Four different stores have the same digital camera on sale. The original price and discounts offered by each store are listed below. Rank the stores from the cheapest to most expensive sale price of the camera.
Store A: price $99.99 and discount of 15%
Store B: price $95.99 and discount of 12%
Store C: price $90.99 and discount of 10%
Store D: price $89.99 and successive discounts of 5% and 5%


Answer 1

D<C<B<A; This is the correct ranking of the given stores in the order of cheapest to most expensive sale price of the camera as the definition of ascending order says, "Ascending order means to arrange numbers in increasing order, that is, from smallest to largest."

What is ascending order?

The arrangement of numbers or other things in increasing order from smallest to largest is known as ascending order. Ascending order is demonstrated by numbers on a number line, which are listed from left to right. Usual representations include using commas or the "less-than symbol (<)" between numbers. For instance, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5; or 1<2 <3 <4 <5.


Store A:



Discount in dollar=$14.9985

Discounted price=$84.9915

Store B:



Discount in dollar=$11.5188

Discounted price=$84.4712

Store C:



Discount in dollar=$9.099

Discounted price=$81.891

Store D:


Discount=5% and after that 5%

net price after discount=$81.215

The price of store D is minimum that is $81.215.

According to the definition of ascending order, "Ascending order means to arrange numbers in increasing order, that is, from smallest to largest," this ranking of the given stores in order of cheapest to most expensive sale price of the camera is correct; D<C<B<A.

To know more about ascending order,


Related Questions

im completely lost on my review it says find the missing angle from these 2 congruent triangles.


We will reason to find the values of angles 1 through 6. To do so, we will use a key fact of triangles which is:

the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°.

So, we will start by finding the value of angle 1. Note that angle 1 is in the triangle XYZ, whose other angles are 58° and 65°. Then, we have the following equation

[tex]\text{Angle 1 + 58\degree+65\degree=180\degree}[/tex]

Since 58+65 = 123 then we have

[tex]\text{Angle 1 + 123 =180}[/tex]

By subtracting 123 on both sides, we get that

[tex]\text{Angle 1 =180-123 = 57\degree}[/tex]

So angle 1 measures 57°.

We can see that angles 1 and 2 are supplementary. That is, their measures add up to 180°. So, we have the following equation

[tex]\text{Angle 1 + Angle 2 =180}[/tex]

Since angle 1 = 77° we have that

[tex]77\text{ + Angle 2 = 180}[/tex]

which implies that angle 2 measures 123°. Using the same principle we can find the value of angle 5, since we have

[tex]\text{Angle 2 + Angle 5 = 180}[/tex]

since angle 2 measures 123, we have that

[tex]123+\text{ Angle 5 = 180}[/tex]

which implies that angle 5 measures 57°. Now, we see that angle 6 is in triangle VXW, so we can find the value of angle 6 as follows

[tex]\text{Angle 6 + Angle 5 + 67 = 180}[/tex]

Then, since angle 5 measures 57° we have

[tex]\text{Angle 6 + 57\degree+67\degree=180\degree}[/tex]

Since 57+67=124. Then , we have

[tex]\text{Angle 6 + 124 = 180 }[/tex]

Subtracting 124 on both sides, we get

[tex]\text{Angle 6 = 180-124 = 56}[/tex]

Now, we are missing to find the values of angles 3 and 4. To do so, first notice that

[tex]\text{Angle 2 + Angle 3 +Angle 4=180}[/tex]

since these are the angles of triangle WXZ. We already know the measure of the angle 2 (123), so we have

[tex]\text{Angle 3 + Angle 4 =}180\text{ -123 = 57}[/tex]

Unfortunately, the question doesn't give any more details on the triangles, so there are multiple solutions of values of angles 3 and 4 such that the equation holds

how many pounds is 19.2 kg


Let's begin by listing out the given information:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 19.2kg\rightarrow lb \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

From general acceptable law, we know that:


Therefore, 19.2 kg will be converted to pounds using simple proportion as shown below:


write word problem1- correct variable term for the left side2-correct constant term for the left side 3-correct operation between the terms of the left side 4-correct equal sign or inequality symbol 5-correct variable term for the right side6-correct constant term for the right side 7-correct operation between the terms of the right side58×+170>42×+320


For the equation


A word problem could be the following.

Suppose we have a coin whose value we do not know and let us call the value of this coin x. All we know that 58 of these coins plus $170 is greater than 42 of these coins plus $320. This information, when converted into a word problem, gives the above inequality.

Point P(4,-2) undergoes a translation given by (x, y) - (x+3, x-a) , followed by another translation (x, y) - (x-b, x+7) to produce the image of P”(-5,-8). Find the values of a and b and point P’.


Assuming x - a = y - a and x + 7 = y + 7

Original Point P (4, -2)

Translated to Point P' (x + 3, y - a) = (4 + 3, -2 - a) = (7, -2 - a)

Translated to next point P'' = (x - b, y + 7) = (7 - b, -2 - a + 7) = (7 - b, 5 - a) = (-5, 8)

From the above changes, we can see that 7 - b = -5 and 5 - a = 8. Therefore:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 7-b=-5 \\ 7+5=b \\ 12=b \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 5-a=8 \\ 5-8=a \\ -3=a \end{gathered}[/tex]

The value of a = -3 and b = 12.

The point P' (7, -2 - a) = (7, -2 - (-3)) = (7, 1). Point P' is at (7, 1).

To check if this is right, let's look at the original point again and its transformations.

P (4, -2) translated to (x + 3, y - a) = (4 + 3, -2 - (-3)) = (7, 1).

P' (7, 1) is then translated to ( x - b, y + 7) = (7 - 12, 1 + 7) = (-5, 8).

As mentioned in the question, P'' is indeed found at (-5, 8).

Noah bought 15 baseball cards for $9 assuming each baseball card cost the same amount answer the following questions one at this rate how much will the third 30 baseball cards cost explain your reasoning. At this rate how much will 12 baseball cards cost explain your reasoning. Do you think this information will be better represented using a table or a double number line explain your reasoning.


We know that 15 baseball costs $9.

We have to divide to find the unit cost.


Each baseball card cost 60 cents.

So, for 30 cards, it would cost

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0.6\cdot30=18 \\ 0.6\cdot12=7.2 \end{gathered}[/tex]Hence, 30 baseball cards cost $18, at the same unit price. And 12 baseball cards would cost $7.20.

Observe that to get the answers, we just had to multiply the number of cards by the unit price.

There's no need for a table or a number double line because they are used when the amount of data is big enough. It is better to keep it simple.

What is 4.73 x 3.4?
Please answer




The product of 4.73 and 3.4 is calculated below:

A 150 lb individual weighs how many kg? Round to nearest kilogram.


Take into account that the relation between pounds and kilograms is:

1 kg = 2.204 lb

Then, you can use a conversion factor to determine how many kg are 150 lb, as follow:


Hence, 150 lb are approximately 68.05 kg

It costs $350 to repair a refrigerator compressor. Compute the QLF for losses incurred as a result of a deviation from a target setting with a nominal tolerance of 60 amps, where a 2-amp variation is acceptable. The mean squared deviation is 1/5


The Quality loss function QLF incurred as a result of a deviation from a target setting is $17.5

How to determine the QLF for the losses

QLF is acronym for quality loss function, this solved using the formula

= kv^2


k = constant

v = mean square deviation = 1/5

the constant k is solved by the formula

= c/T^2


c =  cost of item = 350

T = variation acceptable = 2

= 350 / 2^2

= 87.5

QLF = kv^2\

= 87.5 * 1/5

= 17.5

Learn more about QLF at:


Jane earns £11 400 per year.90169 brs anottoB
After her pay rise she earns £12 198 per year.
What was her percentage pay rise?


The percentage rise of Jane= 7%.

What is percentage ?

In mathematics, a percentage is a number or ratio that can be expressed as a fraction of 100. If we have to calculate percent of a number, divide the number by the whole and multiply by 100. Hence, the percentage means, a part per hundred. The word per cent means per 100. It is represented by the symbol “%”.

Percentage Increase/ Rise and Decrease/ Fall

The percentage increase is equal to the subtraction of the original number from a new number, divided by the original number and multiplied by 100.

% increase = [(New number – Original number)/Original number] x 100


increase in number = New number – original number

Similarly, a percentage decrease is equal to the subtraction of a new number from the original number, divided by the original number and multiplied by 100.

% decrease = [(Original number – New number)/Original number] x 100

Where decrease in number = Original number – New number

So basically if the answer is negative then there is a percentage decrease.

In the given question , Jane earns initially =  £11 400 per year

After rise Jane earns = £12 198 per year.

Percentage rise = [(New number – Original number)/Original number] x 100

Percentage rise = [( 12198 – 11400)/11400] x 100

= [( 798)/11400] x 100= 0.07 × 100 = 7%

So the percentage rise of Jane= 7%.

To know more about percentage rise here.


subtract.(9r + 9) - (9r + 3)


Consider the given expression,


Eliminate the parenthesis,


Take the like terms together,

[tex]\begin{gathered} (9r-9r)+(9-3) \\ 0+6 \\ 6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the value of the expression is 6.

A laboratory tested 82 chicken eggs and found that the mean amount of cholesterol was 228 milligrams with sigma equals 19.0 milligrams. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the true mean cholesterol content u of all such eggs.






[tex]\begin{gathered} n=82 \\ \bar{x}=228 \\ \sigma=19.0 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

At 95% confidence level;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \propto=1-95\% \\ =1-0.95 \\ =0.05 \\ \frac{\propto}{2}=0.025 \\ Z_{\frac{\operatorname{\propto}}{2}}=Z_{0.025}=1.96 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

At 95% confidence interval for true mean;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \bar{x}\pm Z_{\frac{\operatorname{\propto}}{2}}\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} \\ =228\operatorname{\pm}1.96\times\frac{19}{\sqrt{82}} \\ =228+1.96\times\frac{19}{\sqrt{82}}<228-1.96\times\frac{19}{\sqrt{82}} \\ =228-4.1124<228+4.1124 \\ =223.88<\mu<232.11 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, 95% confidence interval for the true mean cholesterol content


Find the axis of symmetry of the graph y = x2 + 8x + 16.


The axis of simetry of a parabola is the vertical line that cross the vertex of the parabola.

So, we need to find the x-value of the vertex:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{The general equation of a parabola is:} \\ y=ax^2+bx+c \\ \text{The x-value of the vertex is:} \\ x_v=-\frac{b}{2a} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, in this case a=1 and b=8:


The axis of simetry is x=-4.

Please help me with this ASAP!


The length of the side AB in triangle ΔABC is 12 centimeters

What is the length of a line or segment?

The length of a line or segment is the distance between the endpoints.

The location at which the perpendicular bisector of segment [tex]\overline{AB}[/tex] in ΔABC intersects the side [tex]\overline{BC}[/tex] = Point D

The perimeter of ΔABC = 12 + The perimeter of ΔACD

Please find attached, the possible drawing of the figure in the question;

ΔADE is congruent to ΔBDE by Side-Angle-Side congruency postulate

[tex]\overline{AD}[/tex] is congruent to [tex]\overline{DB}[/tex] by Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent.

The perimeter of ΔABC = AB + BC + AC

Perimeter of triangle ΔACD = AC + CD + AD

BC = CD + DB

The perimeter of ΔABC = AB + CD + DB + AC = 12 + AC + CD + AC

The substitution and subtraction property of equality indicates;

AB + CD + DB = 12 + CD + AD = 12 + CD + DB

AB = 12

Therefore, AB = 12

Learn more about the substitution property of equality here:


What definition would justify the following statement?If T is the midpoint of segment RS then, Segment RT is congruent to segment TS.Options:Definition of Angle BisectorDefinition of CongruenceDefinition of MidpointDefinition of Segment Bisector



Definition of Segment Bisector


The statement given is:

If T is the midpoint of segment RS then, Segment RT is congruent to segment TS.

The very first portion of that statement gives us the context of this statement.

We see two key words there:

- Midpoint

- Segment

The statement is talking about a segment and so it cannot be about an Angle Bisector.

Also, we see T acting as a means of bisecting the segment RS into equal parts.

How do we know? We have that Segment RTis congruent (or equal/identical) to segment TS.

This tells us that T acts as a bisector for that segment RS.

We can therefore say that the statement justifies the Definition of a Segment Bisector.

A vector has a magnitude of 50 and a direction of 30°. Another vector has a magnitude of 60 and a direction of 150°. What are the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector? Round the magnitude to the thousandths place and the direction to the nearest degree.


Step 1:

Draw the vector diagram

Step 2:

Write the angles to the horizontal axis.

30 degrees to the horizontal axis = 30

150 degrees to the horizontal axis = 180 - 150 = 30

Step 3:

Find the vertical component and the horizontal component of the magnitude.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Horizontal component = Fcos}\theta \\ \text{Vertical component = Fsin}\theta \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Sum of the vertical component V = 25 + 30 = 55} \\ \text{Sum of the horizontal component H = 43.3 - 51.96 = -8.66} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 4:

Find the magnitude

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Magnitude = }\sqrt[]{V^2+H^2} \\ =\text{ }\sqrt[]{55^2+(-8.66)^2} \\ =\text{ }\sqrt[]{3025+74.9956} \\ =\text{ 56.678} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Magnitude = 56.678

Step 5:

Find the direction

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Tan}\theta=\text{ }\frac{V}{H} \\ \theta=tan^{-1}(\frac{55}{8.66}) \\ \theta\text{ = 81} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Direction = 81

(3m - 2n)³ = (9m² -12mn + 4n²)


For this expression (3m - 2n)³ = (9m² -12mn + 4n²)

1)Let's remember the difference of two cubes

(a -b)³ = a³ -3a²b +3ab²-b³

(3m - 2n)³ = (3m)³ -3 (3m)²(-2n) +3(3m)(-2n)²-(2n)³ = 27m³ -54m²n +36mn²-8n³

27m³ -54m²n +36mn²-8n³ = 9m² -12mn + 4n²

2) Combining Like terms:

27m³ -54m²n +36mn²-8n³ -9m² +12mn+4n² =0

Since we can't get a simpler version of it. Let's keep with that.

2The points A(2,5), B(6,5), C(5,2) and D(1, 2) are the vertices of a parallelogram.If the parallelogram is translated down two units and right three units, what will bethe coordinates of the final image of point B?


To answer this question, we need to apply the rule of translation to each of the points of the parallelogram. This rule can be expressed as: (x + 3, y -2), that is, the parallelogram is translated down two units and right three units.

Then, we have:

A (2, 5) ---> A'(2 + 3, 5 - 2) ---> A' (5, 3)

B (6, 5) ---> B' (6 + 3, 5 -2 ) ---> B' (9, 3)

C (5, 2) ---> C' (5 + 3, 2 - 2) ---> C' (8, 0)

D (1, 2) ---> D' (1 + 3, 2 -2) ---> D' (4, 0)

Therefore, the coordinates of the final image of point B are B' (9, 3).

The Homecoming committee wants to raise between $1500 and $2000 at the dance.They have already saved $800 to put towards the dance. If tickets are $20 each, howmany tickets must they sell? Variable Represents:Inequality:Solve:Sentence:





Let the variable t represents the number of tickets they must sell.

Cost of a ticket =$20

• Cost of t tickets =$20t

Since they have already saved $800

Total balance = 800+20t

The committee wants to raise between $1500 and $2000 at the dance.

Therefore, the inequality representing this situation is:


We solve for t.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1500\leqslant800+20t\leqslant2000\text{ (Subtract 800 from all sides)} \\ 1500-800\leqslant800-800+20t\leqslant2000-800 \\ 700\leqslant20t\leqslant1200\text{ (Divide all through by 20)} \\ \frac{700}{20}\leqslant\frac{20t}{20}\leqslant\frac{1200}{20} \\ 35\leqslant t\leqslant60 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The homecoming committee must sell between 35 and 60 tickets to meet their goal.

please answer the question and please explain in simple way


The x intercepts are determide when you calculated the equation when y=0

To find the x-coordinate of the vertex you have to apply the next formula:


Where you follow the form of the equation:



1. In this case if we have the equation in the form: x( x - 2) we can know that y=0 when one of the terms is 0:

y=0 when:



x= - 2

2. y=0 when:





3. y=0 when:




x=5x-coordinate of the vertex:

To identify the coeficeints a and b we express the equation in a different form, we have to multiply. Then we can apply the formula to find the x coordinate of the vertex, as follow:








5. Elena wanted to find the slope and y-intercept of the graph of 25x - 20y = 100.She decided to put the equation in slope-intercept form first. Here is her work-25x – 20y = 10020y = 100 – 25x5y = 5 --X-5. Describe Elena's mistake in her work above, and what the correct slopeand y-intercept of the line are.What are the x- and y-intercepts of the equation 4y + 9x = 18?


Given the equation:

25x - 20y = 100

Let' write the equation in slope-intercept form and find the mistaeke in Elena's worl.

Apply the slope intercept form of a linear equation:

y = mx + b

Rewrite the equation for y:

25x - 20y = 100

• Subtract 25x from both sides:

25x - 25x - 20y = 100 - 25x

-20y = 100 - 25x

• Divide all terms by -20:


If Erica teaches 15 fewerthan twice as many as Bo, how many classes does each instructor teach per week?



What to find?

The number each instructor teach per week.


Total number they teach per week =39

let e = number of classes Erica teaches per week and b = the number of classes Bo teaches per week.

e =2b - 15

Step 1

Form the linear equation.


Step 2

Substitute e=2b-15 into the above.


Step 3

Collect like term.


Step 4

Divide both-side of the equation by 3.


Step 5

Determine Erica's age.

[tex]\begin{gathered} b+e=39 \\ \\ e=39-b \\ \\ e=39-18 \\ \\ e=21 \end{gathered}[/tex]


c. 18 Bo; 21 Erica

Find the height of the trapezoid.Base1: 100Base2: 56Leg1: 31Leg2: 31 Please help!!


To find the area of a trapezoid we can use this equation:


so we have to find the missing sides so:

So the area is:


(2,-1)(-3,5)1:2find the point that partitions the segment with the two given endpoints with the given ratio


We are given two points

A = (2, -1)

B = (-3, 5)

Ratio = 1:2

Let the ratio be P

Therefore, P is 1:2

Slope = Rise / Run

Rise = y2 - y1

Run = x2 - x1

x1 = 2, y1 = -1, x2 = -3 and y2 = 5

P = 1 / 1+ 3

P = 1/3

The horizontal distance is the same as run

Run = x2 - x1

=-3 - 2

Run = -5

Therefore we have

P x run

1/3 x -5

= -5/3

The distance between P and A on the x - axis is

-5/3 - 2

= -11/3

Rise = y2 - y1

5 - (-1)

= 5 + 1

Rise = 6

1/3 x 6

6/3 = 2

The distance between A and P on the y axis is

2 -(-1)

=2 + 1

= 3

The points are -11/3 and 3

The answer is (-11/3, 3)

The values of x and y vary directly and one pair of values are given write an equation that relates x and y X=2 y=5



The values of x = 2 and y = 5

The relation between the values of x and y:


Now we need to have y = 5 for x = 2 so let us substitute 5/2 in place of blank space.That is,

[tex]y=\frac{5}{2}x[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} y=\frac{5}{2}x \\ 5=\frac{5}{2}\times2 \\ 5=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the relation gets satisfied.

Hence, the relation is :


Which of the following represents vector u = −3i + 8j in component form?



- The way to write vectors in component form is given below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} u=u_xi+u_yj \\ \text{ In Component form, we have:} \\ u=\langle u_x,u_y\rangle \end{gathered}[/tex]

- Thus, we can apply the rule stated above to the question given to us.

- This is done below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} u=-3i+8j \\ \\ \therefore u=\langle-3,8\rangle \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final Answer

The answer is

[tex]u=\langle-3,8\rangle\text{ (OPTION 2)}[/tex]

What is the image (11,-5) after the Rx=0 • T(11,-5)(-22,-10)(0,-10)(22,10)(0,10)


The original point has coordinates (11,-5)

The transformation applied to this point are Rx=0 * T(11,-5)

First, you have to do the translation T(11,-5), this means that you have to make a horizontal translation 11 units to the right, and a vertical translation 5 units down, following the rule:


So, add 11 units to the x-coordinate and subtract 5 units to the y-coordinate of (11,-5)


Once you've made the translation, you have to reflect the point (22,-10) over the vertical line x=0, this vertical line is the y-axis. This means that you have to reflect the point over the y-axis.

To do this reflection you have to invert the sign of the x-coordinate of the point and leave the y-coordinate the same:


The coordinates of the point after the translation and reflection are (-22,-10), option 1

Juanita is eight years older than her brother hector. If Juanita is nineteen years old this year, how old is hector


juanita: 19



Hector is 10 years

Write the phrase as an algebraic expression8. the quotient of eight and a number h


the quotient of eight and a number h​

we have that

quotient is a division


eight is the numerator and h is the denominator



the answer is 8/h

enclose the figure that occupies the position of the tens of thousand in each number. then write its value 573901 1926734 103485 2801345




The tens of thousand, would be the values of 10,000 in 10,000, therefore for each value it would be:


what is the range of the giving relation {(9,1), (9,4) , (9,5) , (9,6)}




We are given the relation:

{(9, 1), (9, 4), (9, 5), (9, 6)}​

The range of any set of points in

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