What is true of mandatory reporters?


Answer 1

Mandated reporters must adhere to state reporting regulations regarding abuse and neglect.

In most states, failing to file a report is considered a misdemeanour, with different jurisdictions imposing different punishments. Even if they are unsure as to whether the claim is accurate, they are nevertheless required to report. A mandated reporter is supposed to contact the local police department as soon as possible, if possible, after the occurrence. submit a written report to the local police department within 48 hours of the event. A required reporter is what? a person obligated to report any suspicion of child abuse. An authorised reporter is who? someone who is a doctor, teacher, priest, or

To learn more about Mandated please click on below link



Related Questions

how has literature taught us about what has changed (or not changed) in the literary voices of writers identifying as citizens of the newly formed u.s.?


Through literature, one can travel through time and learn about life on Earth from those who came before us. We can learn more about cultures and have a deeper appreciation for them.

What can literature teach us about who we are and how others are?

We are exposed to a larger range of emotions through literature. By seeing ourselves in another person's situation, we can learn to change our viewpoint. We gain knowledge about our identities and aspirations. Additionally, we are affected by the second-order effects of our decisions without having to personally experience them.

We all believe that literature is significant. However, many of us steer clear of this genre altogether because we believe non-fiction offers so much more information than literature does. But reading literature isn't at all a waste of time. Actually, literature helps us save time.

To know more about literature visit:



Imagine a scientist doing research on déjà vu overheard a person claiming the déjà vu they just experienced was caused by something paranormal. How would the scientist most likely respond? Use at least four details from the text to support your response.​


The scientist would answer that a déjà vu is not caused by a supernatural process, but is a psychological process that is triggered by similar details between two places or situations.

What is déjà vu?It is the feeling of having already experienced a place or situation.It is a psychological gallicism of transmitting ideas.

Déjà vu is explained by psychology because it is formed by brain elements that use an individual's thoughts and memories to create associations between different places and things that have very similar characteristics and details.

As psychology is a science that provides evidence to back up its statements, a scientist will believe in the psychological explanation of déjà vu and not in a supernatural explanation that lacks evidence or rationality.

Learn more about deja vu:



Obtain a copy of the Canterbury Tales in a modern translation or access it using the Internet.

Here is your goal for this assignment:

Write a character analysis of one the characters from Canterbury Tales.

Consider the monk, the friar, the franklin, and the parson.
Select one of these four characters which you would like to study and read Chaucer's description of him in the "Prologue." Remember that Chaucer may sound objective in his description but may actually be subtly negative or satirical toward that character.
Record your impressions of the personality of your chosen character from the "Prologue" description. Physical appearance and dress are not directly character traits, but they may give you clues as to personality as well.
Read the prologue and any afterward (it's context in The Canterbury Tales) to the tale told by the character you have chosen to gain more insight and see any comments made about the character by the other pilgrims. You do not need to read the tale itself.
Write a study of the character you have chosen, including what you have learned from the "Prologue," from the comments, and from your own insights into the character.
Use direct evidence from the text to support your observations. Do not just quote lines, but explain what the lines illustrate about character. Remember to document your quotes according to MLA format (or the format assigned by your teacher).
Your finished essay should be at least 250 words long.
Your essay will be graded based on the following:

your attention to the instructions given above
well developed coverage of your topic
use of proper punctuation, spelling, grammar, and sentence construction (commonly called "conventions"), and appropriate length
use of proper MLA format for documentation
NOTE: Check with your teacher to determine whether there may be other special requirements.


The characters that will be looked at from the Canterbury Tales is The Pardoner. The Pardoner is characterized as an effective speaker and a skilled con artist

What is the Canterbury Tales?

A group of pilgrims making their way to Canterbury Cathedral compete in a storytelling competition in The Canterbury Tales. The pilgrims have a reason to tell their stories, which reflect the anxieties sparked by the social upheavals of late medieval England, because of this overarching plot, or frame.

The Pardoner has made significant financial gains from his profession, is well-read, and is psychologically astute. But because he uses the church and other holy, religious objects as means of achieving personal gain, Chaucer places him at the very bottom of humanity.

A representative of the Church with the authority to travel around and offer pardons for sin forgiveness and relics is known as the Pardoner. The Pardoner is known as a persuasive speaker and cunning con man.

Learn more about Canterbury Tales on:



The childrens' suprise party is all set! what are the two mistakes in the sentence



it is children's not childrens'. and its surprise not suprise



The grammatical error is in "childrens'" and "suprise".

Children is a plural word, so s will be written after an apostrophe (')."Suprise" is not the correct spelling. It is actually "Surprise".

The correct sentence would be "The children's surprise party is all set!"

Hope this helped ! :D

How does the old woman use rhetorical appeals in her rebuttal against the knight's
assertion that she is an unworthy wife?


In order to make her speech effective, Susan B. Anthony employed the rhetorical strategies ethos, logos, and pathos.

What are rhetorical strategies?

Rhetorical strategies is defined as an instrument of communication used in spoken or written language to influence the reader or listener in the desired way. A communication technique used to persuade listeners is rhetoric.

An anecdote is a brief, amusing narrative that is typically given by one person to another in order to explain or compare a certain scenario. Examples of rhetorical tactics include repetition, figurative language, and even rhetorical questions.

Thus, in order to make her speech effective, Susan B. Anthony employed the rhetorical strategies ethos, logos, and pathos.

To learn more about rhetorical strategies, refer to the link below:



What is the aim or target of a fable?


A fable is a made-up short story with a moral or educational goal that may feature heroes, animals, or legendary figures. A fable's main goal is to impart a moral or a lesson in life.

While fables can impart lessons in morality and ethics (respect for the old, equality, and the virtue of kindness), parables do the same while also addressing religious and spiritual realities (like relationship with God, the existence of Heaven, and the gift of life).

Fables are a fantastic way to impart values and life skills to your children. They are legends that have been handed down through the ages, resonating in the present to impart valuable lessons about love, friendship, nature, and morality. simple, lacking in excessive description of the appearance of the characters or location. Fables teach us moral lessons about right and wrong behaviour. Typically, there is a decent character who acts honourably and learns the lesson.

To learn more about addressing please click on below link



What is the best definition of the underlined word laudable?


Things that deserve appreciation are laudable.

Laudable refers to something that is praiseworthy or deserving of acclaim, as in "laudable attempts to help the underprivileged." A laudatory book review would be considered "offering praise" or "expressing praise."

When referring to something deserving of acclaim or respect, such as our admirable efforts to launch a recycling program at our school, use the word "laudable."

The word laudable is composed of the verb laud, which means praise or acclaim, and the suffix -able, which indicates that the word is an adjective.

So the word "laudable" can refer to both praiseworthy actions, such as a laudable attempt to alleviate poverty, as well as excellent principles, such as a laudable concern for others.

To know more about suffix, visit:



What is theme example sentence?


Answer:The album focuses on themes of love and loss.


What is the irony in An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge?


When Bierce reveals at the conclusion of the story that the soldier is actually a "Federal scout," Farquhar falls into the Union's trap because the reader already knows this information but he does not. This is an example of dramatic irony.

Peyton Farquhar and his views are the subjects of two significant examples of irony in "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge." First, when a "gray-clad soldier" first shows up at Farquhar's house and informs him that the Union is reconstructing the railway, Farquhar doesn't ask any questions. As a result of the reader knowing this information but Farquhar does not, he falls into the trap set by the Union when Bierce reveals at the end of the story that the soldier is actually a "Federal scout." This is an example of dramatic irony. Farquhar is further convinced that there are distinctions in military duty but ironically discovers that there are none in his death. He is only able to focus on his wife and kids who he is leaving behind. This ties into his escape fantasy, which has him dying rather than meeting his wife in his arms.

To know more about Irony, refer to this link:



When the narrator says, “It slows the juices down . . .” he means

A the trip makes him tired and hungry.

B the visit makes him feel depressed.

C the trip gives him something to do.

D the visit changes his pace of life.



A The trip makes him tired and hungry

When the narrator says, “It slows the juices down ” he means the trip makes him tired and hungry. Therefore, the correct option is A.

The narrator chooses the point of view for the story in a fictional work. The narrative is considered to be in the first person if the narrator actively participates in the events of the story. A third-person narrative is one in which the narrator is not one of the characters.

Sometimes, narrators are classed according to how they tell their tale. When the narrator in the example given above says, "It slows the juices down," he means to how exhausted and hungry the trip has made him.

Learn more about Narrator, here:



When approaching or nearing an uncontrolled intersection you should ?


Before you reach intersection, look to your left & right for approaching automobiles & people who may be crossing. Take glance to left since automobile coming from your left would've been closer than one coming from your right.

The stop sign-equipped controlled intersection is the most common form. Yield signs and traffic lights may also be used at that particular crossroads, depending on how much traffic is present there.

Stop and yield signs at a junction designate which vehicles have the right-of-way when approaching or crossing the road. Stop signs advise drivers to totally stop before proceeding through a junction so that it is clear of other vehicles and pedestrians.

To know more about intersection:



Could someone help me American lit


1) the option that contains a cue for the escaping slaves to know when to make their escape is clearly indicated in (Option 3) where it states "When the sun comes back and the first quail calls" (Anonymous 1)

2) The points on the map with their references in the song are matched accordingly:

Big Dipper Constellation  - Drinking GourdBig Ohio River- Great Big RiverTombigbee River - River Bank...Road

3) The "band of angels" referred to in "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" (Anonymous 188) are "The conductors of the Underground Railroad helping escaping slaves" (Option 1).

What is the Underground Railroad about?

The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses used by enslaved African Americans to escape to freedom in the northern United States and Canada.

It was not an actual railroad, but rather a series of paths and means of transportation used by abolitionists and other people sympathetic to the cause of ending slavery to help enslaved people escape to freedom. The network operated from the early 19th century until the end of the American Civil War in 1865.

It was called "underground" because it was a secret operation and its participants had to be very careful to avoid detection by slave owners and their agents.

Learn more about the Ohio River:

Why is mashed potato healthy?


Mashed potatoes are beneficial to your health because they are a rich source of potassium.

Potatoes also provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals in addition to carbs. They contain a lot of vitamin C, an antioxidant. Because the vitamin C in potatoes warded against scurvy, they were a life-saving food supply in earlier times.

Because they provide a plentiful source of potassium, mashed potatoes are good for your health. According to the NYU Langone Medical Center, 622 milligrams of potassium, or 13% of your daily required consumption, are present in one cup of mashed potatoes. Even though potatoes are a starchy food that is often easy to digest, mashing them into a puree helps break down the fibers, making them even easier to digest. Additionally, they offer vital nutrients including potassium, which balances electrolytes.

To know more about Potatoes, refer to this link:



Journee and her brother were arguing over who was responsible for the dishes. Journee explained to her brother that she had washed the dishes the last three nights. Her brother replied, "Sure, but that's just because you're a nerd with nothing better to do." Which logical fallacy has Journee's brother used?

Ad hominem
Ad populum
Hasty generalization
Slippery slope


Based on the fact that Journee and her brother were arguing over who was responsible for the dishes and her brother uses a logical fallacy to reply to her which is known as Ad hominem

What is a Logical Fallacy?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the incorrect conclusion that is made about a thing based on a premise that is faulty.

Hence, it can be seen that Journee's brother attacked her person instead of logically replying on whose turn it was to wash and this is known as ad hominem which is option A.

Read more about ad hominem here:



Answer: A, Ad hominem

It is without a doubt A, ad hominem, the reason for this is because none of the other possible answers define how her brother responded.

What is an ad hominem?

An Ad hominem is when someone is directing their comment or argument at the person rather than the argument itself.

Example of an ad hominem.

barbara says to jake that she cleaned the car last time so its his turn. Jake responds by saying "yeah but your a nasty person"

Enjoy my answer!

What are some themes names?


The time period theme matter may be described because the underlying that means of a tale. It is the message the author is making an attempt to deliver thru the story.

Examples of Theme Topics: Love, Justice/Injustice, Family, Struggle, the American Dream, Wealth, Inhumanity Examples of Themes: People chance their personal identification to locate love; Power corrupts humanity; Without empathy, there may be no justice.

Other names include like health, justice, betrayal, faith, honour, care, solo, travel, together these are all the best of the examples of the themes names.

Read more about theme;



How do you make a satire?


Satire is an artistic style, mostly literary and theatrical, in which human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or weaknesses are held up to scorn, mockery, burlesque, irony, parody, caricature, or other approaches, often with the intention of inspiring societal reform.

It's difficult to write sarcasm or comedy. It's not simple, and it's not impossible, but it's tough.

Great satire and comedy often appear effortless to the reader, as if the writer had a great thought or a solid point and just sat down at her laptop and blasted it straight through your screen with a hammer.

Satire is an artistic style, mostly literary and theatrical, in which human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or flaws are held up to ridicule, derision, or mockery.

Learn more about to  satire visit here;



What are the safety measures in preparing salad?


Before and after handling fresh fruit, thoroughly wash your hands in warm water with soap for 20 seconds. Wash salad, sinks, cutlery, cutting boards, and dishes with hot water.

Before preparing and/or eating lettuce, remove any bruising or damaged regions. Produce that seems to be decaying or mouldy should be thrown away. The likelihood of bacterial cross-contamination increases when raw food contacts or spills onto prepared food, utensils, or surfaces. By hygienically preparing food, you may prevent it. Unless the box specifically states that the contents have been cleaned, clean fruits and vegetables before eating, salad, or cooking. Even if you don't intend to consume the peel, wash or scrub produce under running water. Fruits and vegetables might have germs that are on the peel or skin.

To learn more about salad please click on below link



Had Shaw been alive in 1956, he would have been eager to help Lerner and Loewe turn Pygmalion into the hit musical My Fair Lady.



It is True to say that Had Shaw been alive in 1956, he would have been eager to help Lerner and Loewe turn Pygmalion into the hit musical My Fair Lady.

What is Shaw trying to accomplish with Pygmalion ?

George Bernard Shaw created Pygmalion, a five-act drama, in 1912. In addition to advocating for the right use of the English language, it was a critique of the time's socially stratified English society. But this play, which served as the basis for the American musical comedy My Fair Lady, is most notable for being the source of the Pygmalion effect, a crucial idea for anybody who instructs, guides, trains, coaches, mentors, or otherwise manages people.

In an old myth, Pygmalion, a Cypriot sculptor, falls in love with Galatea after creating her statue out of ivory. The statue is subsequently given life by the goddess Aphrodite, and Pygmalion weds it.

To learn more about George Bernard checkout the link below :



What are the 6 themes?


AP Global History The "connective tissue" of Modern is comprised of six major topics: people and the environment, cultural connections and advancements, government, economic systems, social interactions and organization, and technology and innovation.

The 6 Themes are :

Good vs. evil.LoveRedemption.persistence and bravery.becoming an adultRevenge.

The most prevalent modern definition of theme is a concept or point that is essential to a narrative and is frequently summed up in a single word (for example, love, death, betrayal).

A theme is a key, overarching concept. As the characters work toward their objectives, the broader problem becomes apparent.

Learn more about to  themes visit here;



Choose the question that would be most effective at encouraging good discussion. what would you have done if you were miep gies in this situation? where was the narrator sitting? why does the man shut the door to the room? what would you use to describe your mental state if you were miep gies?


The question that would be most effective at encouraging good discussion in this statement from Miep Gies is "What would you have done if you were Miep Gies in this situation?"

Thus, the correct option is A.

How to encourage good discussion?

To encourаge good discussion meаns to аsk open-ended questions thаt will аllow your аudience to mаke significаnt contributions. When you аsk the open-ended question аbove you enаble the аudience to shаre their opinion on whаt they would hаve done given а similаr situаtion. Thus, they cаn significаntly аir their views.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full passage was

I said to myself, you can do what you like, even drink poison, but I will stay here.

Then he said again, “I’ll be back to check on you. One wrong move and off you go to prison too.” He turned and shut me into the room alone.

I had no idea where he’d gone. I had no idea what was going on in the rest of the house. I was in a terrible mental state. I felt as though I were falling into a bottomless hole.

—Anne Frank Remembered,

Miep Gies

For more information about encouraging discussion refer to the link:



Luke takes temporary family leave from his job at Metal Works Corporation to arrange for childcare and deal with financial and legal matters when Naomi, his spouse, a U.S. Marine on active duty, is deployed overseas. On Luke's return from the leave, Metal Works must -A.restore him to his same position or a comparable position.B. reimburse him for his expenses while on leave.C. promote him to the status of a key employ-ee.D. do nothing.


Based on the provided information, when Luke returns from the leave of absence, the company must restore him to his same position or a comparable position. (Option A)

A leave of absence (LOA) refers to an employee request for temporary time away from work. LOA can be mandatory which is governed by federal and state laws, or voluntary which is governed by a company's internal policies. It can be paid or unpaid and can be requested for a variety of reasons such as personal or family illness, vacation, parental obligations, jury duty, voting, and other personal reasons.

The LOA policies are governed by various federal laws and acts such as family and medical leave act, Americans with disabilities act, workers’ compensation laws, and fair labor standards act. According to policies, the company must restore an employee to his same position or a comparable position after returning from the leave.

Learn more about Leave of absence:



Does BTS make good music?


Since making their debut in 2013, BTS has attained its zenith. They have recorded four number-one albums faster than any other band, broken 25 Guinness World Records, and were nominated for two GRAMMYs.

Why is BTS so popular?

The first Asian group to receive both a nomination and a victory at the American Music Awards is BTS. They also became the first Korean group to win a Billboard Music Award.

Why people think BTS is good?

Given their socially conscious lyrics, which mostly tackle identity, optimism, and acceptance, as well as the pearls of wisdom they impart throughout their live broadcasts, it's not hard to understand why fans frequently declare that BTS entered their life at the exact time they needed them.

To know more about K pop visit:                                                                          brainly.com/question/29797571


how does the section “beyond greenhouse gases” contribute to the development of ideas in the text


It contends that Scarborough's study misleads people into thinking that all it takes to save the environment is to stop eating beef.

What is the environment?

The environment can be defined as a sum absolute of all the realistic and non-living atmospheric condition and their effects that influence human life. While all living or biotic elements are animals, plants, forests, fisheries, and birds, non-living or abiotic weather conditions include water, land, sunshine, rocks, and air.

The gases that trap heat in the earth's atmosphere are referred to as greenhouse gases (GHGs). The earth's surface warms during the day when the light beams through the atmosphere. The earth's surface cools at night, redistributing heat into the atmosphere. However, part of the heat is captured by the atmosphere's greenhouse gases.

Therefore,  the environment is to stop eating beef.

Learn more about the environment here:



A________ is a diagram that uses bars of different lengths to show comparison
in data.
OA. pie chart
B. circle graph
OC. bar graph
OD. line graph


Answer: bar graph

Explanation: it is the only one that actually uses bars and shows comparison.

Which quotation from the passage is the clearest example of concession?​


The clearest example of concession they tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an.

What makes a person fearsome?

They frequently experience a feeling of desperation and to have good expectations and strong beliefs. Perfectionism. Contrary to popular assumption, a formidable person is not, at least not on purpose, a perfectionist. Instead, they are someone who has a holistic view of the situation and is accountable for making sure that all the checkboxes are checked.

The definition of formidable force :

leading you to fear death or regard for something or a person because it is so big, strong, or challenging: a hard challenge. a powerful foe, enemy, or rival. a strong intellect. regarded director and his powerful wife with disapproval.

To know more about formidable visit:



What are key concepts in learning?


The inquiry-based approach, the action approach, and the learning cycle are three concepts or styles of learning that are particularly prevalent in scientific classrooms. Each of these conceptual teaching strategies as well as the teaching experience earned through a digital master's degree in science have several benefits.

The process of picking up new information, skills, beliefs, attitudes, and preferences is known as learning. Humans, animals, and certain robots all have the capacity to learn, and there is evidence that some plants also have this capacity. While some learning is quick and brought on by a single occurrence (such as getting burnt by a hot stove), many skills and knowledge are developed over time via repeated encounters.

To know more about learning:



A figure of speech that compares two seemingly unlike things but implies a comparison instead of stating it directly with the word like or as:


A figure of speech that compares two seemingly unlike things but implies a comparison instead of stating it directly with the word like or as  is Simile.

What is Simile?Both poets and prose writers need to use similes as creative devices.To ensure that the reader does not miss the comparison meaning, writers must carefully craft their similes. In actuality, similes, like metaphors, rely on the comprehensible union of a primary phrase and a secondary term. The first term expresses the exact thing being described, and the secondary term adds added meaning symbolically. For instance, "cat's fur" and "silk" are the primary and secondary terms in the simile "the cat's fur felt smooth as silk." The reader's comprehension of the texture of both items is improved through the use of figurative language by making a comparison between the silky feel of the cat's fur and the smooth feel of the cat.

To learn more about Simile refer to:



T/F Presenting a speech online is more challenging and time-consuming than delivering an in-person speech.





How can I practice cheerleading at home?


By stretching, honing chants, and practicing counts and timing, you may practice cheering at home.

Stretching is an essential component of gymnastics exercise that you should never skip. Your muscles may feel stiff before cheerleading practice starts, making it challenging for you to execute backflips, cartwheels, and other popular cheering routines. Stretching is always a simple exercise you may perform at home to increase your general flexibility. Your routines will get simpler as you stretch more.The cheers for your team may be different from those at other schools. It could be challenging to join a new cheer team if you can't quickly learn the chants. Try to get a sheet with all the chants your team uses, then practice them in your bedroom. Another useful tip is to stand in front of a mirror so you can see how you seem when training.

Thus this is how you can practice cheerleading at home.

Refer here to learn more about cheerleading: https://brainly.com/question/29551389


How does monarch butterfly migration and overwintering.And Animals on the Move Nature’s Migrants and hawk video explains the role of migration in the live of animals




hi its b

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In order for the plants to grow faster, they must absorb 7.51 x 10 J of energy. What frequency of light is needed to produce a faster growing plant?(2.) What is the wavelength needed to produce a faster growing plant? PLEASEE HELP(Multi-Step Percent Problems HC) Predict the cost of a meal for a family of four between $50 and $100. Be sure to include dollars and cents. Part A: If the family has a 20% off coupon, calculate the new price of the meal. Show all work or explain your steps. (6 points) Part B: Calculate a 20% tip using the new price. What is the final cost of the meal? Show all work or explain your steps. (6 points) an object is 1.8 m to the left of a lens of focal length 0.98 m. a second lens of focal length -3.4 m is 0.78 m to the right of the first lens. find the distance between the object and the final image formed by the second lens. which christian apologist argued that out of christians, barbarians, greeks, and jews, christians were the true believers because they did not have to protect their gods of metal nor worship just the law? The door under the stones in the woods What does it mean to be called a mandatory reporter? an advantage of franchising, from the franchisors point of view, is that franchising helps a venture grow because the franchisees provide the majority of the capital. t or f An entry-level civil engineer earns an average bi-weekly net pay of $2,104.95. The engineer has created a monthly budget using the following percentages for expenses: PercentHousing 30%Food/Household 20%Savings 5%Transportation 10%Debt 10%Entertainment 5%Medical/Personal Care 3%Giving 5%Clothing 2%Miscellaneous 10%Which balance sheet correctly represents the engineer's income, expenses, and balance?IncomeAmountBi-weekly income $2,104.95Total Monthly Income $4,560.73ExpensesPercent AmountHousing 30% $1,368.22Food/Household 20% $912.15Savings 5% $228.04Transportation 10% $456.07Debt 10% $456.07Entertainment 5% $228.04Medical/Personal Care 3% $136.82Giving 5% $228.04Clothing 2% $91.21Miscellaneous 10% $456.07$4,560.73BalanceIncome $4,560.73Expenses $4,560.73Balance $0IncomeAmountBi-weekly income $2,104.95Total Monthly Income $4,209.90ExpensesPercent AmountHousing 30% $1,262.97Food/Household 20% $841.98Savings 5% $210.50Transportation 10% $420.99Debt 10% $420.99Entertainment 5% $210.50Medical/Personal Care 3% $126.30Giving 5% $210.50Clothing 2% $84.20Miscellaneous 10% $420.99$4,209.90BalanceIncome $4,209.90Expenses $4,209.90Balance $0IncomeAmountBi-weekly income $2,104.95Total Monthly Income $2,104.95ExpensesPercent AmountHousing 30% $631.49Food/Household 20% $420.99Savings 5% $105.25Transportation 10% $210.50Debt 10% $210.50Entertainment 5% $105.25Medical/Personal Care 3% $63.15Giving 5% $105.25Clothing 2% $42.10Miscellaneous 10% $210.50$2,104.95BalanceIncome $2,104.95Expenses $2,104.95Balance $0IncomeAmountBi-weekly income $2,104.95Total Monthly Income $3,157.43ExpensesPercent AmountHousing 30% $947.23Food/Household 20% $631.49Savings 5% $157.87Transportation 10% $315.74Debt 10% $315.74Entertainment 5% $157.87Medical/Personal Care 3% $94.72Giving 5% $157.87Clothing 2% $63.15Miscellaneous 10% $315.74$3,157.43BalanceIncome $3,157.43Expenses $3,157.43Balance $0