Which of the following best
describes the impact of
having an unreliable narrator?


Answer 1


by misrepresenting the causes of the conflict to gain the reader's sympathy.Unreliable narration is usually subtle: The narrator is more likely to omit details and to misrepresent the causes of a conflict than to lie outright about what happened.


Related Questions

How do you edit content on Wikipedia?


On a Wikipedia page, select Wikitext editing with the Source Editor by selecting the Edit source tab at the top (or on a section-edit link). This displays a duplicate of the page that may be edited, together with all the wikitext that was used on it. The Source Editor toolbar provides straightforward menu choices for adding or changing formatting.

The majority of Wikipedia pages may easily be edited. To update a Wikipedia page, just select the "edit this page" option at the top of the page (or on a section-edit link). This will take you to a new page with the original page's editable text in a text box.

If you only want to experiment, go to the sandbox rather than this area. The little field below the edit-box should be used to enter a brief edit description. You may use the legend's suggested shorthand to explain your changes, and once you're done, click Show preview to see how they'll appear.

Additionally, you can see the distinction between the page with your changes and the earlier iteration of the page by pressing the "Show changes" button.

Learn more about Wikipedia to visit this link



Any innocent merchant vessel was liable to seizure at any moment; and when stopped by a British cruiser short of men was sure to be relieved c
themselves the judges as to whether a sailor should be pronounced a native of America or of Britain, and there was no appeal from their judgme
was little doubt as to the view he would take of any man's nationality.
What is Roosevelt's perspective in this excerpt?
O British sailors were trying to hide on American merchant vessels.
O He is protesting England's foreign policies.
He is scolding England for promoting warfare instead of peace.
O He is illustrating one of the reasons why America would want to go to war against Britain.


Roosevelt's perspective in this excerpt is D. He is illustrating one of the reasons why America would want to go to war against Britain.

What was Roosevelt perspective?

We can see that the former president is full of praise for the way the English Navy stood at the time. We can tell from his words that he considered them to be the masters of Europe at the time.

According to his words, no other power could come close or try to dominate them. Because of the powers that England possessed, every nation was programmed to fear them. He praised the English for their ability to master the sea and reach heights that other people and nations could not.

Learn more about Roosevelt on:



What is Reinforcement Learning?


Reinforcement learning is a branch of machine learning that considers the behaviors that intelligent agents should execute in a given environment in order to maximize the idea of cumulative reward.

One of the three primary machine learning models is reinforcement learning, along with guided learning and unstructured learning. Reinforcement learning is the research of judgment (RL). It involves understanding how to act in a situation to reap the most benefits.The agent use reinforcement learning to generate an optimal or nearly optimal strategy for optimizing the "reward function" or other user-provided reinforcement signal that accumulates from the immediate rewards. Animal psychology appears to include similar mechanisms.

Thus this is Reinforcement learning.

Refer here to learn more about Reinforcement learning: https://brainly.com/question/21328677


Which sentence best states the theme of the poem? Responses Everyone needs a special friend. Everyone needs a special friend. It is important to tell others our feelings. It is important to tell others our feelings. Sharing our possessions is a good thing to do. Sharing our possessions is a good thing to do. Often we can find happiness in small events in life. Often we can find happiness in small events in life.





What is called theme?


Theme. : a topic or subject for discussion or creative portrayal. The topic of the narrative is guilt and punishment: a particular and distinctive trait, characteristic, or concern. A theme was missing from the marketing.

The underlying message of a tale is referred to as the theme. It is the point the author is attempting to make with the tale.

A story's topic is frequently a general lesson about life. A story's topic is significant because it plays a role in the author's motivation for crafting the narrative.

A theme is a key, overarching concept. As the characters work toward their objectives, the broader problem becomes apparent. The likelihood that they will triumph in the race is less important.

Learn more about to Theme visit here;



PERSONAL NARRATIVE: On the Road relates the tale of a protagonist who sets a goal for his trip to the West Coast, but is often diverted from his original plans and needs to adjust; sometimes he considers diversions a burden, other times he views them as a plus. Consider the ideas discussed in the texts of this unit, as well as your own experiences. Then, write a personal narrative that describes a time you set a goal and had to adjust your plans to succeed. Be sure to include thoughtful details to convey a vivid picture of your experiences.

please help! I need this done by today and I have a lot of assignments for other classes



My goal was that I wanted to keep up my grades. To get into a good college with a full-ride scholarship. But it wasn't easy, going through each day, each class doing work hoping you got all the right answers on a test or a worksheet or anything that will be counted for a grade. Not to mention extracurriculars and hobbies making sure I still do good in each part. Taking count that whatever I do won't come out sloppy. Not to mention advanced classes that are stricter than the rest; only getting breaks during weekends or holidays. I thought this was it, but I soon began to realize it was too much. At first, I was too stubborn to admit that: I wouldn't be able to achieve my goal without letting something go. I had to divert my attention from my goal just long enough to find another path than the one I was currently on. I ended up almost dropping one of my advanced classes Because I knew in order to accomplish what I wanted to do and/or where I wanted to go I had to adjust some things first.


Feel free to rewrite at your convenience good luck with your work :)

Is protesting symbolic speech?


Yes, protesting is a symbolic speech.

Any action that clearly communicates a particular message to someone who sees or reads it is considered non-verbal symbolic communication. Public protests like sit-ins, marches, and demonstrations are examples of symbolic communication.Nonverbal, nonwritten means of expression including flag burning, donning armbands, and burning draft cards are examples of symbolic speech. Unless it directly threatens another person or public order, it is typically protected by the First Amendment.In American law, activities that deliberately and clearly convey a certain message or statement to people witnessing it are referred to as symbolic speech. Nonverbal, nonwritten means of expression including flag burning, donning armbands, and burning draft cards are examples of symbolic speech.

Thus this is the meaning of symbolic speech.

Refer here to learn more about symbolic speech: https://brainly.com/question/23505991


yesenia applied for a summer internship that she was really excited about and was not selected. although she was stressed about the lack of income, she reminded herself that she could really enjoy her summer and now she could plan that exciting road trip she had wanted to do with her friends. which type of coping approach is yesenia using?


The type of coping approach that yesenia is using is Emotion focused. Instead of solving the issue, emotion-focused coping emphasises managing your feelings and your reaction to it.

What is emotion-focused approach?A group of closely related psychotherapeutic modalities for working with individuals, couples, or families includes emotionally focused therapy and emotion-focused therapy. Approaches to EFT incorporate aspects of attachment theory, systemic treatment, and experiential therapy. EFT is typically used as a temporary solution.If you suffer from acute anxiety, you could feel helpless due to your inability to control your emotions. Your life is consumed by fear and worry, making it more difficult to operate. You gain the ability to distinguish between constructive and destructive emotions through emotion-focused therapy, which improves self-regulation.EFT started in the middle of the 1980s as a method of assisting couples. The first textbook for emotionally focused couples therapy was released in 1988. Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg developed and tested EFT in its original form in 1985.

To learn more about emotion-focused refer :



How do Hudson's different reactions to the roller coaster contribute to the theme of the story? Use details from the text to support your answer.


The different reactions of Hudson contributed to the theme of the story in the queue, Hudson is not afraid, but as soon as he boards, he became terrified and fled. Hudson wished he could be courageous like Tasha, but he was unable to.

What is the theme of a story?

In other terms, the topic of a story is the main idea that the author is attempting to express. Novels typically contain several themes, whereas short stories frequently have just one.

A little child discovers how to face his fears in the movie "The Roller Coaster." Make notes as you read on how Hudson's opinions on riding the roller coaster evolve over the course of the narrative.

Therefore, but as soon as he boarded, Hudson lost his composure and ran. While Hudson wanted he could have the same bravery as Tasha, he was unable to.

To learn more about the theme of a story, refer to the link:



Read the excerpt from Monster.

We see STEVE stand shakily and head back to the defense table. He looks out onto the onlookers and sees his parents. His MOTHER forces a smile and his FATHER makes a fist and nods emphatically. We see STEVE sit down, start to pick up a glass of water, and have to put it down because his hand is shaking so badly.

Which statement best describes Steve's parents?



"his mother forces a smile and his father makes a fist and nods emphatically."

Which personality type talks the least?


The personality type that talks the least is the introvert. Introverts tend to prefer spending time alone, engaging in solo activities and prefer to keep their thoughts and ideas to themselves. They are typically more comfortable listening and observing, rather than leading conversations or dominating conversations.

how does being a member of the european union allow trade to be simpler between germany and france than it is between the united states and france?


Due to the free movement of goods and services, the single currency, and the common set of regulations that the EU has established, it is much easier for Germany and France to trade with each other than it is for the United States and France.

The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of 27 member states, located primarily in Europe. It was established in 1993 to promote economic and political cooperation among its members. As a result of its membership, the EU has been able to facilitate trade between its member states, making the process simpler than it would be otherwise. This is especially true when comparing trade between Germany and France, two of the EU's largest economies, to that between the United States and France.

The EU has taken measures to simplify the process of trading between its members. For example, the EU has implemented the free movement of goods and services between its member states, meaning that goods and services, including those traded between Germany and France, do not require customs or tariffs. This makes trading between the two countries much simpler than it would be if the EU's rules did not apply.

Furthermore, the EU has also established a single currency, the Euro, which simplifies the process of trading between its members. With the Euro, Germany and France do not have to worry about fluctuating exchange rates when trading with each other. This makes it easier for them to find a price point that is mutually beneficial, which is not the case when trading between the United States and France.

Learn more about trading at :https://brainly.com/question/27622280


Is a theme one word?


It's tempting to state that "happiness" or "betrayal" or "triumph" is the topic of a book or movie. However, these are "theme issues" rather than themes. A general topic is referred to as a theme topic.

A theme is NOT JUST ONE WORD. That's a subject. Bad illustration 1: The subject was love.

A three-word theme is brief, simple to remember, and effective as a working tool. It provides a brief overview and assessment of the job done. It is a good tool for reflecting on one's work and growth.

It's tempting to state that "happiness" or "betrayal" or "triumph" is the topic of a book or movie. However, these are "theme issues" rather than themes. A general topic is referred to as a theme topic.

Learn more about to theme one word visit here;



What is a true statement about academic research papers?(1 point)


Academic research papers are relatively trustworthy primarily because academics are smart.

Academic research papers are relatively trustworthy primarily because academics are smart.

Academic research papers are less trustworthy than newspaper articles because newspapers are more current.

Academic research papers are less trustworthy than newspaper articles because newspapers are more current.

Academic research papers are relatively trustworthy because they are transparent and the process to become published is rigorous.

Academic research papers are relatively trustworthy because they are transparent and the process to become published is rigorous.

Academic research papers are relatively trustworthy because academics are unbiased.


Based on the list of given answer choices, the true statement about academic research papers is C. Academic research papers are relatively trustworthy because they are transparent and the process to become published is rigorous.

What is an Academic Research Paper?

This refers to the term that is used to publish information that goes through a literary and scholar review to make sure they are factual and relevant.

Hence, it can be seen that from the answer choices given, the true statement about academic research papers is found in option C as they are trustworthy based on their publishing process.

Read more about research papers here:


Now compare and contrast the techniques in the two theatrical versions you watched. Use the table to do the following:

Describe the similarities and differences between the two versions for each element of the performance.
Note how the techniques enhance or alter the audience’s experience.
Identify what meanings (shades of characterization, connotations of words, etc.) become clearer as you watch the two presentations.

Element of Performance
scenery: background
scenery: props
characters: costume
characters: body language and facial expressions
characters: actions
dialogue: tone of voice
dialogue: emphasis
dialogue: word choice
design: lighting
camera: focus and angles

Before you construct your essay, review these guidelines for organizing a compare-and-contrast essay. Read the section headed “Compare and Contrast.” Don’t forget to use transition words to show the relationships between ideas and to help your essay flow smoothly.

Use your responses from part B of the task to write an essay addressing these points:

Compare and contrast the two versions of the scene.
Analyze the effects of the techniques on the individual audiences.
Include analysis of any special adaptations made to the text (the dialogue) or the setting that distinguish each version from the original play.




The Twelfth Night is about the comic story about a brother and sister who are shipwrecked in a distant land called Illyria. They survive, but get separated along the way, which causes the sister to assume the identity of a man in the household of Duke Orsino.

The literary devices used in the play includes:

Setting: Illyria

Genre: Comedy

Theme: Love

Characterization: Sir Andrew, Cesario, Duke Orsino, Sir Toby Belch, etc.

Please note that your question is incomplete as you did not include the videos, so I gave you a general overview about the Twelfth Night.

Think of an issue of public concern that you care about. It can be a national issue or one that only affects your local community. In either case, it should be something about which you have a strong personal interest, whether that arises from your moral commitments, your political ideology, or your economic well-being. Now imagine how you could use theatre to address that issue. Do not only think about the story you might want to tell—although that is a very good place to start—but also about how this piece of theatre would be presented. Who would be your ideal audience? How will you get that audience to come see your play? Where will you perform this play—that is, what kind of space, in what part of town, and at what time of day? How can you attract the right kind of people to your play and appeal to them for maximum effect?


Consider a public concern that is important to you. One issue that comes to mind is all of the orphan babies in South Africa trying to stay alive, trying to find food, trying to find food, but most importantly trying to be happy.

The public concerned refers to the public affected or likely to be affected, having an interest in making a decision on issuing or updating a permit, permit conditions, including non-governmental organizations promoting environmental protection as defined by law.

A violation of a state, federal, or municipal law, regulation, or ordinance; a threat to public health or safety; and/or gross mismanagement, substantial waste of funds, or a clear abuse of authority are all examples of matters of public concern.

To know more about a public concern, click here.



true/false ? drivers under the age of 18 can talk on the phone while driving only if using headphones, a wireless device, phone holder or mounted device.


This answer is false

What kind of people are open-minded?


Character Traits of Open-Minded People:

Find out what others think by asking themIt is important for them to be able to have their ideas challengedWhen they are wrong, they should not feel angryPeople should have empathy for each otherIt is important to consider the opinions of othersYou should be humble about your own knowledge and expertiseInterested in hearing what others thinkThe belief that others have the right to share their beliefs and opinionsThey don't make snap judgments and think wisely about each decisionThey're curious about the world around themThey are truthful.The curiosity of open-minded people keeps them alert to changes in their surroundings.

To know more about human quality refer to:



Who is a famous open-minded person?


Winston Churchill is a famous open-minded person.

Winston Churchill had to be open-minded when commanding British troops in the fight areas.

When tack ticks fizzled and there appeared to be no way of winning such a vital fight, Churchill had to see at the circumstance from diverse viewpoints and attempt other ways of managing with the adversary.

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was a British statesman, officer, and essayist who served as Prime Serve of the Joined together Kingdom from 1940 to 1945, amid the Moment World War, and once more from 1951 to 1955.

Open-mindedness includes being open to a wide assortment of thoughts, contentions, and data. Being open-minded is for the most part considered a positive quality.

This doesn’t cruel that being open-minded is simple. Being open to modern thoughts and encounters can now and then lead to disarray and cognitive cacophony when we learn modern things that struggle with existing convictions.

Learn more about the open-minded person at



It’s due today pls help I beg of you spare me the last part cause and effect



enlarge the picture some more


What are 3 ways to find a theme?


An author's motive is the primary purpose she or he has for writing. The 3 ways to find a theme are that it should be completed and have proper explanation and also author name.

The 3 simple functions are to inform, to persuade, and to entertain. The easy approach beneath will assist you determine out an author's motive.the concept the author needs to carry approximately the subject—the author's view of the sector or a revelation approximately human nature.

To discover the theme, make sure that you've got first diagnosed the tale's plot, the manner the tale makes use of characterization, and the number one warfare withinside the tale.

Read more about theme:



Your Principal wants to make your school more environmentally friendly. You have an idea which you
think will help. Your Principal asks you to write an article for the school magazine to explain your idea



Dear Principal,

    We have been informed to give suggestions to make our school more environmentally friendly.  I am very happy to share my simple ideas. This will make our campus more alive and natural.

    To begin with the help of  Love Green Club, we can plant many trees inside and outside school. It will create a habit of planting trees and protecting them. Moreover, our school  ground will become   attractive.

    Secondly, I would like to  invite your attention to a very serious  environmental  problem happening in our school. Most of the students are bringing their lunch box and snacks in plastic carry bags . Even though they are bringing it for 30 minutes use ; it will remain in our campus  for thousand years  . I think that , with the help of our Love green club members, we can make paper bags using old newspapers . So plastic carry bags can be replaced by  paper  bags made by our school students.  Therefore, we can ban plastic and make our campus GREEN

I hope you will consider my suggestions to make our school eco friendly

Yours truly

(Your name)

What Darwin's Finches Can Teach Us about the Evolutionary Origin and Regulation of Biodiversity


Asking evolutionary issues concerning diversification of species how these processes take place & how to interpret them—is well suited to Darwin's finches. Due to same origin, species of Darwin's finches are linked to one another.

English scientist, geologist, and biologist Charles Darwin is well-known for his contribution to evolutionary biology. His theory that all living things have a common ancestry is now widely recognised and regarded as a fundamental idea in science. He established the scientific notion that this diverging pattern of evolution stemmed from a mechanism he termed natural selection, wherein battle for existence has a comparable impact to artificial selection engaged in selective breeding. He co-authored this article with Alfred Russel Wallace.

To know more about Charles Darwin:



Read this excerpt from an essay.
Maya Angelou was a famous writer, actress, and civil rights activist. She had a difficult childhood. To say she became
talented despite her struggles is an understatement. Angelou's memoir, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, became the first non-
fiction bestseller by an African-American woman in 1969. She wrote several acclaimed collections of poems and essays. She has
been nominated for numerous literary and civic awards. Her memoir was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, she received the
National Medal of Arts in 2000, and she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2010. Angelou wrote and delivered
the poem "On the Pulse of Morning" to a national audience upon the inauguration of President Bill Clinton in 1993.
This excerpt would benefit from transitional words and phrases. Choose the option that uses transitions most effectively.



Maya Angelou was a famous writer, actress, and civil rights activist who had a difficult childhood. Despite her struggles, Angelou's talent is undeniable; her memoir, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, became the first non-fiction bestseller by an African-American woman in 1969. In addition to several acclaimed collections of poems and essays, she has been nominated for numerous literary and civic awards. For example, her memoir was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, she received the National Medal of Arts in 2000, and she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2010. Furthermore, Angelou wrote and delivered the poem "On the Pulse of Morning" to a national audience upon the inauguration of President Bill Clinton in 1993.


Why is BTS so amazing?


They also became the first Korean group to win a Billboard Music Award. The first all-Korean band to perform at the Grammys and receive a nomination is BTS.

additionally the first Asian group to win the American Music Award for Best Artist after being nominated for it. They also became the first Korean group to win a Billboard Music Award. From a swaggering hip-hop group, BTS has developed into a highly skilled artist with an important, underlying message in each song. For instance, their songs stress the need of addressing negative feelings just as much as they do of embracing yourself and overcoming your fears.

From the wise advice to their politically conscious lyrics, which mostly examine identity, optimism, and acceptance

To learn more about Music please click on below link



When I realised I was wrong, I apologised __ my mistake



When I realised I was wrong, I apologised for my mistake

Answer: When I realized I was wrong, I apologized for my mistake.


Incase you get the for's messed up, here.

The most common member of this trio is the preposition “for,” which is not a problem for most people. “Fore” always has to do with the front of something (it's what you shout to warn someone when you've sent a golf ball their way). “Four” is just the number “4.” (-source)

What is the summary of Do not go gentle into that night?


The central theme of "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" is that life is precious and should be protected at all means.

The speaker of the poem provides advice on how to approach death with fury and dignity rather than resignation; he or she thinks that individuals should "burn and rave" as they get close to passing away.Since this poem is about dying, the rigid structure can imply that death is unavoidable. He is implying that there is a potential to produce harmony or beauty if we squeeze every last drop of life out of it because this shape has such a persistent rhyme.According to the speaker, elderly men nearing the end of their life should make every effort to stave off death. In actuality, they should only go from this planet in a fit of rage at having to die at all.

Thus this is the  summary of Do not go gentle into that night.

To learn more about Do not go gentle into that night, refer: brainly.com/question/4869758


What do you mean by mashed potatoes?


potatoes that have been boiled and then crushed and pounded into a  y mushy lump.

The term "mashed potato" or "mashed potatoes" (American and Canadian English) and "mash" (British English) refer to a dish created by mashing boiling or steamed potatoes. Typically, milk, butter, salt, and pepper are also . It is typically served with meat or vegetables as a side dish. Choose higher starch potatoes like Russets or Yukon Golds for the fluffiest, smoothest, and most flavor-packed mashed potatoes. While yellow-fleshed potatoes like Yukon Gold have a naturally buttery flavour and a creamy, dense consistency, russet kinds make mash that is light and fluffy.e been boiled and crushed into a mushy mass, frequently with butter and milk. They contain a lot of vitamin C, which is an anti-inflammatory. Because the vitamin C in potatoes warded against scurvy, they were a life-saving food supply in earlier times. Potassium, an electrolyte that supports the function of our heart, muscles, and nervous system, is another important mineral in potatoes.

To learn more about  consistency please click on below link



Which generation is open-minded?


Gen Z folks are fast tech-savvy learners and strategic spenders. They are determined, creative, and collaborative students who want to make positive change and secure a stable future for themselves.

Generation Z considers itself more accepting and open-minded than any generation before it. Almost half of Gen Zs are minorities, compared to 22% of Baby Boomers, and the majority of Gen Z supports social movements such as Black Lives Matter, transgender rights, and feminism.

The typical member of Generation Z acquired their first smartphone right before turning twelve. They mostly text and converse on social media, and they use their phones as much as older generations do to watch television.

The majority of Gen Zers also like snackable material they can get on their phones and PCs over traditional cable and streaming services.

Gen Z is the most racially and geographically diverse generation in American history, and it has outdone all other generations in embracing inclusivity and diversity.

Learn more about  Generation Z  to visit this link



What detail in the excerpt supports the idea that Elizabeth is also biased against Darcy?



he had pleaded hard to the tribunal, in which some members were asleep and some awake, for his life and freedom.


hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

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