what will happen if the ecological relationships on ecosystem stop functioning


Answer 1

A mutualistic relationship between species in an ecosystem allows for ecosystem to thrive, but lack of this relationship could lead to collapse of the entire system

Ecological imbalance is when a natural- or human-caused disturbance disrupts natural balance of an ecosystem.

The balance of an ecosystem can be disrupted by the natural or human-caused disturbances.

If species disappears or new species is introduced it can shift an ecosystem to state of ecological imbalance.

If ecological balance is not maintained:

Disturbances of ecological balance include loss of primary producers, loss of habitat, introduction of invasive species, anthropogenic changes, natural disasters, loss of species diversity.

learn more about ecological relationship at



Related Questions

a student proposes that left-handedness is a recessive trait. a survey of a class of 36 students finds that 27 (0.75) are right-handed and 9 (0.25) are left-handed. using the hardy-weinberg formula, what would the expected genotype and allele frequencies be in this theoretical population


0.25 right-handed homozygous, 0.50 heterozygous, and 0.25 recessive homozygous for a 0.5 allele frequency for each allele.

The genotype of an organism is its complete set of genetic material. Genotype can also be used to refer to the alleles or variants an individual carries in a particular gene or genetic location.

The number of alleles an individual can have in a specific gene depends on the number of copies of each chromosome found in that species, also referred to as ploidy.

In diploid species like humans, two full sets of chromosomes are present, meaning each individual has two alleles for any given gene. If both alleles are the same, the genotype is referred to as homozygous. If the alleles are different, the genotype is referred to as heterozygous.

Learn more about genotype to visit this link



which disorder has traits that are found primarily under neuroticism in the five-factor model of personality?


Borderline personality disorder has traits that are found primarily under neuroticism in the five-factor model of personality.

Borderline personality disorder is a mental state disorder that impacts the method you think that and feel regarding yourself et al, inflicting issues functioning in way of life. It includes self-image problems, issue managing emotions and behavior, and a pattern of unstable relationships.

The five-factor model of personality breaks temperament down into 5 components: Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, extroversion, Openness, and Stress Tolerance. temperament tests that are supported this model measure wherever a personal lies on the spectrum of every of the 5 traits.

To learn more about Borderline personality disorder here



which scenario might slow population growth? select all that apply. adaptation that allows the population to gather nutrients more efficiently agricultural runoff providing additional nutrient resources competition within species for the same resources


The younger population will also decrease due to the high number of women dying during their reproductive years and the decreased likelihood that infected offspring would survive. Lower growth rates will be the outcome of some populations' altered age and sex structures.

These options are all viable possibilities. - It could cause "dead zones" devoid of aquatic life. It improves the health and species variety of aquatic environments. Which of the following statements best describes how an atmosphere rich in oxygen came to be? The rates of photosynthesis were higher than the rates of oxygen consumption. When: fewer children are born; families with children relocate to larger towns and cities; young, more educated people move to larger towns and cities, the population's size and demographics change.The absence of nutrients in a body of water does not cause eutrophication.

To learn more about reproductive click the link below:



When the lobes of two p orbitals are in the same phase and overlap side-by-side, the orbital that is formed has a _____ dissociation energy compared to the σ∗ molecular orbital formed from the out-of-phase direct overlap of the two p orbitals.


When the lobes of two p orbitals are in the same phase and overlap side-by-side, the orbital that is formed has a less dissociation energy compared to the σ∗ molecular orbital formed from the out-of-phase direct overlap of the two p orbitals.

Orbital is the location of an electron in the three dimensional space around an atom. Thus, orbital is simply the address of electron. There are 4 orbitals that an electron can occupy: s, p, d and f. Besides location, orbital also describes the wave nature of electron.

Dissociation energy is defined as the energy released when a bond is broken between two atoms or molecule. Since energy is released in the process, it is an endothermic reaction.

To know more about dissociation energy, here



In a genome-wide expression study using a dna microarray assay, what is each spot used to detect?


In a genome-wide expression study using a DNA microarray assay, each spot is used to detect D) expression of a specific gene by a cell.

A DNA microarray assay can be described as an assay technique in which each of gene of an organism can be studied.

Each gene that is present inside an organism is distributed or captured in a well-known spot using the DNA microarray technique. This is because there is a complementary sequence present in each well for each gene.

We can study the expression of a specific kind of gene as the entire genomic sequence is separated into spots using the DNA microarray assay.

Although a part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this question:

In a genome-wide expression study using a DNA microarray assay, what is each spot used to detect?

A) fate of proteins produced by a cell.

B) location of a protein produced by a cell.

C) location of a gene within a cell.

D) expression of a specific gene by a cell.

E) type of chemical modification of proteins produced by a cell.

To learn more about microarray, click here:



if you want to find the best time of year to visit Thailand, which method of forecasting would be the best to use? Explain your answer.


If you want to find the best time of year to visit Thailand straight line method of forecasting would be the best one to use.

What is forecasting?

Forecasting is a technique by it is  that uses historically figured data as inputs to the  make informed estimated that is  predictive in the  determining the direction of the future trends. Businesses utilizes of the forecasting to determine the how to allocate theirs budgets or plan for the  anticipates expenses foran upcoming period of time.

The straight-line method is the  one of the simplest and the  it is  easy-to-follow by  the of forecasting methods. As a financial analysing the touses a historically figured by thetrends to the prediction of  future revenue of the growth.

To know more about forecasting click-



What is similar DNA sequence?


The similar DNA sequence is the similarity analysis of DNA sequences compares unknown DNA sequences with known ones to infer the functions of unknown ones.

It can also provide evolutionary information about the same gene sequence in different species, which is a fundamental method to understand the biological information in DNA sequences. The terms "homologous" (shared by ancestry) or "comparable" refer to similar anatomy present in distinct species (shared due to similar selective pressures).

Evidence for the common ancestry of life comes from molecular commonalities. The relationship between several species can be revealed by comparing their DNA sequences. Common ancestry can be proven by similar DNA sequences in genes. The accumulation of differences has caused all living things to share a common ancestor.

Learn to know more about DNA sequences on



Craniofacial size has reduced over the course of human evolution, including during the transition from foraging to farming. Place the sequence of events following the dietary transition in chronological order to show how craniofacial growth became reduced. size has reduced over the course of human evolution, including during the transition from foraging to farming. Place the sequence of events following the dietary transition in chronological order to show how craniofacial growth became reduced.


Consuming food that was less difficult to chew, putting less stress on the jaw bones and muscles involved in chewing.

Why do people get craniofacial disorders?

The infant's skull or face bones fuse together prematurely or in an incorrect fashion, resulting in craniofacial abnormalities such craniosynostosis. An newborn may experience neurological issues if the bones fuse together too early, which can cause harm to the developing brain since it cannot properly expand.

What exactly is cranial-facial?

The bones of the skull and face are referred to as craniofacial in medicine. Birth defects of the face or head are referred to as cranial abnormalities. Some birth abnormalities are among the most prevalent, including cleft lip and palate. Some are quite uncommon.

To know more about Craniofacial visit:



max is competing in a chin-up competition. what type of muscle contractions are occurring in his biceps muscles, 1) immediately after he grabs the bar , 2) as his body moves upward toward the bar , and 3) when his body begins to descend back toward the floor


The muscle contractions which occurs in his bicep muscles, immediately after he grabs the bar occur isometrically in the biceps.

The contractions as his body moves upwards towards the bar occurs isotonically and concentrically. The contractions when his body begins to descend back toward the floor causes the biceps to contract isotonically and eccentrically. The contractions which involves shortening of the muscles are referred to as isotonic or concentric contractions. It is felt mainly during squats, bicep curls etc. Eccentric contraction tends to occur when the total length of the muscle increases when tension is produced in them. It is felt mainly during lower body movements such as downhill running, downwards squats etc.

Learn more about Eccentric contraction at:



Reactive oxygen intermediates and reactive nitrogen intermediates produced by phagocytic cells are effective in killing invading microorganisms. True /False


The statement reactive oxygen intermediates and reactive nitrogen intermediates produced by phagocytic cells are effective in killing invading microorganisms is true.

An enzyme called a NO synthase converts L⁻ arginine into the reactive nitrogen intermediate (RNI) nitric oxide (NO. ), which is then followed by secondary reactions that result in the formation of the hazardous intermediates nitrite (NO₂⁻ and nitrate. But nitrite also has hazardous qualities. The successive 1-electron reduction products of O₂ on the way to producing water are known as reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) (see inset). Hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂), the hydroxyl radical (•OH), and the superoxide anion radical are examples of ROI.

Want to know more about intermediates visit the link given below;



what is the expected functional consequence of movement of a transposable element within the genome?


A transposable element is a segment of DNA that can move or “jump” from one location in the genome to another. This phenomenon, known as transposition, is an important process in the evolution of many organisms, and it can have a variety of functional consequences.

The most common outcome of transposition is the alteration or disruption of gene expression. Transposable elements can insert themselves into gene coding regions, causing a change in the sequence of the gene and potentially altering its expression. This can result in the production of an aberrant protein, or it can prevent the production of a functional protein altogether. In either case, this alteration of gene expression can lead to changes in the function of the organism.

Transposable elements can also affect gene expression indirectly. For example, they can insert themselves into regulatory sequences, such as promoters or enhancers, and alter the binding of transcription factors that control gene expression. This can result in changes in gene expression without altering the coding sequence of the gene.

In addition to altering gene expression, transposition can also lead to genetic rearrangements. Transposition can cause deletions, inversions, or duplications of a gene, as well as large-scale chromosomal rearrangements. These rearrangements can have a variety of functional consequences, including the activation or inactivation of specific genes.

Finally, transposition can lead to the formation of novel genetic elements. Transposable elements can generate new combinations of genetic sequences, which can lead to the creation of new genes or regulatory sequences. This can result in new functions for the organism, and can be an important source of evolutionary innovation.

Learn more about regulatory sequences at :https://brainly.com/question/12416838


What do you mean by polypeptide and amino acids?


Polypeptides make up proteins, and amino acids are the fundamental building blocks of polypeptides.

A peptide is a group of two or more amino acids bound together by peptide bonds, while a polypeptide is a chain of several amino acids. A protein is made up of one or even more polypeptides. Proteins are therefore big strands of amino acid residues joined by peptide bonds.

Through a series of peptide bonds, amino acids come together to form polypeptides, another term for proteins. The polypeptide will subsequently fold into a particular shape depending on the linkages between both the side chains of the amino acids.

Learn more about polypeptides at



17 of 7017 of 70 Items

Which event is most likely to decrease the amount of sunlight that reaches Earth's surface?



A solar eclipse.


how does a dually innervated autonomic effector differ from a singly innervated autonomic effector? group of answer choices a dually innervated effector receives input from both sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways. a singly innervated autonomic effector receives input from only the sympathetic division. a dually innervated effector receives input from both sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways. a singly innervated autonomic effector receives input from only the parasympathetic division. a dually innervated effector utilizes both acetylcholine and norepinephrine as neurotransmitters. a singly innervated autonomic effector utilizes only acetylcholine. a dually innervated effector utilizes both acetylcholine and norepinephrine as neurotransmitters. a singly innervated autonomic effector uses only norepinephrine.


A dually innervated effector receives input from both sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways. The option (B) is correct.

What are sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways?

Sympathetic pathways leave the central nervous system via preganglionic neurons located in the intermediolateral columns of the spinal cord from thoracic to mid-lumbar levels.  

The parasympathetic nervous system consists of many pathways that connect its craniosacral components with the peripheral tissues. Each parasympathetic pathway consists of two neurons, the presynaptic (preganglionic) and postsynaptic (postganglionic) neurons.

Therefore, the parasympathetic pathway is responsible for relaxing the body, while the sympathetic pathway is responsible for preparing for an emergency.

Learn more about sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways:



chaparral vegetation occurs around much of the central valley of central and southern california. this biome is very similar to that found


Chaparral vegetation occurs around much of the central valley of central and southern California. This biome is very similar to that found: in the Mediterranean region.

Chaparral vegetation is composed of the shrubs that have hard stems and leathery leaves. The climate here is comprised of dry hot summers and mild wet winters. Chaparral can be categorized as woodland but rich in shrubs.

Biome is defined as an area that has its unique species of plants and animals that reside their due to the suitable physical factors like the soil, climate, etc. Biome is also known by the name major life zone.

To know more about biome, here



which type of filament is more permanent than other filaments and can maintain the cell structure even after the cell dies


Type of filament is more permanent than other filaments and can maintain the cell structure even after the cell dies is  Intermediate filaments

The intermediate filaments are a permanent part of the cytoskeleton and help provide structure for the cell. They are also essential in anchoring the cell to other cells, called cell cohesion, and to the extracellular matrix.

Intermediate filaments are more permanent fixtures of the cytoskeleton than are the other two classes. They reinforce cell shape and fix organelle location.Intermediate filaments have a diameter of about 10 nm, which is intermediate between the diameters of the two other principal elements of the cytoskeleton, actin filaments (about 7 nm) and microtubules (about 25 nm). In contrast to actin filaments and microtubules, the intermediate filaments are not directly involved in cell movements. Instead, they appear to play basically a structural role by providing mechanical strength to cells and tissues.

Find more about Intermediate filaments



2. A biologist studied a nonnative plant species growing on a riverbed. She studied the plant over three years, measuring average growth, monitoring water quality, and observing the effect of this plant on other river organisms. The biologist concluded that the plant was invasive and that it was lowering the amount of oxygen in the river. She wants river authorities to remove the plant to keep it from spreading to other rivers and lakes. River authorities want proof that the explanation is valid. Which of these is the BEST way for the biologist to get validity for this study?


According to the Biologist Cell function is often compared to the operation of a factory or city as Nucleus. It should be compared to a neighborhood. Thus, option C is correct.

What are centrioles?

Centrioles are small, cylindrical cell organelles, present near the nuclei of animal cells. They are involved in formation of spindle fibers at the time of cell division that help in proper separation of chromosomes during cell division. Plant cells do not have centrioles.

Nucleus and ribosomes are present in both animal and plant cells, while cell wall is found only in plant cell. Thus, the organelle in diagram that should be listed under 'animal only' will be 'centriole.'

Therefore, Cell function is often compared to the operation of a factory or city as Nucleus. It should be compared to a neighborhood. Thus, option C is correct.

Learn more about  Cell function on:



What are the 4 characteristics of hypothesis?


The number one capabilities of a hypothesis speculation are falsifiability and testability, which might be contemplated in an assertion summarizing the concept and withinside the capacity to be supported or refuted thru statement and experimentation.

Following are the traits of the speculation: The speculation must be clean and unique to don't forget it to be reliable. If the speculation is a relational speculation, then it must be pointing out the connection among variables. The speculation need to be precise and must have scope for accomplishing extra tests.

A exact Hypothesis need to own the subsequent traits – 1.It is in no way formulated withinside the shape of a question. 2.It must be empirically testable, whether or not it's far proper or wrong. 3.It must be precise and unique. 4.It must specify variables among which the connection is to be established.

Read more about hypothesis:



how does the models support the idea that genetic mutations may arise from environmental factors?


The models support the idea that genetic mutations may arise from environmental factors in environmental factors, genetic mutations, and so on.

Firstly, the models suggest that environmental factors may cause gene mutations through direct damage to the DNA. This direct damage can be caused by several external sources, such as ultraviolet radiation, chemicals, and toxins.

The models also support the idea that genetic mutations can arise due to indirect environmental factors. These can include changes in the cell’s environment, such as changes in temperature, pressure, or nutrient availability. These environmental changes can affect the expression of certain genes, leading to mutations.

The models also suggest that environmental factors can cause mutations through epigenetic changes. Epigenetic changes are changes in gene expression that can be caused by environmental factors such as diet, stress, and toxins. These changes can lead to genetic mutations, which can then be passed on to future generations.

Finally, the models suggest that genetic mutations can be caused by changes in the genetic code itself. This can happen when a mutation occurs in the DNA sequence of a gene, causing it to become different from its original state. This type of mutation is called a point mutation and can be caused by factors such as radiation or chemicals.

Overall, the models suggest that environmental factors can cause genetic mutations in a variety of ways. By understanding how these mutations occur, scientists can better understand the effects of environmental factors on our health and the health of future generations.

To know more about mutation, click below:



what kind of molecule is g3p?
Where does a plant get the carbon dioxide that it needs for the dark reaction of photosynthesis?
cam plants close their _____ during the day and open them at night.
why is the dark reaction called a cycle?
Which of the following statements concerning the electron transport chain is false?
a. The final electron acceptor is oxygen.
b. Each NADH yields three ATP molecules.
c. Each FADH2 yields two ATP molecules.
d. The electron transport chain will work whether oxygen is present or not.


G3P refers to Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, which is a monophosphate ester. It is a three carbon sugar molecule with molecular formula C₃H₇O₆P. It has high importance in Calvin cycle.

Plants get their carbon dioxide from atmosphere which is captured by the stroma of the chloroplast and then it is utilized in the Calvin cycle. In CAM plants, stomata open during dark and remain closed during day. In photosynthesis, dark reaction is named so because it is independent of light and it ensures assimilation of carbon dioxide and production of glucose. It is also known as Calvin cycle. The statement concerning the electron transport chain that the electron transport chain will work whether oxygen is present or not is false, which suggests option D is the right answer.

Learn more about G3P at:



When the membrane moves, the on the spiral organ hair cells distort because they are anchored by the tectorial membrane.
a. true
b. false


When the membrane moves, the stereocilia on the spiral organ hair cells distort because they are anchored by the tectorial membrane. Thus, the given statement is true.

What is tectorial membrane?

The tectorial membrane of the inner ear is a ribbon-like strip of extracellular matrix which spirals along the entire length of the cochlea of the ear.

The spiral organ in the ear is also called the organ of Corti, it is defined as the receptor organ for hearing sound, which is located in the cochlea of the ear.

The spiral organ is made up of hair cells which are made up of sensory epithelial cells that act as the sensory receptor of the inner ear.

During transport of sound from ear drum, the movement of the basilar membrane lead to change in the spiral hair cells because they are anchored by the tectorial membrane of the inner ear.

Learn more about Tectorial membrane here:



which bone cells are responsible for laying down new bone for growth and repair?


Osteoblasts and osteoclasts, two cell types found in bones, control bone development. Osteoblasts build new bone tissue by putting down collagen and other crucial chemical compounds, whereas osteoclasts remove old bone tissue.

What is osteoblast?

Osteocytes are cells that are "entrapped" by osteoblasts and are found inside the bone itself. Through the coordinated operations of bone cells, bone resorption by osteoclasts, and bone formation, bone tissue is continuously rebuilt. Bones grow, are shaped, and are maintained by osteoblast, osteoclast, osteocyte, and osteoprogenitor bone cells. The thickness of the cortical layer, bone growth, and structural integrity are all significantly influenced by bone-forming cells, including osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Osteoblasts, which create new bone, are derived from bone marrow precursor cells.

To learn more about osteoblast from given link



which concentration technique is most commonly used for cerebrospinal fluid evaluation using a glass cylinder attached to a microscope slide with paraffin wax


There are various methods for obtaining a CSF sample. The most used technique is a lumbar puncture (spinal tapping). To take the exam, you will lie on your side with your chin tucked under and your legs were drawn up toward your chest.

Typically, tubes 1 through 3 or 4 are pre-numbered for CSF aspiration, with tube 1 being the first filled. If at all feasible, save tube 1 for experimental procedures. Testing for chemistry and immunology can be done in tube 2. Microbiology tests can be performed using Tube 3. For calculating the total protein in cerebrospinal fluid, three turbidometric techniques including one utilizing UV spectrophotometry have been investigated. The ultraviolet approach can't be used regularly because it requires pre-dialysis.

To learn more about UV spectrophotometry it, follow the below link:



Multigene families include two or more nearly identical genes or genes sharing nearly identical
sequences. A classical example is the set of genes for globin molecules, including genes on human
chromosomes 11 and 16.
How might identical and obviously duplicated gene sequences have gotten from one
chromosome to another?


By chromosomal translocation, the duplicated gene sequences might have gotten from one chromosome to another.

When a chromosome splits and is partially or completely reattached to a separate chromosome, this is referred to as a chromosome translocation.

Two alpha (α) and two beta (β) polypeptide chains make up adult hemoglobin. On chromosome 16, there are two copies of the hemoglobin alpha gene (HBA1 and HBA2), each of which codes for an α-chain. On chromosome 11, the hemoglobin beta gene (HBB) encodes the β-chain.  The mutation in chromosome 16 and chromosome 11 causes α- and β-globin gene clusters by translocation to cause thalassemia.

Therefore, the answer is chromosomal translocation.

To know more about chromosomal translocation:



Is fire thermal or chemical energy?


Fire is a chemical process that produces carbon dioxide and water from a fuel and oxygen. It is an exothermic process, which means it generates heat.

Fire is a chemical process that requires three fundamental components: oxygen, fuel, and heat. Because oxygen is present almost everywhere on Earth that is not buried or underwater, and many objects are made of fuel (everything that burns), those items are just waiting for enough heat to cause them to burn.

Fire needs heat to burn, but it also generates heat. That is how fire can both maintain itself and spread. When one thing catches fire, it continually radiates heat to its surrounds.

If an object made of fuel (such as wood, paper, or cloth) is nearby and warms up sufficiently, it will begin to burn. Every flammable object that is sufficiently heated in an oxygen-rich atmosphere will catch fire.

learn more about exothermic process https://brainly.com/question/2924714


which glands secrete their product by way of a duct directly onto an epithelial surface?


The answer is Exocrine Glands

many neurons of joints help to inform the brain about the activity of the joint, including pain or position of the joint. these types of neurons are classified as _____________________ neurons.


Many neurons of joints help to inform the brain about the activity of the joint, including pain or position of the joint. These types of neurons are classified as afferent neurons.

Neurons are the nerve cells that are the building blocks of the nervous system. These cells perform the function of transmission of impulses to and from the brain. The neurons are also the largest cell in the body. The structure of neurons is composed of cell body, dendrites, axon and axon terminal.

Afferent nerves or neurons are the cells that collect the information from the outside world and bring it as signal to the brain. Their path begins from the sensory receptors and ends to the different parts of the brain.

To know more about neurons, here



After proteins are made they must be sorted and packaged in preparation for use by the cell.
a. true
b. false


Proteins are produced on the endoplasmic reticulum. These are synthesized by the ribosomes. After proteins are made, they must be sorted and packaged in preparation for use by the cell. Therefore, the given statement is true.

The place, where the sorting and packaging of the proteins take place is called golgi bodies. Newly formed proteins in the ER are mainly glycoproteins. These glycoproteins are processed and changed in the golgi bodies.

The sorting and processing of the proteins are important because the proteins need to be transported to their final location so that these can be used there. These sorted-out proteins are packed into different types of vesicles that can transfer the proteins to their respective final destinations.

Hence, the answer is (a).

To know more about golgi bodies, visit: https://brainly.com/question/143804


autocrine stimulation is the ability of cancer cells to: a. stimulate secretions that turn off normal growth inhibitors. b. secrete growth factors that stimulate their own growth. c. divert nutrients away from normal tissue for their own use. d. stimulate angiogenesis to create their own blood supply.


The autocrine stimulation is the ability of cancer cells to Secrete increase elements that stimulate their very own increase.

Cancer cells should have mutations that allow them to proliferate withinside the absence of outside increase signals. To reap this, a few cancers accumulate the cappotential to secrete increase elements that stimulate their very own increase, a manner referred to as autocrine stimulation. The final alternatives do now no longer describe autocrine stimulation.

Autocrine stimulation refers to high quality autocrine secretion, which features to stimulate mobileular growth. Many of the high quality autocrine loops were tested in human colorectal carcinoma (CRC), which can be taken into consideration to play an critical position withinside the initiation and development of the cancer.

Read more about cancer:



how can you tell whether the test microorganism was sensitive or resistant to the chemotherapeutic agent


by the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion, you tell whether the test microorganism was sensitive or resistant to the chemotherapeutic agent

The Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion susceptibility test is designed to evaluate the susceptibility or resistance of pathogenic aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria to various antimicrobial compounds.

This information can then be used to help a doctor decide on the best course of treatment for a patient. In the Kirby-Bauer test, bacteria are put on a solid growth media plate, and then antibiotic wafers (seen as white disks) are added to the plate. Areas of clear media surrounding the disks show that the antibiotic prevents bacterial growth after allowing the germs to develop overnight. When testing for antibiotic susceptibility in the lab, we employ both the Kirby-Bauer test and the disk diffusion test. All of its findings indicate that the target-tested antibiotics were diffused on Muller Hinton Agar plates.

learn about anaerobic here;



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