Which of the following could be the length of the third side of a triangle with side lengths 2 feet and 10 feet?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Due to the triangle side length rule, these two sides added together must be greater than the third side

so the third side could be     11   10   9      

         8 -7-6-5-4-3-2-1   will not work because 2 + these sidelengths do not sum to greater than  the third side 10

Related Questions

Barb was going to buy a shirt which was originally priced for $20. There was a price tag on the shirt that said $12. What percentage was the shirt marked down?

A. 40%
B. 60%
C. 1.33%
D. 1.67%




Step-by-step explanation:

The problem is basically saying:

12 is what percent of 20, which we can make this into a solvable equation:

12   is    what percent     of    20

12   =          ?%             x      20

Now to solve by dividing 12 by 20

12/20 = 0.6

Multiply 0.6 by 100 to get 60%

What is the greatest common factor of 45, 50, 84?




Step-by-step explanation:

there's no common factor between them

How many types of quadrilaterals can be possible class 9?


There are six types of possible quadrilaterals namely trapezium, parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, and kite.


Different types of possible quadrilateral :

There are six types of possible quadrilateral.Possible quadrilaterals are trapezium , parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, and kite.Trapezium is a quadrilateral with one pair of opposite sides.Parallelogram is a quadrilateral with both the pairs of opposite sides parallel to each other.Rectangle is a parallelogram with all the angles equal to 90°.Rhombus is a parallelogram with congruent pair of opposites sides.Square is a rhombus with each angle 90°.Kite is a quadrilateral with pair of congruent adjacent sides.

Therefore, there are six types of possible quadrilateral : trapezium, parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, and kite.

Learn more about quadrilateral here



How do you find the value of a table?


A table of values is a collection of ordered pairs that is often produced by replacing numbers in an equation (relation).


Table of value;

When numbers are substituted into an equation, they typically produce a set of ordered pairs called a table of values (relation). Each ordered pair of numbers in the values table's table of values is related to one another according to the equation.

The relationship between the various data points is displayed using tables of values. In scientific lesson, a table of values could be used. Tables of values are used by scientists and researchers to record their data, which is subsequently examined for patterns. Then, they can utilize this pattern to forecast outcomes.


The process of substituting numbers in an equation results in the creation of a table of values, which is a collection of ordered pairs (relation).

Learn more about table of values here;



work out volume of prism 10cm 4cm 5cm 8cm 12cm




Step-by-step explanation:

multiply them all together

Write an equation for the line that passes through the given point and is
parallel to the graph of the given equation.
3x + 4y = 12; (−4, 7)
I forgot how to do this. :|



3x + 4y = 16

Step-by-step explanation:

3x + 4y = 12

3(-4) + 4(7) = -12 + 28 = 16

Answer: 3x + 4y = 16

make a scatterplot of weight versus desired weight. describe the relationship between these two variables.


The relationship between the variable is the direction, strength, and linearity .

Scatterplots can be used when one continuous variable is under the control of the experimenter and the other is dependent on it, or when both continuous variables are independent. When one parameter is systematically increased and/or decreased by the other, it is called the control parameter or independent variable and is usually plotted along the horizontal axis. Measured or dependent variables are usually plotted along the vertical axis. In the absence of a dependent variable, any type of variable can be plotted on any axis and the scatter plot he only shows the degree of correlation (not causality) between the two variables.

Scatterplots can suggest different types of correlations between variables with specific confidence intervals. If the dot pattern slopes downwards from the lower left to the upper right, this indicates a positive correlation between the investigated variables. If the dot pattern slopes from top left to bottom right, it indicates a negative correlation. You can draw a line of best fit (also called a "trend line") to explore the relationship between variables. The formula for correlation between variables can be determined by established best-fit methods. For linear correlation, the optimal procedure is called linear regression, which guarantees a correct solution in finite time. There is no one-size-fits-all procedure that guarantees the correct resolution in any relationship. Scatterplots are also very useful for seeing how two comparable data sets match up to show non-linear relationships between variables.

Desired Weight:

A standardized table of desirable (or ideal) weight for adult height is based on life expectancy. Both malnutrition and obesity are associated with an increased risk of early death. A desirable weight corresponds to a body mass index (ratio of weight in kg/height in m2) between 20 and 25. Ideal weight charts based on actuarial data were first published in 1942 by the Metropolitan Life Assurance Company of New York and were replaced in 1959 by charts of average and desirable weights.

Learn more about variable:



How do you calculate the slope ratio of a ramp?


In order to calculate the slope ratio of a ramp, divide the difference between the elevations of two points by the distance between them, then multiply the quotient by 100, the resultant figure is the slope ratio.

What is the slope of a line?

The slope or gradient of a line in mathematics is a number that defines both the direction and the steepness of the line. The tangent relation or the height-to-distance ratio helps to determine the slope of the line.

The difference between the elevations is also called as the rise. And the distance between the points is known as the run.

Thus, we can also say that,

Slope ratio= rise / run x 100.

To know more about slope of a line:



a drawer contains ten socks with one pair of each of the following colors: brown, black, blue, green, and white. how many socks must be removed from the drawer to guarantee that at least two socks of the same color have been removed?


6 socks must be removed from the drawer to guarantee that at least two socks of same color have been removed.


It makes no difference how many socks there are; what matters is how many different colours of socks there are, as there are five different colours.

So, if 6 socks are taken from the drawer, it is almost certain that at least two of them will be the same colour.

Because, after taking 5 socks, you will either have a match or a difference. To ensure a matching pair, add one more sock.

You have a pair if the first five are the same colour. If none of the first five socks match, the sixth sock will match one of the first five.

So with 6 socks, you are guaranteed that at least 2 of them will be the same color.

To learn more about logic puzzle refer here



A nack bar ell 2 ize of nack pack. A large nack pack i $5 and a mall pack i $3. In one day the nack bar old 60 nack pack for a total of 220. How many mall mack pack did the nack bar ell


The supplied statement states that there are 20 large snacks and 40 little snacks.

In arithmetic, what are mixtures?

When two separate answers to a problem are combined, a new, complete solution is produced. Setting up a table will facilitate resolving these issues.

What are combinations and mixtures?

Alignment allows us to determine the ratio in which the ingredients/items have been combined and at what price they are offered to generate profit or face loss. A mixture, as the name implies, is combining two or more things together.


Total number of snacks = 60

Total earnings = $220

If only tiny snacks are sold, the total cost would be $180 (60 x 3).

Earnings difference = 220 - 180 = $40

$5 - $3 = $2 is the difference in the cost of the snack.

Number of Large snacks = $40 ÷ 2 = 20

Small snack count is 60 - 20 = 40.

To know more about mixtures visit:



Solve the equation for v.

0.5v + 0.04 < 1.14

v > 2.2
v < 2.2
v > 2.4
v < 2.4



v < 2.2

Step-by-step explanation:

0.5v < 1.14 – 0.04

0.5v < 1.1

v < 1.1/0.5

v < 2.2

pls mark as brainliest

A certain fossil of a beetle contains 15% as much carbon as a living beetle. The age of the fossil can be found using carbon dating.
Calculate the age of this fossil given that the half life of carbon-14 is 5715 years.



Hope this helps you!

Step-by-step explanation:

The age of this fossil can be calculated using the following formula:

Age = (5715 years) * ln(1/0.15) / ln(2)

Age = 81,922 years

how many different three-letter words (including nonsense words) are there in which successive letters are different?


16250 many different three-letter words—including nonsense words—have different letters in the next position.

Given that,

We have to find how many different three-letter words—including nonsense words—have different letters in the next position.

We know that,

The number of alphabets are 26

First letter has 26 choices.

Second letter can not be same has first letter so 25 choices.

Third letter can not be same has second letter so 25 choices.


Total words = 26×25×25=16250

Therefore, 16250 many different three-letter words—including nonsense words—have different letters in the next position.

To learn more about letters visit: https://brainly.com/question/27833473





Step-by-step explanation:

To find value of X ,first solve LHS

37*2x-37*14 =74x-518 +x


Now solve RHS


Now equate LHS=RHS




x= -593/60


please help before i cry



Don't overthink it.

[tex]V=\frac{1}{3} Ah[/tex] is the same as [tex]V=\frac{Ah}{3}[/tex]

Multiply both sides by 3

3V = A * h

Then get A by itself by dividing both sides by h.

[tex]A = \frac{3V}{h}[/tex]


I think it's A= lw

Step-by-step explanation:

The question says to rearrange the formula to highlight the base area, and the formula to finding the base area of a pyramid is A = l w (length multiplied by width)

how many ways are there to make an r-arrangement of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters with at least one penny and an odd number of quarters? (coins of the same denomination are identical).


There are 26¹⁰ - 4 × (25)¹⁰ + 2 × (24)¹⁰ + 22¹⁰ exponential generating Function to make an arrangement  of Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters with at least one penny and an odd number of quarters.

Exponential generating Function:

An exponential generator provides a way to encode a sequence as the coefficients of a power series. This encoding helps in many ways.

Therefore, According to the Question:

The exponential generating function is,

G(x) = (x¹/1! + x²/2! + ...)(x¹/1! + x³/3! + x⁵/5! +...)(x°/0! + x¹/1! + x²/2! + ...)²

where the first factor describes the pennies, the second describes the quarters, and the last describes nickels and dimes.

We want the coefficient of  Xˣ /r!.

Using exponential identities we get,

G(x) = [tex]e^{x} - 1 (\frac{e^{x} - e^{-x} }{2} ) (e^{x} )^2[/tex]

      = [tex]\frac{1}{2} (e^{4x} -e^{2x} -e^{3x} + e^{x}[/tex]

and the coefficient is

[tex]\frac{1}{2} (4^r -2^r -3^r +1)[/tex]

The generating function is

G(x) = (x¹/1! + x²/2! + ...)⁴(x°/0! + x¹/1! + x²/2!+...)²² = ()⁴,

and we again want the coefficient of  X¹⁰/10!.

Multiplying we get,

G(x) = [tex](e^{4x} - 4e^{3x} + 2e^{2x} + 1)e^{22x}[/tex]

       = [tex]e^{26x} - 4e^{25x} + 2e^{24x} +e^{22x}[/tex]

so the coefficient of  X¹⁰/10! is

26¹⁰ - 4 × (25)¹⁰ + 2 × (24)¹⁰ + 22¹⁰

Learn more about Exponential function:



What is the length of the radius of a circle given the equation x² y² 8?


The length of the radius of a circle with the equation x² + y² = 8 is 2√2 units  .

In the question ,

it is given that ,

the equation of the circle is ⇒ x² + y² = 8 ,

we know that the general equation of the circle is given as x² + y² = b² ;

and "b" is the radius of circle ,

On comparing both the equations ,

we get ,

b² = 8

Simplifying the above equation further ,

we get ,

b = √8 = √2 × 2 × 2

the radius "b" is

b = 2√2 units .

Therefore , the length of the radius of the circle is 2√2 units .

The given question is incomplete , the complete question is

What is the length of the radius of a circle given the equation x² + y² = 8 ?

Learn more about Radius Of Circle here



2 Michael bakes a soft pretzel and a loaf of bread. Use the system of equations to
find c, the amount of flour, in cups, needed for the soft pretzel, and b, the amount
of flour, in cups, needed for the loaf of bread. Show your work.
b = 24c
16+ 4c = 2/


The value of b is 3.

The value of c is 1/8.

What is an equation?

An equation is a mathematical statement that is made up of two expressions connected by an equal sign.


2x + 5 = 9 is an equation.

We have,

Two equations given are:

b = 24c ____(1)

(1/4)b + 4c = 5/4 _____(2)

Putting (1) in (2) we get,

(1/4)24c + 4c = 5/4

6c + 4c = 5/4

10c = 5/4

c = 5/40

c = 1/8

Putting c = 1/8 in (1) we get,

b = 24/8

b = 3


b = 3.

c = 1/8.

Learn more about equations here:



which racing organization saw its television ratings increase 28% over 2021 to a season average of 1.2 million viewers?



Formula 1 Racing

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve the following system of equations. Show your work.





Equations −2x+5y=−2 and 4x−10y=4 have no solution.

Define no solution.

An inconsistent system is a set of equations that cannot be solved. Although a system of linear equations typically has a single solution, it occasionally may have infinite or no solutions (parallel lines) (same line). The solution set refers to all possible answers to an equation or inequality. The no solution symbol,, is used to indicate that there is no solution to an equation or inequality. None Found: There are no solutions when the lines that make up a system are parallel because the two lines have no points in common.



−2x+5y=−2 .. Equation 1

4x−10y=4 .. Equation 2

Multiplying equation 1 by 2

-4x + 10y = -4

4x - 10 y = 4



Equations −2x+5y=−2 and 4x−10y=4 have no solution.

To learn more about no solution, visit:



A container has 2 cups of milk in it. How many cups of milk are in the container



2 cups

Step-by-step explanation:

there should be two cups of milk in it. If I’m not correct I will redo this.

How do you calculate raw score in grades?


Raw score can be computed by using arithmetical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

This can be done by hand or by using a calculator or a computer program. Additionally, statistical methods such as mean, median, mode, and standard deviation can be used to compute raw data. Raw data can also be influenced in many ways.

For example, data can be organized, filtered, and sorted into categories or hierarchies. Data can also be visualized in graphs, charts, and diagrams to make patterns and trends feasible to understand. Statistical methods such as correlation and regression can also be used to analyze and interpret raw data. Additionally, data can be combined with other data sets to create new insights and relationships. Finally, machine learning and predictive analytics can be used to make predictions about future outcomes based on existing data.

Learn more about raw scores here



What is 100-293?


Answer: the answer is -193

Find the roots and the vertex of the quadratic on a calculator. Round all values to 3 decimal places (if necessary).
y = 3xsquared - 18x - 263

Please answer quickly I’ll mark you brainlist


The vertex of the equation is (3, -290). Then the solutions of the equation will be 99.67 and -93.67.

What is the equation of the parabola?

Let the point (h, k) be the vertex of the parabola and a be the leading coefficient.

Then the equation of the parabola will be given as,

y = a(x - h)² + k

The equation is given below.

y = 3x² - 18x - 263

Convert the equation into vertex form, then we have

y = 3x² - 18x - 263

y = (√3x)² - 2 · √3x · 3√3 + 27 - 27 - 263

y = 3(x - 3)² - 290

Then the solution of the equation will be given as,

3(x - 3)² - 290 = 0

3(x - 3)² = 290

x - 3 = ± 96.67

x = 3 ± 96.67

x = 3 + 96.67, 3 - 96.67

x = 99.67, -93.67

The vertex of the equation is (3, -290). Then the solutions of the equation will be 99.67 and -93.67.

More about the equation of the parabola link is given below.



Help please im not the smartest kid



No, it's doesn't mean you are not smart. Just maybe you need to focus on learning most of the things to solve in math, you need to start with what is given to you.

Here given to you that every scale of 2 in = 8ft in actual truck.

So in order to know what 6in equals. Break down 6 into something you can use which is 2in = 8ft

6 = 2 + 2 + 2

So 6in = 8ft + 8ft + 8ft

Which can be simplified to 6ft = 24 ft.



Step-by-step explanation:

8 divided by 2 is 4 and 4 times 6 equals 24. Or you could do 6 divided by 2 equals 3 and 8 times 3 equals 24.

Priya can type 575 words in 25 minutes. She starts typing a report at 1035 hours and finishes at 1128 hours. Assuming she types non-stop at her usual rate and does not make any mistakes, find the number of words in the report.​



128,340 words

Step-by-step explanation:

find how many hours he typed by subtracting 1035 from 1128. 1128-1035=93hoursthen turn the hours into minutes. 93*60=5,580minutesnext find out how many sets of 575 words she typed by dividing 5,580 by 25. 5,580/25=223.2then finally multiply 223.2 by 575 to get your answer of 128,340. 223.2*575=128,340words

For what values of x is the expression below defined?
A. -5 OB. 5> x≤-1
C. 5>x>1
D. 5≤x≤1



The expression √x+5+√1-x is defined for all values of x such that the value under the square root sign is non-negative. We can find the values of x that satisfy this condition by considering each of the square roots separately.

For the first square root, the value under the square root must be non-negative, so we have the following inequality:

x + 5 ≥ 0

x ≥ -5

For the second square root, the value under the square root must be non-negative, so we have the following inequality:

1 - x ≥ 0

x ≤ 1

Therefore, the expression is defined for all values of x that satisfy both of these inequalities. This means that the expression is defined for values of x in the range -5 ≤ x ≤ 1. The correct answer is therefore option D.

a six-sided die (with numbers 1 through 6) and an eight-sided die (with numbers 1 through 8) are rolled. what is the probability that exactly one 6 is rolled? express your answer as a common fraction.


When a six-sided die and an eight-sided are rolled then the probability that exactly one 6 is rolled is 1/4.

Given, a six-sided die (with numbers 1 through 6) and an eight-sided die (with numbers 1 through 8) are rolled.

we have to find the probability that exactly one 6 is rolled.

First we have to check the total number of outcomes on rolling both the dices.

Now, the total number of outcomes be, 48

As, we the favorable outcomes be, the outcome with exactly one 6 on the dices.

Favorable Outcomes = { (1,6) , (2,6) , (3,6) , (4,6) , (5,6) , (6,1) , (6,2) , (6,3) , (6,4) , (6,5) , (6,7) , (6,8)}

The total number of favorable outcomes be, 12

So, the probability that exactly one 6 is rolled is

P(E) = Number of favorable outcomes / Total number of outcomes

P(E) = 12/48

P(E) = 1/4

Hence, the probability that exactly one 6 is rolled is 1/4.

Learn more about Probability here https://brainly.com/question/27745646


If the simple interest on $6,000 for 9 years is $4,320, then what is the interest rate?




Step-by-step explanation:

As an architect, your job is to fulfill the requirements of the client. You are demanded by your client to have a plan or sketch in planting a garden and surrounding it with decorative stones. The desired length of the lot is 15 meters longer than its width. The area of the rectangular plot should not be more than 126 m^2.



-15/2+√31.(3/2)i is the width of the garden.

What is Area of Rectangle?

The area of Rectangle is length times of width.


As an architect, your job is to fulfill the requirements of the client.

You are demanded by your client to have a plan or sketch in planting a garden and surrounding it with decorative stones.

Let width be x

The desired length of the lot is 15 meters longer than its width.

Length =x+15

The area of the rectangular plot should not be more than 126 m²





Apply it in Quadratic formula.


a=1, b=15 and c=-126.



Hence, the width of the garden is -15/2+√31.(3/2)i.

To learn more on Area of rectangle click:



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