What is an equation of the line parallel to the line on the graph that passes through (2,25)?

What Is An Equation Of The Line Parallel To The Line On The Graph That Passes Through (2,25)?


Answer 1



Step 1

2 equations of lines are parallel if the slope is the same, so

a) find the slope of the graphed line

the slope of a line can by calculated by using

[tex]\begin{gathered} slope=\frac{change\text{ in y }}{change\text{ in x}}=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \\ where \\ P1(x_1,y_1) \\ and \\ P2(x_2,y_2) \\ are\text{ 2 points from the line} \end{gathered}[/tex]


pick up 2 points from the the line and let

[tex]\begin{gathered} P1(0,10) \\ P2(10,50) \end{gathered}[/tex]

replace and evaluate

[tex]\begin{gathered} slope=\frac{change\text{\imaginaryI ny}}{change\text{\imaginaryI nx}}=\frac{y_{2}-y_{1}}{x_{2}-x_{1}} \\ slope=\frac{50-10}{10-0}=\frac{40}{10}=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

hence, the slope of the line is 4

Step 2

now, using the slope and a point we can find the equation of the line

use the point-slope formula, it says

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-y_1=m(x-x_1) \\ where\text{ m is the slope} \\ (x_1,y_1)\text{ is a point from the line} \end{gathered}[/tex]



[tex]\begin{gathered} P1(2,25) \\ sloipe=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

b) now ,replace and solve for y

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-y_{1}=m(x-x_{1}) \\ y-25=4(x-2) \\ y-25=4x-8 \\ add\text{ 25 in both sides} \\ y-25+25=4x-8+25 \\ y=4x+17 \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, the answer is



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The equation is given as


To find the coordinates of the equation,

Hence the graph of the equation is

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I think the equation should be


where 3 is the common ratio of the exponential function

so the answer is C.

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Complex numbers can be written in two forms:

[tex]\begin{gathered} z=a+b\cdot i \\ z=r\cdot e^{i\theta} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where a and b are known as the real and the imaginary part and r and theta are the magnitude and the angle of the number. In this case we are given these last two quantities and we have to find a and b. One way to do this is recalling an important property of the exponential expression above:

[tex]e^{i\theta}=\cos \theta+i\sin \theta[/tex]

Then the exponential form of a number is equal to:

[tex]z=r\cdot e^{i\theta}=r\cdot(\cos \theta+i\sin \theta)=r\cos \theta+i\cdot r\sin \theta[/tex]

And since we are talking about the same number then this expression must be equal to that given by a and b:

[tex]a+i\cdot b=r\cos \theta+i\cdot r\sin \theta[/tex]

Equalizing terms without i and those with i we have two equations:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=r\cos \theta \\ b=r\sin \theta \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now let's use the data from the exercise:

[tex]\begin{gathered} r=\lvert z_1\rvert=2 \\ \theta=\theta_1=49^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=2\cdot\cos 49^{\circ} \\ b=2\cdot\sin 49^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Using a calculator we can find a and b:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=1.312 \\ b=1.509 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then the answers for the two boxes are 1.312 and 1.509

Supposed to 25% of the time Danny eat out twice a month 30% of the time he eats out once a month and 45% of the time he doesn’t eat out at all in a given month what is the expected value for the number of times daily eats out during a month



Expected value = 0.8 times per month


The mean of the probability distribution is called expected value and it is given as

E(X) = Σxᵢpᵢ


xᵢ = each variable = Number of times Danny eats out

pᵢ = probability of each variable

n = number of variables

p = probability of one variable

We need to set up the probability distribution first

xᵢ | pᵢ

2 | 0.25

1 | 0.30

0 | 0.45


= (2 × 0.25) + (1 × 0.30) + (0 × 0.45)

= 0.5 + 0.3 + 0

= 0.8

Hope this Helps!!!

Five CDs cost $80 . If each CD costs the same, how much does one cost



5 CDs ----> $80

1 CDs ----> x



answer: one CD cost $16

Describe the rotation:A) 180 degreesB) 90 degrees counterclockwise C) 90 degrees clockwise


The image 1 is rotated 90 degree clockwise to get image 2.

what is the ratio 250 pieces of red construction paper and 114 blue construction paper



Check Explanation


We need to find the ratio of red construction paper to blue construction paper.

250 : 114

Divide both sides by 2

125 : 57

That's how far we can go, since there is no number that can divide these two numbers.

Hope this Helps!!!

Need help with this homework Part 2) construct the line that is perpendicular to the directrix and passes through the focus. This line will be the axis of symmetry of the para bola what are the coordinates of the point of intersection,A, of the access of symmetry and directrix of the parabola


After following the instructions in part A, the result is

In general, the equation of a horizontal line is y=a, with 'a' a constant. In our case, the line has to be 6 units below F; then y=4-6=-2. The equation of the directrix is y=-2

Part 2)

In Geogebra, go to Tools->Construct->Perpendicular Line; then, click on point F and line y=-2. A new line should appear on your screen, then go to Tools->Points->Intersect and select both lines. After naming the intersection point as 'A', the result is

The answer to part 2) is A=(6,-2)

Place the following from least to greatest 9square root of 6square root of 101.53.14159


[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{6}=2.44\cdots \\ \sqrt[]{10}=3.16\cdots \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the given number ordered from least to greatest is:


The steps below show the incomplete solution to find the value of n for the equation 4n − 2n + 4 = −1 + 17:Step 1: 4n − 2n + 4 = −1 + 17 Step 2: 4n − 2n + 4 = 16 Step 3: 2n + 4 = 16Which of these is most likely the next step? (5 points)2n = 122n = 42n = 82n = 20


In this case, we'll have to carry out several steps to find the solution.

Step 01:


4n − 2n + 4 = −1 + 17

Step 02:

We must apply the algebraic rules to find the solution.

Step 1: 4n − 2n + 4 = −1 + 17

Step 2: 4n − 2n + 4 = 16

Step 3: 2n + 4 = 16

2n + 4 = 16

2n = 16 - 4

2n = 12

The answer is:

2n = 12

Nick used a rope to make a rectangle and a circle below. If 10 cm rope was left, what was the original length of the rope? cm 10 cm 7 cm


To find the original length of the rope, we must find the length of rope used in the rectangle and in the circle, and add it to the length of rope that was leftover.

The length of rope used in the rectangle would be the perimeter of the rectangle, the perimeter of the rectangle is the sum of all his sides.

Perimeter of a rectangle = side + side + side + side

[tex]\text{Perimeter rectangle= 10+7+10+7=34 cm}[/tex]

The question gives us the perimeter of the circle, 20 cm this measure was the length of rope used in the circle.

[tex]\text{Perimeter circle= 20 cm}[/tex]

Now the total length of the rope was: The sum of the perimeters of both rectangle and circle and the length of rope that was left.

Total length rope = 34 + 20 + 10 = 64 cm

For her cell phone plan heather pays 30 dollars per month plus 0.05 per text. She wants to keep her cell phone bill under 60 dollars per month. Which inequality represents the number of texts t heather can send each month while staying within her budget?


The inequality represents the number of texts t heather can send each month while staying within her budget is t<600.

Given, heather pays 30 dollars per month plus 0.05 per text.

She wants to keep her cell phone bill under 60 dollars per month.

hence texts she can send = 0.5 × 600

= $30

hence for $30 heather can text upto 600 texts.

so, cell phone plans + text

= $30 + $ 30

= $60

so, the inequality represents the number of texts t heather can send each month while staying within her budget is t<600

Hence the inequality is t<600

Learn more about Inequality here:



i need help with -1=-4/7t


The equation is:

[tex]-1\text{ = -}\frac{4}{7}\text{ t}[/tex]

To find t you need to isolate t.

First, pass the 7 multiplying and the 4 dividing:


Finally, pass the minus sign:

[tex]-t\text{ = (-1)}\cdot t=-1.\frac{7}{4}\Rightarrow\text{ t = (-1)}\cdot\frac{7}{4}\frac{1}{(-1)}=\frac{7}{4}[/tex]

4. A cylinder has a volume of 198 cm^3,and itsbase has an area of 22 cm^2.What is theheight of the cylinder?Please hurry


1) Let's find out the height of that cylinder, by plugging it into the formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\pi\cdot r^2\cdot h \\ 198\text{ =}\pi\cdot rh \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

2) The Base area is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A_B=\pi\cdot r^2 \\ 22=\pi\cdot r^2 \\ \frac{22}{\pi}=\frac{\pi}{\pi}r^2 \\ r=\sqrt[]{\frac{22}{\pi}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So now let's plug that radius


Janelle invests in a piece of art that cost 600 British Pounds. A study found that art appreciates in value at a rate of 3.97% per year. Assuming this pattern continues, how much, in British Pounds, will Janelle's piece of art be valued at after 10 years? Round your answer to the hundredths place.


Step-by-step explanation:

The art piece originally costs £600.

And it appreciates at a rate of 3.97% each year.

And we want to find the value of the art after 10 years.

We can write an exponential function to model the situation. The standard exponential function is given by:


Where t is the time in years.

Since it appreciates at a rate of 3.97% each year, the value after each year will be (100% + 3.97%) or 103.97%.

103.97% = 1.0397. So, r = 1.0397:


Our a is the initial value. Therefore:


Then the value of the piece of art after 10 years is:


Hence, It will be worth about £885.59 after 10 years.

Use a properly of equality to solve this equation: 4.5x = 18


To solve the equation you can use the property of the multiplicative inverse, like this

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4.5x=18​ \\ \frac{1}{4.5}\cdot4.5x=18​\cdot\frac{1}{4.5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Dividing by 4.5 into both sides of the equation is the same as multiplying by the multiplicative inverse of 4.5 on both sides of the equation




Solve for 2. Enter the solutions from least to greatest.x^2 - 3x - 40 = 0lesser x = [ ]greater x = [ ]


In this case, we'll have to carry out several steps to find the solution.

Step 01:


x^2 - 3x - 40 = 0

x1 = ?

x2 = ?

Step 02:

Quadratic equation:


x² - 3x - 40 = 0

(x - 8)(x + 5) = 0

x1 = 8

x2 = -5

The answer is:

lesser x = -5

greater x = 8

A computer system was purchased by a small business for $12,000 and, for tax purposes, is assumed to have a salvage value of $2,000 after 8 years. If its value is depreciated linearly from $12,000 to $2,000, find the linear equation that relates the value V in dollars to the time t in years. A video production company is planning to produce instructional videotape. The producer estimates that it will cost $84,000 to shoot the video and $15 per unit to copy and distribute the tape. The wholesale price of the tape is $50 per unit. How many units must be manufactured and sold each month for the company to break even?


Second question

In order to break even,

total revenue must be equal to total cost. In this case, there is no profit

Let x represent the number of units of tape that would be manufactured to break even.

From the information given,

cost of shooting the video = 84000

If the cost of producing a unit is $15, it means that the cost of x units would be 15x

The total cost of producing x units is

15x + 84000

The wholesale price of the tape is $50 per unit. It means that the revenue from selling x units would be 50x

To break even, it means that

15x + 84000 = 50x

50x - 15x = 84000

35x - 84000

x = 84000/35

x = 2400

2400 units must be manufactured and sold each month for the company to break even

What is the measurement of the exterior angle in the diagram below?A. 100B. 30C. 70D. 88



this one is super hard



16, 767


The second term of the sequence is

23 * 3 = 69

the third term is

23* 3 *3 = 207

the fourth term is

23 * 3* *3 *3

the fifth term is

23 *3* *3 *3 *3

the sixth term is

23 *3* *3 *3 *3 * 3

the seventh term is

23 *3* *3 *3 *3 * 3* 3 = 16767

which is our answer!

I need help on this I can’t remember how to do it





The function f(x) is given as:


If a function, f(x) is horizontally compressed by a factor of k units, the transformation rule is:

[tex]f(x)\to f(kx)[/tex]

Therefore, if f(x) is transformed to g(x) through a horizontal compression by a factor of 1/3, the function g(x) is:


Rangers wanted to estimate the total number of elk in region of Montana. they tagged 12 elk and sent them back to the area. two months later the Rangers observed 4 of the tagged elk out of 25 total Elk observed. estimate the size of the elk population in that region of Montana


Total number of elks tagged = 12

Number of a sample of the tagged elks from 25 total Elk observed = 4

Total number of 25 Elk observed = 12/4 = 3

Size of the elk population in the region of Montana ​ = 3 x 25

= 75

To start a new business Beth deposits $1500 at the end of each six-month period in an account that pays 8%, compounded semiannually. How much will she have at the end of 9 years?


The amount Beth deposit every six-month is A = $1500.

The rate percent is 8% or 0.08.

The time after which futre value determined is t = 9 years.

Determine the rate percent for semi-annually.

[tex]\begin{gathered} i=\frac{0.08}{2} \\ =0.04 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Determine the value of time (t) for semi-annualy.

[tex]\begin{gathered} n=2\cdot9 \\ =18 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The formula for the future value is,


Substitute the values in the formula to determine the future value.

[tex]\begin{gathered} FV=\frac{1500}{0.04}\lbrack(1+0.04)^{18}-1\rbrack \\ =37500\lbrack(1.04)^{18}-1\rbrack \\ =38468.11933 \\ =38468.12 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So answer is 38468.12

A sailmaster decides to stitch a strip of binding right round the edge of a sail which is the shape of a right- angled triangle. The vertical and horizontal edges of the sail are 6.5m and 2.6m respectively. What length of binding is needed for the job?


First, we will use the Pythagorean theorem to compute the hypotenuse:

[tex]\begin{gathered} h^2=(6.5m)^2+(2.6m)^2 \\ =42.25m^2+6.76m^2 \\ =49.01m^2. \end{gathered}[/tex]



Therefore, the sail master will need:


of blinding.

Answer: 16.1m

Brady creates the graph below to keep track of the approximate height of the grass on hislawn over timeWhat is the dependent variable in the situation?Brady's Lawnthe number of days it takes for the grass togrow an inchthe height of the grass, in inchesthe number of inches the grass grows eachdayHeight of Grass (inches)the amount of time that has passed. In days2468 10 12 14 16 18 20Time (days)



The height of the grass, in inches


The dependent variable is the variable whose value changes whenever the other variable (independent) changes.

From the graph, the height of the grass (in inches) depends on the time in days.

Therefore, the dependent variable in this situation is the height of the grass, in inches

Math help question one and two


Question no. 1 , the answer is D.

We can determine that the option D is better fit of equation model which calculated as follows :

First, insert the value x to the formula (y)

y = 0.07(100) + 0,94

y = 7 + 0,94

y = 7,94

Given the bone chips (x) is 100, then the bone tools (y) is 8.

The value of bone tools (y) which is 8 is the result of rounded of value (y) 7,94.

2. The answer for question no. 2 is B

The equation models the line of best fit for data is y = -0,35x + 31,6

We can prove it as follows :

First step is value of race (x) of the first column which given by 1 to the formula .

y = -0,35(1) + 31,6

y = -0,35 + 31,6

y = 31,25

Next, we check that given the value of the Time (y) of Race (x) value of 1 is 31,1.

Hence, it shows that the equation models the line of best fit for data is y = -0,35x + 31,6

Learn more about equation at :


Find the unknown angle measure. 33 mZFGH: mZGFH: mzGHF: 33° х F 28 H


m∠FGH =33º, m∠GFH =119º and m∠GHF= 28º

1) Since the sum of all interior angles of any triangle is always equal to 180º, we can write:

m∠f + m∠H + m∠G = 180º Plug it into that the following measures

x +33º +28º= 180º

x + 61º = 180º

x = 180 -66

x =119º

2) Then we can write:

m∠FGH =33º, m∠GFH =119º and m∠GHF= 28º

Susan is making a pennant in the shape of a triangle for her senior class photo. She wants the base length of this triangle to be 4 inches. The area of the pennant must be at least 12 square inches. (The pennant has to be seen in the photo.) Write an Inequality that describes the possible heights (in inches) of the triangle. Use h for the height of the triangular pennant.


Susan is making a pennant in the shape of a triangle for her senior class photo. She wants the base length of this triangle to be 4 inches. The area of the pennant must be at least 12 square inches. (The pennant has to be seen in the photo.) Write an Inequality that describes the possible heights (in inches) of the triangle. Use h for the height of the triangular pennant.​

Remember that

the area of the triangle is

[tex]A=\frac{1}{2}b\cdot h[/tex]

we have

b=4 in

at least -----> is greater than or equal to


[tex]A\ge12\text{ in2}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{2}\cdot(4)\cdot h\ge12 \\ \text{solve for h} \\ 2h\ge12 \\ h\ge6\text{ in} \end{gathered}[/tex]

the height of triangle must be greater than or equal to 6 inches

Hi I want to double check if I’m right, thank you



The whole shape is a trapezoid

a= 10 , b = 10 +7+7 = 24 , h = 9


[tex]A=\frac{1}{2}(a+b)h[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{1}{2}(10+24)9 \\ A=\frac{1}{2}(34)9 \\ A=153units^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The correct answer is 153

Jaden and Lola are hosting events that are catered by the same company. Jaden plans to have 82 adults and 96 children attend, so the total projected cost of his meals is $5,664. Lola has 65 adults and 49 children on his guest list, so she will pay the caterer $4,002. How much does the caterer charge for each meal?


Let's use the variable x to represent the cost of one adult meal, and y to represent the cost of one child meal.

If the cost of 82 adult meals and 96 children meals is $5,664, we can write the following equation:


If the cost of 65 adult meals and 49 children meals is $4,002, we can write the equation:


To solve this system, let's solve the second equation for y and then use its value in the first equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 65x+49y=4002 \\ 49y=4002-65x \\ y=\frac{4002-65x}{49} \\ \\ 82x+96y=5664 \\ 82x+96(\frac{4002-65x}{49})=5664 \\ 82x+7840.653-127.347x=5664 \\ -45.347x=-2176.653 \\ x=48 \\ \\ y=\frac{4002-65\cdot48}{49} \\ y=18 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore every adult meal costs $48 and every child's meal costs $18.

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