What's the theme tone and style in chapter 7 lightning thief and what is the evidence?


Answer 1

The theme tone and style in Chapter 7 "lightning thief" are often intricate and this is evident because the themes within the story call for a large amount of background knowledge.

What is the summary of lightning thief?

The story titled "Lightning Thief" is a fantasy about a troubled 12-year-old boy "Percy Jackson" who sets out on a hero’s journey of self-discovery. It is written in the first person point of view from Percy’s perspective. He is labeled as a ‘bad kid’ who can’t seem to stay out of trouble, diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD, and has been expelled from multiple boarding schools.

Everything changes for him as he discovers that he is a demigod, the son of the Greek god "Poseidon". Sent to Camp Half­Blood, a camp for other demigod children, he is able to meet kids with whom he is able to connect. He therefore, becomes close over the novel with Annabeth, the daughter of Athena and Grover, a satyr whose job is to protect Percy at all costs.

Read more about lightning thief



Related Questions

Which mission area includes the capabilities necessary to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters?


Mitigation is the area includes the capabilities necessary to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters.

The talents important to lessen loss of lifestyles and property with the aid of lessening the effect of failures. response: The abilities crucial to shop lives, protect belongings and the environment, and meet simple human desires after an incident has happened.

environment can be described as a sum average of all of the residing and non-dwelling elements and their outcomes that effect human lifestyles. on the identical time as all dwelling or biotic factors are animals, plant life, forests, fisheries, and birds, non-living or abiotic elements consist of water, land, sunlight hours, rocks, and air.

An abiotic aspect is a non-dwelling part of an surroundings that shapes its surroundings. In a terrestrial atmosphere, examples might consist of temperature, mild, and water. In a marine environment, abiotic factors could include salinity and ocean currents.

Learn more about ocean currents here :-



What is an example of a satire movie?


Satire is used in Black Comedies to expose and mock serious subjects in a comic manner.

Hundreds of dark humor films have been made throughout the years. Dr. Strangelove, American Psycho, and The Big Lebowski are among the most well-known.

Satire has always been an important component of film, from early silent slapstick to the present day, employing humour, irony, or exaggeration to expose and ridicule individuals or ideas.

Whether through caricature, satire, parody, or anything similar, satirizing political personalities, historical events, society attitudes, and so much more has resonated on the big screen throughout the years.

Learn more about to satire visit here;



need help pronto!!!!!!


The detail best develops the character of Demetrio Macias in the cultural setting is They'll surely find me now," he mused. "It's a good thing they know nothing about the trails and paths up here”.

What is a cultural setting?The cultural setting in any literature piece describes the plot on which the text is based. It describes the surroundings of the storyline highlights the events that took place and helps readers to engage.The way actions, motives, beliefs, and other qualities related to morality, particularly in terms of integrity, is what is referred to as a person's character.In addition to many other qualities, someone has a character for being humorous. The selected lines from the provided passage will be accurate while discussing Demetrio Macias, who must be described in the context of cultural settings.Therefore, the statement described in the second paragraph of the image is appropriate

To learn more about Demetrio Macias refer



Given these vectors joined head to tail, choose the correct resultant force vector by clicking on it until you see the right one.


The vectors joined head to tail,  the correct resultant force vector will be the magnitude vector.

What is resultant force?

Resultant force is defined as the direction of the body as well as the total amount of force acting on the object or object. The term "resultant" refers to the outcome of combining vectors together. The biggest outcome of two vector additions equals their sum.

The magnitude of any vector is the same as the magnitude of the result of two equal vectors. The first vector is drawn on a graph using the head-to-tail approach, which adds vectors by placing the tail of each additional vector at the head of the preceding vector.

Thus, the vectors joined head to tail,  the correct resultant force vector will be the magnitude vector.

To learn more about resultant force, refer to the link below:



sorry that im late

the answer is the arrow is pointing to the top right corner


Select the clause from the drop-down menu to correctly punctuate this sentence. My best friend sara choose. Agreed to care for my dog.



My best friend, Sara, agreed to care for my dog.


My best friend Sara agreed to care for my dog.


My best friend Sara agreed to babysit her youngest aunt's children, who live down the street.


common sense

What are Category 1 animals?


A Class 1 (CAT1) Creature is characterized as ready to make human casualties and many require gun mediation to answer crises (20 species in ZV). Melbourne Zoo (MZ) and Werribee Open Range Zoo (WORZ) keep 16 offices lodging CAT1 creatures.

Because of the physiology and normal way of behaving of Class 1 Creatures, a misfortune in isolation between a creature and an individual might bring about deadly outcomes. Every office is exceptional and contains its own related risks, consequently, you must adhere to all guidelines from the guardian in control (Manager A) of the Class 1 Office and comply with the necessities inside this enlistment. Both Manager An and Guardian B will convey a two-way radio while working inside a Classification 1 office, as an obligatory part of PPE. You have the commitment to take sensible consideration of your own well-being and security as well as the well-being and well-being of different people that are perhaps impacted by something you could possibly do. The obligation of care is expressed in the Word-related Wellbeing and Security Act 2004. Zoos Victoria urges you to shout out assuming you see or feel that something is perilous. On the off chance that after this enlistment, you have many different kinds of feedback kindly make certain to raise them with a Zoos Victoria colleague.

To learn more about zoos and animals,



What good values should Filipinos possess to best serve our country?


The experience of country wide identification and satisfaction emerged out of struggles for Philippine independence.

However, loyalties stay principal with one's own circle of relatives and area of birth. Key values such fellowship, appreciate and recognition are discovered for the duration of the culture, with many Filipinos showing a warming and hospitable demeanour.

To be an embodiment of the values that each nearby corporation ought to uphold, each Filipino enterprise chief have to be an exemplar of 5 specific traits: empathy, humility, curiosity, passion, and servant leadership.:Hiya, pakikisama, utang na loob & appreciate to others make a Filipino an person with specific ethical duty to deal with each other ensuing to network ties. These values make Filipinos friendly, hospitable, polite & loyal. In brief, the Filipino middle values have an effect on how they behave in any situation.

Read more about country;



What is the most popular music today?





With the ever-growing love of pop culture in the Gen-Z community, it would be safe to say that Pop is the most popular genre of music today.

What is the value of 10 by 3?


10 divided by 3 which is equal to 3.333333 repeated decimal points.

A decimal is a number that includes an entire and a fractional part. Decimal numbers lie among integers and represent the numerical fees for quantities that might be complete plus a few a part of a whole.

What are the three styles of decimals? 3 types of decimals are non-habitual (non-repeating or terminating, like ); routine (repeating or non-terminating, like ); and decimal fractions (a.ok.a. changing a decimal into a fraction whose denominator is the electricity of ten).

Rules for Decimals. Line up your decimal factors. upload 0s after the decimal factor so that every one of the numbers has the same range of locations after the decimal.

Learn more about Decimal here:-https://brainly.com/question/1119181


The value of 10 by 3 is zero.001, whilst you divide 10 divided by 3 that's the same as three.333333 repeated decimal factors.

10 divided by means of 3 is 3 with the rest of one (10 / 3 = 3 R. 1).

10 divided by using three can be written as 10/3. next, we must discover their HCF to write down it inside the only form. for the reason that HCF (10,3) = 1, the fraction stays as it is.

solution: 10 to the strength of poor 3 is zero.001.

Given: 10 to the strength of -3 or 10(-three).

We recognize that in step with a rule of exponent: a-b = 1/ab.

hence, 10-three = 1/103 = 1/1000

And we understand that 1/a thousand = zero.001, in step with the policies of fractions.

Learn more about The Value of 10 here:



Why is it difficult for scholars, judges and lawmakers to balance robust (strong) speech protections with the necessity of maintaining a peaceful society?.


Because everyone has the right to freedom of speech, it can be challenging for academics, judges, and policymakers to strike a balance between strong speech rights and the need to uphold social harmony.

Freedom of speech is a fundamental value that is safeguarded in democracies, it should be stressed. Free speech simply refers to the notion that individuals should speak their opinions without concern for repercussions.

It should be remembered that certain communication can be harmful, harmful, or even malicious. Therefore, it can be challenging for academics, jurists, and legislators to strike a balance between the need to preserve a peaceful society and the need for strong speech safeguards.

learn more about freedom of speech at https://brainly.com/question/29521250


What is difference between displacement and distance with example?


The distance can be calculated using a curved path. Displacement measurements can only be made along straight lines. Distance is path-dependent, meaning it varies depending on the direction followed. Displacement simply depends on the body's initial and final positions; it is independent of the path.

What does displacement mean?

An object's position changes if it moves in relation to a reference frame, such as when a passenger moves to the back of an airplane or a lecturer moves to the right in relation to a whiteboard. Displacement describes this shift in location.

What are the five distinctions between displacement and distance?

However, displacement accounts for both the size and the direction of an object's motion. Therefore, while displacement is a vector quantity, distance is a scalar quantity. Displacement can be positive, negative, or zero, but distance is always positive or zero.

Know more about displacement:



What were some of the New Deal programs and how did they help people?


Funded New Deal labor organizations, particularly the Works Progress Administration (WPA).

formed the Social Security Administration (SSA) to oversee the administration of the nation's pension, unemployment insurance, and assistance program for mothers with young

The New Deal pushed people back to work and restored a sense of security.

It established the foundation for a regulatory state that could safeguard the interests of all Americans, regardless of their socioeconomic status, and so encourage the corporate sector to function more effectively.

By 1939, the New Deal had helped the Great Depression-affected Americans live better lives, established a precedent for the federal government to assist in regulating the nation's economic, social, and political affairs, and asserted that everyone had rights (Venn, 1998).

Learn more about to  New Deal visit here;



What are the 5 key elements of a concept paper?


The 5 key ele-ments of a Concept Paper are project vision, pro-ject scope, project targets, time-line and mile-stones and project manage-ment.

What is a concept paper ?

A concept paper, simply put, is a 1 - to 2 - page writ-ten document descri-bing an idea for a pro-ject. At this stage, there is no ne-ed to flesh out de-tails, but rather just intro-duce the over-all rationale of the project, how it will be car-ried out and the expe-cted out-comes.

A concept paper is a brief pa-per written by a univer-sity student around a rese-arch question before under taking the rese-arch.

To know more about concept paper click below:



What are the 8 themes?


The theme is the actual sense of showing the main concept and plots of the story and concept of Stories.

The term theme can be defined as the underlying meaning of a story. It is the message the writer is trying to convey through the story. Often the theme of a story is a broad message about life. The theme of a story is important because a story's theme is part of the reason why the author wrote the story.

Examples of Theme Topics: Love, Justice/Injustice, Family, Struggle, the American Dream, Wealth, Inhumanity Examples of Themes: People risk their own identity to find love; Power corrupts humanity; Without empathy, there can be no justice.

Read more about theme:



what are the names of the three kinds of players that are needed to advance the disc in ultimate frisbee?


In ultimate frisbee, the offensive, defensive, and stack roles are the three types of players that are required to progress the disc.

Two teams of seven players compete in the self-officiated, non-contact sport of ultimate. To score goals is the aim of the game. A goal is scored when a player receives any legitimate pass in the attacking end zone. Depending on their ability level, ultimate players take on positions on the field as a handler or a cutter. In order for teams to score goals or prevent the opposing side from scoring, each role occupies a certain location on the pitch.The sport of ultimate incorporates aspects of basketball, soccer, and football. The Frisbee disc must be passed to a teammate who is positioned in the opposing endzone in order to win the game.

Thus these are the names of three kinds of players.

Refer here to learn more about ultimate frisbee: https://brainly.com/question/2594776


Read the following quote:
I have steadily endeavoured to keep my mind free so as to give up any hypothesis, however much beloved (and I cannot
resist forming one on every subject), as soon as facts are shown to be opposed to it. - Charles Darwin, English scientist
celebrated for developing a comprehensive theory of evolution.
You are writing an essay on the development of the scientific method. Should this quote be paraphrased or directly quoted, and
O It should be directly quoted because Darwin is very famous.
O It should be paraphrased because the quote is too wordy.
O it should be directly quoted because it is too complicated to paraphrase.
O It should be paraphrased because controversy over evolutionary theory would distract the reader.


Based on the information, the quote should be directly quoted, as C. It should be directly quoted because it is too complicated to paraphrase.

What is a paraphrase?

A paraphrase is a restatement of a text or passage's meaning using different words. The word itself is derived from the Ancient Greek phrase "additional manner of expression" via Latin paraphrasis. Paraphrasis is another name for the process of paraphrasing.

To state something written or spoken in different words, particularly in a shorter and simpler form to make the meaning clearer, is known as paraphrasing. Restating someone else's ideas or thoughts in your own words is known as paraphrasing.

In this case, the statement is that "I have steadily endeavoured to keep my mind free so as to give up any hypothesis, however much beloved (and I cannot

resist forming one on every subject), as soon as facts are shown to be opposed to it". This shouldn't be paraphrased as it's too complicated.

Learn more about paraphrase on:



Who is a mandated reporter in Act?


When certain individuals have a reasonable basis for believing that a child or young person has been subjected to abuse or neglect, they are required to report the incident.

The following individuals are listed as mandated reporters in Section 356 of the Children and Young People Act 2008: a minister of religion, a doctor, a dentist, a nurse, an enrolled nurse, a midwife;

Among these people are, among others: health care providers. A social worker. professionals in law enforcement. Mandated Staff members of medical or other public or private institutions, schools, or facilities who wish to file a report must either contact the Department directly or the institution's administrator or designee, who will then file the report on their behalf.

To learn more about professionals  please click on below link



When you revise your paper, what questions do you want to ask yourself about your paper? Select the TWO correct answers. (1 point)

Did I write this paper in one verb tense?

Does my paper have all of its components?

Did I spell they're, their, and there correctly?

Did I explain my reasoning adequately?

Did I put commas in the correct places?



Explanation: Did I explain my reasoning adequately.

Does my paper have all of its components.

Apart from that be calm be present minded, focus on the paper and attempt the paper at ease leave all the anxiety and restlessness aside.

I need to write a paragraph about problems and solutions during Chinese New Year ASAP


To the dismay of many importers, Chinese companies often close their doors for one to four weeks around the Chinese New Year due to logistical issues. Factory sales abruptly stop, and Chinese New Year shipment delays frequently follow.

What is the Chinese New Year?

The festival of Chinese New Year marks the start of a fresh year according to the country's ancient lunisolar and solar calendar. As the spring season in the lunisolar calendar usually begins with lichun, the first of the twenty-four solar terms, which the festival commemorates around the time of the Chinese New Year, the celebration is known as the Spring Festival in Chinese and other East Asian cultures. From New Year's Eve, the evening before the first day of the year, until the Lantern Festival, which is observed on the fifteenth day of the year, celebrations typically mark the end of winter and the start of spring. On the new moon that occurs between 21 January and 20 February, the first day of the Chinese New Year begins.

To learn more about the Chinese New Year from the given link



I need to write a paragraph about problems and solutions during Chinese New Year ASAP

What does the motif of light represent?


Light is such a pervasive represent positive symbol in Biblical Hebrew that redemption, truth, justice, peace, and even life itself "shine," and their disclosure is portrayed in terms of light's revelation.

The symbolism of light is far more profound. What is the topic represented by the motif of hands in the represent passage and throughout the story? Hands signify the never-ending battle against fate. Read the excerpt from "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" at the beginning of section 3. The perceived sluggishness of the swirling stream and the extended gaps between each tick of the man's watch explain why so much goes through his head in such a little time. Farquhar, hero or villain, is a confident - indeed, blindly arrogant - person. He refers to himself as a

To learn more about represent please click on below link



How is Anne resourceful in "The Diary of Anne Frank?"


Anne is resourceful in "The Diary of Anne Frank Writing in this diary allowed Anne to rediscover her inner power.

What is "The Diary of Anne Frank"?

The diary Anne Frank wrote when living in seclusion alongside her household for twenty months during Nazi occupation of the Netherlands is collected in The Diary of a Young Girl, better known as The Diary of Anne Frank.

In terms of vigor, ambition, thirst for knowledge, and inventiveness, Anne Frank was outstanding. She also identified as a gloomy, delicate young woman who, according to her, frequently displayed rude behavior toward others surrounding her.

Learn more about  Diary of Anne Frank, Here:



In Act 2, when Francis Nurse arrives to tell the Proctors that Rebecca has been
arrested, what is she being charged with?





What are the "real" primary colors and complementary color pairs?


Primary colours are red, yellow, and blue, with primary-secondary complementary pairs of red-green, blue-orange, and yellow-purple.

How many distinct colours are there?

People who determine such things have determined that there are approximately 18 decillion different colours available for your viewing pleasure. An 18 is followed by 33 zeros.

Do Infinity colours exist?

Despite the fact that spectral colours are a subset of all colours, there are an infinite number of spectral colours. This becomes clear when viewing the spectrum through a prism, which is simply a spread of spectral colours.

What is the world's most valuable colour?

Lapis Lazuli. Lapus Lazuli is a rare blue mineral that was more valuable than gold during the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

What colour isn't found in nature?

According to the University of Adelaide, one reason is that true blue colours or pigments do not exist in nature, and plants and animals must perform tricks to appear blue. Consider blue jays, which appear blue due to the structure of their feathers, which distorts light reflection.

learn more about primary color visit:



How do you use split second in a sentence?


For a very brief minute after they pulled out their weapons, nobody moved. A split second is a very brief interval of time.

She briefly locked eyes with Michael. When used as a modifier before a noun, hyphenate. The top two athletes in the race were separated by just a fraction of a second. Hundreds of lives were certainly spared by the split-second choice. It was devastating to witness the structure being completely destroyed in an instant. First, highlight the clauses while dividing sentences. When required, add subjects or other words in place of subordinating linkers to make subclauses autonomous. Example: When I visited Delhi, I ran into a buddy of mine who lives there. Clause 1: I traveled.

To learn more about split please click on below link



How can you tell if someone is high in openness?


People that tend to score well on the openness attribute are more receptive to new ideas, experiences, and objects.

They have an open mind, are curious about new things, and enjoy novelty. They frequently seek out novel experiences, adventures, and artistic undertakings.

Openness is a person's capacity for being or becoming open-minded, innovative, creative, and perceptive.

People that are more open-minded typically appreciate diversity, look for new experiences, and are interested and aware to their surroundings. People that are less flexible hate change, detest interruption, and concentrate on a small number of niche interests

Being innovative and creative, ingenious, open to strange ideas, adventurous, and nonconformist are traits connected to openness to experience. High scorers on this dimension tend to be independent-thinking.

Learn more about to  adventurous visit here;



what is the most likely reason that the author included the section with information about the controversy surrounding molly pitcher?


The author wanted to prove that the controversy should not take away from the importance of Mary as a Revolutionary War figure is the reason why they included the controversy surrounding molly pitcher.

There is much controversy surrounding the figure of Molly Pitcher. Some say she was a real person who bravely fought in the American Revolution, while others claim she is nothing more than a legend.

Molly Pitcher is said to have been born in 1754 in Philadelphia. She married a man named William Hays and the two of them moved to Carlisle, Pennsylvania. It was there that she supposedly became a heroine of the Revolution.

To know more about controversy, click here.



Explain how persepolis changes in terms of mood and tone.​


Answer:Reading Persepolis, one notices the black and white comics which seem dull but it must be understood that it didn’t happen by accident.  Satrapi captures the audiences feelings and empathy by sharing her life in black and white which tells us that it wasn’t of the pleasant lives lived. It is a clever way to help the audience understand the mood of the memoir.  Depressed would be about the right word to use here in terms of the mood of the story.


What do you call someone who is deeply in love?


Devoted ,Infatuated ,Besotted  ,Enamoured  doting , lovesickare call someone who is deeply in love.

If you are devoted to someone or something, you care about them or love them very much.

Infatuated a  feeling of foolish or obsessively strong love for, admiration for, or interest in someone or something : strong and unreasoning attachment.

If you are enamoured of a person, you are in love with them. I remember being very young and being totally enamored of him.

What is a doting lover?

Someone who's doting is loving and fond, and tends to spoil you terribly. Your doting grandmother, for example, might shower you with gifts even when it's not your birthday. If someone you know adores you beyond all reason, only seeing your good points and completely disregarding your faults, they're doting.

Learn more about  love to visit this link



how does the author use the list of powers in the third sentence of this paragraph to support his claim?


The rights covered by the Rights Bill are connected to the authority specified in clause 3. For instance, the author claims that Congress lacks the stated authority necessary to govern religion.

Why does author advocate for reserving these powers?

The federal government shouldn't go beyond the enumerated authorities set down in the law. In this paragraph, the author makes an assertion about the 10th Amendment that should be highlighted or underlined.

What does the third paragraph's use of the word "domain" mean?

Highlight or emphasize the proof Schapiro offers to back up his assertion. In the scope of a third paragraph, define domain. A domain is an area of influence.

To know more about  author visit:



What are the differences and similarities between Stanley and Zero in Louis Sachar's Holes?


Stanley did not commit the crime, but was wrongfully accused and imprisoned. Another distinction is that Stanley is physically larger than zero.

what are the differences and similarity?

Unlike the others, Stanley did not commit the crime, but was wrongfully accused and imprisoned. In contrast to Zero, Stanley has both of his parents. Zero is homeless, whereas Stanley has a home. Another distinction is that Stanley is physically larger than Zero, having barely climbed out of his first hole.

What is the relationship between Stanley and Zero?

Stanley and Zero's friendship blossoms after Zero assists Stanley in digging his hole following the sunflower seed incident. Stanley is moved by Zero's kindness and agrees to assist Zero in learning to read.

What does Stanley learn about Zero's childhood and life?

Zero is revealed to be the great-great-great-grandson of Madame Zeroni, who cursed the Yelnatses. Elya Yelnats, Stanley's great-great-grandfather, was given a piglet and told to carry it to the top of a mountain every day to drink from a spring.

learn more about Zero and Stanley visit:



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