applications into high-ability and low-ability people based on whether or not the applicant has a college degree (irespective of major), they are providing evidence in support of the a. human-capital theory of education. b. signaling theory of education . principle that education reduces marginal productivity d. principle that most business owners are more interested in discriminating against a particular group than in maximizing profits


Employers are likely adhering to the signaling theory of education when they divide applicants into high- and low-ability groups based on the number of college degrees they have earned, regardless of the subject.

What is the idea behind signaling theory?

When two parties, whether individuals or organizations, have access to different information, signaling theory is useful for describing behavior. In most cases, the sender of the information must decide whether and how to communicate (or signal) it, and the receiver must decide how to interpret the signal.

Who developed the signaling theory?

In spite of the fact that flagging hypothesis was at first evolved by Michael Spence in view of noticed information holes among associations and planned workers, its natural nature drove it to be adjusted to numerous different spaces, like Human Asset The board, business, and monetary business sectors.

To learn more about signaling theory here



One way to segment a market is according to whether the purchaser is a consumer or a business-to-business user.
(a) True
(b) False.


True, According to whether the buyer is a consumer or even a business-to-business user, a market can be segmented.

What is B2B?

Business-to-business (B2B) is an online or physical exchange of goods and services between two or more businesses. It is a type of transaction that has been around for centuries in its traditional form, but has since taken on a new life with the advent of the internet and eCommerce. B2B transactions are typically complex and involve multiple parties, as each business has its own needs, goals, and processes. Examples of B2B transactions include an online retailer selling goods to a wholesaler, a printer selling to a marketing firm, and a software development company selling to a financial services provider. By leveraging the internet and eCommerce platforms, businesses can more easily find one another and engage in transactions, streamlining the process and helping them to grow.

To learn more about B2B

are those runner-up firms that are working to increase their market share in an industry. market leaders market challengers market followers market mavens market nichers


Market challengers are all those second-place companies attempting to gain more market share in a given sector.

What does "market share" mean?

What portion of a customer's overall purchases of a good or service goes to a business determines its market share. In the other words, if 100 soaps are purchased by customers as a whole, and 40 of those soaps come from a single firm, that company has a 40% market share.

What kinds of market shares are there?

Market share can be divided into two categories: value and volume. The company's overall shares of its collected segment sales, expressed as a percentage, describe a value share of the market. A volume market share, on the other hand, refers to the precise number of units that one company advertises relative to the total number.

To know more about market share visit:



Which component of GDP will be affected by each of the following transactions involving General Motors? If you believe that a transaction will affect all of the components of GDP, briefly explain why.
a. you purchase a new Chevrolet Silverado pick up from a GM dealer.
b. You purchase a 2017 Chevrolet Silverado from a friend.
c. GM purchases door handles for the Silverado from an auto parts manufacturer in Indiana.
d. GM produces 1,000 Silverado‘s in a factory in Flint, Michigan, and ships them to a car dealer in Shanghai, China.
e. GM purchases new machine tools to use in its flint factory.
f. The state of Michigan builds a new highway to help improve access to GM’s Flint plant.
g. Buonanno Construction in Massachusetts purchases 10 Silverado’s to use and it’s homebuilding business.


You purchase a new Chevrolet Silverado pick up from a GM dealer: Consumption Expenditure

You purchase a 2017 Chevrolet Silverado from a friend : Not included in the GDP calculation

GM purchases door handles for the Silverado from an auto parts manufacturer in Indiana: Not included in the GDP calculations

GM produces 1,000 Silverado‘s in a factory in Flint, Michigan, and ships them to a car dealer in Shanghai, China : Net Export Expenditure

What is purchase ?Simply put, purchase refers to a business or organization that purchases goods or services to achieve a goal. In accounting, purchases are the amount of goods purchased by a company during the year.We also refer to information about the type, quality, quantity and cost of purchase goods  that we need to retain. They are added to your inventory. Purchasing is the process of buying or acquiring goods and services to make supply chain management more efficient.Goods, materials and equipment procured in this process play an important role in improving the quality of the products/services produced by the organization. When considering a purchase, a customer is surrounded by four key factors: Products, prices, promotions and distribution channels. There are two basic types of shopping: Purchases for resale and purchases for consumption or conversion. The former is commonly associated with retailers and wholesalers.

To learn more about purchase  from the given link :



to avoid higher fines under us sentencing guidelines, senior management must actively support the company's ethics program. this includes


To avoid higher fines under us sentencing guidelines

The US Sentencing Commission put forth the effort to establish an ethics program, and now every company ethics program is based on this concept. Organizations are essentially given  stopping crime, provided that any wrongdoing is reported to the  rewards for spotting ae police and no high-level employees are involved. Reduced penalties, the avoidance of jail time, supervised release, and a shorter sentence are a few incentives.

The guidelines do not provide implementation specifics; they merely serve as a model of "business good behaviour." The following are some examples of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines compliance measures:

Establishing a code of ethics or a statement of principles is the first step in establishing rules and processes to prevent and identify criminal activity.

Senior management must be knowledgeable about the compliance and ethics program .

Make reasonable efforts to exclude any individual who has committed an illegal act or engaged in other activities inconsistent with a compliance and ethics program from substantial authority in the organization.

Periodically communicate the aspects of the compliance and ethics program to its members by conducting training programs and disseminating relevant information.

Promote and enforce the program by offering incentives for performance in accordance with the program and instituting disciplinary measures for engaging in or failing to take reasonable steps to prevent/detect criminal conduct.

Respond to criminal conduct and take steps to prevent future and similar offenses when criminal conduct has been detected.

To know more about  US sentencing guidelines click the link given below brainly.com/question/14282743


a lumberjack loses his job because timber cutting restrictions were imposed by the epa to protect the spotted owl habitat. this lumberjack would be group of answer choices


Because of limits on timber cutting put in place by the EPA to safeguard the spotted owl's habitat, a logger loses his job. In a structural sense, this lumberjack would just be structural unemployed.

What exactly is structural unemployment?

Long-term unemployment brought on by changes in the economy is referred to as structural unemployment. Even while there are open positions, there is a mismatch between how much employers require and what the current workforce can provide.

Who of the following is structurally unemployed?

The structurally jobless are those without jobs due to a lack of marketable skills, either because the demand for the abilities they do possess has changed or because they were never taught any skills.

To know more about structurally unemployed visit:



when consolidating a foreign subsidiary , whoch of the following best describes the cumulative transalation adjustment


What best describes the cumulative conversion adjustment is the cumulative conversion adjustment is a plug figure to balance the trial balance

Cumulative conversion Adjustment

This summarizes foreign exchange gain and loss over time, and is an item in the accumulated other comprehensive income portion of the balance sheet that is used to report any gain or loss arising from exposure to currency markets as a result of normal trading activities. This item is clearly marked to separate information from other gains or losses.

For more about cumulative conversion adjustment here https://brainly.com/question/16254302


A firm establishing a manufacturing plant in a foreign country due to the cheap labor costs in that country is an example of the _____ advantage that the firm enjoys.a.locationb.ownershipc.internalizationd.externalization


Location is the advantage that the firm enjoys in case of setting up of a manufacturing plant.

What benefit does FDI have over licencing, specifically?

FDI offers more direct and exact control over international enterprises than licencing does. Explicit knowledge cannot be codified, hence it must be transferred through practise. An illustration of an OLI benefit is economic agglomeration. Firm copies its domestically based activities in the host nation at the same value chain stage as horizontal FDI. Vertical FDI: In the host nation, a firm moves upstream (backward) or downstream (forward) at various stages of the value chain. A multinational company makes a vertical foreign direct investment when it buys a business that serves as a distributor or a supplier. When a corporation starts a similar operation or business strategy in another nation, this is known as horizontal FDI.

To know more about firms click on the link below:



choose the response that completes the following sentence. a taxpayer may claim an exemption from withholding on their form w-4 when they: did not have a federal income tax liability for the prior year and do not expect to have any liability for the current year. do not want to have any taxes withheld from a second job. experience a life-changing situation that will likely result in eligibility for one or more tax credits. have considerable amounts of self-employment or investment income.


If an employee meets the requirements, they can also use Form W-4 to request that no federal income tax be withheld from their pay.

What does a W-4 serve?

The W-4 form indicates to the employer how much money should be withheld in taxes from an employee's paycheck. Form used by an employer to confirm a worker's identity and determine whether they are qualified to accept employment in the United States.

The W-4 informs the employer of the amount to deduct from the employee's pay. However, the W-2 informs the IRS of the employee's earnings for the prior year. Both small business owners and large corporations must submit Form W-2. A W-4 must be submitted by each employee.

Therefore, Employees must have no tax liabilities from the prior year and anticipate no tax liabilities from the current year in order to be eligible for this exempt status.

Learn more about income tax from the given link.



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