What is the Columbian Exchange?


Answer 1


Christopher Columbus brought horses, sugar plants, and disease to the New World and helped bring New World goods such as sugar, tobacco, chocolate, and potatoes to the Old World. The process of crossing the Atlantic Ocean for goods, people and disease is called the Columbian Exchange.

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How did Poland change after the war?


Answer: Poland change after ww2?

Explanation: Assuming you mean WW2. After the end of WW2 the Soviet Union seized the entire Polish territory.(with the permission of the US and UK but we won't get into that) Making it a communist soviet state.

but long story short Poland wasn't able to gain the independence until 1993

Which of the following led to increased tension between the United States and Japan in 1937?
the Nanjing Massacre
Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms speech
Japan’s oil exports
the Lend-Lease Act


The Nanjing Massacre led to increased tension between the United States and Japan in the year 1937.  

This Massacre constituted and event of mass murder and mass rap* committed by Japanese troops against the residents of Nanjing, which was the capital of the Republic of China, during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

The massacre spanned for six weeks starting on December 13, 1937, the day that the Japanese captured Nanjing.  

To know more about Sino- Japanese war




the Nanjing Massacre

Did the social and political changes of the 1830s and 1840s produce a more liberal or more conservative order in America?


Many countries in Europe, South America, and North America adopted liberal administrations during the 19th century. Classical liberalism's primary ideological foe during this time was conservatism.

What is liberalism?

A political and moral philosophy founded on the idea that every person has inherent rights, liberalism is popular in the United States.

As a shared foundation of liberalism, the essential liberal ideas of right to free speech, freedom of the press, liberty of religion, the separation between church and state, the right to due process, and equality before the law are widely acknowledged.

Due to the absence of a permanent hereditary nobility and much of the class conflict that defined Europe, American liberalism varies from liberalism around the world.

Learn more about liberalism, from:



The MOST important destructive force that can be seen in this picture is


Answer: Erosion by the action of water


France was the first foreign ally to the Americans during the American Revolution. Many of our Founding Fathers were influenced by French
Enlightenment philosophers.


Answer: true.


The Founding Fathers were heavily influenced by French philosopher Charles Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu when drafting the Constitution, most notably in connection with the separation of powers.Philosopher who influenced the Founding Fathers and the Constitution.


I agree with the person on top ^^

.Contextualization: How do you think U.S. government officials might have reacted to this
description of the reconcentration camps?


The U.S. government officials might have reacted to this description of the reconcentration camps as the following was

They would have been absolutely horrified. They would have thought we had to intervene.What is a reconcentration camp?

Generally, The first wave of the Spanish "Reconcentracion Policy" was initiated in 1896 by General Weyler of Spain.

This policy resulted in the internment of thousands upon thousands of Cubans in concentration camps. Any citizen who disobeyed Weyler's orders and did not relocate into the designated camps inside the fortified cities within the allotted time period was subject to execution by the firing squad. The rural population had eight days to comply with this directive.

Within the field of sociolinguistics, the term "contextualization" refers to the use of language to convey significant characteristics of a communicative or interactional setting.

This may contain hints as to who is speaking, their connection to one another, the location where the discussion is taking place, and a great deal more.

Read more about reconcentration camps



(C) Explain ONE historical situation in the period 1450-1750, other
than the ones illustrated in the passages, in which states in Asia orAfrica had an impact on the development of European states.


In order to boost their economies and encourage more vegetation growth, they traded enslaved people in Africa.Silk, spices, and rhubarb were all gathered in Asia, where they are all regarded as extremely valuable.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, how did Europeans participate in Indian Ocean trade?

In India, Europeans formed mercenary alliances with the Mughal Empire.The production and distribution of trade goods were controlled by European trade factories.

What effects did the rise of a global economy have on the social structures of European nations?

The growth of the global economy made it possible for countries to connect with each other more.Because of this access, indigenous people and Europeans were able to mix races, resulting in mestizos or mulattoes.Cultural designs in Europe changed to give a spot for those blended in with unadulterated European blood.

Learn more about traded enslaved here:



english-french rivalry in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries were centered on english claims in areas such as what


The rivalry of English and French in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries were centered in English who claim to the French throne.

What happen in these centuries?

In the 14th and 15th centuries, English kings claim to the French throne, that caused the Hundred Years' War. England, whose economy was supported by profits from the international wool and cloth trade, had some great military successes, but by the 1450s the country was in crisis and had failed militarily in France. , there was a threat of a prolonged recession. More social unrest erupted, followed by the Wars of the Roses, fought between rival factions of the English nobility. The victory of Henry VII in 1485 usually marks the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the early modern period in England.

Learn more about Hundred Years' War https://brainly.com/question/15766759


Prompt: Research different examples and uses of GMO crops. Develop an argument in support of the use of GMO crops and an argument against the use of GMO crops.


Higher yields, a longer shelf life, disease and pest resistance, and even improved flavor are all characteristics of genetically modified crops. For both farmers and consumers, these advantages are positive.

What benefits and drawbacks do GMOs have?

GMO foods are intended to be more cost-effective to produce and healthier. GMO food benefits include increased nutrition, a reduction in pesticide use, and lower costs. Allergies or a rise in antibiotic resistance are two drawbacks of GMO food.

What is an example of a GMO that will benefit people?

Certain GMO crops were created expressly with consumers in mind. For instance, a commercially developed and accessible GMO soybean is used to produce a healthier oil. Currently on the market, GMO apples that don't discolor when chopped could aid in lowering food waste.

To know more about GMO visit:



Intent of the 15th amendment?



The 15th amendment is  “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

This means that everyone and anyone can vote no matter the color of their skin, gender so on, every citizen is equal.

The intent of the 15th amendment was to emphasize the idea of equality through the ability to vote.

The 15th amendment is stated in the United States Constitution under these words: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” Before this period, many people were ineligible to vote due to their skin color and/or social status. This ineligibility denied them the rights to vote, opt out of involuntary servitude, participate in political office, and be considered citizens. This amendment aimed to support the overarching concept of equality through providing everyone the constitutional right to vote.

write a haiku about japan during the tokugawa period


Here Yositsune once fortified himself with some picked retainers, but his great glory turned in a moment into this wilderness of grass.

The towns of Kyto and saka dominated cultural activities throughout the first half of the Tokugawa period, but from around 1770 Edo (the present Tokyo) took the lead. Japan was prohibited from communicating with the outside world by official order from the middle of the 1630s to the early 1850s.

By deliberately balancing the power of potentially hostile domains (tozama) with friends (fudai) and collateral households (shimpan), Ieyasu, as shogun, was able to establish dominion over the whole nation.

As an additional method of control, Tokugawa period mandated that the domanial lords, or daimyo, retain residences in Edo, the Tokugawa administrative communicating capital (modern-day Tokyo), and spend a few months there every other year starting in 1635.

Learn more about  Tokugawa period, from:



Many of the elements of the government of the roman republic were adapted by the founding fathers and are still used in democratic governments today including?


They have also included parliaments, and constitutional monarchies to western europe.

Hope that helps, it wasn't much of an answer, but it is a fairly simple answer.

Describe the reaction when the French National Assembly ended slavery:

Watch the documentary on the Haitian Revolution titled: PBS Egalite for All: Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution (2009)
While watching the documentary, complete the viewing guide above


The French Revolution was a social and political conflict that spanned multiple violent epochs.

It engulfed France and, as a result of its ramifications, other nations in Europe as well. Both supporters and detractors of the Old Regime were at odds with one another.It began with the Third State's self-proclamation as a National Assembly in 1789 and ended with Napoleon Bonaparte's 1799 coup d'état.

Despite the fact that France's political structure in the nineteenth century fluctuated between republic, empire, and constitutional monarchy following Napoleon Bonaparte's coup d'état, the revolution brought an end to feudalism and absolutism in the country and established a new regime in which the bourgeoisie, sometimes supported by the popular masses, became the dominant political force.Beyond its death throes, the revolution weakened the monarchical system as a whole to the point where it overthrew it with a discourse and initiatives that rendered it illegitimate.

Learn about french revolution:



explain two methods that Britain used to gain an empire. ​


Answer: In the 16th Century, Britain began to build its empire – spreading the country's rule and power beyond its borders through a process called 'imperialism'. This brought huge changes to societies, industries, cultures and the lives of people all around the world.

From 1757 onwards, the British East India Company began to establish control over much of India. The money the British made by exploiting local rulers and workers funded the continuing progress of the Industrial Revolution. In 1858, India became an official colony of the British Empire.


which one the following phrases best describes slavery in Greece


explain a little more


What were the contributions of
women and African Americans on the home front during
Nenor the war?


Answer: African American women saw the majority of their advancement on the homefront. While men left to fight in the war, they still needed supplies and support from home, and many African American women took up the vacant jobs in manufacturing products to support the U.S military. Organizations like the YWCA and Red Cross were crucial for providing opportunities for African American women to join the war effort, provide employment, and make social progress.


How did God suggest to the Israelites that He wanted to be central in their lives and activities?


A. He told Joshua to set up a great stone in Shechem.

B. The Tabernacle, God's dwelling place among His people, was set up in Shiloh in the center of Canaan.

C. The Tabernacle was in the center of the tribes during their wandering in the wilderness.

D. He helped them take the city of Jericho which was in the center of the Promised Land.


"God suggested to the Israelites that He wanted to be central in their lives and activities through"-

"The Tabernacle, God's dwelling place among His people, was set up in Shiloh in the center of Canaan". "The Tabernacle was in the center of the tribes during their wandering in the wilderness".

"The word "Tabernacle" means "place of dwelling", known so in the idea that God physically resided in this religious place. When Israel was established , this was rooted in the area middle of the camp, which indicated that the God must be the center of people's lives and activities. In Jewish religion, this is a moveable structure built by 'Moses' as a praying area for the Hebrew tribes during the time of wandering that lead  to their advent in the so called, "Promised Land"."

To learn more about Israelites,



The flooded rivers of Mesopotamia carried small particles of rich soil called____.

A. sand
B. silt
C. clay
D. gravel


Answer: The flooded rivers of Mesopotamia carried small particles of rich soil called____.

D. gravel

explain how the land-based empires of the 1450-1750 time period developed (what allowed them to obtain and maintain power):


The land-based empires of the 1450-1750 time period developed due to a number of factors.

What is empire?
A political unit known as an empire is made up of many different nations and territories that is "typically established through conquest and divided into a dominant centre and subordinate peripheries." The empire's core has political sway over its outlying regions. Different populations that have different sets of rights and thus are governed differently do not have an equal status within an empire. According to a strict definition, an empire is a sovereign state with an emperor as its head of state; however, not all states with a combined territory under the control of supreme authorities are referred to as empires or ruled by emperors, and not all self-described empires have been recognised as such by historians and contemporaries.

The land-based empires of the 1450-1750 time period developed due to a number of factors. Firstly, the empires were able to take advantage of advances in technology and weaponry, which allowed them to obtain and maintain power. Secondly, the empires were able to benefit from the resources of the areas they conquered, which allowed them to expand their power. Finally, the empires were able to develop strong centralized governments, which helped them to maintain control over their territories.

To learn more about empire

In the early 1800s, the Supreme Court decisions associated with John Marshall consistently championed


The answer is national authority :)

why do the police stay loyal to stalin?


The reasons why the police stayed loyal to Stalin were:

The leadership was full of Stalin loyalists They knew first hand what would happen if they went against Stalin They were under constant surveillance

How did Stalin command the loyalty of the Police?

The police under Stalin were loyal to him and committed a lot of atrocities in this role. One reason they remained loyal was that all the leaders in the police were Stalin loyalists who both respected and feared him.

The Police were also under constant survellance to ensure that they were not traitors and they knew this. They also knew what hell awaited them if they went against Stalin and so they stayed loyal to avoid that fate.

Find out more on Stalin at https://brainly.com/question/21278155


Which of the following conclusions can be made regarding the Supreme Court and Marbury v. Madison?

Marbury v. Madison limited the Supreme Court’s authority over the other branches of government.

Marbury v. Madison strengthened the Judicial Branch by giving the Supreme Court judicial review.

Marbury v. Madison made the Supreme Court the most powerful branch of the Federal government.

Marbury v. Madison tied the Judicial Branch with the Legislative Branch.


Marbury v. Madison limited the Supreme Court’s authority over the other branches of government this conclusions can be made regarding the Supreme Court and Marbury v. Madison.

The Court determined that Madison's reluctance to provide the commission was not an ethical part, but it did not issue a writ of mandamus requiring Madison to produce Marbury's commission. Because it was the one which established the right of judicial review with regard to the Constitution for the U.S. Supreme Court, lower federal courts, and later also with the counterpart state courts, Marbury v. Madison is significant.

To know more about Marbury v. Madison's conclusion refer to:



How did the French respond when the United States refused to pay debts owed to France.


When France installed a new government, the United States refused to repay old debts to new leaders.

France stopped all trade with the United States when the United States refused to pay its debts to France. In 1795, with the help of American banker James Swann, America was finally able to settle its debts to the French government. Paying off the US debt to France would have been seen by Britain as an attempt by the US to strengthen and strengthen France over Britain.

Britain would have thought that the US-French alliance would rise again against Britain. This union of France and America would have disturbed the contemporary political atmosphere. France’s war with Britain impact the U.S. repayment of Revolutionary War debts as repayment of debt to France would be considered a hostile act to Britain.

Learn about france:



Boccaccio's Decameron, which explores the messiness of what people are really like, illustrates what late medieval movement?
Renaissance humanism
The Protestant Reformation
The Catholic Reformation


Boccaccio's Decameron, which explores the messiness of what people are really like, illustrates  Renaissance humanism. The appropriate response is option A.

What is Renaissance humanism?

In the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries, the study of classical antiquity saw a renaissance known as the Renaissance humanism, which began in Italy and then expanded throughout Western Europe.

Boccaccio, who is regarded as a key figure in the development of the European humanist literary culture that characterizes the Renaissance and beyond, was acutely aware of his role as a bridge between various cultures, including Christian and pagan, Italian, French, and Latin, classical and medieval, and Italian, French, and Latin.

To learn more about Renaissance humanism



What was an effect of the US increase in production during World War II?
It gave the Allies the advantage to win the war.
It gave the Axis the advantage to win the war.
It kept US factories busy throughout the world.
It kept only US soldiers well equipped.


The effect of the US increase in production during World War II was that It gave the Allies the advantage to win the war.

The US, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union were the main allies in World War II. The United States and the United Kingdom had been fighting Germany together since 1941. The Soviet Union joined the war in 1941 after Germany invaded it.

The Allies were victorious in World War II, and they occupied the Axis Powers after the war. The Allies then formed the United Nations, which is an international organization that promotes peace and security.

Hence, the correct option is "first".

To know more about Allies, click here.




A. It gave the Allies the advantage to win the war.


Got correct on Edge 2020. Hope this helps out : )

because the railroad commission and state board of education were not created by the texas constitution, their terms of office and size can be altered by


Because of the fact that the Railroad Commission along with the State Board of Education were not created by the Texas Constitution, their terms of office and size can be altered by passing a law, while changes that affects the terms of office and other responsibilities in the plural executive would require some constitutional amendment.

The term "Texas constitution" is used to describe the state of Texas's constitution. It has to do with the laws that are formed in the state and serve as guidelines for how the state's residents and state officials should behave.

The state's constitution did not establish the board of education that exists today. Therefore, when it comes to the state's schools, that is not what the state government should be using.

The state constitution has nothing to do with the board of education because they weren't involved in its creation.

While changes impacting terms of office and other responsibilities in the multiple executive would require constitutional amendment, changes affecting the Railroad Commission and State Board of Education could be made by passing a statute as they were not established under the Texas Constitution.

To learn more on Texas constitution click here:



According to Hindu beliefs, one's position in the caste system is determined by





reflection of accumulated merit in past lives

which factor initially prevented england from establishing permanent colonies in the americas? english citizens were too afraid to go to the americas after the settlement at roanoke disappeared. england didn't want to risk war with spain, which already controlled much of the americas. religious tensions spilled over into the americas, which led many to wait until they settled down.


The factor initially prevented England from establishing permanent colonies in the Americas was:

The government was more concerned with religious and political disputes than with sponsoring colonization of the Americas.

What do you mean by colonisation?

Colonialism can be defined as the control by one power over a dependent area or people.  It occurs when one nation subjugates by force of Conquering. Britain, France, Spain, and the Netherlands established colonies in North America.

Hence, The government was more concerned with religious and political disputes than with sponsoring colonization of the Americas.

To know more about Colonisation from the given link



Too much logging in the Oyamel fir forests could lead to the eastern monarch butterfly going extinct because _______.
the entire population of the species spends winter in Oyamel
the winters are too cold in Oyamel
the butterflies breed in the Oyamel fir trees
the butterflies feed on the Oyamel fir trees


Answer: The answer is A


Name at least 3 major accomplishments of the Carolingian Renaissance.



Literacy, architecture, and scriptural studies


He helped spread Christianity throughout his empire and ushered in what is known as the Carolingian Renaissance

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