
Which of the following values are solutions to the inequality


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:


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The number of chirps per minutes made by a cricket is a function of the temperature (T). The function f(T) = 4(T-40). How many chirps would you except to hear when the temperature is 90?


Number of chirps would you expect to hear when the temperature is 90 is 200 .

A function from a fixed X to a hard and fast Y assigns to each detail of X exactly one element of Y. The set X is known as the area of the feature and the set Y is known as the codomain of the characteristic.


f(T) = 4(T-40)

       = 4(90-40)

        = 4 × 50

        =  200

A feature is described as a relation between a fixed of inputs having one output each. In easy phrases, a feature is a courting among inputs in which each entry is related to precisely one output. each feature has a website and codomain or variety. A characteristic is commonly denoted by means of f(x) where x is the input.

Learn more about function here:-https://brainly.com/question/25638609


A golf course charges $18 for a package including the full 18-hole course.the course also sells buckets of golf balls for $20.the golf course would like to earn $400 by the end of the day


The linear equation that represents the given problem is 18x + 20y = 400.

We are given that the golf course charges $18 for a package including the full 18-hole course. The course also sells buckets of golf balls for $20 each. The golf course wants to earn a total of $400 by the end of the day. We need to find the linear equation for this situation.

Let the number of golf course packages sold be represented by the variable "x". Let the number of buckets of golf balls sold be represented by the variable "y". The equation is written below.

18x + 20y = 400

The complete question is given below.

A golf course charges $18 for a package including the full 18-hole course. The course also sells buckets of golf balls for $20 each. The golf course would like to earn $400 by the end of the day. Write a linear equation that describes the problem.

To learn more about equations, visit :



kurtosis is a measure of multiple choice the normality of a distribution. how fat the tails of a distribution are.


The normality of a distribution as well as how fateful its tails are Kurtosis is a test for a distribution's normality that focuses on the size of the tails.

Kurtosis is a metric that indicates how heavy-tailed or light-tailed the data are in comparison to a normal distribution. In other words, data sets with a high kurtosis tend to have large outliers or heavy tails. Data sets with low kurtosis frequently lack outliers and have light tails. The worst-case scenario would be a uniform distribution.

Kurtosis is three and skewness is zero for the normal distribution. The test is based on how much the data's skewness deviates from zero and how far its kurtosis deviates from three. When the p-value is less than or equal to 0.05, the test rejects the normality hypothesis.

Learn more about to fat tail visit here:



Full Question :

Kurtosis is a measure of_____

a) how fat the tails of a distribution are

b) the downside risk of a distribution

c) the normality of a distribution

d) the dividend yield of the distribution

e) both how fate the tails of a distribution are and the normality of a distribution

What ratio is equal to 4:18?






There are many

Answer: 8:36 or 12:54

Step-by-step explanation:

All you have to do is multiply both by 2, so 4 times 2 is 8 and 18 x 2 is 36, and the answer is 8:36.

4x = 4x -3 how many solutions?



No solutions

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: no solution

= 4x = 4x -3

= 4x - 4x = -3

0 = -3

no solution

What is 0.0032% in fraction form


% represents a fraction with a denominator 100


0.0032 is a decimal




find finish homework soon as possible


Sale tax rate = 6.85%

To calculate the sale tax on a $14,000 Car, multiply 14,000 by the sale tax rate in decimal form ( divided by 100)

14,000 x (6.85/100) = 14,000 x 0.0685= $959

To find the final cost, add the sale tax amount to the price:

14,000 + 959 = $14,959

Questions-PartA what is the perimeter of this hexagon if the side is 15 cm?Part BWhat is the apothem of this hexagon each side is 15 cm round to the nearest whole number?Part CWhat is the area of the hexagon?(I just need a brief explanation with the answer)


Step 1:

The formula for the area of a hexagon can also be given in terms of the apothem as,

Area of hexagon

[tex]=\text{ }\frac{1}{2}\text{ }a\text{ }\times\text{ P}[/tex]

where 'a' is the length of the apothem and 'P' is the perimeter of the hexagon.

Step 2:

Length of the sides = 15 cm

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{perimeter = 6 }\times\text{ 15} \\ P\text{ = 90} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3:

Find the Apothem ' a '

Find each angle

[tex]\text{Each interior angle = }\frac{360}{6}\text{ = 60}[/tex]



i have to solve for ABC n round to nearest whole number





The sum of interior angle of a triangle si 180degrees

Hence, 7x-1 + 4x+1 + 3x - 2 = 180

Collect the like terms;

7x+4x+3x-1+1-2 = 180

14x - 2 = 180

14x = 180+2

14x = 182

x = 182/14

x = 13

Get m

From the triangle;

mSubstitute x = 13 into the expression


Hence the measure of m

Over the last three evenings, Maria received a total of 154 phone calls at the call center. The second evening, she received 10 more calls than the first evening. The third evening, she received 4 times as many calls as the first evening. How many phone calls did she receive each evening?Number of phone calls the first evening:Number of phone calls the second evening:Number of phone calls the third evening:



• Total phone calls: 154


• Second evening ( ,s ,): 10 more calls than the first evening ( ,f ,)


• Third evening ( ,t ,): 4 times as many calls as ,f


We have to translate the given information into algebraic expressions.

• Maria received a total of 154 phone calls at the call center:


where f represents the first evening, s the second, and t the third.

• The second evening, she received 10 more calls than the first evening:


• The third evening, she received 4 times as many calls as the first evening:

[tex]t=4\times f[/tex]

As t and s can be used in terms of f, we will replace the second and third equations that we build in the first one:

[tex]f+s+t=154[/tex][tex]f+(10+f)+(4\times f)=154[/tex]

Eliminating the parenthesis we get:


Solving for f:


Thus, the number of phone calls the first evening was 24.

Then, we have to replace this calculated value in the other equations to get s and t.

• Solving for ,s


• Solving for ,t


To prove our answers are correct, we can do the following:



• Number of phone calls the first evening: 24

• Number of phone calls the second evening: 34

• Number of phone calls the third evening: 96

Two hikers are walking along a marked trail. The first hiker starts at a point 6 miles from the beginning of the trail and walks at a speed of 4 mi/h. At the same time, the second hiker starts 1 mi from the beginning and walks at a speed of 3 mi/h

a.) what is a system of equations that models the situation?

b.) graph the two equations and find the intersection point

c.) is the intersection point meaningful in this situation? Explain.

Please help I need the answers if a explanation is available then it is greatly appreciated.

Please no Quizlet


Answer: You didn't say if they are walking towards each other or walking in the same direction away from the beginning of the trail.

if they are walking in the same direction they will never meet

because a is already 5 miles ahead and walking faster





y=4t+6 first hiker

y=3t+1 second hiker

set them equal and see if there is a solution

if there is a solution it is the intersection

The solution is minus -5 which means they might have met 5 hours ago.

If they are walking towards each other




t=5/7 hours they will meet after hiking 5/7 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

(4x + 2)(6x^2 - z + 2)



24x^3 - 4xz + 12x^2 -2z + 8x + 4

Step-by-step explanation:

We just need to simplify the equation

What is the answer???


9.7=9(theta) solve for theta
theta equals 1.078 rad
If you need the answer in degrees multiply 1.078 by 180 over pi
Answer: Approx. 62 degrees

ZA and B are vertical angles. If m_A = (3x + 13) and mZB = (5x + 9), then find the measure of ZA.



The first thing to do is graph the given points of the equation to find the position of the angles.



Both equations to find the angle z should give me a total of 180 degrees

By adding and joining both equations, we have the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (3x+13)+(5x+9)=180 \\ 3x+13+5x+9=180 \\ 3x+5x=180-13-9 \\ 8x=180-22 \\ 8x=158 \\ x=\frac{158}{8} \\ x=19.75 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now plugging the value of x into the first equation to find the angle A gives us:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=3(19.75)+13 \\ A=59.25+13 \\ \textcolor{#FF7968}{A=72.25}\text{\textcolor{#FF7968}{ DEGREES}} \\ The\text{ measure }of\text{ the angle A is: 72.25} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

To check if the measure of angle A is correct, we must also replace x in the second equation to find the value of angle B, which has to give us exactly what is missing to complete the 180 degrees.

[tex]\begin{gathered} B=5(19.75)+9 \\ B=98.75+9 \\ B=107.75 \\ \text{Now adding the angles A y B should give us 180 }degrees. \\ \textcolor{#FF7968}{A=72.25} \\ B=107.75 \\ AB=\textcolor{#FF7968}{72.25}+107.75=\textcolor{#FF7968}{180}\text{\textcolor{#FF7968}{ degrees.}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

I need know the answer and how to write out my answer as well


5 . 3

6 I 3 1 . 8

- 3 0

1 8

- 1 8


Therefore, the answer is 5.3

How many real solutions does the function shown on the graph have?
Ono real solutions
one real solution
Otwo real solutions
cannot be determined


The number of real solutions that the function graph has is; One real solution

How to interpret quadratic function graphs?

The general form of a quadratic equation with a regular parabola is;

y = ax² + bx + c

Now, we are given a quadratic equation graph showing the parabola curve and as such, the number of different real solutions that a function of this nature possesses is given by the number of times it crosses the x-axis(also known as the horizontal axis) on the graph.

In this question, the function crosses the x-axis just once and as such we say that it has only one real solution.

Read more about Quadratic Function graphs at; https://brainly.com/question/16349072


3x^4+2x^3-12x-6solve for ;x=-2


The function f(x) = 3x⁴ + 2x³ - 12x - 6 is equal to 60 for x = -2.

What is a expression? What is a mathematical equation? What is Equation Modelling?

A mathematical expression is made up of terms (constants and variables) separated by mathematical operators. A mathematical equation is used to equate two expressions. Equation modelling is the process of writing a mathematical verbal expression in the form of a mathematical expression for correct analysis, observations and results of the given problem.

We have the following equation -


We have -

f(x) = 3x⁴ + 2x³ - 12x - 6

for x = - 2

f(- 2) = 3(-2)⁴ + 2(-2)³ - 12(-2) - 6

f(-2) = 48 - 16 + 24 - 6

f(- 2) = 48 + 8 - 6

f(- 2) = 60

Therefore, the function f(x) = 3x⁴ + 2x³ - 12x - 6 is equal to 60 for x = -2.

To solve more questions on Equations, Equation Modelling and Expressions visit the link below -



f(x) = x^2 - 9x + 2 evaluate f(-2)



f(-2) = 24


We are given the function:


To find f(-2), we have to subtitute -2 for x in the function. That is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(-2)=(-2)^2-9(-2)+2 \\ f(-2)=4+18+2 \\ f(-2)=24 \end{gathered}[/tex]

That is the answer.

so for the equation below for the indicated variable 1/3 ab squared equals 6 .⅓ab²= 6 solve for a


The given expression is ,


Divide both sides by 1/3 implies,

[tex]\begin{gathered} ab^2=\frac{6}{\frac{1}{3}} \\ ab^2=18 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The, divide both sides by b^2 gives,


Therefore, a=18/b^2.

help fast!!!!!!! i need help



Step-by-step explanation:

What is the equation of the line parallel to 3x + 5y = 11 that passes through the point (15, 4)?3x-29= 3x - 295y-y-x-21y--x+533y=-5* +13Mart this and returnSavond uit


Recall that two equations in standard form represent parallel lines if they are as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Ax+By=C_1, \\ Ax+By=C_2, \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where A>0, and all the coefficients are integers.

Therefore the equation of a parallel line to the given line is as follows:


Since the parallel line passes through (15,4) then:


Simplifying the above result we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 45+20=k, \\ k=65. \end{gathered}[/tex]



Solving the above equation for y we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x+5y-3x=65-3x, \\ 5y=-3x+65, \\ \frac{5y}{5}=-\frac{3x}{5}+\frac{65}{5}, \\ y=-\frac{3}{5}x+13. \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: Last option.



Step-by-step explanation:

The slope of the the straight line equation 3x+5y=11 is (−35)Hence the slope of the line parallel is same to the given line i.e,(−35) We can write the equation in the following form slope intercept form i.e, y=mx+cHere c=−6 and m=−35The answer is y=−35x−6⇒5y=−3x−30⇒3x+5y=−30Hope it helps...Thanks you...

The System of PolynomialsYou are aware of the different types of numbers: natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, and real numbers. Now you will work with a property of the number system called the closure property. A set of numbers is closed for a specific mathematical operation if you can perform the operation on any two elements in the set and always get a result that is an element of the set.Consider the set of natural numbers. When you add two natural numbers, you will always get a natural number. For example, 3 + 4 = 7. So, the set of natural numbers is said to be closed under the operation of addition.Similarly, adding two integers or two rational numbers or two real numbers always produces an integer, or rational number, or a real number, respectively. So, all the systems of numbers are closed under the operation of addition.Think of polynomials as a system. For each of the following operations, determine whether the system is closed under the operation. In each case, explain why it is closed or provide an example showing that it isn’t.1. AdditionType your response here:2. SubtractionType your response here:3. MultiplicationType your response here:4. DivisionType your response here:


Polynomials are closed under the operation of addition, subtraction, and multiplication only. Here's why:

1. Addition: (Closed)

Reason: Say we have two polynomials: (x⁴ + 2x³ - 4) and (3x³ - 2x² + 6x). If we add these two polynomials, (x⁴ + 2x³ - 4) + (3x³ - 2x² + 6x), it will result to x⁴ + 5x³ - 2x² + 6x - 4 which is also a polynomial.

When adding polynomials, the variables and the exponents don't change. This guarantees that the sum of these variables with exponents will always be a polynomial.

2. Subtraction: (Closed)

Reason: Say we have two polynomials: (x⁴ + 2x³ - 4) and (3x³ - 2x² + 6x). If we subtract these two polynomials, (x⁴ + 2x³ - 4) - (3x³ - 2x² + 6x), it will result to x⁴ - x³ + 2x² - 6x - 4 which is also a polynomial.

When subtracting polynomials, the variables, and the exponents don't change. This guarantees that the difference of these variables with exponents will always be a polynomial.

3. Multiplication: (Closed)

Reason: Say we have two polynomials (x + 2) and (x - 4). If we multiply these two polynomials, (x + 2)(x - 4), it will result in x² - 2x - 8, which is also a polynomial.

When multiplying polynomials, the variables do not change but the exponents will be added to each other. In this case, we can guarantee that the new exponents will be positive whole numbers still and this guarantees that the answer will be a polynomial.

4. Division: (Not closed)

Reason: When dividing polynomials, exponents are being subtracted from each other, therefore, we might have a result of a negative exponent. Negative exponents are not allowed in a polynomial. Example, say we have two polynomials (x²) and (x⁴), if we divide (x²) by (x⁴), the resulting value would be:


The resulting value is x to the power of negative 2, and is not a polynomial.

Nhan is getting dressed. He considers two different shirts, three pairs of pants, and three pairs of shoes. He chooses one of each of the articles at random. What is the probability that he will wear his khakis but not his sandals? Enter your answer as a fraction in simplest form. Shirt Pants Shoes collared khakis sneakers T-shirt jeans flip-flops shorts sandals The probability that Nhan will wear his khakis but not his sandals = .


The probability that Nhan will wear his shirt is 0.375.

How to calculate the probability?

From the information, Nhan considers two different shirts, three pairs of pants, and three pairs of shoes.

The total number will be:

= 2 + 3 + 3

= 8

Therefore, since we want to calculate the probability of the shirt which is the khaki, this will be:

= P(shirt) / Total number

= 3/8

= 0.375

There, the probability is 0.375.

Learn more about probability on



(b) Antonio compares his plan to another friend, Brielle's. Given that both Antonio and Brielle will only be charged for full minutes, is there an amount of time when their two plans cost the same? Explain. ven that bo Brielle's plan: Monthly cost = 2(1.50m+12)+m-4 where m is the number of minutes used


Antonio's plan is


Brielle's plan is


Then, we express both expressions as equivalent to finding the number of minutes needed to cost the same.


First, we use the distributive property.


Then, we reduce like terms.


Then, we subtract 4m on each side.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4.75m-4m+15=4m-4m+20 \\ 0.75m+15=20 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we subtract 15 on each side.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0.75m+15-15=20-15 \\ 0.75m=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

At last, we divide the equation by 0.75.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{0.75m}{0.75}=\frac{5}{0.75} \\ m\approx6.67 \end{gathered}[/tex]

This means after 6.67 minutes both plans will cost the same.

This decimal result means that both plans won't be equivalent because only full minutes are charged. In other words, at 6 minutes the plans are not equal.

You want to take a bus to go visit your friend in a different city. The distance between two cities is 200 kilometers and the bus drives 80 kilometers per hour. If the bus is 20 kilometers away from your friend’s city, which of the following equations represents the hours, h, the bus has travelled?


The required equation will be 200-80h=20 as the statement says, "You want to take a bus to go visit your friend in a different city. The distance between two cities is 200 kilometers and the bus drives 80 kilometers per hour. If the bus is 20 kilometers away from your friend’s city".

What is equation?

In its most basic form, an equation is a mathematical statement that shows that two mathematical expressions are equal. 3x + 5 = 14, for example, is an equation in which 3x + 5 and 14 are two expressions separated by a 'equal' sign. In mathematics, an equation is a relationship of equality between two expressions written on both sides of the equal to sign. 3y = 16 is an example of an equation. Equations can be classified into three types based on their degree:

The linear equationQuadratic formulaThe cubic equation


The distance between two cities=200 KM

The speed of bus=80 KM/hour

Time travelled=h hours

The distance travelled by bus=80h

The difference between distance=20


As stated in the statement, the required equation is 200-80h=20 "You want to take the bus to see a friend in another city. The distance between the two cities is 200 kilometers, and the bus travels at an average speed of 80 kilometers per hour. If the bus is 20 kilometers away from your friend’s city".

To know more about equation,



Whats the product 0.4(-1.08)



can someone please help me solve this


For the carpenter to be sure that both length of the beam to be same length the base angles of the triangle must be the same.

What are isosceles triangle?

An isosceles triangle is a triangle having two sides of equal length. The angles opposite the equal sides are also equal.

In other words, an isosceles triangle is a triangle with two sides equal and the base angles equal to each other.

The carpenter builds a set of triangular roof support . The carpenter wants the both sides of the slanted beam to be the same in lengths,

Therefore, for the carpenter to be sure the both length of the beam is the same, the base angles must be the same. This follows the rules of an isosceles triangle where two sides are the same and the base angles must be the same.

learn more on isosceles triangle here: https://brainly.com/question/2456591


What is 10 × 1/2 ? All the answers I see are confusing!!


10 times 1/2 is equal to 5
(10/1) times (1/2)
Multiply numerator and denominator:
Simplify (by factoring a 2 out)
2/2 is one
1x5 is 5

What is y=6/5 x+9 written in standard form



6/5x -y = -9

Step-by-step explanation:

The standard form is ax + by =c so you would have to use the properties of equality to solve.

Given : y = 6/5x+9

Subtract -9 from both sides: 6/5x = y-9

Subtract y from both sides: 6/5x -y = -9

A mandatory competency test for high school sophomores has a normal distribution with a mean of 553 and a standard deviation of 90. The top 3% of students receive a $500 prize. What is the minimum (cutoff) score you would need to receive this award?



The minimum (cut off) score you need to receive this award is;



Given that the top 3% of the students receive a $500 prize.


We will then find the z-score that corresponds to the given probability.


Recall that;



[tex]\begin{gathered} \mu=553 \\ \sigma=90 \end{gathered}[/tex]

substituting the values;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1.88=\frac{X-553}{90} \\ X-553=1.88\times90 \\ X=553+1.88\times90 \\ X=722.2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the minimum (cut off) score you need to receive this award is;


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