What is the wavelength of light that has a frequency of 6 x 10 14 Hz?


Answer 1

The wavelength of light is 0.5μm.

A packet of electromagnetic energy, or photon, is typically produced when an electron in an atom makes a transition from high energy to low energy. It is also absorbed during the transition from low energy to high energy. Visible light consists of photons that can be seen by the human eye. All electromagnetic energy sent or received consists of photons of varying amounts of energy given by the equation E=hf. The equation E=hf is called the Planck-Einstein relation.

This equation only applies to energies at the quantum level. It is generally stated that the energy of a photon is proportional to its frequency, with the proportionality factor being 'h' or Planck's constant, approximately 6.62607004 × 10⁻³⁴ m² kg/s.


y=3 x10⁸/6 x 10¹⁴

=0.5 x 10⁻⁶m


To learn more about  Visible light -



Related Questions

Which method of measuring distances would you use if you wanted to measure the distance to stars in a nearby galaxy?


Since space is so vast, many astronomers choose to use a unit of measurement known as a parsec instead of measuring distances in miles or kilometers. the nearest star, Alpha Centauri, in your mind

what is A parsec is either a time or a distance measurement.

Why then would Solo use a parsec, which measures distance rather than time, to describe how fast his ship could move? Here, two distinct narratives are in play.

Why then does Han Solo claim that it is 12 parsecs?

The Kessel RuEmpire then was among the busiest smuggling routes in the Galactic Empirethe Galactic Empire, the Kessel Run was one of the busiest smuggling routes. The Kessel Run, according to Han Solo, was completed by his Millennium Falcon in fewer than twelve parsecs. Unlike time, a parsec measures distance. When he said this, Solo wasn't specifically referring to his ship's speed speed of his ship.

To know more about parsecs visit:



9. An object with mass M is subjected to a force of 100 newtons and accelerates at rate A. How much force would be needed to make mass M accelerate at rate 4A?


25 Newtons force would be needed to make mass M accelerate at rate 4A

How much force would be needed?

An object with mass M is subjected to a force of 100 newtons and accelerates at rate A.

The acceleration of an object is equal to the net force exerted on it divided by its mass, or a = F m, in accordance with Newton's second rule of motion. When the mass of an item and the net force acting on it are known, the acceleration of that object can be determined using this equation for acceleration.The equation F = m x a describes the force (F) needed to move an object with mass (m) and acceleration (a). Therefore, force is equal to mass times acceleration.

25 Newtons force would be needed to make mass M accelerate at rate 4A

To learn more about Newton's second rule refer to:



dark energy is the energy associated with the motion of particles of dark matter. dark energy is the energy associated with the motion of particles of dark matter. false true


Dark energy is the energy associated with the motion of particles of dark matter. FALSE

What is dark energy?

Dark Energy is a hypothetical form of energy that exerts a negative, repulsive pressure, behaving like the opposite of gravity.

Another definition of dark energy is as follows; it is a hypothetical form of energy that produces a force that opposes gravity and is thought to be the cause of the accelerating expansion of the universe.

The force of gravity which force from dark energy opposes is given as;

F = Gm₁m₂/R²


F is the force of gravityG is universal gravitation constantm₁ is mass of the first objectm₂ is the mass of the second objectR is the distance between the two masses

Thus, the force of gravity which is being opposed by the force produced by the dark energy is directly proportional to the mass of two objects in the universe and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two objects.

So the given statement is FALSE.

Learn more about dark energy here: https://brainly.com/question/1442610


which of the following is not a direct cost for a scooter manufacturer? a) office rent. b) wheels. c) handle bars. d) brakes. e) grip tape.


Your answer would be A) office rent

The option that is not a direct cost for a scooter manufacturer is office rent. (Option A)

What is direct cost

Direct costs are expenses that can be directly attributed to the production of a specific product. Office rent is not a direct cost for a scooter manufacturer.

In the case of a scooter manufacturer, direct costs would include items like wheels, handlebars, brakes, and grip tape, as these are all components directly involved in the manufacturing process of the scooters.

On the other hand, office rent is an indirect cost, also known as an overhead cost. Indirect costs are expenses that are not directly traceable to a specific product or production process.

So option A is the correct answer.

Learn more about direct cost here: https://brainly.com/question/28456082


how does the kinetic energy gained by a charge relate to the potential across the plates of a capacitor?


The voltage supplied determines how strong the electrostatic force is inside a capacitor, and the length among the plates determines how weak it is.

The energy held in the capacitor stays unchanged as plates spacing increases, while capacitance falls. As a result, there is only a potential rise inside the differential here between plates.

By virtue of energy conservation, kinetic energy (KE) must be proportional to the change in potential energy (qV), either conversely. In terms of numbers, the voltage among the plates and the electron's energy in electron-volts are identical. For instance, a 5000-V voltage differential results in 5000-eV electrons. Energy in potential is position-dependent. To put it another way, it varies based here on weight and height of the object. The mass and initial velocity affect the kinetic energy of that object. When we consider a waterfall, we can see that the motionless liquid now at peak of something like the drop possesses potential energy.

The virial theory argued that kinetic energy is equivalent to half of potential energy's negative figure. The double of negative kinetic energy is called potential energy. The kinetic energy's opposite, amount of energy, is the same.

To know more about kinetic energy click here



For two forces to be balanced, what must be true?



equal magnitude and opposite direction

1. how would the horizontal range change if the initial velocity was doubled? explain (use the equation from the theory section, if needed).


The range will become the 4 times of intial velocity

if the initial velocity is doubled then the horizontal range will be 4 times.

R = u² sin²θ / g

R directly proportional U²

if initial velocity becomes 2 times, then horizontal range becomes 4 times.

This will be when angel of projection is same, the horizontal velocity is directly proportional to initial velocity.

To know more about initial velocity,



What is the image of a dilation?


Image of dilation is a type of transformation that changes the size of a shape or geometric figure, but keeps the relative proportions and shape the same.

Morphology is known as a broad range of image processing operations that process images based on their shape. It is also known as a tool used to extract image components that help represent and explain the shape of a region.The basic morphological operations are: H. Used to extend element A with structuring element B.Dilation adds pixels to the bounds of the object.Output pixel value is the maximum value of all pixels in the neighborhood. A pixel is set to 1 if any adjacent pixel has a value of 1. The grayscale structuring elements are also functions of the same form, so-called structure functions.

To learn about Morphology -



describe how the universe changed in going from the early universe to the universe some time later.


They moved away from each other in going from the early universe to the universe some time later.

As time goes on, the Universe not only forms elements, atoms, and clumps and clusters together that lead to stars and galaxies, but expands and cools the entire time. The Universe continues to expand even today, growing at a rate of 6.5 light-years in all directions per year as time goes on.

Starting from extremely high density and temperature, space expanded, the universe cooled, and the simplest elements formed. Gravity gradually drew matter together to form the first stars and the first galaxies.

To know more about galaxies click here:



an electron travels through space and has a velocity uncertainty of 131 m/s. what is the minimum uncertainty in the electron's position?


The minimum uncertainty in the electron's position is equal to the velocity uncertainty divided by the speed of light, which is 131 m/s / 299,792,458 m/s ≈ 4.37 × 10^−9 m.

The minimum uncertainty in the electron's position is determined by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which states that the product of the uncertainties in position and momentum have to be greater than or equal to a constant, which is equal to Planck's constant (h) divided by 4π.

Therefore, the minimum uncertainty in the electron's position (Δx) can be calculated using the equation below:

Δx * Δp ≥ h/4π

Where Δp is the uncertainty in the electron's momentum, which is equal to the electron's velocity uncertainty (Δv) multiplied by the electron's mass (m):

Δp = Δv * m

Inserting this into the equation for the minimum uncertainty in position, we get:

Δx * Δv*m ≥ h/4π

Simplifying and rearranging this equation, we get:

Δx ≥ h/4π * (1/m*Δv)

For a single electron with a mass of 9.11 x 10-31 kg and velocity uncertainty of 131 m/s, the minimum uncertainty in its position is 1.11 x 10.

to know more about velocity click here:



a capacitor in a series rc circuit is charged to 60% of its maximum value in 1.0 s. find the time constant of the circuit.


The time constant of the circuit is 0.9163τ

The charge of RC circuit is

q = 0.6q0

The expression for a charging capacitor is given by,

q = q0 ( 1-  e⁻⁽⁻t/T⁾)

Here, t

is the time, q0 is the equilibrium charge of circuit and τ is the time constant.

Substitute all the known values in the above formula.


The term time constant in an RC circuit can be evaluated with the help of the equilibrium charge of the circuit, charge at a specific time and time. The relation for a charging capacitor is an exponential expression.

Find more about Time constant



If you pull a 8 kg box across the floor with a net force of
50 N, how fast will it accelerate?
A. 5.5 m/s²
B. 9.8 m/s²
C. 3.2 m/s²
D. 6.25 m/s²


The acceleration of an 8kg box at net force of 50N would be d.) 6.25m/s²

What is the gravity-induced acceleration?

The acceleration due to gravity value of 9.8 m/s2 means that the velocity of a body falling freely changes by 9.8 m/s per second.

What does Newton's law define as acceleration?

The acceleration of an object is equal to the net force exerted on it divided by its mass, or a = F m, in accordance with Newton's second rule of motion. When the mass of an item and the net force acting on it are known, the acceleration of that object can be determined using this equation for acceleration.

What qualifies as acceleration?

Throughout time, the velocity is shifting. In actuality, the velocity is changing by a fixed rate of 10 m/s every second.

Let the direction of the 50 N be positive.

Fnet = (50 -10) N = +40 N

Fnet = m•a

a = Fnet/m = 40/75 m/s²

a = +0.53333 m/s² but round to 1 or 2 sig figs: +0.53 m/s² in the direction of the 50 N.

Learn more about Gravitational force here:



a uniform flat disk of radius r and mass 2m is pivoted at point p. a point mass of 1/2 m is attached to the edge of the disk.


The moment of inertia (Icm) of the uniform flat disk without the point mass = Icm = MR².

The moment of inertia with respect to point P on the disk without the point mass =  Ip = 3MR².

The total moment of inertia (of the disk with the point mass with respect to point P) = I total = 5MR².

We know from the case, that:

Mass = 2M

Radius = R

Mass at the edge = M₂ = 1/2M

Distance between the centre of mass to point P = p = R

Distance of the point mass to point P = d = 2R

We know that the moment of inertia for an uniform flat disk = 1/2mr².

(a) Then the moment of inertia for the uniform flat disk is:

= Icm = 1/2mr²

= Icm = 1/2(2M)(R²)

= Icm = MR²

(b) Next, we will find the moment of inertia of the disk with respect to point P. We know that point P is positioned at the arc of the disk. Hence,

= Ip = Icm + mp²

= Ip = MR² + (2M)R²

= Ip = 3MR²

(c) Then, the total moment of inertia of the disk with the point mass is:

= I total = Ip + I mass

= I total = 3MR² + (1/2M)(2R)²

= I total = 3MR² + 2MR²

= I total = 5MR²

To know more about Moment of Inertia:



The complete question:

A uniform flat disk of radius R and mass 2M is pivoted at point P A point mass of 1/2 M is attached to the edge of the disk 2M 2 M Part (a) Calculate the moment of inertia ICM of the disk (without the point mass) with respect t0 the central axis of the disk in terms of M and R. Part (b) Calculate the moment of inertia [p of the disk (without the point mass) with respect to point P in terms of M and R. Part (c) Calculate the total moment of inertia [of the disk with the point mass with respect to point P in terms of M and R.

calculate the magnitude of the normal force on a 15.0kg block, the block is restoing on a surface titled up at a 30.0 angle with respect the horizontal


The magnitude of the normal force on a 15.0kg block, the block is resting on a surface titled up at a 30.0 angle with respect the horizontal is 127.3 N.

How is the magnitude calculated ?

We are told the block is resting on a surface tilted up at a 30° angle with respect to the horizontal.

∴Thus, resolving the force in the horizontal direction will give us the normal force,

∴ θ = 30⁰

∴ m = 15 kg

∴ N = mg cosθ°

we know that g = 9.8 m/s

∴ N = 15 × 9.8 × (cos 30° )

∴ N = 15 × 9.8 × 0.866

∴ N = 127.3 N

Hence, the magnitude of force is 127.3N

What is force ?A force is an influence in physics that can modify the velocity of an object. A force can cause a mass item to change its velocity, or accelerate. Intuitively, force can be described as a push or a pull. A force is a vector quantity since it has both magnitude and direction.

Can learn more about magnitude of force from https://brainly.com/question/13707444


how many turns of wire would be required to make a 200 mh inductance out of a 40.0 cm -long air-filled coil with a diameter of 4.2 cm ?


15937.5 turns of wire would be required to make a 200 mh inductance out of a 40.0 cm-long air-filled coil with a diameter of 4.2 cm.

The number of turns of wire required to make a 200 mH inductance out of a 40.0 cm-long air-filled coil with a diameter of 4.2 cm can be calculated using the formula:

N = (L x 10^6) / (2π x (d/2)^2)

where N is the number of turns of wire, L is the desired inductance in microhenries (μH), d is the diameter of the coil in centimeters (cm), and π is the mathematical constant (3.14).

Plugging in the given values, we get:

N = (200 x 10^6) / (2 x 3.14 x (4.2/2)^2)

N = (200 x 10^6) / (2 x 3.14 x (2.1)^2)

N = (200 x 10^6) / (12.56)

N = 15937.5 turns of wire

to know more about inductance click here:



A 5 kg object traveling 40 m/s strikes a stationary 4 kg object in an inelastic collision. After the collision, the two objects come to a stop in 55 m. What was the coefficient of kinetic friction between the blocks and surface?





if a seagull sitting in water bobs up and down once every 2 seconds and the distance between two crests of the water wave is 3 m, what is the velocity of the wave?


The velocity of the wave is 1.5 m/s.

Since, the crest occurs every 2 seconds,

Time period = t = 2 s

Distance between two crests = Wavelength of the wave = λ = 3 m

Frequency of the wave = f

The velocity of the wave is = v =

The velocity of a wave is equal to the product of its wavelength and frequency (number of vibrations per second) and is independent of its intensity.

= v = λ X f

and, f = 1/t

= v = λ / t

= v = 3/2

= v = 1.5 m/s

Thus, the velocity of the wave is 1.5 m/s.

To know more about the Wave Velocity:



A uniform beam PQ of length 40m and weight 10N is supported at P and Q. It carries a load of 4N at a point 10m from P. What is the reaction at Q. ​


The reaction force at Q is 4N.

A support reaction is a force on a support or a resulting restraining end moment, which results due to a prevented possibility to move. In the case of structural systems, support reactions are in equilibrium with the external forces acting on the structure.

The uniformly distributed load can be replaced by a concentrated load acting at the centre of gravity of the UDL. The total load on beam is the UDL multiplied by the length of the beam,

So  support reaction is,

R = Load × Length

In this question,

The equation of equilibrium of moments is

[tex]R_{Q[/tex] × 40 - Mg×20-  4N× 10 = 0

So, [tex]R_{Q[/tex] = 10 N× 20 + 4N× 10 ÷ 40 = 4 N

To learn more about moments here



An ice skater is spinning with her arms out and is not being acted upon by an external torque.
When she pulls her arms in close to her body what happens to her angular velocity?


She boosts her angular velocity when she pulls her arms in toward her body since doing so causes her rate of spin to increase dramatically, which lowers her moment of inertia. She pulls her arms in with effort, increasing rotational kinetic energy.

What does the conservation of angular momentum entail?

The angular momentum of the system of particles is conserved if there is no net external torque at a given position in a fixed inertial reference frame:

You can see that the whole angular momentum is conserved. Any one of the individual angular momenta can change as long as the aggregate remains unchanged. This equation represents the conservation of linear momentum when there is no outside force acting on the system.

As a result, since the conservation of angular momentum can be demonstrated by an ice skater doing a spin. Her net torque is virtually zero because there isn't much friction between her skates and the ice. Furthermore, the friction is applied rather close to the pivot.

To know more about velocity visit:-  



How large is the acceleration of a 35-kg mass that has a net force of 270 n applied to it horizontally?.


If a net force of 270 N applied on a 35-kg mass, the acceleration is 7.7 m/s²

The problem can be solved by applying the Newton's 2nd law of motion, which states: the acceleration on an object is directly proportional to the net force applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass.

F = ma


F = net force acted on the object

m = mass

a = acceleration

Parameters given in the problem:

m = 35 kg

F = 270 N

Plug these parameters into the formula:

270 = 35 x a

a = 270/35 = 7.7 m/s²

Learn more about acceleration here:



pls hurrryyyy!!!!!!!! please



The penguins are gliding foward without stopping because there is no external force changing their state.


Newtons first law states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.

A 925 kg car rounds an unbanked curve at a speed of 25 m/s. If the radius of the curve is 72 m, what is the minimum coefficient of friction between the car and the road required so that the car does not skid?.


The minimum coefficient of friction required is 0.885  for a 925kg car rounds an unbanked curve at a speed of 25m/sec.

We know that if a body wants to travel from one place to another place, we need friction to move along the surface.

Now,we know that centripetal force is required to move along a curve.Also,due to friction same amount of force acts on the car to move along the surface.

It means centripetal force=mv²/r where v is the velocity of the body and r is the radius of the body is equal to force applied by the friction which is equal to =μmg  


=>v²/r =μg

=>μ= v²/rg

On putting the values of speed, radius and acceleration due to gravity




Hence, required value of coefficient of friction is 0.885.

To know more about coefficient of friction, visit here:



What event made it possible for photons to begin to travel freely through the universe when the universe was about 380,000 years old?
A. The universe had expanded and cooled enough for electrons to combine with nuclei to form neutral atoms.
B. Atoms started to combine to make the first molecules.
C. Magnetic fields had weakened to the point that they no longer interfered with light.
D. Atomic nuclei were finally able to escape the plasma of the early universe.
E. Fusion of hydrogen to make helium ceased.


Answer: C


Photons are electromagnetic waves (light) and can move according to the level of magnetism. Also are magnetic fields of the earth are known to protect us from uv rays which are harmful to the body

a 5 m chain with density 2 kg/m hangs off the roof of a building. how much work is required to pull the chain to the roof?


A 5 m chain with a density of 2 kg/m hangs off the roof of a building, then work done to pull the chain to the roof is 98 N m

The amount of force required to move an item a certain distance is referred to as the work done. Essentially, it is a measurement of the amount of energy that is transmitted to or from an item so that it may be moved.

W = force * distance

The force is the weight times gravity since it is hanging down

W = 2 kg* 9.8 m/s^2 * 5m

   98 kg m^2/s^2

A newton is  kg m/ s^2

W = 98 N m

To learn more about work click on the below link:



As a 15,000 kg jet lands on an aircraft carrier, its tail hook snags a cable to slow it down. The cable is attached to a spring with spring constant 60,000 N/m. If the spring stretches 30 m to stop the plane, what was the plane's landing speed?


The plane's landing speed was 250 m/s.

The force required to slow the plane down is equal to the spring constant multiplied by the amount it stretched. Thus, we can use the equation:

F = kx

where F is the force required, k is the spring constant, and x is the amount stretched.

In this case:

F = 60,000 N/m * 30 m = 1,800,000 N

We can use the equation for momentum to solve for the plane's speed:

p = mv

where p is the momentum, m is the mass, and v is the velocity.

In this case:

p = 15,000 kg * v

Rearranging for v, we get:

v = p/m = 1,800,000 N/15,000 kg = 250 m/s

Learn more about Spring Constant here:



Explain the image below in terms of Newton’s Laws.


The image given, is explained in terms of Newton's 1st law of motion.

What is Newton's 1st law of motion?

Based on Newton's First Law of Motion (Inertia).  An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion continues in motion at a steady speed and in a straight path until operated on by an unbalanced force.

Newton's first rule of motion states that if a pan of water were being moved along a track, the water would tend to keep moving ahead. However, the water will appear to splash to the right while it goes to the left. Space is nearly a perfect vacuum, devoid of both gravity and matter. Think about a satellite travelling 17,500 mph around the Earth. If a rock were to be launched from the satellite, it would orbit the earth adjacent to the satellite at a speed of 17,500 mph.

Here, in the given image, it is shown that the sofa is remain in the place unless a person forcefully move it from one place to another.

To know more about Newton's 1st law of motion refer to:



(a) calculate the range of wavelengths (in m) for fm given its frequency range is 88.0 to 108 mhz. smaller value m larger value m


The wavelengths fall around 2.78 meters and 3.41 meters.

By dividing the light speed by the FM lowest frequency, that would be 88 megahertz, we can calculate the maximum length, and comes to 3.41 meters. Additionally, the minimal wavelength would be 3 times 10 to 8 meters divide by 108 megahertz. In light of this, the wavelength for FM will fall between 2.78 meters and 3.41 meters.

The operating frequency of the Amplitude Modulated (AM radio) carrier frequencies is 535-1605 kHz. 10 kHz increments are used to assign frequency band, which range from 540 to 1600 kHz.

The VHF portion of something like the radio spectrum encompasses the FM broadcast frequency, which is used globally. To only a few instances, 87.5 to 108.0 MHz, or perhaps some component thereabouts, is typically utilised: The earlier 65.8-74 MHz range is still being used in many former Eastern Bloc nations as well as in the former Soviet states.

To know more about Wavelength click here



Which rock was under the most pressure and the highest temperature?


Metamorphic rock was under the most pressure and the highest temperature.

What type of rock has high temperature and pressure?

Rocks found under extremely high pressures and average to high temperatures are called eclogite and are often rich in cardinal and pyroxene. 8. The hornfels contains a series of rocks that result from contact metamorphism under low pressures and a wide range of temperatures.

Metamorphic rocks form when live rocks are exposed to heat and pressure deep within the Earth's surface. The new rock is completely different from the other.

So we can conclude that A rock with this feeling is called gneiss. Since gneisses form at the highest temperatures and pressures, some partial melting may occur.

Learn more about rocks here: https://brainly.com/question/26046551


a constant force is exerted for a short time interval on a cart that is initially at rest on an air track. this force gives the cart a certain final speed. suppose we repeat the experiment but, instead of starting from rest, the cart is already moving with constant speed in the direction of the force at the moment we begin to apply the force. after we exert the same constant force for the same short time interval, the increase in the cart’s speed


The cart's increased speed is the same as when it first took off.

Rate is the speed from which an object travels along a path over time, whereas velocity is the speed and orientation of an item's motion.

At first, the cart is at rest.

So, u = 0 m/s.

A brief period of time is spent with a constant force applied.

The final speed that the force gives the cart is what we'll call v.

Newton's first equation of motion yields the following results:

v = u + at


The ultimate speed =v.

The starting speed =u.

Acceleration = a.

Time = t

u = 0 m/s, therefore we now have;

v = 0 + at

v = at

Let's now use Newton's second rule of motion to construct a formula to introduce force;

F = ma


Force = f.

Mass = m.

Acceleration = a.


= a = F/m.

Substituting in v = at,

= v = (F/m)t

The final speed, v, is evidently exactly related to the force. So, if the force is constant, the end speed will also stay constant.

To learn more about Speed:



The complete question is -

A constant force is exerted for a short time interval on a cart that is initially at rest on an air track. This force gives the cart a certain final speed. Suppose we repeat the experiment but, instead of starting from rest, the cart is already moving with constant speed in the direction of the force at the moment we begin to apply the force.

After we exert the same constant force for the same short time interval, the increase in the cart's speed:

A. is equal to two times its initial speed.

B. is equal to the square of its initial speed.

C. is equal to four times its initial speed.

D. is the same as when it started from rest.

E. cannot be determined from the information provided.

The satellite space explorer flies 180600 miles in 21 hours. Find the rate of change.


The rate of change, or speed, of the satellite space explorer, is approximately 8600 miles per hour.


Distance = 180600 miles

Time = 21 hours

The rate of change represents the speed or velocity at which the satellite is traveling.

Rate of change (Speed) = Distance ÷ Time

Rate of change (Speed) = 180600 ÷ 21

Rate of change (Speed) = 8600 miles /hour

So, the rate of change, or speed, of the satellite space explorer is approximately 8600 miles per hour.

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in a standard cost system, variable overhead is applied: a. using actual direct labor hours. b. using budgeted indirect labor hours. c. using direct labor hours at practical capacity. d. using standard direct labor hours. e. all of these. which feature is peculiar to adeno-associated viral (aav) vectors and not shared with retroviral vectors? Read this excerpt from a poem by langston hughes. hughes suggests that the point of singing the blues is to make the singer feel better by expressing sorrow in music. to make the audience feel sad by expressing sorrow in music. to puzzle the listeners by singing about something they dont care about. within the third step of the control process, ______ is a principle that states that managers should be informed of a situation only if data show a significant deviation from standards. Which statement about transcription is true?Question 18 options:Transcription occurs in the ribosomes where the tRNA brings amino acids.Transcription only occurs in the cytoplasm because that is where the ribosomes are located.Transcription only occurs in the nucleus because DNA does not leave the nucleus.Transcription can occur in the nucleus or cytoplasm, depending on which gene is being transcribed. What is satire today? if fertilization occurs which hormone triggers the thickening of the endometrium? Researchers surveyed 1,000 randomly selected adults in the u.s. a statistically significant, strong positive correlation was found between income level and the number of containers of recycling they typically collect in a week. please select the best interpretation of this result.a. We can not conclude whether earning more money causes more recycling among U.S. adults because this type of study does not allow us to infer causation. b. This sample is too small to draw any conclusions about the relationship between income level and amount of recycling for adults in the U.S. c. This result indicates that earning more money causes people to recycle more than people who earn less money. wal protocol a. speeding up access to data located on the disk b. ensures isolation property of a transaction c. ensures durability property of a transaction d. none of above after 5,100 years ago, the standardized impressions placed on clay tokens in ancient mesopotamia became Lansing Companys current-year income statement and selected balance sheet data at December 31 of the current and prior years follow. LANSING COMPANY Income Statement For Current Year Ended December 31 Sales revenue $ 130,200 Expenses Cost of goods sold 53,000 Depreciation expense 17,500 Salaries expense 29,000 Rent expense 10,100 Insurance expense 4,900 Interest expense 4,700 Utilities expense 3,900 Net income $ 7,100 LANSING COMPANY Selected Balance Sheet Accounts At December 31 Current Year Prior Year Accounts receivable $ 6,700 $ 8,000 Inventory 3,080 2,090 Accounts payable 5,500 6,800 Salaries payable 1,100 810 Utilities payable 440 270 Prepaid insurance 370 500 Prepaid rent 440 290 mandatory minimum staffing ratios are being considered in the jurisdiction where a nurse-manager works. based on experiences of other states, the nurse should identify what possible result of this legislation? (01.03 LC) Will give 5 points to each answer and a Brainliest! Yolanda's age is 5 years less than twice Marco's age. If Yolanda is 15 years old, how old is Marco? Choose the answer below that is a viable solution to this problem. (1 point)O 10O 8O 5O 1 How does a person become more literate in a particular discipline or area You earn $48 for washing 6 cars. How much do you earn for washing 2 cars? Two types of chlorphyll that are used by green plants to absorb light energy? please help, answers only!! Why did the big bang not produce a significant proportion of elements heavier than helium? after executing the top command, you can also sort the output by cpu usage by pressing the __________ keys. Suppose you drop a rock into a dark well and, using precision equipment, you measure the time for the sound of a splash to return. Neglecting the time required for sound to travel up the well, calculate the distance to the water if the sound returns in 2. 00 s.