What section is immunities and privileges belong to?


Answer 1

The Constitution's Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV, Section 2 stipulates that "the residents of each state shall have all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states."

This clause limits governmental attempts to discriminate against citizens from other states while defending the fundamental rights of individual citizens. The Privileges and Immunities Clause only covers fundamental rights, not all business activity.

The purpose of this constitutional provision has been the subject of intense scholarly discussion.

According to this understanding, limiting one citizen's private law privileges or immunity also means limiting that citizen's rights in relation to other citizens. It doesn't matter what such rights are as long as everyone in the country, for instance, has the same property rights.

To know more about Privileges and Immunities Clause: https://brainly.com/question/29617831


Related Questions

What was the purpose of the Capitulary (Law) of Aix-la-Chapelle laws?


The purpose of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle was to try making friendship with Prussia to dominate the next war.

What was the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle?

The War of the Austrian Succession was ended by the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, which was negotiated primarily by Britain and France with the support of the other major nations. The pact was distinguished by the reciprocal restitution of conquests, notably the Dutch barrier towns, the stronghold of Louisbourg on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, and Madras, India. The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle was annexation of Silesia by Prussia, which was not a signatory to the pact, was secured in exchange for the guarantee of Maria Theresa's right to the Austrian domains, although this significantly damaged the Habsburgs. Prussia, which was now unmistakably a powerful nation, was a target for both Britain and France as they sought to gain its support for the upcoming conflict.

To learn more about Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle from the given link



malik raises his eyebrows and whistles when a friend picks him up in a new car. which statement accurately describes this communication?


The statement accurately describes this communication is both his eyebrow movement and his whistle are nonverbal.

communication is commonly described because the transmission of statistics. The term may additionally talk to the message communicated thru such transmissions or the field of inquiry analyzing them. there are many disagreements about its precise definition.

communication is the act of giving, receiving, and sharing statistics -- in different words, speaking or writing, and listening or studying. correct communicators listen carefully, speak or write really, and recognize specific critiques. communication is all approximately getting data from one celebration to another. according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, communique may be defined as the technique or act of replacing, expressing or conveying statistics and thoughts through writing, talking and gesturing.

Learn more about communication here: https://brainly.com/question/26152499


the perception that our fate is determined by circumstances beyond our control is most closely associated with:


The perception that our fate is determined by circumstances beyond our control is most closely associated with an external locus of control.

External locus of control is the idea or expectation that one's actions won't result in highly regarded reinforcement that is present in their environment; rather, reinforcement occurs as a result of uncontrollable circumstances like luck, chance, or randomness. A continuum of locus of control is anchored at one end by external locus of control and at the other by internal locus of control.

The construct was born out of research done by E. Jerry Phares and Julian Rotter at Ohio State University in the 1950s, and it was heavily influenced by Alfred Adler's earlier work on striving for greatness. It was believed that externality was connected to feelings of inferiority.

Know more about external locus of control here



which sociological perspective argues that the most powerful groups and insitutions control wealth, property and the means of producing beliefs about reality through religion, education, and the media?


Conflict perspective argues that the most powerful groups and insitutions control wealth, property and the means of producing beliefs about reality through religion, education, and the media.

Karl Marx held the view that society is a dynamic entity always undergoing change driven by class conflict, which is where the conflict perspective, also known as conflict theory, originates. While the conflict perspective sees social life as a form of competition, functionalism sees society as a complex system that strives for equilibrium. The conflict perspective contends that society is comprised of individuals vying for scarce resources (e.g., money, leisure, sexual partners, etc.).

At the core of all social interactions is competition over limited resources. Human interactions tend to be competitive rather than consensual. Broader social structures and organisations (such as religions, governments, etc.) reflect the competition for resources and the inherent inequality that competition entails; some individuals and groups have more resources (such as power and influence) and use those resources to uphold their positions of power.

To know more about Conflict perspective visit:



the rationale underlying the use of projective personality tests, such as the rorschach test and the thematic apperception test, is that they


The rationale underlying the use of projective personality tests, such as the rorschach test and the thematic apperception test, is that they confusing stimuli to expose the personalities of the respondents.

Projective personality tests, including the Rorschach test and the Thematic Apperception Test, are commonly used because they can shed light on a person's unconscious thoughts, feelings, and intentions. These tests ask the subject to describe what they see or conjure up a tale concerning hazy and ambiguous stimuli, including inkblots or images. It is thought that a person's reactions reveal their underlying personality qualities and internal conflicts.

According to the hypothesis, when presented with ambiguous cues, individuals extrapolate their own thoughts, emotions, and motivations, which exposes their unconscious cognitive processes.

To know more about Rorschach test visit:



What does tt mean in Punnett square?


In a  Punnett square, TT is a genotype representing that an individual has inherited two copies of the T.

The genotype TT on a Punnett square denotes a person who has two copies of the T allele for a certain trait. A Punnett square is a diagram that is used to predict the genetic outcomes of a cross or breeding experiment. It is named after the British geneticist Reginald Punnett. The genotypes of the parents are placed along the top and left sides of the square, and the possible combinations of these genotypes are shown in the cells of the square.

For example, if one parent has the genotype Tt which means they have one copy of the "T" allele and one copy of the "t" allele and the other parent has the genotype TT which means they have two copies of the "T" allele, then the corresponding phenotypes of the offspring would depend on the specific genes and environmental factors involved.

Read more about Punnett square on:



after spending 15 minutes talking with a client, the client leaves the interaction feeling defensive. this is evidence that the communication can be described as what?


a client or group that seeks the legal, accounting, advertising, or architectural services of a   professional;    a person who utilizes the product

or services of a social welfare organization; a government agency; etc. a client. anybody who is dependent on another else; a patron. a client, business, etc. who seeks the counsel of a qualified man or womana person who uses a computer application or workstation that requests data or information from a server is referred to as a customer. A client is also a person who has registered with or is getting services or financial help from a welfare agency.

learn more about client here:



when she started relating to me in the way she related to her mother, it became clear that she perceived her mother as a rival for her father’s affection. In what type of psychotherapy?


Psychodynamic psychotherapy is a type of it.

The psychodynamic theory is what?

The psychodynamic theory, often known as psychoanalytic psychotherapy, helps patients understand their emotions and unconsciously recurring behavioral patterns. By talking with a social worker about these feelings and actions, clients gain a better understanding of themselves and discover how to make better decisions for themselves.

What is an effective instance of psychodynamics?

Several instances include: Some people may start chewing their nails as a result of early childhood experiences. A childhood trauma that formerly inspired terror could now cause anxiety in adults. Obsessive handwashing is one of the behaviours that has been related to childhood trauma in the past.

To know more about psychodynamic visit:



according to robert peck, ego differentiation involves group of answer choices finding non-work-related ways to affirm self-worth. focusing on psychological strengths. constructively facing the reality of death. surmounting physical limitations.


According to Robert peck, ego differentiation involves finding non-work-related ways to affirm self-worth.

Ego differentiation: finding different sources of self-esteem for folks that had invested closely in careers/youngsters. 2. body transcendence: emphasizing the compensating rewards of cognitive/emotional/social adaptive competencies to surmount physical barriers

Ego transcendence approach that older adults transcend self-issues and take delivery of that they'll in the end die (cook dinner-Greuter, 2000). even as the person's preoccupation with believing that little time has been left and that they're in the long run going to die is defined as ego preoccupation (%, 1968).

Learn more about ego differentiation here:https://brainly.com/question/3646124

one who makes a formal request to someone in authority for some privilege, right, or benefit is called a(n) .


one who makes a formal request to someone in authority for some privilege, right, or benefit is called a benefactor.

A shipowner who, on the trial of the issue as to the cause of collision, contests all liability whatever is not thereby precluded from claiming the benefit of the limitation of liability provided by sec. 4283 of the Revised Statutes.

To know more about benefactor visit https://brainly.com/question/29718707?referrer=searchResults


why did karl rove encourage activists to place antigay initiatives on the ballot in some states during the 2004 election season?


Rove hoped to draw conservative voters to the polls in key states.

Nov. 5, 2004 -- A national uproar erupted when the mayor of San Francisco began issuing marriage licenses to gay couples and the Massachusetts highest court legalized same-sex marriage.

At the time, some Democrats were concerned that such actions might lead to a backlash against the Democratic Party during the election of 2004. Many Democrats today assert that those concerns were realized.
To know more about Karl Rove act of 2004 visit https://brainly.com/question/6351174?referrer=searchResults

Place these major moments in the history of American foreign relations in chronological order from earliest to most recent.
- George Washington gives his Farewell Address.
- President Monroe issues his Monroe Doctrine.
- The United States enters World War II.
- The United States and the Soviet Union engage in the Cold War.
- The September 11 terrorist attacks occur


The events in chronological order from earliest to most recent-

George Washington gives his Farewell Address 1796President Monroe issues his Monroe Doctrine 1823

What is Monroe Doctrine?

The most well-known American approach to the Western Hemisphere is the Monroe Doctrine. The doctrine, which President James Monroe hid in a regular yearly address to Congress in December 1823, alerts European countries that the U.s would not allow future colonization or puppet monarchies.

In 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was primarily intended to stop future British colonization of areas in the Western Hemisphere. This theory was developed by James Monroe in a speech to Congress in 1823.

3. The United States enters World War II 1941

4. The United States and the Soviet Union 1947

5. The September 11 terrorist attacks 2001

To learn more about Monroe Doctrine



alice is 15 years old and is afraid to speak in class. she fears that anything she says will lead to her enormous embarrassment. alice might be classified as having


Alice is 15 years old and is afraid to speak in class. she fears that anything she says will lead to enormous embarrassment. Alice might be classified as having a social phobia.

Social anxiety disease, additionally called social phobia, is a long-term and overwhelming worry of social situations. it is a commonplace hassle that normally begins in the course of the teenage years. it can be very distressing and feature a huge effect on your life.

kids who experience teasing, bullying, rejection, ridicule or humiliation may be greater at risk of social anxiety sickness. further, different bad occasions in life, including own family struggle, trauma or abuse, may be related to this disease.

Learn more about social phobia here:https://brainly.com/question/10421359

An effective way to break the cycle of depression is to explain stressful events in terms that are?


An effective way to break the cycle of depression is to explain stressful events in terms that are specific and temporary.

emotions of sadness, tearfulness, vacancy or hopelessness.irritated outbursts, irritability or frustration, even over small matters.lack of interest or satisfaction in most or all ordinary sports, which includes intercourse, interests or sports.

Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or sound asleep an excessive amount of. despair is a not-unusual intellectual sickness. Globally, it is estimated that 5% of adults suffer from the sickness. it's miles characterized by continual disappointment and a loss of hobby or pride in previously profitable or enjoyable activities. it could also disturb sleep and appetite. Tiredness and bad awareness are not unusual.

Learn more about depression here: https://brainly.com/question/21711771


what does parsons mean by agil? to what does this refer and what are the four processes that this represents? for each process, make sure to give an example of the societal system that is represented by it.


AGIL is a  a methodical representation of some societal requirements that must be met by every civilization in order to keep social orderly.

The four functional requirements or imperatives of any system of action are summarized by Talcott Parsons' AGIL schema: adaptation (A), goal achievement (G), integration (I), and latent pattern maintenance (L).

We define them in terms of the four fundamental tasks that pattern maintenance, integration, goal achievement, and adaptability are, and that we attribute to all systems of action.

Agile Modeling (AM) is a combination of values, ideas, and modeling techniques that may be used in a practical and efficient way on software development projects.

To know more about AGILE method here



How do you identify an infinitive in a sentence?


Find the word to first, then look for the infinitive phrase. Second, it is an infinitive if the word immediately after to is a verb.

A combination of words that uses an infinitive ("to" + verb) is known as an infinitive phrase. An infinitive phrase performs the same function of expressing action in a sentence as an infinitive (a verbal, or word that represents action). An infinitive phrase is merely a sentence component that functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb.

Things to keep in mind. The word to is added to a verb to form an infinitive, which can be employed as a noun, adjective, or adverb. An infinitive plus a modifier, an object, a complement, and/or an actor makes up an infinitive phrase (s).

To know more about infinitive phrase: https://brainly.com/question/14500669


four-year-old klaus kind of understands that his grandfather is dead, but klaus was a little worried that after he was buried, his grandfather might get hungry. which cognitive aspect of death is klaus struggling with?



Death is irreversible


. describe three social and behavioral determinants strongly associated with the public health issue in the research study


Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health (SBDH), a combination of behavioral, social, economic, natural, and word related factors, are strong drivers of bleakness, mortality, and future prosperity, yet they for the most part lie outside the domain of the traditional clinical consideration conveyance framework

Social determinants of health (SDOH) significantly affect individuals' health, prosperity, and personal satisfaction. Instances of SDOH include:

Safe housing, transportation, and neighborhoods

Prejudice, discrimination, and viciousness

Schooling, open positions, and income

Admittance to nutritious food varieties and active work open doors

Dirtied air and water

Language and proficiency abilities

SDOH likewise add to wide health disparities and inequities. For instance, individuals who don't approach supermarkets with healthy food varieties are less inclined to have great nourishment. That raises their gamble of health conditions like coronary illness, diabetes, and heftiness — and even brings future relative down to individuals who truly do approach healthy food sources.

A few behavioral determinants that apply serious areas of strength for an on health are explored in this segment: tobacco use, liquor utilization, active work and diet, sexual practices, and illness screening. Albeit epidemiologic data on the connections between these ways of behaving and different health results were accessible in the mid 1980s, numerous refinements in information have happened since then. Causal ends have been strengthened by more modern examination plans, portion/reaction connections have been explained, the influence of large numbers of these ways of behaving on in general health has been measured, and logical guidelines have been figured out. This section sums up the significant late epidemiology proof on the health impacts of these ways of behaving.

to know more about epidemiology click here:



What is the reason for subsidy?



Explanation: ummm.what is subsidy?

what type of fallacy is reflected in the following conversation? kylie: god wrote the bible. ned: how do you know? kylie: because it says so in the bible, and what the bible says is true. ned: how do you know what the bible says is true? kylie: because god wrote the bible.


Circular reasoning  type of fallacy is reflected in the following conversation. You don't provide any rationale to back up your argument. Instead, you are "proving" that the arguments supporting your claim are accurate by employing your claim.

A circular argument, sometimes referred to as circular reasoning, is regarded as a logical fallacy since it uses circular reasoning. Consider Ryan's brother saying that Ryan makes excellent burgers in our first scenario. When you inquire as to what makes the burgers so delectable, he replies that Ryan is a superb cook. That could be the case, but it doesn't logically support the assertion. This argument could be logically supported by pointing out that Ryan invented a special burger spice blend or that he uses premium products. The circular formula "X is true because of Y, and Y is true because of X" is what defines a circular argument.

learn more about Circular reasoning fallacy here:



during a presentation, promptly complying with requests raised by audience members:____.


Responding to audience members' demands during a presentation in a timely manner builds your reputation as a responsive speaker.

Why does a society value reputation?

Reputation affects an individual's social standing in a society. It acts as a barometer of their influence. Clearly, higher jobs and leadership positions are chosen for people with good reputations. And having a good reputation has never hurt anyone.

What effects does your reputation have on your life?

Your reputation directly decides your future chances. This is because people's opinions of you as well exist in the room before you even go in. You could not get the chances if you reputation is bad.

To know more about reputation visit:



under the crime control model, the investigative abilities of the police should be improved and made easier by the expansion of


Under the crime control model, the investigative abilities of the police should be improved and made easier by the expansion of Community Policing.

What is community policing?

The goal of community policing, also known as community-oriented policing (COP), is to establish ties with local residents. It is a highly individualized full-service police strategy in which an officer patrols the same area for an extended period of time and establishes a relationship with the community in order to jointly identify and resolve issues.

In order to lessen social unrest and low-level crime, police must establish relationships with the community, including through local organizations.

Community policing contrasts with reactive policing tactics that were the norm in the late 20th century and is related to problem-oriented policing(POP) and intelligence-led policing.

Numerous police departments have squads that are solely dedicated to community policing.

To know more about Community policing:



if legalized, any person who is shown to be addicted to heroin could receive prescriptions for the drug. who would determine how much heroin he/she should receive?


An opioid narcotic known as heroin is created from morphine, a natural chemical extracted from the seed pod of numerous opium poppy plants growing in Southeast and Southwest Asia, Mexico, and Colombia.

Heroin comes in a variety of forms, including a white, brown, or black sticky material known as "black tar heroin."

Heroin is smoked, injected, sniffed, or snorted. A method known as "speedballing" involves combining heroin with crack cocaine.

Heroin-like effects can be seen in prescription opioid pain relievers like OxyContin and Vicodin. According to research, abusing these substances may pave the way for heroin addiction. Heroin-like effects can be seen in prescription opioid pain relievers like OxyContin and Vicodin. According to research, abusing these substances may pave the way for heroin addiction.

learn more about heroin here:



mary and paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. they come from families of little education or money. they moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of _____ aggression.


Ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of relational aggression.

What is relational aggression?

Relational aggression is the term used to describe harm inflicted on relationships as a result of covert bullying or deceptive behavior. Examples include excluding a young person from their peers (social exclusion), threatening to cut off communication with a friend (the "silent treatment"), and sending rumors and gossip via email.

There are several typical forms of relational aggression:

Relational Reactive Aggression In response to a provocation that makes one feel hurt, angry, or upset.Relationship aggression that is proactive.Romantic relationship aggression. Peer-directed relationship aggression.

Thus Mary and Paul facing relational aggression.

Learn more about relational aggression refer



the tendency to think that a syllogism is valid if its conclusion is believable is called the .


The tendency to think that a syllogism is valid if its conclusion is believable is called the Belief Bias.

A syllogism is a type of logical argument that relies on deductive reasoning to draw a conclusion from two assertions or presumptions.It occurs when two true premises legitimately suggest a conclusion, which is the fundamental idea the argument is trying to convey.Belief bias is the propensity to evaluate an argument's force based on how plausible its conclusion seems rather than how firmly it supports it.

To know more about Syllogism here



Which of the following describes an activity of an entrepreneur



An activity of an entrepreneur is creating and developing new ideas, products, or services to meet customer needs and solve problems.

What is the biggest difference in who makes the contributions to 401(k) and ira retirement plans? brainly.


the biggest difference in who makes the contributions to 401(k) and ira retirement plans is A 401(k) is controlled and monitored by an employer, and an IRA is controlled by the investing individual.

A 401(k) is sponsored and administered by your employer. Employers decide where to invest their money. Occasionally, an employer will adjust some of the employee's contributions. Employers can also take out loans or make hardship withdrawals from 401(k) funds.

An IRA account is held by a custodian, which is a bank or brokerage firm. 401k plans have a limited range of options unlike IRA plans which offer virtually unlimited investment options. Individuals have more control over IRA plans than 401k plans. A 401k plan has a plan trustee and a plan sponsor, whereas an IRA plan does not.

learn more about retirement plan at https://brainly.com/question/13745337


focusing on learning and the strategies needed to learn are characteristic of which orientation? multiple choice question.


Mastery orientation is characterized by a focus on learning and the learning techniques required.

McClelland suggested there are two sorts of achievement motivation in his theory of achievement motivation. One is focused on preventing failure, while the other is focused on the rewarding objective of success.

The Acquired Needs Theory is another name for the Achievement Motivation Theory. Students' attention is drawn to achievement based on intrapersonal standards of learning through mastery goals. Performance goals concentrate on success based on normative or comparative performance criteria.

The foundation of a good life is achievement motivation because those who are motivated by success enjoy life and feel in control.

focusing on learning and the strategies needed to learn are characteristic of which orientation? multiple choice question.

- Mastery

- Helplesness

- Performance

- Mastery & Performance

To learn more on learning:



the rationale underlying the use of projective personality tests, such as the rorschach test and the thematic apperception test, is that they


Reveal the personalities of the subjects by eliciting responses to vague ambiguous stimuli.

Projection tests are designed to reveal emotions desires and conflicts that are hidden from conscious awareness. By interpreting responses to ambiguous cues, psychoanalysts hope to uncover unconscious emotions that may be causing problems in a person's life.

Projective tests such as the Rorschach inkblot test and thematic perception tests, ask test takers to respond to ambiguous stimuli. A projection test is a personality test designed to make a person respond to ambiguous stimuli, possibly revealing hidden emotions and internal conflicts that the person projects onto the test.

Learn more about The thematic apperception test here:- https://brainly.com/question/14927209


hesiod describe the creation of women as which of the following? a. a loving helpmate b. a fitting partner for man c. a great plague


Hesiod describes the creation of women as a great plague.

It later came to be known as the "great plague", largely because it was the last bubonic plague to occur in England during the second pandemic 400 years ago.

Bubonic plague, known as the Black Death, has been known in England for centuries. It was a terrible disease. The victim's skin turned black in patches, and inflamed glands or groin "humps" combined with obsessive vomiting, tongue swelling, and tearing headaches, made for a terrifying and torturous killer.

In 1665 the country suffered a devastating plague that killed thousands. Officially, the "great plague" killed 68,595 people in London that year. The true number is probably closer to 100,000, and he is one-fifth of the city's population. The bubonic plague did not come to London suddenly in 1665.

Learn more about bubonic plague https://brainly.com/question/18607692


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