What is the name of Kenya’s legislative branch?


Answer 1
The Parliament of Kenya is the bicameral legislature of Kenya. It consists of two houses: Senate (upper house) The National Assembly (lower house)

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someone is retiring next year. what would be an appropriate amount of risk to take with their investments
A. Highest Risk, Highest Growth
B. Medium risk, medium growth
C. lower risk, lower growth
D. no risk just savings account


A. Highest Risk, Highest growth

what is the history of team sports?​


Answer: Polo ( if you mean the first team sport ) but history dates back to 776 BC of ancient olympic games


Mesoamerican Ball Game
The Mesoamerican Ball Game: The First Team Sport in Human History. From 1700 BC, eight different Mesoamerican civilizations adopted the ball game into their culture and a variation of it is still being played today.
I hope this helps

How do legislators see their job?​


Answer:They do policy research, draft bills, write legal opinions, evaluate programs and assess how legislation will affect the state's budget. They have other roles, too, including helping constituents, handling public relations, providing building security and information technology support.


International trade is a trade that takes place within a state's borders.

True or False?


False international trade is when it takes place internationally
False lol needs more words lol

How does democracy protect minority rights?



Explanation:democracy is made by people for people and their all round development so democracy protects minority rights.


To protect and uphold cultural identity, social practice, and religious.

control chart is a option choice​


What are you asking ?

In which situation would a system of currency exchange be necessary?

A person in Nigeria trades his bicycle for his friend’s new skateboard.

A business in Egypt pays its workers their wages at the end of the week.

A person in Kenya pays the taxes she owes to the local government.

A business in South Africa buys automobile parts from a business in China.



I don't know English .... sorry I would like to help you but I don't know English

Which statement best describes independent voters?
Select one:
A-They are moderates who are
unified in their beliefs and political participation
B-They are a diverse group who share a desire to change the election process
C-They are all swing voters who are easily persuaded to support major-party candidates
D-They are extremists who have serious policy disagreements with the major parties.


The independent voters are a diverse group who share their desire to change the election process. Ths that option B is correct.

Who is an independent voter?

An independent voter is one who is not dependent on the others and makes his own decision to vote and select the form of government and the official of his choice They are thus diverse and are able to select their desired candidate. They don't take decisions under pressure or profit motive.

Find out more information about the independent voters.


What portion of Africa lies outside of the tropics?



Africa has the largest tropical footprint among the continents and is, therefore, severely threatened by expanding tropics. Over 80% of the continent lies within the band 30 degrees either side of the equator.

Can someone help me thanks❤️



sure, whats the problem???


Please help me i need the answer very hard and plz dont guess ty <3



Ronne ice shelf


80 degrees south and 70 degrees meet more inland than the Weddel Sea on the Ronne Ice Shelf. Mt Everest is on a different continent. Erebus is in west Antartica and the south pole is 0 degrees south

What does nbt stands for



National Benchmark Tests

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

The full meaning that can be associated to NBT is  National Bank Trust .

What is National Bank Trust ?

National Bank Trust can be explained as a bank which serves as  a provider of various financial solutions across the country.

This bank is well known as a result of their stable operation, It offers to the public investment banking.

Some of other serves that this bank offers are:

risk management retail banking other services.

Therefore, National Bank Trust gives financial solutions to their customers the country.

Learn more about National Bank Trust at;


This person led a fight against state income taxes and initiated the North American Indian Unity Caravan.

Select the best answer choice.
John Trudell
Ada Deer
Charles Eastman
Wallace Anderson


I think it is Charles Eastman
I believe it’s C. Charles Eastman

Which series of processes CANNOT happen in the water cycle?


Runoff>precipitation > condensation

What is the momentum of a car that weighs 1500 kg going 30 m/s? p=mv





mass (m) = 1500 kg

Velocity (v)= 30 m/s

Momentum = ?

we know that momentum is the product of mass and velocity so

Momentum = m * v

                   = 1500 * 30

                   = 45000 kg m/s

hope it helps :)

One of the advantages of a home equity loan is that you can borrow money any time, up to the approved amount. true or false








HELOC is borrow upto

Can somebody help me?



Election of Hayes, and the withdraw from the south

Does rapid economic growth, due to industrialization, have a positive or negative effect on the quality of life for humans


I actually think it has a positive effect but it also made us be lazy

If research could show that the tendency to commit a crime is inherited, what should be done with the young children of violence-prone criminals



parents should be role models towards their children and teach them whats right and whats wrong

The largest threat created by hurricanes usually comes from __________.

storm surges


Answer: its c


The answer is storm surges

Describe with a little explanation the three levels of government we have in
USA! Help plz



Legislative—Makes laws, Executive—Carries out laws, and Judicial—Evaluates laws


Legislative—Makes laws (Congress, comprised of the House of Representatives and Senate)

Executive—Carries out laws (president, vice president, Cabinet, most federal agencies)

Judicial—Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and other courts)

why is political political instability necessary in the country?​



Political instability is likely to shorten policymakers' horizons leading to sub- optimal short term macroeconomic policies. It may also lead to a more frequent switch of policies, creating volatility and thus, negatively affecting macroeconomic performance.


I hope that this will help you...

With respect to religiosity and women a. Protestantism offered women a way to express religious independence, but mysticism did not. b. both mysticism and Protestantism allowed women a way to express independence in religious matters. c. mysticism offered women a way to express religious independence, but Protestantism did not. d. women were prohibited from expressing religious independence in both mysticism and Protestantism.



Queen Elizabeth I inherited a nation suffering from religious flux, but went on to ... this decision when she restored Roman Catholicism as the state religion, and the Pope ... Returning to Protestantism would align England with the Dutch, its main ... This change of title placated those who did not feel that a woman could be ...

Identify the constitutional provision that is common in both United States v. Virginia (1996) and Brown v. Board of Education (I) (1954). Based on the constitutional provision provided in part (A), explain how the decision in Brown v. Board of Education (I) (1954) compares to the decision in United States v. Virginia (1996). Explain how voters who disagree with the holding in United States v. Virginia (1996) could act to limit its impact.



1. The equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment is the constitutional provision that was common in both cases.

2. Both cases bordered on issues of segregation. While Brown v Board of Education was a suit by African-American parents against the school board who instituted the separate but equal policy that prevented  white and black students from attending the same schools, United States v Virginia was a contest about the gender-biased admissions policy of Virginia Military Institute.

3. Voters who disagree with the holding in United States v Virginia can act to limit its impact by demonstrating "exceedingly persuasive justification" to support their view.


The fourteenth amendment states that, "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws". This law prohibits segregation on whatever basis. The two cases stated above were clear segregations based on race and gender respectively. In both cases, the supreme court ruled against the segregators.

For voters who wanted to contest the holding of the court, exceedingly persuasive justification was required of them. That was lacking in the defense of the VMI.

At a world conference to be conducted in Tokyo, representatives from nearly every country in the world will gather to discuss issues related to international trade. Representative A is from a authoritarian state. Representative B is from a socialist nation. Representative C hails from a democratic society.


Answer: B) Zimbabwe


Here's the remainder of the question:

Which of the following countries would Representative A most likely be from?

A) Denmark

B) Zimbabwe

C) Sweden

D) Australia

An authoritarian state is simply referred to as a country whereby there's separation of power. These countries typically lack freedom of religion. In such countries, the power is usually with the leader and doesn't really care about the people.

From the options given, the answer is Zimbabwe.

ANS FAST Predict any new development in the field of transport in India. WHO WILL GIVE THE WRITE ANS I WILL MARK HIM AS BRAINLIEST​



Passenger Mobility Enhancement


Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MORTH) Government of India Invites Expressions of Interest (E0I) from eligible firms for providing Consulting services to undertake a `Passenger Mobility Enhancement (PME)' Study No.7980-IN Reference No. WB TA - 27 for MORTH.

For some value of Z, the probability that a standard normal variable is below Z is 0.2090. The value of Z is:


Answer: -0.81


A standard normal random variable simply refers to the normally distributed random variable which has a imean of 0 and also had a standard deviation that has the value of 1.

The standard normal variable can also be represented by the letter Z. For some value of Z, the probability that a standard normal variable is below Z is 0.2090. The value of Z is -0.81.

The "Federal” in Federalism Name:
A. Crossword. Use what you learned in the reading to complete the crossword
5. Type of government where the central
government has all the power
6. Type of government where states and a central
government share power
10. Special name for powers that both the states
and federal government share
12. Powers that are actually stated in the
13. The federal government gets all of its power
from this
1. Type of government where the central


1.Federal republic


6. Federalism

10.Concurrent powers

12. The power to coin money, to regulate commerce, to declare war, to raise and maintain armed forces, and to establish a Post Office.

13.the Constitution

I was confused by your questoin if I got this incorrect am not aswering you correctly please tell me.

2. This permit is secured of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).​



Ten simple choices for a healthier planet.  

Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. ...  

Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your community. ...  

Educate. ...  

Conserve water. ...  

Choose sustainable. ...  

Shop wisely. ...  

Use long-lasting light bulbs. ...  

Plant a tree.

< >
Based on Source 1, the main trend shown in the graph is most directly
associated with which of the following processes occurring in Louisiana
at the time?
Active encouragement of migration by the Louisiana
B The emergence of a plantation-based economy in Louisiana.
Incentives offered by Louisiana companies looking to hire
skilled immigrants.
D Adoptions of free trade policies by the Louisiana government.


Answer: b

Explanation: i am smart thats why

The emergence of a plantation-based economy in Louisiana  is most directly associated with which of the following processes occurring in Louisiana at the time. Hence, option B is correct.

Why did Louisiana develop a plantation economy?

Louisiana was a major producer of cotton, sugar, and other agricultural items. Louisiana, like many other southern states, had a climate that was favorable for growing crops like sugar cane and cotton, both of which were traded internally and exported to other countries.

In the 1700s and 1800s, Louisiana's economy was mostly built on agriculture, with cotton serving as the state's main crop in the north and sugarcane in the south. From the late 1800s until the early 2000s, the state's economy was heavily reliant on the lumber industry.

An economy focused on agricultural mass production, typically of a few commodity crops, cultivated on huge farms tended by laborers or slaves is known as a plantation economy.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about Louisiana develop a plantation economy, click here:



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