in larg cities, people often take taxi to get from one place to another. what is the cost per mile of taxi ride how much is 47-mile taxi ride


Answer 1

People in large cities use taxis to get from one location to another; the cost is $25.20 every 36 miles, and a 47-mile taxi ride will cost $32.9.

What is the multiplication and division rule?

Multiplication Rule If events A and B occur in the same sample space, the probability of both A and B occurring is equal to the probability that A occurs multiplied by the probability that B occurs, given that A has occurred.

Returning to the previous example, the first response is correct because it follows the BODMAS principles, which state that division can be done before multiplication and must be done before addition. Multiplication happens before addition.


Cost every 36 miles = 25.20

Cost of one mile = Cost for 36 miles / 36

Cost of one mile = 25.20/36

Cost of one mile = 0.7

Cost of 47 miles = Cost of one mile ×  47

Cost of 47 miles = 0.7 ×  47

Cost of 47 miles = 32.9

47 miles taxi ride will cost 32.9

The complete question is:

In large cities people out and take taxis to get from one place to another the cost is $25.20 every 36 miles how much is a 47 mile taxi ride

To Learn more About factors, refer to:


Related Questions

Problem 2.1
I monitor the amount of battery left on my computer so I can make sure it doesn't die at the wrong time.

My battery loses charge at a constant rate.

This graph shows the percent of charge left on my computer, c, after I have been awake for h hours.

What was the percent charge when I woke up?
Problem 2.2

This graph shows the amount of charge left on my computer, c, after I have been awake for h hours.

Enter an equation that describes the relationship between c and h.


Using the graph, the percent chare when you woke up was: 90%.

The equation that describes the relationship between c and h is: c = -20h + 90.

How to Write the Graph of an Equation?

To write the equation of a graph that represents a linear relationship between two variables, x and y, determine the initial value/y-intercept (b) and the value of the constant rate/slope (m), then substitute the values into y = mx + b.

The graph given shows the relationship between charge left on the computer, c, and the number of hours awake, h.

The initial value/y-intercept, b, represents the percent charge when you woke up = 90%.

The constant rate/slope (m) = change in c/change in h = (30 - 10)/(3 - 4)

m = -20/1

m = -20

To write the equation that describes the relationship between c and h, substitute m = 20 and b = 90 into c = mh + b:

c = -20h + 90

Learn more about the equation of a graph on:


STS Solve Applications Involving Normal DistributionsA set of 1200 exam scores is normally distributed with a mean of 84 and standard deviation of 9. Use theEmpirical Rule to complete the statements below.


Let us upload the bell curve for standard normal distribution

Given that

[tex]\begin{gathered} \mu=84 \\ \sigma=9 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

15) How many students scored higher than 84

Therefore, the number of students that will score higher than 84 which is the mean will be 50% from the bell curve standard normal distribution.

Hence, the answer is 50%.

19) How many students scored lower than 75?

To get the number of students that score lower than 75, we will subtract 1standard deviation from the mean.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \mu-\sigma=84-9=75 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the number of students will be

[tex]9.2\text{ \%+4.4\%+1.7\%+0.5\%+0.1\%=15.9\%}[/tex]

The answer is 15.9%.

20) How many students scored lower than 93?

To get the number of students that score lower than 93, we will add 1standard deviation from the mean.


Hence, the number of students will be

[tex]100\text{ \% -(9.2+4.4+1.7+0.5+0.1)\%=100\%-15.9\%=84.1\%}[/tex]

The answer is 84.1%.

If f(1) = 5, which expression could represent f (x)?
A- 3x(2) + 14x + 8
B- 3x(2) - 14x - 8
C- 3x(2) + 10x -8
D- 3x(2) - 10x -8


If f(1) = 5, then you can find your answer by substituting 1 in for x in all of the options to figure out which one gives you 5 as a result.

A:   3(1)^2 + 14(1) + 8 = 25 ≠ 5   Nope

B:   3(1)^2 - 14(1) - 8 = -19 ≠ 5    Nope

C:   3(1)^2 + 10(1) - 8 = 5         Yup

D:  3(1)^2 - 10(1) - 8 = -15          Nope

Only C fits f(1) = 5.

please check my answer i need help asap!



The answer would be Domain: 6; Range: -8, -2, 0, and 3; so, The answer is B

Step-by-step explanation:

Domain is what x can be, while range is what y can be. We are only given four points: (6, -8), (6, -2), (6, 0), and (6, 3). The only x value to appear is 6, and the only y values to appear are -8, -2, 0, and 3. So, the domain is just 6, and the range is -8, -2, 0, 3

Is 4/21 and 16/84 proportional




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{16}{84}[/tex] ( divide numerator and denominator by 4 )

= [tex]\frac{4}{21}[/tex]

they represent the same proportion

Suppose Maya multiplied 9368x68754323 cubes. Then she divided the awnser by 9 and turned the Answer Into a fraction and multiplied that by 38…And then split that awnser into 6 equal groups. How many cubes would she put in each group?


The no of cubes she would put in each group if she multiplied 9368x68754323 cubes. Then she divided the answer by 9 and turned the Answer Into a fraction and multiplied that by 38, And then split that answer into 6 equal groups is 453248868900.

What is multiplication?

Along with addition, subtraction, and division, multiplication is one of the four basic mathematical operations. Multiply in mathematics refers to the continual addition of sets of identical sizes.

The symbols cross (×), asterisk (*) and dot (·) are used to denote multiplication. You most frequently utilize the cross when writing in your notebooks. In computer languages and algebra, the asterisk and dot are both utilized (higher mathematics).


The no of cubes, n = 9368 × 68754323,

Divide the no of cubes by 9,

n / 9 = 9368 × 68754323 / 9

Now multiplied by 38 and split into 6, we get,

= (9368 × 68754323 × 38) / (9 ×6)

= 453248868900

Therefore, The no of cubes she would put in each group is 453248868900.

To know more about multiplication:


In the equation g(x)--2x^2(x-4)(2x-3) you are tasked to find the roots of the equation, how would you go about solving (2x-3)?


I would solve 2x-3 by first off multiplying, then subtracting. Make sure to start with the equations in the parentheses.

Multiply then subtract then make sure to put in parentheses

PLEASE HELP NOW!: QS is a perpendicular bisector.Find the value of x.Find the value of y.


[tex]\begin{gathered} 6x-5=85 \\ \text{solve for x:} \\ 6x=85+5 \\ 6x=90 \\ x=\frac{90}{6} \\ x=15 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since QS is perpendicular:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4y=90 \\ \text{solve for y:} \\ y=\frac{90}{4} \\ y=22.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

I'll send a pic ! I need a rlly fast response !!


The expression given is:


One property of exponents that we know is:


We use this property shown above to simplify the expression:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (3^3\cdot3^{-1})^{-2} \\ =(3^{3-1})^{-2} \\ =(3^2)^{-2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we use the power property of exponents, which is:


to simplify our expression, fully:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (3^2)^{-2} \\ =3^{2\times-2} \\ =3^{-4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Using the property:


we can write the answer as:


From the choices, given, we can say:

• 2nd choice is correct


• 3rd choice is correct


The table shows the results of the men’s long jump in a recent Olympics. Use the table for exercises 1-3.


1. We need to find the distance jumped by the Gold winner, we know that the total distance jumped by three athletes is 25.04, so we can subtract the distances from the Silver and Bronze winners in order to determine what we want. This is done below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Gold}=25.04-8.37-8.29 \\ \text{Gold}=8.38 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we need to represent this number as a fraction in its simplest form.


2. In order to determine which medal he would receive, we need to add the distance he actually jumped by 0.06 and compare to the table. We have:


He would win a Bronze medal.

3. In order to determine how farther Athlete B jumped more than Athlete D, we need to subtract their distances.


The athlete B jumped 0.26 meters farther than Athlete D.

A car rental company's standard charge includes an initial fee plus an additional fee for each mile driven. (READ PICTURE FOR RESTc=


Given[tex]\begin{gathered} S=18.95+0.60m \\ I=3.70+0.15m \end{gathered}[/tex]Solution[tex]C=S+I[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} C=18.95+0.60M+3.70+0.15M \\ collect\text{ like terms} \\ C=0.75M+22.65 \end{gathered}[/tex]The final answer[tex]C=22.65+0.75M[/tex]

Sarina's piano teacher gave her a large candy bar. One serving has amass of 39 grams. The candy bar has 2 and 1/2 servings. What is the mass of thewhole candy bar?


We are told that Sarina's piano teacher gave her a large candy bar

The candy bar has 2 and 1/2 servings and one serving has a mass of 39 grams.

We wsnt to determine the mass of the whole candy bar.

The mass of the candy bar can be found to be equal to;

Therefore, we get the mass of the candy bar as;


Therefore, the mass of the candy bar is 97.5 grams

help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeee


Answer: 19.6 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the Pythagorean theorem,

[tex]x^2 +(x+6)^2 =48^2\\\\x^2 +x^2 +12x+36=2304\\\\2x^2 +12x-2268=0\\\\x^2 +6x-1134=0\\\\x=\frac{-6 \pm \sqrt{6^2 -4(1)(-1134)}}{2(1)}\\\\x \approx 30.8 \text{ } (x > 0)\\\\\implies x+(x+6) \approx 67.6\\\\\therefore (x+(x+6))-48 \approx 19.6[/tex]

find the value of the expression 4a + 7 when a equals 1/2





Given the expression:


When the value of a =1/2

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4a+7=4(\frac{1}{2})+7 \\ =2+7 \\ =9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The value of the expression when a=1/2 is 9.

HELP ME I'LL GIVE YOU ALL OF MY POINTS (85) Which form of political participation includes walking in the streets with banners? (2 points)



Running for public office

Writing letters to officials

Question 2 (2 points)
(04.05 LC)
Who was chosen as the main writer of the Declaration of Independence? (2 points)

Benjamin Franklin

John Adams

Roger Sherman

Thomas Jefferson

Question 3 (2 points)
(04.05 LC)
What does the introduction of the Declaration of Independence explain? (2 points)

The amount of taxes people pay

The living conditions of the poor

The natural rights everyone has

The route from Philadelphia to New York

Question 4 (2 points)
(04.05 LC)
How does the Declaration of Independence end? (2 points)

With a final statement that the Thirteen Colonies are now free from British rule

With a list of British town names in the colonies

With a list of families from the Mayflower

With a suggestion on how to make things better between the colonies and Britain

Question 5 (2 points)
(04.05 LC)
Who was the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence? (2 points)

George Washington

John Hancock

Robert R. Livingston

Thomas Paine

Question 6 (2 points)
(04.05 LC)
What did King George III place in the colonies without their permission even during times of peace? (2 points)

British coal

British troops

Plum pudding

Spanish cattle

Question 7 (2 points)
(04.05 LC)
Which of these grievances is included in the Declaration of Independence? (2 points)

Britain controls who the colonies can trade with.

Britain tells the colonies how to build their homes.

King George III has never visited the colonies.

King George III should wear a silver crown.

Question 8 (2 points)
(04.05 LC)
What does the list of grievances in the Declaration of Independence describe? (2 points)

Important towns in the British colonies

Places King George III had visited in Britain

Ways King George III had violated colonists' rights

Ways the government of Britain could be kinder

Question 9 (2 points)
(04.05 LC)
What is political participation? (2 points)

Being involved in activities that help decide how a town, state, or country is structured and runs

Being involved in local theater and helping promote the plays by placing posters around town

Choosing what to wear to go to work or school

Doing chores at home to receive an allowance

Question 10 (2 points)
(04.05 LC)
What were Patriots doing that was considered treason against Britain? (2 points)

Going to church once a month

Planting French lavender in their gardens

Selling British tea at the market

Talking about independence from Great Britain



1. Protest

2. Thomas Jefferson

3. The natural rights everyone has

4. With a final statement that the Thirteen Colonies are now free from British rule

5. John Hancock

6. British troops

7. Britain controls who the colonies can trade with.

8. Ways King George III had violated colonists' rights

9. Being involved in activities that help decide how a town, state, or country is structured and runs

10. Talking about independence from Great Britain

On this problem, the answer has been worked out, but you must fill in the blanks in the solution.A study of carbon monoxide deaths showed that a random sample of 6 recent years had a standard deviation of 4.1 deaths per year. Find the 99% confidence interval of the variance and the standard deviation. Round answers to the nearest tenth (one digit after the decimal point).Solution: We are finding confidence intervals for the variance and standard deviation, so we use the formulas


You have to calculate the confidence interval for the population variance and population standard deviation of carbon monoxide deaths.

To calculate the confidence interval for the population variance you have to use the following formula, which is derived from the Chi-Square distribution:


For a sample of n=6 years, the sample standard deviation is S=4.1 deaths per year

To calculate the interval, the first step is to determine the values under the Chi-Square distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom and a confidence level of 0.99

The degrees of freedom for this particular distribution is:


The confidence level is 0.99, calculate the value of α:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 1-\alpha=0.99 \\ \alpha=1-0.99 \\ \alpha=0.01 \end{gathered}[/tex]

For the chi-Square value of the left bound, the value of probability is


The Chi-Square value for the left bound of the interval corresponds to a distribution with 5 degrees of freedom and 0.995 of accumulated probability


So the value of the distribution for the left bound is χ²left= 16.8

For the right bound of the interval, the accumulated probability under the distribution is α/2


The Chi-Square value for the right bound of the interval is for distribution with 5 degrees of freedom and 0.005 accumulated probability:


The value of the distribution for the right bound is χ²right= 0.412

The sample variance is equal to the square of the sample standard deviation so that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} S^2=4.1^2 \\ S^2=16.81 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now you can calculate the confidence interval as follows:

Left bound of the interval


Right bound of the interval


The calculation of the interval can be written as follows:


So, using a 99% confidence level, the interval for the population variance of the carbon monoxide deaths is [5.00;204.00] deaths per year²

Finally, apply the square root to both bounds of the interval to determine the confidence interval for the population standard deviation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{\frac{(6-1)4.1^2}{16.8}}\leq\sigma\leq\sqrt[]{\frac{(6-1)4.1^2}{0.412}} \\ \sqrt[]{\frac{5\cdot16.81}{16.8}}\leq\sigma\leq\sqrt[]{\frac{5\cdot16.81}{0.412}} \\ 2.236\leq\sigma\leq14.283 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Rounding to the nearest tenth the interval can be expressed as follows


Using the same confidence level the confidence interval for the population standard deviation is [2.2;14.3] deaths per year.

Can someone help? :)



The equation of the line is -1/3x + 4

Step-by-step explanation:

You would do rise over run or use the slope formula


2-4/6-0 = -2/6 = -1/3

The y-intercept is when the line hits the y-axis so it would be (0,4) or 4

An online furniture store sells chairs for $150 each and tables for $650 each. Every day, the store can ship at most 16 pieces of furniture and must sell no less than $3900 worth of chairs and tables. If x represents the number of tables sold and y represents the number of chairs sold, write and solve a system of inequalities graphically and determine one possible solution.


Using graphical method to solve the system of linear inequalities, the solution are (x, y) 3, 13.

System of Linear Inequalities

A system of linear inequalities in two variables consists of at least two linear inequalities in the same variables. The solution of a linear inequality is the ordered pair that is a solution to all inequalities in the system and the graph of the linear inequality is the graph of all solutions of the system.

To solve this, we can write out the equations as

x + y ≤ 16 ...eq(i)

650x + 150y ≥ 3900 ...eq(ii)

Solving both equations with a graph.

Kindly find the attached graph to the problem.

Learn more on graph of linear inequality here;


What is 66253/19
please help this must be turned in by tonight




Step-by-step explanation:

Set up and solve. Round answers to the nearest tenth.A young giraffe casts a shadow of 27 feet when the angle of elevation of the sun is 20°. Draw and label a picture that represents the given information then find the height of the giraffe.



The length of the shadow is 27 feet.

The angle of elevation is 20 degree.


The height of the giraffe.

The diagram of the giraffe and shadow is,

The height of the giraffe is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} tan\theta=\frac{side\text{ opposite to }\theta}{side\text{ adjacent to }\theta} \\ tan20^{\circ}=\frac{AB}{BC} \\ BC=tan20^{\circ}\times AB \\ BC=27\times0.36397 \\ BC=9.8\text{ feet} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the height of giraffe is 9.8 feet.

Can you find the slope and type the correct code? Please remember to type in ALL
CAPS with no spaces.
Puzzle #2
1: Find the slope:
Your answer
3: Find the slope:
2: Find the slope:
(-1, 5), (2, -7)
4: Find the slope:
answer choices
A: ma
C: I
undefined m=6
D: - E
m =
m = 4 m=0
Type the 4-
letter code into
the answer
box. All CAPS,
no spaces.




Step-by-step explanation:

ECHA. Step-by-step explanation: 1.) E. m = 1/2. 2.) C. y2 - y1/x2 - x1 = m. -4 - (-8)/3 - 1 = m. 8 - 4/3 - 1 = m.

A chemist is using 347 milliliters of a solution of acid and water. If 13.9 of the solution is acid, how many milliliters of acid are there? Round your answer to the nearest tenth.


48.233 milliliters of acid are there.


A chemist is using 347 milliliters of a solution of acid and water.

13.9% of the solution is acid.

converting 13.9% to decimal:
13.9% = 13.9/100

13.9% = 0.139

milliliters of acid  = total milliliters*0.139

= 347*0.139

= 48.233 milliliters.

Therefore 48.233 milliliters of acid are there.

Learn more about the acid and water solution here:


Rebecca is playing a video game that involves planting and cutting down trees. She moves up an energy level for each tree she plants, and she moves down a level for each tree she cuts. If Rebecca reaches energy level 10, she will earn bonus points.

Rebecca is currently at energy level 4. The results of her next 3 turns are:
Turn 1: 6 trees cut
Turn 2: 8 trees planted
Turn 3: 1 tree cut

Answer the questions to find out whether Rebecca earned bonus points in the next 3 turns. Use the number line to help you add.
(You can go into the negetives)


The points she will have using the given inequalities are;

1) After the three turns is; 4 + (-6) + 8 + (-1)

2) After turn one she will have 0 points

3) After turn 2 she will have 8 points

4) After turn 3 she will have 7 points; She will not earn bonus points because she could not reach ten points

How to interpret inequality lines graph?

We are told that the rule for Rebecca's movement is that

She moves up an energy level for each tree she plants.

She moves down a level for each tree she cuts.

If she reaches energy level 10, she will earn bonus points.

Now, we are told that she is at level 4.

A) Turn 1 = 6 trees cut

Turn 2 = 8 trees planted

Turn 3 = 1 tree cut.

The expression that represents Rebecca's energy level after the three turns is;

4 + (-6) + 8 + (-1)

B) Rebecca's energy level after the first turn is; 0 points because she cut 6 trees

C) Rebecca's energy level after the second turn is; 8 points because she planted 8 trees

D) Rebecca's energy after turn 3 is; 8 + (-1) = 7

Read more about Inequality line graph at;


I need help on what the answer is


In order to show these triangles congruent , we must identify the vertical angles

What is SAS congruent triangle?

SAS criterion stands for Side-Angle-Side criterion. Under this criterion, two triangles are congruent if the two sides and the included angle of one triangle are equal to the corresponding sides and the included angle of the other triangle.

As in the given figure there are two triangles( ΔABC and ΔCDE)

And it is given that the side AC=CE & BC=CD

as we can see that the sides AB and DE are parallel.

So, the ∠ACB and ∠DCE will be equal (vertically opposite angle)

And we can also say that;

∠ABC = ∠CDE & ∠BAC = ∠CED (alternate interior angle)

so, the triangles ΔABC and ΔCDE are congruent through SAS congruency criteria

Read more about Congruency:

What would be the height of a building the cast a shadow 50 feet long at the same time



The height of the girl is 5 ft and the length of the shadow is 2 ft., at the same time the shadow of the building is 50 ft .


To find the height of the building.


Let the height of the building is h ft.

Since triangle ABC is similar to the triangle DEF.

Thus by using the similarity condition.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{AC}{DF}=\frac{AB}{DE} \\ \frac{5}{h}=\frac{2}{50} \\ h=\frac{50\times5}{2} \\ h=125\text{ ft} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final Answer:

Thus the third option is the correct answer.

A direct variation includes the points (6, 18) and (n, -3). Find n.


Since we have a direct variation, we can use the following equation:


where k is the constant of variation.

If we use the point (6,18), then, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x,y)=(6,18) \\ \Rightarrow\frac{18}{6}=k \\ \Rightarrow k=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

now that we have that the constant of variation is k = 3, we can use this information to find n:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x,y)=(n,-3) \\ k=3 \\ \Rightarrow-\frac{3}{n}=3 \\ \Rightarrow-3=3\cdot n \\ \Rightarrow n=-\frac{3}{3}=-1 \\ n=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, n = -1

A report card shows that a student earns 21 points on a test with a total of 25 points. What percentage of the total points has the
student earned on the test?


Answer: The student got an 84%

Step-by-step explanation:

This one is comparatively simple because 25 is a factor of 100,

we just have to multiply each side by 4 so we get 81 out of 100



what is the y and x intercept of 5x-7y= -8



Write out the equation given


To find y-intercept, we replace x with 0, hence

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{for x=0} \\ 5(0)-7y=-8 \\ -7y=-8 \\ \text{Divide both sides by -7} \\ -\frac{7y}{-7}=-\frac{8}{-7} \\ \text{Hence } \\ y=\frac{8}{7} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]


Y - intercept is ( 0, 8/7 )

Similarly, for x-intercept, we replace y with 0 and find x

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{for y=0} \\ 5x-7(0)=-8 \\ \text{Hence } \\ 5x=-8 \\ \text{Divide both sides by 5, } \\ \frac{5x}{5}=-\frac{8}{5} \\ \text{Hence } \\ x=-\frac{8}{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]


x- intercept is ( - 8/5 , 0 )

geometry me



1. Acute Isosceles Triangle

2. Equiangular Equilateral Triangle

3. Obtuse Scalene Triangle

Step-by-step explanation:

Triangle 1:

It is given that there are two congruent sides. By the definition of an Isosceles Triangle, where at least two or more sides are congruent, it is an Isosceles Triangle.

An acute angle is less than 90 degrees. A right angle is 90 degrees. An obtuse angle is greater than 90 degrees. An equiangular triangle is a triangle whose angles are all of the same measure.

By these definitions, Triangle 1 is an acute Isosceles Triangle.

Triangle 2:

It is given that all three sides are congruent. By the definition of an Equilateral Triangle, where all the sides must be congruent, this is an Equilateral Triangle.

An equilateral triangle is also equiangular. So, Triangle 2 is an equiangular Equilateral Triangle.

Triangle 3:

It is given that none of the sides are congruent. By the definition of a Scalene Triangle, where none of the sides are congruent, this is a Scalene Triangle.

By the angle definitions above, as one of the angles are greater than 90 degrees, this is an obtuse triangle.

So, Triangle 3 is an obtuse Scalene Triangle.

95ft 40ft 65 ft what is the area of this trapezoid


You can find the area of the trapezoid using the following formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{a+b}{2}\times h \\ \text{Where:} \\ a=Long\text{ base=95ft} \\ b=\text{short base=65ft} \\ h=\text{height}=40ft \\ A=\frac{95+65}{2}\times40=80\times40=3200ft^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

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