Which describes President Andrew Johnson?

Question 3 options:

He sought congressional advice on Reconstruction

He was loyal to the Union, stubborn and unwilling to compromise.

He was extremely vain about his broad education

He was an abolitionist who despised slavery.


Answer 1


He was an abolitionist who despised slavery.

Answer 2

The best description of Andrew Johnson was that He was loyal to the Union, stubborn and unwilling to compromise.

What did Andrew Johnson do?

Andrew Johnson was a Southerner who remained loyal to the Union even when the South seceded.

When he became president, he was stubborn and unwilling to compromise in his reconstruction plans which led to conflict with Congress.

Find out more on Andrew Johnson at https://brainly.com/question/454252.


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What is the most expensive mandatory spending program for the federal government?
Social Security
public transportation





~Plz tap the crown~

~Thank you~

It’s Medicare

Explaination: many people need insurance and etc

Which of these statements is true.

A. New Orleans was taken by Union naval forces under David Ferragut

B. Atlanta was the largest city in the South.

C. The Battle of Vicksburg was won by the Confederate forces.

D. The Confederate capital was in Atlanta, Georgia.


The answer is: A

In April 1862, during the civil war, a U.S. Navy force under the command of Flag-Officer David G. Farragut captured the confederate city of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Hope this helps!
A is your answer. the other person is right

A. Circuitous
B. Circumspect
D. Configuration
E. Figurative
F. Cyclic
G. Encyclopedic
To avoid being fallowed, we took a (n) _____ rough that wandered around town.


A, Circuitous. Good luck!
A hope this helps you!!!!!!!!!!!

List two ways technology has a positive effect on the economy of new mexico


Answer: This might not be what you were looking for but this website gives you 4 examples and there's a video to watch.


Less labor which attracts more employers

what happened in the anti-Comintern pact between Japan and Germany?


Anti-Comintern Pact, agreement concluded first between Germany and Japan (Nov. 25, 1936) and then between Italy, Germany, and Japan (Nov. 6, 1937), ostensibly directed against the Communist International (Comintern) but, by implication, specifically against the Soviet Union.

Help me please I will give you brainlest


To answer this, it’s most likely we need to read the text before offering the answer. But, a helpful tip for answering this question on your own is try highlighting the most important details in the text to give you a better understanding. But other then that, I think you can take it from there.

The History of Stand Up Comedy.



Stand-up comedy, comedy that generally is delivered by a solo performer speaking directly to the audience in some semblance of a spontaneous manner. In the United States, where it developed first and reached its greatest popularity, it had its origins in the comic lecturers, such as Mark Twain, who toured the country in the 19th century. But in the 1950s a new wave of stand-up comics emerged who rejected the detached mechanical style of the old joke tellers.

whats a good shape for a canopy (dont put a circle or triangle)


Answer: rectangle

Explanation:its kinda the size of it

Circle because I answered that question a long time ago

A noble woman educated her children. Why was a peasant woman less likely to teach her own children?

Peasant children had no interest in learning.
It was the husband’s job to teach the children.
Peasant children attended a school on the manor.
A peasant woman had no free time to teach.



the answer I believe would be (d)

Hi, I believe I have the answer.

I believe that it is the last one, A peasant woman had no free time to teach. This is true because most "peasant women" had to work too often to do anything else.

I hope this helps :)

Read Question On PNG



what png


what png are you talking about

How was Sherman going to punish the Southern civilians?


As Sherman had done in Georgia, he also hoped in South Carolina to destroy railroads, supplies, and morale.

What happened on the Ides of March in 44 B.C.?
Group of answer choices

Caesar declared himself a dictator.

The Roman Republic was transformed into an empire.

Caesar was married to Cleopatra VII.

Caesar was murdered by a group of senators.



On the Ides of March (March 15, 44 B.C.), the senators, led by Gaius Cassius Longinus, Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus and Marcus Junius Brutus, stabbed Caesar 23 times, ending both his reign and his life as he fell bleeding onto the Senate floor at the feet of a statue of Pompey.


D-Caesar was murdered by a group of senators.


Julius Caesar, dictator of Rome, is stabbed to death in the Roman Senate house by 60 conspirators led by Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus on March 15. The day later became infamous as the Ides of March

~Hope this helps

Identify a public good and a private good that you use regularly. Describe each good, and identify the characteristics that make the public good public and the private good private.



A pure public good is a good or service that can be consumed simultaneously by everyone and from which no one can be excluded. A pure private good is one for which consumption is rival and from which consumers can be excluded. Some goods are non-excludable but are rival and some goods are non-rival but are excludable.

Horace Mann stated, “Be ashamed to die, until you have won some victory for humanity.” What do you think he meant by this statement to his students



Well, all he's saying is 'accomplish something in your life


This is a message we should all be taking to heart and implementing into our daily lives. Horace Mann is telling his students that they should accomplish great things and contribute to humanity in their lifetime.

Have a wonderful day!

What made a knight most valuable to a lord?

the knight’s skills as a warrior
the knight’s power to influence the king
the knight’s ability to farm the land
the knight’s loyalty to the church



the first one fs


Please help asap I will give branless



c, its c, the kkk are against blacks and africans


The awnser is the first one!

Why was Western Arkansas and the Indian lands of modern day Oklahoma so lawless and wild? What made this area a perfect spot for criminals?


When I put the right answer it says it’s wrong


…American history, becoming known as Indian Territory, the dumping ground for eastern Native American tribes displaced by settlers’ ever-increasing hunger for land. Since its admission in 1907 as the 46th state of the union, however, Oklahoma has achieved an integration of its Native American citizens into modern economic and social…


The US Constitution gives the president the power to take property from enemies in wartime.

A: True

B: False


I believe the answer is B false. Though if I am wrong I am sorry ._.
I believe the correct answer would be B :)

Read The Question On The PNG





All of these things happened in 1876

the answer would be b. all of these events took place in 1876!!

How does the interaction between Robin Hood and Little John change
one or both characters?
They both learn that fighting
never solves anything.
They both learn that it's
important to let go of the past.
A Fair Fight
The character Robin Hood is famous for robbing from the
rich to give to the poor. However, before he became an
outlaw, Robin Hood had been a young noble. An evil
prince had forced Robin Hood and many others out of
their homes. This tale of Robin Hood takes place after he
had lost everything, but before he has gained an
important life lesson.
Robin Hood wasn't the type of person to feel sorry for
himself, even though the wicked prince had taken
everything he possessed. Instead, he retreated deep into
the woods, where he enjoyed life but also planned his
revenge. Robin Hood was well known for his royal status
and his superior skill in archery. Soon other men who had
been forced from their homes came to join him in
Sherwood Forest. This band of followers became his
"Merry Men."
1 of 6
Only Little John learns how not
to be easily offended.
Only Robin Hood learns how to
be humble.
89% Complete



They both think fairness is important.

Robin hood is the best so the answer is batman

What did Cicero argue for to repair the damaged republic?
reducing the army’s powers and restoring the system of checks and balances

starting a civil war to take power from the Senate

making the Senate and army stronger

giving slaves and plebeians more power and taking land from the rich



starting a civil war to take power from the senate



Social Security provides income to retired, unemployed, and disabled workers. Benefits are based on how long a worker was employed. The comments below are from a discussion between two speakers with different perspectives on the future of Social Security.

Speaker A:
Social Security is now facing a real problem. Soon the system will be paying more in benefits to retirees than it is collecting from payroll taxes. If we don’t fix this situation, the system will soon have nothing left. The best solution is to stop paying benefits to retirees with high incomes.

Speaker B:
What you propose is unfair. Workers pay into Social Security their whole working lives. After they retire, they are entitled to receive benefits based on what they have paid into the system. Even if they have high incomes, they are entitled to benefits from their own payments.

How do Speakers A and B differ?

Speaker A believes too much money is paid to rich individuals; Speaker B sees the wealthy as the main drivers of the economy.

Speaker A fears Social Security will soon not have enough money to pay anyone; Speaker B feels retirees are entitled to benefits they have paid for.

Speaker A would rather invest in schools than pay retirees; Speaker B believes retirees are more in need of government help.

Speaker A believes the current system is unfair; Speaker B argues the system is basically fair.



approximately 10%


What did Cicero argue for to repair the damaged republic?
Group of answer choices

reducing the army’s powers and restoring the system of checks and balances

starting a civil war to take power from the Senate

making the Senate and army stronger

giving slaves and plebeians more power and taking land from the rich


Starting a civil war to take power from the senate

“Men of Color, To Arms!” The speech was given by _________ on March 2nd, 1863 in Rochester, New York. The goal was to convince African American men to participate in the Civil War to win their freedom, and not just be passive observers of it.



The speech was given by Frederick Douglass.


Frederick Douglass gave the speech




A i think



In 221 BC, the Qin armies invaded from the north, captured the king, and annexed Qi. Some of the strategies Qin used to unify China were to standardize the trade and communication, currency and language. For the first time, all Chinese lands were unified under one powerful ruler.

Mark an X along the spectrum to indicate where the Monroe Doctrine falls. Then write a sentence explaining your placement.


Put it a little bit closer to the left

Mark an X a little bit closer to the left to indicate where the Monroe Doctrine falls.

What is Spectrum?

A spectrum is a state that can fluctuate without gaps along a continuum and is not constrained to a single set of values. After passing through a prism, visible light takes on a rainbow of hues, which is how the term was initially used scientifically in optics.

The nations of North and South America were thus declared to be "not to be considered as objects for future colonization by any European powers," according to Monroe's proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine in 1823. Additionally, the United States considers this labor for the European cause to be "threatening to their peace and safety." While this infuriated the Europeans, the Americans rejoiced and were delighted to see the United States defend the Latin American nations' desire for freedom. Years later, the Monroe Doctrine replaced isolationism as the cornerstone of American foreign policy. By that time, the United States had grown to be a powerful and self-assured country that the rest of the world should respect.

As a result, To indicate where the Monroe Doctrine falls mark an X a little bit closer to the left.

Learn more about Spectrum, here;



Andrea has had a savings account for ten years. She noticed over the last two years that the interest rates on her savings account went up in the first year and down in the second year. Which of the following budget scenarios BEST explains this transition?
a budget surplus two years in a row
first a balanced budget, then a deficit
first a balanced budget, then a budget surplus
first an unbalanced budget, then a balanced budget






B. first a balanced budget, then a deficit


If the interest is high I will have more money and if it is down I will have less money that correspond to a balanced budget and a deficit (lack of money).

Hope it helps

How did the collapse of the Soviet Union affect politics in Europe?
The Warsaw Pact was created to replace the void left by the Soviet Union,

The former Soviet republies were granted political independence.

NATO the prime defensive organization against the Soviets, was disbanded as

Georgia, a former Soviet republic, exerted its power over Eastern Europe,



The former Soviet republies were granted political independence.


I did the test

What is the last employer in the state of New Mexico


is there a passage or something to read!?!
These are the 50 largest employers in New Mexico. Select an employer name to learn more.

Displaying Records 1 - 25 of 50 Next
# Employer City Number of Employees
1 University NM Board of Regents Albuquerque 12,000
2 Sandia Corp Albuquerque 8,761
3 Optum Care Albuquerque 5,000
4 Presbyterian Hospital Albuquerque 4,109
5 New Mexico State Univ-Las Crcs Las Cruces 4,000
6 Intel Corp Rio Rancho 3,600
7 Navajo Agricultural Products Farmington 3,500
8 Albuquerque International Albuquerque 3,000
9 Albuquerque Police Dept Albuquerque 3,000
10 Rocky Mountain Dressage Scty Santa Fe 3,000
11 NMSU Board of Regents Las Cruces 2,800
12 Raymond G Murphy VA Hosp Med Albuquerque 2,546
13 New Mexico State Government Santa Fe 2,000
14 Sandia Resort & Casino Albuquerque 2,000
15 UNM School of Medicine Albuquerque 2,000
16 St Vincent Regl Med Ctr Chem Santa Fe 1,700
17 San Juan Regional Medical Ctr Farmington 1,661
18 Presbyterian Healthcare Svc Albuquerque 1,500
19 Isleta Casino & Resort Inc Rio Rancho 1,400
20 Isleta Resort & Casino Albuquerque 1,200
21 Memorial Medical Ctr Las Cruces 1,200
22 Route 66 Hotel Albuquerque 1,100
23 Tricore Reference Laboratories Albuquerque 1,100
24 New Mexico Tech Golf Course Socorro 1,004
25 Ayso Region 1447 Albuquerque 1,001

HELP PLEASE ASAP Label all of the following on the map below or fill in the list below the map: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Monaco, Andorra, Vatican City, Netherlands, and Hungary.



A) This is the Netherlands (it contains Utrecht, a major city).

B) Belgium, right below Netherlands.

C) Germany

D) Luxembourg

E) France (Tours is a major town there; like Paris and lyon).

F) Liechtenstein

G) Hungary, right next to Austria

H) Switzerland

I) Austria

J) Andorra is a small state in the Pyrenees.

K) Italy

L) Slovenia

M) Monaco, this is the smallest state in the world.

N) The Vatican City, a religious state of the Catholics.

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Per standing orders, a nurse administers Nitroglycerine 0.4mg sublingually; applies cardiac electrodes for continuous cardiac monitoring; obtains an electrocardiogram; places a peripheral intravenous catheter with saline lock; positions patient in low Fowlers.On assessment one hour later, vital signs are Blood Pressure-180/95; Pulse-108 beats per minute; Respirations- 22 per minute; Temperature-99.0; Saturation of Oxygen-90% on 2 liters per minute; Pain level 8/10. She says her chest pain hasnt changed. Heart and lung sounds are unchanged. Color is pale without previous blue changes. EKG displays ST elevation in leads II, III, and AVF. The MD has decided not to perform a cardiac catherization, and has admitted the patient to the ICU with a cardiology consult.Required:a. Is the type of pain this patient is having typical or atypical of cardiac type of chest pain?b. What other types of pain would indicate a cardiac type problem but would not be specifically in the chest area?c. 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