What is satire today?


Answer 1

Satire is a genre of the visual, literary, and performing arts, usually in the form of fiction and less frequently non-fiction, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, often with the intent of shaming or exposing the perceived flaws of individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement.

Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.Satire is the art of making someone or something look ridiculous, raising laughter in order to embarrass, humble, or discredit its targets.

As a literary genre, satire is one of the oldest: the term was coined by the classical rhetorician Quintillian, who used the root of the Latin word “satura,” which means “full,” and was familiar to many Romans from the phrase lanx satura, which described a medley of fruits – and apparently conveyed the miscellaneous quality of early satire.

To know more about Satire visit:



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Core Talents consist of technical information, technical skills, entrepreneurial understanding and entrepreneurial skills.

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students with solid phonics skills tend to recognize sight words more quickly, regardless of how regular the words’ spellings are. t or f


The following statement, "Students with solid phonics skills tend to recognize sight words more quickly, regardless of how regular the word's spellings are." is True.

Students with solid phonics skills are able to read and spell words with ease. They are able to decode unfamiliar words and pronounce them correctly. Phonics skills provide a strong foundation for reading fluency and comprehension.

Students who have strong phonics skills are more likely to be successful readers. These students have a strong foundation for reading and spelling, and they are able to make progress quickly.

Hence, the statement is True.

To know more about phonics, click here.



describe the major events in Chinua Achebe’s life and career.



Achebe grew up in the Igbo (Ibo) town of Ogidi, Nigeria. After studying English and literature at University College (now the University of Ibadan), Achebe taught for a short time before joining the staff of the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation in Lagos, where he served as director of external broadcasting in 1961–66.


Why is BTS music so popular?


It makes people get along with the rhythm and I guess it’s good?

How do you write a satire story?


Humor or satire is difficult to write. Not impossible or simple, yet difficult. When reading great comedy or satire,

it frequently seems as if the author had an excellent concept or point and simply sat down at her computer to crush it through your screen with a hammer.

Select a subject. Look for material that is sarcastic or absurd by nature.Make your case with exaggeration. A literary technique known as hyperbole exaggerates facts.Use irony to communicate your thoughts.In your sarcastic writings, try to be humorous.

Satire is an art genre, mostly literary and theatrical, in which human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or flaws are brought to light for criticism through mockery, scorn, burlesque, irony,

Learn more about to satire story visit here;



Fiedler’s contingency leadership model argues that leadership behaviors should be primarily determined by position power.
a. True
b. False


False: Fiedler's contingency leadership model contends that positional power should be the primary factor in determining leadership actions.

Fiedler's Contingency Theory states that in order to succeed, a leader must modify their approach in accordance with the circumstances. You may use this model to analyze your own leadership style, evaluate the scenario that calls for leadership, and assess whether you are the best candidate.Scientist Fred Fiedler developed the Fiedler Contingency Model in the middle of the 1960s after researching the nature and traits of leaders. According to the concept, there is no one optimum leadership style. The efficacy of a leader is determined by the circumstances.Consider a basketball team as a first example of using Fiedler's model, as they have a disciplined work, a low amount of authority, and (in principle) strong leader-member connections.

Thus the answer is False.

Refer here to learn more about Fiedler’s contingency leadership model: https://brainly.com/question/29745885


what was life like for kamau prior to the Mau Mau Rebellion


Life for k\Kamau prior to the Mau Mau Rebellion was that he was living an ordinary farm life with his family, parents and siblings.

What is the story of Weep Not, Child about?

The protagonist of this book is Njoroge, whose mother wants him to enroll in school as the family's first student. They reside on Jacobo's property. Mr. Howlands, who owns a sizable portion of the land in the region, is one of those pioneers. The two brothers of Njoroge are Kamau and Boro. Kamau is a carpenter's apprentice.

Due to his forced participation in combat during World War II, Boro has PTSD (PTSD). On Mr. Howlands' property, Ngotho, Njoroge's father, farms. He is a man who values the land and the upkeep of it more than money.

Lastly, Jomo Kenyatta, one of the leaders of the Mau Mau Uprising, is ready to go on trial. Many Kenyans believe he will free them from British domination, but he loses the case and is sentenced to prison. There are more demonstrations in Kenya. The British colonists take measures to repress and oppress them even more.

Learn more about Mau Mau Rebellion from


See full story below

Weep Not, Child

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o.. what was life like for kamau prior to the Mau Mau Rebellion

What is one possible disadvantage of hearing the characters voices as opposed to silently.


Hearing allows listeners to associate a voice with each of the characters.

What are the benefits of hearing the characters?Silent reading improves students' understanding because it helps them concentrate on reading rather than pronunciation. This practice also allows children to read faster and improve comprehension. Silent reading also helps develop reading skills for a purpose, as the focus is on understanding the content.It gives listeners a better idea of each character's appearance. It aids listeners in deciding how the lighting affects the characters' expressions.Connecting with characters in books can help us understand, explore, and experiment with our identities and improve our perspective-taking skills.As one of our most important senses, the ability to hear enables us to connect to the world for many very important, even vital, reasons. Most importantly, hearing connects us to people enabling us to communicate in a way that none of our other senses can achieve.

To learn more about hearing voice refer to:



The acronym TRIC helps students ________strong academic paragraphs.
Answer choices for the blank

The answer for the blank is "C", organize.



the answer is C



The C is the correct answer organize

What are 5 examples of non-fiction?


Nonfiction is a popular category of written work that describes real events.

Nonfiction, or non-fiction, is any record or media content that tries, in proper faith, to offer information grounded most effectively in records and real life, in preference to the imagination.

Nonfiction, or non-fiction, is any report or media content material that attempts, in top faith, to provide statistics grounded most effectively in statistics and real life, rather than in imagination.

In widespread, fiction refers to devices, settings, and characters constructed from creativity, at the same time as nonfiction refers to authentic stories centered on real occasions and those. but, the difference between those genres is occasionally blurred, as the 2 regularly intersect.

Learn more about non-fiction here:-https://brainly.com/question/1152788


the andrea gail is battered by all kinds of severe weather, but what was it that finally sinks the boat?


According to Flaherty's view, the Andrea Gail may have had low fuel levels or that its fuel became muddy in the choppy waves.

What caused the Andrea Gail to sink?Nobody can say for sure what happened during the Andrea Gail's final hours because there are no survivors, witnesses, or wreckage. All that is known is that she vanished into the chilly waters east of Nova Scotia.The Andrea Gail, a 72-foot fishing boat, would have had little chance of surviving the confluence of several meteorological systems known as The Perfect Storm, which included hurricane-force winds and waves that were more than 60 feet high.The Andrea Gail was around 150 miles east of Sable Island, perhaps travelling to Gloucester, but it's also possible that she was going interior in search of refuge or fuel. The fishing boat's radio malfunction, how it happened, and how far she proceeded afterward are all unclear.

To learn more about The Perfect Storm refer :



Directions: Select the correct sentence number in the paragraph.
Which sentence is an example of a complex sentence?
1. I ran to the back of my closet as quickly as I
could. 2. I'm not usually afraid of creaky noises, but this
night I was alone in the house. 3. Even my dog, Sharpie,
was outside. 4. After I found the courage to walk to my
bedroom door, I peeked out slowly. 5. What I saw was
strange, horrifying, and indescribable.


Answer: 4


What is the impact of online learning to students?


Technology has helped in learning and learning has led to the advancement of technology. Both offline learning and online learning would go hand-in-hand and online education will eventually become an integral component of school education.

Online learning is rapidly becoming one of the most effective ways to impart education. The impact of the virus was so strong that online education became a seemingly ubiquitous part of our growing world, which resulted in the closure of schools and no further physical interaction of teachers with students. Fortunately, soon enough most of the schools and educational institutions moved to online mode to resume their studies. As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely on digital platforms instead of physical classrooms.

Technology has helped in learning and learning has led to the advancement of technology. Both offline learning and e-learning would go hand-in-hand and online education will eventually become an integral component of school education.

To know more about Online learning visit:



The-author of "A Fateful Journey" altered which historical fact from "Moving to America" in
his description of the immigrants?
A Many immigrants traveled to the United States.
B Some immigrants worked in the coal mines.
C Many immigrants feuded with each other.
D The immigrants came from all over Europe.


The right answer for the above question is Many immigrants feuded with each other.

The author of  "A Fateful Journey" draws on historical information from "Moving to America" to shape his narrative and the overall impact of the work.

How are the historical facts altered?

The author makes a conscious decision on which historical facts will be included, which will be left out, as well as whether or not they need to be changed to make the reading more interesting or appealing to the reader.

Historical reports explain the ship's state and the conditions of the immigrants sailing to America, including how crowded and miserable it was. This knowledge is used by the author to give his fiction more authenticity.

However, he also leaves out other information, such as the harsh realities that immigrants must deal with, such as the hardship of the long journey, the conflicts between immigrants of various nationalities, and the difficult process of being interrogated and either admitted or rejected upon arrival at Ellis Island. Instead, the author concentrates on the events' more uplifting elements, such as the music and dances and how the immigrants supported one another to create a happier atmosphere.

The author of  "A Fateful Journey" draws on historical information from "Moving to America" to shape his narrative and the overall impact of the work.

To read more about A Fateful Journey, click here:



abnLdjkdmd dnoxosm esnskidut
solsoslka dkdododnmaks



i dont understand...


what is your question?

What is the most important skill you need in performing Cheerdance?


It is important to concentrate on three things in cheerleading: flexibility, strength, and endurance. It need flexibility to practice and execute leaps. The heights of the jumps will increase with a cheerleader's flexibility.

The most crucial cheerleading abilities include dancing, stunting (erecting pyramids), leaping, tumbling, and cheering. These are the core skills that underpin cheering in all of its forms. It is crucial to have and improve your balance, strength, flexibility, and endurance in order to master these abilities.Athleticism, strength, flexibility, coordination, and devotion are necessary for cheerleading. Cheer is a social, team-based exercise with significant physical benefits that may help youngsters develop their self-confidence and leadership abilities. Confidence is one of the most crucial qualities cheering instills.

Thus this is the most important skill you need in performing cheer dance.

To learn more about cheer dance, refer: brainly.com/question/29551389


Joshua, a member of your dorm council, has been a very disruptive groupmember-- speaking out of turn, dominating discussions, makinginappropriate remarks, and quarreling with other council members. What steps should be taken to deal effectively with Joshua?
a. Confront Joshua about his disruptive behavior after the councilmeeting
b. Expel Joshua from the council
c. Continue to allow Joshua to dominate conversation so he willrun out of steam
d. Challenge Joshua on every point he makes so he will realizethat he can't bully the council


The ideal choice is (a). After the council meeting, confront Joshua about his obstructive actions.

Which of the following is not thought to be a good idea in a group discussion?

Never should we speak quickly, scream, or stuttered. Asking questions to get more information is better if a topic is unclear. When addressing a crowd, be strong. This is not the place for dominating others.

Participants in group discussions, sometimes known as GDs, talk about ideas or do things. Everyone participating in the debate is linked by a single underlying idea. Based on that premise, each individual in the group expresses their point of view. During the general discussion (GD), a candidate's talents are assessed, including leadership, communication, social and behavioral skills, courtesies, teamwork, and listening.

To know more about Group discussions visit:



i was extremely sensitive child and the death of my beloved mother certainly had a(n) effect upon me


According to the study, fathers were less sympathetic to daughters than mothers were to boys, while moms and fathers exhibited the same amount of sensitivity toward sons.

specify sensitivity Being sensitive may also mean being fragile, easily irritated, or sympathetic. Sensitivity can be shown in someone whose eyes hurt from the lights. Someone who is sensitive is someone who is easily affected. Sensitivity is demonstrated by a friend's treatment of another person who is going through a tough time.

A major idea in attachment theory is parental sensitivity, which is the ability to recognize and respond effectively to newborn signs.

Parental sensitivity and nurture have an impact on many elements of how children operate.

Children raised by sensitive and loving parents are more likely to be

To learn more about sensitivity please click on below link



Which apect of gothic literature do the firt four chapter of frankentien mot clearly how


The first four chapters of Frankenstein make it very evident that a supernatural occurrence is a hallmark of Gothic literature. Gothic literature is characterized by the use of gloomy settings and a horrifying synthesis of death, fear, and supernatural themes.

Which Gothic literary component is most present in this passage from Frankenstein? *A. Emotional terror Correct! The right response is: psychological dread. Gothic literature has a variety of elements, such as mystery and suspense, atmosphere and setting, as well as omens and curses, that appeal to readers both then and today. The Gothic novel is distinctive because, although numerous books had already used Gothic themes by the time Mary Shelley published Frankenstein, the genre had only existed since 1754. The original Gothic.

To learn more about Frankenstein please click on below link



What are two elements of satire?


Satire is the use of irony, sarcasm, mockery, or other techniques to expose, denounce, or mock evil or foolishness. a literary work, either in poetry or prose, that exposes human depravity and foolishness to scorn, mockery, or ridicule.

A monologue is a presentation in which a single speaker addresses the audience directly, typically in the form of an essay. This form is shown in "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Satire. Parody: This is an imitation that exaggerates and distorts the original to create a sense of humor or mockery. The permutation of four fundamental elements—aggression, play, laughter, and judgment—to varied degrees, depending on the type of satirical work or expression, is what is known as satire. There is verbal hostility in satire.

To learn more about Satire please click on below link



What is the 4 element model?


The 4-Element Movement System Model defines the fundamental elements (motion, force, motor control, and energy) that are required for all movements to be performed.

The model provides a framework or scaffolding that Element enables the application of consistent methods in assessment and intervention decisions. Let us define conceptual model for a better understanding.

A conceptual model is essentially a diagram showing a given (supposed) causal linkage that exists among a collection of concepts or ideas. It is typically associated with a specific public health issue. This model is claimed to be distinct from previous theories since it is concerned with specific forms of conduct in the right or major contexts rather than with global behavior. It is unique because its components are knitted together as one.

To learn more about Element please click on below link



which of the following is not true about vocalized pauses? question 16 options: they are phrases or sounds made as filler in a speech. they should be completely eliminated from speech. they are accepted in small amounts by southern audiences as an indicator of honesty. can interfere with speaking if used in excess.


They should be completely eliminated from speech

What regarding vocalised pauses is true?Vocalized pauses are interruptions in speech that cause your thoughts to wander. Fillers include vocalised pauses like "ahh..., and..., uhh..., and umm." When you utilise too many of these fillers, you come out as uninformed, indifferent, and unconfident.Vocalized pauses are statements that take place in between words in spoken sentences, such as "uh," "like," and "um."According to research, a speaker's credibility and persuasiveness are affected by vocalised pauses in excess.Pitch, rate, pauses, volume, enunciation, fluency, and vocal variation are vocal delivery elements. Gestures, expressions on the face, eye contact, and movement are examples of nonverbal delivery elements.They ought to be fully taken out of conversation.

To learn more about vocalised pauses is true refer to:



What is the part of research in which the terms or concepts that are important in the study are defined?


The part of research in which the terms or concepts that are important in the study are defined is introduction.

The "Definitions of Terms" part is one that is frequently needed in a dissertation. This helps your readers comprehend the ideas or elements that will be covered in your research and provides background information on how you plan to apply those ideas.A list of acronyms, jargon, credits, etc. is often included as an appendix to a work (book, research paper, pamphlet, etc.), either at the beginning or more commonly at the conclusion. This is a crucial component of The major or relevant concepts in the study are specified in detail in a research paper or report.You should introduce your topic and strategy to the reader in the start to a research paper. Its main objectives include the following: Introduce your subject and pique the reader's curiosity. Give background information or an overview of the literature.

Thus this is the meaning of introduction.

Refer here to learn more about research: https://brainly.com/question/25257437


Does George realize Mary's feelings when they are younger? If George had discovered her feelings earlier, how could that have changed the outcome of the film? in its a wonderful life


Mary never forgot the night at the high school graduation party with George  Bailey dancing the Charleston, falling into the swimming pool, singing “Buffalo Gals” on the stroll home, and George's promise to lasso the moon.

Mary Hatch Bailey is a fictional person in Frank Capra's 1946 film it is a superb existence. She is the lover and later spouse of protagonist George Bailey (performed by using James Stewart as a grownup and Bobby Anderson as a baby). Mary is played by way of Donna Reed as an adult and Jean Gale as a child.

James Stewart plays George Bailey from the age of 21 to 38, from the night of the school dance in 1928 to Christmas 1945. Stewart changed into 37/38 years old at some point in April to July 1946 filming. 25 yr-vintage Donna Reed plays Mary from the age of 18 to 35.

Learn more about George  Bailey  here



Will you recommend cheer dancing as a form of physical activity to develop one's fitness level why 5 pts?


In order to promote proper posture and support the body's trunk, cheering provides a fantastic exercise for the body's core muscles.

I associate cheering with a real sport that has helped me develop my patience, sense of collaboration, compassion, acceptance, and resolve.It's a wonderful aerobic exercise to cheer! High-energy dances must be repeated because cheers normally only last a few minutes. In addition to dance, choreography sometimes includes tumbles, jumps, and even stunts, all of which call for a lot of endurance, especially if you want to smile broadly the entire time!Cheerleading is a great workout for the body's core muscles since it involves a lot of upper body movement, which helps to support good posture and stabilize the trunk. Cheerleading is a great workout to burn calories and become in shape.

Thus the answer is Yes.  

Refer here to learn more about cheerdancing: https://brainly.com/question/29552503


In Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court first stated the principle that -A. only the courts may regulate interstate commerceB. the president may veto federal legislationC. the courts may declare a federal law unconstitutionalD. only the president may issue an executive order


The concept of judicial review was created in the Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison (1803). This was the first instance in which the court might declare a statute unlawful.

James Madison, the U.S. Secretary of State, came up against William Marbury in the 1803 case Marbury v. Madison before the U.S. Supreme Court. It established the judicial review principle, enabling the federal courts to deem acts (by the legislative and executive branches) to be unconstitutional. It implies that the court has the authority to evaluate and invalidate all decisions made by various arms of the government. The incident served as a historical marker. It developed the judicial review doctrine or principle.

To know more about Judicial Review, refer to this link:



essay explaining why it is sometimes necessary to take a chance


Answer: rate brainliest


Taking a chance can be a daunting prospect, as it often involves venturing outside of our comfort zone and risking failure or rejection. However, despite the potential challenges and setbacks, there are many good reasons why it is sometimes necessary to take a chance.

First and foremost, taking a chance can lead to new opportunities and experiences that we might not have otherwise had. By stepping outside of our comfort zone and trying something new, we open ourselves up to the possibility of discovering new passions, talents, and interests. This can lead to personal growth and development, as well as opportunities for career advancement and success.

Additionally, taking a chance can also help us to overcome our fears and insecurities. Many of us are held back by our own self-doubt and fear of failure, and this can prevent us from achieving our goals and reaching our full potential. By taking a chance and putting ourselves in unfamiliar situations, we can learn to confront and overcome our fears, and this can give us the confidence and resilience we need to tackle future challenges.

Furthermore, taking a chance can also benefit others and make a positive impact on the world around us. By trying something new and stepping out of our comfort zone, we can inspire and motivate others to do the same. This can lead to a ripple effect of positive change, as more and more people are encouraged to take risks and pursue their dreams.

In conclusion, while taking a chance can be intimidating and risky, it is often necessary in order to achieve our goals, overcome our fears, and make a positive impact on the world. By stepping outside of our comfort zone and trying something new, we can open ourselves up to new opportunities, experiences, and personal growth.

What is the meaning of beginning line?



: a line that marks the beginning of a race.


Three of the following statements are comma splices. Choose the one correctly punctuated statement that is not a comma splice.

a ) Cyber bullying has been increasing over the last few decades, many states are responding by creating laws against it.

b ) Cyber bullying has been increasing over the last few decades, consequently many states are responding by creating laws against it.

c.) Cyber bullying has been increasing over the last few decades, and many states are responding by creating laws against it.

d ) Cyber bullying has been increasing over the last few decades, therefore many states are responding by creating laws against it.


We can see here that the statement that is a correctly punctuated statement which is not a comma splice is: D. Cyber bullying has been increasing over the last few decades, therefore many states are responding by creating laws against it.

What is a comma splice?

A comma splice is actually known to be an error seen when writing sentences in English Language whereby two independent clauses are actually joined together with the use of a comma. In literary writing, authors make use of comma splice sometimes to convey a particular mood of informality.

We see that comma splice can also be known as a comma fault. It is usually seen to be a grammatical error found in English writing.

We see here that the selected option is the correct answer. This is because the insertion of the "and" after the comma gives a correct sentence.

 Learn more about comma splice on https://brainly.com/question/12561814


What does Raven symbolize to the narrator of the poem?


Speaker's never-ending sorrow at Lenore's passing is symbolised by title raven. As the speaker points out when he describes the raven as coming from "Night's Plutonian coast," or underworld, ravens have connotation of death.

The raven is frequently connected to loss and bad omen due to its dark plumage, croaking sound, and diet of carrion. However, its meaning is intricate. The raven, a talking bird, also stands for insight and prophesy. In myths, ravens frequently serve as psychopomps, bridging the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds.

The emblem in "The Raven" is clear. According to Poe, the Raven represents "mournful, never-ending reminiscence." Our narrator's discourse is driven by his regret over his lost, ideal maiden Lenore.

To know more about raven:



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