Which delegate from Georgia was a leader in creating the "Great Compromise"? William Few William Pierce William Houston Abraham Baldwin


Answer 1

Answer: Abraham Baldwin mark me brainlist if right then no if wrong I hope this helps


Abraham Baldwin's Constitutional LegacyBy doing so, he split the vote and ended the contest for the time being so a real compromise could be worked out.. A special committee was formed with one delegate from each state. Baldwin was chosen to represent GeorgiaAbraham BaldwinThe founder of the University of Georgia and a delegate to the constitutional convention in 1787, Abraham Baldwin was born on November 22, 1754, to Lucy Dudley and Michael Baldwin in North Guilford, Connecticut. His father, a blacksmith who had twelve children by two wives, borrowed money to send his son to Yale College (later Yale University) in New Haven, Connecticut. Baldwin studied theology at Yale and prepared for a career as a minister before the turbulent years of the American Revolution (1775-83).Georgia elected six delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787. Only four went. And only two—Abraham Baldwin and William Few—signed the final document. The convention, chaired by George Washington, had the authority to revise the Articles of Confederation

Related Questions

Which is the most important and largest agency in the executive office of the president?.


The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is the largest and most important component of The Executive Office of the President

It reports directly to the President and assists a wide range of executive departments and agencies across the Federal Government in carrying out the President's commitments and priorities. The Executive Office of the President is made up of the offices and agencies that support the president's work at the heart of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States.

The Executive Office of the President primarily advises and supports the president's decision-making, whereas executive departments are responsible for administering programs and enforcing laws enacted by Congress.

To know more about The Executive Office of the President, click here.



List the structure and functions of the main organs of the United Nations​



The United Nations (UN) has six main organs. Five of them — the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council and the Secretariat — are based at UN Headquarters in New York. The sixth, the International Court of Justice, is located at The Hague in the Netherlands.

In the court case hernandez v. Texas, the supreme court ruled that which amendment had been violated?.


In the court case Hernandez v. Texas, the fourteenth amendment was violated.

While legal journal arguments suggested that interclass discrimination should be covered by this section, the Texas Court of Appeals decided that the 14th Amendment pertained to a "two class doctrine" that classified Mexican Americans as a special class within the white race. Garcia, Cadena, and de Anda persuaded the Supreme Court to allow Hernandez a second chance at a jury trial with his peers with the help of financial support from LULAC, the Pan American Union, the American G.I. Forum, and people from Edna. He was charged with murder and sent behind bars. Due to missing or suppressed records, there is still only a little amount of information available on this case.

To know more about Supreme Court , click here:



initially, outsourcing decisions predominantly involved , , and activities of strategic value.


Initially, outsourcing decisions predominantly involved, the correct standardized processes, commoditized products and activities of extremely low strategic value.

What is outsourcing?

Through the practice of outsourcing, in which one company hires another to handle a planned or ongoing task that is currently being performed internally or may be, assets and employees can be transferred from one company to another, it is possible. It wasn't until 1981 that the phrase "outside resourcing" gave rise to the word outsourcing. The notion, which The Economist claims has "made its presence felt since the time of the Second World War," frequently entails the contracting of a business process, operational, and/or non-core tasks, such as manufacturing, facility management, and call centers and call center assistance. Even if done on a small-scale, temporary basis, outsourcing can be used to characterize the practice of turning over control of public services to private businesses.

To learn more about outsourcing. visit



Karen has been having a difficult time remembering the verbs in her new french class because she keeps mixing them up with the verbs she learned in her old spanish class. this is an example of __________. a. retroactive interference b. retrograde amnesia c. proactive interference d. anterograde amnesia please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


Karen has been having a difficult time remembering the verbs in her new french class because she keeps mixing them up with the verbs she learned in her old spanish class. this is an example of proactive interference.

Proactive interference (PI) refers to the reduction in memory performance for lately learned data resulting from the earlier learning of associated substances and has been proven to play an important function in forgetting (for a overview, see Anderson & Neely, 1996).

The interference idea is a idea concerning human reminiscence. Interference occurs in mastering. The belief is that memory encoded in long-time period reminiscence are forgotten and can't be retrieved into quick-time period reminiscence due to the fact both reminiscence could interfere with the other.

Proactive interference (seasoned=ahead) happens whilst you can not learn a brand new assignment due to an antique undertaking that had been learnt. while what we already understand interferes with what we are currently studying – in which old memories disrupt new memories.

Learn more about Proactive interference here : https://brainly.com/question/28876276


Which statement is true about laws in the United States?

A .The President is the only person who is above the law.
B .Many laws are not made public.
C. Government officials are allowed to break certain laws.
D.No individual is above the law.


No individual is above the law is the only statement which was true about the laws in the United States. Hence, option D is appropriate.

What are the laws in the United States?

The fundamental law of the United States is the Constitution. It formalizes the people's fundamental principles. The interpretation of any laws approved by Congress, and the meaning of the Constitution.

Over 30,000 pieces of legislation have been passed by Congress since 1789, with an average of 200–600 being passed during both of its 115 biannual sessions.

Acts of Congress are another name for laws. "Statute" is a word that is often used interchangeably with "law." A law is given a number in the order that it is signed by the president after receiving his or her signature.

Hence, option D is correct.

Learn more about the laws in the United States here:



For each of the following, explain one Constitutional provision that it can use to check the bureaucracy.
-The courts
-Interest groups


A constitutional provision that these bodies can use to check the bureaucracy are as explained:

Congress:Appropriations: Can reward or punish agencyLegislation - Its can pass legislation affecting the bureaucracyRejection: Of presidential appointments to the bureaucracyImpeachment: Of the executive officialsCourtsCourt rulings that limit bureaucratic practicesJudicial review- It can declare bureaucratic actions unconstitutionalInjunctions against federal agenciesInterest GroupsUse of the first amendmentlobbyingprotestsmedia usagespeech

How do these body perform check of bureaucracy?

The congress can pass legislation to check the bureaucracy. Another effective way that Congress can affect bureaucracies are by impeaching executive officials.

Also, the courts of law can use judicial review to declare bureaucratic actions unconstitutional. They can also make injunctions against federal agencies.

In conclusion, the Interest groups check the power of bureaucracy by creating a false sense of urgency on a specific topic. These groups closely monitor their publicity and make sure that they use their freedom of speech in their media to change their follows beliefs and petition the government.

Read more about bureaucracy



(20 Points)6th grade SS) What is the difference between a solstice and an equinox? Using three or more complete sentences, describe the reasons why these days are unique.



Summar/example sentence


Solstice by definition: is the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination, marked by the longest and shortest days.

Equinox by definition: is the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator when day and night are of approximately equal length.

A solstice is a date that occurs when the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination: resulting in the shortest and longest days. While an Equinox is a date when the sun crosses the celestial equator-- resulting in the day and night being equal lengths. Although they both occur twice each year they are very different; a solstice happens at the same time all around the world, and an equinox is the only time when night and day are virtually equal to each other.

(that sentence is just an example)

classical conditioning is a type of stimulus-response learning theory. recall ivan pavlov's well-known studies on the salivation of dogs when presented with food powder. in his famous experiments with dogs, the conditioned stimulus was


Classical conditioning is a type of learning that occurs when two different stimuli are paired together. After repeated pairings, the organism begins to respond to the second stimulus in the same way that it responds to the first stimulus.

For example:

If a person hears a loud noise every time they see a particular object, they may eventually begin to feel scared when they see that object, even if the loud noise is not present.

Pavlov's experiments on classical conditioning in dogs are well-known

In his experiments, Pavlov would ring a bell every time he gave a dog food. After doing this for a while, the dog would begin to salivate at the sound of the bell, even when there was no food present. This showed that the dog had learned to associate the sound of the bell with getting food, and had learned to respond to the bell in the same way that it would respond to getting food.

Classical conditioning is a powerful form of learning that can have important effects on an organism's behavior. It is important to note, however, that classical conditioning is not the only form of learning, and that other forms of learning (such as operant conditioning) are also important.

Learn more about Classical conditioning at: https://brainly.com/question/15034135


What else besides representation in The House of Representatives was also based on population?


Proportional representation is the House of Representatives was also based on population.

In other words, the population of each state would determine how many people represent it in Congress. William Paterson's New Jersey Plan, an alternative to the Virginia Plan, sought to equalize state participation in a single-chamber legislature.

Many forms of representation they are as follows Detailed representation, Dynamic representation, Collective representation, and Substantive representation.

According to the Constitution, the members of the U.S. House of Representatives are distributed according to state populations as established by the legally required Census.

After much discussion, the Constitution's founders decided to establish the House with population-based representation and the Senate with equal representation.

To know more about  William Paterson visit :



at age 64, mrs. willis began a long mental decline. she first showed memory loss and irritability, then delusions, social withdrawal, dementia, and finally death at age 68. an autopsy showed neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques in her brain. mrs. willis died of .


Her brain underwent microscopic inspection, and the primary signs of Alzheimer's disease—neurophyllary tangles and argentophilic plaques—were discovered.

What one of the following could result in a neurocognitive disorder?

Major and minor neurocognitive disorders can be brought on by a variety of medical conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, frontotemporal lobe degeneration, Lewy body disease, vascular disease, traumatic brain injury, HIV infection, prion diseases, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and others.

What causes cognitive impairment most frequently?

Cognitive impairment can be brought on by stroke, traumatic brain damage, developmental impairments, Alzheimer's disease, and other dementias. Some typical indications of cognitive decline include the following: memory decline.

To know more about neurofibrillary visit:-



When people define themselves according to personality traits, they are using _____ to organize their self-concept.


Self-Schemas are used to organize one's self-concept when one defines oneself in terms of personality qualities.

Which personality trait varies from creative to realistic?

Openness to Experience is a cognitive style characteristic that sets imaginative, creative people apart from practical, traditional ones. Intellectually interested, art-loving, and sensitive to aesthetics, open individuals are.

How do personality types work?

any of the distinct groups into which people might be placed based on their personalities, attitudes, behavior patterns, physical attributes (see constitutional type), or other distinguishing qualities.

According to the proto-psychological theory known as the "four temperament hypothesis," there are four basic personality types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic.

To know more about personality traits visit:-



celine has been having difficulty sleeping, cannot seem to concentrate at work, is sad most of the time, and seems to have lost interest in things that she always used to enjoy. which disorder is celine most likely suffering from? a. major depressive disorder b. cyclothymic disorder c. borderline personality disorder d. bipolar disorder


Celine is most likely suffering from major depressive disorder. The correct answer would be option A.

A prolonged sense of sadness and loss of interest in everyday activities are symptoms of depression, which is a mood disorder. Clinical depression is also known as major depressive disorder. It affects how you feel, think and behave and can cause a number of emotional and physical issues. You can find it difficult to carry out your regular daily tasks, and you might occasionally think that life isn't good enough to justify living.

Depression is more than just a case of the blues, and you can't immediately "snap out" of it. Long-term treatment may be necessary for depression. But resist giving up. With medication and counseling, the majority of depressed persons get improved symptoms.

To read more about depression see:



when women in positions of power are attacked for their appearance or disposition, it . a. reinforces educational inequality b. reflects the construction of mass media gender roles c. illustrates that women can be criticized the same ways as men in power d. reinforces stratification by critiquing gender instead of performance


When women in positions of power are attacked for their appearance or disposition, option d reinforces stratification by critiquing gender instead of performance.

When women in positions of power are critiqued for appearance and disposition, it reflects gender stereotypes in the workplace and media. Women are often critiqued and constantly judged for their appearance in comparison to their male counterparts. Their progress is discussed in a gender-specific context which again asserts sexist criticism.

Although, gender equality is a goal strived by many organizations, the treatment in the workplace and media is not equal to their male counterparts who are critiqued for leadership qualities rather than appearances.

Learn more about gender stereotypes here https://brainly.com/question/29508424


approximately what percent of all students receiving special education services are identified as having a learning disability?


Approximately 33 percent of all students receiving special education services are identified as having a learning disability.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), also known as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, was passed in 1975 and requires that all eligible students, aged 3 to 21, receive a free and adequate public school education. Students who have been determined by a group of specialists to have a disability that negatively impacts academic performance and who require special education and related services are considered eligible. In 1976, data collection efforts to monitor IDEA compliance got under way. The number of pupils aged 3 to 21 who received special education services under IDEA went from 6.5 million, or 13% of the total public school enrollment, to 7.2 million, or 15% of the total public school enrollment, during school years 2009–10 and 2020–21. Approximately 33 percent of all students receiving special education services are identified as having a learning disability.

To know more about disability refer:



what were the impacts of the Three Wars of Unification?


The Three Wars of Unification of Germany were the Schleswig-Holstein War (1864), the Austro-Prussian War (1866), and the Franco-Prussian War (1870–71), and their impacts are described below.

German unification has resulted in edges of historical importance, like liberation from authoritarian rule, freedom of movement and freedom of speech, extension of democratic participation rights and therefore the removal of a probably explosive military confrontation in Central Europe

The Austro-Prussian War was a part of the broader competition between Oesterreich and geographic area, and resulted in Prussian dominance over the German states. the main results of the war was a shift in power among the German states removed from Austrian and towards Prussian political system.

To learn more about Franco-Prussian War  here



Delilah has a hypothesis that happiness increases people’s tendency to help others. To test this, she creates an experiment where she has some people watch a sad movie and other people watch a happy movie. After watching the movie, she asks them to donate money to a charity and measures the amount of money they give. Suppose delilah re-ran her experiment but instead of measuring the amount of money people donated to charity, she asked them whether or not they would be willing to volunteer at a soup kitchen. Delilah would be changing.


The hypothesis of Delilah will change by this experiment. She will observe that she is more happy and satisfied if people donate money to charity. To test this, she creates an experiment where she has some people watch a sad movie and other people watch a happy movie. After watching the movie, she asks them to donate money to a charity and measures the amount of money they give.  

Define Hypothesis.

A hypothesis is an idea that has been proposed as a possible explanation for something but has not yet been proven true or correct.

Therefore, The hypothesis of Delilah will change by this experiment. She will observe that she is more happy and satisfied if people donate money to charity.  

To learn more about hypothesis refer the given link:-



In electric ovens, the heat in the oven comes from the bottom when you bake something. However, cookies baking on the top shelf get done before cookies on the bottom shelf, even though the bottom shelf is closer to the heat source. Use what you know about heat and air to explain why this happens.


The bottom rack is nearest to the heat source in an oven since they heat from the bottom up unless the broiler is on, which might result in burnt bottoms.

The oven's top rack is the one that is most isolated from the heat, which might cause cookies to spread a bit too much. Most ovens, if not among them, heat up more quickly on the top than the bottom. If you have two cookie sheets in your oven, one on a higher level and the other on a lower rack, the baking sheet on the upper rack will cook more rapidly as a result. As a result, it's crucial to rotate your pans both from top to bottom and from front to back.Metal heating elements, which are red-hot while they operate, are used in electric ovens to heat the equipment. These components are often on the appliance's floor, with a separate broiling element located at the top.

Thus this is why cookies baking on the top shelf get done before cookies on the bottom shelf.

Refer here to learn more about electric ovens: https://brainly.com/question/15619536


-if you copy and paste you will be reported
-rules are in the picture



South Asia is a subcontinent defined by high mountains and extensive coasts.


this is the answer because South Asia extends south from the main part of the continent to the Indian Ocean. The principal boundaries of South Asia are the Indian Ocean, the Himalayas, and Afghanistan. The Arabian Sea borders Pakistan and India to the west, and the Bay of Bengal borders India and Bangladesh to the east. The western boundary is the desert region where Pakistan shares a border with Iran. The realm was the birthplace of two of the world’s great religions, Hinduism and Buddhism, but there are also immense Muslim populations and large groups of followers of various other religions as well. Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism are the top three religions of South Asia. While Pakistan and Iran are both Islamic republics, each represents a significant branch of that faith; Iran is predominantly Shia, and Pakistan is mostly Sunni. Religious differences are also evident on the eastern border of the realm, where Bangladesh and India share a border with Myanmar. Bangladesh is mainly a Muslim country, while most in India align themselves with Hinduism. In Myanmar, most follow Buddhist traditions. In addition, Sikhism is a major religion in the Punjab region, which is located on India’s northern border with Pakistan. I learnt this already

judy likes to constantly flatter and compliment others in the hopes that they will like her. according to jones and pittman (1982), this specific strategy is known as


Judy enjoys continuously making others feel good about themselves by flattering and praising them. Jones and Pittman (1982) referred to this particular tactic as "self impression control."

What does self-image management entail?

Self-presentation, often referred to as impression management (IM), is the conscious or unconscious process by which people attempt to influence how other people see them as a person, an object, or an event by controlling and limiting the information they communicate with others.

What does the main goal of impression management entail?

Impression management, which involves the regulation and control of information shared in social interactions, is the goal-directed conscious or unconscious endeavor to alter other people's perceptions of a person, object, or event.

To know more about impression management visit:



on the fence which colusion is best supported



You need to provide more information for people to be able to answer your question.


How did the Truman Doctrine reflect the post-World War II policy of containment?


The Truman Doctrine, which is also called a policy of containment was the policy of the US that provides assistance to democratic countries under the fear of communist influences in order to resist the expansion of communism in the US, they used to help out politically, economically, with armed forces to protect citizens under the control of the president President Harry Truman.

         This policy of containment was introduced in the year 1947 during a speech in congress and the president of the US Harry Truman was so urged to provide financial assistance to the countries like Greece and Turkey. He convinced the whole country and the government of the US to provide financial aid of around 200$ for Greece and Turkey.  by the continuation of post world war II many countries broke out and went into deep poverty and this policy helped out the many countries in many ways.

Learn more about post world war II issues:


Where native american tribes lived before the ""discovery"" of north america by europeans.


Native Americans have lived in the United States since before its founding. Age of Discovery and European colonization of the Americas are the main articles.

where original American tribes dwelt before Europeans "discovered" North America.

In the Americas, indigenous culture flourished before European contact. The indigenous peoples of the Americas came to North and South America via migration from Sub-Saharan Africa, as is the case with all human migration.

Before the arrival of the Europeans, where did the Native Americans live?

Native Americans started to concentrate their communities around streams and rivers during the early Woodland period because the fertile soil there made farming successful. Indians in the Carolina region adopted this Woodland custom.

To know more about native american tribes visit:-



13. If I am at 40°N, 95°E, what continent am I on?​


The answer is Asia.

Asia is the largest continent in the globe, making up around 30% of the planet's surface. With around 60% of the world's population, it is also the continent with the highest population.

The eastern part of the Eurasian supercontinent is made up of Asia, and the western part is made up of Europe. There is disagreement on where the two continents converge. The Caucasus Mountains, the Ural Mountains, and the Caspian and Black Seas all serve as an indirect line that most geographers use to delineate Asia's western border. The Arctic, Pacific, and Indian oceans encircle Asia.

The five major physical regions of Asia are mountain systems, plateaus, plains, steppes, and deserts, as well as freshwater and saltwater ecosystems.

Hence, the continent is Asia and above are few details about the physical geography of Asia.

To know more about Asia, refer:



a defense mechanism in which an individual continues dysfunctional behavior that will clearly not solve a conflict is known as:


A defense mechanism in which an individual continues dysfunctional behavior that will clearly not solve a conflict is known as fixation. Fixation is an unconscious process that is motivated by a desire to cope with emotional stress.

Fixation is the natural inclination to approach a given problem in a consistent manner, limiting one's ability to shift to a different approach to that problem.

Fixation is an example of an immature defense mechanism. When one's desire is linked to an object of desire associated with a previous stage in one's psychosexual development.

Learn  more on  defense mechanism-



Wht does communism mean?


communism - a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

john has asked abby to send him explicit sexual pictures of herself via her cell phone. this inappropriate and illegal request is known as:


The request from John to Abby requesting for explicit sexual pictures of herself is known as sexting.

What are the dangers of sexting?

The major danger of sexting for adults is sending explicit pictures and videos to someone you don't know or trust. They might share them with someone you don't know after showing them to them. Or they might sell them to a website to cause grief, which is when a former partner publishes private information about you without your consent.

Additionally, there is a chance that someone might unintentionally view your sexts. Or that someone else would hack your sexting partner's cell phone, computer or cloud storage system, exposing the explicit contents  to the wrong people.

Learn more on the dangers of sexting here



In the board and dice game of backgammon, how many pieces does each player start with?.


In the board and bones game of backgammon, each player start with 15 pieces.

What's backgammon?

Backgammon is one of the best and the oldest which is called as boardgames. The object of the game is to move your pieces with the board's triangles and off the board before your fellow competitor does. It's a two- player board game squiggled with counters and bones on tables boards. It's the most general Western member of the large family of tables games, whose father date back nearly,000 times to the quarter of Mesopotamia and Persia.

There are some more ways that this game can be played. Your pieces do counterclockwise from the upper right, while your opponent's do clockwise from the nethermost right. You can change the direction if you like going from nethermost right to top right. Also, the game is occasionally played in rounds with a scoring system deciding the final winner.

Learn further about backgammon then: brainly.com/question/10808348


Sanchita worships three different and separate gods. Her religion falls into which category?.


Sanchita worships three different and separate gods. Her religion falls into  Polytheism category  

Polytheism :

Polytheism is the belief in multiple gods, usually assembled into pantheons of gods and goddesses, with their own religious denominations and rituals. Polytheism is a form of theism. Within theism, it contrasts with monotheism, the belief in a single deity that is almost always transcendent.Polytheism is the belief or doctrine that there are multiple gods. As with monotheism, the term polytheism can be used in the context of a particular religion (such as Hinduism) or outside of formal religion. People who believe in multiple gods are sometimes called polytheists. The adjective form is polytheistic  .

Learn more about polytheism :          



oblique-angle shots tend to suggest question 12 options: a) tension, transition, and impending movement. b) security and domination. c) tediousness and insignificance. d) power, stability, and fate. g


Oblique-angle shots or Dutch angle tend to suggest tediousness and insignificance.

What is Dutch angle?

The Dutch angle, also referred to as Dutch tilt, canted angle, or oblique angle, is a style of camera shot that entails tilting the camera's roll axis so that the shot's vertical lines are composed at an angle to the side of the frame or that the shot's horizon line is not parallel to the bottom of the camera frame. This results in a perspective that resembles leaning to one side. The Dutch angle in cinematography is one of many cinematic techniques frequently utilized to depict psychological unease or tension in the subject being recorded. The German film industry's usage of the Dutch tilt during the expressionist movement is strongly linked to the Dutch tilt.

Learn more about oblique angle, here:



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