earnings per share is most useful in comparing earnings performance of one company with another.
a. true
b. false


Answer 1

Earnings per share is not useful in comparing earnings performance of one company with another. Therefore, the given statement is false and option (b) is the correct answer.

The profit of a corporation is divided by the number of outstanding shares of its common stock to arrive at earnings per share (EPS). A company's profitability can be estimated using the resulting number. It is typical for businesses to publish EPS that has been adjusted for unusual expenses and possible share dilution.

Net income, commonly referred to as profits or earnings, is computed as net income divided by the number of shares outstanding. For shares that might be produced by options, convertible debt, or warrants, a more precise computation modifies the numerator and denominator. If the equation's numerator is changed to account for ongoing processes, it becomes much more pertinent.

In the given question, due to the significant variations in the number of outstanding shares between organisations, earnings per share is not a helpful metric for comparing the financial performance of different businesses. Therefore, the given statement is false.

Learn more about Earnings Per Share here: https://brainly.com/question/25788016


Related Questions

which one of the following about a monopoly is false? question 4 options: a) a monopoly must have some kind of government privilege or government imposed barrier to maintain its monopoly.


The correct answer to the given option C) To sustain its monopoly, a company needs some sort of government privilege or restriction.

Different Monopolies

The Original Monopoly

A single vendor is seen as having a pure monopoly in a market or industry with significant entrance obstacles, such as high starting costs, and no rivals.

Microsoft Corporation was the first company to hold a total monopoly on personal computer operating systems. As of 2022, its desktop Windows software still held a 75% market share.

Monopolistic competition

In a specific industry segment, monopolistic competition is defined as the existence of several sellers with equivalent substitutes. Entry hurdles are low, and rival companies set themselves apart through pricing and marketing strategies.

Their goods are inferior to the best competition, like Visa and MasterCard. Other examples of monopolistic competition are retail businesses, restaurants, and hair salons.


Which one of the following about a monopoly is false?

A) A monopoly could break even in the long run.

B) A monopoly could make profits in the long run.

C) A monopoly must have some kind of government privilege or government imposed barrier to maintain its monopoly.

To learn more about Monopoly click here



which type of report is used for marketing and letting future partners know that compliance has been met?


SOC Type III report is used for marketing and letting future partners know that compliance has been met.

A non-detailed report Type III attesting to the organization's compliance. This kind of report is utilized for marketing and informing potential partners that compliance requirements have been satisfied.

In essence, this means that a SOC 3 does not include as much information on the system/services, the controls checked by the service auditor, and the specific outcomes of those tests because the report's readers do not require that level of detail.

SOC 3 reports are generally used by the service organisation as a marketing tool and given to potential customers who do not need to know the level of information provided in the SOC 2 report.

They are regarded as general-use reports and are typically used as a marketing tool by the service organisation.

To know more about auditor, visit:



what role is money playing when comparing a $5 price for a gallon of milk to a $4 price for a gallon of gasoline?


A gallon of gasoline Money's role as a store of value.

In summary, although money has taken many forms over the centuries it has consistently served three functions. It is a store of value a unit of account and a medium of exchange. Modern economies use fiat currency. It is neither a commodity nor money represented or backed by a commodity.

Money's main function is as a medium of exchange that facilitates transactions. Without money, all transactions must be settled by barter. Bartering is the direct exchange of one good or service for another. Money plays a role in economics according to its main functions medium of exchange store of value and unit of account.

Learn more about A gallon here:-https://brainly.com/question/1106482


use the following data from mayonnaise manufacturing co. to identify the revenues from sales of finished goods for the year.


The traditional way to make mayonnaise manufacturing a whisk, steel bowl, strong hands, and patience! rather, to put together homemade mayonnaise, I propose using a mixer.

In mayonnaise production, egg yolk is used as an emulsifier at a degree generally between four% and eight%. Water makes up the non-stop section of the method at five-15% with diverse different additives for taste along with salt, sugar, spices, and vinegar or an alternative fit for human consumption acid (i.e. lemon or lime juice).

Whilst a few culinary historians take a look at that a mayonnaise-like combination of olive oil and egg turned into fed on by way of ancient Egyptians and Romans, the mayonnaise that we know today—an emulsion of oil, egg and lemon juice and/or vinegar, plus seasonings—was advanced with the aid of one of the exquisite chefs of France.

In Japan, mayonnaise is made with simplest the yolks, in preference to American mayonnaise which normally makes use of the whole egg. The egg yolks are what gives Kewpie mayonnaise its deeper yellow shade and its fuller, almost custard-like texture. further to superior eggs, Kewpie additionally makes use of a different vinegar in its recipe.

Learn more about  mayonnaise manufacturing  here:



assume q is quantity of meat from cattle. cattle release methane that is linked to global warming. how much of a pigovian tax should the government impose in order to reduce meat production to its welfare maximizing level?


About 40% of the world's methane emissions, a strong greenhouse gas, come from cows and other livestock animals.

The production of livestock, especially cows, is responsible for 14.5% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Methane, a strong greenhouse gas that is a consequence of how some livestock consume food, makes up the majority of that. However, as Christopher Booker explains, researchers are optimistic that minor changes to the diet of cows will significantly cut down on a significant source of global gases.

About 40% of the world's methane emissions, a strong greenhouse gas, come from cows and other livestock animals. Cows are one of the least climate-friendly food sources on the globe since they produce methane as a consequence of digestion from their high fiber diet.

Know more about greenhouse here:



which trait of a leader helps prevent jumping to conclusions and making mistakes based on misinformation?


Fairness trait of a leader helps prevent jumping to conclusions and making mistakes based on misinformation.

Who makes a good leader?

A leader's main responsibilities are to advise, direct, and motivate people. They support people as they advance in their careers and inspire teams through difficult times. To keep teams on task and focused on common objectives, a leader manages people. They promote a culture of cooperation and set an example for others.

What qualities make a good leader?

"A good leader is someone you can depend on and who can bring out the best in their team. The ability to motivate team members to take initiatives that will advance the common goal is the most crucial leadership trait.

To know more about Leader visit:



the concept of diminishing marginal utility: select one: a. explains why individuals rarely maximize their total utility. b. is the change in total utility that comes from consuming one additional unit of a good or service. c. is the principle that the additional utility gained from consuming successive units of a good or service tends to be smaller than the utility gained from the previous unit. d. is the principle that the additional utility gained from consuming different bundles of goods and services tend to be smaller than the utility gained from consuming just one bundle of goods and services.


A) is the idea that consuming additional units of a good or service typically has a smaller effect on utility than consuming the previous unit. Total utility is rising as long as marginal utility is positive.

When a consumer chooses a bundle that contains more of at least one good and not less of another good, it is said that the consumer's preferences are strongly monotonous.

The consumer prefers both goods more. The consumer prefers one good more than another when preferences are purely monotonous or have a strong monotonic preference.

What exactly is strong monotony?

If, given a consumption bundle, an agent prefers all consumption bundles that have more of at least one good and not less of any other good, this indicates that the agent's preferences are strongly monotonic.

Learn more about good or service here:



blake and ryan form the poole partnership. blake contributes cash of $15,000. ryan contributes land with an adjusted basis of $1,000 and a fair market value of $21,000. the land is subject to a $6,000 mortgage that poole assumes. blake and ryan both receive a 50 percent interest in poole. what is ryan's recognized gain or loss on the contribution? a.$3,000 b.$2,000 c.$20,000 d.$5,000 e.none of these choices are correct.


Blake and Ryan form the Poole Partnership. Blake gives $15,000 in cash, while Ryan contributes $21,000 worth of land with an adjusted basis. The following table details Ryan's realized gain or loss on the contribution.

What is Ryan's contribution's recognized gain or loss?

None of the above is one of the choices listed below for Ryan's acknowledged gain or loss.

Is the gain or loss on the asset's sale included in expenses?

If you sell an asset for less than its book value, you must include the loss in your income statement as an expense.In the income statement, a disposal account is a gain or loss account where the difference between the disposal proceeds and the cost of the asset is reported.

To know more about contribution visit:



christie deleon purchased a ten-year $1,000 bond with semiannual coupons for $982. the bond had a $1,100 redemption payment at matu- rity, a nominal coupon rate of 7% for the first five years, and a nominal coupon rate of q% for the final five years. christie calculated that her annual effective yield for the ten-year period was 7.35%. find q.


The q of the bond if Christie Deleon purchased a ten-year $1,000 bond is 77.

What is a bond?

A bond is a type of financial instrument where the issuer (debtor) owes the holder (creditor) a debt and is obligated, depending on the terms, to repay the bond's principal at expiry as well as interest (known to as the coupon) over a specific period of time. Both bonds and stocks are regarded as securities, but the principal distinction between the two is that (equity) stockholders own a portion of the company's equity, whereas bondholders hold a creditor interest in it. A redeemable bond that has no redeeming value, also referred to as a perpetuity or bond with no maturity, is an exception. The term duration of the instrument is the primary distinction between bonds, CDs, and short-term commercial paper.

q=1100*7%= 77

To learn more about bond, visit:



suppose a fall in stock prices makes people feel poorer. the decrease in wealth would induce people to


People would seek lower consumption as a result of their wealth declining, which is represented by a shift to the left on the aggregate-demand curve.

What relationship does the aggregate demand curve demonstrate?

The link between price level and real GDP demand, all other things being equal, is depicted by the aggregate demand curve. – When the price level changes and the price change is independent of a change in a real GDP component, the AD curve will move. Cost-push inflation can happen when increased production costs cause the economy's overall supply, or aggregate supply, to decline. Cost-push inflation results from the manufacturing price increases being passed on to consumers because the demand for goods hasn't altered.

To know more about aggregate demand curve, visit:



to pay for social insurance programs administered by the social security administration, employers, employees, and the unemployed must contribute. t or f


To pay for social insurance programs administered by the social security administration, employers, employees, and the unemployed must contribute:

(2) Payment of unemployment compensation solely through public employment offices or such other agencies as the Secretary of Labor may approve; and.

Employees are frequently the front line of the commercial enterprise. they may be those who make the product or offer the provider to the customers. personnel has a large effect on the final results of the business. employees are the folks who make a product or offer an enterprise's provider.

An instance of a worker is a sales associate at a retail keep. for the reason that employees have to complete duties in a targeted manner, which includes carrying a call badge and greeting the client with specific phraseology, the worker is taken into consideration as a worker.

Learn more about employees here:



the world bank and the international monetary fund part 2 a. do not have adverse selection and moral hazard problems. b. have adverse selection but not moral hazard problems. c. have moral hazard but not adverse selection problems. d. have adverse selection and moral hazard problems.


The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund d. have adverse selection and moral hazard problems.

What is adverse selection and moral hazard ?

When there is a lack of symmetric information prior to a transaction between a buyer and a seller, adverse selection takes place. The possibility that one party did not enter into the agreement in good faith or gave incorrect information about its assets, liabilities, or credit standing is known as moral hazard.

Both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund therefore have this problem because they might lend to countries that know they will use the loans given for purposes other than what they said they would.

Find out more on adverse selection at https://brainly.com/question/12955249


Answer: b. have adverse selection but not moral hazard problems.


se the following data from Mayonnaise Manufacturing Co. to identify the revenues from sales of finished goods for the year. Manufacturing Finished Goods Raw Materials Ovherhead WIP Inventory Inventory Cost of Goods Sold 10,000 125,000 5,000 80,000 120,000 150,000 150,000 130,000 130,000 150,000 30,000 30,000 45,000 60,000 35,000 110,000 20,000 130,000 O Cannot be determined from the information provided O $150,000 O $150,000 O $130,000 $25,000


The revenues from the sale of finished goods for the year, given the data from Mayonnaise Manufacturing Co., is A. Cannot be determined from the information provided.

How to find the revenues from sales of finished goods ?

Revenues from the sale of finished goods are often given as this is an objective figure. If it isn't given however, it can be found from the Gross profit, and the cost of goods sold by the formula :

= Gross profit + Cost of goods sold

If the cost of goods sold, or the gross profit is not given, then there won't be enough information to find the finished goods.

The data provided from Mayonnaise Manufacturing Co. includes the cost of goods sold, and other costs like Raw materials, and manufacturing overhead. However, it does not have the gross profit, so the revenue cannot be determined from the given information.

Find out more on finished goods at https://brainly.com/question/14889555


t.j.maxx is a store offering customers a place to shop for designer clothing and goods far below original prices. which type of retail store is t.j. maxx?


T.J max is a store offering customers a place to shop for designer clothing and goods far below original prices and this type of retail store is called a discount retail store. The correct option is a.

What is a discount retailer store?

A discount retailer store or discounter refers to a retail format in which products are sold at prices that are in principle lower than an actual or supposed full retail price. Discounters rely on bulk purchasing and efficient distribution to keep down costs. During the period from the 1950s to the late 1980s, discount stores were more popular than the average supermarket or department store in the United States.

Dollar General is the largest discount store chain with 16,952 stores across 46 states.

Learn more about discount, here:



investors can benefit from investments in stock via increases in the market price of the stock or through the receipt of dividends. this statement is


You may increase your savings, shield your funds from inflation and taxes, and increase the return on your assets by purchasing stocks in a variety of companies.

What advantages do investors receive? Your investment portfolio may benefit from including stocks.Investing in stocks of various companies can help you increase your savings, shield your money from inflation and taxes, and increase the return on your assets.It's critical to be aware of the hazards associated with stock market investing.A source of income is provided through stock market investments.When firms announce profits and choose to allocate a portion of those profits to shareholders, dividends are paid on shares.The holders of bonds receive interest payments.Capital is invested in a wide range of financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate, mutual funds, hedge funds, and enterprises.

To learn more about investments in stock refer



what is an auditing program in which current connections are scanned and alerts are generated after suspicious logo


Intrusion detection system (IDS) is an auditing program in which current connections are scanned and alerts are generated after suspicious logo.

What is an intrusion detection system (IDS)?

A monitoring system called an intrusion detection system (IDS) looks for abnormal activity and sends out alarms when it does. A security operations center (SOC) analyst or incident responder can analyze the problem and take the necessary steps to eliminate the threat based on these notifications.

Systems for detecting intrusions are made to be installed in various settings. An IDS can be network-based or host-based, like many other cybersecurity solutions.

Deploying a HIDS or NIDS in isolation offers an organization's system insufficient protection due to the various levels of visibility. More complete protection can be offered by a unified threat management solution, which combines various technologies into a single system.

To learn more on intrusion detection system (IDS) from the link:



markets that operate under highly restrictive assumptions, such as a zero tax rate, zero transactions costs, and full information of all market participants, are known as what?


If all market participants are fully disclosed, there are no transaction costs, and perfect markets operate under these strict conditions.

What would you consider the ideal market to be?

a market where vendors of an item or service are permitted to compete freely and where consumers and sellers have full knowledge: The internet can play a significant role in the creation of an ideal market. compare to an imperfect market.

What are a few examples of perfect markets?

Produce markets: The closest thing to a farmers' market in real life is competition as it should be. For products that are nearly identical, small producers charge generally comparable prices.

To Know more about  market participants



Which of these are identified as being important skills workers will need in a globally connected world?
a. adaptability to changing circumstances
b. linguistic skills
c. ability to sense and respond to new contexts


The term "globalization" is used to explain how trade and technologies have increased connectivity and interdependence around the world.

What does a person's global mean?

A person's internal arrangement of global ideas, goals, and sentiments into a cohesive understanding system is referred to as global meaning. The foundation for how people view oneself and their position in the world, as well as the way they perceive events and situations, is this universal meaning.

What is meant by a global view?

(noun) A perspective that holds that the world is made up of intricately interrelated elements. (noun) A perspective that seeks to comprehend where or wheres people, groups, civilizations, and societies fit into the globe and how they interact with one another.

To know more about globally visit:



which statement is the most accurate? select one: a. there is considerable disagreement as to whether the federal minimum wage helps the unskilled workers more than it hurts them. b. the federal minimum wage rate is indexed to the rate of inflation: each year it's raised equal to the rate if inflation during the previous year. c. very few people's wage rates are actually determined by supply and demand.


This paper examines the evidence from around the world regarding the effects of minimum wages as well as current studies demonstrating the effects of the National Living Wage.

What are the minimum wage's advantages and disadvantages?

The fundamental argument in favor of a minimum wage is that it helps low-income and impoverished families make enough money. The potential drawback is that it might make firms less likely to hire low-paid, unskilled labor. There will be winners and losers if the employment of low-skill workers is reduced by minimum wages.

Why shouldn't the minimum wage be increased?

The argument against raising the minimum wage is that doing so could have a number of unfavorable effects, including inflation, decreased company competitiveness, and job losses.

To know more about  federal minimum wage visit:-



consists of all the activities concerned with obtaining money and using it effectively.


Financial management encompasses all actions related to collecting and wisely employing funds.

Describe financial management.

The process of developing a business strategy and ensuring that it is carried out by all departments is essentially financial management. Data that the CFO or VP of finance can provide can be used to establish a long-term vision. Additionally, this data aids in the decision-making process for making investments and offers details on how to finance such projects as well as liquidity, profitability, cash runway, and other variables.

What serves as the primary objective of financial management?

The main objective of financial management is to control an organization's finances in a way that ensures compliance with legal requirements and corporate success in its industry. High-level planning and effective execution go into the process. When done correctly, businesses are profitable and succeed.

Learn more about Financial management: https://brainly.com/question/6659707


isobel is a veteran hr manager and she still prefers to solicit applications through newspaper advertisements. her argument is that she will get better candidates. is she correct? true false


The correct answer here is false. Isobel is incorrect in thinking that she will get better candidates.

The work of a human resource manager is to plan, organize, coordinate and direct the administrative functions of an organization. They supervise the interviewing, recruiting of candidates, and hiring of new staff. They also consult with the topmost executives of the company or firm on further strategic planning but their major role is to act as a medium or a bridge between the management of the company and its employees.

There can be multiple reasons why her plan to get better candidates can fail. Some of them are:

newspapers are deemed to be underread. with the invention of new media like mobiles, tablets and computers, newspaper advertisement seems outdated.newspaper advertisements, even if they do attract a few candidates do not guarantee a good crop of them.

Learn more about human resource managers here brainly.com/question/23428372


in the keynesian-cross model, if the mpc equals 0.75, then a $1 billion increase in government spending increases planned expenditures by and increases the equilibrium level of income by . a) $1 billion; more than $1 billion b) $0.75 billion; more than $0.75 billion


Option B is correct, In the Keynesian-cross model, if the mpc equals 0.75, then a $1 billion increase in government spending increases planned expenditures by and increases the equilibrium level of income by $1 billion; more than $1 billion.

The Keynesian cross diagram is a component of the imperative ideas in Keynes' trendy idea of Employment, hobby, and cash. It first seemed as a valuable aspect of macroeconomic ideas as it changed into taught by way of Paul Samuelson in his textbook, Economics: An Introductory evaluation. The Keynesian cross plots combination income (labeled as Y on the horizontal axis) and planned general spending or combination expenditure (labeled as an ad on the vertical axis).

In the Keynesian pass diagram, the upward-sloping blue line represents the combination of expenditure for goods and offerings by using all families and firms as a feature in their profits. The 45-diploma line represents a combination supply curve which embodies the idea that, so long as the economic system is working at much less than complete employment, anything demanded may be supplied. combination expenditure and aggregate earnings are measured by dividing the money fee of all goods produced in the economic system in a given year by means of a fee index. The ensuing assembly is called a real Gross Home Product.

To learn more about Keynesian-cross visit here:



a pricing tool that focuses on the changes in total revenue and total cost from selling one more unit to find the most profitable price and quantity is called .


A pricing tool that focuses on the changes in total revenue and total cost from selling one more unit to find the most profitable price and quantity is called Marginal analysis.

Marginal analysis is an examination of the added benefits of an activity against the incremental costs resulting from the same activity. Businesses use marginal analysis as a decision-making tool to help them maximize their potential revenue. For example, if a company has a budget to make room for another employee and plans to hire another person to work in the factory, marginal analysis indicates that hiring that person provides a net marginal benefit.

To learn more about Marginal analysis, click here.



which of the following is true? multiple choice 1 inflation is harmful even when predictable. inflation prevents bracket creep and liquid costs. inflation prevents menu costs and shoe leather costs. inflation is harmful only when predictable.


Inflation is harmful even when predictable is true. Money doesn't purchase as much as it used to when prices rise. The level of living is negatively impacted by this decline in purchasing power.

When inflation is significant, it is difficult for investors, businesses, and consumers to predict their costs from one day to the next. High inflation frequently causes instability and unpredictability, which hinders the economy's ability to function at its best.

For those whose earnings don't keep up with growing prices, such elderly and others with low salary, high inflation makes life particularly difficult. This is due to the fact that excessive inflation makes their savings and income less valuable.

The economy may suffer from a price level fall that continues over time. Deflation is the term for this. It is typically a sign that the economy is really suffering. Production and wages decline as a result of deflation. This lowers consumer and company demand, which causes prices to drop even further, and so on.

The 1930s, at the height of the Great Depression, saw Canada's only significant period of continuous deflation. Prices dropped by more than 20% over the course of four years as a result of a sharp reduction in consumer expenditure.

To know more about  inflation:



using a 12% capitalization rate, an apartment complex is valued at $480,000. what will be the value of the same property if a 10 percent capitalization rate is used?


The value of the apartment complex using a 10% capitalization rate would be $600,000.

The capitalization rate is used to calculate the value of the property.

The capitalization rate is calculated by dividing the net operating income by the value of the property. The higher the capitalization rate, the lower the value of the property.

Therefore, if the capitalization rate is reduced from 12% to 10%, the value of the property will increase from $480,000 to $600,000.

By dividing a property's net operating income by its current market value, the capitalization rate is determined. An investor's probable return on a real estate investment is estimated using this ratio, which is given as a percentage.

To know more about capitalization rate



a written document in which a shareholder authorizes a person to vote the shareholder's shares at the shareholders' meetings in the event of the shareholder's absence is known as a


A written document in which a shareholder authorizes a person to vote the shareholder's shares at the shareholders' meetings in the event of the shareholder's absence is known as a proxy statement.

A shareholder of a employer is an individual or criminal entity that is registered via the company because the legal owner of stocks of the share capital of a public or personal business enterprise. Shareholders may be called members of a corporation.

A shareholder is a person or organization that has invested money in a company in exchange for a “share” of the possession. That ownership is represented by using common or desired shares issued by using the organisation and held (i.e., owned) via the shareholder.

Learn more about shareholder here:https://brainly.com/question/13187927

when the federal reserve increases the federal funds rate, how would it impact the economy?


When the federal reserve increases the federal funds rate, it can impact the economy in terms of a recession and a rise in unemployment.

A higher federal funds rate means more expensive borrowing costs, in turn, which can reduce demand among financial institutions such as banks to borrow money. The banks pass on these higher borrowing costs by increasing the rates they charge for consumer loans. If the federal raises fund rates too high and too quickly, it may cool demand so much that the economy tips into a recession. Ultimately, higher interest rates make debt costlier and borrowing harder for both consumers and businesses. Also, a higher funds rate results in a rise in unemployment rates.

You can learn more about federal funds rate at



In the Breakthrough Energy Catalyst video case, investments are being made to develop technologies to convert biological inputs, including municipal waste, into what product?a. Sustainable Aviation Fuelb. Green Hydrogenc. Direct Air Captured. Long-duration Energy Storage


In the Breakthrough Energy Catalyst video case, investments are being made to develop technologies to convert biological inputs, including municipal waste, into Sustainable Aviation Fuel product. The correct answer is A.

How are biomass converted into fuel?

Biomass can be converted to a gaseous or liquid fuel through gasification and pyrolysis. Gasification is a process which exposes solid biological inputs to high temperatures with very little oxygen present, to produce synthesis gas (or syngas), a mixture which consists mostly of carbon monoxide and hydrogen that is already used in the petrochemical industry.

Biological conversion includes fermentation to convert biomass into ethanol and anaerobic digestion to make renewable natural gas. Ethanol is used as a vehicle fuel.

Learn more about Converted Fuel at: https://brainly.com/question/12682088


1. In an ethical business, core values and principles are clearly communicated.
a. True
b. False
2. Acting ethically in business means nothing more than just following rules, laws, and regulations.
a. True
b. False


The statement that in an ethical business, core values and principles will be clearly communicated, is A. True.

The statement that acting ethically in business means to follow rules, laws, regulations, and nothing else is B. False.

What is ethics in business ?

The rules for ethically correct and wrong behavior in company are referred to as business ethics. Law defines behavior in part, but "legal" and "ethical" are not always synonymous. By defining permissible practices outside of the purview of the state, business ethics strengthen the law.

Businesses construct business ethics to encourage moral behavior among their workforce and win over important constituencies like customers and investors. Corporate ethics programs are now widespread, although the quality varies.

Ethics is therefore more than simply following rules, laws, and regulations, and instead demands that we follow other things that would lead to our company acting ethically in the clearly communicated manner they are.

Find out more on business ethics at https://brainly.com/question/4048149


eliza lucas pinckney revolutionized the economy of south carolina when she proved that _______________ could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.


Eliza Lucas Pinckney revolutionized the economy of South Carolina when she proved that indigo could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.

The creation of South Carolina's prosperous indigo business in the middle of the eighteenth century is frequently attributed to Eliza Lucas Pinckney (1722–1793). Eliza Lucas' father brought her indigo seedlings from the West Indies, and after three years of trial and error, she finally perfected a process for creating blocks of indigo cakes that could be used to make dye.

According to Bharti, indigo growing has aided in the regeneration of wastelands, improved soil quality, and reduced soil erosion. However, the group does not advocate for indigo production above the growing of food crops.

To know more about Indigo Cultivation here



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