What is the concept of inferiority feelings and compensation and who gave it?


Answer 1

All people, according to Adler, feel inadequate as children and spend the rest of their lives attempting to make up for those sentiments.

Different people have inferiority complexes to differing degrees when they transition from childhood dependency to adult freedom. An inferiority complex is "a fundamental sense of inadequacy and insecurity, arising from actual or perceived physical or psychological lack," according to the American Psychological Association (APA).When we first learn about ourselves as infants and young children, we often experience sentiments of inferiority that are common to all people. These feelings include thoughts of incompleteness, smallness, frailty, ignorance, and reliance. In psychology, an inferiority complex is a strong sense of personal inadequacy that frequently leads to the idea that one is somehow lacking or beneath others.

Thus this is the concept of inferiority feelings.

Refer here to learn more about inferiority feelings: brainly.com/question/29459971


Related Questions

One of the most important aspects of a speech conclusion is to help your audience realize that the speech is about to end.


The given statement that one of the most important aspects of a speech conclusion is to help your audience realize that the speech is about to end is true.

What is the purpose of Speech Conclusion?

The finish of a speech is just as crucial as the start in terms of its success. The main principle behind the recency effect is that people are more likely to remember and make judgements about things based on the first and last bits of information they hear. Although a well-written introduction and conclusion won't make up for a speech that was poorly written, the primary recency effect does give a presentation's introduction and conclusion crucial value.

Goal 1: Go over the key points

A conclusion should include a concise recap of the speech's main ideas. Reminding the listener of the speech's important points serves as its goal. Follow these two guidelines to improve recall:

1. Avoid mentioning any sub-points or digressions and stick to the exact same terminology and names for each primary point as in the introduction's general overview.

2. Review the key ideas in the order they were discussed.

Goal 2: Summarize the subject

In a speech, repetition is a positive thing. It's crucial to remind them of the speech's main idea and purpose after you've covered all of your main points and supporting points, just as you did when you invited them to listen to your speech in support of your thesis in the opening.

Goal 3: Offer an enduring idea

Your speech's conclusion should be made very clear in your conclusion. The tone, inspiration, or intrigue that the audience should have gained from listening to the presentation should be established by the speaker's final words. The useful attention-getting tactics for your conclusion are outlined on the following page to assist you in doing this.

To know more about Speech conclusion visit:



What are the reason why massive open online courses becoming popular nowadays?


MOOCs are most popular with younger generations. Almost two-thirds of students taking MOOCs are under 35 years old. However, people of all ages join the classes.

Free MOOCs attract students who either can't afford a college education or aren't interested in one. Other attendees are people who want to learn more about a hobby or topic of interest.

The popularity of MOOCs surged during the pandemic. Perhaps new students were unable to attend in-person schools and sought an alternative. Or maybe people who lost their jobs turned to MOOCs to learn new skills and increase their employability.

MOOC is an online course anyone can take. MOOCs often enroll large numbers of students from all over the world. Since MOOC classes are online, students can take courses offered by universities and countries in another part of the world. Individuals who would otherwise not be able to attend prestigious universities can learn from Harvard, Yale, and Stanford.

To know more about MOOC visit:



Is mashed potatoes good for?


Because they sometimes contain additions that increase saturated fat and sodium, mashed potatoes, a popular comfort food, are frequently less healthful than other potato recipes.

The American Heart Association has designated potatoes as a food that promotes heart health since they are a natural supply of fibre, protein, and starchy carbohydrates. It is a widely used and important source of food worldwide. Improves digestion is just one of potatoes' many health advantages. Fiber, which helps you lose weight by keeping you fuller longer, is found in potatoes. By regulating blood sugar and cholesterol, fibre can help avoid heart disease. Additionally, potatoes are a great source of vitamins that support healthy bodily functioning and antioxidants that fight disease. Potatoes

To learn more about carbohydrates  please click on below link



Which phrase signals a cause-and effect relationship



C) and thus


I'm assuming that this was a question with an answer choice.

What is BTS songs all about?


With songs that criticise the elder generation, describe the struggles associated with bullying, and advocate for today's young, BTS have developed a reputation for speaking out against injustice and advocating for them.

For instance, BTS typically composes music on challenges affecting young people, such as financial instability, social pressure, and mental health problems. This makes it possible for followers to relate to the members on a global scale. Initially, BTS set out to become a hip-hop group that would create songs for young people. BTS has a lot of songs with lyrics addressing societal issues that appeal to young people all across the world, including those in generation South Korea. Another significant distinction is that BTS are a great deal more expressive.

To learn more about generation please click on below link



What is the best way to combine the following sentences?
We should go to the mall. After school.
After school, we should go to the mall.
We should go to the mall, after school.
We should go to the mall, and after school.
After school, to the mall we should go


After school, we should go to the mall

What is the message of Frederick Douglass Narrative?


The narrative by Douglass demonstrates how white slaveowners maintain slavery by putting their slaves in the dark. Many individuals at the moment Douglass was writing thought that slavery was indeed a natural order of affairs.

The narration of Frederick Douglass tells the tale of his life as just an American slave. Its goals were to raise awareness of the brutality of slavery & to show that Black people may succeed just as easily as White people do. He maintained that Black people should have the similar human rights as everybody else and that slavery must be eliminated. One of the most significant American abolitionists wrote an autobiographical book called The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.

To know more about Frederick Douglass:



questions 1. what words does the author use to describe the powers in the constitution? 2. does the necessary and proper clause quoted in this excerpt comfort or upset the author? why? 3. does the author believe a bill of rights is necessary? yes no? 4. does the author trust the future members of congress? why does this matter?


Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist Bill of Rights

The words used by the author to describe the powers in the constitution are: Unlimited, unbound, immense and undefined.The necessary and proper clause quoted in the expert makes the author upset. This is because it makes the author have an opinion that there is nothing that can prevent congress from being overbearing.Yes, the author feels that the Bill of Rights is necessary. He feels that congress has too much power vested in them thus making the bill of rights necessary to check the powers of congress in order to protect the population and state.The author does not trust the future members of congress and remains skeptical whether they shall remain wise. This matters because congress has a lot of power bestowed on it and therefore the wisdom of members of congress shall help them handle the power to the advantage of the state and population.

Read more: https://brainly.com/question/17739278


In this selection from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, what becomes of Equiano and the other Africans when they are taken ashore in Barbados?



In this selection from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, what becomes of Equiano and the other Africans when they are taken ashore in Barbados? They are sold into slavery.


Does being open-minded increase self confidence?




Being open-minded means you allow yourself to think beyond the boundaries where you normally would have stopped yourself. You gain self-confidence. Being open-minded leads one to get more ideas, facts, knowledge and wisdom, all of which are necessary elements to living life in a confident manner.

What is the effect of alliteration and repetition in the poem?


A poem or piece of prose's mood or tone can be influenced by the use of alliteration. Repetition in poetry refers to the use of similar words, phrases, lines, or stanzas.

For instance, the repeated "s" sound frequently conveys a snake-like character, signifying cunning and danger. A more contemplative or romantic atmosphere or tone may be produced by using softer sounds like "h" or "l." Stanzas are collections of connected lines. Repetition can be employed to generate rhythm, develop a sense of urgency, or stress a mood or concept.Repetition may either establish or disrupt a rhythm. This will eventually have an impact on the text's environment or tone. You must analyze these changes closely and determine their importance. The issue that is highlighted most frequently has a deeper meaning, like symbolism.

Thus this is the effect of alliteration and repetition in the poem.

Refer here to learn more about alliteration and repetition in the poem: https://brainly.com/question/15195481


"Into Thin Air" by Jon Krakauer what is the Kangshung I need this answered right away please


He presents Milo with a tiny facsimile of his miraculous pencil is the Kangshung.

What was the authors message in The Phantom Tollbooth?

The main themes of The Phantom Tollbooth are education and boredom. Through his adventures, Milo picks up a lot of knowledge, but maybe most importantly, he realizes how much fun learning can be. The story also shows that boredom may strike even in the strangest circumstances.

The classic children's book "The Phantom Tollbooth" by Norton Juster begins with that statement. It was initially released in 1961 and soon gained popularity. At his residence in Northampton, Massachusetts, Juster passed away yesterday.

Thus, He presents Milo with a tiny facsimile of his miraculous pencil.

For more information about message in The Phantom Tollbooth, click here:



Which poetic form is made up of 14 lines, was made famous by Petrarch, and
uses a rhyme scheme of abbaabba cdcdcd?
O A. Villanelle
O B. Italian sonnet
O C. Free verse
OD. English sonnet


Petrarchan sonnets are 14 words long, a first eight lines rhyme ABBAABBA, while the six straight lines may rhyming CDCDCD or CDECDE.

Why is a poem considered Petrarchan?

The essential essential components define a Petrarchan sonnet: There are fourteenth lines of literature in it.   The octave has an ABBA ABBA rhyming pattern.

What are the topics of Petrarch?

Typical of Petrarchan sonnets, the problem is addressed twice. The octave's first eight lines present a challenge, pose a query, or convey suspense. The issue has been solved, the problem is answered, or the suspense is released in the final six lines, or perhaps the italian sonnet.

To know more about Petrarchan visit:






Based on his own experience, Dutton believes...


Being an adult has many duties that some teenagers do not have, which in my opinion puts a lot of pressure on them. Additionally, because they are still children and should be concentrating on their education rather than life's difficulties, they shouldn't be treated like adults.

What is education?

Both imparting information to others and absorbing it from someone else are acts of education. Education also covers the institution of teaching as a whole as well as the information acquired via formal education or instruction. There are a few other noun senses for education.

Actor and filmmaker Charles Stanley Dutton hail from the United States. He received a Golden Globe Award nomination for his work in the television movie The Piano Lesson as well as the television series Roc. Three Primetime Emmy Awards and three NAACP Image Awards are among his numerous honors.

Therefore,  Education rather than life's difficulties, shouldn't be treated like adults.

Learn more about education here:




that adolescent offenders can be redeemed if given the chance

Explanation:He just wants a second chance

- What is the person called on an Agile team who gets to decide what goes on the sprint backlog and whether a task is done or not?


The person who is called on an Agile team who gets to decide what goes on the sprint backlog and whether a task is done or not is the product owner.

An agile team is a group of employees, contractors, or freelancers responsible for executing a project. The development team decides what they can accomplish and commit to for the upcoming sprint.

So it's the following: The Product Owner brings forward the objectives that Sprint should achieve and the Product Backlog Items that would help achieve these objectives. The product owner considers a variety of business factors and influences when making those decisions.

He is responsible for making sure that the entire project is a success. They prioritize their users. Scrum is a framework within which you can employ various processes and techniques.

To know more about the Agile team,




What type of matter is mashed potatoes?


Mashed potatoes could be either a liquid or a solid. The final say, of however, belonged to the TSA personnel: Since the potatoes assumed the shape of their container

it was concluded that they were a liquid, more particularly, a gel. The USDA nutritional food group Vegetables and Vegetable Products includes mashed potatoes. A potato is classified as having solids or starches. Although the majority of potatoes have stable solids chemistry, occasionally one will make up to your kitchen and turn out to be an overachiever. Boiling and crushing potatoes into a soft mass, frequently with butter and milk, is what is known as making mashed potatoes. Due to the quantity of carbs they contain, potatoes are classified as a starchy vegetable, according to Dunn.

To learn more about  occasionally  please click on below link



What does Farquhar's wife represents?


Although she is largely an imagined presence throughout the entire novel, Farquhar's wife emerges as a symbol of innocence and familial safety.

A devoted lady who represents the security and tranquility Farquhar craves in her home. Farquhar's wife, however, also stands for the realm that Farquhar rejects in embarking on his rash expedition to derail the North's effort. His wealth and contentment at home are insufficient for him; he is desperate to find other means to support himself and establish his reputation. Even still, in his most desperate hour, he keeps coming back to her image and his memories of his kids.

To know more about Owl Creek bridge, refer to this link:



Look at the poster. poster about supercharged auburn cars for h. o. harrison company . what technique does the advertisement use to achieve its purpose? it encourages people to join the rest of society in buying a new car. it presents a type of car as a new and exciting purchase. it makes positive generalizations about people who buy cars. it shows a car that will appeal to viewers’ sense of nostalgia.


Technique does the advertisement use to achieve its purpose for poster about supercharged auburn cars for h. o. harrison company is it presents a type of car as a new and exciting purchase. the correct answer is B.

What is behind the word advertising?

The ad shows nice pictures of nice cars and explains that it is a very good choice.

It uses exclamation points to create a mood of excitement and also provides some of the key features of the poster's model.

Based on the full text, there are images showing the new car and people are marveling at the car's design.

All of this tells us that the ad presents the car model as a new and exciting purchase.

your question is incomplete because of the poster is missing, but most probably the poster was attached below.

Read more about advertisement techniques here:




b) It presents a type of car as a new and exciting purchase.


edge 2023

can anyone please help on 7th grade english



Pete's performance did not go as well as he had hoped.


Both Montag(Fahrenheit 451) and equality(Anthem) lived in socities where they werent allowed to think for themselves and were forced to comply with a dystopian societies standards. what can you or students learn from montag and equality's conflicts and action is a post pandemic life?



When examining Fahrenheit 451 as a piece of dystopian fiction, a definition for the term "dystopia" is required. Dystopia is often used as an antonym of "utopia," a perfect world often imagined existing in the future. A dystopia, therefore, is a terrible place. You may find it more helpful (and also more accurate) to conceive a dystopian literary tradition, a literary tradition that's created worlds containing reactions against certain ominous social trends and therefore imagines a disastrous future if these trends are not reversed. Most commonly cited as the model of a twentieth-century dystopian novel is Yevgeny Zamiatin's We (1924), which envisions an oppressive but stable social order accomplished only through the complete effacement of the individual. We, which may more properly be called an anti-utopian work rather than a dystopian work, is often cited as the precursor of George Orwell's 1984 (1948), a nightmarish vision of a totalitarian world of the future, similar to one portrayed in We, in which terrorist force maintains order.

What is your conceptual understanding of research explain the importance of research?


Concept-ual research is defined as a method-ology wherein research is conduct-ed by observing and analyzing already present inform-ation on a given topic. Conceptual rese-arch doesn't involve conducting any prac-tical experiments. It is related to abstract conce-pts or ideas.

What is Research?

Research is the careful consider-ation of study regarding a part-icular concern or problem using scien-tific methods. Research is a system-atic inquiry to describe, explain, pre-dict, and control the observed pheno-menon. It involves inductive and deduct-ive methods.

Resea-rch is conducted with a pur-pose to :

Identify potent-ial and new cust-omers

Under-stand exist-ing customers

Set prag-matic goals

Develop product-ive market strategies

To know more about research click below:



select the type of sample that proportionately reflects the relevant diversity of opinions in the population from which it is drawn.


A representative sample is the type of sample that proportionately reflects the relevant diversity of opinions in the population from which it is drawn. Representative sampling is a form of survey sampling that seeks to ensure that the sample accurately reflects the population from which it is drawn.

Representative sampling involves randomly selecting a sample of respondents that are proportionally representative of the population. This type of sampling is often used when conducting research or surveys as it is the best way to ensure that the sample accurately reflects the opinions of the population.

The importance of representative sampling lies in its ability to provide accurate and reliable data that can be used to generalize to the population. As the sample is drawn from the population, it should accurately reflect the opinions and characteristics of the population. Representative samples are typically more reliable than non-representative samples as they are more likely to accurately reflect the true opinions and characteristics of the population.

Learn more about population at :https://brainly.com/question/27991860


a statement that is formulated as a question but that is not supposed to be answered. A. True
B. False


The statement about a statement which is formulated as a question but that is not supposed to be answered is true.

Thus, the correct option is A.

What are rhetorical questions?

А rhetoricаl question is а question thаt's аsked for effect with no аnswer expected. The аnswer mаy be immediаtely provided by the questioner or obvious.

Rhetoricаl questions cаn be used аs аn effective communicаtion tool during а speech. These questions provide you with а wаy of controlling the speech аnd thoughts of the аudience. Rhetoricаl questions with obvious аnswers аre аsked аbout well-known fаcts or the аnswer is suggested bаsed on the question's context. They аre used to emphаsises аn ideа or point:

Are you kidding me?Who knows?

For more information about rhetorical questions refer to the link:



in the tragedy of macbeth, act iii, which is most clearly a reason macbeth fears banquo?


The clearest reason Macbeth fears Banquo is the words of the witches to Banquo about his descendants who will inherit the throne.

Macbeth is one of Shakespeare's plays. It tells a story about Macbeth.

Macbeth is the Scottish General to King Duncan. He changed after being whispered by three witches telling him he will become King of Scotland. He killed Duncan to quickly get to the throne. Macbeth tells everyone that it was his servant who killed him. However, Macbeth worries that Banquo suspects him of killing Duncan.

Macbeth's confusion and fear increase when he hears the three witches' prediction of Banquo. The witches tell that Banquo's descendants will occupy the throne. Macbeth fears that Banquo and his children will fight him to put his own children in the line of inheritance. This is the strongest reason why Macbeth killed Banquo and his family. However, the plan to kill Banquo's child failed. And in the end, just as the three witches had predicted, Banquo's children inherited the throne.

More about Shakespeare here:



What are 3 centrifugal force examples?


The tension force in the string of swinging tethered ball and the gravitational force keeping a satellite in orbit.

In Newtonian mechanics, the centrifugal force is an inertial force that appears to behave on all gadgets whilst considered in a rotating frame of reference. it's miles directed far away from an axis that is parallel to the axis of rotation and passes thru the coordinate machine's starting place.

Centrifugal force is the outward pressure, away from the axis of rotation, performing on a revolving object. Centrifugal force is the tendency of an item shifting in a circle to travel far from the middle of the circle.

Centrifugal pressure is a pseudo pressure in a circular movement that acts along the radius and is directed far from the center of the circle. it is located from an inertial body of reference. it's far-found from a non-inertial frame of reference.

Learn more about centrifugal force here:-https://brainly.com/question/954979


William Whipple, American Hero
We are used to thinking of the American Founding Fathers as heroes. They took on the British Empire, the greatest military force at the time, and defied a king. As representatives of their home communities, they took great risks to draft a document explaining the reasons to seek independence. Speaking out against the king was considered treason and would have resulted in financial ruin and even death for anyone caught.

For one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, though, the act of signing was more than just the act of rebellion we know all the signers for. For William Whipple, the signing was a commitment to liberty that few signers lived up to.

According to the book Lives of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence, William Whipple was born in Kittery, Maine, in 1730. William attended public school and took a job on a merchant ship shortly after finishing. His sea voyages were very successful, and when he retired from the sea he had made a small fortune.

With that fortune, William became a successful businessman in Portsmouth before the Revolution. In part because of his success in business, he was elected to represent his community at the state congress. In 1775, he was selected as a delegate to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. He participated in the congress, ultimately signing his name, with many others, to the document that launched the rebellion.

War came shortly after the signing, and William was appointed to serve in the militia assigned to protect New Hampshire. At the time he began his military service, William owned a slave like most of his peers. The slave, named Prince, would have been expected to join William and serve with him in battle. As they were preparing to leave, Prince told William, "I have no freedom to fight for, sir." Seeing the truth in this, William is reported to have freed Prince immediately.

Today, we look back on history through a great fog of time, and with lenses clouded by our own modern values. Our Founding Fathers displayed admirable courage in crafting and signing such a brilliant claim to human liberty. The idea that all people were created equal and endowed with certain rights was revolutionary in every way. The idea that government's job was to protect this equality and these rights was also revolutionary. We can admire the signers' commitment to these principals, and also know that the issue of slavery divided the nation from the signing until long after the end of the Civil War. We would perhaps have had a different history if more of the signers, like Whipple, had seen the cruel irony in declaring the oppression of Britain unjust and at the same time oppressing an entire race of people.

What is the main idea of the bolded paragraph? (5 points)

The Founding Fathers are known for the great risks they took to secure freedom.

The Founding Fathers committed treason and could have been killed for signing.

The Founding Fathers failed to live up to the promise of the Declaration of Independence.

The Founding Fathers had many reasons to seek independence and defy the king.






They took on the British Empire, the greatest military force at the time, and defied a king. As representatives of their home communities, they took great risks to draft a document explaining the reasons to seek independence.

The client becomes a symbol of the inherent mistrust that exists in majority-minority relationships is a character of which challenge associated with counseling white clients


One aspect of transmitting racial hatred to White clients related to counseling White clients is being a representation of the ingrained mistrust that exists in majority-minority relationships.

Understand how someone thinks and feels during a logical or rational encounter. Empathy for emotions. recognizing another person's emotions so that you can feel them as well.

Instead of the exclusion of other ethnic groups from a community, monoculturalism can occasionally take the form of the active preservation of a nation's national subculture through the exclusion of foreign influences. Examples of this type of monoculturalism are Japan, South Korea, and North Korea.

To know more about Mistrust, refer to this link:



Why are BTS fans called army?


BTS coined the term ARMY, which stands for "Adorable Representative MC for Youth."

When did BTS start calling their fans ARMY?

As fans are aware, BTS' fandom name ARMY was established on July 9, 2013, shortly after the release of the band's first single, "2 Cool 4 Skool." The term is an abbreviation for "Adorable Representative M.C. For Youth," but it also has other meanings.

What exactly does the term ARMY mean?

är mein är-m plural armies: a large organised body of armed personnel trained for land warfare. a unit capable of acting independently, typically consisting of a headquarters, two or more corps, and auxiliary troops Often capitalised: a country's entire military organisation for land warfare.

How big is the BTS ARMY in the world?

According to some sources, the group has over 90 million fans worldwide, based on their social media accounts.

learn more about bts ARMY visit:



Write a comparative essay of at least 750 words that analyzes the poetry of the Neoclassicism period and the Romantic period.


Romanticism and neoclassicism are frequently seen as competing tendencies. regard to emotion and imagination.

What is an image?

An image is a visual interior representation of something. It can be two-dimensional, three-dimensional, or in some manner otherwise feed into the visual system to communicate information. An image can be an artifact, such as exposure or other two-dimensional picture, that resembles.

The primary distinction between neoclassicism and romanticism is that the formerly placed emphasis on objectivity, order, and restraint while the latter did so with regard to emotion and imagination.

Neoclassical poetry is a subgenre of poetry that is structured in a similar way to the poetry of the Greek and Roman poets of antiquity. Leading poets who rejected the established poetic schools and looked to the writings of classical Greek and Roman authors for inspiration included Pope and Dryden.

Therefore, As competing tendencies. regard to emotion and imagination.

Learn more about images here:



read the narrative prompt: write an essay about your favorite outdoor activity. which of the choices is the best implied thesis statement for the prompt? (remember that an implied thesis statement is an overall idea or belief that a writer uses as the basis of the essay but never states directly in the writing.)



Write an essay abour whats your favrite thing to do outside


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