High school band perform a concert on four different days bandsaw tickets each day as a fun raiser below the table shows the number of tickets sold in the amount collection of from sales slove with tablesHELPPP PLEASSEEEEEE

High School Band Perform A Concert On Four Different Days Bandsaw Tickets Each Day As A Fun Raiser Below


Answer 1

From the table given, Let's consider the third day

On the third day, 62 tickets were sold and $ 341 was collected

Then we can obtain the cost of a single ticket, which will be =


= $ 5.5

So 1 ticket cost $5.5

Then we can fill in the table



The equation that can be used to find y, the amount of money collected can be obtained since we know the cost of a single ticket which is $ 5.5

[tex]\begin{gathered} y\text{ = 5.5x} \\ \text{where x is the number of tickets sold} \end{gathered}[/tex]


A dependent variable represents a quantity whose value depends on how the independent variable is manipulated.

From the equation

y = 5.5 x

y = Amount of money collected

x = Number of tickets

Since y (Amount collected) depends on x (the number of tickets sold)

y is the dependent variable

x is the independent variable

Part D

The relationship is that:

The amount of money that will be collected is dependent on the number of tickets sold.

since each ticket costs $5.5, then the amount realized is $5.5 multiplied by the number of tickets

High School Band Perform A Concert On Four Different Days Bandsaw Tickets Each Day As A Fun Raiser Below

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f(x)=4x^2-17x + 3What is the value the discriminant F?How many distinct real numbers zeros does F have?



• D=249


• Two real numbers zeros


Given the quadratic function:


a=4, b=-17, c=3

The discriminant is obtained using the formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} D=b^2-4ac \\ =(-17)^2-4(4)(3) \\ =289-48 \\ =249 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the discriminant is greater than 0, the equation has 2 real solutions (or zeros).


• If D<0, the equation has 0 real solutions.


• If D=0, the equation has 1 real solution.

What is the mode of the following numbers?8, 1, 2, 6, 1, 4


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Ordering the numbers} \\ 1,1,2,4,6,8 \\ The\text{ mode is the number that has more frequency. In this case the mode is 1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find the formula for the geometric sequence 1, 5, 25, 125,...OA4, = 5-1OB. 0,= 5.50-1OC. a, = (-2)"-1D. 0,= -2"-1Reset Selection


Given: geometric series 1 , 5, 25 , 125,.................

Find: formula for the geometric series

Explanation: the general formula for the series is

[tex]\begin{gathered} ar^{n-1} \\ 1.5^{n-1} \\ 5^{n-1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final answer:


I need help with this question... which one is the correct choice



The image of the point (-2, 3) under translation T is (3, -1)

So, we will find the rule of the translation T

[tex]\begin{gathered} (-2+h,3+k)=(3,-1) \\ -2+h=3\rightarrow h=5 \\ 3+k=-1\rightarrow k=-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, the rule of translation is: shift 5 units right and 4 units down


Now, we will find the image of the point (4, 2)



So, the answer will be (9, -2)

How to find the value of x so that the function has a given value


we have the function



substitute the given value of f(x)


solve for x

divide both sides by 6






Vanessa cycled from her home to the beach at a speed of 18 meters per second The distance between her home and the beach is 1,350 m. How long did she ta to cycle from her home to the beach? speed + distance=time​


Vanessa took 75 sec time to cycle from her home to the beach

What is Speed?

Speed is the time rate at which an object is moving along a path

Speed =Distance/time


Vanessa cycled from her home to the beach at a speed of 18 meters per second

Speed=18 m/s

The distance between her home and the beach is 1,350 m.

Distance=1,350 m

Now we need to find the time for Vanessa to cycle from her home to the beach


We have formula of speed




=75 sec

Hence Vanessa took 75 sec to cycle from her home to the beach

To learn more on Speed click:



Adams house, the local park, and the nearest hospital are mapped on a coordinate plane. what's the distance between Adams house and the hospital?


The distance between two points is given by:


From the plane we notice that Adam's house is located in the point (-4,2) and the hospital in the point (5,7).

Plugging this values in the formula we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} d(A,H)=\sqrt[]{(7-2)^2+(5-(-4))^2} \\ =\sqrt[]{(5)^2+(9)^2} \\ =\sqrt[]{25+81} \\ =\sqrt[]{106} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the distance between Adam's house and the hospital is the square root of 106 and the answer is D.

Find the volume of this object.Use 3 for π.Volume of a CylinderV= πr²h6 in8 in12 in V[?]in³310 in



V = 366 in³


This object is composed of two cylinders. The total volume of the object is the sum of the volumes of the cylinders.

As stated in the problem, the volume of a cylinder is given by,

[tex]V=\pi r^2h[/tex]

Where r is the radius of the base and h is the height of the cylinder.

For the tallest cylinder, the diameter is 6 in - so the radius is 3 in, and the height is 8 in. Using 3 for π, the volume is,


For the shortest cylinder, the diameter is 10 in, so the radius is 5 in, and the height is 2 in. The volume of this cylinder is,


And the total volume of the object is,


Hence, the volume of the object is 366 cubic inches.

F(x) = (x + 3)^2 Graphing



F(x) = (x + 3)^2

let y = F(x)

y = (x + 3)^2

Graphing the function:

we need to set values for x and get corresponding values of y

Assigned values:

x =

How many square feet are there in 288 square inches (1 foot=12 inches)



1 foot = 12 inches

So, 288 square inches are:

[tex]288\text{ in}^2=288\text{ in}^2\times(\frac{1\text{ ft}}{12\text{ in}})^2[/tex]


[tex]288\text{ in}^2\times\frac{1^2\text{ ft}^2}{12^2\text{ in}^2}=288\text{ in}^2\times\frac{1\text{ ft}^2}{144\text{ in}^2}[/tex]


[tex]2\text{ ft}^2[/tex]

Answer: 2 square feet

How do you write 37.5% as a mixed number?


FIrst, write the given percentage as a fraction:

37.5% = 37.5/100 = 375/1000 = 75/200 = 15/40 = 3/8

3/8 is the same as 0 3/8 as a mixed number

If f(x) = 5x - 2 and g(x) = 1 - 2x, find (fg)(x).I am not sure if my answer is right please help me



f(x) = 5x - 2

g(x) = 1 - 2x

Let's find (fg)(x).

To solve the function operation, we have:

(fg)(x) = f(x) * g(x)

Thus, we have:


Solving further:

Expand using FOIL method, then apply distributive property

[tex]\begin{gathered} (fg)(x)=5x(1-2x)-2(1-2x) \\ \\ (fg)(x)=5x(1)+5x(-2x)-2(1)-2(-2x)_{} \\ \\ (fg)(x)=5x-10x^2-2+4x \\ \\ (fg)(x)=+5x+4x-10x^2-2 \\ \\ (fg)(x)=9x-10x^2-2^{} \end{gathered}[/tex]



consider the following.find formula simplify answer .Find the domain for the formula and round answer to two decimal places if necessary.


The sum of functions is given as:


In this case we have:


The domain of the functions is any number that makes the squared root a real number, then:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x-1\ge0 \\ x\ge1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the domain of the functions is:


I need help on this problem getting the answers do you know what they are ??????????


• 16.

Common difeference:

Is the difference between consecutive numbers in an arithematic sequence

18 -20 = -2

16-18 = -2

14-16 = -2

Common difference = -2

• 17.

Explicit rule: Use the arithematic sequence formula

an = a1 +(n-1 ) d


a1 = first term = 20

d= common difference = -2


an = 20 + (n-1)-2

• 18.

Replace n by 11

an = 20 + (11-1 ) -2

an = 20 + (10)-2

an= 20 - 20

an = 0

Amount to be paid = 0 (zero)

Monica wants to know how many students take the bus home from Morton Middle School. She handed out 100 surveys and 86 said they take the bus home and rest were car-riders. If 1200 students attend Morton Middle School, what is Monica's estimate for the number of students who take the bushome? How many students take the bus home?


Let the number of students who take the bus home be x.

Determine the value of x as ratio of number of students who take the bus home to total number of student is equal.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{86}{100}=\frac{x}{1200} \\ x=\frac{86\cdot1200}{100} \\ =1032 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: 1032 students.

What is the value of this matrix at az?Matrix A





A matrix is represented by an uppercase letter (A,B, …) and its elements with the same lowercase letter (a,b, …), with a double subscript where the first indicates the row and the second the column a the one that belongs.

Just like that:

Therefore, if we look at the matrix of the statement, we can determine that a2,1 is equal to 27

what is the greatest possible integer solution of the inequality 2.877x <27.174 ?


We have to isolate the x in the inequality:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2.877x<27.174 \\ x<\frac{27.174}{2.877} \\ x<9.45 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the greatest possible integer is 9.

solve quadratic by completing the squarex^2 + 12x + 23 = 0which form do i use and solve(x+___)^2(x - ___) ^2solutionx = ___


Quadratics are in the general form:


For completing the square, we use:


Now, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x+\frac{12}{2})^2=-23+(\frac{12}{2})^2 \\ (x+6)^2=-23+(6)^2 \\ (x+6)^2=13 \end{gathered}[/tex]

From here, we can easily solve for x with a little algebra. Shown below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{(x+6)^2}=\pm\sqrt[]{13} \\ x+6=\pm\sqrt[]{13} \\ x=-6\pm\sqrt[]{13} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer(s) are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=-6+\sqrt[]{13} \\ x=-6-\sqrt[]{13} \end{gathered}[/tex]

For further clarification



11. A fair die is rolled 8 times. What is the probability of getting a. I on each of the 8 rolls? b. 6 exactly twice in the 8 rolls? c. 6 at least once in the 8 rolls?


To asnwer this questions we can use the binomial distribution. The probability of having a number k of successes in a binomial experiment is given by:


where n is the number of trials and p is the probability of succes.


Since we like to have a one in each roll this means that in this case the probability of succes will be 1/6 (1 possibility out of 6). Also we have 8 rolls then n=8, and we like that the one is the result in each of them, then k=8. Plugging this values in the distribution we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(X=8)=\frac{8!}{8!(8-8)!}(\frac{1}{6})^8(1-\frac{1}{6})^{8-8} \\ =\frac{1}{1679616} \\ =0.595\times10^{-6} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the probability of getting a one in each roll is 0.00000595.


Since we like a 6 exactly twice this means that k=2. The probability of succes is 1/6. Plugging the values in the distribution we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(X=2)=\frac{8!}{2!(8-2)!}(\frac{1}{6})^2(1-\frac{1}{6})^{8-2} \\ =0.26 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the probability of obtaining 6 exactly twice is 0.26.


The probability of obtaining at least once a six is the sum of obtaining 1 and obtaining 2 and obtaining 3 and so on.

That means that the probability is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=P(X=1)+P(X=2)+P(X=3)+P(X=4) \\ +P(X=5)+P(X=6)+P(X=7)+P(X=8) \end{gathered}[/tex]

but this is more easily obtain if we notice that this is the same as:


This comes from the fact that the sum of all the successes possibilities (in this case obtaining a 6) have to be 1.

Then the probability of obtaniing at least once a six is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=1-P(X=0) \\ =1-\frac{8!}{0!(8-0)!}(\frac{1}{6})^0(1-\frac{1}{6})^{8-0} \\ =0.767 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the probability of obtaining at least once a six is 0.767.

Hello! I'm feeling unsure on this answer. Can we please review?


From the given graph, let's identify the solution.

The solution will be the point(s) where both lines meet.

In this given graph, the lines meet at one point.

So we have just one solution.

From the graph, the point of intersection(point where both line meet) is:

(x, y) ==> (-1, -2)

Therefore, the solution of the graphed system is:

(-1, -2)


(-1, -2)

(B) How many participants selected an image that is associated with being indeclsive





The images that are associated with the trait 'indecisive' are 3 and 5.

• The frequency of the image 3 = 5


• The frequency of the image 5 = 3

Add the two:


Therefore, the number of participants that selected an image that is associated with being indecisive is 8.

What is the type of dilation and what is the scale factor?


We have that in the first one the dilation is a reduction and the scale factor is 1/2 with the scale factor we prove that the dilation is a reduction.

In the second one we have that the dilation is an enlargement and the sclae factor is 3 with the scale factor we prove that the dilation is an enlargement.

We can find the sacle factor with the next equation

[tex]scale\text{ factor = }\frac{image}{preimage}[/tex]

you can take a side or the area of the figures and find the scale factor, for example in the first one we can do with one side od the triangle


Identify the equation without applying a rotation of axes.x squared +10xy+25y squared-2x-4y+10=0a. parabolab. ellipsec. hyperbolad. circle



We are given the equation


We will first simplify the equation

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^{2}+10xy+25y^{2}-2x-4y+10=0 \\ \left(x+5y\right)^2-2\left(x+y\right)+10=0 \\ (x+5y)^2=2(x+y)-10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We draw the graph

From the graph, one can see that this is a rotated parabola

Correct answer is a Parabola

Option A

Question 3 of 10
Which of the following is equal to 7%?
O A. 17
OB. 17.3
O C. 73
OD. 17


Since the exponent of 7 is 1/3, when this is converted to radical expression, the denominator of the exponent becomes the root of the radical. Hence,


Therefore, 7^1/3 is equivalent to the cube root of 7. (Option A)

xy12364468710 a. Construct a scatterplot. b. Is there a linear association, nonlinear association, or no association? c. Compute r. d. On the basis of the scatterplot and r, determine the strength of the association? Explain.



(a) From the given table, we are to construct a scatterplot.

(b) There is a strong linear association because all the points align themselves in a near perfect straight line.

(c) To Compute r;

(d) We are to determine the strength of the association;

Because r = 0.9934 which is very close to 1.0, so we conclude that the strength of the association is very strong.

a rectangular Park is 172 yards long and 92 yd wide. what is its perimeter?


A rectangular Park is 172 yards long and 92 yd wide :

The general expression for the perimeter of the rectangle = 2( Length + Breadth)

In the given rectangular park :

Length = 172 yd

Breadth = 92 yd

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Perimeter of rectangle = 2(Length + Breadth)} \\ \text{ Perimeter of rectangle = 2(172+92)} \\ \text{ Perimeter of rectangle = }2(264) \\ \text{ Perimeter of rectangle = }528yards^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The perimeter of rectangular park is 528 yards²

Answer : 528 yards²

Corresponding Angles are congruent.Which angle corresponds with « 2?756 4.36.268 21152414.14 [?]A


Corresponding angles are a pair of equal angles that are found in the same relative positions of the intersection of a transversal and a pair of parallel lines.

Based on this definition, <2 is corresponding/congruent with <6

In the same vein, <3 = <7, <8 = <4, <5 = <1.

it's easier if I show you the question I'm not good with math


Find the value of f(-2);

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=\frac{1}{2}x^2 \\ f(-2)=\frac{1}{2}(-2)^2 \\ f(-2)=\frac{1}{2}(4) \\ f(-2)=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer is 2

f(-2) = 2

Select the correct answer.What is the area of STR?A. 30 square feetB. 34.5 square feetC. 57.5 square feetD. 60 square feet



To calculate the area of a triangle, we must use the formula below:

[tex]\mathrm{Area=\dfrac{base\times height}{2}}[/tex]

In this triangle, we have:

• base,: 6 feet


• height,: 10 feet

Knowing it, let's replace the formula with the values:

[tex]\mathrm{Area=\dfrac{6\times10}{2}}=\frac{60}{2}=30\text{ }\mathrm{feet^2}[/tex]Answer:

A. 30 square feet

Gillian works from 23 to 33 hours per week during the summer. She earns $12.50 per hour. Her friendEmily also has a job. Her pay for t hours each given is given by the function e(t) = 13t, where 18 st 3 28.Find the domain and range of each function. Then compare their hourly wages and the amount they earnper week.


The domain for g(t) is [23,33]

The domain for e(t) is [18,28]

The range for g(t) is [287.5,412.5]

The range for e(t) is [234,364]

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