which gate in the rup methodology expands on the agreed-upon details of the system, including the ability to provide an architecture to support and build it? group of answer choices transition. construction. inception. elaboration.


Answer 1

The rup methodology's elaboration gate enlarges on the system's agreed-upon specifics, including the capability to give an architecture to sustain and construct it.

Second gate: The system's agreed-upon specifics are expanded upon in this phase, including the capability to offer an architecture to support and construct it.

The complete software system is built during the building stage of the Rational Unified Process (RUP).

The system's components and other features are being developed with a focus on this. Additionally, the bulk of the coding happens during this stage.

It involves testing the product before to release and making minor improvements in response to consumer input. Iterations might last numerous. The primary goals of this input are to improve the product's configuration, installation, and use.

Learn more about to  RUP visit here;



Related Questions

Why is trust important for a team to work together? A. trust makes it possible to avoid all conflict.
B. trust makes it so no one has to worry about deadlines.
C. trust makes it possible to share opinions freely. D. trust ensures that everyone is committed to the team's goals.


Trust is important for a team to work together, because trust makes it possible to share opinions freely. The correct answer is option C.

Why is trust important in working a team?

Trust is important to an effective team, because it provides a sense of safety. When your team members feel safe with each other, they feel comfortable to speak up, take appropriate risks, and expose vulnerabilities.

Trust permits agile teams to communicate quickly and respond rapidly to changes as they emerge. Without enough trust, team members can waste effort and energy hoarding information, forming cliques, dodging blame, and covering their tracks.

Trust is obtained when team members show care and respect for one another's feelings and value all members' perspectives. More than ever, organizations need high-performing teams to produce results and build strong relationships.

Learn more about trust at: https://brainly.com/question/6014670


who were the two americans who proposed universal schooling as a means to create a uniform national culture?


Thomas Jefferson and Noah Webster were two Americans who proposed universal schooling as a means to create a uniform national culture.

Generally speaking, education refers to a social institution that imparts knowledge, skills, values, and standards.

The political and economic requirements of a varied and young society led to the development of universal education in the United States. Since immigrants came from many cultural and religious backgrounds, there was no one national culture. The newly independent country ran the risk of disintegrating without a strong institution to transmit the democratic ideals that had led to its freedom.

In the 1800s, founding father Thomas Jefferson and dictionary-maker Noah Webster understood that democracy required an informed electorate that was capable of debating issues rationally. The country took some time to completely achieve its vision for education. Numerous states believed that different nation states made up "the nation."

Thomas Jefferson and Noah Webster supported the concept of universal schooling to the fullest.

To know more about Thomas Jefferson:



the most likely reason for an authoritarian regime to put effort into crafting some form of election is:


The most likely reason for an authoritarian regime to put effort into crafting some form of election is to increase legitimacy.

A political system that is authoritarian is one that rejects political plurality, uses strong central authority to maintain the status quo, and reduces the importance of the rule of law, the separation of powers, and democratic voting. Numerous typologies characterising various authoritarian types of government have been developed by political scientists. The rule of a party or the military may be the foundation of an autocratic or oligarchic regime. Sometimes described as "hybrid democracies," "hybrid regimes," or "competitive authoritarian governments," these nations cross the line between democracy and authoritarianism. Free and competitive direct elections for legislatures, free and competitive direct or indirect elections for executives, or both, are absent in an authoritarian regime.

To know more about  authoritarian regime:



ten-year-old vito tells his friend, "when you notice that your knees knock, your hands sweat, and your stomach is in knots, then you really get scared." this statement best illustrates


Ten-12 months-vintage Vito tells his buddy, "while we note that our knees knock, our fingers sweat, and our stomach is in knots, then we definitely, in reality, get scared." this announcement satisfactorily illustrates James-Lange idea.

To apply images, photographs, diagrams, and many others. in an e-book, and so on. illustrate something She illustrated her personal books. illustrate something with some thing His lecture become illustrated with photos taken throughout the day trip.

James-Lange theory of emotion (the Eighteen Eighties) proposed that bodily modifications come first and form the basis of an emotional experience. consequently, feelings are because of bodily sensations (we become happier whilst we smile, and we're afraid because run).

Learn more about James-Lange idea here



in the mbti, which dimension relates to the manner in which you gather information? group of answer choices sensation/intuition judgment/perception extrovert/introvert thinking/feeling


in the mbti, sensation/intuition dimension relates to the manner in which you gather information.

The bodily method for the duration of which our sensory organs—those concerned with listening to and flavor, for example—respond to external stimuli is called sensation. Sensation occurs whilst you consume noodles or experience the wind in your face or pay attention a vehicle horn honking inside the distance.

Vision, hearing, taste, and odor are unique senses which carry sensations to the mind thru cranial nerves.

Sensation and notion paintings seamlessly collectively to permit us to locate both the presence of, and modifications in, the stimuli round us. The observe of sensation and notion is quite vital for our regular lives because the information generated by psychologists is utilized in so many ways to help such a lot of human beings.

Learn more about sensation dimension  here : https://brainly.com/question/14400771


which social psychology concept asserts that individuals tend to pick mates that they view as their equals in physical attractiveness and social desirability?


According to the matching hypothesis, which some have proposed in response to this discovery, people tend to choose a partner who is on par with them in terms of physical appearance and social desirability.

According to the matching theory, which is also known as the matching phenomenon, people are more likely to start and maintain a committed relationship with someone who is also socially desirable. This attraction is often physical.

Successful couples with different levels of physical attractiveness may be together because there are other matching factors that make up for the attractiveness gap and some wealthy and affluent men prefer younger, more attractive women and for males with income and position, some women are more likely to ignore physical appearance.

Theorems from the post-positivist field of communication studies, known as uncertainty reduction theory, are likewise similar to this one. Theorems of nonverbal expression, perceived similarity, like, information seeking, and closeness, as well as connections between these categories, are included.

To know more about 'matching hypothesis' related questions

visit- https://brainly.com/question/29636832


think of an issue of public concern that you care about. it can be a national issue or one that only affects your local community. in either case, it should be something about which you have a strong personal interest, whether that arises from your moral commitments, your political ideology, or your economic well-being. now imagine how you could use theatre to address that issue. do not only think about the story you might want to tell—although that is a very good place to start—but also about how this piece of theatre would be presented. who would be your ideal audience? how will you get that audience to come see your play? where will you perform this play—that is, what kind of space, in what part of town, and at what time of day? how can you attract the right kind of people to your play and appeal to them for maximum effect?


Using audience demographics, interests, and purchasing behavior, a target audience describes that group. You may essentially describe your aim.

Who are the intended customers? What details are offered that help you determine who the text is intended for?

The people you wish to reach are your target audience. They are the audience you want to read your document or that you anticipate will do so. You are creating your document with them in mind. Everything you write should be understandable to your intended audience.

What makes something appealing?

adjective. A pleasing and attractive person or object is appealing. His actions had a sense of humor, which I thought to be quite endearing. That's a fantastic idea. Synonyms: appealing, welcoming, captivating, pleasant.

To know more target audience visit:-



Tyrone knows that he wants to start meditating, but he is not sure how to make this goal measurable. How can he do this?


Meditation is a practice in which someone utilizes a method to train their attention and awareness, reach a cognitively clear and emotionally tranquil, and stable state, such as mindfulness or focus their minds on a particular object, thought or activity.

Meditation can improve calmness, perception, self-concept, and well-being while considerably reducing stress, anxiety, sadness, and pain. The impacts of meditation on health, including psychological, neurological, and cardiovascular health, are still being studied.

Before opening your eyes, take a few long, deep breaths to center yourself. Make a list of your action items and keep a journal about your experience. Finally, you need to act and stay focused. Do something that brings you one step closer to achieving your objective or living your dream every single day.

Setting goals is what will make this happen. Setting a goal is done in order to get the desired outcome. Setting and achieving goals helps you get from where you are now to where you want to be when done deliberately with intention, action, momentum, and focus. However, you must first be aware of its location. Your vision establishes the "where."

To learn more about how to set goals:



imagine that you subscribe to the sociocultural modely of abnormality. which would be a part of your paradigm


Imagine that you subscribe to the sociocultural model of abnormality. This would be a part of your family-sociological perspective.

What is sociological perspective?

The sociological perspective, which holds that our social backgrounds have an impact on our attitudes, behaviors, and life chances, is at the core of sociology. In this sense, we are social beings wholly entwined in society rather than only being isolated individuals.

The sociological perspective encourages us to take a fresh look at the surroundings we are accustomed to. It inspires us to look at the world differently than we have in the past and to investigate our social environment with the same fascination we would have for a strange, foreign culture.

Some examples of sociological perspective are eating disorders, divorce, and unemployment.

Know more about sociological perspective visit:



the rationale underlying the use of projective personality tests, such as the rorschach test and the thematic apperception test, is that they:____.


The rationale underlying the use of projective personality tests, such as the Rorschach Test and the thematic apperception test, is that they reveal the subjects personalities by eliciting responses to vague, ambiguous stimuli.

Projective personality tests are used to assess an individual's personality traits and tendencies. The tests are based on the premise that an individual will project their own personality onto the stimuli presented in the test.

The most commonly used projective personality tests include the Rorschach Inkblot Test and the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). Projective personality tests can be useful in providing insights into an individual's personality.

To know more about personality, click here.



What was the main purpose of NATO during the Cold War ?


Since its inception, NATO's main goal has been to coordinate and fortify the military efforts of the Western Allies in the event that the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies decide to invade western Europe.

NATO's priorities during the Cold War were collective defense and safeguarding its members from potential Soviet Union attacks. Its goals included maintaining peace in Europe, encouraging collaboration among its members, and defending their right to freedom - all within the context of fending off the Soviet Union's danger at the time. Twelve nations from Europe and North America signed the founding treaty of the Alliance in 1949 in Washington.

Learn more about NATO here:



How does alexander hamilitons death demonstrate conflicting ideas in setting up a republican form of government?


Like Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton firmly felt that a republican system of government in which everyone was free to exercise their natural rights was the most natural form of government.

Explain in detail.

They claimed they intended to protect the republic from Hamilton's plan to install an unjust, aristocratic government on America.He burned a lot of bridges and yelled at a lot of men, including Adams. Hamilton's political career and the future of the Federalist Party were wrecked by his numerous bad decisions and miscalculations against his adversaries, leaving him disillusioned. James Madison and Thomas Jefferson believed that by approving the treasury secretary's plan, the federal government had overstepped its bounds. Madison regarded Hamilton's plan as disrespectful and unethical.

To learn more about Alexander Hamilton here



which cases come in two varieties: high-profile, disturbing, and potentially grizzly cases, and cases involving celebrities?


Celebrated cases come in two varieties: high-profile, disturbing, and potentially grizzly cases, and cases involving celebrities.

A high-profile case is one that is rich, famous, or has a high profile in the media. Level 1 cases receive everything the criminal justice process has to offer, from highly qualified attorneys and expert witnesses to trials and appeals.

To know more about cases  , visit:-



which christian apologist argued that out of christians, barbarians, greeks, and jews, christians were the true believers because they did not have to protect their gods of metal nor worship just the law?


Aristides argued that out of Christians, barbarians, greeks, and jews, Christians were the true believers because they did not have to protect their gods of metal nor worship just the law.

Aristides wrote an Apology for the Christian faith written to the Emperor Hadrian that is mostly remembered thanks to a mention in Eusebius (Hist. Eccl. 4.3. 2) (117–138).

Aristides was remembered in 480 and distinguished himself in the crucial victory over the Persians close to the island of Salamis (480). He was also in charge of the Athenian army at the Battle of Plataea (479) when the Persians were expelled from Greece.

The name Aristides is derived from the Greek words "Aristos," which means "Best," and "Eidos," which means "Species." The term so refers to "The greatest (person) human kind has to give."

To know more about Christians here



which religion requires the periodic rebuilding of the inner complex of buildings of the shrine at ise jingu?


Shinto requires the periodic rebuilding of the inner complex of buildings of the shrine at ise jingu

Every 20 years, locals tear down the Ise Jingu grand Shinto shrine in Mie Prefecture, Japan, only to rebuild it anew. They have been doing this for around 1,300 years. Some records indicate the Shinto shrine is up to 2,000-years old. The process of rebuilding the wooden structure every couple decades helped to preserve the original architect’s design against the otherwise eroding effects of time.

To know more about Shinto shrine visit https://brainly.com/question/16953990?referrer=searchResults

the nbc network is a means to reach large numbers of anonymous audience members, and is therefore which type of media?


The NBC network is a means to reach large numbers of anonymous audience members, and is therefore it is called mass media

Broad communications stations, which incorporate radio and TV, are an extraordinary way to achieve enormous quantities of anonymous objective market individuals.

Mass media alludes to a various exhibit of media innovation that accomplish an enormous objective market through mass dispatch. The innovation through which this report takes area incorporate various stores. Broadcast media send records electronically through media like movies, radio, recorded music, or TV. Digital media obliges both Web and cell mass dispatch. Web media consolidate such contributions as email, online entertainment locales, sites, and Web essentially based absolutely radio and TV. A wide range of broad communications stores have an additional presence at the web, through such methodology as connecting to or taking strolls television notices on the web, or dispersing QR codes in out of entryways or print media to guide cell clients to a site.

Thusly, they can utilize the spotless openness and effort capabilities the Web manages, as subsequently without issues broadcast records at some stage in numerous stand-out region of the area simultaneously and cost-productively.

Know more on Mass Media - https://brainly.com/question/29665994


Which famous political scientist outlined six characteristics necessary for large-scale democracy?


Robert Dahl is considered as the  famous political scientist who evolved characteristics for large-scale democracy.

Dahl contends that "democracy" is an ideal state that has never been attained by any nation. Polyarchy, according to Dahl, is the closest any nation can come to the democratic ideal since it is "totally responsive to all its citizens."A political structure with multiple power centres is known as a pluralist democracy. Given that modern democracies permit the right of organisation, they are by definition pluralistic.Effective participation - Every member should have an equal opportunity to express their opinions to other members. Voting equality - Every member should have a fair opportunity to cast a vote, with all votes being counted equally.

To know more about Robert Dahl here



not surprisingly, being catholic has a significant positive effect on attending a catholic high school. do you think cathrel is a convincing instrument for cathhs?


Yes through its statement he is positively reinforcing his belief.

A child is given money for completing chores as an illustration of positive reinforcement. Negative reinforcement occurs when a stimulus is taken away after a particular behavior is displayed, as opposed to rewarding good behavior with an item. A technique known as positive reinforcement involves providing a stimulus after an action is carried out in order to increase the likelihood of that response. Negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of a given response by eliminating negative repercussion.

Both punishment and reinforcement have their place in a behavior plan and can be used separately or in tandem. Punishment does not function as well or as quickly as positive reinforcement.

Learn more about positive reinforcement here: https://brainly.com/question/15095384


when children lie and deceive their parents to stay out of trouble, they are using which design feature of language?


Prevarication language

repetitive, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors that the individual feels driven to perform are characteristic of:________


Repetitive, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors that the individual feels driven to perform are characteristic of: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Understanding the Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder characterized by intrusive, repetitive, and unwanted thoughts and behaviors. The individual with OCD feels driven to perform certain rituals or behaviors in order to relieve the distress caused by the intrusive thoughts. These rituals or behaviors can include anything from repetitive hand-washing, checking, counting, or organizing items.

Learn more about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder at: https://brainly.com/question/7578271


Which demographic group has the highest turnout percentage in 2012 election ?


The demographic turns out at the highest percentage for presidential elections. number of presidential elections yearsIn the United States, presidential elections often have a higher turnout than midterm one

A person's likelihood of voting is highest when they are 65 years old or older, and lowest when they are between the ages of 18 and 24.Other factors that influence voter participation include the kind of election (such as a presidential or midterm) and the degree of competitiveness in the raceIn the most recent presidential elections, which age group cast the most number of ballotsThose 65 and over often make up the majority of voters.

learn more about  The demographic turns here:



both democrats and republicans in congress are saying they will pass legislation meant to prevent a ___________________ strike.


Both democrats and republicans in congress are saying they will pass legislation meant to prevent rail workers' strikes.

To end a strike or a lockout and to establish the terms of the agreements between the unions and the carriers, Congress may act by passing legislation under the authority granted to it by the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. A tentative labor agreement that was agreed upon in September by some of the sector's major labor organizations, but not all of them, appears to be on the verge of being passed by Congress in this instance.

Any compensation offered, according to unions, should take the rising cost of living into account. But due to the pandemic's financial impact, the rail sector is under pressure to make savings. Bosses claim that in order to fund pay raises, improvements must be agreed upon.

To learn more about the strike, follow the below link:



In your opinion, which should be emphasized more within a correctional facility- security or treatment? Explain and justify your answer





Probation is the most common correctional treatment, and it allows the offender to return to the community and remain under the supervision of an agent of the court known as a probation officer. Corrections also include jails, prison houses, community-based corrections, and parole.

In a correctional facility, the decision of whether to prioritize security or care is a difficult and contentious one. Depending on their aims, various stakeholders may have different viewpoints.

Emphasizing Security:

SafetyDeterrencePublic Perception

Emphasizing Treatment:

RehabilitationRecidivism ReductionHumanitarian Approach

The best strategy is one that strikes a balance between security and therapy. Inmates' requirements for rehabilitation and a successful transition back into society can be met while still ensuring the safety and security of the prison.

Learn more about correctional facility here:



how does harris use examples to establish his credibility? how do his examples show his consideration of his audience?


By citing examples that are relevant to his argument—that celebrities are placed on an unhealthy pedestalHarris establishes his credibility.

In order to make his point and assist the audience realize why famous people aren't suitable role models, he also gives instances.

The excellent educational article "Celebrity Bodies" by cultural critic Daniel Harris focuses on how society affects Hollywood. The impact of Harris' article is increased by his awareness of his audience and the diction he uses to communicate. Harris's argument is supported by the text's evidence, which also serves as a solid foundation. The work is successful because of the argumentative style, analytical tone, and use of logos throughout.

The reader may tell right away that the essay's goal is both argumentative and instructive from the outset. Before making his case, Harris gives the reader background information about the life of a fashion model.

Learn more about " establishes his credibility " to visit here;



which of the following types of behaviors is the most obvious form of behavior that contributes to an organization? a. declarative behaviors b. task behaviors c. organizational citizenship behaviors d. general performance behaviors


Task behaviors are the types of behaviors is the most obvious form of behavior that contributes to an organization.

A firm, institution, group, or other type of body made up of one or more people and serving a specific function is referred to as an organisation or organisation. This hierarchical structure encourages internal rivalry. The organization's ineffective parts are starved while its productive parts are given additional work.

A natural ecosystem does, in addition, have a border. Ecoregions are extremely independent and often have no interregional competition. A group of people who cooperate, such as in a union, corporation, charity, or neighbourhood association, constitutes an organisation. The word "organisation" can apply to a person, a group, a company, or the process of creating something.

learn more about organization here



Why is low voter turnout a problem ?


Low voter turnout has several root reasons.-Young people's involvement in politics has been discouraged. A significant factor is how young people think and feel. However, they are not the only ones at fault.

-Younger generations vote less frequently since it's not always easy to do so, even if you want to.-Political participation is frowned upon in high schools.One of the aspects of society that many people take the most delight in is how much participation there is in the political system. Whether they vote for a new congressman, serve on a jury, or participate in a protest, they may be quite certain that their actions will have some bearing on politics.

learn more about Low voter turnout here:



Twenty-two-year-old tawana is slightly overweight and loves to eat, particularly snack foods and rich desserts. Fearful of gaining more weight, she frequently takes laxatives and vomits following episodes of binge eating. Tawana most clearly suffers from.


With signs of vomiting and taking laxatives following episodes of binge eating, it is most likely that Tawana suffers from bulimia nervosa.

Bulimia nervosa is a disorder in which the patient suffers a distortion of body image and low self esteem with a desire for a quick weight loss. Bulimia nervosa, in the case of Tawana, is marked by binge eating which then resulted in a guilt or shame followed by depression that develops into persistent vomiting or laxative consumption in order to lose the weight. Bulimia nervosa is dangerous to one's health and the person who suffers from it is better treated with a psychotherapy treatment to address the underlying issues.

To learn more about bulimia nervosa visit: brainly.com/question/14315767


which mammals were found to have a vocal range of 7 octaves, nearly twice that of humans?


Dolphins were found to have a vocal range of 7 octaves, nearly twice that of humans.

Dolphins are highly intelligent and social animals that are known for their complex communication systems. They use a variety of sounds, including clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls, to communicate with each other and navigate their underwater environment. Researchers have found that dolphins have a vocal range of 7 octaves, which is nearly twice that of humans, who have a vocal range of around 4 octaves. This allows dolphins to produce a wide range of frequencies and communicate with each other over long distances.

In addition, dolphins are able to rapidly change the frequency of their calls, allowing them to convey a wide range of information to other members of their group.

Learn more about Mammals here:



oliver is developing a study for his senior thesis. he has decided to run his first social psychology experiment. he is concerned that participants in his study will be self-conscious and will try to conform to his expectations. as a result, he should consider using:


A senior thesis is a sizable, autonomous study project that college or high school seniors undertake to satisfy the graduation requirement.

It demonstrates their mastery of research and writing skills and is the product of their study at a particular university. Some students must submit a senior thesis in order to graduate with honours. Before beginning an intensive research plan, students frequently collaborate closely with an advisor and select a question or topic to investigate. Your instructor's required style manual will have some bearing on how your research paper is organised. When it comes to research paper structure, organisation, and citation styles, different disciplines, such as history, science, or education, have distinct standards to follow. The styles used for various assignment kinds include:

learn more about senior thesis here:



Although Western Europe is very industrially developed, agriculture is the main form of land use.T/F


True, Although Western Europe is very industrially developed, agriculture is the main form of land use.

In Western Europe, what kind of agriculture is practiced?

Western Europe's moist, mild climate is ideal for dairying. Crops such as wheat and barley thrive in Central Europe's dry environment. Because the colder climates of the north are unsuitable for cultivation, forests are abundant. Grain (wheat and barley) is a major export commodity, as are dairy products, chicken, pork, fruit, vegetables, olive oil, and wine. Livestock (including dairy), cereals, vegetables, wine, fruits, and sugar dominate European agricultural production. Mediterranean polyculture, dairy farming, and mixed livestock and crop farming are the three most widespread types of agriculture found in Western Europe.

To know more about agriculture visit:



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