5. What is the order of magnitude for the total weight of 5 cars that weigh 3,000 pounds each?6. 20,000 people voted in each county, and there are 7 counties. What is the order of magnitude for the total number of people who voted?


Answer 1

An order of magnitude is the class of scale of any amount in which each class contains values of a fixed ratio to the class preceding it. Usually, the amount scaled is 10, and the scale is the exponent applied to this amount.

Question 5

The weight of each car is 3,000 pounds. There are 5 cars in total. Therefore, the total weight is given to be:

[tex]\Rightarrow3000\times5=15000\text{ pounds}[/tex]

Writing the calculated weight in standard form, scaling to 10, we have:


Therefore, the order of magnitude is 4.

Question 6

The number of people that voted per county is 20,000. There are 7 counties in total. Therefore, the total number of people that voted is:


Writing the calculated number in standard form, scaling to 10, we have:


Therefore, the order of magnitude is 5.

Related Questions

At a restaurant, the choices for hamburger toppings are cheese, tomato, lettuce,onion, mayo, mustard, ketchup and pickles. If you choose 5 toppings, how manyways can you pick your toppings?(Hint: Is this a combination or permutation?)


at the restauant we can choose 5 topping for a hamburger,

let us solve using combination,


we know that,



[tex]\begin{gathered} ^5C_0+^5C_1+^5C_2+^5C_3+^5C_4+^5C_5=2^5 \\ =32 \end{gathered}[/tex]

hence, there are 32 ways to pick the toppings.

Colton has already jarred 18 liters of jam and will jar an additional 1 liter of jam every day. How many days does Colton need to spand making jam if he wants to jar 26 liters of jam in all?



8 days more

you are pouring canned soda into a cylinder cylinder that is 12 cm tall and a diameter of 6.5 cm The picture is 36 cm tall and has a diameter of 20 cm how many cans of soda will the picture hold


We are going to assume that the picture of 36 tall and has a diameter of 20 cm is also a cylinder.

To answer this question, we need to know the formula to find the volume of a cylinder:

[tex]V_{\text{cylinder}}=\pi\cdot r^2\cdot h[/tex]


• r is the radius of the base of the cylinder.


• h is the height of the cylinder.


• pi = 3.14159265358979...

From the question, we have:

The dimensions of the first cylinder are:

h = 12cm

D = 6.5cm.

Since the radius of a circle is half of its diameter, then, we have that the radius of this cylinder is 6.5cm/2 = 3.25cm.

Then, r = 3.25cm.

Then, the volume of this cylinder is:

[tex]V_{\text{cylinder}}=\pi\cdot(3.25\operatorname{cm})^2\cdot12\operatorname{cm}=\pi\cdot10.5625\operatorname{cm}\cdot12\operatorname{cm}=126.75\pi cm^3[/tex]

Now, we need to find the volume of the cylinder of the picture following the same procedure:

h = 36cm

D = 20cm ---> r = D/2 ---> r = 20cm/2 ---> r = 10cm


Then, we have that the volume of the cylinder of the picture is:

[tex]V_{\text{cylinderpicture}}=3600\pi cm^3[/tex]

Thus, we have that we poured a canned soda into a cylinder of 147pi cm^3. How many cans of soda will hold the cylinder of the picture? We need to divide the total volume of the cylinder of the picture by the volume of the first cylinder (the one which contains the canned soda). Then, we have:

[tex]N_{\text{cannedsoda}}=\frac{V_{\text{cylinderpicture}}}{V_{\text{cylinder}}}=\frac{3600\pi cm^3}{126.75\pi cm^3}\Rightarrow N_{cannedsoda}=28.402367[/tex]

Therefore, the cylinder of the picture will hold about 28.40 canned sodas.

Compare the ratios 1:5 and 3:10.


The exact value of the ratio 3:10 is greater than the ratio 1:5.

What is Ratio?

The ratio is defined as a relationship between two quantities, it is expressed as one divided by the other.

We have been given that the ratios 1:5 and 3:10

To comparing of the given ratios, we have to determine the exact value of each ratio.

The exact value of the ratio 1:5 is

⇒ 1/5 = 0.2

The exact value of the ratio 3:10 is

⇒ 3/10 = 0.3

Here is the exact value of the ratio 3:10 > ratio 1:5

Thus, the exact value of the ratio 3:10 is greater than the ratio 1:5.

Learn more about the Ratios here:



Barry spent 1/5 of his monthly salary for rent and 1/7 of his monthly salary for his utility bill. If $1012 was left, what was his monthly salary?



1/5 of Barry's salary was going for his rent.

1/7 of Barry's salary was going for his utility bill.

1012 dollars was left after all the payments.


What was his monthly salary?


Let us assume that Barry's monthly salary is 'x'

So the sum of his payments and the balance amount will give us his total salary.

[tex]total\text{ }salary=rent\text{ }payment+utility\text{ }payment+money\text{ }left[/tex]

Now Barry uses 1/5 of his salary in rent, that is

[tex]\begin{gathered} rent\text{ }payment=\frac{1}{5}\times his\text{ }total\text{ }salary \\ \\ rent\text{ }payment=\frac{1}{5}\times x \end{gathered}[/tex]

Barry uses 1/7 of his salary in utility bill, that is

[tex]\begin{gathered} utility\text{ }bill=\frac{1}{7}\times his\text{ }total\text{ }salary \\ \\ utility\text{ }bill=\frac{1}{7}\times x \end{gathered}[/tex]

And after all the payments the money he is left with is 1012 dollars.

[tex]money\text{ }left=1012[/tex]

Now let's calculate his total salary

[tex]\begin{gathered} total\text{ }salary=rent\text{ }payment+utility\text{ }bill+money\text{ }left \\ \\ x=\frac{1}{5}\times x+\frac{1}{7}\times x+1012 \\ \\ x=\frac{x}{5}+\frac{x}{7}+1012 \\ \\ x=\frac{7x+5x}{35}+1012 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Simplifying it further we get

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{12x}{35}+1012 \\ \\ x-\frac{12x}{35}=1012 \\ \\ \frac{35x-12x}{35}=1012 \\ \\ \frac{23x}{35}=1012 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 23x=1012\times35 \\ \\ 23x=35420 \\ \\ x=\frac{35420}{23} \\ \\ x=1540 \end{gathered}[/tex]

x = 1540 dollars

Final Answer:

Barry's monthly salary is 1540 dollars.

8 G Find the area of the shaded area. Round your answer to the nearest tenth



47.1 units^2


The area of the shaded region is equal to the area of the bigger circle minus the area of the smaller circle.

Now, the area of a circle is given by

[tex]A=\pi r^2[/tex]

where r is the radius of the circle.

The radius of the bigger circle is r = 8; thereofre, the area is

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\pi(8)^2 \\ A=64\pi \end{gathered}[/tex]

And the radius of the smaller circle is r = 7; therefore, the area is


The area of the shaded region is the difference between the two areas above:



Rounded to the nearest tenth the answer is


Where would 5pi be located on a number line? Show all thoguhts.


In order to locate in a number line, you consider that π = 3.141516...

When this irrational number is multiplied by 5 you obtain:

5 x π = 5 x 3.141516... = 15.70796...

Then, if you have a number line with ten subdivisions between units, the position of on the number line can be as follow:

What is the perimeter of the dinning room? Perimeter is distance around the room, rounded to the nearest hundredth


To answer this question, we will use the following formula to determine the perimeter of the dining room:


where w is the width and l is the length.

Substituting w=9 feet and l=10feet 8 inches=, we get:


Simplifying the above result, we get:


Answer: The perimeter is 39.33ft.

help me with this question please


we have that

the probability is equal to


I need to know if I got number 13 right


The given side lengths are 38mm, 45mm, and 82mm.

It is required to use inequalities to prove if the side lengths could form a triangle.

Recall the Triangle Inequality Theorem: The Triangle Inequality Theorem states that the sum of the measures of two sides of a triangle is greater than the measure of the third side.

Check the inequality:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 38+45>82\Rightarrow83>82-True \\ 38+82>45\Rightarrow120>45-True \\ 45+82>38\Rightarrow127>38-True \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the side lengths can form a triangle.

The required inequality is 38+45>82.

Which of the following properties are being used to simplify the statement (3x + 4y) + 5x = 8x + 4y? Associative and commutative properties of addition Associative property of addition and commutative property of multiplication O O OC Associative and commutative properties of multiplication Associative property of multiplication and commutative property of addition



Associative and commutative properties of addition


The one thing that the associative property of addition says that


and the commutative property of addition says


(the order of addition does not matter )

Now, the steps we take to solve our equation are the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \mleft(3x+4y\mright)+5x=8x+4y \\ 3x+4y+5x=8x+4y\text{ (the associative property of addition )} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The second step is

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x+4y+5x=8x+4y\text{ } \\ 3x+5x+4y=8x+4y\text{ (commutative property of addition.)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

which simplifies to

[tex]\begin{gathered} 8x+4y=8x+4y \\ 4y=4y \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, we used associative and commutative properties of addition to solve our equation.

write the systems of equations described by each augment matrix



Given the Matrix:

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}{2} & {-4} & {4} \\ {1} & {2} & {11} \\ {} & {} & {}\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

Our system of equations will be:

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}{x1} & {y2} & {c1} \\ {x2} & {y2} & {c1} \\ {} & {} & {}\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

(1) x1 + y1 = c1

(2) x2 + y2 = c2

So, replacing values of given Matrix, this will give us:

Equation (1): 2x -4y = 4

Equation (2): x +2y = 11

Write in descending order.420t + 201 to the 3rd power -210t to the 2nd power


To answer this, we need to see the polynomial. Descending order is in a way that the first term of the polynomial will be three, the second (in descending order, two....and so on).


In descending order is:

20t^3 - 210t^2 + 420t

So, the option is number two.

State the restrictions and then simplify:(16x^2+ 8x + 1)/(4x+ 1)²


We are given the following expression:


We are asked to find the restrictions for this expression. The restrictions for a fractional expression is that the denominator must be different to zero, that is mathematically like this:


Now we solve for "x", first by taking square root on both sides:


Now we subtract 1 on both sides:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4x+1-1\ne-1 \\ 4x\ne-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we divide both sides by 4:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{4x}{4}\ne-\frac{1}{4} \\ x\ne-\frac{1}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

This means that the domain of the expression is restricted to values of "x" different from -1/4. Now we will simplify the expression by factoring the numerator

We factor the numerator using the perfect square trinomial method. We take the square root to the first and third terms of the denominator, and rewrite it like this:


Replacing this in the expression we get:


Therefore the expression is equivalent to 1.

Look at this diagram: AL G 3 © © 5 15 HE



Slope = 1

y-intercept = -2

Equation: y = x


Given the following coordinates;

(6, 4) and (2, 0)

Get the slope

Slope = y2-y1/x2-x1

Slope = 0-4/2-6

Slope = -4/-4

Slope = 1

Get the y -intercept:

Substitute B(6,4) and m = 1 into y = mx+b

4 = 1(6) + b

4 = 6 +b

b = 4-6

b = -2

Get the required equation

Recall that y = mx+b

y = 1x + (-2)

y = x - 2

This gives the required equation

6x-(2x+5) need help please


we have the expression


remove the parenthesis


Combine like terms



the answer is 4x-5

I have an ACT practice guide problem that I need answered and explainedIt has a list of answers to choose from I will list that belowA. 1B. -2C. 4D. The limit does not exist.



The limit of a function at a point aa in its domain (if it exists) is the value that the function approaches as its argument approaches a.

The limit of a function F exist if and only if

[tex]\begin{gathered} \lim _{x\rightarrow x^+}f(x)=\lim _{x\rightarrow x^-}f(x) \\ \\ \text{The left-hand limit =The Right-hand Limit} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Considering the image given, the limit of the function from the left is from the first graph

[tex]\lim _{x\rightarrow1^-}f(x)=4\Rightarrow\text{ The left hand limit}[/tex]

Similarly, the limit of f(x) from the right-hand side is on the second graph

[tex]\lim _{x\rightarrow1^+}f(x)=-2\Rightarrow The\text{ Right -hand limit}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Left-hand limit}\ne Right\text{ hand imit} \\ 4\ne-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]


The Limit does not exist (D)

Given:Circle B with tangent AD and tangent DC. Arc AC has a measure of 85. What is the relationship between m



They are supplementary


If AD is tangent to circle B, then the measure of ∠BAD is 90°. In the same way, if DC is tangent to circle B, the measure of ∠DCB is 90°.

So, we can complete the graph as:

Then, the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is 360°, so we can calculate the m∠ADC as:

m∠ADC = 360 - 90 - 90 - 85

m∠ADC = 95°

Now, the sum of m∠ABC and m∠ADC is equal to:

m∠ABC + m∠ADC = 85 + 95 =180

Since the sum is 180, we can say that ∠ABC and ∠ADC are supplementary angles.

1. At first street elementary school, about 21% of the 645 students ride bicycles to school. About how many students ride bicycles to school? 2. A team of biologists captured and tagged 50 deer in a forest. Two weeks later, the biologists captured a sample of 20 deer from the same forest, and found that 5 of them were tagged. How many deer would they estimate are in the forest.


1 Given that about 21% of the 645 students ride bicycles to school

The number of students that ride bicycles to school

= 21% * 645

= 21/100 * 645

= 135.45

Hence about 135 students ride bicycles to school.

To convert temperatures in Fahrenheit to temperatures in Celsius, take the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, subtract 32, then divide the result by 1.8. This gives the temperature in degrees Celsius. Write an equation that shows the conversion process to Celsius using the variables c and f then convert a Celsius temperature of 10 degrees to Fahrenheit.


We will have the following:

*We are given the expression:


*Now, we solve for C:


***We convert 10 °C to Fahrenheeit:

[tex]F=(10)\frac{9}{5}+32\Rightarrow F=50[/tex]

So 10°C are 50°F.

you have a square with side length of 4 meters. how many square meters is the garden



The length of the side of a square garden is a=4 meters.

To find the area of the square garden:

Using the area formula of the square,

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=a^2 \\ =4\times4 \\ =16m^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the area of the square garden is 16 square meters.

If each side of an equilateral triangle is 2 inches long, then what is the area of the triangle?



The image below represents the equilateral triangle of 2 inches long

From the triangle above, the given values include

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=2in \\ b=2in \\ c=2in \end{gathered}[/tex]


To calculate the area of the triangle, we will use Heron's formula below

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\sqrt[]{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)} \\ \text{where,s = semi perimter} \\ s=\frac{a+b+c}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 1:

Calculate the semi perimeter s

[tex]\begin{gathered} s=\frac{a+b+c}{2} \\ s=\frac{2in+2in+2in}{2} \\ s=\frac{6in}{2} \\ s=3in \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2:

Substitute the value of s,a,b,c in the heron's formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\sqrt[]{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)} \\ A=\sqrt[]{3(3-2)(3-2)(3-2)} \\ A=\sqrt[]{3\times1\times1\times1} \\ A=\sqrt[]{3} \\ A=1.73in^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]


The area of the triangle = 1.73 squared inches

Part 1Carson is g year old Haley is 2 yrs younger than Carson. find the sum of their ages in terms of gPart 2Find some of their ages in "g" years time, in terms of g


Part 1

Carson is "g" years old.

Haley is 2 years younger than Carson, you can express her age as "g-2"

To sum their ages you have to add both expressions:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{AgeCarson}+\text{AgeHaley} \\ g+(g-2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

To simplify the expression, you have to erase the parentheses and add the like terms, i.e., add both "g-terms"

[tex]\begin{gathered} g+g-2 \\ 2g-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The sum of their ages in terms of g is: Age(g)=2g-2

Part 2

You need to find some of their ages, this means that you have to choose any value for "g" and determine the age of Carson and Haley

For example:

For g=10 years:

Carson's age: g= 10 years-old

Haley's age: g-2=10-2= 8 years-old

The sum of their ages is: 2g-2=(2*10)-2= 20-2= 18 years

For g=15 years:

Carson's age: g= 15 years-old

Haley's age: g-2= 15-2= 13 years-old

The sum of their ages is: 2g-2= (2*15)-2= 30-2= 28 years

State the solution in terms of x 4^x+6 = 20


We have the question as


Let us introduce logarithms to base 4 to both sides of the equation:

[tex]\log _44^{x+6}=\log _420[/tex]

Applying the law of logarithm that states

[tex]\log A^B=B\log A[/tex]

we have

[tex](x+6)\log _44=\log _420[/tex]

Applying the law that states

[tex]\log _nn=1[/tex]

we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x+6)\times1=\log _420 \\ x+6=\log _420 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Collecting like terms, we have

[tex]x=-6+\log _420[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is OPTION C.

Finding zeros of the function -x^3+2x^2+5x-6



Step 1:

In this question, we are meant to find the zeros of the function:

[tex]x^3+2x^2+\text{ 5 x -6}[/tex]

Step 2:

The details of the solution are as follows:

The graph solution of this function is as follows:


The only real zero of the function:

[tex]x^3+2x+5x\text{ - 6}[/tex]

is at:

[tex]x\text{ = 0. 82 ( 2 decimal places)}[/tex]

graph a line that passes through (-4,1) and has a slope of -3


We are given a point with coordinates;

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x,y)=(-4,1) \\ m=-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We begin by expressing the line in slope-intercept form as follows;

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ \text{Where,} \\ (x,y)=(-4,1) \\ m=-3,\text{ we now have} \\ 1=-3(-4)+b \\ 1=12+b \\ \text{Subtract 12 from both sides;} \\ 1-12=12-12+b \\ b=-11 \\ The\text{ equation now becomes;} \\ y=mx+b \\ y=-3x+(-11) \\ y=-3x-11 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The graph would now be a shown below;



Answer: 1/4

Step-by-step explanation:

1/4 chance

differentiate y=4x√3x²-8x


Okay, here we have this:

Considering the provided function, we are going to perform the requested operation, so we obtain the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=4x\sqrt{3}x^2-8x \\ \\ y=4\sqrt{3}x^3-8x \\ \\ \frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{d}{dx}(4\sqrt{3}x^3)-\frac{d}{dx}(8x) \\ \\ \frac{dy}{dx}=12\sqrt{3}x^2-8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally we obtain that dy/dx is equal to: 12sqrt(3)x^2-8

Convert the following equation
into slope-intercept form.
-4x + y = 12
°y = [ ? ]x +
Enter every answer is wrong need help



Step-by-step explanation: im in 7th grade

Its y =4x+12 please mark brainliest ‍♀️‍♀️

Here is a system of linear equations: Which would be more helpful for solving the system: adding the two equations or subtracting one from the other? Explain your reasoning. Solve the system without graphing. Show your work.


Okay, here we have this:

Considering the provided system we obtain the following:

The option more helpful for solving the system is add one equation to the other because in this way we can cancel the term of the "y", if we solve the system we obtain the following:

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}2x+\frac{1}{2}y=7 \\ 6x-\frac{1}{2}y=5\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

Adding the equations:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 8x=12 \\ x=\frac{12}{8} \\ x=\frac{3}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, let's replacing in the first equation with x=3/2:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2(\frac{3}{2})+\frac{1}{2}y=7 \\ 3+\frac{1}{2}y=7 \\ \frac{y}{2}=4 \\ y=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally we obtain that the solution to the system is x=3/2 and y=8.

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