What information about the competition would an entrepreneur want to open a house-cleaning business that was based upon a price-competition marketing strategy?


Answer 1


The information regarding the competition that an entrepreneur would like to have to establish a business based on a price competition with other companies would be, precisely, the price at which they offer their products or services, as well as the price at which they get the inputs they use.

Thus, through this information, the entrepreneur could establish a business plan taking into account the profit margins of his competition, evaluating lowering the margins of his venture in order to capture a large market share, removing it from the competition.

Related Questions

If the total soda market is $50 Billion and Dr. Pepper has a $10 Billion market, what is Dr. Pepper's market share?





Dr pepper has 10 bil out of 50 bil which is (10/50)×100 which is 20%

What are some positive and negative Impacts of globalization



Globalization goal is 100% percent control of the people


Evidence of this is Charles Swab saying you will own nothing and be happy

Positive impacts are that globalisation can lead an increase in production for businesses in order to meet global demand. It allows companies to find lower-cost ways to produce their products. It also increases global competition, which drives prices down and creates a larger variety of choices for consumers. Lowered costs help people in both developing and already-developed countries live better on less money.

Negative impacts are:

Outsourcing services, decrease in wages, workers' rights and interdependent economy.

Raul provides advice and counseling to people struggling to overcome illnesses and injuries. His job title is best described as .



Psychologist, or social workers.

Answer: Rehabilitation , Mental health and substance abuse social worker , behavioral disorder counselor


Giving brainliest!!

Explain which method of production is the most likely to be capital intensive?​




Capital-intensive processes are those that require a relatively high level of capital investment compared to the labor cost. These processes are more likely to be highly automated and to be used to produce on a large scale. An industry that is capital intensive is – oil refining, manufacturing.

Which of the following statements is a fact about buyer behavior?
A.People buy based on real needs, not how a product will affect other people's opinions of them.
B.People are born with unchanging attitudes toward a product.
C.Messages about product benefits have more impact than messages about product features.
D.Salespeople should know which products are most profitable and how well products are selling.


Answer: That’s the correct answer ^^^

On apex


According to facts about consumer behavior, messaging regarding a product's benefits have a greater impact than those about its features. Therefore, option C is correct.

What describes buyer behavior?

Buyer behavior is any act or set of acts a buyer engages in when purchasing. Both good and negative actions by the customer are possible.

The business will succeed if clients respond favorably to a company's offers. Also, when clients take unfavorable action, the performance and success of the business are significantly threatened. To succeed in this cutthroat climate, any marketer must accurately assess the consumer's behavior.

The four main determinants of consumer behavior are cultural, social, personal, and psychological. A consumer's culture, subculture, and socioeconomic status are cultural elements. These elements frequently come naturally to our ideals and thought processes.

Four psychological factors—attitude or belief system, motivation, perception, and learning—have an impact on consumer behaviour.

Learn more about buyer behavior here:



The greeting of a cover letter is also referred to as the___.


Answer: salutation


what is a housefly plssss help


A fly that’s lives in your house


a common small fly occurring worldwide in and around human habitation. Its eggs are laid in decaying material, and the fly can be a health hazard due to its contamination of food.

What factor reflects the 'cost of money'?
The 'cost of money' is reflected in the
O interest rates
inflation rates
O variable rates
O fixed rates



Production opportunities, time preferences for consumption, risk, inflation. Explanation: The cost of money is the interest rate that lenders charge borrowers, and is determined by the supply and demand of funds.

Are personal property taxes indirect or direct taxes?
A: indirect
B: direct


The answer should be B
the answer would be B :)

the perimeter of an isosceles trapzium is 134 cm and the bases are 54cm and 30cm in length. find the length of nonparallel sides of the trapzium and it's area.​



perimeter of trapezium=134cm

let the trapezium be ABCD in which AB and CD are parallel sides and AD and BC are non parallel sides.

then AB=54cm and CD=30cm


perimeter of trapezium=134cm





Hence non parallel sides which are of equal length =25cm


How can you use feedback from your clients?
a. To practice reflective listening
b. To improve your effective communication
c. To improve your trust and rapport with your clients
d. To improve your skills and craft


the answer is d : the last one

Place the steps to creating a budget in order:

Figure out your net income.

Make a list of fixed expenses

Make a list of variable expenses.

Adjust expenses as needed

Determine if you have enough income to cover all your expenses.



1. Figure out your net income

2. Determine if you have enough income to cover all your expenses

3. make list of variable expense

4. make list of fixed expenses

5. adjust expense

done !

What should be the “tone” of an informal thank you letter?



In the case of writing an informal thank you letter, the best way to show the gratitude that you want to express is through a cordial, warm and close tone, using informal but polite words that convey precisely the feeling of gratitude of the writer. Thus, distant or cold words should not be used, but rather words that bring the writer and the reader closer together.

Celebrities can appeal to ethos when they promote products that

A. are related to their field.

B. people want to buy.

C. might help people.

D. are not well known.



B because what celebrity won't they love money




BEcause celebs


How do limited resources affect a nation's decision to engage in international trade?



it affects growth and population          


Still haven't got corona, even a global pandemic don't want me..



Same Who knows Can't Say that until this Pandemic Over


QuestionCove its Aight My User KazGotFetee

find the sum of 2x kg and 5x g. Give the answer in grammes.​


Answer: 3,600 g


Which of the following is not a positive impact of globalization?
Increased cooperation between countries.
Loss of jobs in the home country.
Increased competition leads to more efficiently run businesses.
Wider variety of products available to consumers.



Loss of jobs in the home country


Losing jobs is a bad impact that multiple things including globalization can have.

I hope this helps :D

the main units of local government.​



There are four main types of local government- counties, municipalities (cities and town), special districts, and school districts. Counties are the largest units of local government, numbering about 8,000 nationwide. They provide many of the same services provided by cities.


counties, municipalities (cities & towns), special districts, and school districts.

Select the correct answer. oh
Brian is a healthy young man. He has been training with his teammates for a 50-yard dash for months. However, even with practice, he cannot
run fast enough to qualify. What is the most likely reason that Brian can't qualify?
O A. He is not eating the correct serving size of food during his meals.
OB. He does not have a well-defined goal or self-monitoring habits.
Ос. His genetics are influencing some of his skill-related fitness components.
OD. His teammates are not providing enough support.





i would be oc : his genetics are influencing some of his skill-related fitness components

Explain in more than 3 sentences why does the USA imports so much from China.


The U.S. depends heavily on China for providing the low-cost goods that enable income-constrained American consumers to make ends meet. The U.S. also depends on China to support its own exports. Next to Mexico and Canada, China is America's third-largest and by far its most rapidly growing major export market.

Khalifa wants to expand his business further. He needs to know if he will make enough profit over the next six months. To do so, Khalid has suggested calculating his breakeven point, and his profit. Khalifa will need 100,000 AED to expand his business.
2a. Evaluate why it is a good idea for Khalifa to calculate his breakeven point.



It is a good idea for Khalifa to calculate his breakeven point because the breakeven point will tell him at which point his sales revenue will cover his costs, giving him a profit of exactly zero.

In other words, once the breakeven point is reached, any additional sales will become profit for Khalifa, because the costs of the company will have already been covered.

The breakeven point is one of the most important financial measures, as for this reason, all firms should calculate it, whether small or large.

Why might one pursue a certification?

to ensure employment in one's chosen field
to avoid doing classroom or practical work
to assure others of one's qualifications to do a task or job
to skip background checks



The 3rd option


It can help you get a job you want


. It assures others of the qualifications of a person to do a task or job.


List two things you could do now to further explore the career clusters you are interested in.

please help will give brainliest ​


-Reading and Researching. First, I strongly recommend that you create a separate and labeled folder for each of your top ten career/job options. ...

-Networking and Informational Interviewing

-Gaining Relevant Experience


study the sybjects i wnt to do and pass the exsams


What is the difference between profit and revenue?
O Revenue is the total amount producers receive after selling a good. Profit is the total amount producers earn after
subtracting the production costs.
Revenue is the total amount producers earn after subtracting the production costs. Profit is the total amount
producers receive after selling a good.
O Revenue is the total amount producers pay to manufacture a good. Profit is the total amount producers earn after
subtracting the production costs.
O Revenue is the total amount producers pay to manufacture a good. Profit is the total amount producers receive after
selling a good.



Revenue is the total amount producers receive after selling a good. Profit is the total amount producers earn after subtracting the production costs.



PLEASE HELP ILL GIVE YOU BRAINLIEST in a market economy, what does a producer mean when it asks, "Is there a market for my products?"
a."is there is a place where we can sell our products?"
b."is our product being more cheaply made overseas?"
c."will consumers need and want to buy our products?"
d."will the government support demand for our products?"



It is c


I recently had this question lol




i had this question on a test

I want to be a Architect or vet does anyone know what i should choose for GCSE's.



for me I want you to choose vet because I love animals


But follow your heart it's your choice choose wisely

It really doesn’t matter what you choose for GCSEs but if your school offers triple science I would opt for that. If you’re good at art you could also pick that but alevel options are more important.

What should be the consequences for not completing a required task? Why?



not being able to do something unless that task is complete


Explain what test marketing is and its purpose?​


Test marketing is a marketing method that aims to explore consumer response to a product or marketing campaign by making it available on a limited basis before a wider release. Consumers exposed to the product or campaign may or may not be aware that they are part of a test group.

What common tasks are performed by Manufacturing workers? Check all that apply.

preparing meals for factory workers
selling manufactured products
creating advertisements for products
designing products and processes
operating machinery
interpreting instructions
lifting and moving materials



4 5 6 7


got it right on edge


4. designing products and processes

5. operating machinery  

6. interpreting instructions

7. lifting and moving materials


edge 2021 :)

stay safe and good luck <3

Other Questions
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As we tried to look for directions, we suddenly heard the sound of howls coming closer and closer to the car. We realized that wolves were haunting the premises, and my Dad quickly started to drive faster and faster and faster until the engine gave out. We called 911 and then I saw something that I would never forget: a group of wolves slowly approaching the car. My Dad and Mom reaized what was happening and before their death, they both said to me, If anything happens, I love y- and as they were talking with tears running down their cheek,the wolves attacked them and saw one wolf with a everything was black. When I woke up, I got told that both my parents died and I was the sole survior for this unfortunate incident. The doctors told me it was a mircale that I survived while I looked at all the wolf bite marks around my body. 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