How does a person become more literate in a particular discipline or area


Answer 1

Answer:by reading

Explanation: this one is confusing but the more you read, the better you are able to write and the more you write the better you are able to understand things.

Related Questions

What is different about the first eight lines and the last six lines?


Because lines 9-39 constitute a tale inside the poem, the first eight lines and the last six lines are punctuated differently than the lines in the middle.

The author employed several sorts of grammar to distinguish between the narrative "Papa" told the speaker and the story "Papa" told his children.

Sestet. A stanza of six lines, or the last six lines of a 14-line Italian or Petrarchan sonnet. A sestet is merely the last section of a sonnet; the six-line stanza is known as a sexain.

The Italian poet Petrarch created the Petrarchan sonnet, which splits the 14 lines into two sections: an eight-line stanza (octave) rhyming ABBAABBA and a six-line stanza (sestet) rhyming CDCDCD or CDECDE.

Learn more about to the first eight lines and the last six lines visit here;


true or false? the elaboration likelihood model suggests that a persuasive speaker should ensure that the way issues are presented to an audience is appropriate to their level of understanding.


The answer should be true

What makes BTS music so popular?


BTS has a lot of charms. Genre-less good music is merely the cherry on top. They also execute brilliantly and convey encouraging messages.

The world's largest boy idol group, not just in South Korea, is the one that broke the record. Their words, driven by dazzling videos, cause LSS (or last-song-syndrome), and young people all over the world copy their dynamic dance motions. They've gone viral to that extent. BTS accomplished numerous firsts in 2013, including the release of their debut albums "2 Cool 4 Skool" and "O! RUL8,2" as well as their first-ever live performance. They received their first significant honor at the South Korean Melon Music Awards later that year when they were named Best New Artist. The first significant distinction is that BTS's songs are more concerned with the perception of "wrong-doing" than other K-pop bands' lyrics, which tend to focus on themes that are more controversial. Another significant distinction is how much more emotive BTS's lyrics are when compared to those of other K-pop groups.

To learn more about  significant please click on below link


roughly half of all words in english can be spelled correctly based on established sound-symbol correspondences.a. trueb. false


True, roughly half of all words in english can be spelled correctly based on established sound-symbol correspondences.

Sound symbolism is the similarity between sound and meaning in linguistics. It's an example of linguistic iconicity. The English word ding, for example, may sound similar to the actual sound of a bell.

Recognizing relationships between sounds and symbols is one of the first skills that young children learn in school. Specifically, the relationship between the names of the letters and the sounds they produce. To become independent with reading and writing, it is essential to comprehend the relationships between sounds and symbols.

To know more about sound-symbol, click here.


What should be the first thing to do before engaging in an exercise program?


We must be sure to take into account the four fitness elements before beginning an exercise regimen: frequency, intensity, form, and time.

One of the best things we can do for our health is start a workout regimen. Exercise can help us lose weight, increase our balance and coordination, lower our risk of developing chronic diseases, and even enhance our sleep patterns and sense of self-worth.

There are a few things we may want to think about before beginning an exercise regimen.

A comprehensive physical examination by our main healthcare practitioner is strongly encouraged if we have never exercised, it has been a while, or we are over 40.

This will ensure that we are physically fit enough to engage in regular exercise.

Beyond that, it's crucial to think about our motivation for starting an exercise program, our long-term objectives, any potential barriers to sticking with it, and the best ways to get around them.

To know more about exercise, visit:


Which best summarizes the excerpt's main ideas? isn't it obvious that some women are stronger and more fit for certain jobs than some smaller, weaker men, and thus they should be paid the same amount? fitness for a particular occupation should be determined by individual capabilities, and pay should be equal regardless of sex. Women who are more capable than men for certain jobs should be given the opportunity to train for those jobs and should be paid the same as men are. Both sexes can develop physical characteristics that make them fit for physical labor, and everyone deserves fair pay for a good day's work.


In the given excerpt from ‘For the ERA’, the best summarization of the main idea is that fitness for a particular occupation should be determined by individual capabilities and pay should be equal regardless of sex. (Option B)

ERA stands for Equal Rights Amendments which is a proposed amendment to the US Constitution that nullify many state and federal laws that discriminate against women. The central principle of the amendment that sex should not determine the legal rights of men or women. In reference to the support for the ERA, the passage states that as a robust woman may be more appropriately suitable for a physical labor than a weak man, hence fitness for occupation should be determine based on individual capabilities and skills, and there should be equal rewards for equal work. Hence, the main idea of the passage is summarized most appropriately by the holistic statement given in option B.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Read the excerpt from For the ERA. “It is obvious, I think, that a robust woman could be more fit for physical labor than a weak man. The choice of occupation would be determined by individual capabilities, and the rewards for equal work should be equal”. Which best summarizes the excerpt's main ideas? A) Isn't it obvious that some women are stronger and more fit for certain jobs than some smaller, weaker men, and thus they should be paid the same amount? B) Fitness for a particular occupation should be determined by individual capabilities and pay should be equal regardless of sex. C) Women who are more capable than men for certain jobs should be given the opportunity to train for those jobs and should be paid the same as men are. D) Both sexes can develop physical characteristics that make them fit for physical labor, and everyone deserves fair pay for a good day's work.

Learn more about Equal Rights Amendments:


in europe, hundreds of thousands of cows have caught the disease. and 150 humans have died from it. but mad cow disease had never appeared in the u.s. until now! what tone does this passage have? anger confusion disbelief urgency


The tone of this passage is disbelief that is to become aware of the tone of a passage is to study positive phrases

The fine manner to become aware of the tone of a passage is to study positive phrases with fine or terrible connotations. The tone of disbelief signifies the Refusal to believe; absence of belief. Disbelief is described as an unwillingness to simply accept some thing as true. If a person tells you that they noticed a ghost and also you doubt their story, that is an instance of while you sense disbelief. Such as, there is utter disbelief that this has happened. And with that he shook his head in general disbelief. She checked out me with surprise and disbelief. The anger and disbelief once they then get executed first.

To learn more about disbelief check the link below:


Is this a run-on sentence?
In 2004, the Cassini spacecraft arrived on Saturn and began photographing Saturn's
moon Titan, revealing a number of lakes, rivers, and seas on the moon's frozen surface.
no is it a run on sentence



it is a run on sentence.


You could end the sentence after saturn's moon, then start a new one

Why is BTS so popular?


What is BTS famous line?

Performing in three different languages ​​and displaying an incredibly unusual global appeal, their passionate and active fan base made them the first musicians ever to sing "Leading Someone's Music" on "Don't Be In". Dream” entered the global artist chart for the second time in a row. "Purple is the last color of the rainbow." Purple means I trust you and love you for a long time. "

learn more about BTS visit:


Tuesday.5: Choose a matching analogy.
A illness: curable
B punishment: evil
epidemic: extensive
D breeze: refreshing
folktale: traditional





Analogy definition, a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based: the analogy between the heart and a pump. I.e Breeze and Refreshing is the most suitable words that can go side by side here because going out for some breeze is a refreshment.

Who are some people that have shaped Anabaptist/mennonite?



Men like Bishop John F. Funk, John S. Coffman, Menno Steiner, and other self-aware leaders who introduced a more dynamic and evangelistic strain of piety into the Mennonite communities looked to the sixteenth century for a model that could be followed in nineteenth-century America. Ion:

What are the 5 Elements story?


The five elements of a story are character, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution.

Character is the most important part of a story as the story is based on characters. The writer must give a detailed description of the character including physical, mental, and emotional attributes for a clear imaginative picture to the audience.

Setting in a story presents the background, city, place, culture, and society in which the characters are situated. It allows readers to connect and visualize the situations between the characters.

The plot of a story is the central part which must have a clear beginning, middle, and end in the story. It must have a description of the situations with exposition and a logical connection between the beginning, middle, and end.

Conflict in a story refers to the problem that the characters face and intend to resolve at the end of the story. It is by conflict, that a story reaches climax, making it exciting for the audience.

The resolution of a story binds the whole story and gives an ending to the audience. The resolution could either present a solution to the conflict or keep it open-ended if the author intends to bring the sequel to the story.

Learn more about a story here


What is the summary first-person point of view of Invictus by William Ernest Henley?


‘Invictus’ by W. E. Henley talks about the invincibility of a person who trusts himself or herself. In this poem, the speaker is faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. Throughout it all, however, he perseveres and is successful in his endeavors.

How do you Explain to your parents why you should get a expensive Christmas present & Make sure you give many reasons why you deserve that gift



There are a few reasons why I believe I deserve an expensive Christmas present.

Firstly, I have worked hard throughout the year and have been a model student. I have gotten good grades, stayed on top of my responsibilities, and been a great example for my peers. I believe I have earned the right to receive something special for my hard work and dedication.

Secondly, I have been very active in my community by participating in volunteer activities and helping out with many different causes. I have shown that I am willing not only to do what is necessary to benefit myself but also to help others.

Thirdly, I have been a very responsible and mature young person. I have taken on the responsibility of having a part-time job, managing my own finances, and helping out around the house. I believe I have proven that I am capable of taking care of myself and that I am deserving of a reward for my efforts.

Finally, I have been a very respectful and loving son/daughter. I have tried my best to show my parents that I care and appreciate all that they do for me.

I believe that I deserve an expensive Christmas present for all of these reasons. Thank you for considering my request.

Which point of view i thi
"What’ happening to me?"

The thin man with the car reache into hi jacket and take out a dog-eared buine card and hand it to you. Robert Llywelyn, it ay. Private Invetigator. "You’re a private detective?" you ak. And your own voice ound trange to you


What point of view?: third person

what is the plot chart look like for for the book "The Royal Diaries Elizabeth I Red rose of the house of Tudor England 1544" by Lasky, Kathryn?


Elizabeth, who appeared to be a tough, intelligent woman who spoke five languages, ruled for more than forty years as well as led England via one of its most prosperous historical periods.

What is a story plot?

The plot of a story is what happens. A plot, on the other hand, is more than just a series of events.

A strong plot is centered on one moment—a break in a pattern, a turning point, or an action—that raises a dramatic question that must be answered throughout the story.

Elizabeth was tall and beautiful, with light red-gold hair and pale skin. She exaggerated those same features, especially as she grew older, and other women tried to imitate her.

Elizabeth, who appeared to be a tough, intelligent woman who spoke five languages, ruled England for more than forty years and guided the country through one of its most prosperous periods in history.

Thus, this was the plot chart for the book "The Royal Diaries Elizabeth I Red rose of the house of Tudor England 1544" by Lasky, Kathryn.

For more details regarding story plot, visit:


Read the excerpt from Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher."
For several days ensuing, her name was unmentioned by either Usher or myself: and during this period I was
busied in earnest endeavours to alleviate the melancholy of my friend.
What does this excerpt reveal about the narrator of the story?
A. It describes what the narrator knows from his past.
B. It describes what the narrator experiences in the story.
C. It provides an inference drawn by the narrator.
D. It provides a criticism voiced by the narrator.





In some parts of the story it shows what the narrator experienced in the story

What is the main conflict of the plot?


A story's inciting event, the core conflict that furthers the plot's goals, and the way the climax is resolved are all referred to as the central conflict and climax.

The strongest goal of a main character is confronted with an equally strong internal or external impediment in this definition of the core conflict. Conflict begins when characters take action to oppose such forces. There is no tale if there is nothing to overcome. The storyline of a novel is created and advanced by conflict.Soon after introducing the main character in a tale, the conflict is established. The beginning of the action and the beginning of the tale are both triggered by conflict. Anyone who writes should be able to develop compelling conflict.

Thus this is the conflict of the plot.

Refer here to learn more about the plot:


what are 4 research questions that would help you write a good persuasive report?


The research question will be about benefits, powerful, negative, and better.

What is research?

Research is a methodical inquiry procedure that entails data gathering, preservation of critical info, investigation, and interpretation of that data and information in adherence to appropriate procedures established by certain educational and commercial disciplines.

What benefits does X offer?

How powerful is X?

How can X be made better?

What negative aspects does X have?

Argument essays, another name for prose, employ logic and reasoning to demonstrate why one concept is more valid than the other but. It makes an effort to convince the readers to accept a specific viewpoint or to do a specific action.

Learn more about research, here:


Technologies for Creative Expression
June 2, 2014
by Hayes Raffle
Summary and synthesizing


The summary is that when given the chance for creative, artistic expression, children learn, grow in their ability to think critically, and have fun. Creative activities include drawing, writing, creating music, making crafts, and more.

What is the summary for technologies for creative expression?

Children who are creatively expressive find it easier to express their emotions and ideas. They engage in visual communication and engage in critical world thinking. Through imaginative play, young children pick up colors, shapes, and sounds.

They start to grasp the concept of cause and effect. Children who dance get physical exercise and improve their balance and coordination. It is simple to promote artistic expression in both indoor and outdoor play areas. Give creative people their own areas to work in, like a music room, area, or panel.

Learn more about summary on;


How would you describe BTS?


They started out as a hip hop group, but their musical taste has since expanded to encompass many different genres.

Their songs, which frequently centre on personal and societal criticism, touch on issues encompass mental health, difficulties faced by school-age adolescents, grief, the path to self-love, and individualism.Jul 21, 2019 They started out as a hip hop group, but their musical taste has since expanded to encompass many different genres. They touch on issues including mental health, problems facing school-age adolescents, grief, the path to self-love, and individuality in their songs, which are frequently centred on personal and social criticism. BigHit Entertainment's Bts is a K-pop boy band. In English, they are now known as Beyond the Scene, yet their Korean moniker is Bulletproof Boyscouts. There are 7 people in the group, 3 rappers.

To learn more about encompass please click on below link


how can you get better results if your first search finds too many sources that are not closely related to your topic?


Your search will be more targeted if you use all necessary concepts.

What does Lib 160 peer review mean in relation to articles?

Because they frequently include research findings and papers that have been reviewed for a particular intellectual subject or discipline and have gone through a formal review procedure, peer-reviewed journals are also known as research journals or refereed journals. Peer-reviewed journals are a good example of scholarly sources of information.

publications that demand that an article be read and revised by a volunteer group of subject experts before approving it for publication. These specialists are examining the article without knowing who wrote it to make sure that the facts stated therein can be supported by the research that was done. The team of experts reviews the piece and then makes a recommendation as to whether it should be approved, rejected, or amended and resubmitted. Every article that is accepted for publication must adhere to a set of rules or requirements that are specific to the subject matter.

To know more about peer-reviewed visit:


Can anyone be an explorer? Explain why or why not. ​


yes. anyone can be an explorer. it’s not like no one can’t be anything just like anyone can be a doctor or a nurse. it’s all the same.

What is the main theme of a fable?


The main theme of the fable is moral lessons on right and wrong.

Fable is a type of literary narrative form where animals, plants, nature, and inanimate objects behave like humans. Their behavior displays the human emotions related to moral weakness and follies. Fables present ordinary problems with solutions and a moral lesson for the general audience.

The main theme in a fable is the moral lesson and maxims to be followed for a righteous path. The themes also expanded to proper behavior and clergy teachings during the middle ages. The theme of morality is consistent in fables as they have been orally passed to generations to teach the difference between right and wrong. For instance, the fable of the wolf in sheep's clothing is an old example that appearance could deceive.

Learn more about fables here


a figure of speech in which an object or animal is given human feelings, thoughts, or attitudes


A figure of speech in which an object or animal is given human emotions, ideas, or attitudes is known as personification.

What is personification ?Personification is a form of anthropomorphic metaphor in which a thing or abstraction is shown as a person in literature or art.The form of personification covered here includes instances where a personification emerges as a literary character or a human figure in art, but excludes fleeting literary effects like "Shadows hold their breath." Since ancient Greece, this has been known by its technical name, prosopopoeia. Many objects are frequently personified in the arts.Allegory frequently includes personifications, and historians and theorists of personification worry that the two have too often been confused or that allegory has dominated discussions of both. Single personifications are frequently referred to as "allegories," which is debatably wrong. Personification appeared to be mostly out of style by the late 20th century, but in the 21st century, a number of superhero film franchises brought the semi-personificatory superhero characters of numerous comic book series to dominate mainstream cinema.

To learn more about Personification refer :


Which of the followings is an example of work done against force?
a. Get down with the stairs
b. Walking on the flat ground
c. Getting up with the stairs
d. Dropping any object down from the top​


Getting up with the stairs is an example of work done against force. Thus correct answer (c).

What does forcework mean?

When a body moves in the opposite direction of the applied force, it is doing work against the force. If a body is raised above the ground against gravity, labor must be done against gravity.

Stationary objects also have opposing forces acting upon them. For example, when you sit on a chair, the force of gravity pulls you down. And with equal force, the chair pushes you back up, keeping you stationary. When opposing forces are balanced, an object remains stationary.

A force opposing motion is what?

A force opposing motion is called friction. Friction occurs when two moving objects come into touch and operates in the opposite direction.

learn more about against force to visit this link


What are the top 5 safety components that protect the driver in the event of a collision and how do they protect the driver?


5 safety features that guard the driver in the event of an accident are:

Seat Belts, Airbags, Antilock Brake System, Headsets, and Head Injury Protection.

The top 5 safety features that shield the driver from injury in an accident are:

1) Seat Belts: They are the most critical safety component in any car, despite the fact that they may seem obvious. You should always wear a seat belt when driving or riding in a car.

2) Airbags: The speed and type of the accident affect how effective airbags are. They typically aid drivers and passengers in preventing head or chest impacts with the dashboard, steering wheel, and other harsh surfaces.

3) Antilock Brake System: They stop the vehicle's wheels from locking up while braking suddenly. In an emergency, the driver will have better control of the car. The ABS makes it possible for the driver to stop more quickly and avoid collisions when in the past they might not have been able to.

4) Headrests: They offer a cushioned area for the back of the head to strike during a crash, preventing head and neck injuries. Additionally, they assist in maintaining proper posture, which may lessen the incidence of neck and upper back injuries.

5) Head Injury Protection: An effort is made to combine headrests and airbags with other features. This entails utilizing softer finishes on cars, installing energy-absorbing material beneath the vehicle trim, and including side-curtain airbags in case of a side hit.

To know more about Collision, refer to this link:



You read two of Shakespeare’s plays in this unit: Hamlet and Twelfth Night. Choose one of these two scenes to reread:

Hamlet, Act III, Scene i
Twelfth Night, Act II Scene IV
Part A
Search online to locate two different theatrical performances of the scene you chose. When you search, include the act and scene in your search terms.

Which two versions did you choose? Include the URL of your sources in the box below.

Part B
Now compare and contrast the techniques in the two theatrical versions you watched. Use the table to do the following:

Describe the similarities and differences between the two versions for each element of the performance.
Note how the techniques enhance or alter the audience’s experience.
Identify what meanings (shades of characterization, connotations of words, etc.) become clearer as you watch the two presentations.

Part C
Before you construct your essay, review these guidelines for organizing a compare-and-contrast essay. Read the section headed “Compare and Contrast.” Don’t forget to use transition words to show the relationships between ideas and to help your essay flow smoothly.

Use your responses from part B of the task to write an essay addressing these points:

Compare and contrast the two versions of the scene.
Analyze the effects of the techniques on the individual audiences.
Include analysis of any special adaptations made to the text (the dialogue) or the setting that distinguish each version from the original play.


The two versions of the scene chosen to compare and contrast are Hamlet, Act III, Scene i from the Royal Shakespeare Company’s production and Twelfth Night, Act II Scene IV from the Stratford Festival of Canada’s production. Both productions are successful in conveying the themes of the play and presenting the characters in vivid detail. However, there are differences in the techniques used to bring these characters to life and the meanings and connotations of the words in each version that become clearer with each production.

The staging of both scenes is similar, with the use of a bare set that allows the focus to remain on the characters and their interactions. However, the Royal Shakespeare Company’s production of Hamlet features a more elaborate set, with the inclusion of a throne and a banquet table, while the Stratford Festival of Canada’s production of Twelfth Night features a simpler set. This difference in set design helps to create distinct atmospheres in the two scenes, with the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Hamlet scene conveying a sense of grandeur and formality while the Stratford Festival of Canada’s Twelfth Night scene conveying a sense of intimacy and simplicity.

The costumes and makeup used in both productions are also similar, but with subtle differences to reflect the different time periods in which the plays are set. The costumes in the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Hamlet feature a more regal, formal look, while the costumes in the Stratford Festival of Canada’s Twelfth Night are more whimsical and colorful. The makeup in both productions is also similar, with the actors in both versions wearing minimal makeup to bring out the characters’ facial features.

The dialogue and language used in both productions is also similar, but with differences that become clearer through the performances. The language in the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Hamlet is more formal and poetic, while the language in the Stratford Festival of Canada’s Twelfth Night is more natural and conversational. This difference in language helps to convey the characters’ personalities and the tone of each play more effectively. Additionally, the actors in both productions use their body language and facial expressions to bring the characters to life and add more meaning to the dialogue.

Overall, both productions are successful in conveying the themes of the play and presenting the characters in vivid detail. The differences in the staging, costumes, makeup, and language in each version help to convey different meanings and connotations of the words, as well as create distinct atmospheres in the two scenes. Through these techniques, both productions help to enhance the audience’s experience of the play and provide insight into the characters and the story.

Part A: What does the term "waggish" most closely mean as it is used in paragraph 114?


Answer: Humorous/Mishievous


Soon, you will write your own short story. But first, you'll use this discussion to solicit ideas and feedback that will help you to plan for this assignment.

Examine Dakota's post.

I want to write a tense and suspenseful story (but one that isn't too frightening). The main conflict will be man (actually, a girl!) vs. nature: My protagonist gets separated from her family on a hike and spends one night—just one night—alone in the woods not far from her town. I want her night in the woods to be a kind of turning point in her life—the night where she leaves childhood forever. I'm wondering if any of you have ideas as to what might happen to the girl during her night alone. Again, I want the focus to be less on scary stuff (wild animals, ghosts, etc.) and more on her personal development.


Explains what type of story you intend to write. Will it be suspenseful? Will it be frightening? Will it be heartwarming?
Notes three questions and/or concerns you have about how to address one of the following: develop the story's main conflict, communicate a particular theme, select an appropriate point of view.
Posts any other ideas, questions, concerns related to your story on which your peers can provide feedback.


Answer: Sorry I need some point


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Identify the three reasons the US bought Alaska.O the idea of continued friendly relations with England and France, a desire for additionalrecreational activities, and the price of $7.2 million.O the idea of continued friendly relations with Russia, a desire for additional recreational activities,and the price of $7.2 million.O the idea of continued friendly relations with Russia, the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, and theprice of $7.2 million.O the idea of continued friendly relations with England and France, the doctrine of ManifestDestiny, and the price of $7.2 million. imitri is measuring the amount of oxygen released by a venus flytrap plant. he determines that his plant has released 600 molecules of oxygen (o2). if this is correct, how many molecules of glucose did the venus flytrap create? the motor functions of the alimentary canal are movements that combine food with digestive fluids and movements that move materials along the digestive tract. t or f an ice cream parlor offers 25 flavors of ice cream. assuming that order matters how many different two scoop cones can be made? what if no flavor can be repeated ? Which statements accurately describe the breaking and forming of bonds during the combustion of methane (CH4)? [Select all that apply.] For each molecule of CH4 consumed, four C-H bonds are broken. For each molecule of CH4 consumed, four O-H bonds are formed. For each molecule of CH4 consumed, six O-O single bonds are broken For each molecule of CH4 consumed, two O-O double bonds are broken. For each molecule of CH4 consumed, two C-O double bonds are formed. For each molecule of CH4 consumed, two C-O single bonds are formed For each molecule of CH4 consumed, two C-H bonds are broken. For each molecule of CH4 consumed, two O-H bonds are formed. Naomi's electricity costs depend on the number of kilowatt hours she uses, as shown in the graph below. According to this graph, which expression can be used to calculate her electricity cost after using x kilowatt hours? A. 0.06x + 40 B. 0.08x + 20 C. 0.1x + 10 D. 0.12x what is a misunderstanding that can be clarified by a flowchart? multiple choice increased insurance premiums An automotive company tests the driving capabilities of its self-driving car prototype. They carry out the tests on various types of roadways- specifically, a race track, trail track, and dirt road. The researchers only test the pro totype during the daytime. They collect two types of data: sensor data from the car during the drives and video of the drives cameras on the car. They review the data after the initial tests. The results illustrate that the new self-driving car meets the performance standards across each of the roadways, As a result, the car can progress to the next phase of testing, which will include driving in various weather conditions. Reflection Consider this scenario: What are the examples of fair or unfair practices? How could a data analyst correct the unfair practices? What gives the president of the United States the ability to influence foreign policy by making treaties and executive agreements? the wilson inn sold 10,000 shares of $5 par value common stock for $30 per share. how much would be reported as sale of common stock on the statement of cash flows? What is the meaning of wiki a wiki helps to communicate effectively? in an l-r-c series circuit, the rms voltage across the resistor is 30.0 v, across the capacitor it is 90.0 v, and across the inductor it is 55.0 v. what is the rms voltage of the source? ricardian equivalence maintains that an increase in government spending financed by debt will result in a corresponding increase in Which of the following statements about Hildegard of Bingen are true?(Check all that are true)- She wrote many monophonic chants- She was a visionary and mystic- Her only occupation and interest besides her religious duties was writing music- She was an abbess in Germany Add the equations.2 x-3 y=-1 +3 x+3 y=26A. 5 x=25B. 5 x=27C. 5 x-6 y=-27D. 6 y=25 Which name best completes the graphic organizer describing a notedabolitionist? Argued that Black people were capable of being educated Inspired political thinkers Forced to be an indentured servant What is the effect of Hamlet's use of metaphor in thisexcerpt?O The metaphor reveals that Hamlet respects Polonius.The metaphor shows that Hamlet wants Polonius'shelp.The metaphor portrays Polonius as foolish andweak.The metaphor establishes Polonius asangryandmean earnings per share is most useful in comparing earnings performance of one company with another.a. trueb. false describe the differences between statutory law, case law, and common law who would have been happier with their representation in the house, small states or largestates? why?