What type of arrangement, if any, would avoid double taxation for the Wally and Sally's endeavor?


Answer 1

After a corporation is established, its owners may petition the IRS to treat it as a S corporation for taxation purposes. S corporations offer the same benefits of restricting liability as C businesses, but they avoid double taxation by paying out earnings directly to shareholders.

These treaties frequently include provisions for information sharing to prevent tax evasion, such as when someone claims tax exemption in one country based on non-residence there but fails to declare that income as foreign income in the other; or when someone claims local tax relief on a fictitious foreign tax deduction at source. The practice of collecting taxes from two or more jurisdictions on the same amount of money (in the case of income taxes), property (in the case of capital taxes), or business transaction is known as double taxation (in the case of sales taxes). Double liability can be reduced in a number of ways, such as by exempting foreign-source income from tax, exempting it from tax if tax had already been paid on it in another jurisdiction, or if the income is above a threshold to exclude tax haven jurisdictions, or by fully taxing the foreign-source income but giving a credit for taxes paid on the income in the foreign jurisdiction. Tax treaties, which specify guidelines to prevent double taxation, are agreements that jurisdictions can make with other nations. These treaties frequently include provisions for information sharing to prevent tax evasion, such as when someone claims tax exemption in one country based on non-residence there but fails to declare that income as foreign income in the other; or when someone claims local tax relief on a fictitious foreign tax deduction at source.

Learn more about double taxation here



Related Questions

True or False: police departments may be held liable for sexual harassment even if they did not know of the offending behavior.


Yes this is true police departments may be held liable for sexual harassment even if they did not know of the offending behavior.

What is the sexual harassment:

criminal conduct against a person that results in mental or emotional anguish, such as repeatedly making unwelcome contact without a good justification, insults, threats, groping, or unpleasant language.

The business looked into allegations of racial discrimination and workplace harassment.

What are examples of harassment:Sexual or offensive comments.sending vulgar or sexually explicit text messages, memos, or photos.Sexual innuendos in conversation.Physical contact that is unwanted or unwarranted, such as stroking, caressing, or embracing.

How do you prove harassment:

Establishing harassment in order to obtain a conviction:

The defendant has followed a certain path of action.The actions amounted to harassing the other individual.The defendant should have known or should have known that the actions constituted to harassment.

Learn more about Sexual Harassment:



What are the most important facts concerning the case of Tinker v. Des Moines?


According to the court, the First Amendment included public schools, and administrators could not suppress student expression unless it interfered with the learning environment.

What does it mean to "amend"?

A contractual or any other instrument's terms can be changed or added to. An amendment is a new addition or change that effectively maintains the integrity of the original document. Other times, a revision can fully delete the original text as add new content in its place.

What makes it a "modification"?

The verb amend, which implies to improve, serves as its foundation. Provisions can be incorporated, withdrawn, or changed by changing the treaties. They are frequently used when launching a brand document is preferable than editing an existing one. Only the legislative branch may modify legislation.

To know more about Amendment visit:



What happened during the four years between when the Tinkers sued their school and when the Supreme Court ruled on the case?


In the four years between when the Tinkers sued their school and when the Supreme Court ruled on the case is the antiwar movement grew larger.

A Supreme Court majority rule ruled that neither students nor teachers waive their constitutional right to free speech at school gates. Students cannot return to school until they agree to remove their wristbands. I have been told.

The students returned after Christmas vacation without armbands, but in protest wore black for the rest of the grade and filed First Amendment lawsuits. The Supreme Court has ruled that armbands are pure speech and are completely separate from the deeds and deeds of those involved in the armbands.

Learn more about A Supreme Court here:- https://brainly.com/question/18228641


which decision of jefferson is often viewed as his greatest foreign policy success?
A. annexing Florida from Spain
B. purchasing the Louisiana Territory
C. supporting independence for Panama
D. establishing treaties with many American Indian tribes


Which decision of Jefferson is often viewed as his greatest foreign policy success: . purchasing the Louisiana Territory

Hence, option B is correct.

What is Louisiana Treaty?

The United States purchased Louisiana from the French First Republic in 1803 as part of the Louisiana Purchase. The United States nominally acquired a total of 828,000 sq mi in Middle America for fifteen million dollars, or around eighteen dollars per square mile.When Robert Livingston and James Monroe signed the Louisiana Purchase Treaty in Paris on April 30, 1803, they sealed the finest real estate transaction of the century. They were permitted to give France up to $10 million in exchange for the Floridas and the port of New Orleans.

To know more about Louisiana treaty here



according to the current law, legislative districts must be approximately equal in population and should also allow for ______.



according to the current law, legislative districts must be approximately equal in population and should also allow for minority representation

What is the role of NGO in environment management Mcq?


This set of Energy & Environment Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Role of NGOs”.

What is a environment explain?

Environment can be defined as a sum total of all the living and non-living elements and their effects that influence human life. While all living or biotic elements are animals, plants, forests, fisheries, and birds, non-living or abiotic elements include water, land, sunlight, rocks, and air.

What is importance of environment?

Environment plays an important role in healthy living and the existence of life on planet earth. Earth is a home for different living species and we all are dependent on the environment for food, air, water, and other needs. Therefore, it is important for every individual to save and protect our environment.

To know more about environment visit:



Once an amendment is formally proposed, how long do the states have to ratify it?



Once an amendment is formally proposed, how long do the states have to ratify it?

7 years

under the equal pay act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of


Employees of different sexes are paid differently by the employer for doing the same work under comparable working conditions and demanding the same level of ability, effort, and responsibility.

What is Equal Pay Act?

The Fair Labor Standards Act was amended by the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which was created to end salary discrimination based on sex. Employers are prohibited from setting pay based on a person's gender and are required to give equal salaries for equal labor. Employers cannot discriminate either. 1963's Equal Pay Act. The Equal Pay Act for Equal Work for Men and Women in the Same Establishment forbids sex-based wage discrimination between men and women who work in positions that demand roughly equal ability, education, effort, and responsibility under comparable working conditions. Both men and women are safeguarded by the Equal Pay Act (EPA).

To learn more Employees from given link



How do you think interest groups influence public policy at the local level ?


In order to influence government policy in favor of their ideas and objectives, interest groups employ a variety of tactics. Industry groups frequently have the funds to influence politicians by contributing to their re-election campaigns.

To advance themselves or their goals, all interest groups share the ambition to influence governmental policy. Their objective may be to implement a policy that only benefits members of their group or a interest group specific sector of society (such as government subsidies for farmers) or to accomplish a more general public objective (e.g., improving air quality). By exerting pressure on decision-makers to change the course of policy in their favor, they try to lobby, or advance, their objectives.

Any association of people or groups, usually formally constituted, that seeks to influence public policy on the basis of one or more common concerns is known as an interest group, sometimes known as a special interest group, advocacy group, or pressure group.

Learn more about interest group here



the power of congress to enact laws by which the national government assumes complete or partiual responsibility for a state governemnt


The preemption is the power of Congress to enact laws by which the national government assumes total or partial responsibility for a state government function.

What is a Law Congress?

A bill is sent to the president for signature after receiving identical approval from the Senate and the House. If the president signs the bill, it becomes a law. Laws are also referred to as acts of Congress.

Congress, which has total legislative authority, is the only arm of government with the power to pass new laws or alter ones that already exist. While laws established by Congress are necessary for their enforcement, executive branch agencies' regulations have full legal power.

Through discussion and compromise, the US Congress draughts laws that affect how we live our daily lives. It holds hearings to inform the legislative process and conducts investigations to monitor the executive branch.

To learn more on Law Congress from the link:



What does Claudius say in his soliloquy?


Claudius begins his soliloquy by referring to his "crime," the murder of his brother Old Hamlet, as "rank," or nasty and offensive-smelling.

His crime is the first murder recorded in the Bible, committed by Cain in the book of Genesis, which led to a curse being imposed on humanity. Now that he is alone himself, Claudius tries to pray; it's noteworthy to note that, in the absence of Claudius' ability to confess to God, Shakespeare employs the soliloquy in this scene as a sort of 'prayer' or confession to us, the audience. Claudius wishes he could pray, but the weight of his guilt prevents him from even thinking of approaching God.

Learn more about Hamlet here:



Which branch has the power to raise revenue through taxes and levies?


The Congress is the branch which has the power to raise revenue through taxes and levies.

- The Congress shall have the authority to impose and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises in order to pay debts, provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare of the United States, but all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the country, according to Article I, Section 8, Clause 1.

- The Constitution granted Congress the authority to impose and collect taxes. All other government actions are made possible by taxes, or more specifically, the money they supply.

To know more about Congress, kindly click on the link below :



under the equal pay act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of


B) all of the options: in accordance with the Equal Pay Act, an employer can legitimately pay male and female employees different wages based on the primary duties of the job, seniority or merit, or any other factor other than gender.

The Equal Pay Act: What is it?

1963 Equal Pay Act The Equal Pay Act prohibits wage discrimination based on gender between men and women working in the same establishment and performing jobs that demand substantially equal skill, education, effort, and responsibility in similar working conditions.

What is the Equal Pay Act's primary objective?

The Equal Pay Act's main goal was to make sure that women who worked alongside men or took over for men wouldn't get paid less for doing the same work.

To learn more about Equal Pay Act here



Full Question = Under the Equal Pay Act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of a. the primary duties of the jobs. b. all of the choices. c. a seniority or merit system. d. any factor other than gender.

What evidence supports the idea that the bill of rights was key to the ratification of the constitution?.


The evidence that supports the fact that the bill of rights was key to the ratification was that the states right was at the top most of the agenda and the federalists had to make a deal to accept the bill, so as to have a stron government.

What is the bill of rights?

The first ten Amendments to the Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. It outlines the rights of Americans in regard to their government. Individuals are given civil rights and liberties like freedom of speech, of the press, and of religion.

The Bill of Rights is significant not just for the freedoms it upholds, but also because it exemplifies America's ongoing dedication to betterment and its ongoing efforts to create a "more perfect union."

Read more on bill of rights here:https://brainly.com/question/493206


Rob owns a commercial building in fee simple. Rob transfers temporary possession of the building to Alpha Corporation. Can Alpha transfer possession for even less time to Beta Company?


Since Rob transfers temporary possession of the building to Alpha Corporation. Yes, Alpha transfer possession for even less time to Beta Company.

What is temporary possession?

When referring to real estate, the phrase "temporary possession" refers to the temporary possession of the property obtained in compliance with a section 42 directive.

After controlling for erratic variations and market-related volatility, alpha is the excess return on an investment. One of the five main risk management metrics for stocks, bonds, and mutual funds is alpha. It sort of informs investors as to whether an asset has consistently outperformed or underperformed what its beta forecasts.

Since  Beta Company  is still existing they can have some amount of possession for a short period of time.

Learn more about possession from


What is the purpose of sanctions imposed by the US the UN and the EU?


The US, the UN, and the EU impose sanctions with the intention of preventing the spread of nuclear weapons, combating terrorism, resolving conflicts, and supporting democratic governments. These sanctions regimes are the most frequently used.

What do you mean by imposed?

To formally compel the payment of a fine, tax, or other penalty: Recently, cigarettes have been subject to very high levies. to use your power or influence to force the acceptance of a law, rule, opinion, etc. When someone forces themselves on you, even if you may not want to, they are forcing you to accept their company. A description of the disciplinary action taken by the institution, along with the date and length of the sanction, are referred to as the sanction imposed.

Why are sanctions imposed?

The United Nations (UN) and the European Union are primarily responsible for enacting sanctions and embargoes as trade-related political weapons ( EU ). According to the UN Charter, the principal objective of all sanctions and embargoes is to carry out decisions made by the Security Council of the organisation to maintain or restore global peace and security. You will face consequences for not abiding by all of the workplace regulations. Your benefits being discontinued constitutes a punishment. Sanctions may also be imposed for factors unrelated to your employment. Sanctions are frequently referred to the HRA as "failure to report" (FTR) or "failure to comply" (FTC).

To know more about Imposed visit:



according to the 23rd annual kids count data book, , perhaps the most global of all well-being indicators and a major at-risk factor, had increased in the united states to 23% in 2011.


The other four top states for foster children in that year were Texas, Georgia, Indiana, and Illinois.

What does the term "global" mean?

A person who is conscious of and appreciates their place in the larger world is referred to as a global citizen. They are a global citizen. They participate actively in their society and collaborate with others to improve the peace, sustainability, and fairness of our earth.

Is global a positive thing?

When you grow your business globally, you may help a far wider population of people find the answers to the issues or questions your organization works to resolve. Another great benefit is that by growing your business worldwide, you can access a new clientele.

To know more about global visit:



What are the 4 essential elements?


Belonging, Mastery, Independence, Generosity are the 4 essential elements.

vital component An essential chemical nutrient for an organism's healthy growth and development. Macronutrients are those elements that are essential elements required in comparatively significant quantities, whereas micronutrients or trace elements are those that are only required in very little or very minute quantities. The elements that make up macronutrients are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, oxygen, and carbon. The micronutrients iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, molybdenum, and cobalt are significant examples.

vital component any one of a variety of substances needed by living things for healthy development, growth, and maintenance. A variety of elements in inorganic forms are needed by many types of species, including plants, animals, and microbes, in addition to the elements found in organic molecules (such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen).

Learn more about essential elements here



this part of your car insurance policy pays for damages to your car in case you are in an accident.


Own Damage Car Insurance Claim is part of your car insurance policy that pays for damages to your car in case you are in an accident.

What is the Insurance?

A party agrees to reimburse another party in return for a fee to safeguard them from financial loss through insurance.

Insurance is a tool for risk management. You purchase insurance against unforeseen financial losses when you purchase insurance. If something unpleasant happens to you, the insurance company pays the reader or someone else of your choosing. If you don't have insurance as well as an accident occurs, you can be liable for all expenses.

Learn more about the insurance here:



What are the two requirements of the Tinker test?


The two requirements of the Tinker test materially and substantially interfere with the requirements of appropriate discipline in the operation of the school.

The Tinker Test, also known as the Serious Interference Test is still used in courts today to determine whether a school's interest in preventing interference violates a student's First Amendment rights. I'm here. Another area where schools have the power to regulate language without detailed analysis is school-sponsored language.

A Supreme Court majority decision ruled that neither students nor teachers waive their constitutional right to free speech at school gates. The court ruled that school officials could not ban the speech solely on the suspicion that it might interfere with the learning process.

Learn more about The Tinker test here:- https://brainly.com/question/1392591


Under the Equal Pay Act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of a. the primary duties of the jobs. b. all of the choices. c. a seniority or merit system. d. any factor other than gender.


The right response is B. Of the available options, According to the Equal Pay Act, an owner is permitted to pay male and female employees differently based on a. the major responsibilities of the positions.

What has changed since the Equal Pay Act of 1970?

The original goal of the Equal Pay Act of 1970. was to close the pay disparity across men and women. Since then, the Equality Act of 2010's rules, which apply both to male and female workers, have taken its place.

Who was the author of the Equity in Pay Act?

Kennedy officially ratified the Equal Pay Act. The Federal Fair Labor Standards Act from 1938, whose governs minimum pay, overtime, and child labor, was amended by this legislation.

To know more about Equal Pay Act visit:



if you must tell an employee that he is facing a sexual harassment investigation, you should use a rich medium of communication. group start





The best way to communicate that an employee is facing a sexual harassment investigation is through a private, face-to-face meeting. As the meeting is private, it allows the employee to discuss any questions and concerns they may have in a confidential setting.

Additionally, having an in-person meeting allows for the employer to clearly and effectively explain the investigation process, answer any questions, and ensure that the employee is aware of the seriousness of the allegations.

What are the major themes in Hamlet soliloquies how do they contribute to the major thematic concerns of the play?


The main themes in Hamlet are women, politics, religion, and concepts of retribution and corruption.

What does corruption mean in plain English?

Our definition of corruption states that it is when power is abused for one's own gain. Corruption worsens inequality, hunger, social division, and environmental issues while destroying trust, undermining democracy, and stifling economic growth. Certain people are frequently willing to employ illegal methods to conduct corruption in order to increase their self or an industry's gain. or superior infrastructure, or we lose out completely.

Which four types of corruption are there?

Supply vs demand, grand versus petty, conventional versus unorthodox, and public vs. personal corruption are the most prevalent forms or categories of corruption. Additionally, our funds are wasted, or we are forced to accept subpar infrastructure or services, or we are completely excluded.

To know more about corruption visit:



Who benefits from the Supremacy Clause?


Citizens of U.S. get benefits from the supremacy clause and it ensures that federal law wins regardless of the order of enactment. It's allowed to the supreme court that help to establish a strong federal government.

The most important guarantor of a national union. It assures that the Constitution and federal laws and treaties take precedence over state law and binds all judges to adhere to that principle in their courts.

The supremacy clause benefits and prevent conflicts between state and federal governments and foster a strong federal government. It ensures that all Federal laws, treaties, regulations, and principles made under the U.S. constitution form part of the supreme laws.

Learn more about Supremacy Benefits  click the link here:



Does the President have the power to make foreign policy?


As chief executive officer, the president is the country's sole spokesperson on foreign relations, but Congress, as a legislative body, can dictate the policies to be followed, and the president will comply with those policies in foreign dealings.

The federation's legislative body, called the Parliament, consists of the President and two chambers known as the National Council (Rajya Sabha) and the People's Chamber (Lok Sabha). Each House must meet within six months of its last session.

The Legislative Department is primarily responsible for drafting all major laws of the Central Government. These include bills submitted to Congress, ordinances promulgated by the President, and measures enacted as Presidential Acts in states under the President's control.

The Executive Branch of the State consists of the President, Vice President, Ministers and other Ministers. The parliament consists of the House of People (Lok Sabha) and the Senate (Rajya Sabha).

Learn more about legislative https://brainly.com/question/809346


an agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends.a. true
b. false



an agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends.a. true

b. false


What is the main idea of Wilson's speech?


inside the speech, Wilson at once addressed what he perceived because the causes for the arena battle by way of calling for the abolition of secret treaties, a discount in armaments.

His goals consist of the self-willpower of nations, loose exchange, disarmament, a percent to give up secret treaties, and a league of countries to recognize collective security. This speech will become the basis for Wilson's peace proposals on the cease of the war.

The principle purpose of the Fourteen points changed into to outline a method for finishing the warfare. He set out unique goals that he wanted to reap through the conflict. If the united states became going to combat in Europe and infantrymen were going to lose their lives, he wanted to set up precisely what they have been combating for.

President Wilson speech to distance the us from WWI with the aid of issuing a proclamation of neutrality, Wilson's coverage of neutrality changed into consistent with the us's traditional policy of avoiding eu entanglements, Wilson insisted that all belligerents admire American neutral rights on the excessive seas.

Learn more about Wilson speech  here:



an agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends. t or f


Any information obtained by an agent throughout the course of the connection must be kept private, but once the agency has ended, the agent is free to divulge it. This statement is accurate.

The sense of agency (SA), sometimes known as the sensation of control, is the experience of organizing, carrying out, and controlling one's own free will acts in the environment. The pre-reflective consciousness, or the implicit knowledge that I am moving or thinking with my body, is what causes this.

In a fiduciary partnership, keeping secrets is especially crucial. Any confidential information agents get while working for an agency is strictly prohibited from disclosure or use for the agents' personal gain. Even after the agency relationship ends, this duty remains.

To know more about agency: brainly.com/question/7284696


What are the three steps of a civil trial choose 3 answers?


Civil trial is not a prosecution by the government .It is the defendent a person, group, business, institution or a government body, It claims of harm against any crime. there are also some steps that is to be taken in the civil trial court. It is the defendant another person or group.

1. Case complaint of plantiff or defendent describes out.

2. Send summoned to defendant or plantiff.

3. In both case of defendant or plantiff find evidence.

It is the formal meeting in a civil trial ourt  where  a judge and jury lissten to evidence and decide whether a person is guilty of a crime. divorce cases , rent matters, and sake of land cases are decided under civil law. Civil case in jail is an individual can be arrested in civil case as well. It's  procedure is the law on arrest and detention. criminal case is filled by a person or entitiy against another person or entity.

Learn more about Civil trial court click the link here:



an employer can eliminate a worker’s medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker’s employment.



an employer can eliminate a worker’s medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker’s employment.


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