What x rays travel at the speed of


Answer 1
What is the speed? Like we need the pic or something

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A 20g bullet moving at 200m/s hits a bag of sand and comes to rest in 0.011s, calculate the momentum of the bullet just before hitting the bag​



momentum = mass * velocity ... kg•m/s

acceleration = v / t = 200 m/s / 11 ms ... m/s^2

force = mass * acceleration = .02 kg * (200 m/s / 11 ms) N


A vertical piston cylinder assembly contains 10.0kg of a saturated liquid-vapor water mixture with initial quality of 0.85 The water receives energy by heat transfer until the temperature reaches 320*C. The piston has a mass of 204kg and area of 0.005m2. Atmospheric pressure of 100kPa acts on the top side of the piston. Local gravitational acceleration is 9.81m/s2 Calculate the amount of heat transfer between the water and the surroundings in kJ. Enter a numeric value only. 6735.66




From the given information:

At state 1:

Initial Quality [tex]= x_1 = 0.85[/tex]

mass = 10.0 kg

At state 2:

Temperature [tex]T_2 = 320^0[/tex]

mass of the piston [tex]m_p = 204 \ kg[/tex]

area of the piston [tex]A_p = 0.00 5 \ m^2[/tex]

Atmospheric pressure [tex]P_{atm}= 100 \ kPa = 100 \times 10^3 \ Pa[/tex]

Gravitational acceleration = 9.81 m/s²

[tex]\mathbf{P= P_1=P_2}[/tex], This is because there exists no restriction to the movement of the piston and provided the process is frictionless. So, the process 1-2 is regarded as constant.

To calculate the applying force balance over the piston by using force balance in the vertical direction:

[tex]\mathbf{P_{AP} = P_{atmA_p} + m_pg}[/tex]

(100 × 10³)×0.005 + 204 × 9.31 = P × 0.05

P = 500248 Pa

P = 500.25 kPa

At state 1:

[tex]\mathbf{P_1 = P = 500.25 \ kPa}[/tex]

[tex]x_1 = 0.85[/tex]

Hence, this is a saturated mixture of liquid and vapor

Using the steam tables at 500.25 kPa

[tex]V_f = 1.093 \times 10^{-3} \ m^3/kg \\ \\ V_g = 0.375 \ m^3/kg \\ \\ U_f = 639.72 \ kJ/kg \\ \\ U_g = 2560.72 \ kJ/kg[/tex]

Specific volume at state 1 is given as:

[tex]V_1 = [ V_f +x_1(v_g -v_f) ] \ at \ 500.25 \ kPa \\ \\ V_1 = 0.319 \ m^3/kg[/tex]

volume at state 1 is given by:

[tex]V_1 = mV_1 = 10 \times 0.319 \\ \\ V_1 = 3.19 \ m^3[/tex]

Similarly, the specific internal energy is:

[tex]U_1 = [U_f +x_1 (U_o-Uf)] \ at \ 500.25 \ kPa[/tex]

[tex]U_1 = 639.72 +0.82 (2560.72 -639.72)[/tex]

[tex]U_1 = 2272.57 \ kJ/kg[/tex]

At state 2:

[tex]P = P_1 = P_2 = 500.25 \ kPa \\ \\ T_2 = 320^0 \ C[/tex]

Using steam tables at P = 500.25 kPa and T = 320° C

[tex]V_2 = 0.541 \ m^3/kg \\ \\ U_2 = 2835.08 \ kJ/kg[/tex]

[tex]V_2 = mV-2 = 10 \times V_2 = 5.41 \ m^3[/tex]

[tex]\text{Now; Applying the 1st law of thermodynamics to the system}[/tex]

[tex]_1Q_2 -_1W_2 = \Delta V =m(u_2-u_1) \\ \\ where;\ _1W_2 = P(V_2-V_1) \\ \\ _1Q_2 -P(V_2-V_1) = m(u_2-u_1) \\ \\ _1Q_2 - 500.25(5.91 -3.19) = 10( 2835.08 -2272.57) \\ \\ \mathbf{ _1Q_2 = 6735.66 \ kJ}[/tex]

I'm asking for a quick favor. I'm trying to understand an equation that has to do with Projectile motion, Bernoulli's principle, and Magnus Effect. Basically focused on understanding air resistance on a projectile. I would like to discuss this privately rather than have it on this public forum. I'll give you 100 of my points if you help.



Projectile motion, Bernoulli's principle, and Magnus Effect.

Sure I would be happy to discuss projectile motion!

I'll do it if you mark brainliest :) I need the points thanks

I need help!!!!!!!!!!!pleaseeeeeee


A claim is the second one
And the second one is the the 1 and 2

Which subatomic particle identifies the element?




atomic mass


a. protons.ekgfsbdbsi


A. Protons


Atomic number is an indicator of how many protons an element possesses in its nucleus. We use atomic number to identify an element. For example, carbon has 6 protons and an atomic number of 6.

A screw-jack used to lift a bus is a
A) first order lever
B) second order lever
C) pulley
D) screw





An electron, moving toward the west, enters a uniform magnetic field. Because of this field the electron curves upward. The direction of the magnetic field is An electron, moving toward the west, enters a uniform magnetic field. Because of this field the electron curves upward. The direction of the magnetic field is downward. towards the west. upward. towards the south. towards the north.



towards the north.


The uniform magnetic field has strength and direction in all points. The upwards motion of the field or he electronic curves will show a northern direction. Hence, the field can be created by taking the opposite magnetic in the two directions. The straight line of motion of the field will indicate the flow in the north direction. The magnetic field lines will remain parallel and stay uniform to poles.

If the hoop has speed vo at the bottom of
the pipe, what is its speed when it has rolled
halfway up the side of the pipe?


The speed of the hoop when it has rolled halfway up the side of the pipe is √(v₀² - gR).

Conservation of energy

The speed of the hoop when it has rolled halfway up the side of the pipe is calculated as follows;

K.E = P.E

- ¹/₂mv₀²  + ¹/₂Iω² = (mgh₀ - mghf)

- ¹/₂mv₀²  + ¹/₂Iω² = (0 - 0.5mgh)        (hf = 0.5h) (half way up)

¹/₂Iω² = ¹/₂mv₀² - 0.5mgh  


I is moment of inertia of the hoop = mr²ω is angular speed = v/r

¹/₂(mr²)(vf/r)² = ¹/₂mv₀²  - 0.5mgh

¹/₂vf²  = ¹/₂v₀² - ¹/₂gh  

vf²  = v₀² - gh

vf = √(v₀² - gh)


h is the distance traveled half-way up the pipe = R

vf = √(v₀² - gR)

[tex]v_f = \sqrt{v_0^2 - gR}[/tex]

Learn more about moment of inertia of hoop here: https://brainly.com/question/14956994

a force is applied to the right to drag a sled to the right across Loosely packed snow with a rightward acceleration (considered friction forces)​



1.67 m/s²


Total force is;

ΣF = F_f + F_a

From the free body diagram attached, we see that the frictional force F_f is acting in a negative direction.


ΣF = -15 + 30

ΣF = 15 N

Now, to get the acceleration, we will use the formula;

ΣF = ma

We are given m = 9 kg


15 = 9a

a = 15/9

a = 1.67 m/s²

A child balancing while standing on a chair is demonstrating which type of energy?
A. Potential energy,
B. Nuclear energy,
C. Electrostatic energy,



Potential Energy


A. Potential energy

If you increase the frequency of a sound wave four times, what will happen to its speed?
The speed will increase four times.
The speed will decrease four times,
C. The speed will remain the same.
The speed will increase twice.
The speed will decrease twice.


The answer is C wave frequency does not affect wave speed

An amusement park ride called the Rotor debuted in 1955 in Germany. Passengers stand in the cylindrical drum of the Rotor as it rotates around its axis. Once the Rotor reaches its operating speed, the floor drops but the riders remain pinned against the wall of the cylinder. Suppose the cylinder makes 26.0 rev/min and has a radius of 3.70 m. 1) What is the coefficient of static friction between the wall of the cylinder and the backs of the riders



μs = 0.36


While the drum is rotating, the riders, in order to keep in a circular movement, are accelerated towards the center of the drum.This acceleration is produced by the centripetal force.Now, this force is not a different type of force, is the net force acting on the riders in this direction.Since the riders have their backs against the wall, and the normal force between the riders and the wall is perpendicular to the wall and aiming out of it, it is easily seen that this normal force is the same centripetal force.In the vertical direction, we have two forces acting on the riders: the force of gravity (which we call weight) downward, and the friction force, that will oppose to the relative movement between the riders and the wall, going upward.When this force be equal to the weight, it will have the maximum possible value, which can be written as follows:

       [tex]F_{frmax} = \mu_{s}* F_{n} = m * g (1)[/tex]

where μs= coefficient of static friction (our unknown)As  we have already said Fn = Fc.The value of the centripetal force, is related with the angular velocity ω and the radius of the drum r, as follows:

      [tex]F_{n} = m* \omega^{2} * r (2)[/tex]

Replacing (2) in (1), simplifying and rearranging terms, we can solve for μs, as follows:

       [tex]\mu_{s} = \frac{g}{\omega^{2} r} (3)[/tex]

Prior to replace ω for its value, is convenient to convert it from rev/min to rad/sec, as follows:

       [tex]\omega = 26.0 \frac{rev}{min} * \frac{1min}{60 sec} *\frac{2*\pi rad }{1 rev} = 2.72 rad/sec (4)[/tex]

Replacing g, ω and r in (3):[tex]\mu_{s} = \frac{g}{\omega^{2} r} = \frac{9.8m/s2}{(2.72rad/sec)^{2} *3.7 m} = 0.36 (5)[/tex]

The part of the eye that gives its shape is the:


The body is the largest part of the eye and gives the eye its shape.

3. A woman drove her car from home to her daughter's school. The odometre on her dashboard says she travelled 4.5 km to do this. She then immediately drove back home, using a different route, which was 5.5 km long. The whole journey took 30 minutes.

a. What distance did she travel?

b. What was her displacement?

C. What was her average speed during the journey?



Look Below -->


a. She traveled 10 km, add 4.5 km + 5.5 km = 10 km (Distance is the total units travelled, so just add them all up :) )

b. Her displacement is  0 km because she went back home. (Displacement is the difference between the end and starting points)

c. 3 km/hr (30 minutes / 10 km)

He-Ne Laser device emits photons of wave length 632.8 nm by rate 4.5 x 1020 photon/s, so
the power of the laser beam =
a. 3.14 W
b. 141.3 W
c. 314.1 w
d. 431.4 W​


Answer: Option b.


We know:

Wavelength = 632.8 nm

Fluence = 4.5*10^20 photon/s

The energy of a single photon of wavelength λ is:

E = (h*c)/λ


h = 6.6*10^(-34) J*s

c = 3*10^8 m/s

And we should rewrite the wave length in meters, so:

λ = 632.8 nm = 632.8*10^(-9) m

replacing these in the energy equation, we get:

E = (6.6*10^(-34)J*s)*(3*10^8 m/s)/(632.8*10^(-9) m) = 3.13*10^(-19) J

So each one of the  4.5x10^20 photon that flow each second have this energy, then the power is:

P = (3.13*10^(-19) J)*(4.5*10^20 /s) = 140.85 J/s

and 1 W = 140.85 J/S

Then the power is:

P = 140.85 W

Then the correct answer is the option b, where the units are a little bit different than mine because I used really simplified values for c and h.




Stellar black holes form when the center of a very massive star collapses in upon itself.


A black hole can be formed by the death of a massive star. When such a star has exhausted the internal thermonuclear fuels in its core at the end of its life, the core becomes unstable and gravitationally collapses inward upon itself, and the star's outer layers are blown away.


3. If a spring extends by 3 cm when a 4 N weight is suspended from it, find the extension
when the weight is changed to
(a) 8 N
(b) 10 N
(c) 14 N


8N - 6cm
10N - 7.5cm
14N - 10.5cm

Reporting fake answers


The period, speed and acceleration of a satellite are only dependent upon the radius of orbit and the mass of the central body that the satellite is orbiting. I hope this helps. Sorry if i am wrong.

In what order were the following energy sources
discovered by humans


There’s no order to go off of...

What is the wavelength of this wave



Actually Welcome to the Concept of the Waves.

Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive crest or trough.

hence, here the distance is 10cm

So the wavelength is 10cm

===> 10 cm

Suppose that a uniform rope of length L resting on a frictionless horizontal surface, is accelerated along the direction of its length by means of a force F, pulling it at one end. A mass M is accelerated by the rope. Assuming the mass of the rope to be m and the acceleration is a. Stated in terms of the product ma, what is the tension in the rope at the position 0.3 L from the end where the force F is applied if the mass M is 1.5 times the mass of the rope m?



2.2 ma


Given :

Length of the rope = L

Mass of the rope = m

Mass of the object pulled by the rope = M

M = 1.5 m

So, L [tex]$\rightarrow$[/tex] m

For unit length [tex]$\rightarrow \frac{m}{L}$[/tex]

∴ 0.3 L = [tex]$0.3 \ L \left(\frac{m}{L}\right)$[/tex]

            = 0.3 m

And for remaining 0.7 L =  [tex]$0.7 \ L \left(\frac{m}{L}\right)$[/tex]

            = 0.7 m

By Newtons law of motion,

F - T = ( 0.3 m) a .........(1)

T = ( M + 0.7 m) a

T = ( 1.5 m + 0.7 m) a

T = ( 2.2 m ) a  ..............(2)

So from equation (1) and (2), we have

Tension on the rope

T = 2.2 ma

The spacecraft was moved closer to the launcher by the same amount Wednesday as it was on Tuesday, and yet its speed went up much more. Claim 3 suggests that the magnetic force was much stronger on Wednesday than on Tuesday.

Consider the two subclaims for Claim 3 and answer the question below.

Claim 3.A: The magnetic force was much stronger on Wednesday because the magnet was stronger.
Claim 3.B: The magnetic force was much stronger on Wednesday because the magnetic force is stronger closer to the magnets.

Which claim do you think is more convincing, and why?



The magnetic force was much stronger on Wednesday because the magnetic force is stronger closer to the magnets.


The magnetic force was much stronger on Wednesday than on Tuesday because the magnetic force is stronger closer to the magnets. Therefore claim 3B is more convincing.

What is magnetic force?

Magnetic force can be described as a consequence of electromagnetic force which is caused due to the motion of charges. A moving charge surrounds itself with a magnetic field and the force that arises due to interacting magnetic fields.

The magnetic force between two moving charges is the effect exerted upon either charge by a magnetic field generated by the other. The magnetic force depends on the charge, the motion of each of the objects, and the separation between them.

The magnitude of the force is determined by the cross product of velocity and the magnetic field is equal to q.[v × B]. The resultant force can be described as perpendicular to the direction of the velocity and the magnetic field.

Therefore, the magnetic force was much stronger closer to the magnets.

Learn more about magnetic force, here:



Help please :)

Infrared waves are transmitted by ....... ?


Infrared light is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and is an electromagnetic form of radiation. It comes from the heat and thermal radiation, and it is not visible to the naked eyes. In infrared transmission, senders can be simple light emitting diodes (LEDs) or laser diodes. Photodiodes act as receivers.
Infrared light is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and is an electromagnetic form of radiation. It comes from the heat and thermal radiation, and it is not visible to the naked eyes. In infrared transmission, senders can be simple light emitting diodes (LEDs) or laser diodes. Photodiodes act as receivers.

As a sports car travels along a level stretch of road with constant speed, most of the power developed by the engine is used to compensate for the energy transformations due to friction forces exerted on the sports car by the air and the road. If the power developed by the engine is 0.824 hp, calculate the total friction force acting on the sports car (in N) when it is moving at a speed of 30 m/s. One horsepower equals 746 W.



20.49 N


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Power (P) = 0.824 hp

Velocity (v) = 30 m/s

1 h = 746 W

Force (F) =?

Next, we shall convert 0.824 hp to Watts (W). This can be obtained as follow:

1 h = 746 W


0.824 hp = 0.824 hp × 746 W / 1 h

0.824 hp = 614.704 W

Finally, we shall determine the force as follow:

Power (P) = 614.704 W

Velocity (v) = 30 m/s

Force (F) =?

P = F × v

614.704 = F × 30

Divide both side by 30

F = 614.704 / 30

F = 20.49 N

HELP - What are some good topics to add to a Pipeline presentation? So yes, a presentation about pipelines, like for example in the US. Have any ideas??


Talk about the jobs that pipeline construction provides to citizens and wether or not it’s effects are ultimately eco-friendly

You start biking at the top of a steep hill. As you travel downhill, you apply
your brakes to control your speed. What are the energy transformations
taking place in this system?
A. Kinetic energy to mechanical energy to chemical energy
B. Potential energy to kinetic energy to heat energy
C. Thermal energy to mechanical energy to potential energy
D. Electric energy to kinetic energy to chemical energy


The answer is A I hope this helps.

While sitting in a boat, a fisherman observes that 2 complete waves pass by his position every 4 seconds. What is the period of these waves?A)2s B)8s C) 0.5 s D) 4s​





Because 2 waves 4 secs means 1 in 2s

The period of these waves is 2s. and The right option is A)2s.

The period of a wave is the time taken by a wave to complete one cycle.

The formula of period from the question is given below.

⇒ Formula:

T = t/2.................... Equation 1

⇒ Where:

T  = Period of the wavet = time taken for two complete oscillation

From the question,

⇒ Given:

t = 4 seconds.

⇒ Substitute these value above into equation 1

T = 4/2T = 2 seconds.

Hence, The period of these waves is 2s.

The right option is A)2s

Learn more about period here: https://brainly.com/question/22059232

when is an object considered to be in motion​



An object is considered to be in motion only when its position changes over time with reference to a point which will be known as orgin

The amplitude of a wave
determines the volume of a
O False


true the amplitude of a wave determines the volume of a sound

Netwtons 1st law of motion



Newton's first law states that, if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by a force. This postulate is known as the law of inertia.


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