which approach would the nurse take for an older client who is confused does not recognize family members and often soils


Answer 1

Toileting the client every 2 hours.

A mental disorder, also known as a mental illness or psychiatric disorder, is a pattern of behavior or thought that causes significant distress or impairs personal functioning. These symptoms can be persistent, relapsing and remitting, or occur in isolated episodes. Many disorders have been described, with signs and symptoms varying greatly between them. A mental health professional, usually a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist, can diagnose such disorders.

Assessments are performed by mental health professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, and clinical social workers in psychiatric hospitals or in the community, using various methods such as psychometric tests but often relying on observation and questioning. Various mental health professionals provide treatment. Two major treatment options are psychotherapy and psychiatric medication. Other treatments include behavioral modifications, social interventions, peer support, and self-help. In a small number of cases, involuntary detention or treatment may occur. Depression has been shown to be reduced by prevention programs.

To learn more about mental disorders, here



Related Questions

a postpartal client complains that she has the urge to urinate every hour but is only able to void a small amount. what interventions provides the nurse with the most useful information? a. initiate a perineal pad count b. catheterize for residual urine after next voiding c. assess for a perineal hematoma d. determine the client's usual voiding pattern


Catheterize for residual urine after next voiding interventions provides the nurse with the most useful information.

What do does a nurse ?

In any community, large or little, nurses are available from the beginning of life until the death. In addition to managing patients and giving direct patient care, nurses also establish nursing standards for practice, develop quality control processes, and oversee complex nursing care systems.

What role do nurses have in the medical field?

A nurse's main responsibility is to take care of patients by attending to their physical requirements, combating disease, and treating illnesses. In order to help with treatment decisions, nurses must check the patient and report any pertinent information.

To know more about Nurse visit:



all people who have seizures have epilepsy even if they haven’t been diagnosed yet. t or f


Anyone can experience a seizure epilepsy if the conditions are correct, however the majority of people do not experience seizures under "normal conditions."

If epilepsy hasn't been identified, do all persons who suffer seizures still have it?

Seizures, which are uncontrollable movements or actions brought on by aberrant electrical activity in the brain, are a sign of epilepsy. However, not everyone who exhibits seizure-like symptoms has epilepsy, a collection of connected illnesses distinguished by a propensity for repeated seizures.

Do all those who experience seizures also have epilepsy?

Recurrent, spontaneous seizures are a symptom of the brain condition epilepsy. If you experience two unexplained seizures or one unexplained seizure with a high probability of subsequent ones, your doctor may diagnose you with epilepsy. Epilepsy is not the only cause of seizures.

To know more about epilepsy visit :-



ecause of an outbreak of influenza among the nursing staff, the hospital is very short staffed. the nurse manager prioritizes client needs on the surgical unit by which strategy?


ensuring that clients receive medications but omitting full bathing when possible. Daily bathing is not required to meet standards of care.

The respiratory system includes the nose, throat, and lungs, which are all affected by the flu (influenza). Although influenza is frequently referred to as the flu, it differs from stomach "flu" viruses that cause vomiting and diarrhea. Most flu sufferers recover on their own. But occasionally, influenza and its side effects might be fatal. The flu may initially appear to be a typical cold with runny nose, sneezing, and sore throat. Colds typically take time to break. However, the flu often strikes suddenly. And while having a cold might be unpleasant, having the flu typically makes you feel much worse.

To know more about influenza :


a parent whose infant is born with talipes equinovarus (clubfoot) tells the nurse, 'i am afraid to have more children because they might have the same problem.' which is the best response by the nurse?


The nurse should explore the parent's understanding of the probable causes of talipes equinovarus (clubfoot) disorder and advice them for preferable step.

Clubfoot is a congenital disease, meaning that the foot or feet bend inward from birth. It won't go away on its own, but youngsters get good results from early therapy. The Ponseti method, a nonsurgical procedure to realign the foot, is one kind of clubfoot treatment. Clubfoot used to be treated with surgery, physical therapy, and a year of bracing. Recently, medical professionals discovered a painless, very successful clubfoot treatment method that doesn't require any major surgery. Physiotherapists and orthopedic surgeons carry it out.

To learn more about Clubfoot click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/8769568


nancy is following a strict low carb diet and had the most success in the past when she has written down everything that she eats. her goal is to lose 20 pounds over the next four months. writing down the food she eats and listing out her end weight goal demonstrates what part of the goal-setting process?


Promote committing to diet goals. You can get these advantages by exercising daily for no less than 30 minutes. A dedication to a healthy lifestyle is necessary to achieve optimal health.

Regular exercise, abstaining from unhealthy foods and vices like drinking and smoking, and getting enough sleep are all part of diet. Goal commitment can be improved by observing the following rules: Justify the organization's dedication to a thorough goal-setting program. The job of a leader is to make things simple by making the company goals apparent and connecting them to the personal aspirations. The advantages of employing S.M.A.R.T goals when developing goals for nutrition clients are several. Specific Your chances of achieving your goal increase as your goal description becomes more detailed.

Learn more about Diet



symptoms of gonorrhea are generally more severe in women than in men. truefalse with gynecologic patients, you should leave any foreign bodies in place after stabilizing them with bandages. truefalse pelvic inflammatory disease is the most common vaginal infection in women age 15 to 44. truefalse the most common presenting sign of pid is generalized lower abdominal pain.


The statement that Symptoms of gonorrhea are generally more severe in women than in men is false because it is more severe in men.

The statement that with gynecologic patients, you should leave any foreign bodies in place after stabilizing them with bandages is True. The statement that Pelvic inflammatory disease is the most common vaginal infection in women age 15 to 44 is False because it is bacterial vaginosis which is the most common vaginal infection in women age 15 to 44.The statement that most common presenting sign of PID is generalized lower abdominal pain is True. Gynecologist refers to the physician who specializes in caring for the reproductive health of a woman. PID refers to the infectious diseases caused in reproductive organs of the women.

Learn more about gonorrhea at:



when the sebum plug of a___is exposed to air, it oxidizes and becomes a blackhead.


When the sebum plug of a clogging plug is exposed to air, it oxidizes and becomes a blackhead.

A type of acne, sebum plug  happen once pores get clogged with secretion and dead skin cells. Secretion is oil your body produces to stay skin damp. secretion plugs result from hormones and hyperbolic stress levels. secretion plugs typically develop on the face, as well as the forehead, chin and nose.

“Blackheads are open comedones” shares Jordan. “The pore is stretched open with the clogging plug,” she continues. as a result of the plug is exposed to air, the plug material oxidizes and darkens, inflicting a blemish. Blackheads ar slightly raised or flat with a dark center.

To learn more about blackhead here



what condition did dr. kayla boucher discuss in her interview where she suggested this condition is very often confused with a mental or physical disability?


Autism spectrum disorder is the illness that Dr. Kayla Boucher discussed in her interview and claimed is sometimes mistaken for a mental or physical handicap.

Autism spectrum disorder: what is it?

This is referred to as a medical condition that is marked by developmental disability brought on by variations in the human brain as a result of many events. Some autistic people prefer the term autism over autism spectrum disorder because they don't like the connotation that the word "Disorder" has with it.

Those with this sort of condition have issues with social interaction and communication, as well as unusual ways of learning and movement. They are frequently mistaken for people with mental or physical disabilities.

To know more about Autism, visit;



the nurse is caring for a 9 mont old infant with gluten induced enteropathy which common term for this disorder would the nurse use when discussing


According to question, Celiac disease is a common term for this disorder would the nurse use when discussing .

To determine if you have celiac disease, doctors utilize blood testing and other diagnostic procedures: Tests for serology check for specific antibodies. Blood testing examine additional immune system components. If the gut has been injured, testing for intestinal fatty acid binding proteins will show it.

When a person with a genetic predisposition consumes gluten, it can cause significant autoimmune disease called celiac disease, which damages the small intestine. One in every 100 persons is thought to be affected by it worldwide, although only around 30% receive an accurate diagnosis.

To know more about Celiac disease visit :



after running out of the medication that he takes to treat his bipolar disorder, dan calls the pharmacy and asks for a refill of his prescription. which medication was he most likely prescribed? a. potassium phosphate b. sodium bicarbonate c. lithium carbonate d. manganese chloride


The most prescribed medication was Dan is most likely to be prescribed would be lithium carbonate, which suggests that option C must be the right answer.

Bipolar disorder is the mental condition in which the person suffers from drastic mood swings as well as changes in energy, activity levels, concentration etc. A healthy combination of medication and psychotherapy will be most effective in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Lithium carbonate tends to lower the mental activity and soothes the brain and thereby stabilizes mood. The exercise for well being, nice sleep and healthy diet will also be helpful in the treatment of bipolar disorder. These must be practiced as regular habit so that it does not become life long disease.

Learn more about bipolar disorder at:



maria is 75 years old. she is experiencing severe loss of bone tissue. maria is most likely to be diagnosed with


Maria is most likely to be diagnosed with osteoporosis.

What do you mean by osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that develops when bone mineral density and bone mass decreases, or when the quality or structure of bone changes. This can lead to a decrease in bone strength that can increase the risk of fractures (broken bones).

A lifelong lack of calcium plays a role in the development of osteoporosis. Low calcium intake contributes to diminished bone density, early bone loss and an increased risk of fractures.

Osteoporosis increases the risk of breaking a bone. About one half of all women over the age of 50 will have a fracture of the hip, wrist, or vertebra (bones of the spine) during their lifetime.

Learn more about osteoporosis:



a hospital patient began treatment with interferon alfa-2a several days ago and the care team is pleased with the patient's response at this point in treatment. however, the patient has stated to the nurse that he feels increasingly despondent and claims to have lost all hope of recovering from his disease, despite being an optimistic person. how should the nurse best interpret the patient's statements?


The patient may be experiencing interferon alfa-2a's psychological side effects.

What are the uses of interferon alfa-2a's?

This drug is used to treat a number of tumors, including leukemia, melanoma , and Kaposi's sarcoma associated with AIDS. Infections with viruses are also treated with it (such as chronic hepatitis B, chronic hepatitis C, condylomata acuminata). This drug is equivalent to a protein that is naturally produced by your body (interferon). It is believed to function in the body by having a variety of effects on immune system function and cell proliferation. Your body may be able to fight off viral infections or cancer by producing more interferon.

What are the side effects of  interferon alfa-2a's?

Depression (16% to 28%) have been reported as psychiatric adverse effects. Additionally reported symptoms include irritability (15%), sleeplessness (14%), anxiety (5%–6%), and behavioral abnormalities (3%). When compared to controls, a disproportionate number of patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (n=25) who participated in a study to assess the neuropsychological side effects of interferon alfa treatment performed poorly on tests of verbal memory, delayed visual memory, verbal fluency, visual scanning and sequencing, executive function, and motor dexterity for the preferred hand. Patients receiving interferon alfa additionally displayed evidence of personality and mood abnormalities in addition to the previously indicated cognitive deficits.

To learn more about Depression visit:



a 27-yr-old patient admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis (dka) has a serum glucose levelof 732 mg/dl and serum potassium level of 3.1 meq/l. which action prescribed by thehealth care provider should the nurse takefirst?


Place the patient on a cardiac monitor- hypokalemia can lead to potentially fatal dysrhythmias such as ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation, which would be detected with ECG monitoring.a 27-yr-old patient admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis (dka) has a serum glucose levelof 732 mg/dl and serum potassium level of 3.1 meq/l.

A heartbeat that exceeds 100 beats per minute is referred to medically as tachycardia (tak-ih-KAHR-dee-uh). Tachycardia can result from a variety of different cardiac rhythm disorders (arrhythmias). Not always is a rapid heartbeat cause for alarm. As an illustration, the heart rate frequently increases during exercise or in reaction to stress. If your heart rate is routinely above 100 or below 60 beats per minute (and you're not an athlete), or if you also have shortness of breath, fainting episodes, dizziness, or feel your heart fluttering or palpitating in your chest, you might want to start by seeing your doctor.

Learn more about tachycardia here:



as people age, their tolerance for lactose-containing foods often decreases. what is the primary cause of lactose intolerance associated with aging?


The decrease in Lactase production is the primary cause of lactose intolerance associated with aging.

What is lactose?

Lactose is described as a disaccharide sugar synthesized by galactose and glucose subunits and has the molecular formula C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁.

Lactase production has been known to decline over time due to normal aging.

The body typically produces large amounts of lactase at birth and during early childhood when milk is the main source of nutrition, but as our diets become more varied over time due to aging, lactase production usually decreases.

Learn more about lactose at:  https://brainly.com/question/3009094


Is infrared absorbed by the body?


All physical entities (bodies) produce and ingest infrared radiation. No of the weather, they continue to do this. More infrared radiation is released by a hotter body over a given period of time.

In the potential vibrational and rotational modes, only molecules with minor energy differences can absorb IR. The vibrations or rotations within a molecule must result in a net change in the molecule's dipole moment in order for it to absorb IR. These findings show that near-infrared light may pass through bone, brain, and soft tissue that has been preserved in formalin, and they suggest that any benefits seen in clinical investigations may be connected to the near-infrared light's direct influence on neural tissue.

To know more about absorbing IR.



a client presents to the emergency department with signs and symptoms of acute congestive heart failure. assessment findings and tests confirm the diagnosis. which type of diuretic would be the drug of choice to treat the client?


Congestive heart failure is the cause of the larger cardiac silhouette in this picture. For treating and controlling hypertension, a variety of medications are available.

What distinguishes a diagnosis from a diagnosis?

Diagnoses, which is pronounced (dahy-uhg-noh-seez), is the plural form. Diagnose is the verb form. The term "diagnosis a person" can also apply to an illness. To diagnose is to give a diagnosis of what specific ailment the patient is experiencing.

What categories of diagnostic are there?

Clinical evaluation. a diagnosis given without the use of diagnostic tests and based instead on symptoms and medical signs. diagnostic testing at a lab. a diagnosis that relies more on test or laboratory results than it does on a patient's physical examination.

To know more about diagnosis visit:



which compression technique can be used on an infant during cpr when there is one rescuer?



One technique that can be used for CPR on an infant when there is only one rescuer is to use two fingers to compress the chest.

This technique can help provide effective compressions while still allowing the rescuer to maintain control of the infant's airway.

It is important to note that CPR techniques can vary depending on the age and size of the person, as well as the specific circumstances of the emergency, so it is always best to consult a medical professional or follow the guidelines provided by a certified CPR training program.


an 8 year old girl who is hospitalized for intravenous (iv) therapy tells the nurse that she is bored. the nurse has a discussion with the father about appropriate activities. which activity suggested by the father would indicate a need for further teaching


Suggested activities for children who are undergoing intravenous therapy are going out for a while but still in the hospital environment so they don't feel bored but are still under the supervision of nurses.

What is intravenous therapy?

Intravenous therapy is a method of administering medicinal fluids directly into a vein. Because it uses a drip chamber or drip chamber, the infusion is often termed a drip.

Intravenous therapy delivers 2 types of fluids, crystalloids, and colloids. Crystalloids are liquids composed of minerals, salts, and water-soluble substances, for example, salt solutions, dextrose in water, and Ringer's lactate.

Colloids are molecules that are insoluble in water. Colloid solutions have large particles that are used as blood substitutes, for volume expansion, and for maintaining normal blood pressure.

Learn more about the effect of intravenous infusion of purified water here :



the client has a cast applied for a fractured tibia. which physiologic response to the fracture places this client at risk for compartment syndrome?


According to question, Volume increases due to inflammation, although cast size restrictions apply to compartments.

Tibia, forearm, and elbow fractures, crush injuries, bleeding diseases like hemophilia, ipsilateral forearm and elbow injuries, and open fractures are risk factors for developing a compartment syndrome.

is a typical sign of compartment syndrome in a patient. Feelings of swelling and tightness are frequent signs of compartment syndrome. Pain with particular actions, especially passive stretching of the muscles, is the primary clinical symptom of compartment syndrome. With active flexion, a patient could experience pain.

To know more about compartment syndrome visit :



mary is 43 years old and pregnant with her second child. her first child suffers from sickle cell anemia. what prenatal test is her doctor likely to recommend?


Amniocentesis is the prenatal test is her doctor likely to recommend.

Pregnancy-related amniocentesis is a diagnostic technique. The foetus's chromosomes are most frequently examined using this method.Occasionally, amniocentesis is done to check for diseases like infections or genetic disorders that can occur during pregnancy. The amniotic fluid is removed during this surgery. Typically, a local anaesthetic is not required.The purpose of the amniocentesis is to determine whether the baby's chromosomes (karyotype) are normal or abnormal. If a newborn's lungs are prepared for breathing, there is evidence of a neural tube defect (spina bifida or an open spine), there is evidence that the baby may have had an infection, orAmniotic fluid, which surrounds the developing foetus, contains alpha-foetoprotein as well as foetal cells. Additionally, it shields the foetus from mechanical harm and aids in controlling its body temperature. The amniotic fluid's cells and other components hold crucial clues to the health of the unborn child.

To know more about amniocentesis check the below link:



a patient with parkinson's disease who is taking selegiline has had hip surgery and is being admitted to the orthopedic unit. which postoperative order should the nurse question?


Buspirone is the postoperative order the nurse question.

Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder that affects the nervous system and the nerve-controlled parts of the body. The symptoms appear gradually. The first symptom could be a slight tremor in only one hand. Although tremors are common, the disorder can also cause stiffness or slowing of movement.

Parkinson's disease does not directly cause death, but it can put a strain on the body and make some people more susceptible to serious and life-threatening infections. However, thanks to advancements in treatment, the majority of people with Parkinson's disease now have a normal or near-normal life expectancy. Unfortunately, numerous studies have shown that people with Parkinson's disease have a higher risk of death than the general population, and unexpected death in Parkinson's disease (SUDPAR), an unusual but fatal event, also occurs.

To learn more about Parkinson's disease, here



the nurse is providing care for an infant w/ an inner ear infection. which comment by the parent indicates to the nurse that specific teaching is needed regarding the incidences of infection? i now put her to bed w/ a bottle


I now put her to bed with a bottle. Children's eustachian tubes are shorter and more horizontal than those of adults, making them more likely to allow items from mouth to travel to inner ear, cause an infection.

Putting a baby to sleep with a bottle helps the milk migrate. The nurse will give a lesson on this subject. The nurse will reaffirm that putting cotton swabs in a child's ear is not a good idea. It is less likely that the technique will result in an internal infection. When taking a bath, some babies don't mind having their ears submerged. It is unlikely that this technique alone will result in an inside infection.

The complete question is:

The nurse is providing care for an infant with an inner ear infection. The nurse is aware that the condition has occurred multiple times in a 3-month period. Which comment by the parent indicates to the nurse that specific teaching is needed regarding the incidences of infection?

1. "I now put her to bed with a bottle."

2. "I clean her ears with cotton swabs."

3. "She likes her ears submerged while bathing."

4. "Her older brother brings colds home from school."

Learn more about infection



a nurse is preparing a heparin solution a nurse is preparing a heparin infusion for a client who was hospitalized with deep-vein thrombosis. the order reads: 25,000 units of heparin in 250 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride to infuse at 800 units/hr. at what rate should the nurse set the infusion pump? (round the answer to the nearest whole number. use a leading zero if it applies. do not use a trailing zero.)


(800/25,000)x250 mL = "8 mL/hr". When a blood clot develops in a deep vein, a condition known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) takes place. These clots can form in the arm, form in the calf muscle, thigh, or pelvis.

1. What unit of measurement should the nurse use to compute mL/hr for deep vein thrombosis?

2. What dosage should the nurse provide?

800 units/hour is the desired dose to deliver.

3. What is the allowable dosage?

Dose availability = 25,000 units on hand

4. Should the nurse change the measurement units?


5. What is the allowable dosage amount?

250 mL

6. Construct an equation and find X.

Desired x Quantity/Have =X ml

800 units x 250 mL/25,000 units = X mL, which is 8 mL per hour.

Learn more about deep vein thrombosis



29. the nurse is preparing to administer neostigmine to the client with myasthenia gravis. the nurse notes bilateral crackles in the lower lung lobes. which action will the nurse take next?


The nurse will administer the next dose of methocarbamol since this is a harmless side effect.

To relax muscles and ease pain and discomfort brought on by strains, sprains, and other muscle injuries, methocarbamol is administered along with rest, physical therapy, and other methods. Muscle relaxants are a group of drugs that includes methocarbamol. It functions by reducing nervous system activity so that the body can relax. Short-term musculoskeletal pain is treated with methocarbamol, a drug that is marketed under the trade names Robaxin and others. It can be used in conjunction with rest, physical therapy, and painkillers. In cases of low back discomfort, it is less popular. Rheumatoid arthritis and cerebral palsy are only mildly helped by it. Not a narcotic, methocarbamol. It is a central nervous system (CNS) tranquillizer and muscle relaxant used to treat pain, tension, and muscular spasms.

learn more about Rheumatoid arthritis here



the nurse manager has assigned a nurse as the circulating nurse for a surgical abortion. the nurse has a religious objection and wishes to refuse to participate in an abortion. what should the nurse manager of the operating room do?


A nurse has been designated as the circulating nurse for a surgical abortion by the nurse management. The operating room's nurse manager should modify the assignment without explanation.

We discovered that at least 19 states permit specific non-physician practitioners, operating room's such as nurse-midwives, surgical abortion advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), and physician assistants (PAs), to carry out medication- surgical abortion or procedure-induced abortions. a nurse who promotes the operating room restoration of healing practices within a religious group. The nurse surgical abortion wishes to refrain from providing surgical abortion due to a religious prohibition.

learn more about abortion here:



the nurse is caring for a client who has been prescribed an interferon. what effect does the nurse anticipate this medication will have on the client?


According to question, Anti-inflammatory action effect shown on the clients .

White blood cells' ability to fight infection can be altered by interferons. A decrease in the number of white blood cells may result from interferons' ability to limit cell proliferation. Increased frequency of infections can result from low white blood cell counts. Interferons might also worsen existing illnesses if you already have them.

Proteins called interferons are a component of your body's natural defenses. They alert your immune system to the presence of pathogens or cancerous cells in your body. They also trigger killer immune cells to fight off the invaders.. Because they "interfere" with viruses and prevent their growth, interferons received their name.

To know more about interferon visit :



which of the following statements is true concerning the trend in hospital care between in-patient and out-patient services since the mid-1980s? group of answer choices both have been declining. out-patient services have been static while in-patient services have been declining. out-patient services have increased substantially because admissions are down. both have been growing. there has been no noticeable trend in either in-patient or outpatient services.


While inpatient treatments have decreased, outpatient services have increased. Reducing the total number of admissions and typical lengths of stay was an important tactic employed to keep hospital costs in check.  

We evaluated the size of the savings made, the impact the reductions had on the pace of cost growth, and the likelihood that future savings may be made by cutting the number of days hospitalized patients stay there. Our findings imply that the days of simple inpatient day reductions and the corresponding dampening of rising costs are largely behind us. Net savings are likely to be insignificant if there are additional decreases in hospital days combined with an increase in the amount of ambulatory treatment similar to that seen in recent years.

Learn more about inpatient



a nurse is caring for a client who had a stroke. which nursing intervention promotes urinary continence? taking the client to the bathroom twice per day giving the client a glass of soda before bedtime encouraging intake of at least 2 l of fluid daily consulting with a dietitian


Encouraging daily consumption of at least 2 L of liquids. Encourage stroke patient to use restrooms on a regular basis and make sure they have access to them.

The bladder can empty often with scheduled voiding. Give or promote taking prescription drugs as directed: Anticholinergics. stroke patients urinate more frequently if you consume too much liquids. When you drink too much too soon, your bladder might get overloaded and you could feel quite rushed. You don't have to consume all of your fluids at once, even if you need to because you move a lot or work outside. Consider consuming 8 ounces (237 milliliters) between meals and 16 ounces (473 milliliters) during each meal to spread out your intake throughout the day. Drink more fluids in the morning and afternoon as opposed to at night if you have to get up frequently to use the restroom. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, and cola, which make you pee more frequently. Keep in mind that meals like soup and other savory drinks can also provide fluids.

Learn more about stroke patients



the daughter of a patient who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer asks which documents are required to allow her to make health care decisions for her parent. which response would provide the most information to the daughter?


The daughter of a cancer patient can be asked for a durable power of attorney for health care and transfer decision-making authority for health care to a designated person.

In the event that a person is unable to make medical choices for themselves, a durable power of attorney for health care is a document that appoints someone else—other than a healthcare provider—to act as their agent. No waiting period is necessary for it to take effect, and the person chosen to act on behalf of the subject need not be terminally ill or incompetent. The senior-most family member will designate all of his decision-making rights to his son or daughter or guardian, if he doesn't have his own child, in his power of attorney or will. It also entails managing all of his assets and properties after he passes away or becomes incapable of managing all of their daily affairs due to physical limitations.

To learn more about power of attorney please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/29656489


Translational research/science will do which of the following?


Translational research is a field of science that studies strategies to convert research results or data into strategies that actually benefit humans.

the method of converting observations made in the lab, clinic, and community into treatments that enhance the health of people and the general public, ranging from medical procedures and behavioral modifications to diagnoses and medications.

Hence statements c, d and e are correct, as they all involve strategies that benefit humans.

Statements a and b are incorrect, as:

Results in biomedical research become should become more flexible in response to the needs of society.

Interdisciplinary research enhances patient care.

More can be learned about translational research at brainly.com/question/11289587


Full Question ;

Translational research/science will do which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

a. Result in biomedical research becoming less flexible in response to the needs of society

b. Limit interdisciplinary research because this does not enhance patient care

c. Take laboratory findings for development for use with patients at the bedside

d. Use clinical research findings to ask new questions for research in the laboratory

e. Discover practical applications for scientific theories and laws.

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