A mass is connected to a spring and is allowed to move horizontally. The mass is at a position L when the spring is unstretched. The mass is then moved, stretching the spring, and released from rest. It then moves with simple harmonic motion.
1. At the instant that the mass passes through the position where the spring is unstretched, what can be said about its instantaneous acceleration?
2. At the instant that the mass passes through the position where the spring is unstretched, what can be said about its instantaneous speed?
3. At the instant that the spring is compressed the most, what can be said about the magnitude of its instantaneous velocity?


Answer 1

a) Acceleration is zero  

b) Speed ​​is zero

a) The equation of the simple harmonic motion is

x = A cos (wt +φ)


A = amplitude of the movement,

w= angular velocity and

φ = phase

Body acceleration is

a = d²x / dt²

dx / dt = - A w sin (wt + φ)

a = d²x / dt² = - A w² cos (wt + φ)

when it is not stretched x = 0

The spring is released at maximum elongation, φ = 0

0 = A cos wt

Cos wt = 0        

wt = π / 2

a = -A w² cos π/2 = 0

Acceleration is zero

c) When the spring is compressed x = A

Speed ​(v) = dx / dt

v = - A w sin wt

A = A cos wt

cos wt = 1        

wt = 0, π

v = -A w sin 0 = 0

Speed ​​is zero

Complete question:

A mass is connected to a spring and is allowed to move horizontally. The mass is at a position L when the spring is unstretched. The mass is then moved, stretching the spring, and released from rest. It then moves with simple harmonic motion. (a) At the instant that the mass passes through the position where the spring is unstretched, what can be said about its instantaneous acceleration? Grade Summary It is maximum. OIt is zero It is non-zero but not maximum Potential per attempt) Hint I give up 1% -ム33%Part (b) At the instant that the spring is compressed the most, what can be said about the magnitude of its instantaneous velocity?

To learn more about spring visit: https://brainly.com/question/14670501


Related Questions

an object has an acceleration of 15.7 m/s/s. if the mass of the object is increased by a factor of 13.6, what would be the new acceleration of the object?


If an object's mass is raised by a factor of 13.6, its acceleration would change to 213.52 m/s from its initial acceleration of 15.7 m/s. For an object's mass gets increased.

In mechanics, acceleration is the rate at which an object's velocity with respect to time changes. The vector quantity of accelerations (in that they have magnitude and direction). The direction of the net force imposed on an object determines its acceleration in relation to that force. A physical body's mass is its total amount of matter. Inertia of the body is also measured by it.

F = ma

F = m*15.7\sF = 15.7m

The new acceleration is given by F = (13.6m*a) F = (13.6m*15.7) F = 213.52m where F = (13.6m*a)

Learn more about acceleration here



an electron and a 0.0320-kg bullet each have a velocity of magnitude 510 m/s, accurate to within 0.0100%. within what lower limit could we determine the position of each object along the direction of the velocity?electron mmbullet m


for this we apply, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

it states that physical variables like position and momentum, can never simultaneously know both variables at the same moment.

the formula is,

Δp * Δx = h/4π

m(e).Δv * Δx = h/4π

by rearranging,

Δx = h / 4π * m(e).Δv

Δx = (6.63*10^-34) / 4 * 3.142 * 9.11*10^-31 * 5.10*10^-2

Δx = 6.63*10^-34 / 583.9 X 10 ⁻³¹

Δx = 0.011 X 10⁻³

for the bullet

Δx = (6.63*10^-34) / 4 * 3.142 * 0.032*10^-31 * 5.10*10^-2

Δx = 6.63*10^-34 /2.05

Δx =3.23 X 10⁻³² m

therefore, we can say that the lower limits are   0.011 X 10⁻³  m for the electron and  3.23 X 10⁻³² m   for the bullet

To know more about bullet problem,



Which of the following is(are) true of globular clusters?
A. They are smaller groups of stars orbiting larger galaxies.
B. The stars in them are all of roughly the same age.
C. Both a and b are correct.





the others don’t seem right

B the stars in them are all of roughly the same age

what best describes the sum of all forces acting on an object



Net Force.


Net force is the sum of all of the forces acting upon any one object.

Let me know if this helped!


net force


The planet Earth orbits around the Sun and also spins on its own axis.
a) Calculate the angular momentum, in kilogram meters squared per second, of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun.
b) Calculate the angular momentum, in kilogram meters squared per second, of the Earth spining on its axis.
c) How many times larger is the angular momentum of the Earth in its orbit than the angular momentum of the
Earth spinning on its axis?


In its orbit around the Sun, Earth has an angular momentum of 2.661 1040 kg/m2/s.

what is angular momentum?

A rotating object's property that is determined by its moment of inertia multiplied by its angular velocity is known as angular momentum. It is a characteristic of rotating bodies determined by their combined moments of inertia and angular velocities.

What governs angular momentum?

In the equation for angular momentum, L stands for angular momentum, I for rotational inertia, and (the Greek symbol omega) for angular velocity. This can be put more simply by saying how an entity's angular momentum is equal to the sum of its mass, speed, and separation from the point of rotation.

To know more about angular momentum visit:



which electromagnetic radiation wavelength is efficiently observed using ground based telescopes?


Radio is the electromagnetic radiation wavelength that is efficiently observed using ground-based telescopes.

Most telescopes under $150 have poor optical quality and aren't worth much. Instead, I recommend getting good binoculars. Stay away from telescopes advertised as having high magnification. The most important feature of a telescope is its size and the diameter of the primary mirror or lens. With a diameter of 4 or 5 inches.

The telescope is ideal for viewing solar system objects such as planets, moons, and moons of Jupiter. There are three main types of astronomical telescopes. Refractor telescope, Newton telescope, and Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. It can damage not only your eyes but also your telescope lens.

Learn more about telescopes here:-https://brainly.com/question/12818287


what is the change in potential energy of an energetic 64 kgkg hiker who makes it from the floor of death valley to the top of mt. whitney?


11,700 Joules are roughly lost from the hiker's energy stored. These are computed by adding the hiker's mass (64 kg), the elevation difference among both Death Valley & Mt. Whitney (2,400 m), and the lift force (9.8 m/s2).

Assessments must be made in the beginning to ascertain where far the climber is ascending. At 14,505 feet above sea level, Mount Whitney is indeed the tallest mountain there in continental United States. At 282 feet below sea level, Death Valley was its lowest place in North And south america. This indicates that the hiker is ascending an overall height of 14,787 feet.

Calculating the variation in potential electricity is produced following. Potentially energy is equivalent to something like an object's mass increases the speed caused by gravitation times the object's altitude. Therefore, the hiker's modification in energy potential can be measured:

(64 kg) * (9.8 m/s2) * (Change in Potential Energy) (14,787 ft)

9,424,912 kg/m2/s2 equals the change in potential energy.

The hiker weighing 64 kilograms will experience a 9,424,912 kg m2/s2 shift in potential energy as they ascend into the Death Valley floor towards the peak of Mt. Whitney.

To know more about gravitation click here



what is the magnetic field amplitude b0 of an electromagnetic wave that has an electric field amplitude e0 of 0.365 v/m ?


The amplitude of the magnetic field for the given electromagnetic waves is [tex]1.21 * 10^{-9}[/tex] T.

For electromagnetic waves the relation between electric field amplitude and magnetic field amplitude is given as

[tex]\frac{e_{0} }{b_{0} } = c[/tex]

where c is the speed of light in free space i.e. [tex]3 * 10 ^{8}[/tex] m/s.

Finding the amplitude of the magnetic field for the given question by substituting the values in the given relation :

[tex]b_{0} = \frac{e_{0} }{c}[/tex]

[tex]b_{0} = \frac{0.365}{c} = 1.21 * 10^{-9}[/tex] T

Electromagnetic waves are produced when an electric field interacts with a magnetic field. The term "electromagnetic" is used to describe them. The magnetic and electric fields of an electromagnetic wave are parallel (at right angles). They also follow the direction of the EM wave, but perpendicularly.

There is no redirection of them by electric or magnetic fields. Diffraction and interference are possible with EM waves.

To know more about Electromagnetic waves :



an object is located midway between the focal point and the center of a concave spherical mirror. draw a ray diagram to locate its image. is the image real or virtual, erect or inverted, magnified or reduced in size?


At the concave mirror's center of curvature, something is situated. The picture is accurate and reversed.

For a concave mirror, the object-image connection is given by,

1 ÷ s + 1 ÷ s' = 2 ÷ R

the object distance, where s

The picture distance is s'.

The radius of curvature is R.

Now, the distance between an item and the point of curvature equals the radius of curvature.

s = R

Using s = R as a substitute and solving for s'

s' = [tex]((\frac{2}{R} ) - (\frac{1}{s} ))^{-1}[/tex]

s' = [tex]((\frac{2}{R} ) - (\frac{1}{R}))^{-1}[/tex]

s' = [tex]{(\frac{1}{R})}^{-1}[/tex]

s' = R

As a result, the photograph is real and can be found at R.

We discovered that the picture is genuine and is not at infinity.

Sideways magnification is

m = y' ÷ y = -s' ÷ s

where y is the height of the item.

The picture height is y'.

calculating the magnification

m = -s' ÷ s

= -R ÷ R

m = -1

As a result, the image size doesn't change.

We discover that neither the image's size nor its size has been changed.

calculating the picture height now

y' = my

y' = -y

Consequently, the picture is reversed.

The picture is not upright, as we discover.

The only accurate response to the query utilizing the outcomes is that the image is Real.

Learn more about the reflection in the concave mirrors at



unlike signal transduction in many other sensory receptors, signal transduction in rods


Photoreceptors, in contrast to most sensory receptor cells, have a hyperpolarization response to stimulation and a depolarization response to inhibition. This indicates that when the cell is not activated, glutamate is constantly released; but, when the cell is triggered, release ceases.

What occurs when light impinges on a rod?

As I previously stated, if a light ray strikes rhodopsin as it enters the eye and strikes a rod, it will really start a phototransduction cascade that causes the rod to fire an action potential. In a cone, the identical procedure takes place.

Cones and rods provide visual signals to bipolar cells, which send them on to ganglion cells. The retina itself is where a significant portion of visual information processing takes place.

learn more about Photoreceptors refer



Which of these substances contains a compound made up of exactly 2 different types of atom?.


The substance which contains a compound made up of exactly 2 different types of atom is A)water.So,correct option is A.

In the least difficult of terms, a chemical compound is a kind of substance, and molecules make up synthetic mixtures. At the point when particles of more than one kind bond together in a proper proportion, they structure compounds. Synthetic responses can break compounds into the components that form them. Mixtures may likewise separate into less complex mixtures.

Compounds are Unique in relation to Components and Combinations. Atoms are the least difficult particles of issue that have particular synthetic properties. Researchers at present perceive 118 individual kinds of molecules or components.

Water is made up of 2 hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms. Its chemical formula is H₂O.

Hence, correct option is A.

To know more about compounds, visit here:



The wavelength of blue light is greater than red light and its energy is greater. (True or False)


Blue light has shorter waves, red light has longer waves, with wavelengths around 620 to 750 nm. Blue light has a higher frequency and carries more energy than red light.

What is wavelength?

Wavelength is the distance between successive crests or troughs of a wave moving in the same direction. It is denoted by the Greek letter lambda (λ). Therefore, the distance between either one crest or trough of one wave and the next wave is known as wavelength.

Blue light waves has shorter wavelengths, with wavelengths between about 450 and 495 nanometers. Red light has longer waves, with wavelengths around 620 to 750 nm. Blue light has a higher frequency and carries more energy than red light. The wavelengths of light waves are very, very short, with about a few 1/100,000ths of an inch.

Learn more about light waves: https://brainly.com/question/10750459


a simple pendulum consisting of a bob of mass m attached to a string of length l swings with a period t.


Due to their mutual free fall, the pendulum as well as the position to which it is linked will no longer oscillate.

What are the uses of a pendulum?

Pendulum a body that is hanged from a fixed location and moves back and forth as a result of gravity. Pendulums are employed to control clock movement because the period the amount of time between each full oscillation is constant.


We will utilize the concept of the duration in a basic pendulum to tackle this issue, which cautions that it depends on the length and gravity of the pendulum:

T = 2π√(L/g)


L = Length

g = Acceleration due to gravity

T = √(L/g)

Since 2π is a constant, we can deduce that its proportionality towards the square root of the its lengths over its gravity is 2.

g→ 0 ⇒ T→∞

The object is in continuous free fall, or in a situation where gravity is typically zero.

The period's value will eventually approach infinity. As a result of the pendulum's attachment point also being in free fall, it means that the pendulum would no longer oscillate.

To learn more about pendulum visit:



9. The Matt Schaub drops back 10 yards to throw a pass. He throws the pass 10 yards
of the to Daniels who gets tackled right there. What is the total displacement of the football?


The total displacement of the football is 20 yards.

What is displacement?

Displacement is defined as the change in position of an object.

Displacement is a vector quantity and has a direction and magnitude.

The calculate the total displacement of the football, we will determine the change in the position of the ball as shown below.

Δx = xf - xi


xf is the final position of the footballxi is the initial position of the football

Δx = ( 10 yards + 10 yards )  -  ( 0 yards )

Δx = 20 yards

Thus, the total displacement of the ball is a function of initial and final position of the ball.

Learn more about total displacement here: https://brainly.com/question/15164011


What is the average velocity between 12. 00 and 15. 00 seconds? 81. 0 m/s, east 27. 00 m/s, east 9. 00 m/s, east 0. 0123 m/s, east.


The average velocity between the time interval is 27 m/s east that is option B is correct.

Velocity is a vector quantity that is it has both magnitude as well as direction and it can be represented as

Velocity = Displacement/Time

The unit of velocity is m/s. Average velocity is the ratio of the change in displacement to the change in time. Now, If we look at the graph

The Displacement of the object in the graph after 12.00 seconds = 144 m

The Displacement of the object in the graph after 15.00 seconds = 225 m

Average velocity = Change in displacement/Change in time

Average velocity = (225 - 144)/(14 - 12)

Average velocity = 81/3

Average velocity = 27m/s

Learn more about Velocity at:



the driver of a motorboat that can move at 10 m/s in still water wishes to travel directly across a narrow strait in which the current flows at 5.0 m/s. at what angle upstream should the driver head the boat?


The angle of the upstream of the driver of the boat is  30°

The velocity of the boat  = Vb = 10m/s

The velocity of the water in the river = Vw = 5m/s

θ = [tex]sin^{-1}[/tex] (Vr/Vb)

θ = [tex]sin^{-1}[/tex] (5/10) = 30°

Upstream refers to a boat that is moving against the flow of the stream. The term " speed" in this context refers to the boat's net speed. Downstream. A boat is said. to be moving downstream if it is moving. in the same direction as the stream. A stream is the name for the flowing water. in a river. The difference when speaking about water in rivers and streams is that upstream, also known as upriver, is in opposition to the water flow and in the direction of the water's original source (where the river originates). For instance, a boat can navigate upstream against the river's downward flow.

Learn more about upstream  here:



"A sound of frequency 15Hz and an amplitude of 70dB is inaudible." Explain with reasons if this statement is true or false.


A sound of frequency 15Hz and an amplitude of 70dB is inaudible. This is true statement.

What is audible sound?

The human ear can easily hear frequencies between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. Therefore, sound waves with a frequency between 20 Hz and 20 kHz are regarded as audible sound. The human ear may be able to pick up on even the smallest changes in air pressure if they are in the audible frequency range. The difference in air pressure is less than one billionth of a percent.

As we age and are exposed to sound for extended periods of time, the upper limit of our hearing frequencies decreases. A typical middle-aged adult can hear well up to 12 to 14 kilohertz, which is the highest frequency.

Learn more about audible sound here:



What is the frequency of wavelength 500 m?


The frequency of wave is 0.6×10⁶Hz if 500m is the wavelength of the  light wave.

Frequency is defined as the rate at which current takes an alternate route each second. It is estimated in hertz (Hz), a global unit of measure where 1 hertz is equivalent to 1 cycle each second. The inverse of frequency is known as spatial frequency.

For electromagnetic wave ,we have an expression

c=ν × λ

where c is the defined as the speed of wave in any medium,

ν is  defined as the frequency of the wave and

λ is defined as the  wavelength of the wave.

Since wave is light wave so speed(c) of light =3×10⁸m/sec,

frequency=? and wavelength=500m





Hence, frequency of light wave is 0.6×10⁶m.

To know more about wavelength, visit here:



(Complete question) is:

What is the frequency of wave having wavelength 500m.Assume wave is a light wave?

Displacement vectors of 4 km south, 2 km north, 5 km south, and 5 km north combine to a total displacement of: ________


The total displacement of the vectors is 2 km south.

Distance is the total path that an object in motion has traveled. Displacement is a verb that denotes the movement or displacement of an object.

Here, the vector moves 4 km towards the south, then moves 2 km north. The vector again moves 5 km south and moves 5 km north. Draw the diagram, mentioning the  4 km south movement by the black arrow, the 2 km north movement by the blue arrow, the 5 km south movement by the orange arrow, and the 5km north movement by the green arrow.

Also, mark the starting and ending points. These points give the displacement of the diagram. From the diagram, we can tell, the displacement is 2 km south of the starting point.

To know more about displacement:



What is potential energy of a spring if the spring is constant?


It is the potential energy stored in spring when it is stretched or deformed. It is equal to force multiplied by displacement. This energy is stored in the spring by virtue of its position. It is the work done to stretch the spring.

When spring is stretched, it undergoes displacement. It comes to its equilibrium position when force is removed. So, it exerts an equal and opposite force When it is stretched. Work is done by this force that is stored in the form of potential energy.

Since potential energy = force × displacement

and, force = spring constant × displacement

So, potential energy = spring constant × [tex](displacement)^{2}[/tex]

P.E. = k ×[tex]x^{2}[/tex]


k = spring constant

x = displacement caused due to stretching

To know more about spring constant here



a golf ball leaves the ground at a speed of 4.5 m/s and at an angle of 66.02 above the horizontal. what are the maximum height and flight time of the ball?


A golf ball leaves the ground at a speed of 4.5 m/s and at an angle of 66.02 above the horizontal.

Thus, maximum height of the ball = 1.534 m

the flight time = 0.839 sec

What is speed?

The pace at which a distance changes over time is referred to as speed. It has a dimension of time-distance. As a result, the fundamental unit of time and the basic unit of distance are combined to form the SI unit of speed. Thus, the metre per second (m/s) is the SI unit of speed.

Given that,

Speed (u) = 4.5 m/sec

angle (θ) = 66.02

Flight time of the ball (T) = 2u sinθ/g

T = [2 ×4.5 × sin (66.02°)] /9.8

T = 0.839 sec

Range (R) = u cosθ × T

or, R = 4.5 × cos (66.02°) × 0.839

or, R = 1.534 m

To know more about speed refer to:



A 3. 00-kg rifle fires a 0. 00500-kg bullet at a speed of 300 m/s. Which force is greater in magnitude: the force that the rifle exerts on the bullet or the force that the bullet exerts on the rifle?.



Forces are equal


The forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.  This is Newton's 3rd Law of Motion.

The chemical formula for carbonic acid, a compound used in carbonated drinks, is H2CO3. Assume that these symbols represent the three elements of this compound:

Three atoms, grey represents carbon, red represents oxygen and white represents hydrogen

Which picture correctly represents carbonic acid?

Molecule structure has five atoms connected in a straight line using single bond in order of white atom, red atom, grey atom, red atom and white atom. The grey atom in center is connected to a red atom in double bond
Molecule structure has five atoms connected in a straight line using single bond in order of Red atom, white atom, grey atom, white atom and red atom. The grey atom is connected to a white atom in double bond
Molecule structure has five atoms connected in a straight line using single bond in order of Red atom, white atom, grey atom, white atom and red atom. The grey atom is connected to a white atom in double bond
Molecule structure has five atoms connected in a straight line using single bond in order of Red atom, grey atom, white atom, grey atom and red atom. The white atom in center is connected to grey atom in double bond


The picture that correctly represents carbonic acid is:

A molecule structure has five atoms connected in a straight line using a single bond in order of white atom, red atom, grey atom, red atom, and white atom. The grey atom in the center is connected to a red atom in a double bond.

The correct option is A.

What is the structure of carbonic acid?

Carbonic acid is a weak acid that is used in carbonated drinks.

The molecular formula for carbonic acid is H₂CO₃.

The formula shows that a molecule of carbonic acid is composed of two atoms of hydrogen, one atom of carbon, and three atoms of oxygen.

Like other acids, it reacts with bases to form salt and water. In addition, carbon dioxide is produced when carbonic acid reacts with bases.

The structure of carbonic acid shows that a single atom of carbon is linked to three atoms of oxygen. One of the bonds of carbon with an oxygen atom is a double bond while the other two are single bonds. The oxygen atoms that are bonded to carbon by means of single bonds are then bonded to one hydrogen atom each.

Learn more about carbonic acid at: https://brainly.com/question/27945587


what happens when two oceanic plates diverge?


Divergent plate boundaries are where two plates are shifting apart from one another. Rising magma from the core of the Earth at these boundaries erupts, forming a new layer on the lithosphere. Ocean-spreading ridges are submerged mountain ranges that are formed by the majority of divergent plate borders.

What is a Divergent Plate Boundary?

A diverging boundary, also referred to as a divergent boundary, is a linear structure that occurs between two tectonic that are moving apart in the field of plate tectonics. It is sometimes referred to as a constructive barrier or an extensional border.

Rifts are initially created by divergent plate boundaries within continents; they later develop into rift valleys. Oceanic plates' mid-oceanic ridges are where the majority of active plate boundary borders are found.

To know more about Divergent Plate Boundary:



Why is kinetic energy called the energy of motion?


Kinetic energy refers to a part of internal energy where immobility refers to potential and movement occurs with velocity as KE=mv²/2.

Kinetic energy depends on the velocity of an object and is the ability of a moving object to act on other objects when colliding with them. On the other hand, the kinetic energy of an object represents the amount of energy required to increase the velocity of the object from rest (v = 0) to its terminal velocity. Kinetic energy is a numerical measure of the inertia of an object and is also linearly related to mass, a measure of the object's resistance to acceleration when a force is applied.For a body of revolution, the moment of inertia I corresponds to mass and the angular velocity (ω) corresponds to linear or translational velocity. Therefore, the kinetic energy of rotation is equal to half the product of the moment of inertia and the square of the angular velocity.The total kinetic energy of an object or system equals the sum of the kinetic energies resulting from all kinds of motion.

To understand more about Kinetic energy -



primary producers are present in every biome, including the deep sea. how can primary producers exist in the deep sea when sunlight does not penetrate to these depths?


Primary producers can exist in the deep sea when sunlight does not penetrate to these depths because primary producers in the deep sea use energy from chemical reactions to drive the reduction of carbon dioxide to organic compounds.

In the field of biology, primary producers can be described as organisms that can make their own food by reducing carbon dioxide in the presence of sunlight.

However, there are primary producers present in the deep sea that do not require sunlight for the production of food or organic compounds. This is because the primary producers that are present in the deep sea have the ability to derive energy from chemical reactions that will reduce carbon dioxide to produce organic compounds from it. These organic compounds can be used as a source of energy.

To learn more about producers, click here:



since the observer does not interact with the subject in observation studies, observation is an error-free method of data collection question 2 options:


Ans is false. There are several errors associated with observation: subjectivity, observer bias, accuracy, and interpretation.

How to find error free method of data collection?

Observational error (or measurement error) is the difference between a measured value of and its true value.

The errors associated with data collection, mentioned above can be defined as follows:

1. Subjectivity bias : the tendency of participant in a study to react, either consciously or unconsciously. Here they act experimentally and not naturally.

2. Observation bias : the tendency of observers to not see what is there, but instead to see what they expect or want to see.

3) Accuracy : the condition or quality of being true, correct, or exact; freedom from error or defect; precision or exactness; correctness.

4) interpretation: can be defined as understanding of something. One can avoid it by using multiple sources of information, such as references and personal interviews,

To know more about observational error, click on https://brainly.com/question/2764830


a crate is supported by two ropes. one rope makes an angle of with the horizontal and has a tension of lb on it. the other rope is horizontal. find the weight of the crate and the tension in the horizontal rope.


A crate is supported by two ropes. one rope makes an angle of with the horizontal and has a tension of lb on it. the other rope is horizontal. Weight of the crate m kg and the tension is T in the horizontal rope.

The pulling force conveyed axially by a string, rope, chain, or other similar object, or by each end of a rod, truss member, or other related three-dimensional object is known as tension in physics. The action-reaction pair of forces acting at the ends of the aforementioned elements is another way to define tension. Perhaps tension is the polar opposite of compression. A restoring force may cause what is also referred to as tension when atoms or molecules are torn apart from one another at the atomic level and build up potential energy. Each end of a string or rod may pull on the object it is attached to in an effort to alleviate the tension while it is under such pressure. To measure tension as a transmitted force, an action-reaction pair of forces, or a restoring force, the International System of Units (SI) utilizes newtons (or pounds-force in Imperial units).

To know more about tension please refer: https://brainly.com/question/28965515


an anchor rope to anchor a ship to the pier is wrapped 2 full times around a support on the ship. a deck hand can keep the rope from slipping by applying a force of 100 n to the free end. what is the coefficient of friction between the rope and the support?


The coefficient of friction = 0.34 between the rope and the support.

This type of question can be solved using Capstan's equation,

Capstan's equation is generally used to calculate the friction of the coefficients or the yarns. Represented as-

[tex]T_{1} = T_{0}e^{u}[/tex].

Now according to the term coefficient of friction, we calculate the friction between any two surfaces. It is also referred to as the ratio of the resistive force to the normal force.

The Capstain's equation is given by-

[tex]T_{load} = T_{hold} e^{uo}[/tex]

u is given as μ and o denotes Φ

the load = 7000

hold support is 100N

Φ = 2[tex]\pi[/tex] for the whole rotation

Since the rope is wrapped 2 times = 4[tex]\pi[/tex]

7000 = 100[tex]e^{u4\pi }[/tex]

log on both sides

⇒ u = log 7000/ 100*4[tex]\pi[/tex]

⇒ u = 0.338

Therefore, the coefficient of friction between rope and support = 0.34

To know more about the Coefficient of friction,



a uniform, aluminum beam 9.00 m long, weighting 300 n, rests symmetrically on two supports 5.00 m apart. a boy weighing 600 n starts at point a and walks toward the right.


a uniform, aluminum beam 9.00 m long, weighting 300 n, rests symmetrically on two supports 5.00 m apart.120x+150N cm.

Why would someone utilize aluminum beams?

Common uses for this material include walkways, awnings, rafters, trailers, overhead supports, and structural elements for both commercial and residential buildings. Since the broader, straight-edged flanges make couplings and fitting easier, Aluminum Associations beam products typically have greater versatility.

Are aluminum beams stronger than steel?

In fact, some steels can be compared to some aluminum grades in terms of strength. In spite of this, steel will typically be stronger when comparing samples of the two metals that are the strongest: aluminum and steel.

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What natural disaster presents the greatest threat to Western Central Europe?volcanoesfloodingTsunamisearthquakes Why is BTS the best in the world? as expressed in the excerpt from the "four freedoms" speech, what immediate course should the united states pursue? Did the US declare war on Germany in ww1? An important reason why the Federal Reserve would not want to keep interest rates at 0% forever is that: a) it restricts the money supply, making it harder for banks to lend money. b) it limits the ability of the Fed to use expansionary monetary policy when the next recession occurs. c) it makes borrowing for homes and major purchases more expensive. d) it raises the possibility of higher unemployment because lower interest rates slow economic growth. As you finish your shift, a patient with a history of bowel incontinence has a strong odor. Your responsibility is to?a. leave the building, your shift is overb. shout to the oncoming shift that they have a "Code Brown"c. provide peri-care in a dignified and private mannerd. none of the above restaurant bills. data were collected on the amount spent by 64 customers for lunch at a major houston restaurant. these data are contained in the file houston. based upon past studies the population standard deviation is known with s 5 $6. a. at 99% confidence, what is the margin of error? b. develop a 99% confidence interval estimate of the mean amount spent for lunch. The following image is a pedigree for a family with the genes for cystic fibcrosis which is an autosomal recessive trait. If the dominant allele is represented by A and the recessive allele represented by a what would be a possible genotype and phenotype individual Which court in the federal system reviews the convictions of military personnel who have violated military law? A sports car has a mass of 1500 kg and accelerates at 5. 0 m/s2. What is the force acting on the sports car? (show your work!). Andy rapidly pedaled his bike to reach a certain speed, then continued at that speed. He rapidly pedaled again, then quickly pressed on his brakes to come to a stop.Which graph best represents Andys bike ride? as the secondary market for loans has become active, banks are more able to satisfy their liquidity needs with a proportion of loans while achieving profitability. group of answer choices higher; higher lower; lower higher; lower lower; higher Which event will most likely affect patient satisfaction with the laboratory?a) the laboratory waiting area had music playingb) the phlebotomist was perceived as being rudec) the phlebotomist forgot to wear her name badged) results took a little longer than expected ball a is thrown upward at the same time as ball b and with half the speed of ball b. how much higher does b go than a? Which of the following facts supports the argument that it is unsafe to give antibiotics to mature poultry?O many consumers avoid products from farms that use antibiotics.O antibiotics can be passed on to humans through meat and eggs.O most antibiotics reduce illness and increase performance.O some commercial feeds contain antibiotics and supplements. Circulation of both the atmosphere and the oceans is driven by what type of currents?. in order to most profitably engage in price discrimination, a firm will lower the price for consumers whose demand is _____ and raise the price for consumers whose demand is ______. What does a whale need to survive? python was not found; run without arguments to install from the microsoft store, or disable this shortcut from settings what is 1/4 x 1/6 = please do explanation bc i need to know the correct answer.