Question 7
15. Identify one of the major muscles moving the hands into the position shown.
16. Identify the major muscle moving the right thigh into the position shown.
17. Identify the major muscle moving the right leg into the position shown.


Answer 1
Can you and a picture please of the hands

Related Questions

Directions: Four groups in Ms. Lee's science class each built a simple machine. The table shows the energy input and output
for each machine during a trial. Use the table to answer any questions that follow.
What happened to the energy not output by the machine?

It was absorbed by the machine.
It was destroyed by the machine.
It was transformed into heat and lost to the atmosphere.
It was transformed into light and lost to the atmosphere.



It was transformed into heat and lost to the atmosphere.


The following image is a pedigree for a family with the genes for cystic fibcrosis which is an autosomal recessive trait. If the dominant allele is represented by A and the recessive allele represented by a what would be a possible genotype and phenotype individual



Genotype = Aa

Phenotype = Healthy (no cystic fibrosis)


A person with cystic fibrosis would have the genotype, aa, because it's caused by a recessive allele, meaning both alleles would have to be lower-case for the person to have cystic fibrosis. Therefore, if a person has a dominant allele (A) , they'll have the trait (they may pass it down to their children), but they don't have cystic fibrosis themselves.

Hope that helps!

Activity of which of the following cells is inhibited by calcitonin release? A) alpha cellsB) osteoclastsC) osteoblastsD) C cellsE) all cells in the body


The osteoclasts, which are the cells in charge of destroying bone, are inhibited by it from acting. The calcium in bones is released into the bloodstream when they are broken down. As a result, calcitonin's suppression of osteoclasts directly lowers the quantity of calcium released into the blood.

Do osteoclasts get inhibited by calcitonin?

Osteoclast activity is severely inhibited by the hormone that controls calcium, calcitonin. The absence of osteoclast cellular polarity and disruption of cytoskeletal architecture are thought to be the causes of the calcitonin-induced suppression of osteoclast function.

Which cells does calcitonin stimulate?

The parafollicular cells, commonly referred to as C cells, of the thyroid (or endostyle) in humans and other chordates secrete calcitonin, a 32 amino acid peptide hormone.

To know more about osteoclasts visit;



label the twelve pairs of cranial nerves as viewed from the base of the brain by clicking and dragging the labels to the correct location. the roman numerals are often used to reference a cranial nerve.


The Olfactory nerve (CN I), optic nerve (CN II), oculomotor nerve (CN III), trochlear nerve (CN IV), trigeminal nerve (CN V), abducens nerve (CN VI), facial nerve (CN VII), vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII), the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), the vagus nerve (CN X), the accessory nerve (CN XI), and the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) are the twelve pairs of cranial nerves.

Explain the human midbrain?

The uppermost portion of the brainstem is known as the midbrain, and it is here that the brain and spinal cord have their most important connection. The colliculi, tegmentum, and cerebral peduncles make up the midbrain's three main structural components.

Additionally, it is essential for the regulation of motor function, pain, and the sleep-wake cycle. As a component of the main nervous system, the midbrain, also known as the mesencephalon, is present. It is situated above your brainstem and beneath your cerebral cortex.

The forward-most region of the brainstem, known as the midbrain or mesencephalon, is involved in hearing, motor control, sleep and wakefulness, alertness, arousal, and temperature regulation. It also plays a role in imagination and prescience.

To learn more about cranial nerves visit:



What do we call the genetic material (DNA) when it’s in a loose ?





The genetic material (DNA) in a loose form is called chromatin. Chromatin is composed of DNA and proteins, and it is the form of DNA found in the nucleus of a cell. Chromatin is loosely packed and can be further condensed into chromosomes during cell division.

birds are one of two groups of flying vertebrates (bats are the other). their adaptations for flight include: select all that apply.


Birds are one of two groups of flying vertebrates (bats are the other). their adaptations for flight include a method of breathing that extracts a majority of the oxygen from each breath of air  and Hollow bones

What is the plain meaning of the word vertebrate?

A vertebrate is a living being with a spine. Vertebrates include fish, reptiles, mammals, and birds.

To reduce air resistance when flying, the birds have bodies that resemble spindles. This enables the birds to conserve energy and improve their flying prowess.

Birds lack hefty jaws and teeth in favor of light beaks. They have feathers instead of fur. The body is streamlined and friction is reduced during flight thanks to the feathers' smooth, backward-facing, and close-fitting characteristics. These have a sleek, light design that is elegantly adaptable for flight. In order to make them lighter for flight, their bones are also hollow (pneumatized).

To know more about vertebrates use link below:



drag the terms on the left to the appropriate blanks on the right to complete the sentences. resethelp the bonds or interactions that hold together adjacent nucleotides in the sugar-phosphate backbone of dna are blank.target 1 of 3 the bonds or interactions that hold together complementary bases from opposite strands of dna are blank.target 2 of 3 the bonds or interactions between stacked nucleotide units that help hold the dna molecule together are blank.


The bonds or interactions that hold together adjacent nucleotides in the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA are covalent bonds , the bonds or interactions that hold together complementary bases from opposite strands of DNA are hydrogen bonds and the bonds or interactions between stacked nucleotide units that help hold the DNA molecule together are van der Waals interactions.

What is DNA?

Two polynucleotide chains that are joined together to create a double helix make up the polymer DNA. All known living things, including many viruses, have genetic material in their polymers that direct how they should function, grow, and reproduce. Nucleic acids include ribonucleic acid (RNA) and DNA. The four main macromolecule categories that are necessary for all known forms of life are proteins, lipids, complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides), and nucleic acids.

Two types of bonds, covalent and hydrogen, hold the DNA double helix together. The bases, sugars, and phosphate groups are firmly connected by covalent connections that exist within each linear thread (both within and between components). Between the two strands, hydrogen bonds are formed by the complementary pairing of bases from the first and second strands. Although each of these hydrogen connections is weak, as a whole, they are rather powerful.

Hence, the bonds or interactions that hold together adjacent nucleotides in the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA are covalent bonds , the bonds or interactions that hold together complementary bases from opposite strands of DNA are hydrogen bonds and the bonds or interactions between stacked nucleotide units that help hold the DNA molecule together are van der Waals interactions.

To know more about DNA from the given link



Question 5 (1 point)
Nolan operates video equipment for a production company. What kind of education
might have been necessary for Nolan to attain this position?
A: associate degree in dance
B: bachelor's degree in film
C: master's degree in sculpture
D: doctorate in computer sciences


Nolan would have obtained a bachelor's degree in film in order to operate video equipment for a production company, option B.

What does a bachelor's degree in film entail?

The Bachelor of Arts in Film is designed to provide students with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in an entry-level position in the film industry and/or to pursue a graduate degree in a program that aligns with their professional goals, whether those are in production, screenwriting, or scholarly studies in cinema.

Students who pursue a bachelor's degree in film study, film history and theory, scriptwriting, cinematography, audio production, and post-production. This degree helps in handling all equipment necessary for video production.

Learn more on film production here: https://brainly.com/question/29729832


Answer: The correct answer is B a bachelor's degree in film

Explanation: I took the test and I got it right

Hope ya'll have a good day :)

only a certain amount of glucose can be stored in the muscles as glycogen. any excess is converted and stored as fat in muscles and liver.


The glycogen is stored in muscle cells around 500 g. Any excess glucose is converted into fat in adipose tissue.

Glycogen and Glycogenesis

Glycogen is a form of glucose, the main source of energy that body stores in the liver and muscles, with small amounts in the brain. It means that when your body doesn’t require glucose, it will be stored as glycogen for later use.

Our body uses the store of glycogen to help regulate blood glucose levels.

Glycogen levels are quantities more present in skeletal muscle than the liver. In humans, 80% of the glycogen is stored in skeletal muscles, because skeletal muscles made up 40-50% of body weight and the glycogen concentration is around 500 g.

The process to convert glucose into glycogen is called glycogenesis.

The glucose which has been taken into the cell will be converted into glucose 6-phosphate —> Enzyme phosphoglucomutase takes the phosphate from 6 positions into 1 position —> forming uridine diphosphate (UDP) —> Each glucose linking together forming the glycogen helped by glycogen synthase

When the muscle cells and liver cells are saturated with glycogen, excess glucose is converted to fat and is stored as adipose tissue.

Learn more about glycogenesis by clicking this link



Which of the following macromolecules can contain more than CHO? Select any/all that apply




4.nucleic acids


3.Proteins, and 4. nucleic acids. Only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen make up lipids and carbohydrates (CHO). Four macromolecules are present (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids such as DNA & RNA).

Only Cho is present in lipids?

Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are the same elements found in lipids as they are in carbohydrates (C, H, and O). However, lipids have fewer polar hydroxyl groups and are mostly composed of hydrocarbon chains (or rings) (-OH). Due of this, most lipid molecules are nonpolar hydrophobic compounds (they do not dissolve well in water).

What components comprise Chonp?

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous, and sulfur are the chemical elements that are used most frequently in the construction of the molecules of life. These components are sometimes mnemonically abbreviated as CHONPS. Numerous molecules involved in the processes of life include these elements in combination.

Learn more about fatty acid here:



Please!!! Need help with this ASAP! Picture is attached. Will mark brainliest!



1)  Myocyte (this one my be incorrect)

2) gametes

3) Homologous

4)  diploid  

epigenetic changes in development is important in that the gene expression of cells that muake up a particular organ or tissue type


Epigenetic regulations of DNA methylation are known to cause more long-term gene silencing during the course of development. Correct answer: letter D.

This methylation usually targets specific regions of the genome and, depending on the cell type, these regions are known to be associated with gene regulation.

What is DNA methylation?

It is a process in which a methyl group is added to the 5' position of cytosine residues in the DNA sequence, which prevents the expression of genes by blocking their transcription. This process can be observed in many types of development, such as:

Embryonic developmentTissue differentiation and aging

The epigenetic changes in development are important in that the gene expression of cells that muake up a particular organ or tissue type is often defined by epigenetic markers. Which of the following epigenetic regulations is known to cause more long-term gene silencing during the course of development?

A) None of the options can cause long-term gene silencing

B) Histone modifications

C) Chromatin remodeling

D) DNA methylation

Learn more about DNA methylation:




Situation: CRISPR/Cas9 edits genes by precisely cutting DNA and then letting natural DNA repair processes to take over. The system consists of two parts: the Cas9 enzyme and a guide RNA. Rapidly translating a revolutionary technology into transformative therapies.

Part A: Imagine you have a pet who is experiencing a genetic disease. Would you use the CRISPR/Cas9 technology to help them battle and overcome the disease? Why or why not?

Part B: Explain the ethical issues related to using this technology on humans.


CRISPR/Cas9 is a gene-editing tool which is used in biomedical research and treatment of genetic disorders in living organisms. However, there are certain ethical issues with this technology.

What is CRISPR/Cas9?

A gene-editing tool, CRISPR/Cas9 has revolutionized biomedical research and also enable medical breakthroughs in a way that few biological innovations have before. CRISPR/Cas9 edits genes by precisely cutting DNA strands and then letting natural DNA repair mechanisms to take over the process.

CRISPR/Cas9 can be used to treat genetic disorders in pets however there are few limitations in its use which include accessibility of the technique and its cost. It is a very costly procedure and it also has some drawbacks as it might cause the loss of entire chromosome.

The ethical issues which are related to CRISPR/Cas9 technology include first, the extent to which CRISPR use should be permitted in organisms as it can eliminate the entire chromosome, the access to CRISPR applications is very limited, whether a regulatory framework for clinical research involving human subjects might accommodate all the different types of human genome editing are available.

Learn more about CRISPR/Cas9 here:



Look at the diagram below. It shows the common elements found in the
human body.
Elements 1 and 3 are used to make the most common substance in the body.
What are these elements?
OA. Oxygen and sulfur
Carbon Calcium
B. Oxygen and hydrogen
C. Hydrogen and phosphorus
D.nitrogen and phosphorus





because oxygen is needed for the body so we can stay alive (sorry if this wasn't the explanation u were looking for)

Considering the stomach’s role in the digestive system, is it possible for a person to digest food without a stomach? Explain your answer



Yes, it might be shocking to learn but a person can digest and consume food without a stomach. The reason for this is that the body is Able to skip this step as long is the food is taken in Small portions. It can more directly from the esophagus to the Small intestine.


I Hope this helps! I tried my best Im sorry, please pet me know if its good or not

the formulae available for estimating body weight from a skeleton are very general with large error ranges, and are not very useful. true or false?


True- the formulae available for estimating body weight from a skeleton are very general with large error ranges, and are not very useful.

What is skeleton?

The structural framework that holds an animal's body upright is its skeleton. There are other kinds of skeletons, such as the exoskeleton, which is an organism's sturdy exterior shell, the endoskeleton, which serves as the body's support system, and the hydroskeleton, which is an adaptable internal skeleton supported by fluid pressure. Animals having a vertebral column are called vertebrates, and their skeletons are typically made of bone and cartilage. Animals without a vertebral column are known as invertebrates. Invertebrates have a variety of skeletons, including as spicules, plated endoskeletons, or hard exoskeleton shells. The skeletal systems of both vertebrates and invertebrates contain cartilage, a stiff connective tissue.

To know more about skeleton visit:



when has scienctist brought an invasive species to an ecosystem


The time in which scientist has brought an invasive species to an ecosystem is to use them as a means of recreational hunting and management of agricultural pest.

What is Invasive species?

This is referred to as an organism that is not indigenous, or native, to a particular area and in most cases becomes overpopulated and harms its new environment.

This type of species however have their advantages and benefits in the ecosystem as they can be used for recreational hunting which involves killing an animal such as deer etc for fun and not for commercial purpose or survival in the community.

It can also be used as a method in the management of agricultural pest such as bees, locust etc in which they consume and use them as a source of food thereby making it the correct choice.

Read more about Invasive species here https://brainly.com/question/1542287


A person with damage to this part of the brain (indicated by the arrow) will have normal acoustic reflexes but will have difficulty performing which of the following functions?*interpreting sounds and recognizing a pattern in themdirecting a variety of motor reflexes to sounddirecting input from the thalamus to the brainstemsending auditory information to the midbrain


A person with damage to this part of the brain will have normal acoustic reflexes but will have difficulty interpreting sounds and recognizing a pattern in them.

What is an acoustic reflex?

The stapedius muscle contracts when an acoustically loud sound is presented, and this is known as the acoustic reflex. The stapedius muscles on both sides tighten in response to loud sounds in either ear. It is a middle ear muscle spasm that happens uncontrollably in reaction to loud sound stimuli or when someone begins to speak.

Hence, the answer is a person with damage to this part of the brain will have normal acoustic reflexes but will have difficulty interpreting sounds and recognizing a pattern in them.

To learn more about  acoustic reflex, follow the link: https://brainly.com/question/29727145


True or False: All cells must have mitochondria to turn sugars into energy.



Explanation :All animal and plant cells have mitochondria; plant cells do have chloroplasts, but animal cells do not. Both organelles process energy. A mitochondrion converts chemical energy (such as sugar molecules) to another form of chemical energy (ATP).

which of the possiblilies is incorrect? during the mamalanian cardiac cycle the right ventral contravts less forcicbly than th left becaye


One possibility is incorrect the right ventricle contracts less forcefully than the left ventricle in mammalian hearts that the capillary bed offers high resistance.

The ventricle heart consists of two parts, namely the left ventricle and the right ventricle. Both have slightly different functions. The right ventricle is responsible for pumping blood to the lungs. Meanwhile, the left ventricle is responsible for blood going to the rest of the body.

Thus, the right ventricle contracts less forcefully than the left ventricle because of the shorter distance that the blood must travel only to the lungs, the low resistance of the pulmonary passages, and the fine pulmonary vessels. The third reason is that the right ventricle contracts low contracts.

Learn more about the right ventricle at https://brainly.com/question/28498985


suppose a researcher performed an experiment to determine the number of genes affecting fruit size in tomatoes. she crossed the domestic tomato, lycopersicon esculentum, and the wild species, lycopersicon cheesmanii, for two generations to obtain f2 individuals. consider the table, which reports the fruit diameter and number of offspring obtained by the researcher in the f2 generation. in the parental lines, l. cheesmanii had a fruit diameter of 8 cm and l. esculentum had a fruit diameter of 16 cm . fruit diameter number of offspring 8 cm 9 cm 10 cm 11 cm 12 cm 13 cm 14 cm 15 cm 16 cm 1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1


From the table it appears that there ara at least two genes affecting fruit size in tomatoes


The fruit gene appears to affect the fruit size in F2 genration as the offspring with a fruit diameter of 6cm are likely the  result of one gene present in L. esculentum and gene present in L. cheesmani

The second gene appear to affect the fruit size in F2 generation as the offspring with a fruit diameter of 8 cm are likely the result of two genes present in L. Cheesmani further more the data suggest that the may be more gene affecting fruit size in tomatoes as the

researcher observed offspring with fruit diameter other than 6 cm and 8 cm in the F2 genration

For more information about Tomato plant




From the table, it appears that there are at least two genes affecting fruit size in tomatoes.

What are genes?

Chromosomes are little, spaghetti-like structures on which genes are located (say: KRO-moh-somes). Additionally, chromosomes are located inside of cells. There are countless billions of cells in your body. All living things are made up of extremely tiny components called cells.

The fruit gene appears to affect the fruit size in F2 generation as the offspring with a fruit diameter of 6cm are likely the  result of one gene present in L. esculentum and a gene present in L. Cheesman

The second gene appears to affect the fruit size in F2 generation as the offspring with a fruit diameter of 8 cm are likely the result of two genes present in L. Cheesman furthermore the data suggest that they may be more genes affecting fruit size in tomatoes as the

the researcher observed offspring with fruit diameters other than 6 cm and 8 cm in the F2 generation.

Learn more about gene from the below link



Which of the following is true about the difference between oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation?
A.Photophosphorylation occurs only in photosynthetic organisms and oxidative phosphorylation occurs only in non-photosynthetic organisms.
B.In oxidative phosphorylation, NADH donates electrons; in photophosphorylation NADPH donates electrons.
C.Photophosphorylation occurs only in light; oxidative phosphorylation occurs only in darkness.
D.In oxidative phosphorylation, O2 is reduced to H2O; in photophosphorylation, H2O is oxidized to O2.


In oxidative phosphorylation, O2 is reduced to H2O; in photophosphorylation, H2O is oxidized to O2.

In plain English, what is phosphorylation?

Phosphorylation is a procedure where a phosphate group is added to a molecule, like a protein or sugar.

The process of creating ATP molecules from ADP during biological photosynthesis in the presence of light energy is known as photophosphorylation; for this reason, it is sometimes referred to as a light-dependent reaction.

The term "oxidative phosphorylation" (OXPHOS) refers to an electron transfer chain that is fueled by substrate oxidation and connected to ATP synthesis via an electrochemical transmembrane gradient.

The oxidative phosphorylation pathway's final product is water, which is produced when an electron is transferred to molecular oxygen and combined with H+. Of course, photosynthesis does not end with the production of O2, NADPH, and ATP from the photophosphorylation stage. As a plant grows, NADPH and ATP are utilized to absorb carbon dioxide from the air and eventually transform it into glucose and other significant carbon molecules.

To know more about phosphorylation use link below:



When isolated chloroplasts are placed in buffer solution with a blue dye such as DCPIP or methylene blue and illuminated, the blue colour disappears. Explain this observation.


In this chloroplast expression the bule colour is changed.

What is chloroplast?

the part of a green plant cell of  that is contains by the  chlorophyll and in whichever photosynthesis it takes place.

The chloroplast is isolated to  from the leaves of the plants by the  are used for the  detecting the rate of the photosynthesis. For those purpose, use a dye such as a solutions of the  dichlorophenolindophe old usually known as DCPIP, or any solution of methylene blue. These dyes do not damage the chloroplasts. Both of them these dyes are blue, but they are  become colourless when tl they  are undergo.

Hence, these dyes are not responding called redox indicators.

The light-dependent to the  reactions of the  photosynthesis involve the release of the  high-energy electrons from

'a' molecules. In to the  chloroplasts, these are  electron's are picked up by and electronic acceptor and then passes by along the electron transportation chain. But when to the  chloroplasts are illuminates, the electrons, released are the  taken up by the reason indicator and get reduces to the hence, the colour change. The rate at which BH they are indicates  changes colourful from blue (oxidised state) to the  colourless (reduced state) is a measure of the rate of photosynthesis.

To know more about chloroplast click-



the posterior lobe of the pituitary is also known as the the posterior lobe of the pituitary is also known as the basal ganglion. adenohypophysis. neurohypophysis. mesencephalon. infundibulum.


The neurohypophysis is the name for the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. It is a hypothalamic projection.

The hypothalamus is where?

On the underside of the brain is where you'll find the hypothalamus. It is linked by a stalk to the pituitary gland, which it sits above and immediately below the thalamus. It is a very intricate portion of the brain that is made up of numerous areas with incredibly specialized functions.

What do hormones from the hypothalamus do?

It takes in a variety of signals from different parts of the brain and responds by releasing and inhibiting hormones. These hormones then act on the pituitary gland to control the functions of the thyroid, adrenal, and reproductive organs as well as growth, fluid balance, and milk production.

To know more about hypothalamic visit:



sympathetic nerves sympathetic nerves stimulate gastric secretion. allow us to relax, rest, and recover. control swallowing. contains short preganglionic fibers and longer postganglionic fibers. provoke feelings of sympathy.


The sympathetic nerves contain short preganglionic fibers and longer postganglionic fibers.

What is the sympathetic nervous system (SNS)?

Your sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is a component of your autonomic nervous system (ANS). It may be referred to as your "automatic" nervous system because it is in charge of a number of processes that you can manage without thinking. In addition to other bodily processes, this may involve managing the heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, urine, and perspiration.

The ability of your sympathetic nervous system (SNS) to react to risky or stressful circumstances is its most well-known function. When this happens, your sympathetic nervous system (SNS) kicks in to help you escape danger by increasing your heart rate, pumping more blood to areas of your body that need it, and other responses.

To learn more about sympathetic nerves visit:



Use the scenario to answer the following question.
A farmer is trying to increase the diversity of corn kernel color and size in his crops. The trait for corn color is controlled by two alleles. Yellow corn (B ) is completely dominant over white corn (b ). The trait for corn kernel size is controlled by two alleles. Big kernel (K ) is completely dominant over small kernel (k ).
Which combination of corn should he cross to get the highest variety and percent of genotypes in the next generation?
A) Bbkk x bbkk
B) BBKK x bbkk
C) BbKk x BbKk


The combination of corn that would give the highest variety will be  BbKk x BbKk. Option C.

The genotypes of the next generation would be:

BBKK = 1

BBKk = 2

BbKK = 2

BBkk = 1

BbKk = 4

bbKK = 1

Bbkk = 2

bbKk = 2

bbkk = 1

Dihybrid crossing

The genotype combination of the corn that will give the highest variety of corn would be the genotype that produces the highest diversity of gametes.

Bbkk and bbkk will produce Bk and bk gametes only.BBKK and bbkk will produce BK and bk gametes only.BbKk and BbKk will produce BK, Bk, bK, and bk gametes.BBKK and BBKK will produce BK gametes only

In other words, the combination that will produce the highest diversity of corn is BbKk and BbKk.

Crossing the two parents:

    BbKk     x    BbKk

Genotypes of the Offspring:

BBKK = 1

BBKk = 2

BbKK = 2

BBkk = 1

BbKk = 4

bbKK = 1

Bbkk = 2

bbKk = 2

bbkk = 1

Thus, the combination offers the highest diversity or variety and the next generation's genotypes, as shown above.

More on dihybrid crossing can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/1185199


he reviewer is referring to serviceability when mentioning: being able to fix the issue with the light button the time it took for the microscope to completely break the time between the light button getting stuck


When the reviewer mentions the interval between the light button becoming stuck, she is referring about dependability.

An analysis of the limit state method

Instructional Goals:

Clearly express the four fundamental elements of any design process, define limit states, recognise and classify various limit states, and decide whether or not structures should be designed in accordance with all limit states.

elucidate the idea of distinct partial safety factors for loads and material strengths based on the limit condition being taken into consideration,

Explain the "size effect" of concrete on its strength, identify the theory that allows limit states to be used in the study and design of structures

To know more about factor of safety




super confusing help


The steps of the process of mitosis include successive prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.

What is the process of mitosis?

The process of mitosis is a cellular process in which a cell divides to generate two daughter cells, which is initiated by prophase where genetic material is condensed. Subsequently, the chromosomes that are presented by this condensed genetic material are aligned at the equatorial plate of the cell in a process called metaphase.

Next, during anaphase, the chromosomes travel to opposite poles of the cell, and finally during telophase daughter cell forms by division of the parental cell containing the genetic material of these cells.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the process of mitosis is divided into several sequential stages which include prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase and as result, this process generates two genetically identical daughter cells.

Learn more about the process of mitosis here:



a. Rearrange the following terms so that they reflect the proper order of a spinal reflex: pain receptor, effector muscle, motor neuron, sensory neuron, spinal cord.
Pain receptor, sensory neuron, Spinal cord, motor neuron & effector muscle.
b. Which of the above terms would be different if the reflex in question were a balance reflex?
What term would you substitute?


the first time i heard it i thought of it as a joke but

Select the appropriate duration for the hypothesized causes of the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction: Bolide impact


Days to years is the appropriate duration for the hypothesized causes of the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction: Bolide impact.

What is the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction?

Three-quarters of all plant and animal species on Earth abruptly became extinct during the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction catastrophe about 66 million years ago. No tetrapods weighing more than 25 kilos survived, with the exception of a few ectothermic species like sea turtles and crocodilians.

According to study published in October 2019, the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period was largely caused by an event that rapidly acidified the oceans, resulting in ecological collapse and long-lasting consequences on the climate. The Deccan Traps and other volcanic eruptions, climate change, and sea level change may have also been cause or contributing contributors to the extinction.

Learn more about Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction here:



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A student has two substances at a lab table. One substance is iron pyrite (fool's gold) and the other is real gold. After placing a 20. 0-gram sample of iron pyrite into 40. 0 ml of water in a graduated cylinder, it displaces 4. 0 ml of water. The density of real gold is almost 4 times larger than iron pyrite. If a 20. 0-gram sample of real gold is placed into the same amount of water, approximately how much water will be displaced?. Why would a road crew choose calcium chloride over regular road salt? you need to stop an application from running in the task manager. which tab should you use to accomplish the task? what connection does the author draw between studying the physics of baseball and improving the sports safety? Toms most recent book earned 10*4 times as much money as his first book. How much did Toms most recent book earn? Write the amount in standard form. Explain how you know your answer is correct.(hint his first book earned 10*3) Which type of energy is associated with the position and motion of an object *? A smaller number is 3 less than half a larger number. The larger number is 10 times 1 less than the smaller number. Let x represent the smaller number, and let y represent the larger number. Which equations can be used to model the situation? Check all that apply. x = one-half y minus 3 2 x minus y = negative 6 2 x minus y = negative 3 x = one-half (y minus 3) y = 10 (x minus 1) Mark this and return an increase in the inventory turnover rate must increase the cash cycle. group of answer choices true false Select the equivalent forms. 50% = 10% = 75% = you and your partner are the first unit to arrive at the scene of a motor vehicle crash. the driver of the car is deceased. there are two passengers in the back seat, an unconscious man who is breathing poorly, and a conscious woman who is lying on top of him. how should you move the woman? Considering the stomachs role in the digestive system, is it possible for a person to digest food without a stomach? Explain your answer about 200 people had to be rescued from a floating ice chunk in which northern us state? if a local store publishes a misleading advertisement, which organization could best help you resolve the situation? 9. A graphic artist created a design for a flower using four congruent hexagons as shown. Given: B PM K, m M Y F=m F H B, m W M C=m W P T, m G X R=66, m D N K=(3 x+18), and m W B R=(5 x-8). The sum of the angles in WKNDSP is 720.Find each. Show your worka. m T L C=b. m K G X= if the direct materials price variance is $500 favorable, and the direct materials quantity variance is $250 unfavorable, the journal entry will include a: What is the main idea in an informational text? which triangle is the value of x equal to tan1(StartFraction 3.1 Over 5.2 EndFraction)? A right triangle is shown. The length of the hypotenuse is 5.2 and the length of the side adjacent to the right angle is 3.1. The angle between the 2 sides is x.A right triangle is shown. The length of the hypotenuse is 5.2 and the length of the side adjacent to the right angle is 3.1. The angle opposite to side with length 3.1 is x.A right triangle is shown. The length of 2 sides are 5.2 and 3.1. The angle opposite to side with length 5.2 is x.A right triangle is shown. The length of 2 sides are 5.2 and 3.1. The angle opposite to side with length 3.1 is x. the moon has a mass of 11022 kg, and the gravitational field strength at a distance r from the planet is 0.001 n/kg. what is the gravitational force exerted on the moon while it is in orbit around the planet? How many calories burned cycling 30 minutes? the product of "-1.8" and 3 more than a number as the same as 1 / 10 what is the number