What is pro-slavery?


Answer 1

Answer:Proslavery is an ideology that perceives slavery as a positive good or an otherwise morally acceptable institution.


Answer 2


Proslavery is an ideology that perceives slavery as a positive good or an otherwise morally acceptable institution


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MAKING INFERENCES. What do you think the
British were trying to accomplish by exporting
opium to China?


China refused to establish tradings ports for the British. Opium, the addictive drug that it is, left China no choice but to supply itself with more from the British.

What was the main negative impact of the invention of the cotton gin? (5 points)

Group of answer choices

It created pollution because it was powered by fuel.

It caused massive population growth in the Southern states.

It increased the demand for slaves and made slaves more valuable.

It required interchangeable parts which were expensive to produce.



ab c


massive growth

The question I propose to you now is simple what
would you put forth as a possible 28th amendment? What issues would it address? What rights or wrongs would
it try to correct? Who would stand to benefit, is it the nation as a whole or just a selected group? But ultimately
why would you choose this amendment ?



Why do we need an amendment process?

The Constitution of the United States was ratified in 1789, making it 229 years old, the oldest constitution in the modern world.

As the United States has continued to grow and face unique challenges brought on through modern warfare, alliances, and technology, some critics have argued that the Framers of the Constitution could not have foreseen the changes the United States would experience. What can we do to update the Constitution to address these new issues? Well, the Framers thought of a solution: citizens could add changes to the Constitution.

The Framers added a process for amending, or changing, the Constitution in Article V. Since 1789, the United States has added 27 amendments to the Constitution. An amendment is a change to the Constitution. The first ten amendments to the Constitution became known as the Bill of Rights. These first amendments were designed to protect individual rights and liberties, like the right to free speech and the right to trial by jury.

Article V

Article V describes the process for amending the Constitution. But the Framers intended for the amendment process to be difficult: although the federal government could add amendments, three-fourths of states have to ratify every amendment.

“The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.”

Article V, The United States Constitution, 1787

There are two avenues for amending the Constitution: the congressional proposal method and the convention method. In the congressional proposal method, two-thirds of both chambers of Congress must propose an amendment. The proposed amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of state conventions or state legislatures, as chosen by Congress.

Diagram of each form of proposing and ratifying an amendment.  

Diagram of each form of proposing and ratifying an amendment.

Congress has proposed all 27 amendments to the Constitution of the United States. 26 of these amendments were passed by three-fourths of state legislatures and one amendment was passed by three-fourths of state conventions.

In the state convention method, two-thirds of states ask Congress to organize a convention. The amendment is proposed at this meeting. As in the congressional proposal method, the proposed amendment then must be ratified by three-fourths of state conventions or state legislatures, as chosen by Congress. The state convention method has never been used to introduce an amendment.

Challenges to the amendment process

Between 1789 and 2014, over 11,000 amendments have been proposed; however, only 27 amendments have been ratified. Why is it so hard for proposed amendments to receive support for final ratification? A few roadblocks are standing in the way.

First, every amendment must receive support from three-fourths of state conventions or state legislatures. It’s incredibly difficult to get that many states to agree on a permanent change to the Constitution.

The Roman god Neptune and the Greek god Poseidon BOTH were considered to be the god of
the sea.
the underworld






Neptune, Latin Neptunus, in Roman religion, originally the god of fresh water, by 399 BCE he was identified with the Greek Poseidon & thus became a deity of the sea.

Which legislation provided farm plots for people willing to live on and develop the land for five years? Civil Rights Act of 1875 Homestead Act Dawes General Allotment Act Farmers’ Alliance



homestead Act


The Homestead Act of 1862 gave free land to Americans willing to improve it, regardless of race, sex, or nation of origin

why is Copernicus famous ?



they was the first modern European scientist to propose that Earth and other planets revolve around the sun, or the Heliocentric Theory of the universe.

According to the excerpt above, President Taft believed that the United
States cannot practice isolationism because
the nation's wealth and power must be directed at global
the Monroe Doctrine legally requires the United States to act
on a global level.
C he is trying to act opposite of his predecessor, Theodore
D George Washington had a argued against isolationism


Answer: c


In one or two sentences, summarize what you learned about the WWII Atomic Bombings?



The United States detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, killing 210,000 people—children, women, and men. ... Detonation of these first nuclear bombs signaled arrival of a frightening new Atomic Age.


WILL MARK BRAINLIEST IF ANSWER IS ORIGINAL In this lesson, you saw the vast differences in how World War II ended in the European and Pacific Theaters. Use this knowledge to explain the decision to use atomic bombs on Japan. For this assignment you will write three well-developed paragraphs on the following:
What were the reasons the bomb should have been used on Japan?
What were the reasons the bomb should not have been used on Japan?
Should the atomic bomb have been used on Japan? Why or why not? Support your claim with evidence from the lesson.



The reason why the bomb should have been used on Japan was so that the US could force Japan to surrender. It was also a show of strength to the USSR (Soviet Union).

The bomb should not have been used on Japan because of the massive descruction it made.

In my opinion, I feel like it should not have been used because the US could have used the bombs in less harmful areas so that they would still show their power, but resulting in fewer civilian lives lost. They could have dropped it around Japan or give evidence of this weapon.


Look up :)

HELP HELP HELP HELP If your reflective essay is unclear about the timeline for what happened to you, what should you do to fix the problem?

Add phrases and clauses that show the order of events.

Leave out most of the transitional tags.

Retell the story using your own words.



Add phrases and clauses that show the order of events.



How did slaves feel about the declaration of dependence ?



Thomas Jefferson helped to create a new nation based on individual freedom and self-government.  His words in the Declaration of Independence expressed the aspirations of the new nation. But the Declaration did not extend “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” to African Americans, indentured servants, or women. Twelve of the first eighteen American presidents owned slaves. Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration and called slavery an “abominable crime,” yet he was a lifelong slaveholder. Fearful of dividing the fragile new nation, Jefferson and other founders who opposed slavery did not insist on abolishing it. It took 87 more years―and the Civil War, the Emancipation Proclamation, and the 13th Amendment―to end slavery.



What most likely happens when water vapor cools?

It changes into gas.
It changes into liquid.
Its temperature increases.
Its temperature remains constant.





it changes into a liquid

Which of the following statements is true about Indian independence?
A) Violent acts in New Delhi ended the Raj or British rule in India.
B) When British rule ended, India was divided into two nations.
C) British rule ended in India in 1930.
D)Lord Louis Mountbatten advised the Indian people to disregard the orders from Britain.





S2 8 SS Unit 8 Common Unit Assessment 1 22 of 25 Why was the Albany Movement unable to fully achieve its desegregation goals? O A. The support among middle-class African Americans was lacking. B. The use of violence by some of its members isolated moderate supporters. C. The movement lacked organization and leadership and quickly dissolved. D. The focus was on using the political process rather than protests to create change.​





they lacked the getting support for the movement, because many African Americans living in the area was afraid of losing their jobs or lives. Also they were constantly put into jail, ecause there was more jail cells than there was of them.


A. The support among middle-class African Americans was lacking.


If you're asked to choose only one answer, choose A. If you're asked to choose two answers, choose A and C.

A. The support among middle-class African Americans was lacking.

C. The movement lacked organization and leadership and quickly dissolved.


A historian is making a historical argument about the French Revolution. He
notes that, following the Revolution, a rash of violence swept over France. He
refers to the execution of French royalty and the European wars that
revolutionaries launched following their victory to support his argument. In
his opinion, it is morally wrong for any political movement to use violence to
achieve its goals. Based on this information, he argues that the French
Revolution produced far more negative outcomes than positive ones.
Which part of the historian's argument is his claim?
O A. In his opinion, it is morally wrong for any political movement to
use violence to achieve its goals.
B. He notes that, following the Revolution, a rash of violence swept
over France.
C. He refers to the execution of French royalty and the European
wars that revolutionaries launched following their victory to
support his argument.



B. He notes that, following the Revolution, a rash of violence swept

over France.

The Niagara Movement led to the foundation of
A the Universal Negro Improvement Association.
the National Woman's Party.
C the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
D the modern Democratic Party.


Answer: the answer is d naacp



B National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.



Need help ASAP answer only if you know!!!



Counties, towns, and cities are units of local governments.


Units of Local Government is the correct answer, let's close this question. I don't want anyone giving a random and wrong answer haha

Use the excerpt from “The Goose and the Golden Egg” to answer the question.

There was once a Countryman who possessed the most wonderful Goose you can imagine, for every day when he visited the nest, the Goose had laid a beautiful, glittering, golden egg.

Which word or phrase from the excerpt is a transition?

(1 point)

“every day”

“had laid”

“you can imagine”

“There was once”
I need help plz :)



there was once


its explaining a time from before where there "once was "   and then a situation hope that helps ^^

Answer: Every day

Explanation: because it connotes time order, daily.

Educational duties are required of citizens in order to help children become ____________ citizens.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


helppp plzzz i have 40 minutes to finish thisss


Your answer is:

B) Productive




B. Productive


Makes sense because schools educate kids to become productive,

also, the person above should get brainliest since they answered first, your welcome! :D

Identify and explain three factors that contributed to the origin of the Cold War



Some of the causes that contribute to the origin of The Cold War were, tensions between the two nations at the end of World War II, the ideological conflict between both the United States and the Soviet Union, the emergence of nuclear weapons, and the fear of communism in the United States.

Explanation: I hope and this help, good day!

Question 37
Which of the following foreign policies warned the world that interfering in Latin America meant interfering with the United States? (SSUSH145)
Treaty of Versailles
Adams-Onis Treaty
Missouri Compromise
Roosevelt Corollary

Plzzzz hurry


Roosevelt Corollary is the answer

What were the major contributors to the growth of the colonial population?





Tobacco was a major cash crop that saved Jamestown.

How did you feel while viewing the documentary, how do you feel now, what are your personal thoughts about the Emmett Till Story and lastly, what caught your attention the most in this documentary besides the terrible ending of Emmett’s life?


Answer: While viewing this documentary I went through such emotions. I felt furious, crushed, hateful, damaged, and wounded. This documentary was very challenging and difficult to watch. Although, I have heard about this story from my family before, by hearing it once more. I was crushed all over again. Personally, I felt like the violence act that took place was unfair and there should have been more justice. It is cruel to treat a human being like this. Where is the remorse?  What caught my attention the most in the documentary was how it was built on racial discrimination.

Explanation: Please mark me brainiest :)

What is Hamilton's view of Jefferson?



While Hamilton distrusted popular will and believed that the federal government should wield considerable power in order steer a successful course, Jefferson placed his trust in the people as governors. Perhaps because of their differences of opinion, Washington made these men his closest advisors.


Write a paragraph analyzing how television and other media created a mass national culture in the United States. Consider the effects of media on regional and ethnic cultures and how television sped the process.





2. What happened to the territories that had been given to the Central Powers in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ​


I have a lion in the meeting

Discribe the significance or importance of Dr. king peaceful protest and results


The peaceful protests were so important in letting the public see that they were being completely peaceful and weren’t acting maliciously. In the long term these peaceful protests were WAY more effective than a violent protest would have been. They won a lot of people over to their cause instead of being violent and having people not want to support a violent cause.

The Confederation Congress had grave financial difficulties during and
after the Revolutionary War because of all of the following EXCEPT
a. It was deeply in debt to foreign areditors
b. It owed barely in debt to foreign creditors
c. It was saddled with a crushing war debt
d. It could not tax or impose trade duties


Answer: B

Explanation: Hope This Helped.

Which letter on the map above best represents the river at the center of Classical China?
a.) A
b.) f
c.) G
d.) K


Answer: G

hope this helps





makes the most sense

A) looks like a kind of pond or something

can somebody help me please.



the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.

so its c


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