on january 1, 2022, jason company issued $5 million of 10-year bonds at a 10% coupon interest rate to be paid annually. the following present value factors have been provided: time period interest pv of $1 pv of a $1 annuity 10 10% 0.386 6.140 10 8% 0.463 6.710 10 12% 0.322 5.650 calculate the issuance price if the market rate of interest is 12%.


Answer 1

The bond issuance price for Jason company if the market interest is 12% is $4,435,000 (C).

To calculate the bond issuance price, we have to know 2 things first:

Present value of the bond maturity value Present value of the bond interest payments

From the casse, we know that:

Bond value = $5,000,000

T = 10 years

Coupon interest rate = 10%

Market interest rate = 12%

The present value factors table is attached below.

Present value of the bond maturity value can be calculated by multiplying the bond value with PV of $1 at the market interest rate:

Present value of the bond maturity value = ($5,000,000 x 0.322)

Present value of the bond maturity value = $1,610,000

Present value of the bond interest payments is calculated by multiplying the bond interest at its coupon rate with PV of $1 annuity at the market interest rate:

Present value of the bond interest payments = ($5,000,000 x 10%) x 5.65

Present value of the bond interest payments = $4,435,000

Focus that the 10% coupon rate is only used for calculating the interest payment of the bond. The present value factor used for calculating the issuance price of the bond refers to the 12% market interest rate data.

Next, we would add both present values to find the bond issue price:

Bond issue price = PV of the bond maturity value + PV of the bond interest payments

Bond issue price = $1,610,000 + $2,825,000

Bond issue price = $4,435,000

Learn more about Bond Issuance here: https://brainly.com/question/17074632


Complete Question:

On january 1, 2022, jason company issued $5 million of 10-year bonds at a 10% coupon interest rate to be paid annually. the following present value factors have been provided:

(Refer to the table attached below)

Calculate the issuance price if the market rate of interest is 12%

a. $4,427,000

b. $4,477,500

c. $4,435,000

d. $5,000,000

On January 1, 2022, Jason Company Issued $5 Million Of 10-year Bonds At A 10% Coupon Interest Rate To

Related Questions

true or false: in many industries, the primary sources of new technology are the organizations that use it.


The firms that employ new technology are the principal sources of new technology in many sectors. This is true.

What are the main sources of technology?

People, information, materials, tools and equipment, energy, capital, and time are all resources used by any technological system. People's needs drive technology, and people's needs drive technology. Computers, workstations, laptops, tablets, phones, servers, switches, modems, routers, and/or any other hardware, software (local, hosted, or cloud-based), accounts, and technological equipment, tools, or accessories are examples of technology resources.

Three sources of technical change are particularly important to the process of technological development: R&D, learning-by-doing, and spillovers.

To learn more about sources of technology, click



which resource management task establishes and maintains the readiness of resources and ensures


Reimbursement and Restock is a resource management task establishes and maintains the readiness of resources and ensures providers are paid in a timely manner.

When a company reimburses a worker, customer, or another party for money they spent out of pocket or for money they were overpaid, it means that the party received payment from the company. Recovering funds for company expenses, insurance premiums, and unpaid taxes are a few instances.

The act of paying someone back after they have spent or lost money is referred to as reimbursement. It is a sort of claim settlement in health insurance where you are required to cover the hospital or medical expenses incurred for the medical care you received.

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Which resource management task establishes and maintains the readiness of resources and ensures providers are paid in a timely manner?

To know more about Reimbursement here



social-networking sites have a history of providing tight security and giving users a clear understanding of how security features work.


False Social networking sites have a history of having lax security, of not clearly explaining to users how security features function, and of abruptly changing security settings. A surge protector can be used to protect laptops from theft.

What are security features?

A product's security feature is a feature created to secure access to that product. The accessible warning bands, padlock symbols, and microprint lines are the most fundamental security measures. A warning band is a border made of type that has been reversed out that indicates what security features have been applied to the page. The warning bands and the padlock icon both have the same function.

What are the four elements of security?

Four components make up a successful security system: protection, detection, verification, and reaction. Whether a site belongs to a major multinational firm with hundreds of sites or a tiny independent business with one location, these are the fundamental principles for successful security on any site.

To know more about Security Features visit:



Investments with longer payback periods are more​ desirable, all else being equal.
a. True
b. False


Investments with longer payback periods are more​ desirable, all else being equal. This statement is false.

The only capital budgeting method that does not incorporate the idea of the time value of money into its computation, aside from the accounting rate of return, is the payback period. Depending on whether the cash flows are uniform or uneven, there are two ways to calculate the payback period.

The time it takes to recoup the cost of an investment is referred to as the payback period. It is simply the amount of time it takes an investment to break even.

The payback period is crucial since people and businesses invest money primarily to be reimbursed. In general, an investment is more appealing the faster its payoff is.

Everyone may benefit from knowing the payback period, which can be calculated by dividing the initial investment by the typical cash flows.

To know more about payback period:



Fill in the price and the total, marginal, and average revenue zoomba earns when it rents 0, 1, 2, or 3 trucks during move-in week.


The price and the total, marginal and average revenue Zoomba earns during moving-in week are:

Quantity    Price   Total Revenue    Marginal Revenue    Average Revenue

(trucks)    (Dollar         (Dollars)                (Dollars)                     (Dollars

             per turck)                                                                      per truck)

    0           $100             $0

    1            $90              $90                       $90                          $90

    2           $80              $160                      $70                          $80

    3           $70              $210                      $50                          $70

Based on the given graph, the price Zoomba must take as given is $50 per truck.

The demand curve faced by Zoomba is identical to both marginal revenue curve and average revenue curve.

Total revenue is the total amount of money earned by a company from the sale of a product.

Marginal revenue represents the increase in revenue occured when there is one additional unit product sold.

Average revenue is the amount of money earned by individual unit of product.

To fill the table, we will take the given price from the demand curve for each unit of product sold.

The price and the total, marginal and average revenue Zoomba earns during moving-in week are:

Quantity    Price   Total Revenue    Marginal Revenue    Average Revenue

(trucks)    (Dollar         (Dollars)                (Dollars)                     (Dollars

             per turck)                                                                      per truck)

    0           $100             $0

    1            $90              $90                       $90                          $90

    2           $80              $160                      $70                          $80

    3           $70              $210                      $50                          $70

Learn more about Marginal Revenue here: https://brainly.com/question/13563292


Complete Question:

the following graph illustrates the market for small moving truchs in Flagstaff, AZ, during Northern Arizona's fall move-in week.

(Please refer to the graph attached below)

Suppose that Zoomba is one of over a dozen competitive firm in Flagstaff area that offers moving trucks rentals.

Based on the proceeding graph showing the weekly market demand and supply curves, the price Zoomba must take as given is ___.

Fill in the price and the total, marginal, and average revenue Zoomba earns when it rents 0, 1, 2, or 3 trucks during move-in week.

(The given table is also attached below)

The demand curve faced by Zoomba is identical to which of its other curves? Check all that apply.

Supply curveMarginal cost curveMarginal revenue curveAverage revenue curve

alissa exchanges land with an adjusted basis of $22,000 and a fair market value of $30,000 for another parcel of land with a fair market value of $28,000 and $2,000 cash. what is alissa's recognized gain or loss?


If alissa exchanges land with an adjusted basis of $22,000 and a fair market value of $30,000 for another parcel of land with a fair market value of $28,000 and $2,000 cash. alissa's recognized gain or loss is : $8,000.

How to find the recognized gain or loss?

Using this formula to determine the recognized gain or loss

Recognized gain or loss = Amount of proceeds - Basis


Amount of proceeds = $30,000

Basis = $22,000

Let plug in the formula

Recognized gain or loss  = $30,000 - $22,000

Recognized gain or loss  = $8,000 (Gain)

The realized gain will be the amount of $8,000 based on the fact that  the equipment is not qualifying as sec 1031 property, so it will all be recognized.

Therefore the recognized gain is $8,000.

Learn more about recognized gain or loss here: https://brainly.com/question/27311471


What are the two types of bank checks?


Two types of bank checks are Certified Checks and Cashier's Check.

A cashier's check is not drawn on the funds in your checking account; rather, it is written on the funds at the bank. In order to obtain a cashier's check, you must transfer money from your checking or savings account into the bank's own account (plus a small premium for the service). The cashier's check is then printed by a bank representative along with the payee and remitter names, the bank's name, and account details. By the following working day, the payee often has access to the monies.

When you write a certified check, your name and account number are printed on the check, and the funds are taken directly out of your personal checking account.

The check will be signed by you and a bank official in addition to having the words "certified" or "accepted" printed somewhere on it. The bank may hold onto those cash until the check clears because it has guaranteed that check.

To learn more about cashier's check click here:



To pay for social insurance programs administered by the social security administration, employers, employees, and the unemployed must contribute. True or false?


False, because U.S. citizens can count on Social Security to help them when they retire, die, or become disabled and their income stops. Specifically, the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Funds manage the program's finances.

Every year, the tax rate may go up a little bit more to generate enough money for OASDI. Both employers and employees must pay 7.65% into FICAS, with the self-employed typically paying 15.3%. Retirement planning is made easier thanks to the steady income stream provided by Social Security.

In addition, it helps employees and their families who lose a breadwinner or who become incapacitated. Payroll taxes are used to fund Social Security. U.S. citizens are protected from what President Franklin Delano Roosevelt called "the vicissitudes of life," such as disability, loss of earnings in old age, layoff, and other hardships, through the social insurance system administered by federal, state, and local government agencies. The social insurance system also aids in supplying people with the resources they require to meet their basic necessities and enter and advance in the labor market.

To know more about a social insurance program:



williams and red bull are competing for the formula one constructors' championship and are deciding whether to increase their spending on their aerodynamic (aero) development. the matrix displays the payoffs to the team that result from each possible choice. note that, due to other factors, the payoffs are not symmetrical. assume that each team's goal is to earn as many points as possible. williams increase spending do not change spending red bull raise spending williams earns 360 points red bull earns 354 points williams earns 142 points red bull earns 460 points do not change spending williams earns 378 points red bull earns 153.5 points williams earns 454 points red bull earns 400 points a. does williams have a dominant strategy? if so, what is it? yes. their dominant strategy is to leave aero development spending unchanged. no, they do not have a dominant strategy. yes. their dominant strategy is to increase aero development spending. b. does red bull have a dominant strategy? if so, what is it? no, they do not have a dominant strategy. yes. their dominant strategy is to leave aero development spending unchanged. yes. their dominant strategy is to increase aero development spending.


Yes, Williams has a dominant strategy. A dominant strategy is a strategy that provides the best outcome regardless of the opponent's strategy.

In this case, Williams would benefit the most by leaving their aero development spending unchanged (earning 378 points). Regardless of whether Red Bull increases or decreases their spending, Williams will still earn more points. Therefore, leaving their spending unchanged is the dominant strategy.

On the other hand, Red Bull does not have a dominant strategy. Increasing their spending yields the highest payoff (460 points), but their payoff is still lower than Williams' even if they increase their spending. Decreasing their spending yields the lowest payoff (153.5 points). Therefore, Red Bull does not have a dominant strategy.

To know more about strategy here



A group spends $277.50 to rent 15 tubes for a float down the ichetucknee river. how many of each type of tube does the group rent?


The division of number of One-person tubes and two-person tubes the group rent is 3 and 12 respectively.

The equation is,

12.5x + 20y = 277.5

Here, x = One-person tubes and y = two-person tubes.

Also, x + y = 15

Solve the above equation by elimination method,

x = 3 and y = 15 - 3 = 1

So, the number of One-person tubes and two-person tubes is 3 and 12 respectively.

Division in maths is the process of breaking more than a few up into identical parts, and finding out what number of equal parts may be made.

Division facts are department range sentences related to times tables knowledge.

Division is the alternative of multiplication. the principle intention of dividing is to see how many equal corporations are fashioned or what number of are in every institution while sharing pretty.

To know more about division:



What are the 5 concepts of research?


Research design, Data collection , Sampling , Data analysis and Reporting are the 5 concepts of research .

1. Research Design: Research design is the blueprint of a research project. It involves the plan of action that outlines the processes, methods and techniques used to collect and analyse data. It also covers the scope of the research, its objectives, timeline, and the resources needed to carry out the project.

2. Data Collection: Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information from a variety of sources, to answer questions and evaluate outcomes. Data collection can include surveys, interviews, case studies, focus groups, experiments, and questionnaires.

3. Sampling: Sampling is the process of selecting a subset of data from a population to analyze. This subset should be representative of the population as a whole, and should be chosen in a way that minimizes bias.

4. Data Analysis: Data analysis is the process of interpreting data to draw conclusions and make decisions. This includes using quantitative and qualitative methods to interpret and analyse data.

5. Reporting: Reporting is the process of communicating the results of research. This includes providing detailed descriptions and summaries of the data collected, as well as presenting the results graphically or in tables.

To know more about research here



What is the difference between a bank and a retail bank?


The main difference between a bank and a retail bank is the type of customer they serve.

A bank is a financial institution that offers a variety of services, such as loan and deposit products, investment services, and financial advice. A retail bank is a type of bank that specializes in consumer banking, typically offering services such as savings and checking accounts, loan and credit products, debit cards, and other consumer-focused products and services.

A bank typically serves both retail and commercial customers, whereas a retail bank focuses exclusively on consumer banking. This means that retail banks tend to offer products and services that are tailored to meet the needs of individual consumers.

Additionally, retail banks are typically smaller in size than banks and have fewer branches, making them more accessible to consumers. They also tend to have shorter wait times and more personalized customer service, which can be beneficial for those who need more time and attention when it comes to their banking needs.

Overall, a bank and a retail bank both provide financial services, but they serve different customer types and offer different products and services. Banks focus on commercial customers, while retail banks focus on consumer banking.

Learn more about  the types of accounts offered by banks:



which of the following is a type of security audit? (choose all that apply.) a. automated b. independent c. centralized d. operational


Independent and Operational are types of security audit .

The records and activities of a system are independently reviewed and examined to ascertain the sufficiency of system controls, guarantee compliance with established security policy and procedures, identify security service breaches, and recommend any suggested changes for countermeasures. There are numerous accreditations out there that can affirm you have safety efforts set up. The System and Organization Controls (SOC) 2 Type II attestation, for instance, is a rigorous, evidence-based audit that demonstrates a company's compliance with strict American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) information security and privacy standards.

An independent company conducts this audit to ensure that high-level, dependable data security measures are in place when handling highly sensitive customer information. The audit looks at all aspects of your security and privacy operations, including software and infrastructure, communications, and monitoring.

To put it simply, the SOC 2 audit is comparable to taking your brand-new used car to a mechanic to ensure that it is in good working order. The mechanic can guarantee not only that the car has all the parts it needs, but also that they are in excellent condition. Instead of car parts, SOC 2 looks at five trusted service criteria in this instance: confidentiality, privacy, availability, processing integrity, and security.

By locating, controlling, and safeguarding generally unclassified evidence of the planning and execution of sensitive activities, a proven system can prevent potential adversaries from learning about their capabilities and intentions. There are five steps to the procedure:

recognizable proof of basic datainvestigation of dangers examination of weaknesses evaluation of dangersutilization of proper countermeasures.

To know more about security audit visit



Why is it important to have a savings account in addition to a checking account?


Compared to checking accounts, savings accounts often charge fewer fees and offer higher interest rates. By paying less and earning more interest, you'll see your money increase even if you don't make further deposits.

You may pay your bills, get your paycheck deposited directly into your account, and use an ATM with a checking account to manage your daily spending. An emergency fund might be created or funds can be placed away for a specific purpose, like a future vacation, in a savings account. For frequent transactions like purchases, bill payments, and ATM withdrawals, checking accounts are preferable. Typically, they receive little to no interest. Money should be kept in savings accounts. Usually, your money makes greater interest. Here are six reasons why you should keep cash in a savings account as opposed to a checking account, Increase your interest rate, Lessen the minimum balance requirements and fees, resisted the want to spend money, Keep an eye on your emergency money.

Learn more about account from



what element do the potential solutions of raising the retirement age, increasing payroll taxes, and reducing benefit payments all share?


The potential solutions of raising the retirement age is that each one would require someone to give up money and/or benefits.

When you cut back on hours or quit working completely, the Social Security Retirement benefit is a monthly check that replaces a portion of your income. As you get older, it might not completely replace your income, so it's best to find other means to cover your monthly needs.

The Social Security retirement benefit eligibility age was gradually raised by the 1983 Amendments. The retirement age will rise from 65 to 67 over a 22-year period, after which it will stay at 66 for an additional 11 years.

The minimum age to be eligible for full retirement benefits was 65 under the 1935 version of the Social Security Act.

To know more about social security benefit:



despite your company’s strong training in ethical values and behaviors, you notice that the company’s top managers frequently engage in unethical behavior. of what is this an example?


The  top managers frequently engage in unethical behavior is an example of an enacted value or norm

Enacted values are the ones that a business and its personnel genuinely live out and exhibit on a regular basis. They are the values that are really demonstrated in practice and diverge slightly from the principles upheld by the business. The values that are actually being lived and experienced that are being enacted are the ones that have the most effects on the company's culture.

They are the principles that direct the actions and decisions of the organization's members and mould the workplace culture as a whole. In the given case,  the company's top management frequently acts unethically despite receiving extensive training in ethical ideals and behaviours. This refers to breaking the principles laid down by the company.

Read more about values and norms on:



According to the elaboration likelihood model, the two main determinants of a listener’s willingness to engage in elaborating on the message are __________and _________.
a. channel and sender
b. motivation and ability
c. hostility versus neutrality
d. attitude and attractiveness


The two key factors that determine a viewer's propensity to elaborate upon that communication are incentive and ability, based on the elaboration probabilities model.

How are probabilities defined?

The probability is a numerical representation of the chance or chances that a specific event will take place. Both proportions ranging from 0 to 1 and percent extending between 0% to 100% can be used to describe probabilities.

How are probabilities solved?

Multiply the total confidence interval by the total series of events. Simply divide lot of approaches this same occurrence can happen by the amount of possible outcomes after establishing the frequency occasion and its corresponding consequences.

To know more about  probabilities  visit:



flextime plans are popular with employees because they allow them to work fewer hours while still earning the same income. flextime plans are popular with employees because they allow them to work fewer hours while still earning the same income. false true


Flextime plans are popular with employees because they allow them to work fewer hours while still earning the same income. flextime plans are popular with employees because they allow them to work fewer hours while still earning the same income.

This statement is False.

Flextime is a system that allows employees to change the start and end times of their working days. Employees will work the same number of hours as on the traditional schedule. It's also a flexible working option for positions that can't easily support remote work.

Flextime is a work schedule with flexible start and end times. The traditional schedule is 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. For example, 8:30 AM one day and 10:00 AM the next day.

Flextime is beneficial because it allows employers to extend coverage beyond traditional working hours. Flextime schedules allow employers to extend working hours and help organizations meet staffing needs.

Learn more about Flextime https://brainly.com/question/26614549


real gdp in a small country is worth $8 billion. the population of the country is 200,000. what is per capita real gdp?


The population of the country is 200,000.The per capita real gdp is $40000.


GDP =Real GDP/Population of the Country.



What is GDP?The average of the nation's economic production divided by the total population is calculated using the GDP per capita calculation. In other terms, it is the distribution of the gross domestic product (GDP) equally among all citizens to indicate the level of living in the nation. can calculate a country's economic output taking into account its population and person count.The formula splits the country's Gross Domestic Product, GDP, total population, and number of people. That would be a more accurate way to gauge a country's standard of life.Nominal GDP can also be used if a single point in time is being considered. Real GDP would also make more sense when one analyses the timing.

To learn more about GDP refer to:



Why do you want to part of this club * Your answer?


An private club is a spot that isn't open to everybody. A confidential group club is a connection that gives social and different solaces to individuals who reliably pay a help charge for access and use.

Coming up next are seven inspirations driving why you should join a club or society:

You get to meet and make mates who share comparable interests you do It's an exceptional technique for having a break from your assessments and participate in cordial eventsDevelop capable experience and develop drive skillsExpand your perspectives and get some useful contribution with districts that are different to what you're pondering Foster new interests, relaxation exercises and capacities

Find out about Clubs - https://brainly.com/question/18150817


You strive to be rational when you negotiate, but you sometimes fall prey to bias. Now you have to choose a new employee, but you’ve needed the help for a long time. There’s just no time to search. You choose a prospect from the preapproved list provided by Human Resources. Which cognitive approach to negotiation has sidetracked you?- Escalation of commitment- Belief in only fixed-sum outcomes- Anchoring in irrelevant information- Overreliance on readily available information


Human resources (HR) is the department inside a business this is chargeable for all things worker-related. That consists of recruiting, vetting, choosing, hiring, onboarding, training, selling, paying, and firing employees and independent contractors.

A human aid branch is likewise in the rate of retaining personnel safe, healthy, and happy. With proper HR management, place of work regulations keep up with necessary shielding measures and implementation and offer solutions to issues between group members, heading off danger for the company and its employees.

Human assets are the individual or organization of humans at an employer who manages all matters related to its personnel. This consists of — however, isn't always restricted to — hiring, maintaining a budget, recruiting, dealing with benefits, ensuring worker pride, enforcing an agency lifestyle, and schooling new hires.

Learn more about Human resources  here



what economic outlook is best for you as the owner of rebooks and more and why is that economic outlook best?


Economics is the study of shortage and its implications for the usage of assets, production of goods and services, growth of production and welfare over time, and a great type of different complicated issues of important difficulty to society.

Economics is the study of ways people allocate scarce sources for production, distribution, and intake, each in my opinion and together. the two branches of economics are microeconomics and macroeconomics. Economics specializes in efficiency in production and change.

The examine of economics facilitates people recognize the arena round them. It permits people to recognize human beings, agencies, markets and governments, and consequently better reply to the threats and opportunities that emerge while matters alternate.

In Economics you study supply and call for, perfect and imperfect opposition, taxation, worldwide trade, charge controls, financial coverage, change fees, hobby charges, unemployment and inflation amongst many other topics to recognize character markets, the combination economy and authorities rules.

Learn more about Economics here:



a security deposit is money that your landlord holds in case you break your lease or damage the apartment. what is the typical security deposit amount owed when you sign a new lease agreement?


The  typical security deposit amount owed when you sign a new lease agreement is  about an equivalent of one months' rent, or that of two months.

What does a security deposit cost?

Any sum of money other than the rent advance that a landlord collects from a tenant is known as a security deposit. The landlord is protected by the security deposit in the event that the tenant defaults on the lease or other rental agreement requirements. Back rent, cleaning costs, key replacement costs, and property damage are all possible uses for it.

Therefore,  the security deposit will be the equal of one or two months' worth of rent. You would need $1,000 on hand for the security deposit, for instance, if your monthly rent is $500 and your landlord needs the first and last months' money as the deposit.

Learn more about security deposit from


writers, incorporated is a small company with one owner who unilaterally communicates with clients and gives assignments to the writers. this is an example of a(n) communication network.


Writers, incorporated is a small company with one owner who unilaterally communicates with clients and gives assignments to the writers. this is an example of an wheel communication network.

The legal name given to a naturally existing organization of people with a particular purpose, legally incorporated, or a mix of the two is a company, sometimes known as a co. The employees of the organization collaborate to accomplish definite objectives.

As long as the members of the business satisfy or fail to fulfil their responsibilities under the incorporation policy or public disclosure, a corporation may be established as a legal entity with limited liability. A company may need to be liquidated if it collapses in order to settle its obligations.

To know more about Company here-



The rate of interest specified in a bond contract as the interest rate to be paid by the company to investors in the bond is known as the market rate.a) Trueb) False


False. The rate of interest specified in a bond contract as the interest rate to be paid by the company to investors in the bond is known as stated rate, therefore the given statement the rate of interest specified in a bond contract as the interest rate to be paid by the company to investors in the bond is known as the market rate is false.

The market rate (or "going rate") for goods or services is the usual price charged for them in a free market. If demand goes up, manufacturers and laborers will tend to respond by increasing the price they require, thus setting a higher market rate. When demand falls, market rates also tend to fall.

The rate of interest specified in a bond

contract as the interest rate to be paid by the company to investors in the bond is known as market rate. The market price is defined as the price for goods or services is the usual price charged for them in a free market. Therefore the given statement is false and the correct answer is stated price. Hence, The given statement is false because the rate of interest specified in a bond contract as the interest rate to be paid by the company to investors in the bond is known as stated rate.

To know more about Market rate visit:



solar panels provide a benefit to those who buy them by reducing their electricity bill. they also benefit society as a whole by reducing pollution and resource consumption. because producers calculate demand based on actual purchases rather than total benefit, solar panels are underproduced. which types of government intervention could be used to counter this situation?


The types of government intervention could be used to counter this situation:-


Government provision

Is a third party that is not involved in a market transaction when a cost or benefit is accruing to an individual or group?

A cost or advantage that is derived by an individual or group—a third party—and which is unrelated to the market transaction is known as an externality. When there are negative externalities, more resources are devoted to the product's manufacturing, which results in a higher than necessary output.

Which of the following is a typical solution when externalities affect lots of individuals or when the interests of the community are at stake?

When externalities have a significant impact on a large number of people and community interests, government intervention may be necessary to ensure economic efficiency. Adopting legislation that restricts a certain activity is the most direct way to lessen harmful externalities from that activity.

To Know more about Subsidies



A​ profit-maximizing monopoly never produces an output in the​ _______ range of its​ _______ curve.
A.unit​ elastic; marginal revenue
B.elastic; supply
C.​inelastic; demand
D.​inelastic; supply


A​ profit-maximizing monopoly never produces output in the​  c. inelastic range of its​ demand curve.

In the field of business, the demand curve is a graphical representation of the value of a product when the price of a product fluctuates in the market.

For such a product or monopoly that is profit-maximizing, we cannot expect much of a change to be caused by the fluctuation of its price in the market. Hence, not much of output is produced in the elastic range for products that generate profit or maximize profit products.

For such products, the demand curve remains inelastic instead of being elastic.

To learn more about demand, click here:



true or false: one flaw with the hhi measure is that as n (the number of teams increases) the value of hhi decreases even if the league has not become more competitive.


true. one flaw with the HHI measure is that as n (the number of teams increases) the value of HHI decreases even if the league has not become more competitive.

What is HHI?

The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, a widely used index of market concentration, is referred to as "HHI." The market share of each company that competes in the market is squared, and the resulting numbers are then added to determine the HHI. The Herfindahl index measures a company's size in relation to the industry it operates in and serves as a gauge of how fiercely it is competing with other businesses. A low level of concentration indicates that the market is more evenly distributed among several companies of roughly equal size, which is the ideal competitive condition. In general, increases in the Herfindahl index show less competition and more market dominance, whereas reductions show the opposite.

To learn more about HHI click on the given link:



which company acts on behalf of more than 200 universities, bowls, and conferences to negotiate licensing agreements?


To negotiate licensing agreements Company for Collegiate Licensing acts on behalf of more than 200 universities, and bowls.

What is licensing agreements?

Established in 1981, CLC helps college licensees utilize trademark licensing to protect and manage the usage of their trademarks.

More than 180 colleges, bowl games, leagues, the NCAA, and the Heisman Trophy are all part of the CLC Consortium.

Therefore, the CLC, which manages licensing for roughly 200 colleges, is the biggest licensing organization in the nation.

Learn more about trademarks, here:



Productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by inputs for a specified period of time. Outputs are all the goods and services produced. Inputs are not only labor but also capital, materials, and energy.


Productivity is defined as the formula of outputs divided by inputs for a specified period of time. Outputs are the goods and services produced. Inputs are not only labor but also capital, materials, & energy.

Productivity is the efficiency of manufacturing of products or offerings expressed by a few measures. Measurements of productiveness are often expressed as a ratio of a mixture output to a single input or a combination input used in a manufacturing process, i.e. output in step with a unit of entering, typically over a specific time period.

Productiveness is the degree how efficiently a person completes a venture. We can outline it as the price at which a corporation or u. s. produces items and services

Productiveness is typically expressed in certainly one of 3 bureaucracy: partial component productivity, multifactor productiveness, and overall productiveness.

Learn more about Productivity here:-https://brainly.com/question/12890227


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Read the following passage carefully before you choose your answer.This passage is taken from an eighteenth-century letter from a president to the citizens of the United States of America.(1) Solikewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation,facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, andinfusing into onethe enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequateprivileges denied to others which aptinducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation ofdoubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained, and byexciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld.(2) As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachmentsare particularly alarming to the truly enlighteneddomestic factions, to practice the arts ofand independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper withseduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils? Such an attachment of a small or weak towardsa great and powerful nation dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter.(3) Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free peopleought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence isone of the most baneful foes ofrepublican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of che very influenceto be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of anothercause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence onthe other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its toolsand dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.(4) The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them aslittle political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect goodfaith. Here let us stop. Europe has set of primary interests which to us have none; or a very remote relation. Hence shemust be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it(O must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinarycombinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.(5) Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. 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