What is the largest sea in the world.​


Answer 1
The largest sea in the world is the Philippine sea
Answer 2
The largest city in the world is the Philippine Sea
2.199 million mi²

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How is Kakadu managing the park in terms of sustainability



Due to Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and with the help of people that lives around the park.


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 is imposed on the park which helps in the sustainability of this park. This park is managed  by the Aboriginal traditional owners and the Director of National Parks mutually which enhances its sustainability. The people that lives around the park also protect the biodiversity of the park and avoid everything that threatens the sustainability of that park.

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A food chain is a collection of many different fong webs.
The food web in a tropical rainforest is different from that in a desert.
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✓ A food web is a collection of many different food chains.



a food web is a collection of many different food chain

a food chain is a collection of many different fong webs

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In the industrialized countries, we find the biggest share of people who are older than young.


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Adding a salad bar to a school lunch menu for students with restricted diets is an example of

evaluating a solution.
gathering information.
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weighing disadvantages.





Which of the following is a consequence of the new “24-hour news cycle”?

answer is d: It forces governments to respond and take action more quickly.

I hope that helps :)


What is the purpose of the United Nations? Select three choices.

Maintain world peace

Promote social progress

Promote social justice

Act as a free trade zone

Reduce greenhouse gases

Set rules for trade between nations

a,b and c are the correct answer on edg


How have countries in East Asia attempted to address their overpopulation issue? in one paragraph please!!



East Asia attempted to control their population issue by having the "one child" policy ,but because of gender imbalancement they allowed another child to be born ,allowing people to have 2 kids.

which two are false? FACT SHEET: TRUMAN DOCTRINE
A. $400 million of military and economic aid was proposed by Truman to help Greece & Turkey
B. This marked a shift in American foreign policy and marked the beginning of the Cold War
C. American & British political leaders believed democracies would be reliable allies in trade and war
D. The US feared the Communists would support Communists in the Greek Civil War
E. Congress vetoed Truman's request to send aid to Greece & Turkey
F. The USSR wanted Turkey to give the USSR rights to control the Turkish straits
G. American Diplomats feared a domino effect as Communism would spread across the mediterranean
H. Truman explicitly mentioned the USSR as a threat in his address to Congress
1: The Communist threat was intentionally overstated in Truman's message


The two false statements about the Truman doctrine are:

American & British political leaders believed democracies would be reliable allies in trade and warThe USSR wanted Turkey to give the USSR rights to control the Turkish straits.

What was the Truman Doctrine?

This was the foreign policy of the United States under Truman that had it that the United States would send economic and military assistance to threatened democratic nations.

The reason for this was the issue that arose due to communism in the world.

Read more on Truman doctrine here:



The topography of an includes which of the following?

A. deltas

B. landforms

C. All of the above

D. meandering rivers


C. All of the above !

pollution of groundwater how does it affect the atmosphere


The Effects of Pollutants on Groundwater Pollutants are so toxic to groundwater because water dissolves a wide range of chemicals, so even a small amount of contaminants will easily spread across the entire supply. A single litre of gasoline, for example, will pollute 1,000,000 litres of groundwater.

In the last years of the 20th century, immigrants into the United States were MOST likely to come from
Latin America.



I think either A or D


Ellis Island

Answer: D

Latin America


I will give brainliest
What is agglomeration economics​



Agglomeration economies are the benefits that come when firms and people locate near one another together in cities and industrial clusters.


Describe and explain one way that Stalin controlled the people of the USSR.
What caused the fall of the Soviet Union?
Describe one difference between the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War.
Then do what why and how...


using a combination of manipulation and terror to destroy his opposition

the Soviet Union began a slow process of democratization that eventually destabilized Communist control and contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Not only was the Soviet Union communist, they were totalitarian, meaning all the power was with the rulers. The United States was capitalist which meant that people could own land and businesses and compete for themselves.

hope this is helpful:)


1. Regime. The regime maintained itself in political power by means of the secret police, propaganda disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, personality cultism, restriction of free discussion and criticism, the use of mass surveillance, political purges and persecution of specific groups of people.

2.Gorbachev's decision to allow elections with a multi-party system and create a presidency for the Soviet Union began a slow process of democratization that eventually destabilized Communist control and contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

3.These differences between the two countries stemmed from their ideologies.  Communism was the ideology followed by the Soviet Union.  Originally founded by Karl Marx, it said that everything should be owned by the government and then divided up equally among the people who would then all work for it.  Not only was the Soviet Union communist, they were totalitarian, meaning all the power was with the rulers.

The United States was capitalist which meant that people could own land and businesses and compete for themselves.  This led to a stark contrast between poor and rich.  They were also a democracy, which meant it was the people who had a say by electing rulers.

In the Cold War, the division was between these two sides, and there was very little in between.

Project: in my tribe

Project Overview:
What would it have been like to have been a member of an early human tribe? How would you have fed, clothed, and housed

In this project, you'll use a combination of research and your imagination to develop and describe your own tribe of early

Use Internet or book research as needed; make sure to cite the URLs of any websites you consult.

As you imagine yourself going back
in time, you'll have a number of important decisions to make in order to create a realistic clan:

1. In which era do you live? Are you primarily a foraging and scavenging tribe? A hunting and gathering tribe? An early farmer?

2. Where do you live? Name and describe your region of the world. Is it dry and rocky? Tropical and humid? Cold in winter and hot
in summer?

3. Who is in your tribe? Describe the number and type of people: How many men? How many women? How many children? What
do they wear?

4. Describe your lifestyle: Are you nomadic or have you begun to set down roots? How do you get food to feed yourself and the rest
of the tribe? Do you eat primarily vegetation or do you have meat and milk? What are your primary food sources?

5. Where do you sleep at night? Where do you cook? Where do you bathe?

6. What do you call your tribe or does it not have a name?

7. If you cultivate food and domesticate animals, describe how you do this. For example, what do you feed the animals? How do you do this. For example, what do you feed the animals? How do you plant and harvest crops?

8. Does your tribe use tools, if so, describe them.

9. Do you always have food or are there times you go hungry?

10. Do you have interactions with other tribes? if so, describe them.




1) We lived int he 1720s. We are a hunting and gathering tribe.

2) We lived in near mountain terrain and near forests. Its dry and rocky. And cold in winter and hot in summer.

3) men women and children. Awe have 24,890 women, 56,789 men And 13,896 children. We wore animal skin.

4) we are nomadic. We gather and hunt. Both. Berries, rabbits, and deer.

5) we slept in tents. We cooked outside. We bathed in rivers and lakes.

6) it does not have a name

7) we gaint he animals trust and train them to help us hunt and sniff for berry bushes. We feed the animals berries and meat.

8) Our tribe uses bows and arrows, spears, and axes for hunting. We use our hands and rocks for harvesting and digging.

9) There are times we are hungry in the winter mostly.

10) no

Describe the government structure of Rome?



today it is Republican and aristocratic

Pls help It’s due now



Hope this helps have a great day!


evaporation = gas

condensation= liquid

Melting= liquid

freezing= solid


1) Evaporation- Change from a liquid to a gas

2) Condensation- Change from a gas to a liquid

3) Melting- Change from a solid to a liquid

4) Freezing- Change from a liquid to a solid

how does the
weather affect tourist
at work​




If the weather is bad the tourist will most likely be in a bad mood, especially if they forgot their umbrella. If its cold, and they're standing around then they're gonna complain about the fact they're cold. If its a clear sunny day they will most likely take pictures and post them on social media which will boost the sites popularity as rhwi friends and followers may now want to visit

please help i need this since it is due today..!



Ediacara fauna, also called Ediacara biota, unique assemblage of soft-bodied organisms preserved worldwide as fossil impressions in sandstone from the Ediacaran Period (approximately 635 million to 541 million years ago)—the final interval of both the Proterozoic Eon (2.5 billion to 541 million years ago) and Precambrian time (4.6 billion to 541 million years ago).

The discovery of the Ediacara fauna demonstrated that a far more complex level of evolution had been achieved during Precambrian time than had been previously thought.

It had long been thought that the Ediacara fauna became entirely extinct at the end of the Precambrian, most likely because of heavy grazing by early skeletal animals. However, more recently, it was thought that environmental events such as changes in sea level played a greater role in the extinction of many Ediacaran organisms. Yet, recent discoveries have led to the current view that a few Ediacara-type organisms continued into the Cambrian. Moreover, some calcareous shelly fossils and sponge spicules have been found in Ediacara-age sediments, indicating that there was some overlap between the Precambrian soft-bodied organisms and the organisms with skeletons in the Cambrian.

Hope done for the question. Do mark me as brainliest.

Describe types of pollution​



When you think of environmental pollution, it typically comes in seven different types. These include air, water, land, radioactive, thermal, light, and sound pollution. Explore the definition and causes of each type of pollution.


types of pollution are follow

1 land pollution

2.water pollution

3. air pollution

4.noise pollution

thermal pollution

How did the Great Leap Forward impact China? Check all that apply.
A. It pushed China's progress back many years.
B. It sparked change that greatly altered China by the 1960s.
C. Steel production flourished in rural Chinese villages.
D. Over 10 million people died of starvation​



Option D) Over 10 million of people died of starvation.

may be this is the answer

I need HELP QUICK!!!
In what three countries was the Vietnam War fought?

Vietnam, Korea, and Japan

Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore

Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia

Vietnam, Laos, and Burma



Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia (srry if its wrong)

A right triangle and two of its side lengths are shown in the diagram.
39 cm
12 cm
x cm
Which measurement is closest to the value of x in centimeters?



B. 1.9 mi


The shortest distance from Natasha's house to the library = hypotenuse of the triangle = x

Since the triangle is a right triangle, we can find x by applying Pythagorean Theorem.


x² = 1.7² + 0.9²

x² = 2.89 + 0.81

x² = 3.7

√x² = √3.7

x ≈ 1.9 mi

What physical features would a traveler oh the Silk Road likely not have encountered? * (A )desert (B)mountain(C) tundra (D)rivers​



Pretty sure it's C. Tundra


There are not a lot of grasslands.

Hope that helps

5.Which of the following key words are associated with the water cycle?. Multiple choice.


Surface run-off





surface run-off



Surface Run-Off


what is erosion

a.when material can no longer be carried and is dropped.

b.when material is moved from one place to another

c.when material is gradually worn away​


C I think I’m not really sure

evidence that the earths surface is moving


Evidence that the Earth’s surface moves is that earthquakes happen. This is evidence because earthquakes happen from movement.

Hope this helps.
There’s a earthquake when two plates meet

Which of the following is an example of the effect of human life of weather, climate, or other systems in Earth's atmosphere?
A) Clouds in the upper atmosphere are made of ice crystals, white lower clouds are made of water droplets
B) Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans
C) The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami killed over 250,000 people
D) During the last ice age, the continental glaciers were biggest between 20,000 years ago and 18,000 years ago






The answer is B: Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans.


I just took the test

What is Mesopotamia/Sumer social structure?




The populations of these cities were divided into social classes which, like societies in every civilization throughout history, were hierarchical.


In Ancient Sumer, the social structure was very important. There were three different classes; the upper class, the common class, and the bottom. In the upper class, there were the priests, landowners, and government officials. They lived in the middle, or center of the city.

the route to the gautrain station at OR Rambo international airport



The distance between O.R. Tambo International Airport and Gautrain Sandton Station is 17 km.


I hope this is what you were looking for! :D

The route to the Gautrain station has a railway link that runs to the OR Tambo International Airport.

About Gautrain Station

Gautrain Station is known to run north to south between Johannesburg and Pretoria on a rail link. Then it runs west to east between Sandton and OR Tambo International Airport.

The Gautrain actually operates a train from OR Tambo International Airport to Sandton. The stops on the Gautrain routes actually includes interesting places and destinations.

Learn more about Gautrain Train on https://brainly.com/question/26609556

.Explain how human and physical factors can increase flooding (6 marks) ​


Human factors increasing flood risk: urbanisation , because towns and cities have more impermeable surfaces. deforestation , because removing trees reduces the amount of water intercepted and increases run-off.

•Physical factors are below:
heavy rainfall.
long periods of rain.
steep slopes.
impermeable rock (doesn't allow water through)
very wet, saturated soils.
compacted or dry soil.

Which city is CORRECTLY matched with its country?

A) Mecca, Iraq
B) Rabat, Morocco
C) Istanbul, Iran
D) Jerusalem, Jordan






B) Rabat, Morocoo


It's the capital of Morocco,

and the others are not correct

What is the source of energy that powers wind and flowing water



Kinetic energy deals with motion hence powers the wind and flowing water



The sun heats the earth's surface and the Earth heats the air above it, causing wind.


Water evaporated by the sun forms clouds and rain to give us flowing streams and rivers. Both wind and flowing water (hydropower) are sources of energy. So you see, the sun is the source of many kinds of energy found in nature.

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