Where would you find information about the events leading up to the discovery of nuclear power? i dont know what subject this is so im going to put a random one


Answer 1

We can see here that the place to find information about the events leading up to the discovery of nuclear power is on the internet and going to museums.

What is an information?

An information is actually known to be ideas, data, facts and statistics which helps to give people an understanding of something or someone. Information helps people to acquire knowledge and to be informed too.

We see here that information is actually vital. In order for the researchers to be able to carry out something unique, they need information.

Learn more about information on https://brainly.com/question/4231278


Related Questions

What are the 4 genres of fiction?


The primary subgenres of fiction include Western, inspirational, and historical fiction, and other 4 genres include crime, fantasy, romance, science fiction, and horror.

About Fiction

Fiction would be any creative work, primarily any narrative work, that depicts imagined people, events, or locations in imaginative ways. Thus, fictional representations are at odds with reality, history, or believability. Traditionally, the term "fiction" has been used to refer narrowly to written tales in prose, frequently referring only to novels, novellas, & short stories. However, fiction is more widely defined as imagined stories that are presented in any form, including literature, live theatre, movies, television shows, radio dramas, comic books, role-playing games, & video games.

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What is the maximum number of days chicken salad?


When properly kept in the refrigerator, chicken salad can be safely consumed within 3–4 days in accordance with FDA recommendations for preserving cooked chicken.

The chicken salad has to be kept in a refrigerator that keeps everything at least 40 degrees Fahrenheit (or colder). Here is what they said after consulting the Food and Drug Administration and the United States Department of Agriculture: Chicken salads, along with egg, ham, tuna, and macaroni salads, should only be kept in the refrigerator for three to five days for the greatest quality (stored at 40 degrees or lower). Even when properly stored and kept chilled, some spoilage germs can develop at low temperatures, so after four days, throw that chicken salad away. Chicken salad keeps well for 3 to 4 days.

To learn more about chicken please click on below link



g why did elizabeth i have her cousin and heir, mary, queen of scots, executed? group of answer choices mary was implicated in a conspiracy to assassinate elizabeth. elizabeth wanted to demonstrate the consequences of supporting catholicism. mary had married philip ii of spain against elizabeth's wishes. elizabeth resented mary's beauty and ability to dominate men.


Elizabeth I has her cousin and heir, Mary, Queen of Scots, executed because Mary married Philip II of Spain against Elizabeth's wishes.

Who is Mary queen of scots?Mary, Queen of Scots—also known as Mary Stuart or Mary I of Scotland—ruled Scotland from December 14, 1542 to her forced abdication in 1567. Mary was just six days old once James V of Scotland passed away, deciding to leave her as the only rightful heir to the kingdom.Others died for much less during Elizabeth I's reign. If Mary was found to be plotting against her cousin, she knew what would happen. Perhaps Queen Elizabeth was still affected by her mother's and subsequent monarchs' deaths when she was a princess married to her father. She would have known every detail about every woman killed during his reign.

To learn more about Mary, Queen of Scots refer to :



What do think is the most important values among the Filipino?


The important values among the Filipino is taht he respects others and has the best if the values.

Respect for Others – Filipinos treat others with dignity and respect. The above value is the root of many other values. Close family ties make Filipinos hardworking and hardworking people.

Filipino values are primarily focused on maintaining social harmony, which is primarily motivated by the desire to be accepted within the group. Sanction is a Tagalog concept:

hiya, loosely translated as 'sense of shame' and 'propio of love' or 'self-esteem.

Read more about values:



What questions should you ask once you've
determined the purpose of a source or website?


Answer: Does this information have value? What rhetorical strategies are used? Is this source reliable?


Often when I research, it is important to determine if the text is actually accurate and reliable. This can be determined by the date it was made, the author, the website, etc. Ask yourself: is it strong enough to back whatever I'm writing about? Not only that, if you are writing a paper, it may be helpful if the source has some noteworthy representatives to give it more credibility.

With rhetorical strategies, it is best to analyze the paper to see the persuasive writing used in the text. Pathos (emotions), Logos (logic), and Ethos (credibility). Identifying these strategies can be helpful in determining how strong this source is (assuming it's about writing).

How do you make a satire?


Satire is an artistic style, mostly literary and theatrical, in which human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or weaknesses are held up to scorn, mockery, burlesque, irony, parody, caricature, or other approaches, often with the intention of inspiring societal reform.

It's difficult to write sarcasm or comedy. It's not simple, and it's not impossible, but it's tough.

Great satire and comedy often appear effortless to the reader, as if the writer had a great thought or a solid point and just sat down at her laptop and blasted it straight through your screen with a hammer.

Satire is an artistic style, mostly literary and theatrical, in which human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or flaws are held up to ridicule, derision, or mockery.

Learn more about to  satire visit here;



What is the aim or target of a fable?


A fable is a made-up short story with a moral or educational goal that may feature heroes, animals, or legendary figures. A fable's main goal is to impart a moral or a lesson in life.

While fables can impart lessons in morality and ethics (respect for the old, equality, and the virtue of kindness), parables do the same while also addressing religious and spiritual realities (like relationship with God, the existence of Heaven, and the gift of life).

Fables are a fantastic way to impart values and life skills to your children. They are legends that have been handed down through the ages, resonating in the present to impart valuable lessons about love, friendship, nature, and morality. simple, lacking in excessive description of the appearance of the characters or location. Fables teach us moral lessons about right and wrong behaviour. Typically, there is a decent character who acts honourably and learns the lesson.

To learn more about addressing please click on below link



In what 4 ways did Islam spread?


Islam was expanded in following 4 ways: 1. missionaries, 2. trade, 4. pilgrimage, and 4. military conquest.

About Islam

The world was introduced to the well-known religion of Islam by the Prophet Muhammad while he was a citizen of Arabia in the seventh century CE. The fundamental rule for Muslims is to follow Allah's (Arabic: Allh; God's) will. This connotation is made clear by the Arabic term islm, which means "surrender." Allah alone is responsible for the creation, maintenance, and repair of the world. Islam considers Muhammad to be the ultimate prophet after Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Solomon, and Jesus. His message both completes and brings to a close the "revelations" credited to earlier prophets.

To know more about Prophet Muhammad:



The childrens' suprise party is all set! what are the two mistakes in the sentence



it is children's not childrens'. and its surprise not suprise



The grammatical error is in "childrens'" and "suprise".

Children is a plural word, so s will be written after an apostrophe (')."Suprise" is not the correct spelling. It is actually "Surprise".

The correct sentence would be "The children's surprise party is all set!"

Hope this helped ! :D

Obtain a copy of the Canterbury Tales in a modern translation or access it using the Internet.

Here is your goal for this assignment:

Write a character analysis of one the characters from Canterbury Tales.

Consider the monk, the friar, the franklin, and the parson.
Select one of these four characters which you would like to study and read Chaucer's description of him in the "Prologue." Remember that Chaucer may sound objective in his description but may actually be subtly negative or satirical toward that character.
Record your impressions of the personality of your chosen character from the "Prologue" description. Physical appearance and dress are not directly character traits, but they may give you clues as to personality as well.
Read the prologue and any afterward (it's context in The Canterbury Tales) to the tale told by the character you have chosen to gain more insight and see any comments made about the character by the other pilgrims. You do not need to read the tale itself.
Write a study of the character you have chosen, including what you have learned from the "Prologue," from the comments, and from your own insights into the character.
Use direct evidence from the text to support your observations. Do not just quote lines, but explain what the lines illustrate about character. Remember to document your quotes according to MLA format (or the format assigned by your teacher).
Your finished essay should be at least 250 words long.
Your essay will be graded based on the following:

your attention to the instructions given above
well developed coverage of your topic
use of proper punctuation, spelling, grammar, and sentence construction (commonly called "conventions"), and appropriate length
use of proper MLA format for documentation
NOTE: Check with your teacher to determine whether there may be other special requirements.


The characters that will be looked at from the Canterbury Tales is The Pardoner. The Pardoner is characterized as an effective speaker and a skilled con artist

What is the Canterbury Tales?

A group of pilgrims making their way to Canterbury Cathedral compete in a storytelling competition in The Canterbury Tales. The pilgrims have a reason to tell their stories, which reflect the anxieties sparked by the social upheavals of late medieval England, because of this overarching plot, or frame.

The Pardoner has made significant financial gains from his profession, is well-read, and is psychologically astute. But because he uses the church and other holy, religious objects as means of achieving personal gain, Chaucer places him at the very bottom of humanity.

A representative of the Church with the authority to travel around and offer pardons for sin forgiveness and relics is known as the Pardoner. The Pardoner is known as a persuasive speaker and cunning con man.

Learn more about Canterbury Tales on:



Some say Edwards contradicts
himself in his sermon - giving
no hope, yet implying some
kind of hope for his sinful
congregation. What excerpts
from his sermon would show
this contradiction? (See
paragraphs indicated to check
entire quote.)
A. P 7: there is no reason why you have not
dropped into hell... but that God's hand has
held you up
B. P 8,11: nothing that you can do to induce
God to spare you/Christ has thrown the
door of mercy wide
C. P 10: this is the dismal case of every soul
in this congregation that has not been born


We can see here that the excerpts from his sermon that would show this contradiction is: B. P 8,11: nothing that you can do to induce God to spare you/Christ has thrown the door of mercy wide.

What is a sermon?

A sermon is a religious speech or oration delivered by a preacher, who is typically a clergyperson. In sermons, a biblical, theological, or moral subject is covered, and emphasis is typically placed on a particular belief, rule, or action in both historical and contemporary contexts.

Most people agree that Jonathan Edwards was the most influential and original philosophical theologian in America. The total sovereignty of God and the exquisiteness of God's holiness are two themes that are expressed across his entire body of work.

In his sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", Jonathan Edwards is actually known to have preached so convincingly to the congregation about and about the mercy of God made available through Jesus Christ.

Learn more about Jonathan Edwards on https://brainly.com/question/28220493


how does the section “beyond greenhouse gases” contribute to the development of ideas in the text


It contends that Scarborough's study misleads people into thinking that all it takes to save the environment is to stop eating beef.

What is the environment?

The environment can be defined as a sum absolute of all the realistic and non-living atmospheric condition and their effects that influence human life. While all living or biotic elements are animals, plants, forests, fisheries, and birds, non-living or abiotic weather conditions include water, land, sunshine, rocks, and air.

The gases that trap heat in the earth's atmosphere are referred to as greenhouse gases (GHGs). The earth's surface warms during the day when the light beams through the atmosphere. The earth's surface cools at night, redistributing heat into the atmosphere. However, part of the heat is captured by the atmosphere's greenhouse gases.

Therefore,  the environment is to stop eating beef.

Learn more about the environment here:



Can an open relationship save a relationship?


Opening up a relationship in an attempt to avoid a split is not a good idea. Without the deep, healthy link required for an open relationship to succeed, adding non-monogamy may just drive you over the edge.

According to Wenzel, open partnerships may also bring you closer to your primary spouse. "It won't heal your relationship, but it will provide some variety," she adds.

Make open communication a priority. "Allowing others into a good partnership may stimulate curiosity, honesty, and communication," she explains. "Beginning a relationship with trust or communication challenges will not cure those problems." In fact, it aggravates them."

Learn more about to open relationship visit here;



Does BTS make good music?


Since making their debut in 2013, BTS has attained its zenith. They have recorded four number-one albums faster than any other band, broken 25 Guinness World Records, and were nominated for two GRAMMYs.

Why is BTS so popular?

The first Asian group to receive both a nomination and a victory at the American Music Awards is BTS. They also became the first Korean group to win a Billboard Music Award.

Why people think BTS is good?

Given their socially conscious lyrics, which mostly tackle identity, optimism, and acceptance, as well as the pearls of wisdom they impart throughout their live broadcasts, it's not hard to understand why fans frequently declare that BTS entered their life at the exact time they needed them.

To know more about K pop visit:                                                                          brainly.com/question/29797571


When approaching or nearing an uncontrolled intersection you should ?


Before you reach intersection, look to your left & right for approaching automobiles & people who may be crossing. Take glance to left since automobile coming from your left would've been closer than one coming from your right.

The stop sign-equipped controlled intersection is the most common form. Yield signs and traffic lights may also be used at that particular crossroads, depending on how much traffic is present there.

Stop and yield signs at a junction designate which vehicles have the right-of-way when approaching or crossing the road. Stop signs advise drivers to totally stop before proceeding through a junction so that it is clear of other vehicles and pedestrians.

To know more about intersection:



Why is mashed potato healthy?


Mashed potatoes are beneficial to your health because they are a rich source of potassium.

Potatoes also provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals in addition to carbs. They contain a lot of vitamin C, an antioxidant. Because the vitamin C in potatoes warded against scurvy, they were a life-saving food supply in earlier times.

Because they provide a plentiful source of potassium, mashed potatoes are good for your health. According to the NYU Langone Medical Center, 622 milligrams of potassium, or 13% of your daily required consumption, are present in one cup of mashed potatoes. Even though potatoes are a starchy food that is often easy to digest, mashing them into a puree helps break down the fibers, making them even easier to digest. Additionally, they offer vital nutrients including potassium, which balances electrolytes.

To know more about Potatoes, refer to this link:



which of thoreau's arguments did you find convincing, and which did you disagree with? what would be the effect on civil order if each person always followed his or her own conscience?


If everyone always followed their conscience, how would civil order change? If individuals followed their consciences without respecting the law, civil order would disappear.

Without regard for the law, everyone would live by their own norms, and neither one individual nor one group would be in charge. Thoreau makes a convincing case for civil government resistance by citing instances, efficacy, and our legal rights against unjust laws. In it, Thoreau makes the case that people have a responsibility to resist enabling such complacency to enable the government to turn them into agents of injustice. He contends that people shouldn't allow governments to suppress or atrophy their consciences. Thoreau's fundamental thesis in Civil Disobedience is that a higher law than civil.

To learn more about Civil please click on below link



pls english 30 points



1. had been

2. were, would

3. knew

4. snowed, would

5. will


I tried the best i could if i got it wrong please forgive me!

Choose the question that would be most effective at encouraging good discussion. what would you have done if you were miep gies in this situation? where was the narrator sitting? why does the man shut the door to the room? what would you use to describe your mental state if you were miep gies?


The question that would be most effective at encouraging good discussion in this statement from Miep Gies is "What would you have done if you were Miep Gies in this situation?"

Thus, the correct option is A.

How to encourage good discussion?

To encourаge good discussion meаns to аsk open-ended questions thаt will аllow your аudience to mаke significаnt contributions. When you аsk the open-ended question аbove you enаble the аudience to shаre their opinion on whаt they would hаve done given а similаr situаtion. Thus, they cаn significаntly аir their views.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full passage was

I said to myself, you can do what you like, even drink poison, but I will stay here.

Then he said again, “I’ll be back to check on you. One wrong move and off you go to prison too.” He turned and shut me into the room alone.

I had no idea where he’d gone. I had no idea what was going on in the rest of the house. I was in a terrible mental state. I felt as though I were falling into a bottomless hole.

—Anne Frank Remembered,

Miep Gies

For more information about encouraging discussion refer to the link:



What are key concepts in learning?


The inquiry-based approach, the action approach, and the learning cycle are three concepts or styles of learning that are particularly prevalent in scientific classrooms. Each of these conceptual teaching strategies as well as the teaching experience earned through a digital master's degree in science have several benefits.

The process of picking up new information, skills, beliefs, attitudes, and preferences is known as learning. Humans, animals, and certain robots all have the capacity to learn, and there is evidence that some plants also have this capacity. While some learning is quick and brought on by a single occurrence (such as getting burnt by a hot stove), many skills and knowledge are developed over time via repeated encounters.

To know more about learning:



What is theme example sentence?


Answer:The album focuses on themes of love and loss.


How did Marshall McLuhan believed that the world would turn into a global village?


Marshall McLuhan believes that the world will turn into a global village because television and other media technology will link people all over the world.

According to Marshall McLuhan, the "global village" refers to how technology has made the world feel smaller. Everywhere and whenever they are, people may exchange, communicate, and obtain information. However, this annotative method of connection is affectionate toward people, whether they are good or terrible.

He made a prediction about the global village that was based on the idea of an interconnected culture bringing together new tribes of people from all over the world about 30 years before the internet was created. According to McLuhan, the world was transforming from the oral and written to the electronic eras.

To learn more about Marshall McLuhan, visit the link below:



Marie and Pierre Curie were scientists who lived in Paris, France. They discovered a new and strange substance. Marie was born in Poland on November 7, 1869. Her father was professor Sklodowsky. He was a physicist. He taught Marie much about his work. She tried to study more at the University of Warsaw in Poland, but women were not allowed to attend.

Marie left Poland in 1891 to study in Paris at Sorbonne. One of the French scientists she worked with was Pierre Curie. She married him in 1895. They had a laboratory in Paris. One day someone left the substance they were studying on top of some photographic plates. They discovered this strange substance left streaks of light when the film was developed.

Marie and Pierre tried to isolate the rays coming from this substance. In 1896 they announced their new discovery. The substance was radium, and the rays were called radiation.

Skim the article and choose the general subject of the article.

life in Paris
scientific discovery


Scientific discovery is the best general subject of the following article written by Marie Curie .

Who is Marie Curie ?

Maria Sklodowska, the daughter of a high school teacher, was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867. She attended neighborhood schools where she obtained a general education and some scientific training from her father. She joined a group of student revolutionaries and decided it would be wise to leave Warsaw, which was then in the Russian-dominated region of Poland, for Cracow, which was then ruled by Austria.

She moved to Paris in 1891 to complete her studies at the Sorbonne, where she earned licenses in mathematics and physics. In 1894, she met Professor Pierre Curie at the School of Physics; the following year, they were wed.

To learn more about Marie Curie checkout the link below :



Which quotation from the passage is the clearest example of concession?​


The clearest example of concession they tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an.

What makes a person fearsome?

They frequently experience a feeling of desperation and to have good expectations and strong beliefs. Perfectionism. Contrary to popular assumption, a formidable person is not, at least not on purpose, a perfectionist. Instead, they are someone who has a holistic view of the situation and is accountable for making sure that all the checkboxes are checked.

The definition of formidable force :

leading you to fear death or regard for something or a person because it is so big, strong, or challenging: a hard challenge. a powerful foe, enemy, or rival. a strong intellect. regarded director and his powerful wife with disapproval.

To know more about formidable visit:



How does monarch butterfly migration and overwintering.And Animals on the Move Nature’s Migrants and hawk video explains the role of migration in the live of animals




hi its b

Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentence. Camryn bought a new notebook, she will use for creative writing




Camryn bought a new notebook, which she will use for creative writing.

What are 3 ways that Islam spread in Africa?


Islam expanded across West Africa via 1. traders, 2. intellectuals, 3. missionaries, and traders when Muslim Arabs conquered North Africa in the seventh century CE.

This was mostly accomplished peacefully as African kings either accepted the religion or underwent conversion themselves.

About Islam

Islam is a well-known religion that the Prophet Muhammad spread over the world in the seventh century CE while he was still living in Arabia. The fundamental tenet of Islam is that those who follow it submit to Allah's (Arabic: Allh; God) will. This idea is clarified by the Arabic term islm, which means "surrender". Allah alone is credited as having created, maintained, and restored the world.

To know more about Prophet Muhammad:



Can you answer these questions, please?​


A verb is a word that in syntax commonly conveys an action , an occurrence , or a country of being . In the same old description of English, the fundamental form, without or with the particle to, is the infinitive.

The required details for verb in given paragraph

Anna: We've been waiting to play tennis since 10.30. It must be our turn now.

Tim: I don't think so.

Anna: We've been standing here patiently watching you and it's time for you to stop.  How long have you been playing?

Tim: Since about 9.30. (4) We've played / We've been playing two matches so far this morning and we haven't finished the third yet. You'll have to wait or do something else.

Anna: But you've been playing for more than two hours and it's our turn now.

Tim: I said you'll have to wait.

Anna: We're tired of waiting and we haven't got anything to do. We've read the magazines we brought with us.

Tim: Why don't you do something else? Have you tried the swimming pool?

Anna: We don't want to swim, we want to play tennis.

Tim: Well, I always play on a Saturday morning. Anyway, we've already started the third match.

Anna: Oh well, it looks like we've got no choice, but we've booked for next Saturday so you'll be unlucky then.

What are verb form?

Forms of verb are 5: root, third-person singular, present participle, past, and past participle.

The basic forms are: the base form, the past form and the -ed form (example - played)

To learn more about verb form, use the given link:



persuasion means inducing audience members to change. what does that mean? group of answer choices the audience must see the cost of change as less than the benefit of the change. since we make many changes in life, persuasion is relatively easy. the speaker should present change as large, clear, and challenging. the speaker should present change as large, clear, and challenging.


Inducing audience members to change through persuasion means "the audience must see the cost of change as less than the benefit of the change," A.

What is persuasion?

The word persuasion refers to the capacity or action of persuading, convincing someone of something. For example, advertisements have the purpose of persuading us to buy a certain product or pay for a service. To convince us, they usually employ rhetorical techniques that make it seem as if we will be happier when we do what they want.

In general, persuasion means that someone is trying to convince us to change. In order to so, they must persuade us that changing is better than not changing. For example, someone discussing climate change must show you that it is better make a little more effort to recycle and reuse now than to deal with the environmental consequences later.

With that in mind, we can choose option A as the right answer concerning persuasion.

Learn more about persuasion here:



How does the old woman use rhetorical appeals in her rebuttal against the knight's
assertion that she is an unworthy wife?


In order to make her speech effective, Susan B. Anthony employed the rhetorical strategies ethos, logos, and pathos.

What are rhetorical strategies?

Rhetorical strategies is defined as an instrument of communication used in spoken or written language to influence the reader or listener in the desired way. A communication technique used to persuade listeners is rhetoric.

An anecdote is a brief, amusing narrative that is typically given by one person to another in order to explain or compare a certain scenario. Examples of rhetorical tactics include repetition, figurative language, and even rhetorical questions.

Thus, in order to make her speech effective, Susan B. Anthony employed the rhetorical strategies ethos, logos, and pathos.

To learn more about rhetorical strategies, refer to the link below:



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