what is the total net force of 10n, 9n and 16n?


Answer 1




If they are on the same direction, then we would add to get the required net force:-

(10 + 9 + 16 )N = 35N

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Related Questions

A truck is traveling at 15 m/s on a slippery road. The driver slams on the brakes and the truck starts to skid. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the tires and the road is 0. 20, how far will the truck skid before stopping?.


A truck is traveling at speed of 15 m/s on a slippery road. It will travel a distance of 57.4 meters before finally stop.

Using the Newton's 2nd law of motion:

Fs = m . a


Fs = friction force

m = mass of the truck

a = acceleration

Fs = μ . N

    = μ . mg


μ = coefficient of kinetic friction the tires and the road = 0.2

N = normal force = m . g


μ . mg = m . a

a = μ . g

  = 0.2 x 9.8 = 1.96 m/s²

Using the equation of motion for a decelerated motion:

v² = u² - 2as


v = final speed = 0 (since the truck finally stop)

u = initial speed

s = distance


0 = 15² - 2 x 1.96 x s

s = 225 / 3.92 = 57.4

Hence, the truck will travel a distance of 57.4 meters before finally stop.

Learn more about acceleration here:



if two separate containers a and b have the same volume and temperature, but container a has more gaseous molecules than b, then container a will have: a) higher pressure b) lower pressure c) a greater universal gas constant d) a smaller universal gas constant


If two separate containers A and B have the same volume and temperature, but container A has more gaseous molecules than B, then the container A will have higher pressure than container B.

According to the approximations of ideal gas conditions, the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to the number of molecules of a gas at constant temperature and volume.

Having this in mind, at constant temperature and volume, container A has more gaseous molecules than B, then container A will have higher pressure than container B.

Below is the calculation for proof that shows which container has the higher pressure while keeping the volume and temperature the same.

So, V a = V b

n a* T a/ P a = n b* T b/ P b

Here, T a = T b

P a = n a/n b * P b

n a/n b > 1

P a/ P b > 1

P a > P b

Thus, the container A will have higher pressure than container B.

To know more about pressure:



the structure of a solid can be determined by diffraction of radiation in which region of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum?


Atoms' surrounding electron clouds can serve as diffraction gratings and x-ray scattering sites. This makes it possible to determine the structure of molecules as well as the solid-state structure (i.e., the lattice types and unit cell dimensions).

The principles of diffraction are based on Bragg's Law:


n is the diffraction order, which is typically 1.

lambda is the radiation's wavelength of incidence

d is the distance between the lattice planes, where

is the angle between the incident radiation and the scattering plane.

Powder x-ray diffraction (PXRD), which gives the cell constants for the solid's unit cell, is used when the material is a powder.

The intensity of the diffraction peaks is utilised to determine all atom locations when the sample is a single crystal, which provides bond lengths and bond angles.

To know more about the Bragg's Law :



the density of the paper clip was greater than the density of water, so it should not have floated based on this idea alone. explain what properties of water allow the paperclip to float


A paper clip can certainly float on the water's surface, seemingly defying the rules of physics. The paper clip, which has a significantly higher density, can float on the water due to the strong surface tension.

The forces that hold liquid molecules together create the phenomenon known as surface tension.

A glass of water's surface molecules coheres more strongly with molecules that are directly related to them because they aren't surrounded by water molecules on all sides. It is less likely that a "skin" will develop on the water's surface the higher the cohesion between the water molecules as opposed to the water's attraction.

To know more about surface tension, click the below link



what is one way you can tell that the force of gravity and mass have a direct relationship





The relationship between gravity and the mass of two interacting bodies can be shown by the following equation: F = G x m1 x m2 / r2,

an astronaut weighs 600 newtons at the earth's surface. if he doubles his distance from the earth's center, his weight will be


if the astronaut doubles his distance from the  earth's surface, his weight will Decrease

Newton (N) is the Unit of force. And 1 N is the force needed to accelerate 1 kilogram of mass at the rate of 1 meter/second..

In earth; 1 kg mass produce 9.81 N force in direction to the center of gravity of earth. In an other words, if mass produce 9.81 N force in  earth's surface that mass is must be 1 kg.

In your question; 600 N force is always 600N force.

When you measure the force of mass is 600 N on earth's surface, same mass is produce 600x(1.62/9.81) = 99.08 N on Moon, and 600x(3.71/9,81)= 226.91 N on Mars.

To learn more about earth's surface click here



How do you find the image vertices for dilation with center 0 0 and scale factor 4?


Resolving scaling factor you find the image vertices for dilation with center 0 0

Magnification is defined as a number or conversion factor used to change the size of a shape without changing its shape. Used to increase or decrease the size of an object. If you know the dimensions of the original shape and the dimensions of the enlarged (scaled up or down) shape, you can calculate the scale factor.

For example, a rectangle is 5 units long and 2 units wide. If you scale this rectangle by a factor of two, the sides are 10 and 4 units, respectively. So you can use the scale factor to get the dimensions of the modified figure.

The coordinates of the image vertices can be calculated as follows:

For vertex A (-3, 1) then A' (4 × -3, 4 × 1) = A' (-12, 4)

For vertex B then (4, -3) then B' (4 × 4, 4 × -3) = B' (16, -12)

For vertex C (2, 3), C' ( 4 × 2, 4 × 3) = C' (8, 12)

To know more about scale factor -



what is the dvd's moment of inertia for rotation about a perpendicular axis through the edge of the disk?


The DVD's moment of inertia for rotation about a perpendicular axis through the edge of the disk is

[tex]I = \frac{3}{2}MR^{2}[/tex]

Where, M = the mass of the disk and

            R = the radius of the disk.

The parallel axis theorem connects a shape's moment of inertia about a parallel centroidal axis to its moment of inertia about any other axis.

This theorem is particularly helpful since it allows us to compute a shape's moment of inertia around any parallel axis by adding the appropriate correction factor to our knowledge of the shape's centroidal moment of inertia. Alternatively, by deducting the same factor from the moment of inertia about an axis, we can determine the related centroidal moment of inertia.

To know more about moment of inertia



What event made it possible for photons to begin to travel freely through the universe when the universe was about 380,000 years old?


The universe had expanded and cooled enough for electrons to combine with nuclei to form neutral atoms.

The universe is all of space and time and its contents, along with planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of count number and strength. The huge Bang theory is the winning cosmological description of the improvement of the universe.

When the universe was about 380,000 years old universe had expanded and cooled enough for electrons to combine with nuclei to form neutral atoms.

It took 380,000 years for electrons to be trapped in orbits around nuclei, forming the primary atoms. These were mainly helium and hydrogen, that is still by means of far the maximum abundant factors in the universe. Gift observations propose that the primary stars fashioned from clouds of gasoline around hundred and fifty–200 million years after the Big Bang. Heavier atoms such as carbon, oxygen, and iron, have in view that been constantly produced in the hearts of stars and catapulted at some stage in the universe in marvelous stellar explosions known as supernovae.

Therefore, the event that made photon move freely in the universe as the universe had expanded and cooled enough for electrons to combine with nuclei to form neutral atoms.

Learn more about Universe here:-brainly.com/question/26741095


10 kg of liquid water is in a container maintained at atmospheric pressure, 101325 pa. The water is initially at 373. 15 k, the boiling point at that pressure. The latent heat of water -> water vapor is 2230 j/g. The molecular weight of water is 18 g. 103 j of heat is added to the water.


Water is transformed into vapour at m is 0.0462 g. Be aware that even at lower temperatures, some water molecules will leave the water's surface since they have high kinetic energy.

What exactly is water vaporization heat?

At 100 °C, where water boils, the heat of vaporization for water is around 540 cal/g. Be aware that even at lower temperatures, some water molecules will leave the water's surface since they have high kinetic energy.

Water has a mass of 10 kg, a pressure of 101325 Pa, a temperature of 373.15 K, and a latent heat of vapourization of 2230 J.g-1. This water has received 103 J of heat energy.

Now, applying solely the latent heat principle to the heat equation: (since water already at boiling point at atmospheric temperature).

Q = m. The amount of water that becomes vapour is L 103 = m * 2230 m = 0.0462 g.

The complete question is,

A container containing 10 kg of liquid water is kept at 101325 Pa atmospheric pressure. At that pressure, the water is originally at its boiling point of 373.15 K. Water to water vapor has a latent heat of 2230 J/g. Water has a molecular weight of 18 g. The water receives 103 J of heat. 1) How much water evaporates into vapor? mass(vapor)=    

To learn more about Vaporization refer to:



A rocket burns fuel at a rate of 283 kg/s and
exhausts the gas at a relative speed of 8 km/s.
Find the thrust of the rocket.
Answer in units of MN.


Thrust force of the rocket is, T = 2.264 MN

Thus, the force required to move the rocket through the air is 2.264MN. This force is generated because of Newton's third law of motion.

What is thrust?

Thrust is the force which moves the rocket through the air, and through space. Thrust is generated by the application of Newton's third law of motion; "For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action. "


The formula for calculating, thrust force of the rocket is T= vdm/dt

Where, T is the thrust of the rocket

v is th relative speed = 8km/s (given in question)

dm/dt is the mass flow rate = 283kg/s (given in question)

Substituting the values,

T = 8km/s × 1000m/1km × 283kg/s

= 2.264 (10^6N=2.264MN)

Therefore, main answer is that

Thrust force is, T = 2.264 MN

To know more about Newton's third law of motion, click on https://brainly.com/question/25998091


A golf ball (m = 52.0g) is hit by a club that makes an angle of 50.1◦ with the horizontal. The ball lands 167 m away on a flat fairway. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2.




how do population of juvenile salmon alter respond to changes in salinity


Poorly Understood

The influence of salinity, temperature and physiological development on habitat choice by juvenile salmon is poorly understood.




It is likely that changes in salinity can affect the population of juvenile salmon in a number of ways. For example, if the salinity of the water increases, it can lead to increased stress on the fish and make it more difficult for them to survive.

This can lead to a decrease in the population of juvenile salmon. On the other hand, if the salinity decreases, it can make it easier for the fish to survive and potentially lead to an increase in the population.

It is important to note, however, that the exact response of the population to changes in salinity will depend on a variety of factors, such as the species of salmon, the specific environment in which they are living, and the magnitude of the change in salinity.

A block weighing 100. newtons is positioned on an incline that makes an angle of 30.° with the horizontal. The magnitude of the friction force between the block and the incline is 10. newtons. A force of 120. newtons is applied by pulling on a rope that makes an angle of 30.° with the incline, as shown.

Draw a free-body diagram, and provide appropriate labels for each of the forces. (Optional)
Calculate the component of the block’s weight parallel to the incline.
Calculate the magnitude and direction of the component of the tension that is useful in moving the block up the incline.
Calculate the magnitude and direction of the block’s acceleration.


(a) The perpendicular component of the block's weight is  86.6 N.

(b) The parallel component of the block's weight is 50 N.

(c) The magnitude and direction of the tension needed to move the block is 103.9 N upwards.

(d) The magnitude and direction of the block's acceleration  is 4.3 m/s² upwards.

What is the components of the block's weight?

The perpendicular and parallel component of the blocks weight is calculated as follows;

The perpendicular component of the block's weight is calculated as follows;

W (n) = W cosθ


W is the weight of the blockθ is the angle of inclination of the block

W (n) = 100 x cos(30)

W (n) = 86.6 N

The parallel component of the block's weight is calculated as follows;

W (p) = W sinθ

W (p) = 100 x sin (30)

W (p) = 50 N

The magnitude of the tension needed to move the block is calculated as follows;

T = F cosθ


F is the applied forceθ is the angle of inclination

T = 120 x cos(30)

T = 103.9 N upwards

The acceleration of the block is calculated as follows;

T - Ff - W (p) = ma


Ff is force of frictiona is accelerationm is the mass

m = W /g

m = 100 N / 9.8 m/s² = 10.2 kg

T - Ff - W (p) = ma

103.9 - 10 - 50 = 10.2a

43.9 = 10.2a

a = 43.9 / 10.2

a = 4.3 m/s² upwards

Learn more about components of block's weight here: https://brainly.com/question/13994004


this imposes another condition on the charge densities on the surfaces of the plates. how can this condition be expressed?


The requirement of the charge densities on the surfaces of the plates is that the charge on the plates must be of the same amount but in the opposite direction in order to complete this field. This condition requires that the charge on the plates be of the same amount but in the opposite direction.

What is an electric field?

It is a physical field that a charged particle occupies on another particle in its environment. In order to form this field, the charge on the plates must be the same amount but going in the opposite direction.

The parallel plate capacitor is the term given to the device that holds a charge. The charge concentrations on the plate surfaces will be under the following conditions:

The charges on the plates must be identical in size and directed in the opposite direction.

This enables the addition of fields to the inside of the plates and the removal of fields from the outside.

Therefore, in order to form this field, the charge on the plates must be the same amount but applied in the opposite direction.

To learn more about Charge click on the below link:



at the moment that the hammer thrower shown above is spinning at an angular rate of 3.57 revolutions per second, with the ball located 1.19 m from the center axis of the spin, what is the tangential velocity of ball?


The tangential velocity of the ball is 4.25 m/s.

The information given to us is the hammer thrower shown above is spinning at an angular rate of 3.57 revolutions per second, with the ball located 1.19 m from the center axis of the spin. The tangential velocity of the ball can be calculated by multiplying the angular rate (3.57 revolutions per second) with the radius of the ball (1.19 m) from the center axis of the spin. the formula for calculating it: Tangential velocity = angular rate * radius = 3.57 * 1.19 = 4.25 m/s . This results in a tangential velocity of 4.25 m/s.

To know more about Tangential velocity refer to the link  brainly.com/question/28738284


A massive tractor is rolling down a country road. In a perfectly inelastic collision, a small sports car runs into the tractor from behind. Which vehicle experiences a larger change in kinetic energy?.


Small sports car will experience a larger change in kinetic energy during inelastic collision.

In inelastic collision we know that loss of energy is possible. It means law of conservation of energy is not possible. An inelastic collision is an impact where there is a deficiency of motor energy. While force of the framework is moderated in an inelastic collision, motor energy isn't. This is on the grounds that some dynamic energy had been moved to something different. Nuclear power, sound energy, and material distortion are reasonable offenders.

Car has small mass as compared to a massive tractor. Due to its high mass car have greater speed as compared to massive tractor. During inelastic collision when a small mass car is collided with large massive tractor ,it transfers most of its energy to a massive tractor and lost that energy in form of heat.

Hence, a small sports car experience a larger change in kinetic energy.

To know more about inelastic collision, visit here:



at what temperature is the fahrenheit scale reading equal to (a) twice that of the celsius scale and (b) half that of the celsius scale?


At 320° Fahrenheit, which is equal to 160° Celsius, the temperature is precisely double what it is in Celsius.

24.6C is the temperature at which a reading on the Fahrenheit scale corresponds to half of a reading on the Celsius scale.

The unit of temperature on the Celsius scale—one of the two temperature scales used by the International System of Units (SI)—is the degree Celsius. The Kelvin scale is the other temperature scale. The symbol "degree Celsius" (°C) is used to indicate both a specific temperature on the Celsius scale and a measurement of the distance or range between two temperatures. It carries the name of Anders Celsius, a Swedish astronomer who invented a scale for measuring temperature in 1742 and was born in 1701–1744.

Centigrade, which derives from the Latin centum, which means "one hundred," and gradus, which means "steps," was the name of the measurement until 1948, when Anders Celsius was honoured with the new moniker. Most powerful countries utilise this scale.

To learn more about Celsius Please click on the given link:



13 points just to answer this question.

just type it in like a normal sentence if you can.


The words that fill in the blanks are;

1) Force

2) direction

3) Energy

4) Conservation of energy

5) Simple machines

6) Work

7) Work output

What is the work?

We know that work is said to be done when the force that is applied is known to  move a distance in the direction of the force. Now we know that the application of force is what would make an object to male movement. It the follows that force is the reason for motion.

The whole essence of the simple machine is that the force that is applied at one end of the machine can be able to overcome a load that is found at another point of the machine.

The work out put of the simple machine would always exceed the work input of a simple machine and by so doing the machine would now be able to make our work much easier.

Learn more about work done:https://brainly.com/question/13662169


an fm radio transmitter has a power output of 170 kw and operates at a frequency of 105.5 mhz. how many photons per second does the transmitter emit?'


An FM radio transmitter has a power output of 170 kW and operates at a frequency of 105.5 MHz. The total number of photons emitted per second by the transmitter will be 0.229* 10³¹.

Given that, power of the transmitter p = 160 kW = 160* 10³ W

Frequency of the transmitter = 105.5 MHz = 105.5* 10⁶ Hz

Number of photons emitted per second is given by the formula,

N = p / h * v = 160* 10³/(6.6* 10⁻³⁴ * 105.5* 10⁶) = 160* 10³¹/(696.3) = 0.229* 10³¹

Thus, the total number of photons emitted by the transmitter will be 0.229* 10³¹.

To know more about photon transmission:



the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in a transparent material is called the a. index of deflection. b. index of reflection. c. index of refraction. d. index of diffusion.


The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in a transparent material is called the index of refraction

b) index of refraction

Three light-related phenomena are the subject of extensive research.

1) Rainfall's ability to disperse sunlight in the atmosphere.

2) The changing degrees of refraction of white light, which results in the construction of a rainbow arch.

3) The complete interior reflection of the raindrop. Refraction happens when light enters one medium and then exits another, producing our reaction.

Refraction, which is indicated by the light's bending or change in direction, can occur when electromagnetic energy in the form of visible light passes from one substance or medium to another.

Total internal reflection happens when light rays enter a right-angled glass prism at an angle of incidence larger than the critical angle.

Learn more about refraction here:



you have a series circuit with a battery and two resistors, one of which is three times the other. how would the results be affected if you interchange the order of the resistors?


When the current is the same through all the resistors and the batteries of a circuit, you have resistors in series. Option B is correct.

What is series circuit?

In the series circuit, the amount of current flowing through any component in a series circuit is the same and the sum of the individual resistances equals the overall resistance of any series circuit.

The voltage in a series circuit, the supply voltage, is equal to the total of the individual voltage drops.

Components linked in series share a single “electrical route,” and each component receives the same current, which is equal to the network's current.

Therefore, when the current is the same through all the resistors and the batteries of a circuit, you have series circuit.

To learn more about the series circuit, refer: brainly.com/question/11409042


Displacement is a measure of __________ in ________.


Displacement is a measure of the shortest distance between a starting point and an ending point in meters.

What is displacement?

The displacement can be described as the change in the position of an object. The displacement can be described as the minimum length between the initial and the final point.

The displacement is the vector parameter that exhibits both distance and magnitude. Therefore, the measurement of the displacement of an object involves the direction.

Displacement can also be defined as the shortest distance between a starting point of an object and an ending point. Displacement can be measured as a straight line and the SI unit of the displacement is meters and the C.G.S. unit is centimeters.

Learn more about displacement, here:



For an ideal gas in a sealed container, if you double the pressure and double the volume, while keeping everything else the same, what has happened to the temperature?
A. The temperature is one-quarter of its original value.
B. The temperature is now four times its original value.
C. The temperature is equal to its original value.
D. The temperature is now double its original value.
E. The temperature is now half its original value.


For an ideal gas in a sealed container, if pressure and volume are made double, then : B.) temperature is now four times its original value.

What happens when pressure and volume are doubled?

Ideal gas is an hypothetical condition of gas state where molecules of the gas are spaced widely apart that is the inter molecular force of attraction is negligible. It obeys the equation,

PV = n RT

Here, P is the absolute pressure of the gas

V is Volume occupied by the gas

n is number of moles of gas

R is Gas constant

T is Absolute temperature of the gas

Ideal gas at two different states are given as:

((P1).(V1))/(T1) = ((P2).(V2))/(T2)

Given, P2 = 2*P1, V2 = 2*V1

So, ((P1).(V1))/(T1) = ((2*P1).(2*V1))/(T2)

1/T1 = 4/T2

T2 = 4 times of T1

Temperature of the gas becomes four times on doubling the absolute pressure and temperature of gas.

To know more about ideal gas, refer



How could one travel faster than the old speed limit without violating the new velocity limit.


Without violating the new speed limit rules, one can go faster than the old limit.

Because c=velocity includes displacement as it is a vector, one may move faster with a velocity meter than the traditional speed restriction. As a result, it will enable the passengers to go in a straight line without veering off the road, and it will assist them get there much quicker than the old approach without breaking the law.

As indicated above, following the displacement rather than the actual distance might let someone arrive at their goal considerably more quickly without violating the new velocity limit.

To know more about Speed limit, visit,



in a lab experiment, a sensor is placed to detect the motion of an object relative to the sensor. the sensor was set up to identify the direction away from it as positive. a set of data including the velocity, and acceleration of the object at every 0.01s was recorded. if the values of both, velocity and acceleration, are negative, what statement below about the motion of the object is correct?


The statement below concerning the item's motion is true since the object was edging farther away from the sensor while slowing down.

What are the three categories of acceleration?

The three main categories of accelerated movements are uniform, non-uniform, and average acceleration. When an item moves in a straight path with an increase in speed occurring at regular intervals of time, this motion is referred to as having uniform acceleration.

How do acceleration and velocity compare?

Velocity is the rate at which displacement changes. The pace at which speed changes is known as acceleration. Because it consists of both magnitude and direction, velocity is a vector quantity. Since acceleration is only the rate at which velocity changes, it too is a vector quantity.

To know more about Accelaration visit:



what is the de broglie wavelength (in m) of the 1.00 tev protons accelerated in the fermilab tevatron accelerator? these high-energy protons are needed to probe elementary particles.


The de Broglie wavelength is 1.24 × 10⁻¹⁸ m.

What is de Broglie equation?

Specifically, the wave character of the electron is described by the de Broglie equation, which is an equation used to describe the wave aspects of matter. De Broglie proposed that particles can display characteristics of waves using the formula λ= h/mv, where λ is the wavelength, h is Planck's constant, and m is the mass of a particle travelling at a velocity of v.


K = 1.0 TeV

The energy of particle moving with a high speed is

=E² = p²c² + (m₀c²)²


p = momentum of the particle

m₀ = rest mass

∴ Momentum of the particle=

p²c² = E² - (m₀c²)² = p²

So, the de Broglie wavelength for the given particle,

λ = [tex]\frac{h}{p}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{hc}{\sqrt{E^{2}-(m_{0}c^{2})^{2}} }[/tex]

Now, the total energy of the particle is

= E = K + [tex]m_{0}[/tex]c²


K = Kinetic energy of the particle

λ[tex]_{p}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{hc}{\sqrt{E^{2}- (m_{0}c^{2})^{2}} }[/tex]

   = [tex]\frac{hc}{\sqrt{(K + m_{0}c^{2})^{2} - (m_{0}c^{2})^{2}} }[/tex]

   = [tex]\frac{hc}{\sqrt{K^{2} + 2Km_{0}c^{2} + (m_{0}c^{2})^{2} - (m_{0}c^{2})^{2}} }[/tex]

   = [tex]\frac{hc}{\sqrt{K^{2} + 2Km_{0}c^{2}} }[/tex]

   = [tex]\frac{4.1357 X 10^{-15}eVs X 3 X 10^{8}ms^{-1}}{\sqrt{(1.0 X 10^{12})^{2} + 2 X 1.0 X 10^{12} X 938.28 X 10^{6}eV^{2}} }[/tex]

   = 1.24 × 10⁻¹⁸ m

To know more about de Broglie equation, check out https://brainly.com/question/16595523


an insulating sphere with a radius of 20 cm carries a uniform volume charge density of 1.5 x 10-6 c/m3. find the magnitude of the electric field at a point inside the sphere that lies 8.0 cm from the center.


The magnitude of the electric field at a point inside the sphere that lies 8.0 cm from the center is  4.5 × [tex]10^{3}[/tex]


Radius = 20 cm

Electric field at a point inside the sphere that lies 8.0 cm from the center.

ρ =  1.5 x 10-6 c/m3

E (r) = ρr / 3εο = 1.5 × [tex]10^{-6}[/tex] × 8 × [tex]10^{-2}[/tex]/ 3 × 8.85 × [tex]10^{-12}[/tex]  = 4.5 × [tex]10^{3}[/tex]

The physical field that surrounds electrically charged particles and exerts force on all other charged particles in the field, either attracting or repelling them, is known as an electric field (also referred to as an E-field[1]). [2] It also describes the physical field of a system of charged particles. [3] Electric charges and time-varying electric currents are the basis of electric fields. A manifestation of the electromagnetic field, one of the four fundamental interactions (sometimes known as forces) of nature, is electromagnetic fields, which also include electric and magnetic fields.

Electric fields play a significant role in many branches of physics and are used in electrical engineering. For instance, in atomic physics and chemistry, the electric field acts as the attracting force that holds the atomic nucleus and electrons together in atoms. Additionally, it is the driving force for atoms' chemical bonds.

Learn more about electric field here:



which of these stars will take the shortest time to go from the earliest protostar stage to the main sequence?


The stars are ten times the mass of our sun will take the shortest time to progress from the earliest protostar stage to the main sequence.

What is a star?A star is simply a luminous body that is typically, frequently, and most of the time found in the night sky. A star, like the sun, is an incandescent body with a fixed point of rotation. Stars are massive celestial bodies composed primarily of hydrogen and helium that generate light and heat from the churning nuclear forges inside their cores.

The following are some of the star's characteristics:

A star is enormous.A celestial body is a star.Radiation causes a star to shine.Gravity holds a star together.A star also produce Its own lightIt also generates its own heat energy.Finally, it is clear from the preceding explanation that stars are luminous and massive bodies.

The complete question:

"Which of these stars will take the shortest time to go from the earliest    protostar stage to the main sequence?

a. the star which has the same mass as our sun.

b. the star ten times the mass of our sun.

c. the star six times the mass of our sun.

d. none of the above."

To learn more about stars refer to :



a pair of narrow, parallel slits separated by 0.250 mm is illuminated by the green component from a mercury vapor lamp (l 5 546.1 nm). the interference pattern is observed on a screen 1.20 m from the plane of the parallel slits. calculate the distance (a) from the central maximum to the first bright region on either side


The length (a) of the first brilliant zone on either side of the central maxima is 2.62mm.

What does diffraction interference mean?

Diffraction. Waves that emerge from two independent sources and produce distinct wave fronts are said to interfere. On the other hand, diffraction can be thought of as secondary waves that form from the many components of the same wave.

Why does an interference pattern occur?

Thomas Young demonstrated how the interaction of two sources of light in the same medium results in an interference pattern. both prospective and retrospective meddling.

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On a team, 3 girls and 2 boys scored a total of 43 points. The difference between the number of points scored by the 3 girls and the number of points scored by the 2 boys is 11 . Each girl scored the same number of points and each boy scored the same number of points. Find the number of points scored by each girl and each boy. The large profits of American companies such as United Fruit and CuyamelFruit were dependent upon: Suppose you are playing the Star Trek version of Rock, Paper, Scissors where the choices are rock, paper,scissors, lizard, and Spock.The list of options now is larger.options = ["rock", "paper", "scissors", "lizard", "spock"]Complete the code for the computer to randomly choose an option.from random import randintcompPlay = options[randint(_,__)] Whats : 2 1/7 + 3/7 (3x - 5) = -4 Please explain step by step to get picked brainliest! Can somebody help me with this What are the 3 endings of French infinitives? How can you track changes in muscular endurance? Hi! Can someone help me with the find the distance between two points. Thank you! two ice skaters of equal mass grab hands and spin in a circle once every four seconds. their arms are 0.76 m long, and they each have a mass of 55.0 kg. how hard are they pulling on one another? A mass is connected to a spring and is allowed to move horizontally. The mass is at a position L when the spring is unstretched. The mass is then moved, stretching the spring, and released from rest. It then moves with simple harmonic motion.1. At the instant that the mass passes through the position where the spring is unstretched, what can be said about its instantaneous acceleration?2. At the instant that the mass passes through the position where the spring is unstretched, what can be said about its instantaneous speed?3. At the instant that the spring is compressed the most, what can be said about the magnitude of its instantaneous velocity? the area of a rectangle is 105 sq in and the length of one side is 7 in. what is the length of the perimeter? going beyond the text, what challenges were or might have been faced by a government in which the national government is designed to be weak? How does the communicative strategy shift? the linear function y=15.95 represents the cost y (in dollars) of x tickets for a museum. Each customer can buy a maximum of four tickets. find the domain of the function. is the domain discrete or continuous? explain Discuss how ongoing conflicts over federal authority vs. state power contributed to a growing sense of political division in the Early American period. a mixture of gases contains 0.310 mol ch4, 0.270 mol c2h6, and 0.300 mol c3h8. the total pressure is 1.30 atm. calculate the partial pressures of the gases. Find f(3)-(5) given f(x) = 8(.5) and gix) = 2x+1 a monochromatic light beam is incident on a barium target that has a work function of 2.50 ev. if a potential difference of 1.00 v is required to turn back all the ejected electrons, what is the wavelength of the light beam? How did living on Castro Street impact Milk's life and later career?A. Milk opened a successful camera shop that introduced him to many famousphotographers and artists.B. Milk helped form the Castro Village Association and gained enough recognition to runfor elected office.C. Milk was inspired to form the Castro Village Association in order to fight againstCalifornia Proposition 6.D. Milk experienced significant prejudice from some members of the neighborhood after opening up his camera shop.Harvey Milk Lives! common lit article assessment questions first one i need help with all for so if willing to help with all 4 and give me the right answers i will give brainly treatment designed to reduce the intensity of painful symptoms, but which does not produce a cure is called: