Pls helpp!

Elvis Presley often performed in Broadway plays.
True or False?


Answer 1




Elvis was a known musical artist and though he never performed at Broadway for any plays, he has been in many films and was well known in Las Vegas for his tour.

Answer 2


I would say False


I say false because, in the text, it didn't say anything about him performing in plays. The text said he starred in movies and did worldwide tours!

Related Questions

How are color temperatures measured?
A. in Meters (M)
B. in Kelvin (K)
C. in Celsius (C)
D. in Fahrenheit (F)


They are measured in kelvin
The answer is B!!!!!

What kind of portfolio will appeal to a graphic design company looking to hire artists?
Group of answer choices

one that is primarily mixed media work

one that shows originality and versatility

one that contains a lot of appropriated art

one that demonstrates a very specific skill



one that shows originality and versatility


Be sure to include work that demonstrates your ability to produce deliverables in diverse industries. You may also want to add some personal flair to your portfolio by including a piece of work that shows off your skills and your passion for graphic design.

order the following images according to their artistic balance



A Radial,asymmetrical,symmetrical

I think is that

Urgent! Who painted the picture above?


I believe it's by Sir Joshua Reynolds ><

joshua reynolds painted

Your classmate Ravi is giving a presentation about historical reliefs. He mentions many bits of information he found on the internet about this type of artwork, some of which you recognize as being correct and some that you believe are incorrect. Which fact do hear that you know is CORRECT about this type of artwork?

These reliefs told the stories of Roman achievements.

Opus Anglicanum is a good example of a historical relief.

These reliefs are never found on arches and columns.

There are no remaining Roman historical reliefs still standing today.





Lamb is meat that comes from a sheep carcass that is one year old or younger.





I think thats right.

A painting by Giorgione in Venice. A woman breastfeeds a baby with a soldier looking in her direction.

What is the name of the painting above?
The Temptation
The Tempest
Assumption of the Virgin
Pesaro Madonna


The name of the painting shown above is the tempest.

Who was Giorgione?

Giorgione, born Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco on September 17, 1510, became an Italian painter of the Venetian faculty at some point in the High Renaissance, who died in his thirties.

He is thought of for the elusive poetic pleasant of his paintings, even though only approximately six surviving artworks are firmly attributed to him.

The uncertainty surrounding the identification and the meaning of his paintings has made Giorgione one of the most mysterious figures in European art.

Together, along with his more youthful present-day Titian, he based the Venetian school of Italian Renaissance painting on the Venetian faculty of the use of color and mood.

The faculty is historically opposed to the Florentine play, which relied on an extra-linear design-led style. The Tempest has been referred to as the primary panorama within the records of Western portrayal.

The concern of this play is unclear, but its creative mastery is apparent. The Tempest portrays a person and a girl on both sides of a stream, amid a town's rubble and an incoming storm.

The multitude of symbols in The Tempest provide many interpretations, but none is fully satisfying.

Theories that the play is set in duality have been brushed off due to the fact that radiography has proven that during the early degrees of the play, the person to the left becomes a seated lady.

The Three Philosophers is similarly enigmatic, and its attribution to Giorgione remains disputed.

The three figures stand close to a darkish, empty cave. Sometimes interpreted as symbols of Plato's cave or the Three Magi.

They appear misplaced in a regular Giorgionesque dreamy mood, bolstered by a hazy mild feature of his different landscapes, which includes the Pastoral Concert, now inside the Louvre.

The latter "well-knowns the Venetians' love of textures" due to the fact that the painter "renders nearly palpable the advent of flesh, fabric, wood, stone, and foliage."

It's clear that choice B, the tempest, is the best answer.

Learn more about Giorgione, refer to:


B The Tempest


I looked it up

Which artist played a large part in making Reggae music so popular around the
Bob Dylan
Bob Marley
DJ Cool Herc


which artist played a large part in making reggae music so popular around the world?

bob marley

Bob Marley ofc lemme get brainliest fam

Short Answer

1. What is the difference between performance attitude and performance



I think the attitude is the feelings you input into your performance, and the presence is how you represent yourself while in the preformance.

Personality traits compose various characteristics of the individual that make him unique from others.

How performance attitude differs from performance presence?

Performance attitude deals with a positive perspective that an individual has to perform highly productive. On the other hand, performance presence implies how the individual is presenting one's attitude in the performance.

Therefore, the former is based upon feelings while the latter one is focusing on the mental ability of the person.

Learn more about personality traits here:

When is paying a commission the customary way to pay?


You should pay employees sales commissions in their normal paycheck after the sale is made. Another model pays the employees monthly. It is unfair to ask employees to wait for their commissions until the customer pays you. i am not sure if this help but i tried to help

Write an essay analyzing "If Music Be the Food of Love"
Things you can write about: research about the composer, research about the lyrics and the author of the lyrics, how the notes, text, rhythms, and dynamics fit together, what your interpretation of the text is



analyzed according to a set of criterion for vocal study at the ... If you enliven it, they will come: Turning the classical vocal ... 2) simple rhythms and consistent dynamics, tempo, and texture throughout ... Written for tenor (or soprano) and piano. The ... are many words in the text, and the text is set syllabically.


analyzed according to a set of criterion for vocal study at the ... If you enliven it, they will come: Turning the classical vocal ... 2) simple rhythms and consistent dynamics, tempo, and texture throughout ... Written for tenor (or soprano) and piano. The ... are many words in the text, and the text is set syllabically.

in 1st inversion, the 3rd of a triad is always on the ___.



is at the bottom and the 4th is on top


In first inversion, the 3rd is at the bottom and the 4th is on top; and in second inversion the 3rd is on top and the 4th is on the bottom. Try to get used to these characteristic shapes, as this will help you quickly spot the correct inversion of a triad or a chord.

During the Romanesque period, stone sculpture began to be produced again in greater numbers. What was MOST LIKELY the cause of this increase in stone sculpture production?

Most people commissioned busts of their entire families because individualism was strong during this time period.

Most Romanesque sculpture is religious in nature, either in its use or subject matter, and the spread and fervor of religion was strong at the time.

Funeral masks became very popular due to the Black Plague, so common people were buying sculptural masks for their dying relatives.

Sculpture of this time was completely pleasant and welcoming, so more people wanted these optimistic pieces in their homes.


Due to the Black Plague's increased popularity, funeral masks were being purchased by regular people for their dying loved ones. , Thus option (C) is correct.

What is popularity?

The fact that many people support, enjoy, or like something or someone: the rising popularity of organic food. More instances. The prime minister is enjoying a surge in support. The most played ball game ever is this one. A kid's favorite condiment is always chocolate sauce.

The majority of Romanesque sculpture is depictive and has a biblical theme. Building capitals feature a wide range of themes, such as representations of the Creation and Fall of Man, the Life of Christ,

Therefore, Thus option (C) is correct.

Learn more about popularity here:





What's the question lol XD


n i c e


Pls helpp!!!

Jazz became very popular during the Harlem Renaissance.
True or False?





Why is a portfolio an important part of getting a job in the digital arts?
Group of answer choices

It will be used as the basis for the company’s future projects.

It is the best way for potential employees to demonstrate their skill.

It will be what the company shows to clients to encourage them to hire the firm.

It is the only way that digital artists can distinguish themselves from other artists.



It is the best way for potential employees to demonstrate their skill.


It gives the company the opportunity to see what you are capable of and if they would want you to work with them based on your skills and creativity.

Some of the earliest Christian art that we know about was found in the catacombs of Rome. What was a symbol that artists used in the early artwork in the catacombs that had a religious significance?

an anchor

a cross

an infinity symbol

a cat


The cross is the symbol that artists used in the early artwork in the catacombs and had a religious significance.

What is the Cross symbol?

The Cross symbol is related to the belief attached to the cross where Jesus Christ was nailed in calvary by Pontius Pilate.

Hence, the cross is the symbol that artists used in the early artwork in the catacombs and had a religious significance.

Therefore, the Option B is correct.

Read more about Cross symbol

Is the meaning of life 41? If not, what is?


We all know that life is uneven. ... Therefore, the meaning of life cannot be 42, but can only be 41 or 43. However, as you tend to get less out of life than what you wanted, the meaning to life cannot be 43, as this is more.

Wassup this is me I’m giving out points and stuff lol


Have a great day!!..


Aw, thx! You are very cute btw ^-^

How can I draw a abstract landscape painting?


draw a landscape and make the colors bold and bright. make it look different

Las Meninas by Diego Velazquez. The painting depicts a large room in the Royal Alcazar of Madrid with Margaret Theresa and her bodyguard, maids of honor, chaperone, dwarfs, and a dog.

Which of Caravaggio’s traditions does the artist use in the image above?




emphasize figures in the foreground


drawing the viewer into the scene


all of the above








all of the above

For orchestra cello, will mark brainliest worth 15 points (look a image above )


fortissimo (very loud),Forte( loud), piano ( soft ) Mezzo forte (fairly loud), Mezzo piano(fairly)

The symbol for medium soft is mezzo piano

This is a question for those who are into manifestation(s) journal(s)etc.
⚠️⚠️don’t be tempted to answer for points I genuinely have a question ⚠️

scroll away if your not that person

So I started mine a couple weeks ago but I feel I wanna restart so... is it ok if I rip put the pages I want to re-do or no?



I feel as if you should continue it.


you should get a new journal to write in and put the old one away but it is definitely okay to remove the pages!

10. Which consonants emit a burst of air?

1) n, m, k, I and j

2) W, 9, s, a, and v

3) r, f, g, j, and d

4) t, k, P, d, g, and b



4) t, k, P, d, g, and b


It answers is wrong, you can tell you friend, thank you

To make 46 oz of cookie
dough, 19 ounces of flour
would be needed. How
many ounces of sugar
would be needed to make
46 oz of cookie dough?
(round to the nearest



This question makes no sense. Could you explain it a little more? It says nothing about sugar in this.


The good economy of the 1950s was reflected in the building of...
A. Canals
B. The suburbs
C. Skyscrapers
D. Train stations


The good economy of the 1950s was reflected in the building of canals.
I think this is correct

Who had a hand in creating hip-hop? Of bringing it to the main stage or mass audiences?



Brother-sister duo DJ Kool Herc, and Cindy Campbell additionally hosted DJ parties in the Bronx and are credited for the rise in the genre.[14] Hip hop culture has spread to both urban and suburban communities throughout the United States and subsequently the world.[15] These elements were adapted and developed considerably, particularly as the art forms spread to new continents and merged with local styles in the 1990s and subsequent decades. Even as the movement continues to expand globally and explore myriad styles and art forms, including hip hop theater and hip hop film, the four foundational elements provide coherence and a strong foundation for hip hop culture.


I looked it up

Predict how the visual arts can add quality to life and lifelong learning. Write a paragraph on how you plan to incorporate the study and appreciation of art into your life.





Which lens has the greatest telephoto effect?

O 200mm
O 50mm
O 16mm
O 80mm


3 option I think that is the answer hope this helps

in close position, the notes on the chord are spaced ___ an octave.





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