Which of the following equations correctly describes the graphed line?y = -1/2x - 5y = -1/2x + 5y = 1/2x + 5y = 1/2x - 5

Which Of The Following Equations Correctly Describes The Graphed Line?y = -1/2x - 5y = -1/2x + 5y = 1/2x


Answer 1

We can see in the graph that the y-intercept is equal to +5. According to that, the correct options could be second and third options.

The line has a positive slope and the third option has a positive slope (1/2), therefore, this is the correct answer. (Since the second option has a negative slope (-1/2)).

The answer is y= 1/2x + 5

Related Questions

Calculate the volume of a triangular pyramid 12cm tall and with a base 12cm long and 10cm wide


Remember that the volume of a triangular pyramid can be calculated using the formula:

[tex]V=\frac{A_{base}\cdot height}{3}[/tex]

So first, let's calculate the area of the base:


Using this in the formula,


Thereby, the volume of the pyramid is 240 cubic centimiters

If angle YWV is 48 degrees, what is the measure of angle Y?Required to answer. Single choice. 52429048


According to the image given there is a right triangle formed in which we are missing one of the angles, for that we know that the sum of thr interior angles of every triangle has to be equal to 180°.

Using this information


we clear the equation for Y

[tex]\begin{gathered} Y=180-90-48 \\ Y=42 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The measure of angle Y is 42°.

Solve the quadratic equation using the quadratic formula or by completing the square. Show exact answers in simplified radical form; no rounded decimals. x^2-6x+1=0


By using Quadratic formula, the solutions are

[tex]x = {3 + 2\sqrt{2}}[/tex] or [tex]x = {3 - 2\sqrt{2}}[/tex]

What is Quadratic equation?

At first it is important to know about equation

Equation shows the equality between two algebraic expressions by connecting the two algebraic expressions by an equal to sign.

A two degree equation is known as Quadratic equation.

If [tex]ax^2+bx + c = 0 (a\neq 0)[/tex] be a quadratic equation,

[tex]x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 -4ac}}{2a}[/tex]

This is the quadratic formula


The given quadratic equation is

[tex]3x^2 = 7x - 3\\3x^2 - 7x + 3 = 0\\[/tex]

a = 1, b = -6, c = 1

x =

[tex]\frac{-(-6)\pm\sqrt{(-6)^2 - 4\times 1 \times 1}}{2\times 1}\\\frac{6 \pm \sqrt{36 - 4}}{2}\\\frac{6 \pm \sqrt{32}}{2}\\\frac{6 \pm 4\sqrt{2}}{2}\\\frac{2(3 \pm 2\sqrt{2})}{2}\\{3 \pm 2\sqrt{2}}[/tex]

[tex]x = {3 + 2\sqrt{2}}[/tex] or [tex]x = {3 - 2\sqrt{2}}[/tex]

To learn more about quadratic equation, refer to the link -



Peanuts are sold in 8 ounce and 12 ounce packages. what is the fewest number of ounces you can buy of each package to have equal amounts of each package size


The lowest common denominator is defined as the set of fraction denominators with the lowest common multiple. The lowest positive integer with more than one denominator in the set is LCD.

Given that the Peanuts are sold in 8-ounce and 12-ounce packages

We have to determine the number of ounces you can buy from each package to have equal amounts of each package size

8 = 2 × 2 × 2

12 = 2 × 2 × 3

The LCDs 8 and 12 are 24

Thus, three 8 oz packets and two 12 oz packets.

Therefore, you can buy from each package to have equal amounts of each package size the number o ounces as 3 packets of 8 ounces and 2 packets of 12 ounces.

5) Kendall is making a cone shaped party hats for his birthday. Then, each hatwill be filled with candy. The height on each cone is 7.5 inches and theradius is 1.5 inches. If she has 12 friends coming, how many cubic incheswill he need to fill all 12 hats with candy?



In the question, we are given that,

[tex]\begin{gathered} height\text{ of cone = 7.5 inches} \\ radius\text{ of cone = 1.5 inches} \end{gathered}[/tex]

We will need to find the volume of the cone.

[tex]volume\text{ of a cone =}\pi r^2h[/tex]

Therefore, we will have;


So for 12 hats with candy, we will have;

[tex]12\times V=12\times53.0144=636.1728[/tex]

Answer: 636.1728 cubic inches

If you translate the triangle below 5 units down and 5 units to the left, what quadrant(s) would it be in?


The traslated triangle would be:

We can conclude that it would be in the 3rd quadrant.

Answer: Option 3



In any right triangle with acute angles x and y, then

The sum of x and y is 90 degrees

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin x=\cos y \\ \cos x=\sin y \\ x+y=90^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then for part (1)

Since triangle XYZ is a right angle at Z



Then X and Y are complementary angles

Part (2)

sin X = opposite/hypotenuse

[tex]\sin X=\frac{x}{z}[/tex]

sin Y = opposite/hypotenuse

[tex]\sin Y=\frac{y}{z}[/tex]

cos X = adjacent/hypotenuse

[tex]\cos X=\frac{y}{z}[/tex]

cos Y = adjacent/hypotenuse

[tex]\cos Y=\frac{x}{z}[/tex]

Part (3)

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin X=\cos Y \\ \cos X=\sin Y \end{gathered}[/tex]

Part (4)

Since sin = cos, then

The sum of the 2 angles must be 90

One of them is 23 degrees, then the other must be


The answer is

[tex]\cos (23)=\sin (67)[/tex]

what is the linear equation of (0,10) (-10,-7)


Consider that the general form of a linear equation can be writen as follow:

y = mx + b

where m is the slope of the line and b the y-intercept

use the following formula for the calculation of m:

m = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)

where (x1,y1) = (-10,-7) and (x2,y2) = (0,10). Replace these values of the coordinates into the formula for m:

m = (10 - (-7))/(0-(-10))

m = (17)/(10)

m = 1.7

The y-intercept of the line is the value of the y coordinate when x=0, from the point (0,10) you can notice that y=10 when x=0. Then, the y-interceot is b =10

FInally, replace the values of m and b into the general expression for y:

y = mx + b

y = 1.7x + 10

I know that the equation is 5/9 (x-1) squared -3 What is the y-coordinate for the point where the parabola intersects the x-axis?





If the equation of the parabola is

y = 5/9 (x - 1)² - 3

The y-coordinate for the point where the parabola intersects the x-axis can be calculated by replacing x = 0, so

y = 5/9 (0 - 1)² - 3

y = 5/9 (-1)² - 3

y = 5/9 (1) - 3

y = 5/9 - 3

y = -22/9

Therefore, the y-coordinate is -22/9

Ruth has a piece of wood that measures 2 2/9 feet. She cut off 1 1/3 feet of
wood for a project. How much wood does she have remaining?


After finding the difference between total measure of wood and cut off wood, she have remaining 8/9 wood.

In the given we have to find the remaining wood.

Ruth has a piece of wood that measures 2 2/9 feet.

Now converting the mixed fraction in improper fraction by multiplying the 2 and 9 then add 2 in the multiplication of 2 and 9.

So the improper fraction is 20/9.

So The measure of wood = 20/9 feet

She cut off 1 1/3 feet of wood for a project.

Now converting the mixed fraction in improper fraction by multiplying the 1 and 3 then add 1 in the multiplication of 1 and 3.

So the improper fraction is 4/3.

So, she cut the wood = 4/3 feet

Now the remaining wood = Total measure of wood−cut the wood

Remaining wood =20/9−4/3

Now equal the denominator of both values.

Remaining wood =20/9 −4/3 ×3/3

Remaining wood =20/9 −12/9

Remaining wood =(20−12)/9

Remaining wood =8/9

To learn more about difference of fraction link is here



which of the following number lines represents the inequality x> 1.5?​



The answer would be D

Step-by-step explanation:

The inequality x>1.5, or x is greater than 1.5, has to have a line going to the right because x has to be greater than 1.5, so answers B and C can't be it. Because the symbol is greater than instead of greater than or equal to, the circle will be open, and the circle for option A is closed, so the answer is D

What is the least common multiple of 12, 48 and 72



What is the least common multiple of 12, 48 and 72

[tex]\begin{gathered} L.C.M=2\times2\times2\times2\times3\times3 \\ L.C.M=144 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the least common multiple of 12, 48 and 72 = 144

Identify the the coefficients of variable terms of the expression -2x^2+8x


Cofficient of variable terms is :

[tex]-2x^2+8x[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} -2x^2+8x \\ x(-2x+8) \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the first variable


so the cofficent is -2

and the cofficent of second variable is:


So the cofficent of second term is 8.

I’m not sure on how to do it right as I keep getting this wrong. Please help!


Given the function:


Where A(t) shows the amount of drug in a body after t hours.

Let's solve for the following:

• (a). Initial dosage:

Apply the exponential functions:



a is the initial value

b is the change factor.

Thus, we have the following:

a = 40

b = 0.83

Therefore, the initial dose is 40 mg.

• (b). What percent leaves the body each hour?

Apply the function:



r is the decay rate.

Thus, we have:

b = 1 - r

r = 1 - b

r = 1 - 0.83

r = 0.17

The percent that leaves the body each hour will be:

0.17 x 100 = 17%

Therefore, 17 percent of the drug leaves the body each hour.

• (c). What amount of drug is left after 12 hours?

Substitute 12 for t and solve for A(12):

[tex]\begin{gathered} A(12)=40(0.83)^{12} \\ \\ A(12)=40(0.1068900077) \\ \\ A(12)=4.28 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The amount left after 12 hours is 4.28 mg.

• (d). The first whole number of hours at which there is less than 6 mg left.

Plug in 5.9 for A(t) and solve for t.


Divide both sides by 40:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{5.9}{40}=\frac{40(0.83)^t}{40} \\ \\ 0.1475=(0.83)^t \end{gathered}[/tex]

Take the natural logarithm of both sides:

[tex]\begin{gathered} ln(0.1475)=tln(0.83) \\ \\ t=\frac{ln(0.1475)}{ln(0.83)} \\ \\ t=10.2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the first whole number of hours where there is less than 6 mg left is 10 hours.


• (a) 40 mg


• (b) 17%


• (c). 4.28 mg


• (d). 10 hours

a factory makes 4.8 kilograms of pumpkin pie filling per minute. how many kilograms of pie filling will the factory make in 10 minutes?





In 1 minute, the factory makes 4.8kg of pumpkin pie filling, so in 10 minutes it will make,

[tex]10\min \cdot\frac{4.8\operatorname{kg}}{1\min}=48\operatorname{kg}[/tex]

In 10 minutes, the factory makes 48 kilograms of pumpkin pie filling.

it's already graded and I got it wrong can you tell me the answer


The slope is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{y2-y1}{x2-x1} \\ \text{let:} \\ (x1,y1)=(1,-17) \\ (x2,y2)=(5,-1) \\ m=\frac{-1-(-17)}{5-1}=\frac{-1+17}{4}=\frac{16}{4}=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

QUESTION Bgraph the line with the given slope and point 2 stepsthere are two steps with in 1 question


By definition, the slope of a line is:


You can observe that it is the change in "y" divided by the change in "x".

In this case, you have the following slope:


Then the change in "y" in 2 and the change is "x" is 3.

Given the point (-4,1), you can follow these steps to graph the line:

1. Plot the given point on the coordinate plane.

2. Knowing that the slope is


You must move 3 units to the right and then 2 units up. This will give you a new point.

3. Graph the line. It must pass through those points.

The graph is:

What are the possible values for p in the equation below? Check all that apply. Ipl = 12 -12 -6 0 1 6 12 24



The absolute value of any number is always positive it doesn't matter if the number is positive or negative.

In this case we have that the absolute value of p is 12, therefore p could be 12 or -12


• -12


• 12


Step-by-step explanation:

12 and -12 is the answer

A and F

I do not understand how to do these two questions below.


Question 5:

Step 1

From the figure, we can say that vertically opposite angles are equal.

Step 2:

From the diagram,

about 3.9×10 people live in California about 1.3×10 people live in Maine about how many more people live in California than in Maine


[tex]\begin{gathered} 3.9\times10^7=39\times10^6 \\ 1.3\times10^6 \\ \text{therefore we get } \\ (39-1.3)\times10^6=37.7\times10^6=3.77\times10^7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

so the answer is


Please assist me in knowing how to figure these out.


we have the equation


A) since H is an exponential function 180 represents the maximum posible value of H or the maximum temperature that the center of the cake can reach


we have

H(t)= 22° C

when placed in the oven or t=0


the value of a is 158



we already know a=158

let's solve for t


now this is the time 29 minutes before taking the cake out of the oven

so the total time is 29+21.587

then the total time the baking thin was in the oven

is 50.587 minutes

Suppose you and a friend are playing a game that involves flipping a fair coin 3 times. Let X = the number of times
that the coin shows heads. You have previously shown that all conditions have been met and that this scenario
describes a binomial setting.
Determine the value of n and p and calculate the mean and standard deviation of X. Round the standard deviation to
three decimal places.
■ n=

0x =


Using the normal distribution, it is found that, the standard deviation is 0.86

What does "normal" describe in statistics?

Normal usually refers to the word "normal" in a normal distribution.

The normal distribution is somewhat similar where the main observation (mean or its surrounding) occurs frequently and as we go far from the mean, its chances decrease.

In a normal distribution with mean μ and standard deviation  σ, the z-score of a measure X is;

σ = √np(1- p)

After finding the z-score, we need the p-value associated with this z-score, which is the percentile of X.

The given parameters are:

n = 3 ---- the number of flips

p = 0.5 --- the probability

The standard deviation is calculated as:

σ = √np(1- p)

σ = √3 (0.5) (0.5)

σ = 0.86

Hence, the standard deviation is 0.86

Learn more about normal distribution here:



I need help with this question please. This is non-graded.



The standard form of a quadratic equation is the following:


Where a, b and c are numbers. In this case we are given a quadratic equation in vertex form:


We can expand the squared binomial:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=x^2-2\cdot4\cdot x+(-4)^2-16 \\ y=x^2-8x+16-16 \\ y=x^2-8x \end{gathered}[/tex]Answer

Then the answer is the second option.

Mr.Cumme has 5 bags of jelly beans for his classroom. Each bag is 7/8 full. Which expression can be used to represent the total amount of full bags of jelly beans?- A. 7 divided by (8x5)- B. (5X7) divided by 8- C. 8 divided by (7X5)- D. 6x ( 7 divided by 5)


Consider that the coefficient for the number of full bags is 7/8 and the number of bags is 5. By divinding these numbers you get the total amount of full bags:


when we have used division between fractions (Notice what we added a 1 denominator to 5).

Hence, the answer:

A. 7 divided by (8 x 5)

AHow many degrees mustFigure A be rotatedcounterclockwise aroundthe origin in order toline up with Figure B?BA. 90B. 180C. 270D. 360


The figure A when rotated through 180 degrees counterclockwis, figure B will be obtained

correct answer is OPTION B

Hi! May you please help me complete question 4. I'm kinda confused



The coordinates of the figure ABC are,




To find the correct statement:

Let us find the coordinates after rotating the figure 90 degree clockwise direction.

As we know,

In a rotation of 90 degrees clockwise, every point (x,y) will be changed to (y, -x).

So, we get,


E(-4, 3)


It perfectly matches with given graph.

So, Betty's statement is correct.

If we translate the figure two units up and two units right, the given point B (-3,-4) will be changed to (-1,-2) and its reflected point over the y-axis will be (1,-2).

But, this does not match with E(-4,3).

So, Veronica's statement is wrong.

Hence, Betty's statement alone is the correct one.

A sine function has an amplitude of 3, a period of π, and a phase shift of pi over 2 period What is the y-intercept of the function?


The sine fuction we have is

[tex]f(x)=3\sin \mleft(2x+\frac{\pi}{2}\mright)[/tex]

If we want the y-intercept, we must put x = 0, then

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=3\sin (2x+\frac{\pi}{2}) \\ \\ f(0)=3\sin (\frac{\pi}{2}) \\ \\ f(0)=3\cdot1 \\ \\ f(0)=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the y-intercept is 3.

Answer: 0

Step-by-step explanation: trust me

Finds the measures of angle b and d given that m ll n. Explain.



b = 60.7

d = 43.1


The angles of measure 60.7 and b are alternate interior angles because they are on opposite sides of the transversal and in the inside of the parallel lines m and n. These angles have the same measure, so

b = 60.7

Angle d and the angle of measure 136.9 form a straight line, so they sum to 180 degrees. Therefore, the measure of angle d is

d = 180 - 136.9 = 43.1

Therefore, the answers are

b = 60.7

d = 43.1

Melissa is choosing between two exercise routines,In Routine #1, she burns 42 calories walking. She then runs at a rate that burns 14.25 calories per minute.In Routine #2, she burns 25 calories walking. She then runs at a rate that burns 18.5 calories per minute.For what amounts of time spent running will Routine #1 burn at most as many calories as Routine #27Use t for the number of minutes spent running, and solve your inequality for t.


Suppose in routine 1 and 2, Melissa rune for t minutes.

She burns 42 calories walking and then she runs at a rate that burns 14.25 calories per minute in rouitne 1.

So, total calories she burns in routine 1 is


Again, in routine 2, she burns 25 calories walking and she runs at a rate that burns 18.5 calories per minute in rouitne 2.

So, total calories she burns in routine 2 is



[tex]\begin{gathered} 42+14.25t\leq25+18.5t \\ 18.5t-14.25t\ge42-25 \\ 4.25t\ge17 \\ t\ge4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, Melissa should run for minimum 4 minutes

simplify the expression 5x + 6 (x-2) -8 (x-3)A. 19x + 36 B. 19x + 12 C. 3x - 36 D. 3x + 12


Given the expression:

5x + 6 (x-2) -8 (x-3)

Let's simplify the exression using the following steps:

Step 1.

Apply distributive property:

5x + 6x + 6(-2) - 8x - 8(-3)

5x + 6x - 12 - 8x + 24

Step 2.

Combine like terms:

5x + 6x - 8x - 12 + 24

3x + 12

Therefore, the simplified expression is:

3x + 12


D. 3x + 12

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