By Frederick Douglass
Extract from an Oration, at Rochester, July 5, 1852

Fellow-Citizens—Pardon me, and allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here to-day? What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? and am I, therefore, called upon to bring our humble offering to the national altar, and to confess the benefits, and express devout gratitude for the blessings, resulting from your independence to us?

But, such is not the state of the case. I say it with a sad sense of the disparity between us. I am not included within the pale of this glorious anniversary! Your high independence only reveals the immeasurable distance between us. The blessings in which you this day rejoice, are not enjoyed in common. The rich inheritance of justice, liberty, prosperity, and independence, bequeathed by your fathers, is shared by you, not by me. The sunlight that brought life and healing to you, has brought stripes and death to me. This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn. To drag a man in fetters into the grand illuminated temple of liberty, and call upon him to join you in joyous anthems, were inhuman mockery and sacrilegious irony. Do you mean, citizens, to mock me, by asking me to speak to-day? ...

Fellow-citizens, above your national, tumultuous joy, I hear the mournful wail of millions, whose chains, heavy and grievous yesterday, are to-day rendered more intolerable by the jubilant shouts that reach them. If I do forget, if I do not faithfully remember those bleeding children of sorrow this day, "may my right hand forget her cunning, and may my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth!" To forget them, to pass lightly over their wrongs, and to chime in with the popular theme, would be treason most scandalous and shocking, and would make me a reproach before God and the world. My subject, then, fellow-citizens, is AMERICAN SLAVERY. I shall see this day and its popular characteristics from the slave's point of view. Standing there, identified with the American bondman, making his wrongs mine, I do not hesitate to declare, with all my soul, that the character and conduct of this nation never looked blacker to me than on this Fourth of July. Whether we turn to the declarations of the past, or to the professions of the present, the conduct of the nation seems equally hideous and revolting.

Read the following line from the text:

I am not included within the pale of this glorious anniversary! Your high independence only reveals the immeasurable distance between us.

Why does Douglass say he is not included? (5 points)

He cannot relate to the sorrow the country feels for their misguided policies on slavery.
He was told by someone in the crowd to leave.
He feels disconnected from a nation that has endorsed slavery.
He feels uncertain of his own nationality in such a melting pot of a country.


Answer 1


The reason why Douglass says he is not included it:

C. He feels disconnected from a nation that has endorsed slavery.


Douglass was a former slave fighting for the abolition of slavery in America. Invited to give a speech celebrating America's independence from England, Douglass felt disconnected. How could he celebrate freedom when that freedom was selective? Slaves were not free. They were working for and dying in the hands of people who saw them as inferior, as possessions. How come those very people now want a former slave to celebrate with them as if others are not suffering? That is why Douglass says he is not included in the celebration. As a matter of fact, that very celebration clearly shows how different it felt to be white and to be black in America.

Related Questions

Isn’t this puppy so adorable?!




I’m failing math


I can confirm that puppy is absolutely adourable

Which of the following is not one of the most common symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder?
A. repetitive behavioral acts to relieve stress
B. elevated emotions of anger or guilt
C. issues with social relationships
D. flashbacks of a traumatic event

the answer is: A. repetitive behavioral acts to relieve stress



the answer is: A. repetitive behavioral acts to relieve stress


The answer choice that is not one of the most common symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder is A. repetitive behavioral acts to relieve stress

What is PTSD?

This is an acronym that means posttraumatic stress disorder and refers to the aftereffects of a person in a high-stress situation such as war.

Hence, we can note that since one of the most common people that has PTSD, the most common symptom has always been elevated emotions of anger or guilt and repetitive behavioral acts to relieve stress is NOT a symptom.

Read more about PTSD here:

Which option most accurately demonstrates how poet William Blake views the practice of forced child labor in "The Chimney Sweeper" (Songs of Experience)?


Answer: A. Blake is outraged by the fact that families allow and encourage child labor.


In this poem by William Blake, he hopes to expose the corrupting influences of the Church on families as they lead families away from providing the best they can for their children and instead condoning child labor with the Chimney sweepers being the focus.

Blake is outraged that the families cannot see what they are doing to their children by putting religion above the children's happiness and instead pushing them to engage in child labor.  

Read the two excerpts from an essay and select a transitional word that will establish a smooth link between them.

A theme of Shelley’s Frankenstein is man’s indifference and injustice to outsiders, as represented by the monster, which doesn’t belong to the human society. The book paints a bleak portrait of man’s relationship with outsiders.

The monster’s estrangement from society, his unrealized desire for a companion to share his life with, and his ongoing struggle for revenge, are all shared by his creator! As the story moves, Victor becomes more and more like his creator. Both of them live in complete isolation from the society.



i think its B sorry if i am wrong



I think it is C. However


This is the only option that makes sense to me.

The excerpt shows evidence that it is from a Greek
myth because



There is no excerpt



The excerpt shows evidence that it is from a Greek myth because the gods interact with humans. Explanation: In Greek mythology, it is indeed very common for gods to interact with humans. In famous epic poems, such as The Iliad and They Odyssey, for instance, gods are constantly interfering in human affairs directly.


How does the author of "Solar-Powered Public Buildings? Not So Fast, California!" support the claim that an increase in solar power usage could disrupt power delivery to individuals and organizations?


Hello. You forgot to enter the answer options. The options are:

ineffective, because the author relies only on personal opinions rather than facts to point out problems with solar power . ineffective, because the author supports the opposing viewpoint by introducing the idea that solar power is popular . effective, because the author reveals the significant costs of readying California’s public buildings to run on solar power  effective, because the author shows that less than half of California’s energy supply comes from solar power.


effective, because the author reveals the significant costs of readying California’s public buildings to run on solar power


The author of the text presents evidence on how the use of solar energy is expensive, which often makes it difficult to use this type of energy in buildings, especially public predictions. This could be a problem in California, where the demand for solar energy is high and there are many advocates who advocate the use of this energy without taking into account the expenses to maintain an uninterrupted supply of it.


effective, because the author reveals the significant costs of readying California’s public buildings to run on solar power


A Question 4 (2 points) Retake question Reread the poem "The White Horse." What is the tone? Select all answers that are correct. A. Calm B. Quiet C. Rushed D. Cheerful​



A. Calm

B. Quiet


D. H. Lawrence's poem "The White Horse" is a short poem of one stanza with just three lines. But despite the limited number of lines, the poem was able to give a deeply meaningful expression of the relationship between the horse and the youth.

The youth walks up to the white horse, to put its halter on

and the horse looks at him in silence.

They are so silent, they are in another world.

Within these three lines, the horse and the youth both seem to come to an agreement over what is happening. The horse did not refuse the halter and with that, they both looked at each other "in silence". This silence seemed to be the quiet agreement over what's happening, which is not specified.

And the tone of the poem is a calm and quiet approach.

Thus, the correct answers are options A and B.

Answer:  the correct answers are options A and B.






can i turn this into twitter ? sometimes you need a quick laugh right ?‍♀️



Also me and these people started this thing where we get as much people to change their pfp to that

Marks: 1
"Pepperoni pizza is my favorite
food." is an example of what kind of



(a)  Assertive.


An assertive sentence is a sentence that expresses an opinion, gives a statement, or expresses a feeling or incident or an event. Assertive sentences end with a period (.) and can either be a negative or positive sentence.

The given sentence "Pepperoni pizza is my favorite food" is assertive as it expresses the personal opinion or choice of the speaker.

Thus, the correct answer is option a.

Read the sentences below from “Federigo’s Falcon.” Describe how each sentence’s diction affects your feelings about the story and your understanding of it. Then rewrite the sentences using different words, but keep the meaning the same. You can choose to rewrite the sentences more formally or informally. You can even use slang. Break up the original sentence into two or more sentences if you like.
When he found himself the husband of such a great lady, whom he had loved so much and who was so wealthy besides, he managed his financial affairs with more prudence than in the past and lived with her happily the rest of his days.
When the lady heard and saw this, she first reproached him for having killed such a falcon to serve as a meal to a woman; but then to herself she commended the greatness of his spirit, which no poverty was able or would be able to diminish; then, having lost all hope of getting the falcon and, perhaps because of this, of improving the health of her son as well, she thanked Federigo both for the honor paid to her and for his good will, and she left in grief, and returned to her son.


Answer:The first sentence describes how Federigo lived happily after his marriage. However, I do not feel that Federigo is truly in love with his wife. The references to his “wealthy” wife and his better managed “financial affairs” give me the impression that Federigo lacks passion.

Rewritten sentence: He was married to the woman he loved, and she was also very rich. His situation motivated him to manage his money more wisely, and he had a happy life with her.

The second sentence tells the reader that Monna Giovanna “commended,” or praised, Federigo for the “greatness of his spirit” despite having “lost all hope of getting the falcon” and “improving the health of her son.” She also “reproached” (gently scolded) Federigo for killing the Falcon. These words show that Monna is a gentle and sensitive person, and yet she has a strong spirit. Many people in her situation would have lost control and shouted or wept in this situation. However, Monna praises and thanks Federigo for his “good will” and accepts her son’s fate.

Rewritten sentence: When she realized Federigo had killed the falcon, she gently scolded him. But secretly she thought that he had acted in an honorable manner, despite being poor. She thanked Federigo for his generosity to her. She was sad as she returned to her sick son because with the falcon dead, she had no hope of saving his life.

i need ideas on writing a story that involves a character new to the area.. please help :0



They could have a special secret that boone not even their parents know about. They could also know someone from the past that just so happens to be in the new area they are going.

Just some ideas. Hope the story goes well. Also hope this helped!!


well you could do a mystery romance thingy.

Good girl moves to a small town. She doesn't know anyone. She goes to church and people think she's a goody goody.

She's a freshman or sophomore.

She meets this Junior boy at her church so she thinks he's good.

she falls for him because he's hot.

she gets to know him and he turns out to be a bad boy. bad reputation.

he never tells her stuff even though they have become friends, but people give her weird looks and her new friends try to warn her.

weird things start happening.

kids die at a party the boy went to.

girls go missing, etc.

girl feels like she's being stocked or something.

more weird stuff.

he looks super suspicious.

find out in the end, it was just this "invisible" kid who was always lurking in the background looking innocent but he wasn't innocent.

the bad boy was innocent. and he turns out to just be really broken.

he falls for the new girl.

the end.


i don't know what level you are as a writer or your grade or anything. but this was just an idea based on real life, minus the bad stuff happening.

Which of these best describes the purpose of the advertisement (section 3) included in the passage




Answer Explanations

Section 1: Reading Test


Choice D is the best answer. The passage begins with the main character, Lymie, sitting in a restaurant

and reading a history book. The first paragraph describes the book in front of him (“Blank pages front

and back were filled in with maps, drawings, dates, comic cartoons, and organs of the body,” lines 11-

13). The second paragraph reveals what Lymie is reading about (the Peace of Paris and the Congress of

Vienna) and suggests his intense concentration on the book (“sometimes he swallowed whole the food

that he had no idea he was eating,” lines 23-24). In the third paragraph, the focus of the passage shifts

to a description and discussion of others in the restaurant, namely “A party of four, two men and two

women . . . ” (lines 42-43).

Choice A is incorrect because the passage does not provide observations made by other characters, only

offering Lymie’s and the narrator’s observations. Choice B is incorrect because the beginning of the

passage focuses on Lymie as he reads by himself and the end of the passage focuses on the arrival of

Lymie’s father, with whom Lymie’s relationship seems somewhat strained. Choice C is incorrect because

the setting is described in the beginning of the first paragraph but is never the main focus of the



Choice C is the best answer. The main purpose of the first paragraph is to establish the passage’s setting

by describing a place and an object. The place is the Alcazar Restaurant, which is described as being

“long and narrow” and decorated with “art moderne,” murals, and plants (lines 2-6), and the object is

the history book Lymie is reading.

Choice A is incorrect because rather than establishing what Lymie does every night, the first paragraph

describes what Lymie is doing on one night. Choice B is incorrect because nothing in the first paragraph

indicates when the passage takes place, as the details provided (such as the restaurant and the book)

are not specific to one era. Choice D is incorrect because nothing in the first paragraph clearly

foreshadows a later event.


a) Define phrase
b) List and explain the types of phrase​



A.a small group of words standing together as a conceptual unit, typically forming a component of a clause.









Which choice BEST states what the author means by "lying just opens a Pandora's box"? Read the clue card. Then click the read it buttton and reread the highlighted text



B- Lying creates even worse problems.


In ancient Greek mythology, the myth surrounding Pandora pertains more to human behavior. This expression is generally used to talk about a gift that is more harmful and unwanted than valuable.

The phrase "to open Pandora's box" refers to something that brings more destruction and pain. So, when the author says "lying just opens a Pandora's box", then that means lying creates even worse problems.

Thus, the correct answer is option B.

Read this excerpt from "Birdfoot's Grampa.”

The rain was falling,
a mist about his white hair
and I kept saying
you can’t save them all,
accept it, get back in
we’ve got places to go.

But, leathery hands full
of wet brown life,
knee deep in the summer
roadside grass,
he just smiled and said
they have places to go to

Which line from the excerpt is an implicit detail?

The rain was falling,
accept it, get back in
of wet brown life,
roadside grass,





did it in edg and got 100

'Birdfoot's Grampa' is a poem by Joseph Bruchac. From the excerpt, the line, 'of wet brown life,' is an implicit detail. Therefore, option c. is correct.

What is an implicit detail?

An implicit detail is understood by an indirect expression and is not directly understood as they are not mentioned in the text. They are indirectly suggested to express their objectives.

The implicit details show the hidden message or the idea behind the lines that the writers want the readers to understand. They are not clearly stated though have a deep meaning.

Therefore, option C. wet brown life shows implicit detail.

Learn more about implicit detail here:



What's the difference between the story rapunzel and the movie tangled


Answer: In both stories, Mother Gothel takes Rapunzel from her mother and father. In the Tangled movie however, Rapunzel kidnapped in the night from her parents who are a king and queen of a vast kingdom, while in the Grimm version she is given to Gothel as a way of repayment for her father's actions.

This Is The Difference Hope It Helps U.

The difference between Tangled and Rapunzel the short story is that, Rapunzel is the princess and her prince is actually a thief, which ends up falling in love with her. ... The characters in Tangled prove the fact that every fairy tale follows the same guide lines; Rapunzel, Flynn, and even mother Gothel are beautiful.
Please Mark as Brainliest

. How does the narrator’s point of view influence how the story or event is described? *

a. The story is not influenced by who tells the story.
b. The story is only influenced by who tells the story if it's told in third person omniscient point of view.
c. The story can be influenced by the narrator's experiences and emotions.
d. The story is always influenced by all character's emotion



a. The story is not influenced by who tells the story.

b. The story is only influenced by who tells the story if it's told in third person omniscient point of view.

c. The story can be influenced by the narrator's experiences and emotions.

d. The story is always influenced by all character's emotion


a. The story is not influenced by who tells the story.

Why would a group (like the Nazi's) choose to use a symbol that represented health as their representation for national purity?



I can't write that well, but here's my personal answer.

Groups that seek national purity, such as the Nazis, want to maintain the purity of their population based on race, ethnicity, gender, etc.

For example, the Nazis sought racial purity- they wanted to keep the German people as pure "Germans," they did not want to have the Jews contaminating their pure German population.

In a sense, the Nazis saw the Jews as a disease that needed to be eliminated. The Jewish genes would mix with the German genes and pollute the entire population. It was for the sake of "health" to kill the Jews.

To achieve "national purity," a group similar to the Nazis would likely eliminate other groups to remove their genes from the overall human gene pool. In a way, such actions are for the sake of health.

I mean, if we killed all the elderly, disabled, and genetically defective people in the world, wouldn't the world be a better place? Their genes will not be able to affect other people, right? Theoretically, yes...

...but on so many moral, ethical, and physical levels, so much no.

Why would they use a health symbol for their representation of national purity? These groups try to use the premise of "health" as an excuse for their horrible ideals of national purity. They believe that national purity is what determines the "health" of the individual and of human society. It's the idea that the purer you are, the more healthy you are. I can't stress this enough: wrong on so many levels.

Groups like the Nazis use health symbols to show that national purity is, in some demented form, a measurement of someone's health. They kill other people because these individuals are a disease that needs to be eradicated. Their impurity contaminates the purity of the whole.

Got a bit off track, but I think you get the idea. Hope this helps!

Wat are sum stratiges in preparing for a response test?



read the question and underline key words as well as absolute words as in "never", "all", and "always."

try and answer the question without reading the answers.

read and consider all of the answers.

narrow down answers that make no sense.

look for clues in other questions in the test.


i hope this helps u

when was the Eiffel tower made



January 28, 1887


Presented at the world fair


commonlit article- The bright side of sadness


where is the paragraph??

Q1 Read the following poem carefully:
The mountain and the squirrel
Had a quarrel
And the former called the latter "Little Prig.
Bun replied
*You are doubtless very big,
But all sorts of things and weather
Must be taken in together
To make a year
And a sphere
And I think it no disgrace​



1. c) the mountain and a squirrel.

2. b) the squirrel.

3. False.

4. c) big.


From the passage we can deduce the following points;

I) The quarrel was between the mountain (former) and a squirrel (latter).

II) Little Prig' is the squirrel. According to the passage, the latter is the squirrel.

III) The mountain didn't say, ''If I cannot carry forest on my back." This phrase wasn't stated in any part of the passage.

IV) You are doubtless very big. The adjective in this sentence is big because it qualifies a noun such as the mountain.

We're out of eggs so we should go to the market, Besides we need to buy something for dinner. fix one word that is used incorrectly



We're out of eggs so we should go to the market, besides we need to buy something for dinner


We're out of eggs so we should go to the market, Besides we need to buy something for dinner.

What is a sentence?

A sentence is a linguistic expression, such as the English language, in linguistics and grammar. It is often described in conventional grammar as a group of words that conveys a full notion or as a unit made up of a subject and predicate.

Beyond can be a preposition that means "excluding" or "in addition to." Additionally, it can be used as an adverb to signify "as well as" or "moreover."

Additionally, "furthermore," "despite," and other transitional words might assist you go from one notion to another.

Thus, it can be concluded that the given sentence is correct.

For more details regarding sentence, visit:



help me, its easy

write a sentence in figurative language on how gummy bears smell like

(dnt use g0ogle because my teachers check)



Gummy bears smell like a rainbow happiness


It's a simile.

What is one way that Harder gives his article credibility?

Presenting lots of examples.
Hooking us at the beginning.
Citing other experts.
Using complicated vocabulary.



presenting lots of examples/ citing other experts


because if the author is talking about something that happened years ago ....in order for is article to be credible ...giving examples will make the readers believe in it ./ by citing other experts...his article will be more credible.

I hope this help


hooking us at the begining


60 POINTS WILL MARK BRAINLIEST: help me write a restaurant description (ntry to use synecdoche, if you can't ill add it in later) I have started it (you can edit it as much as you want) and I need 5 sentences, thanks in advance


Especially the deserts we have ! Put restaurant is the best in town. we have delicious meals and that’s are really healthy aswell! Come down to our restaurant and try some of our special deals!

Who is an example of a dynamic character in The Secret Garden?

Dickon Sowerby

Mrs. Lennox

Colin Craven

Martha Sowerby


Answer: Colin Craven


The Secret Garden is largely concerned with two dynamic characters who undergo incredible transformations through the power of love and nurturing. Mary and Colin represent profound change through connection.


Colin Craven


I read the book

Identify TWO possible reasons for unemployment ​



☁︎having not enough jobs in your area and having a bad track record ☁︎

The reasons for unemployment are;

Poor Management of the Economy. Poor Investment Climate

What is unemployment?

unemployment can be regarded as a state whereby a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work.

This is usually as a result of poor management of the Economy.

Learn more about unemployment at;


Write your own sentences using correct pronouns and antecedents. Use the topics provided.
1. (At School)
2. (At a Restaurant)



when i am at school i have five classes one is larts the second is gmas and the third is math and the fourth is science and the last is gym or health.

if i were at a restaurant i would go to texas road house because that is my and my familys favorete family food place to go to.


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