why is it important to monitor environmental parameters when making policy decisions?


Answer 1

The fundamental goal of environmental monitoring is to control and reduce the environmental impact of an organization's operations.

Either to guarantee adherence to laws and regulations, or to reduce the likelihood of negative effects on the environment and safeguard public health.

What aspects of the environment need to be tracked?

Businesses can discover and analyze environmental conditions and evaluate their impact on the environment thanks to environmental monitoring of water, air, and biodiversity. Life on Earth depends on clean air, water, reducing noise pollution, and biomonitoring.

Records generated by monitoring the environment will serve as a baseline for the circumstances in which collections are housed now. They can be applied to record daily, seasonal, and humidity ranges, or they can be used to locate places with inadequate climate management.

To know more about environment visit:-  



Related Questions

__________ is a highly conserved nucleotide sequence that has been found in developmental regulatory genes in many diverse organisms.


A homeobox is a highly conserved nucleotide sequence that has been found in developmental regulatory genes in many diverse organisms.

A DNA segment called a homeobox, which is around 180 base pairs long, controls the early development of large-scale anatomical features. For instance, changes to a homeobox may affect the full-grown organism's large-scale anatomical traits. In many single cell eukaryotes, fungi, plants, and animals, homeoboxes are present inside genes that regulate the morphogenesis, or patterning of anatomical development.

As transcription factors with a distinctive protein fold structure that binds DNA to control the expression of target genes, homeobox genes produce homeodomain protein products. Early embryonic development is regulated by homeodomain proteins, which means that mutations in homeobox genes might result in developmental problems.

Hence, homeobox sequence is conserved in various organism.

To know more about Human genome.



the human body processes and eliminates food waste using the organs of the excretory system. which organelle performs a similar function in humans at the cellular level?


Waste from the body is processed and expelled through the excretory system. The organelles known as lysosomes carry out this function at the cellular level.

What purpose do lysosomes serve?

The cell's digestive system, which demonstrates autophagy and destroys foreign particles, has been known as the lysosome. The macromolecules are broken down into pieces and subsequently removed from the cell.

Where do lysosomes reside in cells?

As membrane-bound organelles, lysosomes store hydrolytic enzymes and other cellular waste in a space inside the membrane known as the lumen. The structure of a cell's lysosome is depicted in the diagram below. The lumen has a pH between 4.5 and 5.0, which means it is very acidic.

To know more about lysosomes visit:



How energy is released in a fire?


The energy release in fire involves the conversion of chemical energy into thermal energy. Chemical energy is contained in the bonds between atoms and molecules.

Fire is a chemical process that produces carbon dioxide and water from a fuel and oxygen. It is an exothermic process, which produces heat. This is because the chemical bonds in the oxygen molecule are relatively weak, and the new bonds formed are more stable, resulting in a net energy generation.

The basic combustion equation for fire is: fuel + oxygen —> carbon dioxide + water, which many of us learned in school. However, combustion processes do not go from oxygen to carbon dioxide immediately. Instead, a slew of intermediary molecules get in the way.

Incomplete combustion can occur, resulting in exceptionally high amounts of intermediate molecules. If a flame does not receive enough oxygen, it may create carbon monoxide instead of carbon dioxide.

Learn more about chemical energy at https://brainly.com/question/68601


What is meiosis and mitosis simple definition?


Mitosis is a type of cell division for somatic cells and for the asexual reproduction of unicellular eukaryotic cells.

Meiosis is the type of cell division for the production of gametes in sexual reproduction . Meiosis is the process through which egg and sperm cells are formed. Mitosis is a necessary step for life.

A cell copies all of its components, including its chromosomes, and separates to generate two identical daughter cells during mitosis.

Meiosis is a form of cell division that occurs in sexually reproducing organisms and results in a reduction in the number of chromosomes in gametes (the sex cells, or egg and sperm).

Mitosis is the division of a single cell into two identical daughter cells (cell division).

Mitosis is a kind of cell division that occurs in somatic cells as well as in unicellular eukaryotic cells during asexual reproduction. Meiosis is a sort of cell division that occurs during sexual reproduction to produce gametes.

Learn more about to Mitosis visit here;



what is the probability that the offspring will be unable to roll the tongue? 0 2 3 4


The probability that the offspring will be unable to roll the tongue is 0 percent, which suggests that option A is the right answer.

Rolling of tongue is dominant trait which is transferred from parents to off-springs in the cases as per the Mendelian law of inheritance and the Punnett square. Let us consider the case of homozygotic parents with traits in the form of allele pair 'TT' and 'tt' for the male and female parents respectively. Thus the cells will have 'T' and 't' separately as gametes. These gametes will combine to form 'Tt' allele pair in the offspring. The 'T' trait being dominant will cause the child to be able to roll the tongue.

Learn more about rolling of tongue at:



Some parasitic flatworms have a very complicated life cycle with more than one host. Infer why this might be adaptive.


Flatworms have suction device and hook rings on their heads to attach themselves to a host. Parasitic flatworms absorb nutrients directly from the host's digestive system with their suction. So that flatworms can live in several hosts during their cycle.

Flatworms belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes. There are more than 25,000 species in the flatworm phylum.

The life cycle of this flatworm is quite long, starting from:

The egg (which usually comes out with feces) → then becomes a ciliated larva (miracidium) → water snail → sporocyst → redia → cercaria → leaves the snail's body → attaches to aquatic plants → forms cysts → consumed by certain animals → enters the intestine → enters the liver → until adulthood.

Learn more about flatworms at https://brainly.com/question/13632008


samford micro lab final what types of conditions promote bacterial growth? what types of conditions inhibit bacterial growth?


Bacteria thrive in an environment that is warm, moist, protein-rich, pH neutral, or slightly acidic. Unfavorable conditions for bacterial development can be brought on by extremes in temperature, pressure, and pH.

The term FATTOM stands for food, acidity, time, temperature, oxygen, and moisture, which are all prerequisites for bacterial development.Because bacteria can not thrive in acidic environments, it is crucial to store low-acid items (such as many vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc.) correctly. A further defense against bacterial growth is to store food in low-oxygen conditions.

learn more about  Bacterial growth here



When are tides highest?


Answer:Once a month at perigee (the point in the orbit of the moon or a satellite at which it is nearest to the earth.)

Explanation:when the moon is closest to the Earth, tide-generating forces are higher than usual, producing above average ranges in the tides. About two weeks later, at apogee, when the moon is farthest from the Earth, the lunar tide-raising force is smaller, and the tidal ranges are less than average.

Answer:Once a month, at perigee, when the moon is closest to the Earth, tide-generating forces are higher than usual, producing above average ranges in the tides. 

the auditory sensory axons of the____branch of cranial nerve number____terminate in the cochlear nucleus within the brainstem.


The auditory sensory axons of the vestibulocochlear branch of cranial nerve number 8 (CN VIII) terminate in the cochlear nucleus within the brainstem.

The vestibulocochlear nerve, also known as the auditory nerve or auditory vestibular nerve, is a mixed nerve that carries sensory information from the inner ear to the brain. It is divided into two branches: the vestibular branch, which carries information about balance and spatial orientation, and the cochlear branch, which carries information about sound.

The cochlear branch contains the axons of sensory neurons that are responsible for detecting sound waves and transmitting this information to the brain. These axons terminate in the cochlear nucleus, a region of the brainstem that plays a crucial role in processing auditory information.

Learn more about Sensory Axons here:



What membranes of the maculae sacculi and utriculi are important in sensing gravity and motion?


The otolithic membranes of the maculae sacculi and utriculi are important in sensing gravity and motion. The vestibular system of the inner ear has a fibrous tissue called the otolithic membrane.

It is essential for how the brain interprets balance. In addition to measuring the linear acceleration of the body, the membrane also determines whether the head or the body is tilted.

Three pairs of otoliths, which differ in size and form, are present on each fish. Otoliths, which are a component of the fish's inner ear, provide fish the ability to hear, detect vibrations in the water, and sense balance so they may more easily traverse their environment.

Sound waves are converted into mechanical vibrations that excite the inner ear via the tympanic membrane (TM), which divides the middle ear from the external ear.

Learn more about to membranes  visit here;



Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) plays a key role in supporting populations of fish and crabs in the shallow portions of the Chesapeake Bay and the rivers that flow into it. There are many species of underwater plants that make up SAV beds. Use what you know about photosynthesis and cellular respiration to explain why SAV beds are critical to the health of fish and crabs that live in the Chesapeake Bay. Use evidence and scientific reasoning to support your answer.


The Submerged aquatic vegetation plays a key role is the survival of the fish and crabs due to the by product of photosynthesis such as oxygen.

What is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants make use of green pigment called chlorophyll to manufacture their food through the use of energy from sunlight.

The by product of photosynthesis is oxygen which is in turn used by the aquatic animals such as the fish and crab for the cellular respiration.

Submerged aquatic vegetation is made up of aquatic plants that grow completely under water. They produce oxygen as by product of photosynthesis which is used by aquatic animals for survival.

The Submerged aquatic vegetation can be found in both freshwater and saltwater habitats.

Therefore, the submerged aquatic vegetation plays a key role is the survival of the fish and crabs due to the by product of photosynthesis such as oxygen.

Learn more about photosynthesis here:



Biofilms provide pathogens with an adhesion mechanism and aid in resistance to antimicrobial agents.
a. True
b. False


True, Biofilms provide pathogens with an adhesion mechanism and aid in resistance to antimicrobial agents.

A biofilm is a symbiotic community of surface-associated microbial cells encased in an extracellular polymeric material matrix. Van Leeuwenhoek discovered microbial biofilms by initially observing germs on tooth surfaces with his rudimentary microscopes.

Biofilms are common in nature because they are a microorganism's survival mechanism. They are intricate, slime-encased microbial communities that can be visible as slime layers on objects in water or at water-air interfaces. Plaque that accumulates on our teeth, slime that builds on shower tiles, and the slippery coating on pond rocks are all examples of biofilms. Bacteria in a biofilm adhere to surfaces and to one another.

To know more about Biofilms visit  



An earthworm has 36 chromosomes in each of its diploid cells. how many chromosomes would be in each of its gametes?


18 chromosomes would be in each of its gametes.

What are chromosomes?

the nucleus of most living cells contains a threadlike structure made of nucleic acids and proteins that carries genetic information in the form of genes.

There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in humans. The chromosome's distinctive structure helps to increase the integrity of the DNA while also keeping it securely packed with histone proteins to fit within the cell. For instance, a single cell's DNA will be 6 feet long when unraveled; from this, it is clear why each cell's nucleus needs to be packaged.

according to the given information:

number of chromosomes: 36

36√2 is 18

18 chromosomes would be in each gamete.

To know more about chromosomes:



a population has a gene with 2 alleles, f and f. the frequency of the f allele is 0.8. the frequency of the f allele is 0.2. this is all that you know about this population. what is the frequency of the ff genotype?


Answer: answer below

Explanation: Hardy-Weinberg Equation (HW) states that following certain biological tenets or requirements, the total frequency of all homozygous dominant alleles (p) and the total frequency of all homozygous recessive alleles (q) for a gene, account for the total # of alleles for that gene in that HW population, which is 100% or 1.00 as a decimel. So in short: p + q = 1, and additionally (p+q)^2 = 1^2, or 1So (p+q)(p+q) algebraically works out to p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1, where p^2 = genotype frequency of homozygous dominant individuals, 2pq = genotype frequency of heterozygous individuals, and q^2 = genotype frequency of homozygous recessive individuals. The problem states that Ptotal = 150 individuals, H frequency (p) = 0.2, and h frequency (q) = 0.8.So homozygous dominant individuals (HH) = p^2 = (0.2)^2 = 0.04 or 4% of 150 --> 6 peopleHeterozygous individuals (Hh) = 2pq = 2(0.2)(0.8) = 0.32 or 32% of 150 --> 48 peopleAnd homozygous recessive individuals (hh) = q^2 = (0.8)^2 = 0.64 = 64% of 150 --> 96 peopleHope that helps you to understand how to solve these types of population genetics problems!

What energy does burning hydrocarbons release?


When hydrocarbons are burned with oxygen present, carbon dioxide and water are produced. Carbon monoxide may also be released during the burning of hydrocarbons if there is an imbalance between the amount of carbon and oxygen present.

The energy of the bonds in hydrocarbons is larger than the sum of the energies of the bonds in carbohydrates, hence burning a hydrocarbon will release more energy than burning an equivalent amount of carbohydrates.

The chemical bonds that bind the carbon and hydrogen atoms together are where energy is stored. Bonds are broken and new bonds are created when the atoms are rearranged during the combustion event, releasing energy.

Currently, the primary source of energy for the production of electric power, heating, and transportation is the burning of hydrocarbons.

To learn more about hydrocarbons



which cells will most likely display mutations that could potentially result in cancer?


Oncogenes are mutated genes that cause cells to grow out of control and can lead to cancer.

An oncogene is a mutated gene with the ability to cause cancer. A proto-oncogene is a gene that regulates normal cell division before it becomes mutated into an oncogene.

An oncogene is a gene that has the potential to cause cancer. In tumor cells, these genes are often mutated, or expressed at high levels. When critical functions are altered or malfunctioning, most normal cells will undergo a programmed form of rapid cell death.

They regulate cell proliferation, growth, and differentiation, as well as cell cycle and apoptosis control. Growth factors, growth factor receptors, signal transducers, transcription factors, apoptosis regulators, and chromatin remodelers are all products of oncogenes.

To learn more about Oncogenes, here



which of the following is not a shape seen in prokaryotes? a) spheres b) rods c) spirals d) icosanedrals



Explanation:A. Spheres B. Rods C. Spirals D. Icosahedrons

the cambrian explosion occurred 541 million years ago. this event resulted in an increase in _____.


541 million years ago, there was the Cambrian explosion. Multicellular organism diversity increased as a result of this event.

What happened after the Cambrian explosion?

More than 500 million years ago, the Cambrian explosion took place. It was a time of rapid proliferation of many types of life on Earth and the beginning of the appearance of the majority of the major animal groupings in the fossil record.

What purpose did the Cambrian boom serve?

The Cambrian epoch, which spanned roughly 542-488 million years ago, is known for having experienced the fastest emergence of new animal phyla and animal variety in Earth's history. This period, frequently referred to as the Cambrian explosion, is thought to have given rise to the majority of the animal phyla that are still extant today.

To know more about Cambrian explosion visit:-  



A mutation that occurs in a somatic cell in an organism will most likely be transferred to:_________.


The transmission of germ-line mutations to an organism's progeny occurs during sexual reproduction and occurs in egg cells (sperm or eggs). In non-reproductive cells, somatic mutations take place;

What does the term "somamic mutation" mean?

a DNA mutation that happens after conception. All body cells, excluding the spermatids (and egg), are susceptible to somatic mutations, which are not passed on to offspring. These changes may, but are not always, the root of cancer or other illnesses.

How does a somatic mutation start?

Throughout an individual's life cycle, somatic mutations take place either spontaneously as just a result of mistakes in the DNA repair machinery or as a direct reaction to stress. They are a typical element of aging. Early-stage mutations can alter the gene line and affect organism development by causing mosaicism.

To know more about somatic mutation visit:



4. Carrying capacity is a concept that:
A. applies to humans as well as plants and other animals
B. does not depend upon the amount of area in question
C. can be ignored by humans
D. determines the load a bridge can handle


Carrying capacity is a concept that applies to humans as well as plants and other animals (option A).

What is carrying capacity?

Carrying capacity is the number of individuals of a particular species that an environment can support.

Carrying capacity also describes the number of people, animals, or crops which a region can support without environmental degradation.

This applies to biological species that can be sustained by that specific environment, given the food, habitat, water, and other resources available.

Therefore, it can be said that option A is correct about carrying capacity.

Learn more about carrying capacity at: https://brainly.com/question/2375972


Why did the big bang not produce a significant proportion of elements heavier than helium?


Because the temperature was too low for heavier elements to form by the time helium could live, the Big Bang does not yield heavier elements.

A bottleneck in the Big Bang nucleosynthesis, the lack of a stable nucleus with 8 or 5 nucleons, led to the production of extremely few nuclei of elements heavier than lithium. The quantity of lithium-7 created during BBN was likewise constrained by this deficiency of bigger atoms. It took many minutes for elements to develop in the early cosmos because it was too hot. Only a brief window of time remained for elements to develop before it became too cold to continue nucleosynthesis.

In light of this, we can conclude that the Big Bang did not result in the formation of heavier elements since, by the time helium could live, the temperature had dropped too low for heavier elements to develop.




why is the ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous nucleotide substitutions used as a measure of selection for a given locus?


This ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous nucleotide substitutions is used to estimate how quickly gene sequences are evolving.

Since a Ka/Ks ratio of 1 is a defining characteristic of sequences that code for proteins, a gene can be assumed to be functional. A synonymous nucleotide substitution has a lower degree of nonsynonymous substitution. Comparing the rates of fixation of those two types of mutations provides a great tool for understanding the mechanisms since synonymous (silent) mutations are essentially invisible to natural selection while nonsynonymous (amino-acid-replacing) mutations may be under severe selective pressure. Protein sequences are altered by nonsynonymous mutations, which are commonly exposed to natural selection. The same is true for nonsense mutations that cause CDSs to contain premature stop codons (coding sequences).

To learn more about nucleotide substitutions click here https://brainly.com/question/26193529


aquifers are underground sources of clean water that stretch over thousands of square miles. people who own land over the aquifer are free to take as much as they want. because there is no private cost associated with using the water, the water supply in the aquifer is likely to


Aquifers that fall under the area owned by people, they can freely use it. However the water supply in aquifer is likely to: fall down due to over use and it will not have an efficient outcome.

Aquifers are the large area present underground below the rocks or sediment particles layer of the earth. These area contain the deposited ground water. It is considered to be clean and safe for use because as the water passes through the sediments, it gets filtered.

Water is an inorganic colorless chemical substance. It is considered to be one of the essentialities for living. More than 70% of the earth is covered with water. However the water available worth drinking (fresh water) is only 0.5 %.

To know more about aquifers, here



how does the relation between temperament and life decisions illustrate the gene-environment correlation phenomenon in the nature/nurture debate?


The relation between temperament and life decisions illustrates the gene-environment correlation phenomenon in the nature or nurture debate because surrounding conditions are able to shape gene expression patterns and thus control phenotypic features.

What is the gene-environment correlation phenomenon?

The gene environment correlation phenomenon is a genetic model that states how gene expression in a particular environment is able to shape the phenotypic features of an organism, i.e. the morphological and or behavioral traits in animals and humans.

The gene environment correlation phenomenon is well known to control the phenotypic expression of quantitative traits such as those associated with behavior (temperament).

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the gene environment correlation phenomenon is able to control the development of quantitative traits such as those associated with the behavior, and therefore a suitable surrounding environment may stimulate to enhance certain types of traits.

Learn more about the gene-environment correlation here:



i need help with this






-organ systems


Cells are the building blocks of life, so are relatively very small. Tissues are made of cells, and organs are made of tissue. And of course, organ systems are organs working together.

A researcher is conducting a phylogenetic study of organisms using GeneA. In several of the species she is examining, she retrieves three different but similar gene sequences using the same primers. What should she conclude from her results?
-She has contamination in her experiments and should start over.
-GeneA has undergone a gene duplication in several species.
-GeneA is currently evolving in those species she found different sequences. It will be found as a different sequence in different tissues.
-GeneA has different alleles in some species.
-It is impossible to tell from the given information.


She has contamination in her experiments and should start over.

In biology, phylogeny is the study of evolutionary history and relationships between or within biomes. These relationships are determined by phylogenetic methods that focus on observed genetic traits such as DNA sequence, protein amino acid sequence, or morphology.

The phylogeny of animals in relation to the evolution of animal organs. This type of diagram allows us to infer the evolutionary relationships of major animal lineages based on the organ level of the tissue.

Phylogeny can be described as the relationship between all organisms on Earth descended from a common ancestor, whether extinct or extant.

Learn more about phylogenetics here:-https://brainly.com/question/643087


The chart shows the path reactants take to become products.

Which statement best describes the chart?

Heat was removed from the activation energy to create the product.
Heat was added to create the product.
The products have less energy than the reactants.
The products have the same energy as the reactants.


The statement which best describes the chart is Heat was added to create the product.

What is activation energy?

In the potential energy diagram, the height of the hill between the reactants and the products represents the activation energy for a reaction. The activation energy barrier is another name for the activation energy of a reaction. It is denoted by Ea.

How to reach the activation energy barrier?

Molecules become more energetic and move more quickly as the temperature rises. Therefore, the likelihood that molecules will be moving with the required activation energy for a reaction to occur upon collision increases with increasing temperature.

The statement which best describes the chart is Heat was added to create the product.

To know more about activation energy, check out:



Answer: B.Heat was added to create the product.

Which cells will most likely display mutations that could potentially result in cancer?


Proto-oncogenes are likely to mutate and become cancer causing cells.

Mutations (changes) in proto-oncogenes can result in oncogenes that cause cancer cells to grow. Proto-oncogenes are usually genes that  help cells grow and divide to form new cells or keep them alive.

When a proto-oncogene is mutated (changed) or has too many copies, it is switched on (activated) at an unexpected time and is  called an oncogene.

Proto-oncogenes often encode proteins that  stimulate cell division, inhibit cell differentiation, and arrest cell death. All of these processes are important for normal human development and  maintenance of tissues and organs.

Before oncogenes mutate, they are called proto-oncogenes and play a role in regulating normal cell division. Cancer can occur when a proto-oncogene mutates, turning it into an oncogene and causing cells to divide and grow uncontrollably.

Read more about cancer causing cells at:



ascending pathways conduct sensory information upward toward the brain, typically through a relay chain of 3 successive neurons. the neurons in these sensory pathways are called the first-order, second-order and third-order neurons, respectively. select the true statement regarding first-order neurons in somatosensory pathways.
a. First-order neuron cell bodies reside in a ganglion.
b. First-order neurons have cell bodies in the thalamus.
c. First-order neuron cell bodies reside in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.
d. First-order neuron cell bodies reside in the anterior horn of the spinal cord.


The accurate description of first-order neurons in somatosensory pathways is that they are housed in ganglions (option a).

What exactly are neurons? What do they do?

The building blocks of the brain and nervous system, neurons are the cells in charge of receiving sensory information from the outside world, sending motor commands to our muscles, and converting and relaying electrical signals at each stage along the way.

The importance of the neuron

Information is transported throughout the body of an individual through neurons. They aid in the coordination of all vital life-supporting processes by sending electrical and chemical signals. We define neurons and describe their function in this article.

To know more about Neuron visit:



An immune deficiency causes a severe reduction in the amount of mhc-ii expressed on the surface of professional antigen-presenting cells. predict which immune processes will be significantly impacted by this deficiency.
a. true
b. false


True,  immune deficiency causes a severe reduction in the amount of mhc-ii expressed on the surface of professional antigen-presenting cells. predict which immune processes will be significantly impacted by this deficiency.

In general ,the main function of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules is to derive the refined antigens, which are derived primarily from exogenous sources, to CD4(+) T-lymphocytes. we can also say that MHC class II molecules are critical for the initiation of the antigen-specific immune response.

Hence, Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II proteins are important to play a key role in the active response of the immune system.

To learn more about histocompatibility complex  , here



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devan, an american citizen, works as the sales manager at an office supply company. he is posted at the company headquarters in the u.s. and manages operations in china, making frequent and lengthy visits to conduct business meetings with his colleagues there. devan may be considered to be a . what is a proxy? a. a standard that specifies the format of data as well as the rules to be followed during transmission b. a simple network protocol that allows the transfer of files between two computers on the internet c. a standard internet protocol that provides the technical foundation for the public internet as well as for large numbers of private networks d. software that prevents direct communication between a sending and receiving computer and is used to monitor packets for security reasons Is infrared in the visible spectrum? To determine the phenotype of an individual who expresses a dominant trait, you would cross that individual with an individual who ______. expresses the dominant trait has the genotype Aa is homozygous recessive for that trait is homozygous dominant for that trait in this video, we use the law of conservation of energy. for the systems we consider, Find the slope of the tangent line to the given polar curve at the point specified by the value of theta.r = 6 cos(theta),theta = ????/3 PLEASE HURRY Solve the following equation:5- (4x+3)= 1/2 (8x - 12)Please solve for x Does each of the following government activities promote competition or limit monopoly power by regulating markets?a. Limiting content on public airwavesb. Directing local cable companies to reduce Internet fees for rural consumersc. Forcing a municipal water company to limit rate increasesd. Preventing the merger of two pharmaceutical companiese. Breaking up Standard Oil into smaller companies Using the what-if function in excel to make a decision is considered a type of __________. How do typical wind speeds in Jupiter's atmosphere compare to typical wind speeds on Earth? They are slightly faster than average winds on Earth. They are slightly slower than average winds on Earth. They are much faster than hurricane winds on Earth. They are about the same as average winds on Earth. How does Portia use pathos? PLEASE ANSWER ASAP! WILL GIVE 30 POINTS! The agency that operates the u.s. military and addresses the role of military power in foreign policy is the? Mary must cite her sources for an English paper. Which of the following is the correct way to include her entry on a works-cited list? Jesse J Holland. Free Speech Versus Kids and Violent Video Games. San Francisco Chronicle. Apr. 26, 2010. Free Speech Versus Kids and Violent Video Games by Jesse J. Holland, April 26, 2010, San Francisco Chronicle. Holland, Jesse J. Free Speech Versus Kids and Violent Video Games. San Francisco Chronicle. April 26, 2010 Holland, Jesse J. Free Speech Versus Kids and Violent Video Games. San Francisco Chronicle, 26 Apr. 2010. On March 14, Complete Computer Service prepays 4 month of office rent of $2,000.The journal entry to record this transaction would be:A. Prepaid Rent (D) 2,000Cash (C) 2,000B. Rent Expense (D) 2,000Cash (C) 2,000C. Cash (D) 2,000Prepaid Rent (C) 2,000D. Cash (D) 2,000Rent Expense (C) 2,000 true or false: the board of directors is responsible for establishing corporate policies.true false question.truefalse The sum of two numbers is 43 . One number is 19 more than the other.find the numbers in concept, the estimating of warranty expense when products are sold under warranty is similar to the estimating of bad debt expense based on credit sales. group of answer choices true false Which climate zones are in Western Europe? Escucha la conversacin entre Josefina y Rosa. Utiliza el contexto para identificar el sinnimo o la definicin de cada una de lapalabras de la lista.