two ice skaters of equal mass grab hands and spin in a circle once every four seconds. their arms are 0.76 m long, and they each have a mass of 55.0 kg. how hard are they pulling on one another?


Answer 1

The force applied to pull on one another is 102.48 N.

Mass of skaters = m = 55 Kg

Length of arms = r = 0.76 m

Time period = 4 s

Force applied to pull one another is = F =

= F = centripetal force

= F = (m X v²) / r

The centripetal force exerts on a body at the time of circular path, which acts towards the centre of a circular path, and It is inverse of radius as more radius has the least centripetal force.

First, the velocity of the skaters is = v =

= v = distance / time

= v = ( 2 X π X r ) / t

= v = ( 2 X π X 0.76 ) / 4

= v = 1.19 m/s


Force applied to pull one another is = F =

= F = centripetal force

= F = (m X v²) / r

= F = ( 55 X 1.19²) / 0.76

= F = 102.48 N

To know more about Centripetal Force:


Related Questions

when making batter to use for frying foods, which liquid will require the most amount of starch in order to thicken the batter to a good consistency?


Flour and salt solution is the classic thickener ingredient for the batter to use for frying foods.

Flour is a powder made by grinding raw grains, roots, beans, nuts or seeds. They are used to make many different foods.

Steps to  to thicken the batter to a good consistency:

Mix flour and salt in a bowl.Gradually add the ice water, whisking constantly, until the mixture is smooth.Add more water if needed. batter should be thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.

Flour contains a high proportion of starch, which are a subgroup of complex carbohydrates also known as polysaccharides, and when mixed with a salt and water solution the overall liquid contains a large amount of starch which can be used to thicken the batter to a good consistency.

To know more about Flour,


a single slit of widthis illuminated by asodium yellow light of wavelength 589 nm. findthe intensity at aangle to the axis in termsof the intensity of the central maximum.


According to the following formula, the intensity upon an angle with the axis Intensity is defined as (Central Highest Intensity) * (sinc (angle * /w))2.

in which the slit's width (w) and also the light's wavelength () are both given.

Accordingly, the concentration perpendicular towards the axis is equal to the intensity of something like the central maximum and is as follows:

Intensity is measured in terms: (Centre Maximum Intensity) * (sinc (angle * 589 nm/w))2

The the light's intensity at such an angles towards the center maxima can indeed be computed utilizing diffraction equation  theory and presuming the singular slits is just a rectangle split according follows:

I() = I0 sin2 (Bsin/I)

Here B is the slit's width, I0 is the center maximum's intensity, & seems to be the light's wavelengths.

Substituting the given values we get:

I(θ) = I₀ sin²(πBsinθ/589 x 10⁻⁹ m)

For sodium yellow light (589 nm), the intensity of the central maximum is I₀.

In addition to highlighting of the center maxima, the intensity at such an angle with the axis is nonetheless:

I(θ) = I₀ sin²(πBsinθ/589 x 10⁻⁹ m)

To know more about diffraction equation click here


(i) what happens to the magnitude of the charge on each plate of a capacitor if the potential difference between the conductors is doubled? it becomes four times larger. it becomes two times larger. it is unchanged. it becomes one-half as large. it becomes one-fourth as large. (ii) if the potential difference across a capacitor is doubled, what happens to the energy stored? it becomes four times larger. it becomes two times larger. it is unchanged. it becomes one-half as large. it becomes one-fourth as large.


The charge stored in the capacitor doubles when the potential difference across it does, according to the equation above.

What happens if a capacitor's capacitance is really large?

Accordingly, a capacitor with a large capacitance can store a significant quantity of charge Q at a negligibly large potential difference.

How can the amount of charge on one capacitor plate be determined?

The capacitor has two plates, one of which is charged positively, Q, and the other negatively, -Q. The charge Q on the plates and the potential difference V between the two plates are proportionate. Q = CV, and C = Q/V, where C is the proportional constant.

To know more about capacitor plate visit:-


How do you solve elastic potential energy problems?


The formula for calculating elastic potential energy stored in spring is Elastic potential energy = 0.5 * spring constant * extension square

When as elastic body is deformed, energy stored in the body is called elastic potential energy. This energy gets stored in the object till the time it is deformed. When force is removed, this energy changes into kinetic energy.

An object that can store elastic potential energy has a high elastic limit. When an object is deformed beyond the elastic limit, it can not gain its shape after removing force.

The force that is needed to stretch the spring is directly proportional to its displacement. It is given as F = k* x

where, k is spring constant

x = displacement

The elastic potential energy formula of the stretched spring is given as

PE = 1/2* k* x²


PE = elastic potential energy and it is expressed in Joule

To know more about elastic potential energy:


A ball is hit straight up with an initial speed of 28 meters per second. What is the speed of the ball 2. 2 seconds after it is hit?.


The speed of the ball that hit straight up with an initial speed of 28 meters after 2.2 seconds it is hit = 6.44 m/s.

The speed of the ball

The magnitude of the velocity of an object in uniform motion is highly dependent on the magnitude of the initial velocity of the object and the acceleration experienced. Slowed down uniform motion is motion where the speed of an object always decreases every second, until the object stops.

By neglecting friction, the equation to determine the speed of the ball after t seconds:

v = v₀ - gt

We have,

Initial speed of the ball = 28 m/s ⇒ v₀

t = 2.2 s

The gravity acceleration = 9.81 m/s² ⇒ g

So, the speed of the ball:

v = 28 - (9.8) (2.2)

= 28 - 21.56

= 6.44 m/s

Learn more about speed of the object here:


a skipper on a boat notices wave crests passing the anchor chain every 5 seconds. the skipper estimates the distance between crests is 15 m. what is the speed of the water waves? a. 3 m/s b. 5 m/s c. 15 m/s d. 45 m/s


The speed of the water waves is 3 m/s.

The wave speed is the distance a wave travels in a specific amount of time, such as the number of meters it travels in a second. The formula to calculate wave speed is given as V = f×λ. V is the speed or velocity in m/s, f is the frequency in hertz (Hz), and λ is wavelength in m.

Here, given the time period (T) is 5 s and the wavelength is 15 m.

First, the frequency can be calculated using the formula, f = 1/T.


Then, the wave speed is,

V=0.2×15=3 m/s

The answer is 3m/s.

To know more about wave speed:


nancy is in her early 60s and nervous about growing old because she doesn’t want to be limited in her daily functioning or lose her memory or judgement. how might you reassure nancy about her fears?


I would like assure Nancy by telling her her Dementia is not inevitable; while 10% will develop dementia in their lifetime, less than half of people above age 84 will have it. So there is a 90% chance that Nancy might not lose her memory or judgement.

What is Dementia?

Dementia is described as a general term for loss of memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking abilities that are severe enough to interfere with daily life.

Dementia is characterized by impairment of at least two brain functions, such as memory loss and judgement.

So there are high chances that Nancy  might not lose her memory or judgement and normal functioning.

Learn more about dementia at:


what gauge pressure in the water mains is necessary if a firehose is to spray water to a height of 45 mm ?


The necessary gauge pressure in the water mains is approximately 70 kPa (10 psi).

The pressure necessary in the water mains to spray water to a height of 45 mm depends on factors such as the diameter of the hose, the length of the hose, the type of nozzle used, and the specific gravity of water.

Assuming the hose is of a standard size (e.g. 1.5 inch diameter) and the nozzle is designed for a nozzle pressure of 70 psi, then the pressure necessary in the water mains would be 70 psi + the pressure required to push the water 45 mm (1.8 inches) up the hose.

To calculate the pressure required, we use Bernoulli's equation:

P1 + (1/2)*ρ*V1^2 = P2 + (1/2)*ρ*V2^2

Where P is the pressure, ρ is the density of water, and V is the velocity of the water.

Assuming the velocity of the water at the nozzle is 10 m/s, and the density of water is 1000 kg/m^3, then the pressure necessary in the water mains to spray water to a height of 45 mm is 90 psi.

P1 + (1/2)*1000*10^2

To know more about gauge pressure:


When measuring the mass of a condensed volatile liquid collected, you need to correct its mass by the mass of the air lost in the process.


Correction of the mass of the volatile liquid that is subjected to a condensation process is required because part of the vapors that circulate through the system do not condense, and these can go to the atmosphere or be collected by another system.

Principles of the condensation system

The collection of the volatile condensed liquid is generally carried out in a piece of equipment (condenser) that has pipes through which the vapors of the element circulate and through which they pass to the liquid phase, decanting it at the end of the system.

Loss of mass in the condensation system

To treat the greatest amount of vapors to be condensed, the pipe can be lengthened (number of steps) through which they circulate or the temperature of the condenser element with which they exchange heat (usually water) can be lowered.

However, even in high efficiency systems there will always be a certain percentage of vapors that do not condense, so it will be necessary to make a correction to the mass of liquid collected.

Learn more about the mass of the condensed volatile liquid at


When a nucleus of 235U undergoes fission, it breaks into two smaller, more tightly bound fragments. Calculate the binding energy per nucleon for 235U and for the fission product 137Cs .


When a nucleus of 235u undergoes fission, it breaks into two smaller, more tightly bound fragments. The binding energy per nucleon for 235-U is 7.6 MeV and 137-Cs is 8.39 MeV.

In experimental physics, nuclear binding energy is the minimal amount of energy needed to separate an atom's nucleus into its component protons and neutrons, also known as nucleons.

The following equation provides the binding energy of a nucleus:

BE = Δmc² in which;

BE = Energy bound

Mass defect = m.

c = the speed of light = 931.49 MeV/u

For 235U:

A = 235

Δm = 1.9150664

BE = 1.9150664 x 931.49 MeV/u.

= BE = 1783.8648 MeV

The formula  of the nucleon's binding energy is BE/A

= BE/A = 235 x 1738.648 MeV

= BE/A = 7.6 MeV

The binding energy for 137-Cs will be:

Mass defect m = 1.23383 unit

= BE=1.123383 u x 31.49 MeV/u = 1149.3003 MeV

Additionally, the binding energy per nucleon, BE/A =

= A = 137

= BE/A = 137 x 1149.3003 MeV

= BE/A = 8.39 MeV

To know more about Binding Energy:


Which method of measuring distances would you use if you wanted to measure the distance to stars in a nearby galaxy?


The parsecs is the method used to measure the distance to stars in a nearby galaxy.

Since space is so vast, many astronomers choose to use a unit of measurement known as a parsec instead of measuring distances in miles or kilometers. the nearest star, Alpha Centauri, in your mind

What is A parsec is either a time or a distance measurement.

Why then would Solo use a parsec, which measures distance rather than time, to describe how fast his ship could move? Here, two distinct narratives are in play.

This distance of the celestial bodies is measure in light years also.

Unlike time, a parsec measures distance. When he said this, Solo wasn't specifically referring to his ship's speed of his ship.

A lightyear, or the distance light travels in a year (about 9.5 trillion km), is a unit of measurement used to describe distance in space.

Therefore, parsecs and lightyear is the method used to measure the distance to stars in a nearby galaxy.

To know more about parsecs visit:


an object has an acceleration of 15.7 m/s/s. if the mass of the object is increased by a factor of 13.6, what would be the new acceleration of the object?


If an object's mass is raised by a factor of 13.6, its acceleration would change to 213.52 m/s from its initial acceleration of 15.7 m/s. For an object's mass gets increased.

In mechanics, acceleration is the rate at which an object's velocity with respect to time changes. The vector quantity of accelerations (in that they have magnitude and direction). The direction of the net force imposed on an object determines its acceleration in relation to that force. A physical body's mass is its total amount of matter. Inertia of the body is also measured by it.

F = ma

F = m*15.7\sF = 15.7m

The new acceleration is given by F = (13.6m*a) F = (13.6m*15.7) F = 213.52m where F = (13.6m*a)

Learn more about acceleration here


What is the change in internal energy if 20j of heat is released?


The change in Internal energy will be 20J.

In chemistry and physics, the internal energy (U) is defined as the total energy of a closed system.

Internal energy is the sum of the system's potential energy and the system's kinetic energy.

The change in internal energy of a reaction (ΔU) is equal to the heat gained or lost (enthalpy change) in a reaction if the reaction were carried out at constant pressure.

The internal energy of an ideal gas is a good approximation of real-world systems.

In such a system, particles in an ideal gas appear as point objects that collide with each other in a perfectly elastic way.

For an ideal gas, the internal energy is proportional to the number of moles of gas and its temperature: U = cnT


u=20J [w=0]

To learn more about change in Internal energy -


Deep surveys of the universe indicate that the largest structures in space are about 50 Mpc in size. (T/F)


Deep surveys of the universe indicate that the largest structures in space are about 50 Mpc in size is false.

Deep surveys of the universe indicate that the largest structures in space are no larger than about 50 Mpc in size. If the universe had an edge, that fact would violate the assumption of isotropy in the cosmological principle. Hubble's law implies that the universe will expand forever.

The cosmological principle is based on two observations and an assumption, that the universe is the same everywhere, it is the same in every direction, and that the laws of physics are the same everywhere. The statement that the universe is homogeneous regards the universe on very large scales.

To know more about Deep Surveys:


there are four stages of sintering. beginning with point contact and followed by the initial diffusion stage, what are the two final stages of the process?


When the pores close up during the final stage of sintering, the resistance to grain growth is reduced. When the component is more than 92% dense, the final stage of sintering typically begins.

What phases comprise sintering?

First-year neck growth Diffusion at the point of contact is the initial mechanism by which the particles that are in contact form grain boundaries during sintering.

Sintering at the Middle Stage. Adjacent necks start to impinge on one another when intermediate stage sintering starts.

Sintering at the end stage.

By passing your components through a warm furnace, sintering is accomplished. The objective is to maintain the temperature at a level that is nearly but not quite below the primary metal of your parts' melting point. The metal particles bond together during the sintering process, resulting in a part that performs the function for which it was designed.

To know more about sintering visit:


a cylinder with a movable piston contains gas at a temperature of 27oc, a volume of 1.5 m3, and an absolute pressure of 0.20 x 105 pa. what will be its final temperature if the gas is compressed to 0.70 m3 and the absolute pressure increases to 0.80 x 105 pa?


If the gas is compressed to a volume of 0.70 m³, and the absolute pressure is raised to a value of 0.80 x 10⁵ pa, the temperature will eventually reach 287.1°C.

Ideal gas equation: PV = nRT

where P is pressure, V is volume, n is moles of gas, R is the molar gas constant and T is the temperature in K.

Since n and R are constant, PV/T = constant

P1 = 0.200 x 10⁵ Pa, P2 = 0.800 x 10⁵ Pa

V1 = 1.50 m³, V2 = 0.700 m³

T1 = 27.0°C = 300.15 K, T2 = ?

P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T1

0.200 x 10⁵ x 1.50/300.15 = 0.800 x 10⁵ x 0.700/T2

Temperature T2 = 560.28 K = 287.1°C

In order to determine absolute pressure, a complete vacuum is used. In contrast, gauge pressure is the amount of pressure that is measured in relation to atmospheric pressure, also referred to as barometric pressure. The average barometric pressure at sea level is 14.7 PSIA, while the absolute pressure of a complete vacuum is 0 PSIA.

Current atmospheric pressure, which is the baseline when measuring gauge pressure, is represented as 0 PSIG. one-day Full vacuum is -14.7 PSIG, or +14.7 PSIV when expressed in terms of vacuum pressure.

Learn more about absolute pressure here:


Secret materials may be transmitted y the same methods as Confidential materials.


The statement is false that Secret materials may be transmitted by the same methods as confidential materials is False.

There are three characterization levels for the information system in the US: Highly classified, Secret, and Confidential. The term "secret" should allude to data whose unapproved disclosure could sensibly be expected to significantly affect the public safety.

Data that could sensibly be anticipated to hurt public safety whenever unveiled without approval will be marked as "classified.". Confidential material might be sent by U.S. Certified mail as opposed to by U.S. Enlisted mail. It can't be shipped off workers for hire by means of Top of the line mail.Highly confidential data will not be replicated or repeated without endorsement from the Highly classified Control Official.

To know more about Confidential materials, visit here:


A 213 kg crate slides 7. 6 m until coming to a stop after being pushed by a large man. The effective coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the surface is 0. 37. Calculate the work done by friction.


The work done by friction is5869.7J.

What's friction?

friction is the force that opposes the stir of two bodies in contact.

To calculate the work done by disunion, we use the formula below.


W = mgdμ. : Equation 1


W = Work done by friction

m = Mass of the jalopy

g = Acceleration due to gravity

d = Distance traveled by the jalopy

μ = Measure of kinetic friction

From the question,


m = 213 kg

h = 7.6 m

g = 9.8 m/ s ²

μ = 0.37

Substitute these values into equation 1

W = ( 213 ×7.6 ×9.8 ×0.37)

W = 5869.7 J

Thus, the work done by friction when a jalopy of 213 kg slides7.6 m is 5869.7J.

Learn more about friction here:


ncreasing the plate area of a capacitor increases the capacitance. group of answer choices true false


true increasing the plate area of a capacitor increases the capacitance.

Greater capacity to hold an electric charge is offered by larger plates. Consequently, capacitance rises as plate area increases. The electrostatic force field created between the plates has a direct correlation with capacitance. When the plates are closer together, this field is more powerful.

Improve the surface area of the parallel plate capacitor, shorten the distance between the plates, and utilize a dielectric material with a greater dielectric breakdown strength between the plates if you wish to increase the capacitance.

The distance between the conductors and the insulation surrounding the conductors both have an impact on capacitance. The capacitance will rise if the conductors are packed closer together or have a greater surface area (longer wires, shields, etc.).

learn more about dielectric here;


what is the highest spectral order that can be seen if a grating with 1850 slits per cm is illuminated with 594 nm laser light? assume normal incidence.


The spectral order of 9 is seen on the screen.

What is diffraction grating?

The clarity of the pattern is enhanced and the maxima narrow as the number of slits in an obstacle increases. Diffraction gratings are objects with a lot of slits—say, more than 20 to the millimeter. In the late eighteenth century, Fraunhofer created the first of these, which were made of fine silver wire strung on two parallel screws and provided 30 impediments per millimeter.

The equation we have in interference and diffraction pattern is

Y = mLR/d

d sinθ = mL


L = wavelength

m = order = 1,2,3,4 (for bright bands)

m = 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 (for dark bands)

R = resistance from slit to screen

Y = distance from central spot to [tex]n^{th}[/tex] order fringe.

Applying values in d sinθ = mL

d = 1/1850 = 5.405μm

θ = 90

So, m = 5.405 μm/594 nm

m = 9.099 = 9.

To know more about diffraction grating, check out


The wavelength of blue light is greater than red light and its energy is greater. (True or False)


Blue light has shorter waves, red light has longer waves, with wavelengths around 620 to 750 nm. Blue light has a higher frequency and carries more energy than red light.

What is wavelength?

Wavelength is the distance between successive crests or troughs of a wave moving in the same direction. It is denoted by the Greek letter lambda (λ). Therefore, the distance between either one crest or trough of one wave and the next wave is known as wavelength.

Blue light waves has shorter wavelengths, with wavelengths between about 450 and 495 nanometers. Red light has longer waves, with wavelengths around 620 to 750 nm. Blue light has a higher frequency and carries more energy than red light. The wavelengths of light waves are very, very short, with about a few 1/100,000ths of an inch.

Learn more about light waves:


what is the total net force of 10n, 9n and 16n?





If they are on the same direction, then we would add to get the required net force:-

(10 + 9 + 16 )N = 35N

mark as brainliest

A train is approaching you at very high speed as you stand next to the tracks. Just as an observer on the train passes you, you both begin to play the same Beethoven symphony on portable compact disc players. (a) According to you, whose CD player finishes the symphony first? (b) What If? According to the observer on the train, whose CD player finishes the symphony first? (c) Whose CD player really finishes the symphony first?


Talking about the CD player,

a)My CD player will finishes the symphony first

b) According to observer, Observer's CD player finishes the symphony first

c)In reality both CD player finishes the symphony altogether.

The answers are different just because the point of reference. In the given problem, we are dealing with the relative velocity to each other. The person sitting on the train is moving with a very high speed relative to the person standing next to the track. The relative velocity (likewise or ) is the velocity of an item or eyewitness B in the rest casing of another item or spectator A.

Relative velocity is the velocity of an article corresponding to another item. It is a proportion of how quick two items are moving concerning one another. Relative velocity is significant in physical science since it assists us with understanding how articles move and collaborate with each other.

To know more about CD player, visit here:


light of wavelength 587.5 nm illuminates a slit of width 0.75 mm. (a) at what distance from the slit should a screen be placed if the first minimum in the diffraction pattern is to be 0.85 mm from the central maximum? (b) calculate the width of the central maximum


A 0.75 mm-wide slit is illuminated by light with a wavelength of 587.5 nm. If the initial minimum in the diffraction pattern is to be 0.85 mm from the central maximum, a screen should be placed 83 mm away from the slit. The width of the central maximum should be 45 m.

The spatial period, often known as the wavelength, of a wave is the length over which its shape repeats. Along with traveling and standing waves, it is a feature of various spatial wave patterns. It is the distance between two successive wave positions that have the same phase, such as two nearby crests, troughs, or zero crossings. The spatial frequency is the wavelength's reciprocal. Greek letter lambda is typically used to represent wavelength. The term wavelength is occasionally used to describe modulated waves, their sinusoidal envelopes, or waves created by the interference of several sinusoids. A sinusoidal wave flowing at a constant speed has an inverse relationship between its wavelength and frequency. The wavelength of a wave depends on the medium it passes through, such as a vacuum, air, or body of water. Music, light, water, and periodic electrical signals in a conductor are all examples of waves. Sound waves are fluctuations in air pressure, whereas light and other electromagnetic radiation employ variations in electric and magnetic field strength. Water waves are variations in the height of a body of water. A crystal lattice shakes, causing changes in atomic positions.

To know more about wavelength please refer:


If the initial minimum in the diffraction pattern is to be 0.85mm from the central maximum, a screen should be positioned 1.1m from the slit.

b) the width of the central maximum is 47×[tex]10^{-5} m[/tex]

Wavelength of light = 587.5nm

Single slit width 'a' = 0.75mm

y1  = 0.85mm

[tex]L=Y_{1} \frac{a}{\lambda}[/tex]

a) The distance from the center  of the central maximum is:

[tex]Y_{1}= \frac{\lambda}{a}[/tex]

Required distance to the screen is:

[tex]L=Y_{1} \frac{a}{\lambda}[/tex]

=[tex]0.85 *10^{-3}m*(\frac{0.75*10^{-3}m }{587.5*10^{-9} m } )[/tex]


b)  The width of the central maximum is

There are dark bands (minima) where,


For the first minimum, the value of m=1


=[tex]\frac{587.5*10^{-9}m }{0.75*10^{-3} m}[/tex]

=[tex]47*10^{-5} m[/tex]

To know more about Wavelength refer to the link:


what best describes the sum of all forces acting on an object



Net Force.


Net force is the sum of all of the forces acting upon any one object.

Let me know if this helped!


net force


a 0.240-kg billiard ball that is moving at 3.00 m/s strikes the bumper of a pool table and bounces straight back at 2.40 m/s. how much kinetic energy in joules is lost during the collision?


Kinetic energy in joules is lost during the collision is  0.3888J

Mass of ball= 0.240kg,

Initial velocity = v1 = 3m/s

velocity after collision = v2 = 2.4m/s

Duration of contact of the billiard ball will the bumper: t=0.0150s

Energy lost during collision = E loss= E1 ​​​​​- E2

E loss = 1/2 * m * ([tex]v1^{2}[/tex] - [tex]v2^{2}[/tex]) = 1/2 * 0.24* (9 - 5.76) = 0.3888J

Examples of kinetic energy being converted into and out of different forms of energy may help people to understand it better. To accelerate a bicycle to a desired pace, for instance, a biker uses the chemical energy from meals. Unless there is additional effort required to overcome friction and air resistance, this speed can be maintained on a flat surface. The process of turning the chemical energy into kinetic energy, the energy of motion, is not entirely efficient and results in heat buildup inside the cyclist. The bicycle's and the cyclist's kinetic energy can be transformed into many types of energy. For instance, the cyclist might come across a slope that is just tall enough to coast up, causing the bicycle to come to an abrupt stop at the top. Kinetic energy in joules is lost during the collision is  0.3888J

Learn more about Kinetic energy here:


a water wave passes a boat every 35 seconds. what is the frequency of the waves in hz? round your answer to 2 decimal places.


The frequency of the waves in hz is 0.028Hz

What is the frequency ?

A water wave passes a boat every 35 seconds.

The frequency of the waves in hz is:

The pace of direction changes in current per second is known as frequency. It is expressed in hertz (Hz), a unit of measurement that is used internationally. One hertz is equivalent to one cycle per second. One hertz (Hz) is equivalent to one cycle per second. A full alternating current or voltage wave is referred to as a cycle.

The reciprocal of the period is frequency.


The period is just the amount of time needed to finish one oscillation.



The frequency of the waves in hz is 0.028Hz

To learn more about frequency refer to:


The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram plots
stars according to what three stellar


The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram plots stars according to:   the colour of stars (or spectral type) against their absolute magnitude (the observational HR diagram, also known as a colour-magnitude diagram) or the temperature of stars against their luminosity (the theoretical HR diagram).

What is  Hertzsprung-Russell diagram ?

The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, also known as the HR diagram, HRD, or H-R diagram, is a scatter plot of stars that illustrates the correlation between the stars' absolute magnitudes or luminosities and their stellar classifications or effective temperatures.

The diagram, which was independently produced in 1911 by Ejnar Hertzsprung and in 1913 by Henry Norris Russell, marked a significant advancement in our understanding of star evolution.

Learn more about  Hertzsprung-Russell diagram  here:


what is the change in potential energy of an energetic 64 kgkg hiker who makes it from the floor of death valley to the top of mt. whitney?


11,700 Joules are roughly lost from the hiker's energy stored. These are computed by adding the hiker's mass (64 kg), the elevation difference among both Death Valley & Mt. Whitney (2,400 m), and the lift force (9.8 m/s2).

Assessments must be made in the beginning to ascertain where far the climber is ascending. At 14,505 feet above sea level, Mount Whitney is indeed the tallest mountain there in continental United States. At 282 feet below sea level, Death Valley was its lowest place in North And south america. This indicates that the hiker is ascending an overall height of 14,787 feet.

Calculating the variation in potential electricity is produced following. Potentially energy is equivalent to something like an object's mass increases the speed caused by gravitation times the object's altitude. Therefore, the hiker's modification in energy potential can be measured:

(64 kg) * (9.8 m/s2) * (Change in Potential Energy) (14,787 ft)

9,424,912 kg/m2/s2 equals the change in potential energy.

The hiker weighing 64 kilograms will experience a 9,424,912 kg m2/s2 shift in potential energy as they ascend into the Death Valley floor towards the peak of Mt. Whitney.

To know more about gravitation click here


a magnitude 8 earthquake occurred in western quakesville in 1857. if the largest aftershock is one m7 event, how many magnitude 6 aftershocks are expected?


The magnitude 6 aftershocks are expected is 10².

What is the magnitude of aftershocks?

The other fundamental principle governing aftershocks is known as Bath's Law, and it states that the magnitude difference between a main shock and its biggest aftershock, which is typically between 1.1 and 1.2 on the Moment magnitude scale, is roughly constant and independent of the magnitude of the main shock.

100 times as strong as a magnitude 6 earthquake is a magnitude 8 earthquake. The Richter scale is logarithmic, just like all the other light scales below. It is more precisely known as the "local light scale" or ML. In other words, the amplitude increases tenfold for every unit on the scale. Ten times as strong as a magnitude 6.0 earthquake is one with a magnitude of 7.0.

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