what is lean construction? group of answer choices none of the above similar like reducing costs by value engineering. fast tracking the construction project to finish faster. philosophy that focuses on adding value with more work and the addition of waste in the building process.


Answer 1

Option D is correct, lean construction is a philosophy that focuses on adding value with more work and the addition of waste in the building process.

Lean construction is an aggregate of operational research and sensible development in design and production with the adoption of lean production ideas and practices to the stop-to-cease design and production procedure. unlike manufacturing, construction is a challenge-primarily based production manner. Lean production is worried about the alignment and holistic pursuit of concurrent and non-stop improvements in all dimensions of the constructed and natural surroundings.

The public grasped this inside the dramatic shape of the shifting meeting line, however from the viewpoint of the producing engineer the breakthroughs genuinely went a whole lot in addition. Lean creation acknowledges that favored ends affect the way to acquire those ends and that the available approach will affect realized ends.

To learn more about lean construction visit here:



Related Questions

how much is $1 million to be delivered 20 years in the future worth today if the interest rate is 20 percent?


The current worth is $26,000.The present value PV formula follows. Divided by one plus R is the sequential feature value FP.

Do a future value calculation for a sum of present value?The present value PV formula follows. Divided by one plus R is the sequential feature value FP. The amount of time, which is 20 years, is provided to the authority here. So, the future value is worth $1,000,000 (FV = Future Value). A 20% interest rate follows. this comes out to 0.2 children.In order for the present value to equal 1,000,000, One + 0.20 is subtracted from this to get 20, then. Furthermore, two species equal two million integrated, or 1.20. 20 software computation, as the name suggests. 26,000 84 is what this amounts to. You got it. Therefore, the current worth is $26,000.      

To learn more about Present value refer to:



celine spends much of her time checking inventories, processing straight rebuys, and making sure that everything is going smoothly. celine is primarily a(n)


Celine spends a lot of her time ensuring sure everything is running well, processing straight rebuys, and inspecting inventory. Celine's main job is taking orders.

The items and materials a company keeps on hand with the intention of reselling, producing, or using them are referred to as inventory (in American English) or stock (in British English). The main focus of inventory management is determining the location and shape of stocked commodities. It is necessary to go before the regular and scheduled course of manufacturing and stocking of materials at various places within a facility or at several sites of a supply network. By broadening the definition to include "all work within the process of production - all work that is or has occurred prior to the completion of production," the concept of inventory, stock, or work in process (or work in progress) has been extended from manufacturing systems to service businesses and projects. Inventory in the context of a manufacturing production system refers to all work that has been completed, including raw materials, products that have been partially finished, finished products that have not yet been sold, and items that have left the manufacturing system. Inventory in the context of services refers to all work completed prior to sale, including information that has not yet been fully processed.

Learn more about inventory here



your enterprise has played fast and loose with customer information for years. while there has been no significant breach of information that could damage the organization and/or their customers, many in the enterprise feel it is only a matter of time before a major leak occurs. which type of threat actor is an employee who wishes to personally ensure that the enterprise is exposed and blocked from accessing their customers' information until they ensure more secure protocols?


Hacktivist ( Anyone who gains unauthorized access to computer files or networks  to pursue social or political ends )

What is the role of hacktivists?

Hacktivists are groups of criminals who band together to carry out cyberattacks to support  political ends. Hacktivists typically target entire industries, but they may also target specific organizations that they believe do not align with their political views and practices.

What is hacktivist example?

An example of hacktivist is denial of service  (DoS) attack. This includes shutting down systems to prevent customer access. Other examples include allowing citizens to access her state-censored websites and providing  threatened groups (such as Syrians during the Arab Spring) with protected means of communication.

To know more about Hacktivist visit here:



a cost structure which relies more heavily on fixed costs makes the company group of answer choices more sensitive to changes in sales revenue. less sensitive to changes in sales revenue. either more or less sensitive to changes in sales revenue, depending on other factors. have a lower break-even point.


A cost structure which relies more heavily on fixed costs makes the company more sensitive to changes in sales revenue.

The types and proportional distributions of fixed and variable costs that an organization incurs are referred to as cost structure. Smaller definitions of the notion are possible, for example, for each product, service, product line, client, division, or geographical area.

If you are utilizing a cost-based pricing approach, cost structure is used as a tool to calculate prices as well as to highlight areas in which expenses may be lowered or at the very least subjected to greater control.

To learn more about cost structure refer here:



suppose that avery and stacey are going shopping at the local mall and that each decides independently whether to buy many items or few items. if both shoppers buy a few items, both will receive 70 utils; if both buy many items, both will receive 100 utils. if one buys many items, and the other buys few items, the one who buys many items will receive 150 utils, while the other will receive 40 utils. what is the nash equilibrium? both will buy many items. both will buy a few items. avery will buy many items while stacey will buy a few items. stacey will buy many items while avery will buy a few items.


Both will buy many items is the nash equilibrium. Thus, option D is correct.

What is a nash equilibrium?

The most popular technique to describe the outcome of a non-cooperative match involving two or maybe more people is indeed the Nash equilibrium, A player can attain the preferred result by sticking to their starting tactic, according to equilibrium, a judgement call theorem of cognitive science. Each person's approach in the Nash equilibrium is the best one given what the other opponents have decided.

Assume Avery young Stacey decides on their own to purchase many or few products when browsing at the neighborhood mall. The nash equilibrium is that both will acquire numerous products.

Therefore, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about nash equilibrium, here:



wages from a job a student gives up to attend summer school would be a sunk cost. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselected


The wages from a job a student gives up to attend summer school would be a sunk cost. False, it is an opportunity cost. The opportunity cost is the potential foregone profit from a missed opportunity.

What is an opportunity cost?

The opportunity cost is the cost of the alternative that we waive when we make a certain decision, including the benefits that we could have obtained from having chosen the alternative option.

In economics, the opportunity cost is explained by the conflict of choice that an economic agent has in a scenario of scarcity, that is, when one can not have at the same time the objects of choice.

Learn more about  the opportunity cost here:



transactions that do not increase or decrease cash, but that result in significant investing and financing activities, are reported as non cash activities either directly after the cash flow statement or in a note to the financial statements


Transactions that do not increase or decrease cash, but that result in significant investing and financing activities, are reported as non cash activities either directly after the cash flow statement or in a note to the financial statements material transaction.

The  cash flow statement  is a statement in which the financial statement shows how changes in a balance sheet accounts  of the company and income affect  the cash and cash equivalents.

The non-cash refers to an expense on an income statement which include investment gains or losses, capital depreciation which does not involve a cash payment. Example, property, plant or loan.

To know more about cash flow statement  here,



in the customer journey, experiences such as a disappointment in product quality, long wait times, not receiving a correct order, or not getting a response to an inquiry would be examples of:


In the customer journey, experiences such as a disappointment in product quality, long wait times, not receiving a correct order, or not getting a response to an inquiry would be examples of: typical complaints.

What is typical complaints?

Typical complaints can be defined as the way in which a customers tend to express their grievance  or when a customer complain about the nonchalant attitude of a company due to lack of delivery quality customers service that was displayed by the company.

When a customer who bought a product from a company tend to experience disappointment in the product because they do not derived satisfaction from the product this can tend to lead the company to lose that customers as the customers may be discourage to buy the company product again.

Therefore this is an example of typical complaints.

Learn more about typical complaints here:https://brainly.com/question/29418337


all of the following are perceptual errors that can bias performance appraisals except: a. similar-to-me effect b. spillover effect c. critical factor effect d. recency effect


Perceptual errors that can bias performance appraisals should be chosen because the people do have a greater chance. It should happen when the employee is rated favourably, which means they are rated higher than their peers. The correct option is C. Critical factor effect.

This leads to good performance because of an advantage rather than business activities. Given the circumstances, luck should be responsible for the larger production.The tendency to exaggerate the impacts of internal or personal reasons of conduct while underestimating the effects of external or situational causes of behaviour is known as fundamental attribution mistake.

In social psychology, this tendency to overemphasise dispositional and personality-based explanations of an individual's observed behaviour while underplaying situational and environmental explanations is known as fundamental attribution error (FAE), also known as correspondence bias or attribution effect.

To know more about Bias visit:



employees indicate their willingness to be represented by a union by signing a/an: a. stipulation card b. agreement card c. authorization card d. selection card


Employees indicate their willingness to be represented by a union by signing an authorization card.

Authorization for a card is consent and authorization to carry out transactions.

The bank that issues the customer's car or, to put it simply, the customer's ban is the entity that grants this authority. The procedure often involves a credit card processor and verifies the card data.

A transaction is a business event that affects the financial statements of an organization financially and is documented as an entry in its accounting records.

To know more about grants, click the below link



What dimension of the business use of cloud systems focus on the benefits of rapid deployment, on-demand provisioning, and disaster recovery?Question 3 options:Streamlined Business DevelopmentFinancial SavingsRegulatory ComplianceIncreased Flexibility


The dimension of the business use of cloud systems focuses on the benefits of rapid deployment on-demand provisioning, and disaster recovery as Increased Flexibility. Option D.

The main reason cloud computing is important for business is that it enables companies to flexibly scale and focus their efforts on running their business instead of managing complex IT infrastructures. One of the best ways to optimize cloud computing for your business is to work with a cloud partner.

The public cloud model is the most widely used cloud service. This type of cloud is a popular option for web applications, file sharing, and non-sensitive data storage. Service providers own and operate all the hardware required to run the public cloud. Cloud computing increases business flexibility. Quickly scale resources and storage to meet business needs without investing in physical infrastructure.

Learn more about Cloud systems here:- https://brainly.com/question/19057393


which is not a function of the fed? multiple choice conducting monetary policy serving as a lender of last resort providing financial services such as check clearing to commercial banks directly financing u.s. budget deficits


Last option is correct. Directly financing u.s. budget deficits is not a function of the fed.

To guarantee that the financial system supports a strong economy for American people, communities, and businesses, the Federal Reserve analyzes financial system risks and actively participates at home and abroad.

Among fed's functions are:

Instruments for Monetary Policy The Federal Reserve must strike a balance between the flow of money and credit and the demands of the economy in order to promote economic growth and preserve stable pricing. ...

Cheap Window Loans ...

Services for payment systems. ...

Securities storage and transfer. ...

services provided to the United States Treasury.

The Fed's primary responsibilities include overseeing and regulating banks, implementing national monetary policy, preserving financial stability, and offering banking services.

Know more about Federal Reserve here:



a company tries to avoid the potential for violence or a lawsuit each time an employee is asked to leave the company. it does this by having the former employees meet with a specialized member of the hr staff to discuss their feelings while also getting help to find a new job. which strategy does the company use in this scenario? multiple choice an employee assistance program outcome fairness alternative dispute resolution fair representation


This is accomplished by scheduling a meeting between the ex-employees and a qualified member of the HR team so that they may express their views and receive assistance in finding a new position. In this case, the company's tactic is outplacement counseling.

Outplacement counseling: What is it?

Employers may include outplacement counseling in their employees' severance packages in order to help them gain the skills required to re-enter the workforce. Outplacement counseling services were once provided in-person, but modern outplacement counseling is now primarily provided online, making it more accessible and practical.

What do services for outplacement counseling do?

After years of employment with one company, searching for a new position can be difficult, especially for individuals whose career was abruptly terminated. Outplacement businesses typically provide the following services to assist such people in getting back on their feet:


Based on their talents and expertise, specialized career advisers can identify the jobs that would be the best fit for a person.

Career events

Job seekers have the chance to meet potential employers and learn more about various businesses.

Resume creation

Candidates can enhance their resumes and raise their chances of getting an interview by using online resources and counseling services.

Interview preparation

Candidates identify essential discussion themes and hone their body language and conversational skills with the help of a coach.

Educational materials

People may be directed to webinars, workshops, or online tutorials that can assist them in developing the skill set they desire.

Learn more about outplacement counseling: https://brainly.com/question/29524499


redistribution of income occurs through the federal income tax and government antipoverty programs. explain whether or not this level of redistribution is appropriate and whether more redistribution should occur.


Redistribution through a variety of distinctive strategies to promote justice must continue unless the economy's poverty is substantially eradicated.

Income redistribution is done to maintain a balance of income, which means that neither the wealthy nor the poor should have access to necessities of life inequitably.

Anti-poverty initiatives are somewhat reasonable if they meet the bare necessities of individuals who are actually in need. Making unfair use of the implemented policies and initiatives is not permitted.

Similar to this, while the federal income tax system, which levies taxes on individuals based on their earning capacity, is fair, certain members of the more affluent classes of society discover creative ways to avoid paying these taxes, which must be monitored. Any current gaps must be closed and fixed to ensure a just redistribution of income.

To know more about redistribution:



In which type of cheque payment only can be transferred in a bank account of the payee?


Customer Payee Only cheque payments may be deposited into the payee's bank account.

A bank account is a record of a customer's financial transactions with a bank that is held by a bank or other financial institution. Each financial institution's own terms and conditions are established for each type of account it offers. These accounts are divided into simple to comprehend categories like bank accounts, credit card accounts, current accounts, loan accounts, and many other sorts of accounts. A customer could have several accounts. The money a consumer deposits with a financial institution to open an account is recorded in the account they select. Money can be withdrawn via loan loaders.

Learn more about account from



the tendency to divide the various communication transactions into sequences of stimuli and responses is referred to as


The tendency to divide the various communication transactions into sequences of stimuli and responses is referred to as punctuation.

Why is punctuation important ?Punctuation is the tendency to break up communication transactions into sequences of stimuli and answers. A critical first step in understanding IPC is to comprehend how another person sees a situation and punctuates.To assist in meaning creation as necessary in the authorial portion of writing, which includes text organization and sentence formation, it "provides the traditional framework for sentence construction."Its worth depends on how effectively it serves its purpose, which is improved communication. I would contend that appropriate punctuation serves two crucial purposes: Improve the reader's understanding of the writer's point of view. Help the author highlight important concepts and passages.

To learn more about punctuation  refer,



direct labor is sometimes the appropriate basis for assigning overhead cost to products. it is appropriate to use direct labor when which of the following is true? (1) direct labor constitutes a significant part of total product cost. (2) a high correlation exists between direct labor and changes in the amount of overhead costs. group of answer choices (1) only (2) only either (1) or (2) both (1) and (2)


In some cases, using direct labor as the basis for assigning overhead costs to products is reasonable. Direct labor should be used when: (1) direct labor accounts for a sizable portion of the cost of the final product. (2) There is a strong relationship between changes in the amount of direct labor and changes in overhead costs. Both (1) and (2) are correct.

While indirect costs are related to support labor, such as personnel who maintain industrial equipment, direct costs include wages for the employees who make a product, including those on an assembly line. Direct labor is the work done by employees that deliver the service directly to the customers for a firm that offers services to its clients, such as auditors, attorneys, and consultants.

The wages paid are regarded as indirect if the work completed cannot be linked to a single employee. You must first determine the overhead allocation rate before you can allocate the overhead charges. To do this, divide the total overhead by the number of hours of direct labor. This indicates that you must budget $3.33 in overhead for every hour that it takes to produce a product. Direct and indirect (overhead) labor costs are separated.

Learn more about direct labor visit this link : brainly.com/question/26245657


What are the core capabilities for all five mission areas?


All five mission areas rely on three Core Capabilities: planning, public information & warning, and operational coordination. Communities use the National Preparedness System, an organized procedure

All five mission areas rely on three Core Capabilities: planning, public information & warning, and operational coordination. Communities use the National Preparedness System, an organized procedure, to assess, develop, maintain, and provide the Core Capabilities. The goal of the Washington State Core Capability Development Sheets is to assist communities in using planning, training, and exercise to fill in the identified gaps in their THIRA/SPR. Communities indicate their intended strategies for filling capability gaps or meeting sustainment needs once they have recognized their capability deficiencies. This is accomplished via community preparation, setup, tools, exercise,

learn more about  Core Capabilities here:



yield to maturity and future price: a bond has a $1,000 par value , 10 years to maturity, and a 7% annual coupon and sells for $985. a.) what is its yield to maturity? b.) assume that the yield to maturity remains constant for the next 3 years. what will the price be 3 years from today?


a) Its yield to maturity is 7.215%. b) The price be three years from today is 988.46.

A) Solve for I using fv 1000 n 10 pmt 70 pv -985

= 7.215%

b) the value of PV over the next three years using the variables fv1000, n 7, and pmt70


*price reflects the number of years that have passed, therefore n is 7 when three years have passed.

* more significant than before as you draw near

The return that is realized on a bond if it is held to maturity is known as yield to maturity. It is calculated by factoring in the bond's face value, its current price, the bond's yearly or semiannual coupon amount, and the number of years to maturity.

Know more about maturity here:



the combination of economic conditions-rising prices, rising interest rates, and high unemployment-that hit the oil-dependent western nations as a result of the opec oil embargo became known as what?


The combination of economic conditions-rising prices, rising interest rates, and high unemployment that hit the oil-dependent western nations as a result of the OPEC oil embargo became known as inflation.

Economics is the observation of scarcity and its implications for the usage of assets, manufacturing of goods and services, an increase of manufacturing and welfare over the years, and a great variety of different complex problems of the important subjects to society.

Economics is the observation of how human beings allocate scarce assets for manufacturing, distribution, and intake, both for my part and together. the 2 branches of economics are microeconomics and macroeconomics. Economics focuses on performance in manufacturing and trade.

Instance: whilst Corn crop production will increase the farmers lower the rate of the crop so they can sell off their produce. If the supply is simply too high then the call for i.e. the amount of corn needed to feed the people of the country, the produce had to be wasted and farmers lose their cost of manufacturing.

Learn more about Economics here:



In the domestic market, following the imposition of an import quota, imports ________, domestic production ________, and prices ________.


In the domestic market, following the imposition of an import quota, imports decrease domestic production increases and prices increases.

The import quota would be viewed as the country's maximum import allowance in the case of the domestic market. Now, when the import quota is implemented, the import is reduced, the domestic output is boosted, and the price is likewise elevated.

A restriction on imports will result in higher domestic prices and, in the case of a big country, lower export prices. After the quota is put in place, the gap between domestic and foreign pricing is referred to as a "quota rent." The number of imports will be decreased to the quota amount by an import quota.

To learn more about Import quota visit: https://brainly.com/question/13782159


a company issues 100,000 shares of $1 par value common stock for $17 per share. to record this transaction, the company would credit common stock for:


A company issues 100,000 shares of $1 par value common stock for $17 per share. To record this transaction, the company would credit common stock for $100000.

What is common stock?


Total paid in capital (100000×17) 1700000 Less: Common Stock (100000×1) -100000 Additional paid in capital 1600000

Common stock refers to a form of corporate equity ownership, a type of security. The terms voting share and ordinary share are also used frequently outside of the United States. They are known as equity shares or ordinary shares in the UK and other Commonwealth realms. This type of share gives the stockholder the right to share in the profits of the company, and to vote on matters of corporate policy and the composition of the members of the board of directors.

Common stock is a component of paid-in capital, which is the total amount received from investors for stock.

Learn more about stock, here:



what accounting activities make a merchandising business differ from a service business? question 9 options: the purchasing of supplies and insurance the selling on account the owners capital and drawing account the purchasing and selling of products


The primary difference between a merchandising and a carrier-primarily based commercial enterprise is the presence of inventory. merchandising companies promote items to purchasers, whereas provider-primarily based agencies do no longer. The organization's economic statements, which include the profits statements, ought to replicate this distinction.

Although merchandising and service businesses use the same 4 final entries, merchandising groups typically have extra temporary debts to shut. the extra debts consist of income, sales returns and allowances, income discounts, purchases, purchases returns and allowances, purchases discounts, and freight‐in.

Accounting for a merchandising commercial enterprise requires understanding the prices and phrases of buying from providers. The higher a commercial enterprise proprietor can negotiate terms, the higher his profit margins can be, and the less risk he assumes, based on capability loss or breakage.

Learn more about merchandising  here



What are the proper procedures in serving food and beverage order properly?


Handle the dishes strictly by the edges and avoid touching the food with your fingers. Bring out all the food for the table at once. Never let a visitor go hungry.

Make sure the visitors don't want to order anything else before giving them the bill. In the F&B establishments, a variety of policies are used to determine guest bills. Some people prefer that customers pay with cash at the cashier's counter. To guarantee that just the correct amount is charged to the customer in this situation, the serving staff must accompany the customer to the payment counter. Any firm that offers services relies on interaction with the customers. In fact, the support team must always be ready to manage unforeseen scenarios. When moving about the dining room with the trays in their hands, the serving staff must use caution.

learn more about F&B  here



a division sold 200,000 calculators during 2017: sales $2,000,000 variable costs: materials $380,000 order processing 150,000 billing labor 110,000 selling expenses 60,000 total variable costs 700,000 fixed costs 1,000,000 how much is the unit contribution margin? group of answer choices $1.00 $3.50 $8.50 $6.50


Option d. $6.50 is the correct answer. The contribution margin of the division is $6.50

The contribution margin refers to the difference between the selling price and the variable costs. It also refers to the amount that can cover the total fixed costs for a particular period. When the total amount of contribution margin exceeds the fixed costs the remainder is the profit realized by the company.

First, let's compute the contribution margin.

Contribution Margin = Sales - Variable costs

Contribution Margin = $2,000,000 - $700,000 = $1,300,000

Next, let's compute the contribution margin per unit.

Contribution margin per unit = Contribution margin / Total units sold

Contribution margin per unit = $1,300,000 / 200,000 units = $6.50

Learn more about contribution margin:



gina davidson has received $50,000 in a divorce settlement and is trying to decide how to invest it. she has looked at stocks but knows that some stocks have lost a lot of value for their owners recently. what aspect of investing is she most concerned about?


She has looked at stocks but knows that some stocks have lost a lot of value for their owners recently. Risk aspect of investing is she most concerned about.

Investing is using money to buy an asset and increase its value over a period of time. Investing requires sacrificing your current wealth. B. Time, Money, or Effort. In finance, the purpose of investment is to generate profit from the assets invested.

Investing is an effective way to invest money and build wealth. With smart investments, money can outperform inflation and increase in value. The huge growth potential of investment is largely due to the power of compound interest and the risk/return trade-off.

Income investing is an investment strategy focused on building investment portfolios specifically structured to generate regular income. The sole purpose of income-based investment strategies is to generate a steady stream of income.

Learn more about Investing  https://brainly.com/question/25300925


the audit committee has raised a few issues that the internal audit activity will examine during an operational audit for the current year. when performing the preliminary survey, which of the following is not an appropriate technique? developing questionnaires. performing interviews. determining the largest risk of financial statement misstatement. all of the answers are appropriate techniques.


C. Determining the largest risk of financial statement misstatement.

The threat of material misstatement is the risk that the economic statements of an agency were misstated to a material degree. Risks of misstatement have been recognized in the use of data acquired from performing risk evaluation procedures.

Determining potential misstatements isn't the goal of an operational audit. Additionally, a very last danger evaluation is advanced at a later time in the audit, now no longer at some point in the preliminary survey. An initial danger evaluation is suitable at some point in this stage.

To learn more about the risk of material misstatement,


keynesian economists begin with the assumption that the state should regulate economic policy for everyone's benefit. why might sociologists, who subscribe to neoliberal theories, be critical of this idea?


They believe that markets without state interference lead to the best economic outcomes.

Economics is the look at scarcity and its implications for using assets, manufacturing of products and services, the boom of manufacturing and welfare through the years, and a superb style of different complex issues of essential concern to society.

A financial system consists of consumers who buy products and services, organizations that rent clients and make items, and the government at diverse degrees both purchase products, rent exertions, and levy taxes. Their collective interactions create a simplified financial system.

example: while Corn crop manufacturing increases the farmers lower the charge of the crop so that it will promote their produce. If the supply is too high then the demand i.e. the amount of corn needed to feed the people of the country, the products needed to be wasted and farmers lose their cost of production.

Learn more about economic here: https://brainly.com/question/17996535


An example of a correction of an error in previously issued financial statements is a change:
a. from the FIFO method of inventory valuation to the LIFO method.
b. in the service life of plant assets, based on changes in the economic environment.
c. from the cash basis of accounting to the accrual basis of accounting.
d. in the tax assessment related to a prior period.


An example of a correction of an error in previously issued financial statements is a change: c. from the cash basis of accounting to the accrual basis of accounting.

Which of the following represents a correction to a mistake in financial statements that have already been published?

 A switch from the cash basis to the accrual basis of accounting is an illustration of how to fix a mistake in financial statements that were previously published. Transactions that do not involve cash are not accounted for under the cash basis; nonetheless, they are included under the accrual basis.

Correcting an inaccuracy in financial statements that have already been published should be treated as a prior-period adjustment. As a result, such a mistake should be reported as an adjustment to the beginning balance of retained earnings in the year it is found.

To know more about accrual basis of accounting, refer:



g how much would it cost for chester corporation to repurchase all its outstanding shares if new brokerage fees totaled 1% of the underlying transaction?


It would cost $78.0 million to repurchase all the corporation's shares.

A new brokerage fee of 1% is being charged.  

Cost of repurchase = Number of shares*Share price/(1-1%)

Cost of repurchase = $3,352,720 * $23.02/(1-1%)

Cost of repurchase = $3,352,720 * $23.02/(1 - 0.01)

Cost of repurchase = $3,352,720 * $23.02/0.99

Cost of repurchase = $3,352,720 * $23.25

Cost of repurchase = $ 77,950,740

Cost of repurchase = $78.0 million

Finally, the repurchase cost is computed as $78 million.

To know more about the repurchase price refer to:



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