vijul is doing a study in which she is asking participants to rate how much they agree with positive and negative statements about themselves. she is likely measuring:


Answer 1

The participants in a study being conducted by Vijul are being asked to rate how much they concur with both positive and negative claims about themselves. She may be assessing her own self-worth.

What do you mean specifically by "self-esteem"?

It is based on our self-perceived attitudes and beliefs, which can be difficult to change. One could interpret this as having self-confidence. Your sense of worth may affect the following variables:

How can one develop self-esteem?

Learning to accept our shortcomings while yet opting to value ourselves is how self-esteem grows. A child's self-esteem rises with each instance of amusing verbal encounters. A child needs to have faith in their ability to successfully control their lives.

To know more about self-esteem visit:


Related Questions

Which statements does the article support about Black and Indigenous people during the American Revolution? Choose four correct answers.

Both groups lost some of the territory they held following the war.
Both groups were divided in deciding which of the two sides to join.
Both groups were made promises by the two sides that were not kept.
Both groups made decisions about enlisting to help protect their people.
Both groups were unable to gain freedom for the majority of their people.
Both groups fought bravely no matter which side they joined in the conflict.





The statements that the article support about Black and Indigenous people during the American Revolution are:

Both groups were divided in deciding which of the two sides to join.

Both groups were made promises by the two sides that were not kept.

Both groups made decisions about enlisting to help protect their people.

Both groups fought bravely no matter which side they joined in the conflict.

During the American Revolution, black people and Native Americans fought on opposing sides. Between 8,000 and 10,000 black people, or about 25% of America's armed forces, served in the Continental army at various points.

In 1783, when the army was ultimately disbanded, around 5,000 'free' black people were told they could go back to their homes. Even though some of the 5,000 were actually sla.ves, the military's dire need for soldiers meant that no one questioned sla.ves who claimed to be free men and wanted to enlist.

Know more about American Revolution here


how does the cognitive perspective of classical conditioning differ from the traditional behavioral perspective?


The cognitive view holds that learning, including classical conditioning, cannot take place in the absence of reinforcement.

Creating a link between a naturally occurring stimulus and a previously neutral stimulus is a technique known as classical conditioning. A previously neutral stimulus (like the sound of a bell) and an unconditioned stimulus are combined in the classical conditioning process (the taste of food).

The word "classical conditioning" refers to a learning strategy, but it also explains how numerous behaviors develop that may have an influence on your health. Think about the development of bad habits. Even though you've been exercising and eating well, your attempts to lose weight keep failing because of midnight overeating. Associating an automatic reaction with a stimulus is a key component of classical conditioning.

To know more about classical conditioning refer:


there are two perspectives in assessing the attractiveness of each segment in terms of its potential for our targeting, and it is extremely important to consider only one of these. true false


Targeting:the process of deciding which market segments to enter and how attractive each one is.Differentiation:As a matter of fact separating the market proposing to make prevalent client esteem.

When determining the segment's attractiveness, what is it?

When determining the segment's attractiveness, we refer to it as "responsive" if the segment is anticipated to respond favorably to the company's offering.

How is the possibility of segmentation determined?

By looking at the number of potential customers, their income, and the number of people in the segment who require the kind of product you offer, you can determine a segment's market potential.

Learn more about segment here:


Last month, brayton lost his job at the local auto parts factory when the factory relocated. Brayton has subsequently looked for a similar job but has found no openings. Brayton is best classified as:.


Brayton is best classified as:. Structurally unemployed

The required details about Structurally unemployed is mentioned in below paragraph.

Structural unemployment is while people revel in unemployment for an extended time period due to structural modifications in an economic system and its exertions force. Structural unemployment may be because of huge modifications inside an enterprise, which include the producing enterprise shifting jobs overseas.Structural unemployment is a shape of involuntary unemployment because of a mismatch among the abilities that people withinside the economic system can offer, and the abilities demanded of people with the aid of using employers. Structural unemployment is regularly delivered approximately with the aid of using technological modifications that make the activity abilities of many people obsolete.The structurally unemployed are people who've no jobs due to the fact they lack abilities valued with the aid of using the exertions market, both due to the fact call for has shifted farfar from the abilities they do have, or due to the fact they by no means discovered any abilities.

To learn about Structurally unemployed visit here.


"What are traditions? Wite an argument about why it is or is it important to know where traditions come from.




Traditions can be any activity you repeat to mark an occasion or event. Family traditions create closeness between people…a sense of belonging and identity.

7 Reasons Why Traditions Are So Important

Tradition contributes a sense of comfort and belonging. It brings

families together and enables people to reconnect with friends.

Tradition reinforces values such as freedom, faith, integrity, a good

education, personal responsibility, a strong work ethic, and the value of

being selfless.

Tradition provides a forum to showcase role models and celebrate the

things that really matter in life.

Tradition offers a chance to say “thank you” for the contribution that

someone has made.

Tradition enables us to showcase the principles of our Founding

Fathers, celebrate diversity, and unite as a country.

Tradition serves as an avenue for creating lasting memories for our

families and friends.

Tradition offers an excellent context for meaningful pause and


9. Who signs bills to become laws?
is this right?


Answer: Who signs the bills to make them become laws?

Congress creates and passes bills. The president then may sign those bills into law.

Explanation: The bill is sent to the President for review. A bill becomes law if signed by the President or if not signed within 10 days and Congress is in session. If Congress adjourns before the 10 days and the President has not signed the bill then it does not become law ("Pocket Veto.")


see the answer


I think it's your answer is right

a member of congress chosen to aid the majority or minority party leader in the house or senate is called:


A member of congress chosen to resource most people or minority party chief in the residence or senate is known as the  Majority and Minority Leader

The ground leaders and whips of each birthday celebration are elected by a majority vote of all of the senators in their party assembled in a convention or, as it every now and then is called, a caucus. The practice has been to select the chief for a two-year time period at the start of every Congress.

The Senate Majority and Minority Leaders (also referred to as Senate floor Leaders) are the 2 Senators of the Philippines who're elected by using their respective parties or coalitions as their legit leaders. They serve as the leading spokesmen of their birthday celebration with regard to their commercial enterprise in the Senate.

Learn more about the congress  here


how many groups of participants would be needed to partially (e.g., using latin square arrangement) counterbalance a within-subjects experiment with four treatment conditions?


To balance treatments across a procedural variable like temporal or spatial position or to reduce the number of treatment combinations given to each research participant, numerous researchers employ repeated-measures Latin-square designs.

What exactly is a counterbalancing Latin square?

Latin square designs are a type of partial counterbalancing in which each group of trials is carried out in each position equally.1) The unbalanced Latin square depicts each condition in each position.

How does counterbalancing work?

Divide the object's mass by the distance between the fulcrum and the object, then multiply by the distance between the fulcrum and the counterbalance to get the weight.

Learn more about Latin square designs here:


dr. liu participates in a police ride-along program in order to examine the day-to-day activities of police officers. this method of gathering information may best be described as a(n) .


The term "secondary analysis" refers to the process of answering a question that was not addressed in the original work by utilizing previously collected research data.Large-scale surveys or personal research data are examples of secondary data.

Which methodological issue refers to the possibility that the observed person's behavior will be affected by the observer's presence?

When people know they are being watched, they behave differently, and this is called the Hawthorne effect.It can influence a wide range of ways of behaving like dietary propensities, or cleanliness rehearses in light of the fact that these have impressive chance for prompt change.

According to Elms (1994), "a psycho biography is a type of case study in which a researcher applies psychological theory to explain the life of an individual, usually an important historical figure".

Learn more about secondary analysis here:


Based on information in the article, which of these statements is TRUE? Newela article The History of the War on Terror

The war on terror was begun in response to the civil war overseas.
The U.S. allowed more people to be watched closely during the war on terror.
One downfall of the war on terror was that more training camps were opened.
There were few people in America against the war on terror.


Answer: A the war of terror begun in response to the civil war that took place over seas


the political, social, economic, and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended time is .


The political, social, economic, and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended time is colonialism.

What is colonialism?

Colonialism is the practise or policy of having one group of people exercise influence over another group of people or region, frequently by creating colonies, and typically with the intention of gaining economic domination. During the process of colonization, colonizers may impose their language, religion, way of life, and other cultural customs. In order to further their goals and take use of the people and resources in the colonized zone, the foreign administrators administer the territory. Although separate from imperialism, it is related to it.

Although colonialism has existed since antiquity, the term is most closely linked with the European colonial era, which began in the 15th century with the establishment of several European powers' colonial empires.

Initially, European colonizing nations used mercantilist policies intended to boost the domestic economy; as a result, agreements typically forbade the colony from engaging in trade with any other country save the metropole (mother country). By the middle of the 19th century, the British Empire had abandoned mercantilism and trade barriers and had embraced the idea of free commerce with few barriers and tariffs.

To learn more about colonialism from the given link


the political, social, economic, and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended time is .

Which of the following bodies of water does arrow 1 point to in the map above?
the Persian Gulf
the Mediterranean Sea
the Red Sea
the Indian Ocean

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


I belive c the Red Sea it the only logical answer

Answer: The correct answer is A. Arrow 2 points to the Persian Gulf.

Explanation: The Persian Gulf is a bay between Iran and Arabian peninsula, connected by the Strait of Hormuz with the Gulf of Oman, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.

The coastal countries of the Persian Gulf are Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq and Iran. The Shatt al-Arab River flows into the Persian Gulf, formed from the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates.  

The Persian Gulf region is extremely geopolitically important due to its rich oil reserves.

what does the reporter mean when he says that texas child protective services has effectively an impossible job choose the best answer


When the reporter says that Texas Child Protective Services he means that the obligation to safeguard children and the rights of parents must be carefully balanced by CPS employees.

What is Texas Child Protective Services?

The duties of the Child Protective Services department include helping children and families in their own homes, putting kids in foster care, providing services to aid young people in foster care in making a smooth transition to adulthood and assisting in kid adoption.

When the DFPS Investigations section, which looks into claims of child abuse and neglect, refers children and families to Child Protective Services (CPS), CPS becomes involved.

CPS offers a range of services to families in order to support them and enable children to remain safe at home with their parents: Spanish Family Group Decision Making (FGDM), Parenting Classes and Family-Based Safety Services (FBSS)

To learn more about Texas Child Protective Services from the given link


what does the reporter mean when he says that texas child protective services has effectively an impossible job choose the best answer



The correctly punctuated sentence is Option C which states: "Take out the trash", my mother said.

What is punctuation and why is it important?

Punctuation adds a quiet accent to our work. We employ a comma, a period, an exclamation point, or a question mark to halt, stop, emphasize, or query.

Correct punctuation improves the clarity and precision of writing by allowing the writer to halt, pause, or emphasize certain areas of the text.

Punctuation that matches the rhythms of speech instructs the reader to pause at the appropriate places and arrange the information in the paper that he or she is reading. It minimizes misconceptions and clarifies the writing.

Learn more about punctuation:

Which responses demonstrate good refusal strategies in this situation? check all that apply. "no, that doesn’t sound good to me." "how about we just drink one?" "let’s just play basketball at the park instead." "i think i am just going to go home." "all right, if you think it’s okay."


"No, that doesn't sound good to me." Let's just play basketball at the park instead." I think I am just going to go home the responses demonstrate good refusal strategies in this situation.

What are the techniques for refusing situations?

With a few modifications, these techniques can also be applied to fend off peer pressure to participate in bullying!

Respond no thanks. The simplest, but some people never give it a shot.power in numbers.Apply humor.Provide an explanation, supporting evidence, or justification.Ignore or give a cold shoulder.Change the topic.Move away.Broken record or persistent rejection.

A person who lacks refusal skills may find it difficult to say "no" to peer pressure. Saying "no" to risky behaviors like using drugs or alcohol can be made easier with aid of refusal skills.

Therefore, The ability to resist social peer pressure is another reason why refusal strategies abilities are crucial.

Learn more about refusal strategies from the given link.


Answer:  “No, that doesn’t sound good to me.”

“Let’s just play basketball at the park instead.”

“I think I am just going to go home.”


A set of culturally invented expectations leading to a role that a person assumes, learns, and performs, describes.


A set of culturally invented expectations leading to a role that a person assumes, learns, and performs, describes Gender roles.

What are gender roles?

Gender roles  can be described as the term that is been used in the society to explains how we're expected to act, speak as well as  dress, and conduct ourselves .

It should be denoted that this is usually base on the  differences in the gender which could be male or female, although this role can be different base on the gender we are for instance in some society the female gender is been seen as one that is not expected to involves in some activities because they are considered to be weak and not with full energy.

In conclusion, the roles of tyhe gender is usually diferent depending on the society that we found orselves.

Learn more about Gender here:


laertes is understandably upset when he returns from france. his father has been murdered. he does not yet know about how ophelia has deteriorated mentally. who does he hold responsible for his pain? question 9 options: claudius ophelia gertrude the ghost


The clothes Ophelia was wearing kept her afloat for a while, but she eventually drowned. Laertes flees in rage when he realizes that he cannot control his grief.Gertrude and Claudius follow him, purportedly to quell his rage.

How does Ophelia respond to the death of her father?

Even though it is clear that Ophelia is hurting because her father died, Polonius says, "She speaks much of her father, says she hears / There's tricks in the world, and hems, and beats her heart," as Horatio puts it.

What is Laertes enraged about, and why is he angry?

Laertes storms into the hallway in rage, fuming because he wants to get revenge on his father for his death.Claudius frankly acknowledges Polonius's demise in an effort to calm him down.Gertrude adds with nervousness that Claudius is not guilty of it. Laertes erupts once more in rage when Ophelia enters again, clearly insane.

Learn more about Laertes here:


Lionel is visiting a new church for the first time. Because he has been to other churches, he understands the appropriate sequence of events that he should follow, also known as a ________. He greets a few people around him before sitting quietly for the service.


When Lionel visits a church, he understands the sequence of events which are to be followed. These events are called as scripts.

In the Catholic Church, rules are often called Canons. These rules are very important as they determine the decorum of the church and maintains its dignity by not violating its holy spirit. Scripts refers to the events that are to be followed by any person visiting a church. By following church norms, Lionel showcases in him sense of intelligence and disciplined behavior. Since he regularly makes a visit to churches, he is well aware of the major rules that must be complied with. Lionel definitely resembles good example of a person.

Learn more about church norms at:


when ransom is told to go to oyarsa, he eventually decides to go. when ransom submits in obedience, does he surrender his free will? explain your answer.


Ransom makes a free choice to travel to Oyarsa when he submits in obedience; he is not giving up his free will in doing so.

What is meant by OBEDIENCE?

It simply means hearing God's word and acting upon it. It implies that we should obey God's commands and submit to his will. It happens when we fully submit to His authority and base all of our decisions and deeds on his word.

What does obedience have to offer?

Children learn to take into account others' needs as they learn obedience. They develop a little less self-centeredness. They develop the ability to fit into other people's agendas. They pick up how to defer to authority. To be obedient, one must learn to carry out requests.

To know more about obedience visit :


what is one significant limitation of using punishment? a. reinforces the behavior of the punisher b. results in reactivity c. resurgence of behavior after the punitive consequence is removed d. all of the above


When punishment is used without sufficient limitations, the punisher's conduct is reinforced, which leads to reaction and a recurrence of the behaviour after the punitive consequence is lifted. Here correct answer is option D.

Any form of punishment has a very limited ability to change behaviour and shouldn't ever be the only tool used to control conduct. Three factors account for this: Working with mice or people, the undesirable behaviour always returns as soon as the punishment or prospect of punishment is removed.

Across all nations and cultures, corporal punishment is associated with a number of detrimental effects on children, including poor physical and mental health, delayed cognitive and socioemotional development, subpar academic performance, increased aggressiveness, and the use of violence.

To learn more about punishment


in shinto, white is often used because select one: a. it is associated with death and rebirth. b. it invokes the presence of the kami. c. it evokes fertility and new life. d. it symbolizes cleanliness and purity.


White is a color that is frequently utilized in Shinto because it represents purity and holiness. Here option D is the correct answer.

The core of Shinto's conception of good and evil is purity. Anything that keeps us from kami and musubi, the creative and harmonizing powers, is considered impure in the Shinto religion. Sin or tidal pollution are the things that taint us.

Health, attractiveness, the absence of objectionable odors, and preventing the spread of dirt and toxins to oneself and others are the objectives of cleanliness. We can maintain our physical and emotional health with the aid of cleanliness, which will help us feel good.

To learn more about Shinto


On its municipal website, the city of tulsa states that the rate it charges per ccf of residential water is. How do the residential water rates of other u. S. Public utilities compare to tulsa's rate? the file residentialwater contains the rate per ccf of residential water for randomly selected u. S. Cities.


The charge at which some thing occurs is the velocity with which it occurs is referred to as suggest charge.

The required details for mean rate in given paragraph

(a) H0: µ = 21.62

Ha: µ ≠ 21.62

(b) t = -1.231

p-value = 0.2253

(c) Do now no longer reject H0. The suggest charge according to five CCF of residential water for the duration of the USA does now no longer range substantially from the charge according to five CCF of residential water in Tulsa.

(d) H0: µ = 21.62

Ha: µ ≠ 21.62

t = -1.231

check statistic ≥ 2.020

Do now no longer reject H0. The suggest charge according to five CCF of residential water for the duration of the USA does now no longer range substantially from the charge according to five CCF of residential water in Tulsa.

To know about mean rate click here


the people who make up the modern president's cabinet must be confirmed by the house of representatives. true or false


The House of Representatives must confirm each member of the current presidential cabinet. This assertion is true.

The chiefs of 15 executive departments make up the advisory Cabinet. Cabinet members are frequently the president's closest confidants since they are chosen by the president and approved by the Senate.

The President's senior advisers make up the Cabinet. It is composed of the 15 major executive departments' leaders. All department heads carry the title Secretary, such as Secretary of Defense or Secretary of Education, with the exception of the head of the Justice Department, who is referred to as the Attorney General.

Advisors collaborate with political officials to inform and counsel them on subjects they might not be educated about.

To learn more about presidential cabinet


which type of love, according to sternberg, consists of passion and intimacy (with no commitment) and generally refers to the statement, "i'm in love"?


infatuated love. Passion exists, but there is no closeness or commitment.

What kind of love is characterized by ardor and closeness but not by commitment?

The characteristics of romantic love are passion, closeness, and lack of commitment. Last but not least, fatuous love is characterized by passion and devotion but lack of intimacy, such as a protracted sexual relationship.

According to Sternberg's theory of love, what are the three varieties of love?

According to the view of psychologist Robert Sternberg, there are three different levels of love: intimacy, passion, and commitment. It is critical to understand that a relationship built on one aspect has a lower chance of success than one built on two or more.

To know more about infatuated love visit:-


Kohlberg believed that children place an emphasis on the implications for social order in the __________ stage in the conventional level of moral development. a. obedience and punishment b. marketplace morality c. law and order d. what is ethical please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


Kohlberg believed that children place an emphasis on the implications for social order in the Law and order stage in the conventional level of moral development.

The "American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg" advanced the concept of ranges of ethical improvement. consistent with this idea, there are 3 primary degrees of ethical improvement: Pre-conventional, traditional, and post-conventional.

In the conventional stage, Kohlberg has stated that the adolescents, in addition to adults, have to be capable of follow the policies and rules based on ethical values and have the ability to be morally accountable for their acts in the society to keep law and order.

Learn more about Law and Order here :


Answer: C

Explanation: trust

Unemployment insurance, welfare, medicare, medicaid, and social security are key components of.


Unemployment insurance, welfare, medicare, medicaid, and social security are key components of Fiscal policy.

What is Fiscal policy?

The use of taxation and expenditure by the government to affect the economy is known as fiscal policy. Fiscal policy is often used by governments to encourage robust, long-term growth and to lower poverty. During the recent global economic crisis, when governments intervened to stabilize financial institutions, spur growth, and lessen the impact of the crisis on vulnerable individuals, the function and goals of fiscal policy rose to prominence.

Tax reductions and greater public spending are the two main elements of expansionary fiscal policy. Both of these measures aim to boost overall demand while reducing budget surpluses or adding to deficits.

To know more about fiscal policy refer:


Which of these inferences about the speaker is best supported by stanzas 3 and 4?

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sig
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and l-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
A. He wishes there were a third path to choose from.
B. He knows that there's no going back once certain choices are made.
C. He has no desire to get off the path he's on.
D. He feels he may be making a mistake about the path he is taking.


He wishes there were a third path to choose from. He knows that there's no going back once certain choices are made.

The road not taken is a story sonnet composed by Robert Ice.This poem is all about two paths that cross at a certain point.In the woods, the speaker is at the path fork.Everyone takes one route, but fewer people use the other.There are a lot of leaves scattered about on the less traveled road.The poet wishes he could travel down both paths simultaneously, but this is impossible.The speaker expresses regret for not choosing two paths simultaneously.
Like in life, a person must choose a single goal and work hard to achieve it, and the poet must make a big decision (choosing a path).He chose the less traveled route because he thought it would be adventurous, but that was all that mattered.He is sorry for his choice.The statement "And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could" clearly supports the theme that people want to predict the outcome of an important decision in the poem above.

Learn about  the road not taken here:


How do fair information practices in the united states and the european union differ?.


Unlike the EU, the U.S. has no single, overarching country wide information prolateness coverage. Unlike the U.S., the EU has applied several information prolateness laws.

The required details for privacy policy in given paragraph

A prolateness coverage is a announcement or felony document (in prolateness regulation) that discloses a few or all the approaches a celebration gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a consumer or patron's information. Personal statistics may be something that may be used to become aware of an individual, now no longer constrained to the person's name, deal with, date of birth, marital status, touch statistics, ID issue, and expiry date, monetary records, credit score statistics, scientific history, in which one travels, and intentions to collect items and services. In the case of a business, it is mostly a announcement that broadcasts a celebration's coverage on the way it collects, stores, and releases non-public statistics it collects. It informs the patron what particular statistics is collected, and whether or not it's far saved confidential, shared with partners, or offered to different companies or enterprises. Privacy rules normally constitute a broader, greater generalized treatment, as adversarial to information use statements, which have a tendency to be greater special and particular.

The precise contents of a positive prolateness coverage will rely upon the relevant regulation and can want to deal with necessities throughout geographical barriers and felony jurisdictions.

To know about privacy policy click here


which is not one of the things a mediator should do to help instill trust? group of answer choices emphasize a desire to help. schedule meetings that are longer rather than shorter. assure parties that all conversations are held in strict confidence. be respectful and express only positive opinions of the parties involved. listen with an open mind and say little.


One of the things a mediator would not do to help instill trust is schedule meetings that are longer rather than shorter.

In order to build trust, a mediator has to perform all those actions that will cause the other person to trust and like him. A positive vibe should be given by the mediator in order to instill trust.

Most people want shorter meetings rather than longer ones in order to stay focused and instill a feeling of belief. In today's world, nobody has the time to go for longer meetings.

Hence, in order for a mediator to build trust, shorter meetings rather than longer ones should be handled.

To learn more about meetings, click here:


Write a writing promt about the physical geography of South asia
(giving brainliest)
-tips and directions are the linked pic


Based on the geographical information available, the physical geography of South Asia can be described to be characterized by three mountain ranges, three major river systems, and one vast desert.

Where is South Asia

South Asia is the term used to describe the southern or lower part or region of the Asian continent. South consists of countries like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka

Physical Characteristics of South Asia

The major things to find physically in South Asia are :

physical regionsmountain systemsplateausplainssteppes, and desertsfreshwater environmentssaltwater environments.

Also, the common physical features include mountains like the Himalayas, the Hindu Kush, and the Karakoram.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the physical geography of South Asia is exemplified by three mountain ranges, three major river systems, and one vast desert.

Learn more about South Asia here:


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