What is the hardest personality type to live in?


Answer 1

The quick answer is that the most complicated Myers-Briggs personality type is INFJ (Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judgment).

Perhaps the hardest personality type to comprehend by others is the INFP. Although they come out as laid-back and easygoing, they have a tendency to become unexpectedly unyielding when it comes to their ideals.

They are too pleasant, although they usually find other people to be difficult to be around.

The ENFJ is frequently seen as the strongest "people person" of all the personality types. They can develop friendships with people of many personality kinds, including those who are more reserved or introverted.

Overthinkers frequently rank highly on the neurotic scale. Together with openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness, neuroticism is one of the five major personality qualities.

Learn more about to   personality   visit here;



Related Questions

What is the difference between speech plus and symbolic speech?


Speech plus, conduct employed alone or in conjunction with language to transmit a message, and symbolic speech, assertions made using symbols rather than words, are two broad synonyms.

In contrast to pure speech, which includes the use of written or spoken words alone, speech plus, often referred to as symbolic speech, entails the communication of ideas through the combination of language and action, such as the burning of a conscription card while expressing opposition to the military.Using symbols or anything else that signifies something bigger than itself is a technique known as symbolism. Typical instances of symbols are the flag of a nation, which symbolizes that nation, and the heart, which stands for love.

Thus this is the difference between speech plus and symbolic speech.

To have additional information about symbolic speech: https://brainly.com/question/3142433


What are the 10 functions of education?


The 10 functions of education are 1. enhancing problem-solving abilities, 2. expanding employment opportunities, 3. securing higher incomes. 4. Stabilizing the economy 5. Ensuring a Prosperous and Happy Life,

6. Volunteering in the Community, 7. Creating a Modern Society, 8. Crossing Borders, 9. Creating Equal Opportunity, and 10. Introducing Empowerment.

The level of education a person has unquestionably impacts their quality of life. Education enhances information and skills while also fostering the growth of the personality and attitude. Most significantly, education influences people's prospects of finding work. A person with a lot of education is usually quite likely to land a decent career.

A kid or adult can acquire information, experience, skills, and a sound attitude through education, which is a methodical process. An individual becomes civilised, polished, cultured, and educated as a result.

To know more about Education:



Can a mandated reporter make a report anonymously ?


No. When reporting child abuse or neglect, mandated reporters are required to identify themselves to the county child welfare department.

When reporting, mandated reporters are obligated to identify themselves. The reporter's name is kept a secret, though. Information about alleged child abuse is likewise kept private. Reporters who are mandated to do so are not subject to state criminal or civil penalties.

Any Agency of Human Services workers, contractors, grantees, people who work in the caregiving industry, or anybody who provide care for a vulnerable adult are considered mandatory reporters in Vermont.

The county children and youth agency may provide mandated reporters with information about the final status of the report, including whether it was unfounded, indicated, or founded

To learn more about  mandated please click on below link



What is the #1 most common cause of collisions?


The most common cause of collisions is Distracted driving.

Collision, also called effect, in physics, is the sudden, forceful coming collectively in direct contact of two our bodies, consisting of, for instance,  billiard balls, a golf club, a ball, a hammer, and a nail head,  railroad automobiles while being coupled together, or a falling item and a floor.

The maximum not unusual cause of a car collision is distracted driving. different threat elements for car accidents encompass speeding, brushing off road signs, improper turns, and using while intoxicated or under the impact of a drug.

There are styles of collisions: Inelastic collisions: momentum is conserved, in Elastic collisions: momentum is conserved and kinetic electricity is conserved.

Learn more about collisions here:-https://brainly.com/question/27123933


The film version of George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion adds a scene that shows Eliza in her home, grooming herself in front of a mirror. What does this scene indicate about Eliza’s character?


Eliza grooming herself in front of a mirror indicates that Eliza desires more from life than being a simple flower girl.

Who is Eliza in Pygmalion?

Eliza Doolittle is a sweet young lady who is the biological daughter of Alfred Doolittle, the housekeeper. Eliza is shown to the readers to reside in a slum in London. She sells flowers as a means of support. She holds dear the desire to work as a florist's assistant.

Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion examines how social identity is created by both one's basic appearance and speaking characteristics. One's physical appearance conveys social class in a similar way as speech.

Eliza grooming herself in front of a mirror indicates that Eliza desires more from life than being a simple flower girl.

To find out more about Pygmalion, check out:



Write either a report, press release or a persuasive speech to help promote your chosen charity campaign or the following below you can choose . maximum of 1000 words

2.Break the Cage by International Animal Rescue
3.Mental Health Awareness Week by the Mental Health Foundation
4.Summer of a Million Meals




Good evening everyone. I am here today to talk to you about the importance of protecting our oceans and the incredible creatures that call them home. Many of us may take the oceans for granted, but they are a vital part of our planet and our lives. They provide us with food, oxygen, and a vast array of natural resources, and they play a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate. But our oceans are under threat, and it is up to us to do something about it.

First, let's talk about the problems facing our oceans. Overfishing, pollution, and climate change are just some of the major challenges that our oceans are facing. Overfishing has depleted many of the world's fish populations to the point where they are no longer sustainable. Pollution from plastics, chemicals, and other waste is harming marine life and damaging the delicate ecosystems of our oceans. And climate change is causing sea levels to rise and ocean temperatures to increase, leading to coral bleaching and other devastating effects.

But it's not just the oceans that are suffering. These problems are also having a negative impact on us. As fish populations decline, the availability of seafood and the livelihoods of people who depend on fishing are being threatened. Pollution is harming our health and the environment, and climate change is causing more frequent and severe natural disasters.

But there is hope. We can take action to protect our oceans and the incredible creatures that live there. One way we can do this is by supporting organizations that are working to conserve and protect marine life. For example, #TeamSeas is an organization that is dedicated to protecting our oceans and the creatures that call them home. They work to raise awareness about the threats facing our oceans and to support conservation efforts around the world. By supporting organizations like #TeamSeas, we can help to make a real difference in the fight to protect our oceans.

Another way we can help is by making changes to our own behavior. We can reduce our use of plastics and other materials that pollute our oceans. We can also support sustainable fishing practices and choose seafood that has been caught in a responsible and sustainable manner. And we can reduce our own carbon emissions and support clean energy technologies that can help to combat climate change.

But it's not just about individual actions. We also need to work together to address the bigger issues facing our oceans. This means supporting policies and regulations that protect marine life and the oceans. It means holding governments and businesses accountable for their actions and ensuring that they are taking steps to protect our oceans. And it means working together to find solutions to the problems facing our oceans, such as overfishing, pollution, and climate change.

In conclusion, our oceans are under threat, but there is hope. By supporting organizations like #TeamSeas and making changes to our own behavior, we can make a difference. And by working together, we can help to protect our oceans and the incredible creatures that live there. Let's be a part of the solution and join #TeamSeas in the fight to protect our oceans. Thank you.

barbara gives a controversial speech about tax reform. she does an excellent job making her points, but is surprised by the negative responses coming from a few members of the audience. what best accounts for her surprise?


The best account of her surprise is the fallacy of approval. Whether you're presenting a paper or giving a speech, you wish to research your audience 1st and foremost.

It's straightforward to alienate an audience by not examining the characteristics of the cluster and what they grasp and need to understand. Public speaking anxiety conjointly referred to as glossophobia, is one of the foremost ordinarily rumored social fears. Whereas some folks could feel nervous regarding giving a speech or presentation if you've got social disturbance, speech anxiety could take over your life.

Persuasive speaking seeks to influence audience members' beliefs, attitudes, values, or behaviors. To influence, a speaker should construct attractive arguments for audience members.

To learn more about public speaking, visit here



What type of light is infrared light?


Between the visible end of the light spectrum and the microwave spectrum, infrared (IR) light is a form of electromagnetic radiation.

Its wavelength is between 800 nm and 1 mm, and hot things emit the most of it. Infrared light or waves are a kind of electromagnetic radiation. Every day, people come into contact with infrared radiation, which are invisible to the human eye but which may be felt as heat. Infrared light waves, which are barely beyond the visible light spectrum, are used by a remote control to change the station on your TV.Infrared light, which has a wavelength between 700 and 1200 nanometers on the electromagnetic spectrum, is invisible, unlike red light. Since the human body naturally emits infrared radiation, humans experience infrared energy as heat, making it a safe and effective treatment.

Thus this is the type of light infrared is.

To learn more about infrared, refer: brainly.com/question/21128736


How many infinitive verbs are there?


Starting with the three main categories of infinitive Full, Bare, and Split Infinitive will be helpful.

The perfect infinitive, continuous infinitive, perfect continuous infinitive, and passive infinitive are the other four variations of the infinitive. These are created by adding auxiliary verbs following the to and employing a variety of verb tenses. When we refer to the infinitive in English, we typically mean the present infinitive because it is the most prevalent. The perfect infinitive, the perfect continuous infinitive, the continuous infinitive, and the passive infinitive are the other four varieties of the infinititive. Subject. An infinitive may function as the sentence's subject.

Straight Object "To see" is the direct object, or noun (or noun substitution) that receives the verb "to see" in the sentence "We all want to see." the verb's action.

Adjective, adverb, and subject .

To learn more about Adjective please click on below link



How will you apply ethics and decision making as a student?


Possessing the qualities of curiosity and open-mindedness are among the abilities necessary for ethical decision-making and responsibility. learning how to evaluate information, statistics, and facts and then reach a reasoned decision.

forming moral judgments based on societal norms that are appropriate for the culture and mutual respect.

Student Integrity

Accountability- We accept accountability for our choices and behaviors, voicing our concerns about anything that is wrong Integrity We follow the law and are truthful and honest.

Intellectual Freedom We defend the right to free speech and the freedom of the press. This article offers a framework for making ethical decisions that is specifically tailored to graduate students. It helps us classify the discipline, honesty, and integrity of our daily acts.

To learn more about ethics from given link



How are Shakespeare's plays a mirror of the society?


Shakespeare's presentation of women in his plays demonstrates his feelings about women and their role in the society.

What is an example of dramatic irony or situational irony in the story?


When the audience is better informed than the character, dramatic irony occurs. It builds suspense and anxiety.

When there is a discrepancy dramatic what is anticipated and what actually happens, situational irony arises. An illustration of situational irony is a fire station that burns down.

While some characters are aware that she is a fraud, we are not. Romeo and Juliet's title characters kill themselves because they are unaware of one another's intentions. The main character in Othello is misled into thinking his wife betrayed him, although we all know she didn't. when something unexpectedly hilarious or bizarre happens, frequently in a way that completely contradicts our expectations. Situational irony is best exemplified by a burning fire station. We would anticipate a.

To learn more about dramatic please click on below link



What is the LCM of 10 and 99?


The LCM of 10 and 99 is 990.

Procedure to find the lowest common multiple

1. Find the prime factorization of 10

10 = 2 × 5

2. Find the prime factorization of 99

99 = 3 × 3 × 11 44​​44

3. If the frequency of occurrence of steps 1 or 2 above is Multiply each factor higher. To find LCM:

4. LCM = 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 × 11

LCM = 990

LCM : LCM(Least common multiple) is a method of finding the lowest common multiple of two or more numbers. A common multiple is a number that is a multiple of two or more numbers.

LCM represents the least common divisor or multiple of two or more given integers. For example, the L.C.M of 16 and 20 is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 = 80, where 80 is the least common multiple of 16 and 20.

Learn more about LCM here:



What are safe food handling practices?


The Five Principles to safe food handling practices emphasise cleanliness, separating raw from cooked food, thorough cooking, maintaining food at safe temperatures, and using safe water.

About Food

Any material that an organism consumes for sustenance is considered food. The majority of food comes from plants, animals, or fungi and contains vital elements including carbs, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. An organism consumes the material, which is then absorbed by the organism's cells to supply energy, support life, or promote development. Varied animal species have different eating habits that meet the demands of their distinctive metabolisms. These habits have frequently evolved to fit a particular ecological niche in certain geographic locations.

To know more about Food:



Reflect on the immigration stories told in “Hiep Le Defines American” and “Music for My Mother.” Based on what you learned from these texts and your own thinking, what do YOU think it means to be an American?

Write a paragraph (5-6 sentences). Use proper grammar. Write in complete sentences. Do not copy anything from the internet - use your own thinking!


Being American means that you have respect for your country; it means that you have integrity and moral ethics; that you show patriotism.

What does being an American mean?

The citizens and nationals of the United States of America are called Americans. Although the majority of Americans are direct citizens and nationals, many dual citizens, expatriates, and long-term residents can also legitimately claim American nationality.

Being an American entails having the freedom to express oneself, accepting diversity, adhering to the American way of life, and having an equal say in choosing the country's government. Living the American way of life is part of being an American.

This way of life resulted from a system of personal freedom and constrained government. Its foundations lie in the traditions of fairness toward all people, deference to the law, achievement based on merit, contract freedom, private property, entrepreneurship, accountability, and independence.

Learn more about American on:



comparing the difference between nature and nurture


Nature refers largely to our genetics. It includes the genes we are born with and other hereditary factors that can impact how our personality is formed and influence the way that we develop from childhood through adulthood. Nurture encompasses the environmental factors that impact who we are.

How do you calculate wire rope sling capacity?


Ten broken wires were distributed randomly across the rope, or five broken wires were placed in one strand.

The rope may not be used for the vessel's cargo gear if the total number of visible broken wires in any length of eight diameters exceeds 10% of the total number of wires or if the rope displays other signs of excessive wear, corrosion, or defect. The quality of wire rope segments that are near terminal connections, are prone to anomalous wear, and are not generally visible for inspection requires extra care. Any eye splice in a wire rope has to have two tucks with each strand's remaining wires cut in half, as well as at least three tucks with the whole rope strand.

Learn more about Broken wires here:



What is the easiest way to transport food?


It employs variety of transportation methods, including as air, land, rail, and water. Trucking, nevertheless, is the most easily used of these techniques in US and accounts for about 70.5% of all food transportation.

About Food Transportation

Depending on the things to be provided, the lifespans of finished goods and raw materials vary. For the business to succeed, food must be kept fresh, secure, and of the highest quality. Failure to maintain the product safe might result in an interruption of operations, legal action, and client complaints. It is crucial to select the appropriate mode of food transportation because of this.

Food contamination should be avoided, especially with easily perishable items like fruits, vegetables, meat, & other items, during transportation by maintaining food quality standards and adhering to a set deadline. Owners of enterprises should be conscious of the food transportation regulations they must follow for their operations.

To know more about Food:



the writing style of a formal report needs to be professional. to make your writing style both clear and appropriate for a formal report, what should you do? check all that apply.


Writing techniques like active voice, regular verb tenses, powerful transitions all improve clarity of reports of all types. You should also refrain from opinions and utilizing first-person pronouns in professional report.

How should a formal business presentation be written?

The formal business presentation should be handled similarly to a project. Plan out your goals in detail before you begin gathering information and outlining sections. You will have higher chance of writing a report inside a straightforward manner if you do this.

How should I proceed before turning in my official report?

Make care to thoroughly read the formal report before submitting it. Although your may have a certain audience in mind for it, other people inside or outside the business may read it.

To now more about reports visit:



What do you think the author of “The Way to Rainy Mountain” wants us to understand about culture, past, and identity?


With regard to culture, past, and identity, the author of "The Way to Rainy Mountain" wants us to understand that the Kiowa people created, learned, and guarded their knowledge. 

What are the themes of "The Way to Rainy Mountain"?

Native American literature, like any other piece of literature, incorporates various themes that run throughout the plot. Some of the issues explored in The Way to Rainy Mountain include peace with nature and the origins of their people. bearing heavenly power

Momaday highlights the significance of storytelling as a tool for Kiowa survival throughout the book, and he reflects on the power of language to not only depict the world around him, but also to act in the world—for Momaday, words can inspire emotions, create enchantment, and are always powerful.

Note that the way the Kowa people chose to protect their culture, past, and identity,  describes their culture, tastes, and beliefs. The author focuses on three distinct perspectives: historical, personal, and cultural.

Learn more about "Way to Rainy Mountain":

Which song is more popular Dynamite or Butter?


BTS's "Dynamite" is among the top singles of the year. Even if you rarely listen to mainstream music, you've definitely heard of the K-pop boy band BTS.

You may also be acquainted with the group's late-summer hit "Dynamite," which created history by being the first song to debut at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 list.

Can Dynamite by BTS be categorised as mainstream music?

With "Dynamite," the group's first U.S. number-one hit, BTS became the first all-South Korean act to top the Billboard Hot 100 list. The song debuted at number one on the chart.

Why is BTS Dynamite so adored by fans?

RM, the group's frontman, claims that Dynamite's upbeat nature and disco-pop components make it "simple to sing along to."

Learn more about BTS's Dynamite here:



Using the expected format, or putting key information where the reader can find it, is an example of professional etiquette. Standardized font. Stylistic tools. Address block.


A) Professional etiquette examples include following the appropriate format or placing important information where the reader may easily find it.

What do you mean by business etiquette?

Professional etiquette is an unwritten set of rules that govern how people interact in a professional situation. All parties can feel more at ease and things usually go more smoothly when good business etiquette is practiced.

What are the three etiquette guiding principles?

However, the etiquette rules also convey consideration, respect, and honesty. These three guiding principles can form the basis for all of our social graces. They transcend cultures and are universal.

To know more about the professional etiquette visit :-



Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier?

Decorative and ornate, the mansion stood out in the neighborhood.
Perky and jolly, the cheerleader's smile brightened everyone's day.
Loud and noisy, the napping baby almost woke up because of the dogs barking.
Optimistic and positive, the speaker made everyone look forward to the future.


The dangling modifier can be found in C. Loud and noisy, the napping baby almost woke up because of the dogs barking.

What is a dangling modifier?

Dangling modifiers are words or phrases that tells us more about another word or phrases that is not explicitly stated in a sentence. They do not modify words or phrases in the sentence. They do not modify any subject.

Like most modifiers, their exemption from a sentence does not make a sentence incomplete. Misplaced modifiers and squinting modifiers are types of dangling modifiers.

Another example of a sentence with a dangling modifier is;

Eating littler, her weight reduced drastically.

Learn more about dangling modifiers here:



Why did Islam spread so quickly in North Africa?


Between the ninth and eighth centuries, Arab traders & travellers, led by African clerics, spread Islam along eastern coast of Africa and to central & western Sudan ( "Land of Black People"), encouraging development of urban centres.

Islam has expanded over a span of around 1,400 years. Muslim conquests led to the foundation of the caliphates, that ruled over a substantial section of the world after Muhammad's de-ath. Islam's growth was facilitated by the Arab Muslim armies' steady expansion of their empire through the conquest of vast areas and the construction of imperial structures. Between 632 and 661 CE, or the Rashidun era, which encompassed Muhammad's first four successors, the majority of the significant expansion took place.

To know more about Islam:



got a sorta fun one for u wednesday fans out there
1. Explain two elements of plot (exposition, rising action, climax, conclusion) in an episode of a television show or movie you've seen. Then evaluate how effectively these two plot elements created specific emotions in you, the viewer. Be sure to introduce your ideas, use precise language, use specific examples from the movie or television episode, and end the response with a concluding statement. (15 points)



One element of plot in the television show "Game of Thrones" is the exposition, which establishes the setting, characters, and conflicts of the story. In the first episode of the series, the exposition introduces us to the world of Westeros, with its complex political landscape and rival factions vying for power. We are also introduced to the main characters, such as the noble Stark family and the cunning Lannisters, as well as the central conflict of the series: the struggle for the Iron Throne. This exposition effectively sets the stage for the rest of the series and creates a sense of mystery and intrigue.

Another plot element in "Game of Thrones" is the climax, which is the most intense and suspenseful moment of the story. In the ninth episode of the eighth season, the climax occurs when the forces of the living face off against the dead in a final battle for the survival of humanity. The episode builds up to this moment with scenes of intense preparations for war, and the climax itself is filled with intense action, shocking twists, and emotional moments. This climax effectively creates a sense of excitement and suspense, as well as a sense of triumph and relief when the forces of the living emerge victorious.

Overall, these two plot elements of exposition and climax effectively create emotions of intrigue, suspense, and triumph in the viewer. The exposition establishes the world and conflicts of the story, while the climax provides the most intense and emotional moment of the story. Together, these elements help to create a compelling and engaging narrative.


What caused Tom to change his opinion of Mr. Berry?



D. Tom had a conversation with Mr. Berry.


i did this in class a few weeks ago

What is the term used when there is a known genetic link from one or both parents?


Sexual reproduction, as both parents contribute genetic material. Different gene combinations are present in the sperm and eggs that are generated.

Mendel believed that gametes always contain one allele for each gene and are hence pure. Assume that the tall plant's genotype is "TT" and the short plant's genotype is "tt". All the gametes produced by the tall plant would include one copy of the "T" allele, but all the gametes produced by the short plant would contain just the "t" allele. All of the F1 offspring with genotype "Tt" were created by a chance union of the gametes from the tall and short parent plants. The tall parent plant provided one "T" allele and the short parent plant provided one "t" allele to each F1 seedling in this instance.

Learn more about Parent plants here:



when nixon ran for office, he used appeals to law and order and the silent majority to try to win over which group of voters?


Nixon ran for office in an attempt to win over non-shouters and non-demonstrators by appealing to law and order and the quiet majority.

Who is Nixon?The "silent majority" referred to the elder generation of World War II veterans in every region of the country, but it also included a large number of young people in the Midwest, West, and South, many of whom went on to serve in Vietnam.In the general election, Nixon emphasized "law and order," portraying himself as the defender of the so-called "silent majority."President Richard Nixon's strategy sought reconciliation with both the countries, which were in hostile to both the US and each other. He abandoned previous American policies of containment of Communism in the hope that all parties would seek American favor.

To learn more about Nixon refer to :



tyler has a lot of nervous energy as he begins his speech and he begins to shake and twitch. which visual aspect of delivery should he have considered beforehand?


Answer: movement


Which sentence below uses punctuation correctly?
It seemed to take forever to round up all of the escapees, Carson vowed; he'd never buy another ant
O It seemed to take forever to round up all of the escapees; Carson vowed he'd never buy another ant farm.
It seemed to take forever to round up all of the escapees; Carson, vowed he'd never buy another ant
It seemed to take forever to round up all of the escapees; Carson vowed; he'd never buy another ant


Answer: The second one.

Explanation: Use a semicolon to join two related independent clauses in place of a comma and a coordinating conjunction (ex. escapees and Carson)

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