What happens as he is about to embrace his wife An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge?


Answer 1

He felt a blow to his back just as he was ready to embrace his wife; all went black, and Farquhar passed away.

He enters the forest, chooses his route based on the sun, and spends the entire day there. His family's presence inspires him to continue. He travels a distant route and arrives at his house's gate in the early hours of the morning. His wife comes down from the verandah to meet him as he makes his way home. He approaches to embrace her but is stopped in his tracks by a searing pain in his neck and a dazzling white light that surrounds him. Then he is enveloped in darkness and stillness. Farquhar's broken body is literally hanging from the side of the Owl Creek bridge; he has passed away.

To know more about Owl Creek bridge, refer to this link:



Related Questions

If you've ever had a sleepless night, you know that a lack of sleep can make you feel sluggish. Yet failing to get a good night's sleep can also have more serious consequences. Sleep plays an important role in the process of learning new information. A lack of sleep reduces a person's ability to pay attention and concentrate, which makes learning more difficult. In addition, sleep is necessary for remembering information. In 2009, researchers discovered that brain patterns called sharp wave–ripple complexes consolidate memories—that is, fix them in the brain—and transfer them to long-term storage. These brain waves happen most often during the deepest phases of sleep. Thus, you may have a hard time remembering what you learned during the day if you don't get enough sleep.
What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Sharp-wave ripple complexes, which often occur during deep sleep, are important for long-term storage of memories

B. Without enough sleep, a person may have a hard time learning and remembering information


Answer: B. Without enough sleep, a person may have a hard time learning and remembering information


Your main point of the paragraph serves the purpose of informing the reader about the effects of sleepless nights. The passage mentions the 2009 study by researchers into sharp wave-ripple complexes, but only as a supporting detail to the argument made.

Answer A focuses specifically on the supporting detail regarding the 2009 research survey, instead of summarizing the main idea of the passage provided, whilst answer B is the main idea of the entire article.


Answer choice A.


The main idea of the passage is that a lack of sleep can have serious consequences, such as reduced ability to pay attention and concentrate, and difficulty remembering information. Sleep plays an important role in the process of learning new information and consolidating memories, as brain patterns called sharp wave–ripple complexes are necessary for fixing memories in the brain and transferring them to long-term storage.

What are the 10 themes?


The theme subject matter is an crucial concept this is woven in the course of a story. It's now no longer the plot or the summary, however some thing a bit deeper. A subject matter a huge concept approximately our global with the movement of a text.

The major concept is what the book is ordinarily approximately. The subject matter is the message, lesson, or ethical of a ee-e book. By asking critical questions at earlier than you examine, even as you examine, you may decide the principle concept and Theme.


Read more about the theme;



What are 3 examples of regulatory agencies?


One of the Federal Reserve's government regulators is the Department of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC).

The FDIC regulatory agency is an independent governmental organization created by legislative act with the purpose of establishing and enforcing standards in a particular area of activity, or operations, in the private sector of the economy.Currently, the Federal government has around 100 regulatory agencies. More than 20 years ago, The Regulatory Group, Inc. initially created this lexicon for its training courses. To keep up with changes in the federal regulatory process, it is frequently changed and altered.The protection of the public's health and safety is the main goal and function of regulatory authorities. Regulatory organizations carry out their duties by issuing regulations that individuals under their authority must abide with.

Thus these are the three examples of regulatory agencies.

Refer here to learn more about regulatory agencies: https://brainly.com/question/28290535


Demonstrating everything you know about strong ideas, organization, sentence fluency and conventions, write the best essay you can, comparing and contrasting online and traditional learning. Your instructor will use the 6+1 rubric to assess your writing.


The differences that can be associated online education and traditional education is that online education do involves learning through

electronics while traditional education involves conventional physical environment.

What is online learning and traditional learning?

Online learning  can be describe as one that do take place through the use of theinternet which can be seen as a learning that is accessible online and the learning content can take place from any place and at any time .

while the Traditional learning requires the settings where physical presence is needed usually in the classroom.

Learn more about education at:



Which rhetorical device does Inouye use in this
O metaphor, in comparing "society" to "art"
O synecdoche, because he uses "poets and
painters" to stand for art in general
O irony, because a "hostile" reaction to greater
appreciation seems contradictory
O metonymy, in using "art" to stand for all artists


The rhetorical device used here is hyperbole.

What is rhetorical devices?

A rhetorical device, also known as a persuasive device, or stylistic device, is a technique used by authors or speakers to convey meaning to readers or listeners with the intention of persuading them to consider a topic from a perspective. It involves using language that is intended to encourage or enflame an emotional display of a particular perspective or action. However, the main goal of rhetorical devices is not to elicit an emotional response from the listener. Instead, they aim to strengthen an argument or stance beyond what it would naturally be by doing so. You use rhetoric whenever you attempt to inform, convince, or dispute with someone. The force of rhetoric can be felt if you've ever reacted emotionally to a speech or changed your opinion after hearing a persuasive debator's rebuttal. You can enhance your capacity to process and express information while also enhancing your persuasive abilities by gaining a fundamental understanding of rhetorical devices.

The rhetorical device used here is hyperbole.

To know more about rhetorical device, visit:






phrases that are used frequently in english and cannot be understood from the individual meanings of the words are known as


A term used frequently by one group of people is known as an idiom. It is frequently metaphorical and frequently difficult to understand from the words alone.

A good idiom example is what?

The Greek word "idioma," which means odd phrase, is where the word "idiom" originates. For instance, the expression "under the weather" is commonly understood to signify sick or ill. You don't actually imply that you're standing in the rain when you say you're "under the weather."

What are the three different idiom types?

Idioms can generally be divided into three categories: phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, and partial idioms.

Tknow more about idioms visit:



How much hunter orange Do you need to wear in Washington?


Under some conditions, hunters are required by state regulations to wear at least 400 square inches of outside apparel in neon hunter orange or fluorescent hunter pink.

Under some circumstances, hunters must comply with state regulations and wear at least 400 square inches of outside apparel that is fluorescent hunter orange or fluorescent hunter pink. This bright apparel must be visible from all sides and worn above the waist. By itself, a hat does not satisfy this condition. Wearing both colors together will satisfy the 400-square-inch criterion.

Anyone hunting bear, bobcat, cougar, coyote, deer, elk, fox, grouse, hare, rabbit, raccoon, or turkey in an area available to hunting for deer or elk during a modern firearms season shall wear hunter orange and/or hunter pink attire. When hunting in places where modern firearm seasons overlap, this also applies to archers and muzzleloaders.

To know more about Hunting, refer to this link:



Read the excerpt from act 1, scene 5 of The Tragedy
of Macbeth. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are
discussing Duncan's upcoming stay at their castle.
Lady Macbeth. And when goes hence?
Macbeth. To-morrow, as he purposes.
Lady Macbeth. Ol never
Shall sun that morrow see.
Your face, my thane, is as a book where men
May read strange matters. To beguile the time,
Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye,
Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower,
But be the serpent under 't. He that's coming
Must be provided for; and you shall put
This night's great business into my dispatch;
Which shall to all our nights and days to come
Give solely sovereign sway and masterdom.

How does the simile "look like the innocent flower"
contribute to the sinister mood of this except?

O Lady Macbeth is pressuring Macbeth to appear as
something he is not in order to conceal his inner turmoil.

O Lady Macbeth is concerned that Macbeth is unable
to properly welcome his guest and must give him advice.

O Lady Macbeth is eager to play the hostess,
welcoming the king with beautiful decorations and vibrant flowers.

O Lady Macbeth is confident that they can appear as
innocent bystanders while their plot to kill the king is carried out.


The simile in the passage reveals that "Lady Macbeth is pressuring Macbeth to appear as something he is not in order to conceal his inner turmoil," option A.

What is a simile?

Simile is a figurative language device used to compare different things. In the passage, the simile consists of Lady Macbeth comparing her husband to both an innocent flower and a serpent.

The purpose of such simile is to convey her worries. Lady Macbeth and her husband are plotting to kill the king. However, Macbeth is unable to hide his feelings. That is why she is asking him to be like the flower and the serpent. That means he should seem innocent, honest and welcoming on the outside, but be cunning and deceitful on the inside.

With that in mind, option A is the best answer to explain the simile.

Learn more about simile here:



Indigo can best be described as __________. A. A type of tea that was popular in britain in the 1800s b. A plant that was used to make blue dye c. A powerful, addictive narcotic drug d. A type of woven cotton cloth with a colorful design please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d.


Indigo can best be described as a plant that was used to make blue dye. (Option B)

Indigofera tinctoria, also known as true indigo, refers to a species of plant belonging to the pea family that was one of the original sources of blue dye. It is a deciduous spreading tropical shrub that grows in the southeastern Asia. It generally grows to two to three feet tall and as wide and have pinnate leaves and clusters of red or purple flowers. The shrub was the original source of the blue dye known as indigo. Indigo powder - the famous blue dye - is extracted from the leaves of the indigo plant.

Learn more about Indigo:



What are the 3 types of fiction?



literary fiction, genre fiction, and mainstream fiction.


In "the fish," elizabeth bishop uses simile and metaphor to develop tone. Select one simile and one metaphor from the poem, and explain how each example contributes to the tone of the text. Be sure to use specific examples from the text in your response.


There is a simile used, for instance, in line 28, when the speaker says that the fish's flesh is "packed like feathers." She further uses metaphor humanizes or compares the fish to humans by calling its visage "sullen." She is speculating that there could not even be a lip. It is far grimmer than a human lip and more akin to a weapon.

What does Elizabeth Bishop's poem "The Fish" mean?

Bishop discusses topics like nature, humility, and decision-making.

Why does the poet ultimately let the fish go?

Because she respects the fish and believes that it deserves to live freely, the speaker in Elizabeth Bishop's "The Fish" lets it go. She wonders how long it must have struggled to survive after noticing that it has five hooks in its mouth.

To know more about the Metaphor visit :-



Q. Which piece of evidence could best persuade a reader to support a claim that middle-school students should be required to wear uniforms?

1. Compared to the cost of regular clothes, the cost of uniforms is often quite less.

2. School uniforms can be ordered online, which is much easier than going to a store.

3. When everyone looks the same in their uniforms, students begin to lose their uniqueness.

4. In a school district that recently made school uniforms a requirement, attendance rates and grades have increased.​





Readers, which can be the parents of a middle schooler or a teacher, can easily be convinced by 4., 'In a school district that recently made school uniforms a requirement, attendance rates and grades have increased.' This is because either teachers or parents want them to have improved grades, and improved attendance. Also, it seems more likely.

What is the strongest personality type?


The ENFJ is frequently seen as the strongest "people person" among the personality types, able to establish friendships with all types of people, even those who are more reserved or introverted.

What is the toughest personality type ?

A bottomless work ethic and a total reluctance to give up on anything they've resolved to undertake are two of the most powerful personality qualities combined in ISTJs. An ISTJ with a goal is thus, in all practical terms, almost unstoppable.

This can occasionally manifest as remarkable fortitude in the most demanding physical circumstances. For better or worse, many ISTJs are willing to endure anything, from intense heat to severe physical harm.

The majority of the time, however, it manifests as unwavering resolve, the conviction that anything is possible with enough effort and willpower, and that even seemingly impossible tasks can be completed.

To learn more about personality type checkout the link below :



what is the name of the famous black college in washington, d.c. where dr. charles drew taught medicine?



The University of the District of Columbia


The University of the District of Columbia (UDC) is a public historically black land-grant university in Washington, D.C. It was established in 1851 and is the only public university in the city. UDC is a member school of the Thurgood Marshall College Fund. The full university system offers workforce and certificate programs in addition to Associate, Baccalaureate, Master's, professional, and Doctoral degrees. The university's academic schools and programs include the UDC Community College, College of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, School of Business and Public Administration, Colleges of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability & Environmental Sciences, and David A. Clarke School of Law.

The university operates a flagship campus at Van Ness in the Northwest quadrant of the city with several branch campus across Washington, DC. Other campuses include the Bertie Backus Campus, Union Station Campus, Congress Heights Campus, and the UDC Firebird Farm.

What 3 regions did Islam spread?


Islam extended over a few hundred years from the Arabian Peninsula, where it originated, to modern-day Spain in the west & northern India in the east. Islam spread in various areas in a variety of ways.

Beginning in Southwest Asia (the Middle East), the Islamic dominion swiftly grew into Africa & then beyond into Asia. The majority of the population did not instantly convert to Islam despite the fact that the area was under Islamic rule. Islamic governments sometimes required a protection fee in exchange for allowing people to practise their religion.

Islam's teachings expanded quickly throughout the Middle East upon Muhammad's death in 632, reaching numerous individuals and locations. The Rashidun Caliphate, which reigned from 610 to 750, is referred to as the time immediately after Muhammad's death. A Muslim administration & government was founded during this reign and governed the Middle East.

To know more about Islam:



In 1927, Rivera was asked to participate in the 10th Anniversary of the October Revolution (Russian Revolution). Rivera
was going to paint for The Red Army (Soviet Armed Forces) Club in Moscow, but was sent away because of his
involvement with anti-Soviet politics. In 1929, he was expelled from the Mexican Communist Party.
Read the passage above with prosody. Discuss why the phrases (Russian Revolution) and (Soviet Armed Forces) are
in parentheses and how that affected your intonation while reading.


The phrases (Russian Revolution) and (Soviet Armed Forces) are in parentheses because these refer to supplemental or extra information. The fact these phrases are in parentheses makes you slightly change the intonation.

What is the use of parentheses?

Parentheses are most commonly used to add:

Extra information that can better help the reader to understand a word or concept previously mentioned.Comments tha complement a previous information

Why are the parentheses used in this case?

In this case, the purpose is to add extra information. For example:

The Red Army  refers to the Soviet Armed Forces

How do the use of parentheses affect the intonation?

The intonation is slighly higher or lower to read the information  in parentheses. Therefore there is a slight change in intonation.

Learn more about parentheses in: https://brainly.com/question/4539537


write an informational essay explaining how georgia steadily took control of land from the native americans.


By mistreating native Americans, the state of Georgia violently takes over their lands.

The history of Native Americans in the United States began thousands of years before the country's founding, with the Paleo-Indians' settlement of the Americas. Anthropologists and archaeologists have identified and studied a wide range of cultures from this time period.

Indigenous Americans, which include Alaska Natives, Canadian First Nations, and Native Americans, are descended from humans who tens of thousands of years ago crossed an ancient land bridge connecting Siberia in Russia to Alaska. However, scientists are unsure of when and where these early migrants moved.

To know more about native Americans, click here.



what is a noun
A. person B.place C.thing D.all of the above




What is the highest form of intelligent behavior?


According to some psychologists, one of the greatest types of intelligent conduct is the ability to listen to another person, sympathize with, and grasp their point of view.

Intelligent conduct is the capacity to make judgments in unique situations using one's knowledge of the world: individuals act intelligently if they utilize what they know to obtain what they desire.

According to experts, one of the primary characteristics of intelligence is compassion. In other words, nice people are the most intelligent.

According to neurobiologist Richard Davidson, "the cornerstone of a healthy brain is compassion," and kindness necessitates the ability to think not just about ourselves but also about others.

Learn more about to intelligent behavior visit here;



how do the events of the final chapters explain the first sentence in the whole novel?



You need to put the full question in or else you wont get a awnser


this passage is excerpted from j.d. beresford, the looking glass. originally published in 1921.


Indeed it is true that this passage has been taken from J.D. Beresford's 'The looking glass'.

About J.D. Beresford

John Davys Beresford, an English author who lived from 17 March 1873 to 2 February 1947, is most known for the early science fiction as well as a few short tales in the horror and ghost story subgenres. H.G. Wells was much admired by Beresford, who published the first analysis of Wells in 1915. Olaf Stapledon was significantly influenced by his The Hampdenshire Wonder, a novel by H.G. Wells. The Riddle of the Tower, a dystopian tale about a hive-like civilization, is one of his other science-fiction books.

A strong sense of wish-fulfillment permeates stories like The Camberwell Miracle (1933), where a handicapped girl is healed by a faith-healer. Beresford started to show an interest inside the spiritual (or spiritualist) aspect of issues like faith-healing.

Since the question is incomplete, I have answered it generally according to my knowledge.

To know more about H.G. Wells:



The main cause of Mr. Harding’s unhappiness as he leaves the Bishop’s Palace is
A. the loss of his house
B. the loss of his position
C. the need to live with his daughter
D. the thought-provoking words of the chaplain
E. the injustice he has suffered


The main cause of Mr. Harding’s unhappiness as he leaves the Bishop’s Palace is the thought-provoking words of the chaplain. The correct option is D.

What is Bishop’s Palace?

It is notable for its exterior of sculpted granite, limestone, and sandstone, as well as the intricate carved woodwork on the interior.

The house was purchased by the Catholic Diocese of Galveston-Houston in 1923 and served as the seat of the local bishop for many years.

The house was purchased by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Galveston in 1923 and served as Bishop Christopher E. Byrne's residence across the street from the Sacred Heart Church.

The chaplain's thought-provoking words are the main source of Mr. Harding's unhappiness as he leaves the Bishop's Palace.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding Bishop’s Palace, visit:



How does the casual language dante and shay use when they speak to each other affect the way readers perceive them?.


The casual language dante and shay use when they speak to each other affect the way readers perceive them It makes them seem real and relatable.

What is Casual language  Dante language?The narrative of two teenage lovers and how their relationship progresses is the focus of Jason Reynolds' "Eraser Tattoo." In addition to the man's "eraser tattoo," which he received as a symbol of their love, the story also depicts the young lovers' brief relationship as they split ways to live in separate regions of the nation.Shay had to move to North Carolina, far from New York, where she had been staying with Dante, thus they are seen saying their goodbyes. Dante and Shay are young lovers. Furthermore, they speak in a manner that is informal in their talks, allowing the readers to understand and empathise with them.

To learn more about Dante language refer  to:



What is the strength of being open-minded?


The strength of this character enables people to gain knowledge about particular topics or points of view and to offer wise counsel.

The readiness to actively look for information that contradicts one's preferred ideas, objectives, or goals is referred to as open-mindedness. When it is available, open-minded people can fairly consider all the evidence.

They are aware of the opposing viewpoint and actively work to overcome their propensity for bias. Additionally, they emphasize less popular viewpoints rather than those that are more prevalent in society. People who are open-minded do not make snap judgments. Instead, they look for and consider all of the information before making a decision.

To learn more about open-minded, visit the link below:



in this type of question, respondents are asked about more than one issue but are only allowed to give one answer.


In doubled barreled question, the respondents are asked about more than one issue but are only allowed to give one answer.

An informal fallacy is a question with two barrels. When a question touches on several topics yet only allows only one solution, it is said to be committed. The inquiry with two barrels, commonly referred to as a double-direct question, is essentially a trick question. It occurs when a single question asks respondents for their opinions on two distinct problems or subjects.A inquiry with two barrels asks two questions at once. Because they are complex questions that frequently employ terms like "and" or "or" to connect the series of questions, they are usually simple to spot.When the responder is unable to give a precise response at one point in the questionnaire, the question becomes double-barreled, also known as double-direct, double-ended, or complex. It is hard to provide a single solution that addresses two concerns that are included in one (apparently) query.

Thus the answer is doubled barreled question.

Refer here to learn more about doubled barreled question: https://brainly.com/question/29514189


What are the advantages of using wiki and blog?


Wikis are powerful yet easy to use online collaboration tools. Blogs are a simple way to post content online and communicate with students. Blogs and wikis are websites that can easily be supported by multiple authors or contributors and no software is required, just a web browser.

Advantages of using wiki and blog?

Anyone can editEasy to use and learnWikis are instantaneous so there is no need to wait for a publisher to create a new edition or update informationpeople located in different parts of the world can work on the same documentThe wiki software keeps track of every edit made and it's a simple process to revert back to a previous version of an articleWidens access to the power of web publishing to non-technical usersThe wiki has no predetermined structure - consequently it is a flexible tool which can be used for a wide range of applicationsThere are a wide range of open source software wiki's to choose from so licensing costs shouldn't be a barrier to installing an institutional wiki.

Learn more about  wiki and blog to visit this link



What is an important rule to follow concerning typography?


Consistent fonts

I hope this helps

What to Know About Erikson's 8 Stages of Development?


Erikson, a psychologist, provided a number of developmental phases. In addition to outlining his psychoanalytical theory, he described the eight developmental stages that every person goes through.

The first stage, known as hope (trust or distrust), begins in infancy and lasts until one year of age. The toddler period is for children between the ages of one and three. Will (autonomy/shame or uncertainty) is well known improvement of motor skills. The third stage of early childhood, which lasts from ages 3 to 6, is called purpose (initiative/guilt). During this time, the kid is learning how to control his environment. Middle childhood, or competence, is the fourth stage and lasts for 7 to 10 years. Children begin to become aware of their difficulties. The fifth stage is faithfulness, which is identity vs. role uncertainty experienced by adolescents between the ages of 11 and 19 sexual identity formation.

Learn more about Erikson here:



The Story of Billy
Billy Bob begged for a big boat
because he liked to stay afloat.
He thought that he could be a fish.
A dream it was, only a wish.
Billy never learnt to swim.
The fear of drowning frightened him.
He did not even touch the pool.
Once, little Billy brought a tool
to sit and watch the river flow.
He watched the children come and go.
Even the turtles, which were slow,
made Billy jealous with their show.
"That's it," he said. "I'm going in."
He was the bravest he'd ever been.
His brother taught him all the tricks.
Now Billy swims. He's very quick.

Which line from the poem is an example of alliteration?
He did not even touch the pool,
Billy Bob begged for a big boat
He was the bravest he'd ever been.


The line from the poem that is an example of alliteration is this:

B. Billy Bob begged for a big boat

What is alliteration?

An alliteration is a form of repetition where the initial letters of words are repeated in a consecutive group of words. Alliteration can be seen in the sentence above, where the letter B is repeated. We can see that almost all of the words, except for two have the letter B as the beginning letter. This is a common literary technique that poets use to create rhythm and make the main points stand out.

The alliteration makes the poem more melodious and it can also serve the purpose of imprinting the words of the poem in the mind of the reader. So, option B is a good example of alliteration because it has a repetitive pattern as seen in the repetition of the letter B.

Learn more about alliteration here:



How does what evidence in “the storyteller” Best highlights the flaws in the aunt in order create satire? Select three options



Answer: B “in a low, confidential voice, interrupted at frequent intervals by loud, petulant questioning from her listeners, she began an unenterprising and deplorably uninteresting story about a little girl who was good"

C “It's a very difficult thing to tell stories that children can both understand and appreciate, ' she said stiffly."


E“A most improper story to tell to young children! You have undermined the effect of years of careful teaching"


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