What is the structure of an NGO?


Answer 1

Three groups make up an NGO's senior management: the Executive Director, the State Assembly, and the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors for the NGO is in charge.

What, for instance, are NGOs?

Non-governmental organizations, or "NGOs," are a broad category that encompasses a variety of organizations. In addition to academic institutions, churches, neighborhood organizations, activist organizations, and trade associations, they also include international charities like Various charities and Save the Children.

What do NGOs do, exactly, and what are they?

NGO stands for non-governmental organization. Despite the lack of a single, widely accepted definition of an NGO, it's typically a voluntary organization or company that has a social aim and operates independently of the government. NGOs and other similar groups are active all over the world.

To know more about NGOs visit:



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if a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner. t or f


if a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner. t or f


How are jurors qualified and selected?


Jury selection is the selection of those  people who will serve a jury during a jury trial. It is the group of potential jurors is the first selected from among the communities using a reasonable method. A panel of jurors is then assigned to courtroom.

There is a process in its court slected a qualified jurors and then how they go their respective courtroom according to their  qualification. For qualification they were graduated degree of law from the respected and verified organization.

Each district court randomly selects citizens' names from lists of registered voters and people with drivers licenses who live in that district. The people randomly selected to complete a questionnaire to help determine if they are qualified to serve on a jury.

Learn more about jurors qualified click the link here:



In this video, we use the law of conservation of energy. For the systems we consider what?

a.The initial potential energy of the system equals the final potential energy of the system.

b.The initial thermal energy of the system equals the final thermal energy of the system.

c.The initial total energy of the system equals the final total energy of the system.

d.The initial kinetic energy of the system equals the final kinetic energy of the system


In this video, we use the law of conservation of energy. For the systems we consider the initial total energy of the system equals the final total energy of the system.

What is the law of conservation of energy?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, according to the rule of conservation of energy. However, it is capable of change from one form to another. An isolated system's total energy is constant regardless of the types of energy present.

For instance, kinetic energy is converted to potential energy when a toy vehicle is rolled down a ramp and collides with a wall.

To know more about law of conservation of energy, click here- brainly.com/question/24772394


Deep Earth Extraction, Inc., operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in


Option A, Penalties and Damages. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in Penalties and damages.

Organic loading refers to the practice of directly dumping untreated sewage into bodies of water. One cause of higher nutrient concentration in water bodies is organic loading (or eutrophication). Algal bloom, also known as a spike in BOD, is the outcome of this rapid blue-green algae growth. To safeguard both human health and the environment, the duty of care legislation includes provisions for proper waste treatment. The Environmental Protection Act of 1990's Section 34 authorizes the issuance of this code of conduct (the Code) (the EPA). And if the wastewater is not disposed according to the way prescribed in the code then the penalties and damages are imposed on such infringer.


As such unusable water is poured into our already-existing water bodies, can contaminate it with dangerous elements like heavy metals, germs, toxic chemicals, and oil.

Know more about the Water contamination at: https://brainly.com/question/12167508


Deep Earth Extraction, Inc., operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in

a. penalties and damages.

b. penalties only.

c. damages only.

d. none of the choices.

Adjustments are certain deductions (subtractions) from your total income taken directly on which of the following schedules?
Select one:
a. Schedule 3
b. Schedule 1
c. Schedule 2
d. Schedule C


Adjustments are certain deductions from your total income taken on schedule C

Who did Frederick Douglass give his Fourth of July speech to?


Frederick Douglass, a prominent African American abolitionist, gave a stirring address on July 5, 1852, to a packed Corinthian Hall in Rochester, New York, as part of an event sponsored by the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Sewing Society.

Whatever the expectations of his audience, Douglass used the 76th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence's signing to remind everyone of the country's ongoing enslavement of millions of people rather than to celebrate the nation's victories.

He spoke at Rochester, New York's Corinthian Hall at a ceremony commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The basic tone of Douglass' writing is plain and serious, as befits a philosophical dissertation or a statement of political opinion. Additionally, he occasionally speaks in a sardonic or distraught manner.

To learn more about Frederick Douglass



this presidential action was seen by some as an example of enhanced presidential power by others as an abuse of power. which of the following informal powers would be represented by the headline?


Some people viewed his presidential move as an illustration of increased presidential power. The headline would be an informal representation of emergency powers.

What are the eight presidential powers?

The following eight are among them: the Commander-in-Chief, the Chief Executive, the Chief Administrator, the Chief Diplomat, the Chief Legislator, the Chief of Party, and the Chief Citizen. As Commander-in-Chief, the Constitution expressly grants the president complete authority over the armed branches.

What restrains the president 's power?

The executive branch's authority is not unchanging and is subject to both political and constitutional restraints. The executive, administrative, and legislative branches of government are given equal authority under the Constitution's mechanism of checks and balances.

To know more about presidential power visit:



What is the message of the poem I am every woman?


According to the poet, all women are naturally attractive. She is a representation of strength and power. Even when faced with challenges, she maintains her positive outlook. She is always persistent and never gives up.

A woman is a grown-up female human being. A female human is referred to as a girl before reaching adulthood (a female child or adolescent). When referring to all female humans, regardless of age, the plural form of the word "women" is sometimes used.

Women typically inherit two X chromosomes, one from each father, and from puberty until menopause, they are able to become pregnant and give birth. More specifically, the absence of a present or active SRY-gene on either of the corresponding sex chromosomes controls the sex differentiation of the female fetus. The female reproductive system, which consists of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and vulva, distinguishes female anatomy from male anatomy. Compared to an women man, a fully developed woman often has a wider pelvis, broader hips, and larger breasts. Women are often shorter and less muscular than men, have a larger percentage of body fat, and have much less facial and other body hair than men.

Learn more about women here



What was the primary purpose of Frederick Douglass autobiography ?


This document was meant to serve as a powerful rallying cry to inspire the ongoing efforts to eradicate slavery in the United States in addition to bearing witness to a first-person experience of a slave. John C.

What did Frederick Douglass become best renowned for?

His first work, The Chronicle of the History , Frederick Douglass, The American Slave, Published by Himself, was published in 1845, catapulting him to stardom. He devoted the majority of his professional life to the fight against slavery and worked alongside notable suffragists like Gerrit Smith or William Lloyd Garrison.

What motivated Frederick Douglass to abolish slavery?

For Douglass, liberty was a natural right because it was clearly stated in the Independence Day Declaration as an universal human right. Douglass, who disagreed with Garrison, also thought that the U.S. Constitution's authors intended to eventually abolish slavery.

To know more about Frederick Douglass visit:



Mediation is a __________ form of alternative dispute resolution.
a. sometimes involuntary, binding
b. voluntary, non-binding
c. voluntary, binding
d. sometimes involuntary, non-binding


Alternative dispute resolution that is both voluntary and binding is mediation.

Any alternative dispute resolution procedure is what?

The term alternatives to litigation (ADR) refers to several methods of resolving conflicts outside of court. Common ADR practices include mediation, neutral assessment, and arbitration. These processes are often less formal, stressful, and public than standard court sessions.

Is ADR preferable than a courtroom?

ADR is typically less formal, more affordable, and takes less time than a trial. People may have more control over the timing and method of their dispute's resolution thanks to ADR. Learn more about the trial courts' available ADR programs.

To know more about alternative dispute resolution visit:



What is Hamlet contemplating in this speech and why?


In the speech in Act 3 Scene 1 of the play hamlet is contemplating life and death.

Hamlet has just learned that his father was murdered by his uncle, and he is in a state of shock and sadness. He contemplates whether he should confront life's challenges head-on or put a stop to them by passing away throughout this soliloquy, which begins Act 3 Scene 1. Hamlet asks himself whether it is desirable to continue living when he says, "To be or not to be." Hamlet is pondering the meaning of life. He is considering taking his own life since he is so miserable and frustrated with the environment around him at this time.

Learn more about Hamlet here:



well-educated americans do not experience wage drops because of undocumented immigrants. True/False ?


Well-educated americans do not experience wage drops because of undocumented immigrants - True

A wage drop refers to a decrease in the amount of money an individual earns for work. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as a decrease in demand for a particular type of work, changes in the market or economy, or a reduction in the hours worked by an individual. However, Immigration raises the labor force, which boosts the economy's productivity. More than 10 million illegal immigrants reside in the United States and do not have valid visas and Mexican immigrants are common.

Previously, males made up the majority of immigrants, but today, women and children represent a growing number of immigrants to the United States. Foreign nationals who entered the United States without inspection or stayed longer than allowed by a temporary visa are considered illegal immigrants if they do not possess a valid visa or other entry documentation.

Read more about wages on:



What did Frederick Douglass write about the 4th of July?


A day that makes him more aware of his ongoing victimhood to heinous injustice and brutality than any other day of the year.

Who was Frederick Douglass?

American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, author, and statesman Frederick Douglass was also a writer. Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, who passed away on February 20, 1895, was born in February 1817 or 1818[a]. He was well recognised for his incisive antislavery writings and speeches .Abolitionists of his age referred to him as a "living rebuttal" of slaveholders' claims that slaves lacked the intelligence to live as independent citizens of the United States because of this. The idea that such a well-known orator having formerly been a slave was difficult for Northerners to accept at the time. This lack of belief motivated Douglass to pen his first autobiography.

What was Frederick Douglass famous for?

Former slave Frederick Douglass later achieved success as an activist, novelist, and public speaker. He became well-known thanks to his abolitionist campaign, which worked to abolish slavery both before and during the American Civil War. Because it was explicitly declared in the Declaration of Independence as a fundamental human right, Douglass believed that liberty was an inherent right. Contrary to Garrison, Douglass also thought that the U.S. Constitution's framers intended for slavery to be eliminated in the future.

To know more about Frederick Douglass visit:



What word best describes Laertes in Hamlet Brainly Act 4?


"Passionate" is the adjective that best describes Laertes. He learns of his father's passing in act IV and resolves to go back to Denmark. He organises a throng and challenges Claudius after seizing the fortress.

What do you mean described?

Outlined; described. verb in transitive form: to describe or account for in words. explain a picture. to describe (something or someone) by describing their look, sound, scent, events, etc. to describe how something or someone is. No description of the robber was provided by the witness. He provided meticulous detail about the house. Could you explain your attacker? to state or write how something is like. He went into great depth about the picture.

What is a describe question?

'Describe' questions need you to give a number of specific data about a course component in numerous short and concise lines. When doing this, you can be asked to describe how something appears, how it is carried out chronologically, how it progresses, or how it is interpreted. An action, state, or event is described by a verb, which is a word. Verbs can be used to describe doing something, or actions. Consider the word "jumping" in the following example: The rabbit was jumping in the field. They may also be employed to describe a state of being, such as emotion.

To know more about Describe visit:



What are some arguments that Swift uses for his modest proposal?


Swift contends that young children as young as one may be sold into a meat market, providing poor families with much-needed revenue while sparing them the costs of raising several children.

The essay, which is disguised as an economic dissertation, suggests that Ireland's poverty be reduced by killing its underprivileged children and selling them to the English landowners as food. Swift's suggestion is a scathing critique of how England has used Ireland for its own economic and legal gain. To get his audience ready for his suggestion, Swift's ironic persona employs rhetorical techniques such descriptive language and appeals to pathos and logos. Swift used tense language to persuade his readers of the success of his plan.

Learn more about Jonathan Swift here:



the taking of steps toward the accomplishment of an unlawful act by a collection of three or more people was punished as a(n) .


The taking of steps closer to the accomplishment of an illegal act through a group of 3 or extra human beings changed into punished as a(n) .Rout.

The required details about Rout is mentioned in beow paragraph.

"Rout", or rout-celebration, changed into in Georgian England a distinctly casual celebration given through the nicely off to which huge numbers of human beings had been invited. The time period blanketed numerous sorts of event, however they tended to be basic, and a visitor couldn't expect any music, food, drink, cards, and dancing being to be had aleven though any of them would possibly be. "Rout-cake" changed into a selected type, cited through Jane Austen in Emma. [2] Often, all there has been to do changed into talk. James Gillray's cartoon of 1796 shows Lady Georgiana Gordon (1781–1853, presumably "Lady Godina"), now no longer yet Duchess of Bedford and certainly best approximately sixteen at most, playing at a recreation called Pope Joan, with the winning "Curse of Scotland" in her hand. At left is Albinia Hobart, Countess of Buckinghamshire, possibly the hostess. She changed into well-known for web website hosting playing parties. Behind the card-tables is a good overwhelm of human beings.

To learn about Rout visit here.



What is inheritance in C Mcq?


Inheritance is a tool for expanding and reusing existing classes in the C programming language without changing them, creating hierarchical relationships between them. A class can be embedded into an object via inheritance.

New classes are produced through the process of inheritance from the current classes. The current class is referred to as the "base class" or "parent class," and the newly generated class is referred to as the "derived class" or "child class." Genetic information is transmitted from parent to kid through inheritance. Members of the same family typically share traits in common because of this.

The language C is not object-oriented. A characteristic of object-oriented languages is inheritance. Inheritance is not supported at the compiler level in C. The group of keywords: The syntax for defining a subclass in C++ is the same as that for defining a regular class, which calls for the keyword class. The subclass's name is The name of the derived class or subclass that takes on the traits of another class must be specified.

To learn more about inheritance, refer: brainly.com/question/15078897


Correct Question:

What is inheritance in C ?

What are 3 different types of genetic inheritance?


Three categories of genetic inheritance exist: diseases caused by a mutation in a single gene. Consider sickle cell anemia. Chromosome abnormalities occur when one or more chromosomes  are absent or altered. Complex disorders caused by two or more gene mutations.

Genes on sex chromosomes have different genetic inheritance patterns than genes on autosomes, which are non-sex chromosomes. This is because, on average, females have two X chromosomes (XX), whereas males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). As a result, males only have one copy of each X-linked and Y-linked gene while females have two copies of each X-linked gene. Y-linked genes are not duplicated in females. It is possible for diseases brought on by defective genes on the X chromosome to be inherited dominantly or recessively. Since males have only one X chromosome, any dominant or recessive gene mutation on the X chromosome will cause disease. Females will not be impacted by inheriting X-linked genes because they have two copies of these genes.

Learn more about Inheritance from



the police had a search warrant with them, they did not show it to mapp because she called her attorney


When Mapp's case finally made it to the Supreme Court, it was evident that the police had never actually gotten a warrant to search Mapp's house.

The cops searched Mapp's home for what reason?

The incident began in Cleveland, Ohio, when police entered Dollree Mapp's home without a valid search warrant. Police wanted admission because they thought Mapp v Ohio was hiding a potential fighting accessory. Police discovered a trunk of inappropriate images in Mapp's cellar, but no suspect was located.

What had Mapp v. Ohio as its fundamental problem?

Evidence collected in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which forbids "unreasonable searches and seizures," is not admissible in state courts, the U.S. Supreme Court declared in the Ohio case on June 19, 1961, with a 6-3 decision.

To know more about Mapp v Ohio, visit:



What are 5 different types of non-profit organizations?


501(c)(3) charity examples. Civic leagues and social welfare organizations are both 501(c)(4) companies. 3 social assistance organizations. 4 Nonprofits with individual ownership. Five corporate donating projects.

What kinds of businesses come to mind as examples?

There are numerous different kinds of legal entities, including, but not limited to, businesses, governments, nonprofits, political organizations, un agencies, armed forces, partnership, nonprofits, and educational institutions.

What three types of businesses are there?

Functional, divisional, or matrix organizational structures are used by the majority of businesses today. Before choosing which form to use for their firm, entrepreneurs must weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each.

To know more about businesses visit:



What are 3 of your short term goals?


The short-term goal is to get a job at their company and quickly learn everything you need to know about their role, how the team works, and company policies and procedures.

If this short-term goal is achieved, it will contribute to the company's goals. My short-term goal is to get a job at a reputable company, improve my work skills, and learn more and more useful knowledge in the future.

My long-term goal is to become a more responsible and knowledgeable individual and to achieve a good standing within the organization. A goal that only takes a few days or weeks, such as spending more time to do better work. It can take weeks, months, or even an entire semester to reach your long-term goals.

Learn more about short-term goal  here:



Liquor stores in Tennessee lobby the state legislature, asking that wine shipments from out-of-state be made illegal. They argue that if consumers are allowed to buy wine from out-of-state, many in-state employees of liquor stores will lose their jobs. What would an economist likely say in response to this argument?

a. While it is easy to see the jobs destroyed by out-of-state wine sellers it is harder to see the jobs that are never allowed to exist because the workers are in wine sales instead of something else,

b. Resources that are no longer used producing goods for which Tennessee does not have comparative advantage can be reallocated to those industries in which Tennessee does have a comparative advantage making Tennesseans wealthier,

c. If people out-of-state can distribute wine at a lower price than people in-stater the consumers of this state will benefit from lower wine prices,

d. All of the above.


b. Resources that are no longer used producing goods for which Tennessee does not have comparative advantage can be reallocated to those industries in which Tennessee does have a comparative advantage making Tennesseans wealthier,

Tennessee formally the usa of Tennessee, is a landlocked kingdom inside the Southeastern area of america. Tennessee is the 36th-biggest thru vicinity and the 16th-most populous of the 50 states. it's miles bordered thru Kentucky to the north, Virginia to the northeast, North Carolina to the east, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi to the south, Arkansas to the southwest, and Missouri to the northwest. Tennessee is geographically, culturally, and legally divided into three Grand Divisions of East, center, and West Tennessee. Nashville is the united states's capital and biggest city, and anchors its largest metropolitan area. different important cities encompass Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Clarksville. Tennessee's population as of the 2020 united states of america census is ready 6.nine million.

Learn more about Tennesseans here



What are the two characteristics of a nonprofit organization ?


Nonprofit groups have five things in common, despite their variations in size and structure: They are structured, and they are confidential (separate from the government).

What exactly does the term "non-profit organization" mean?

Any nonprofit organization (NPO) as a group that is not motivated by profit but rather by commitment to a particular cause that receives all funds received over and beyond what is required to maintain the organization. As a result, the federal government grants NPOs tax-exempt status, which relieves them of paying income tax.

What happens when a nonprofit company operate?

A non-profit organization's owners do not receive any income from it. Instead of using the revenue it receives for its own purposes, the group contributes it. Donations received may also be used by a not-for-profit organization to maintain operations.

To know more about nonprofit organization visit:



What does Hamlet's first soliloquy reveal about his state of mind?


After his opening soliloquy, Hamlet confesses that he is a disturbed young man who, but for religious prohibitions, would have pondered himself.

What is an illustration of religion?

Worshippers and believers engage in and are frequently commanded to carry out devotional or meditative practices including prayer, meditation, or specific rituals. One of the key components of the religious life is involvement in religious institutions, moral behavior, accurate belief, and worship.

Who are the religious people?

Open, mature religiousness and spirituality were correlated with high extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and conscientiousness and low neuroticism. Agreeableness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience were all found to be higher, lower, and lower, respectively, in religious fundamentalism.

To know more about Hamlet visit:



Directions: Define each term below and then write a story problem that includes all of the terms.
1. retainer
2. contingency
3. flat fee
4. attorney-client privilege
5. code of professional responsibility
6. disbarred
7. malpractice


The given words are mostly related to the law.

Retainers are a sort of remuneration arrangement with lawyers that can be used to reserve their services or pay for upcoming work. The standard sort of retainer where a lawyer promises to take on a case or other future concerns for a client is called a general retainer.Contingency fees signify that you will pay the attorney a specified percentage of the money you win or obtain through a settlement outside of court. The lawyer does not get paid by you if you lose your case.Attorney-client privilege : It shields an attorney from being forced to testify against a client. By promoting complete disclosure to their attorney without concern that the material would be made public, this privilege aims to ensure that clients obtain accurate and competent legal advice.The American Bar Association (ABA) established the Code of Professional Responsibility in 1969 to provide standards for ethical behavior in the legal profession.Disbarment, commonly referred to as striking off, is the expulsion of a lawyer from a bar association or the practice of law, revokes their legal admission or license, and results in their removal from the legal profession.The term "legal malpractice" refers to an attorney's negligence, breach of fiduciary responsibility, or breach of contract while providing legal services that harms a client.

To know more about Law here



which of the following uses of copyrighted material would most likely be regarded a fair use? multiple choice a media company uses a few stanzas of a poem in an obituary for a poet. ford motor co. uses scenes from a feature film for a tv advertisement in which the hero is driving a ford mustang car. royal copy center copies 22 chapters from various books and sells it as an astronomy textbook to college students. a clothing company creates and sells a t-shirt which carries a picture of chris evans as captain america printed on the front.


Fair use permits the limited use of copyrighted material for criticism, parody, news reporting, research and scholarship, and education without the permission of the owner.

Give four examples of copyrighted material.

Text, images, artwork, music, sounds, and movies are examples of copyrighted works.

Which three items are subject to copyright?

Original literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works like poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture are all protected by copyright, a type of intellectual property law.

What are the four copyright exceptions to fair use?

According to US copyright law, fair use of copyrighted works is allowed "for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research."

To learn more about copyrighted material here



The u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?



The u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?

racial segregation

an injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers’ compensation law. t or f


Workers' compensation regulations do not apply to accidents that happen while an employee is going to or from work since they are often not deemed to have happened on the job or during the course of employment. This assertion is true.

Another restatement of the Law of Sowing and Reaping is the Law of Compensation. It states that you will always receive payment for your work and input, no matter how big or small.

Workers' compensation payments are intended to help you recover from a job-related sickness or accident, partially replace any lost income while you're out of work, and assist you in getting back to work.

According to Virginia law, the majority of companies are required to have workers' compensation insurance to protect their employees in the case of an accident at work. For both companies and employees, workers' compensation offers a trade-off. It offers the employer an exclusive remedy and protects them from civil litigation.

To learn more about Workers' compensation



What was the outcome of Tinker v. Des Moines in 1969 ?


The United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of the students in a 7-2 decision in 1969. Students don't give up their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gates, the high court ruled, agreeing that they should be preserved.

In a quiet protest against the Vietnam War, students at a public school in Des Moines, Iowa, intended to attend class wearing black armbands. The kids were informed by the administration that they would face suspension if they showed up to class wearing armbands because the protest might disturb the classroom environment. Some pupils were penalized for wearing the armbands despite the warning. The parents of the students sued the school for breaching their children's right to free expression while they were in suspension. Wearing the armbands could interfere with class instruction, according to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Iowa, which backed with the school's argument.

The students filed an appeal with the Eighth Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals.

Learn more about Tinker v. Des Moines case here: https://brainly.com/question/27568882


Why are sanctions important in society?


For society to self-regulate and uphold order, social sanctions must be used to impose a level of conduct that is regarded acceptable.

What do you mean by society?

A society is a group of individuals that interact frequently with one another or a sizable social group that resides in the same physical or social territory and is typically governed by the same political leadership and prevailing cultural expectations. the state of being in a social situation The French expression was derived from the Latin term societas, which means "happy connection with others" and is derived from the word socius, which means "fellow, friend, comrade, or business partner." The concept of society implies that its constituents share some type of concern, aim, or set of characteristics.

How does society affect a person?

Our culture affects how we live, work, and play as well as how we see ourselves and other people.  But our actions can also have an impact on other people and, in the end, help to shape our society. People who are members of various, sized groupings make up a society. According to Anthony Giddens (2000), a society is a group of people that reside in a specific area, are governed by a single political system, and are conscious of being different from other groups in their environment.

To know more about Society visit:



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